0 ashes and dust by get- thnx yous cout from us--coal that 5 i dirt free and loss law the '| ~~including, - we A {then held that it was a just and good sion fi W. J, B. WHITE, - Kingston & z EF means were adopted. These opinions were endorsed by Prof. Glaister, of Glasgow, an emin- ent authority on sanitation and water supply, and they make one reflect up- Jon the dangers of the day. Toronto is : Jsooking an outlet to 'the waters of fo = the lake for the sewage, and the pro- Grafters At Work. Lineal health. board shisets. To siopt manos oukon of the pouaieins [8 method of impounding and treating if is. said, has been | he Sewage so that the solids mig for 'the time boing, "Let them | tained and returned to the. soil government that it held ! up. It submitted to them. It let some of them have the Murphy deal. : The government, panic-stricken, then cancelled, or are alleged to have can- celled, the deals in which Mr. Gamey, M.P.P,, Mr. Smyth, M.P.P., and others were concerned, and which they may be still working for all any one out- side of the ring may know. According to the Recorder there is going to be a critical examination of the public records, and during the next session of parliament there will be something to talk shout, Tr . ~The "Iniquity"' Goes On. | The Hamilton Spectator disputes that it approved of the Windsor | Echo's statement that the succession tax is "a piece of legal robbery and that some day, when Ontario pe- quires sufficient self-respect, the ini Jquitous law will be repealed." Well, this is what the Spectator said : "When Sir Oliver Mowat passed the Joke That" who ethdne wary il t " 5 t . think, the Record-- law. We are amused, ! Noes that not warrant the Whig's assertion that it approved of the Echo's remark ? 'When the law was passed by Sir, ly "amused" that a liberal paper | should express itaelt upon the subject. |. The Spectator should be more than amused. It should rejoice that 'its position is finding favour, and in an unlocked for direction. H the succes: law was legal robbery and an quity some years ago. it must be all that still, and the Spectator should denounce: it and call for its repeal. Its good friend, Mr. Matheson, when in opposition, found fault with the ieqession tax law and wanted it y he moved that the reduced by one-half, and failed Ljto ke his point. As treasurer for the prbvince he has changed his mind. He not only believes that the tax ia expedient, but that. it shoull be col: lected to the last farthing, and the Whitney government has strengthened the law to that effect. This may be amusing to the Speota- tor.. Ome thing is certain, that while it quotes from the Windsor Echo and ors to what it used to say and think, it carefully abstaing from re flecting upon the present government, because it is conservative and lets tho robbery and jsiqpiry ge on. Poisoning The Waters. Much light was thrown upon the question ol the water supply at the medical convention, and a leader in the discussion was Dr. TI. H. Stark: loy, professor of hygiene at MeGill | College, Montreal. He combatted the idea that prevails in Kingston that large bodies of water purified thym- selves of sew bacteriological point of view the so- called 'purification was' merely dilu- tion; the pollution was not got rid of; s{In the St. Lawrenco river there had _jbeen a gradual increase from an aver age of ninety colonics of bacteria in 1903 to 108 so far this year. more rapid still, the average fumber | colonies of bacteria having risen in the same period from 110 to 300, and on some special occasions, in that por the Ottawa river = back of from which Westmount = ob supply, from 1,000 to "the i i | pollution. From a | 3 1] the United States. What are the causes? Can they be accurately analysed ? . ------ The province is having a splendid Object 'lesson respecting the ineptitude of a public committee to manage things. The Ontario power commis- sion 'is a dreadful failure. -- The Marshall Field estate will pay $30,000 doctor's account, whatever the executors may think about it. Would it have been quite so latge had Mr. Field survived the illness ? -- In New York state there is a very strong movement among the legal fraternity for a non-partizan judici- ary. The members of the bar are very cordially supporting the reform. -- Five subseriptions of $500 each, ought to provide a pretty good bath- ing station. Ald. Bassam will have his heart's desire if he is only patient. All things come to those who wait. { -- The Toronto News seems to think the federal government has lost in Popularity because it has not unre: servedly committed self to public ownership, In this respect our con- temporary is not voicing public opin- jon. Australia has provided for a federal district capital. The Ottawa Free Press thinks that Canada should imi Fon | tate Australia and the United States-- | | Echo and aired them, and now it i: and pick Ottawa as the site of its 'bountiful benefactions. Those Ottawa people are losing their modesty. Thaw's mother is spending $150 a day on her son, a prisoner in New York awaiting trial for murder. - The Press of New York wants to know why a wealthy criminal should be al- lowed to turn the jail into a club 'house ? Money ean do almost any- thing. There is a great curiosity to see what the medical council will do ab out the offentes of certain professional | men--~one in the east and one in the weet --who have misconduoted" 'them- selves. Ts the council as watchful of their honor as it was of Dr. Crich- tons ? ---------- SPIRIT OF THE PRESS, -- Time To Act. Toronto News, . , We never had much objection to colors in cheese, but when it comes to moving pictures we draw the line. Acting Very Bravely. Montreal Herald. With all the czar's troubles before her, Dowager Empress Tsi Ann says she's going to give her'\ubjects a con- stitution. She mmst hawk a good one herself, a He's A Reformer. Toronto Globe. . President. Roosevelt. has ordered spelling reform in all messages from the White House. This is by far the greatest triumph of the new move- ment. Victim Of A System. Ottawa Journal, Mr. Fielding is the latest victim of a system which has been and remains the greatest menace to the good gov- ernment and well-being of the Cana. dian people. Problems Of The Day. Ottawa Citizen. The servant girl problem in the city and the hired man problem on the furm should command the attention of social economists. But they are all busy with seven-figure theories. : Not A Happy Precedent. The Advance, William J. Bryan spoke in Jerusa- vy. He expressed sur- prise that so few Christians to | Jerusalem. Tt is to be hoped. that there will not be similar surprise' in the New Jerusalom: ---------------- 'I vays no taxes~I pays no rent, Often bustod--wi a cent; Flue King among men--from disease i s ae ou | Sine takin+ Rocky Mountain Tea. | The and farm: of the late Alonso Wright, M.P., Renfrew, has been 5 h : on _ Por a complete tour of the Tslands | R. of a man gEIvE gf = ig ficient, Slinging. dog again ance. He The dog, about five What crowd. fying J. P, cate would to the lieve after that this to liams, one | Cunard lin his profess; September Although enforcemen it quite of free London, in the meat. Paris, ternoon. Lvorable than within the cha | Forty-cighth st, appear in a characterizations thous stories; up, Mr. Wilkin ingly realistic railroad rate proved by I She keeps responsible for saving the life who had climbed the had! rd when jt i re, and he led 'the rescuers up the elif to where . the young man whe problem get him down i ------ Are Gamey's Terms ? St. Thomas Jou, : The Temiskan ir sion is adwvertisin, rg of the 'north. the town site of, C. tawa Free Poa The that were sold privately to the Gamey ? The goversment seems more supcessful in from Manitoulin: than it was in paci- , of Ottawa. told that his syndi- the right-of-way lease at an advatitége of ten thousand dol- tenderers in response The latter: was get lars over other second adwer revised forms, it is 4 culation what financial advantare is to be given to the Gamey syndicate in_connéetion with the Torts acres. Have the Snbiie 'any reason fo be: r. Dickson's: expose of at a cabinet meeting, tising for tenders is ®t a blafl to cover x valinble franchises party frends on terms more fa- are open to those not rmed circle ? -------- Will Play Dickens Characters, Liverpool, Aug. what took, place adver, lanything more up the granting ional 1st, of detail. --sp------ R. B. Bill Goes Into Effect. Washington, D.C, Aug. 29.-The t of Lions In A Drawing Room. Aug. 28---Miss Fla, of Matlock House, Accrington, tejoies possession of cee baby lions, born at Moregamibe week. cubs in her drawing- room, in which, at mealtimes, jgambol like Newfoundland punnies. At present milk, but in a few Aug. 28.--A military ascent to the top of Mont Blane was made for the first time on A detachment of seven officers, doctors and forty men of the 22nd Al- pine Chasseurs started lage of Nonchee depot on Sunday af- torv at the o'clock, yes turned to the starti accidont. They have for the last two months. "1,000 Islands--Rochester. Steamers 'North leave daily, ex boot and Mdvance prices abou samples, "was 'unable to re was twelve feet away board a boat moored vy, but again jumped t, and was allowed the rescuers arrived was too exhausted tried to indicate his position by burning matches. These were insuf- however, hut the then arose of how to nthe darkness, and the proved of invaluable assist- led the little ledge to ledge along the cliff until the shore was reached safety. Had it not been for the doy guidance it wi for the men the cliff in the darkness. which is named Dash, is ould have been impossible to find the years old and of no parti- cular pedigree, ' west forty acres of obalt, says the Ot- 28,--Branshy Wil. of Englands best charac- ter ators, sailed, for the United States, having been on- gaged for a tour exclusively in recently merged vaudeville houses of the east and we st. . He sailed on the er Caronia and will make I debut in America on at Keith & Proctor's reet theatre, teh in' which he ~ives from Dickens' fa- In the matter of make- ms is said to be amae- and extremely carcful law, - President - Roosevelt on June 20th, went into effect, today. the railroads have granted an extension of time for the some of the provisions of the law, the companies have found convenient provision which: prohibits the issuing Passes and terminates validity of those ter to-day the railroads will refuse to acknowledge the validity of Passes over any of their lines. the their weeks' their rations will be pigeons, chickens and chopped They have heen christened Edward, Alexandra, Astor and Morecambe. Cy Soldiers Ascend reached | of Mont' Blanc at one afternoon, ro- and exept. Hoh pre- be on Wed- to shout, dog was put party from face of the in 2's footholds in railway commis- or tenders for the se are the lots % to have heen quieting the man tisement on the matter for spe- today. from hore the He will been to enforce the the issued, Af- they diet js condensed Mont Blane. , to-day. two from the vil. the observa: and point without in training shoe dealers will t twenty per cent. / WANDING IT TO FRIENJS. ° Looks 'Aiter How "Government Public Interests, Recorder old 'conservative ust as timber 2. property amone their f tney of tl i ings. A few days ago the Recorder re marked that Mr. Gawéy was not at Cobalt for his seems. the efforts of the case. According. to the Free "the concession of the north-west for- ty acres of the township of Cobalt, granted to the Wright Minine com- pany, -in which appear the names of the illustrious R. R. Gamey, M.P.P,, for Manitoulin, C, M. Wright and oth. ers has gone by the hoard and Mr. Gamey has heen let down by his friends in a little friendly move. "The north-west forty acres of the town side of Cobalt was a concession that had been sousht for by an Otta- wa syndicate. This syndicate made an offer of royalties of ten, twenty-five and fifty per cent. The commission in- sisted on royalties of fifteen, twenty- five and fifty per cent., but the Otta- wa company in which were Thomas Birkett, ex-M.P., W. D. Ho~~ K.C., A. A. Taillon, manager of the Bank National; H: H. Lang and others, re- fused those terms, "The company in which Mr. Gamey figures then took up the prouosition and the members were coneratulating themselves on their success in obtain- ing the coneespion privately without being subiected to nublie competition, "Suddenly came the 'bolt from the blue," a favorite expression at the time of Nr. Gamey's memorable state- ment _in the legislature. The Ottawa right-of-way deal was shown up by the Free Press which threatened furs ther exposurss, and the government in self-defence and to head off more criticism, was forced to include the Gamey concession in its surrender to public opinion. "There was another private sale of {lots in the townsite to W. R. Smyth, the conservative member of the legis- lature, and Mr. Black, df the Sault: Thi: was of twelve lots at a price about £6,000. Mr. Smyth: has now heen notified nog to work his claim until the purchase price is paid. He had been proceeding with his workings of surface 'rights in blissful forgetfulness it is claimed of a payment due." This is the way the government that shouted so loudly that the peo- ple's property must he sold hy publie competition, was handing it around to personal and varty friends, till the exposure came. Mr. Smith, it will he remembered, is the Pentleman who swore he followed Mf. Gamey to see if he went into a certain piano fae- tory on one occasion. He also provid- ed the money that Mr. Gamey did not have to hand over to the judges who demanded that it be paid in. These. are not all. the cases that will be dragged to the daylight during the next few 'weeks, ---------------- Ottawa's Great Fair. The special exhibits at the Central 2X la Fair at Ottawa, September 7th to 15th, will this year include a, most" artistically arranged display from the Central Experimental , Farm, an attractive display showing the re. sources of Canada along the line the C.P.R:, and another interesting display from the Grand 7runk Rail- way, one from the Temiscaming and Northern Ontario Railway, a well. ar- ranged display of minerals of Canada from the Geological Survey, a rustic bridge, showing the woods of Canada over 3,000 in number, a number of King Edward's famous stallions, and tyo of the famous Wilson ' antomatic gas buoys now in use by the depart- of ment of marine on the, Great Lakes, the St. Lawrence and the Atlantic Coast. There will also be a grand art exhibit, and hundreds of the most beautiful and cleverest productions of painters will shown at the fh = fullery. The mi'itary spectacular hus been dispensed with and in its place will be given a grand presenta- tion of » famous popular 'comico opera, "The Gingerbread Man." Races, lacrosse matches, balloon ascensions, ete, make up a good programme. -- Moves To Western Parish. Listowel Standard. The Bishop of Huron has appointed Rev. N. . F. Bourne, MA. of Longueuil, Que., to the rectorship of Christ church, Listowel, Bishop Wil- liams, in his letter to the wardens, notifying them of the appointment, states that the reverend gentleman is a good organizer and fluent speaker and every way qualified to fil] the position acceptably. Although com- ing into the parish a stranger, the congregations of Listowe! and Ship- loy will give him a hearty welcome and will endeavor to make his stay a pleasant one. Rev, Mr. Bourne has written the wardens that he is making, Picparations to move to istowel, and ° will probably arrive here next week. He is a married man and has four childven. Mrs. Bourne and part of the family are at present visiting in Kingston, and wiill come on from there direct. ------ Smart Weed and bined with the other in the best porous plasters, "make Carter's S, W, & B. Backache Plasters the best in the market. Price 23. The piblic is warned that clover counterfeits of the Bank of Toronto ten dollar notes are now in ciroula- tion. Belladonna, eom- ingredients used [Nestle's | Just add water--ao milk. Always ready for use. for i Salt or wg THE LEER, WIRES 00, Limit, SORTREAL privy council stopped the deal on a suit entered by Premier Mowat, 80 in New Ontario the friends of the pareelled out Ontario's'}' ago ' $ x government, including mem- he legislature, have been get- health, and so it: Ottawa Free Press the government hag been compelled to run to cover in this friends in town. Mrs, William Tomp- Baby's Second Summer 1 kins snd sans Adelbert and Walter d yesterday to spend a week with will be a happy summer, | he; le "he pin Hmother star NOW 1 fen Mae at her old home jn Caro, , Spending a few days with friends * Elm street, who "past fow days an ben has ste (IT IS PURE! ~ #0 #6 i SE = BE This #8 the paramount featiire of - ANAM CEYLON GREEN TEA Free from dust, dirt and all foreign substances, Lead Packets only, 25¢., 30c., 0c., 500. and 60c. per Ib. HIGHEST AWARD, ST. LOUIS. 1904. -- kinks worked into New Raincoats, Suits for Young .. Men ... We are ready with a magnificent display "of "Fashion's Fall Fancies." \ We hold the title of champions in points of style, quality and general excellence. Young men will find all the latest style Splendid Suits at $12, 13, 14, 15 to $18 Pay less and you'll get less. ~Now---Overcoats. | The "H.' D. Bibby Co. THE SUIT STORE OF THE TOWN. our suits. New Trousers, 2 - Special Offerings - THURSDAY 2 MORNING We place on sale----25 Ladies' Shirt Waist Suits. These are the choice out of a manu- facturers' samples at §50c. on dollar. A Most Superb Collection No two alike, all different in sary to explain a set of samples, turers finish with greatest care travelers to take orders from, and better than another the sample one gets it. 8 These Shirt Waist Suits are pe $3.75 to $12, and you buy them 75 Ladies' Dark Colored Tai Not one of these worth less than these all cleared out at once, and your choice. style and colour. It is not neces- everybody knows that Manufac- every garment sent out with their if any one garment is made rfect, and vary in price from Thursday, at 50c. on the dollar. lored Skirts, to clear at $1.98. twice the above price. We want on Thursday morning, $1,98 for The James Johnston Store, 180 Wellington Street. The Store That Serves You Best at all Times. GANANOQUE NEWS. Arrival and Departure of Visitors. Gananoque, Aug. 28. ~The funeral of the late Frederick H. Wheel r place from the residence of his ents, Mr. and took par- Mrs, William Wheeler, Tanner street, to Willow Bank tery, yesterday afternoon, and was largely attended. Rey. Ralph Timber- lake conducted the service. Mr. and Mugs. Wiliam De Grafi, of Rochester, N.Y., who have been * visit- ing for some time at "Cedar Knoll," with Mrs. De Grafs parents] Mr, and Mrs. J. 8S. Green, Stone street, . loft for home vesterday, Rev. Alired Bright, pastor of St. Paul's church, Peterboro, who has been spending a short time in town the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Clark Allen, Main street, has returned to his charge. Mrs. Frederick Storey of 'Brockville 18 spending a short {ime jd town at the home of her father, Willian Fd- wards, King street. Oscar Lloyd, Brewer's Mills, spent yesterday with come- . Henry James of Toronto is snending a short holiday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Pp, Sinclair, corner Pine and Charles street. Miss Leah Kemp of Trenton is now and Ann Tullock, felatives in town. Miss re- turned home. Mrs Walter Bowden, Kine street, who has heen spending | Dennison of Portsmouth, who has been spending afew days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clark Allen, Main street, has returned home. : Miss Gertrude La France, nurse in the Auburn, N.Y., city hospita rived yesterday, to spend a € vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph 'La France, corner Stone and North streefs. Poter Amyot of Buffalo, N.Y. ay old resident: of Gapaneaue, aiTived here yesterday," accompanied bs ig wife and young Son, 10 spend on wee oan Tremont Park. Lord Mayor To Visit Paris. Paris, Aug. 28.--The Paris mimic pal. council is making elaborate pre parations for an official visit from the lord mayor and sherifis of London, who are expected here in October There will be a banquet and ball at the Hotel de Ville, a gala perfon nee at the opera and the town will be de corated. In fact, the visitors will be accorded a semi-regal reception. The man in the street ragard< rhis as distinctly proper; for if nsked who the lord mavor is he would platy that while Edward VII is Kino 9 England, *"Milord Maire" is King © London. Clayton, Kingston And Ottawa. 'Steamers: Rideau King. and _Quecs, for Ottawa, every Monduy, Wednes: J , at 6 day, Thursday and Saturday ' a on: every 3 Wed Friday and Saturday at Wednesday, 6:13 pm. James Swilt, J. P. Hanley, agents. some: time with relatives in Mont- home #tal, has returned Miss Fits inds Abdominal supporters of all kind at Dr. Chown's, At an Grocapy TT -------- ofl - pment, - duntes in fadividuat in Petout and exp vi me very the whole fies. J.B. McKAY, President. gerrrrsree MISS KIN FOR 98 EARL STi Classes Re- Pupils prepared Servico and Matric Classes in Paintin ture. Music in cor es for boys and ol For information, ing, Alico Sroet. WE ARE CiViN SPECIAL IN MEN Our Men's Shoe Canatlian manufac date in stylish, co We have a sp Box Calf, Valour Leather At 3 H. JENNING pe SEALED TEND to the undersigne der for Addition library, will. be 1 unt "uesday, Se Clusively, for the « dition to the Su Ottawa, Ont. Plans and specific forms of tender obt Persons tendering ders will not be © on the printed for With their actual s Hach tender mu an accepted cheque wade payable to { curable the Minis etal to tom per | #imount of the ten "leited if the party cater into a contr to do so, or if he %ork contracted | hot accepted the ¢ The Department Rccept the lowest By Department of Put Ottawa, Au Newsr-ners ins rieat without auth ment will mot be p ---------------- Gue