Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Aug 1906, p. 2

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Pi s, Linoleum, Oileloth, Curtains, ete., all reduced in sympathy. Handsome Stun, Carpets, regu- Swiss Curtains, $4, reduced to $2.50, 20 per cent. off Linoleums for this last Terms for this sale--Cash. "pets sewed and laid FREE, . F. HARRISON CO. Buffett, very handsome, 000000000000 GOAL . . . FROM SWIFT'S Is Always for Window Shades, in every style, Plain Shitales, 2 a. green, oil fini y on a good roller, Lace Trimmed Shades, best quality cloth, Hartshorn roll- "er, cach. cream and mounted at 30c. We make a specialty of shades in wide widths. use only Hartshorn tin roll- erg on these shades, with the result that our shades work § perfectly. These rollers are no higher in price' nd much higher .in quality than any other make. DO BLS Aro you waiting for an opportunity 0 sell or exchange your property, or Are you looking for an opportunity invest your money ? To score three against the best dea, fn the u snd only have e tallied it is proud re- cord of the 'Kingston pots. thm For a club so newl organized, the - ing of the I against both Roches- ter and Montreal, has been most fav- Was attracted by exhibition against the {Havess of the Canadian metropolis. olo has taken here with a veliguuncn ted with the and everyone is deligh sport. As far as the club itself is con- cerned, the members and The personnel of the competing teams was as follows : ester--No, 1, Ochenheimer; No. 2, Van Vhorris; No. 3, Lindsay; back, Scatchard. Kingston.--No, 1, Harty; No. 2, tre No. 3, Williams; back, McParland, The umpire, Capt. Morgan, V.S., Was not an overwhelming success at the job when speed was concerned. Mounted on his grey mustane he was generally within 'ear-shot when his services were required so the players hailed him and awaited his arrival. Speaking generally of the game, it Was not as interesting possibly in many respects as the match against Montreal, but it was keener and clos- er. The visitors were all briliant play- ers and unerring in their strokes, of- ten lifting the ball high off the ground for half the length of the fidld, If a choice were to be made, Scatchard at back and Van Vhorris as No. 2, would be the pick. The former has the reputation of being the best back in America, and he certainly appears such. The latter is a powerful player, and a magnificent stroke. Once he met the ball as it came about a foot from the ground, direct' on his goal, and with one sweep reversed its course, eluding Jt far back up the field. It was the most brilliant play of the afternoon,and loudly applauded The Rochester team has been to- gether and playine the game for vears and therein lies their strength. While they never miss the ball, they also play the game scientifically at every turn, and have a fine combination. It was a team of four, which is more than can be said of the home aggre gation. Turning to the Kingstonians, Lieut.- Col, Williams, as captain of the team was the equal of any one on the field. For the past two weeks the colonel as been suffering with a severely #prained shoulder, but despite this fact, he pluckily took his mount and showed up in his usual brilliant style. He was pre-eminently the old and schooled player of the locals, handl- ing his men so as to mect play for play, and alvays havine the situation well in hand. Capt. Straubenzie was the colonel's right hand man, and nob- ly did the work. His riding was mar- [ velous, and his playing continuously brilliant. He won the hearts of the spectators by the hard unostentatious game he put up, and by many was considered the best man on the ground. And now for "Willie" Harty, third of the Kingston trio which dis- tinguished itself. He rode fast and was always in the middle of the play. His strokes were numerous and diffi- cult, and he constituted one of the central figures in the game to which he has adapted himself within a mar- velously short time. His one fault is that in his enthusiasm, he is inclined to leave his position too open. How- over, he is a comer who will figure on international teams, if he 'sticks at the game, In the second period Harty received a nasty throw, and on re mounting got such an ovation that discounted all that might be said here in praise of him. Truly, Williams, Van Straubenzie and Harty were a trio worthy to carry the Kingston dub's colors. McParland, too, is advancing as a poloist He is a good rider and needs only a little more confidence. The ponies of the visitors were fast er than the home team's. Saturday evening the local elub entertained the Rochesterites at dinner at the Brit. ish-American Hotel. WARNING T) BATHERS The Police Will Summons Those Who Co Naked: Yesterday morning and afternoon Police Constables Arniel and Mullinger made tours of the water front to see il boys were swimming off wharves without being properly clothed. oi late many complaints have been regis- tered at police headquarters by steam- er captains, becuuse of the annoyance expressed by lady passengers at hav- ing to gaze at naked boys on the wharves, The lads must have their swim, but they should clothe them- selves properly. Chi€ Baillie has given strict' orders to his men that they are to summons any person found bathing 4in the harbor and who does not wear bathing trunks: No fault is found with swimmers who wear tights, but those who have been accustomed to sport themselves in the garb of nature had better beware. The police foynd no cause for complaint yesterday. Good Blood Good blood, good health; bad blood, bad health; there you have it. Why not help nature justa little and change the bad to the good? Bad blood to good blood ; poor blood to rich blood! Ask your doctor how this applies to Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and how it applies to you! Could anything be more fair? COMING ON SATURDAY. Ths Y.M.C.A"s. New Director. Paysical WILLIAM J. BURTON. William J, Burton, coming to take charge of the physical department of the You Men's Christian Associa- tion, vice We: G. Beall, who leaves to pursue further studies, will arrive in the city on Saturday. Mr. Burton is a native of Toronto, and was an engraver by trade; before taking up association work. He has been many years a member of the Central Y. M. C. A, Yonge street, and four years ago, was promoted to the senior leaders' corps of the gymnasium, and for three years rendered valuable ser- vice as a volunteer, Last September he accented the position of assistant physical director, under J. Howard Crocker, and during the year has done ood work and made many friends. He had charge of the Collegiate and business men, besides the school boys and the elementary young men's class- os . Mr. Burton comes to the local asso- ciation with the recommendation and good wishes of his fellow officers and the members of the Central, and it is to be hoped he will receive the loyal support and sympathy of all in his new and therefore, to him, difficult field. Mr. Burton is a member of the Congregational church, LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. \---- A Plea From Russell Street For Water Supply. Kingston, Aug. 24.--(To the Edit or) : Familics on Russell street are in distress for want of water. We have petitioned the council and the board of health for the water privi- lege and all the residents signed the petition, as requested by the water works. Our petition went before the council and it might as well have been put in a stall. What we want now is the aldermen to furnish us with water for our families till such times as the Lord provides us rain. Gentlemen and citizens, we have used the water of two wells. that the board of health condemned. We were obliged to do so, and now we have none and the citizens and ratepay- ere of this vicinity think we are as weil entitled to the water works in this neighborhood, and do not think it would cost the city any more to give us the water than it would to run a main one-quarter of a mile in- to the country to aid one individual while others have to run it two blocks to - supply twenty-one families. We want to get the water if ppssible, and we think we are entitled to all the rights and privileges as well as the citizens in the upper section of the city. We pay our taxes just as well as the citizens who have all these pri- vileges.--Yours truly, JOSEPH MC- QUAID. The Waterworks' Offer. It scems that the Russcll street resi- dents' petition for water was, consider- ed several months ago by the water works committee. There are eleven re- sidents on the street and the cost of putting down a main would be about $2,000. On this expenditure the law requires that eight per cent. be realiz- ed for five years. Hence, a revenue of 8160 would be necessary before the main could be laid. However, the wa- ter warks committee offered the Rus- sell street residents to lay the main if they would pay the interest for five years on the cost of excavation, viz, 899, or 89 each a year for five years, The offer has not yet been accepted, and the residents of the street have suffered for want of sufficient water supply during the hot summer, The water works is run as a utility and water can be supplied only when it can be shown that there will be suffi- cient revenue to warrant an expendi- ture, Looking at the matter from another point of view, it seems hard that the poor should suffer for want of water when there is plenty so close at hand. It is unfortunate = that houses are built in outlying districts to which water and gas mains can be carried only at large expense. It is on ac count of the distance of Russell street from another main thst the cost of supplying water to residents of that thoroughfare is so great, in com- parison to places in a more central portion. It is to he hoped that some arrangement will be made whereby Russell street will get water. If the board of health orders wells closed, and the owners cannot afford to pay or water works connection, then a hardship certainly exists, Laid Remains To Rest. The sad death of the late Mrs. Michael Brennan. on Tuesday night last, has caused sorrow among her family and her many friends. She was one of the leading members of St. Mary's cathedral and was associated with the several ladies' societies in connection with the church. A solemn mass of requiem was celebrated on Friday morning by Rev. Fr. Kehoe, after which the remains were interred in St. Mary's cemetery. There were present at the funeral her sister, Mrs. William Herrington, New York: Mrs. M. Brennan, Oswego: her brother-in- law, William Somerville, New York; her son John, Toronto, and James, from Detroit. Fo ---------- Seeley's Bay And Return, 50c. Rideau King, every Wednesday at 6 a.m. It's just the remedy for children. Easy thg take. Gibson's Red Cross Cough Cure, 20c. 7 : 5 i 5 ; DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, A a -------------- ISLAND PARK, -- May Be Blasted to Allow Big Steamers. to Land -- Harbor Airivals and Clearanc::. Owing to the presence of a shoal just cast of the Thousand Island Park, the big steamers Kingston and Toronto have not landed at that ro- sort. The. Toronto did for a part of ber first season, but it was found dif- ficult and risky to get into the small northern channel after clearing from the park wharf, and since then these big boats have never touched at the famous old Methodist camp ground. Passengers for the park are landed at Frontenac or Alexandria Bay and transferred by the Folger boats. As the traffic to and from the purk is larger than that of any other river resort, the fact of the R. & 0. steam- ers not calling there is very much felt, as people are put to much incon- venience by reason of transfers. Now the Thousand Island Park As- sociation has applied to the United States marine department to make a grant for the purpose of blasting away the shoal that interferes with the landing of the large Canadian steamers. The disappearance of the shoal would be in the interests of navigation generally, as many steam- ers in late years have come to grief by it. The ship channel is on the south 'side, and the steamers King- ston and Toronto follow that. 1f the U. 8. marine department decides to blast away the obstruction. the Thou- sand Island Park will regain its R. & 0. Navigation company connection, which it had before the large steam- ers appeared on the scene. a-- No More Thefts Reported. No petty thieving on boats landing here has been reported for the past two weeks. Evidently, boat owners and those in charge have taken heed of the warnings through recent epi- sodes and have taken measures to protect the state-rooms occupied by passengers, ---- Marine Notes. The schooner Lizzie Metzner is at Booth's with coal from Sodus. Crawford's: The schooner' Bertie Kalkins from Oswego with coal; the schooner Clara Youell, with coal from Sodus. Craig's: The steamer Varuna from Thousand Island Park to bay ports; the steamer Persia, up; the steamer Cuba, down, to-day. The M. T. company barge Valencia, damaged near the Galop rapids sev- eral weeks ago, entered Davis' dry dock, this aftegnoon, for repairs. Richardsons' © The schooner Queen of the Lakes, with coal from Char- lotte; the schooner Suffel is loading feldspar for Charlotte; the schooner Theodore Voges cleared for Charlotte with feldspar The steamers Kingston and Toronto now leave Swift's wharf at 5:30 a.m., half an hour earlier than usual. This is om gocount of the earlier setting in of dusk, and the necessity of the low- er steamers leaving Prescott earlier so as to run the rapids and reach Mon- treal before daylight fades. MT company : The steamer 8, N. Parent, from Duluth with 72,000 bugh- ele of barley and 24,000 of flax; the tug Emmerson from Charlotte with one coal barge, clearing again for Montreal with two grain-laden barg- ess the tug Glide from Montreal, with two light barges, returning with two grain laden. Swift's: The steamer Dundurp, down last night; the steamers Kingston and North King. down and up, vesterday; the steamer Belleville, down, vester- the days, steamer Arabian, upg the steamer Toronto, down, this morn- ing: the steamer Aletha, from bay ports: the steamer Rideau King for Ottawa, this morning. The recent storm on the lake has delayed all the steamers and vessels considerably and few are arriving on time. The Cuba was due vesterday, but did not reach port till this morn- ing. The Dundurn was also wind- bound, and instead of arriving here early vesterday forenoon, did not tie up till about midnight. Some little anxiety was felt on her account. and numerous messages were received at the Yacht Club and other places dur- ing the day, to see if she was in sight. On the arrival of the steamer, she collided with Swift's wharf. bow on and tore away several of the heavy beams. ------ 1,000 Islands--Rochester. Steamers North King and Caspian leave daily, excopt Monday, at 10.15 a.m., for Thousand Islands. Return- ing, 'eave at 5 p.m. for Rochester and Bay of Quinte ports. ------ Every box or package of McCon- key's candy is high class, Sold only at Gibson's Red Cross drug store, The Umbrella problem is solved at last--Non more bother or worry when travelling-- The new folding unbrella can be adjusted to any suit-case. It's worth your while to call and see it. Prices, $1 50 and $2. Sect) Wille CG Hat Specialists. UGUST 27. IN MARINE CIRCLES SHOAL EAST OF THOUSAND | speeches of the local liquor REV. HERBERT GROUT dral, on Sunday. Rev. G. H. P. Grout, preached in St. George's cathedral, Sunday morning, basing his remarks dantly proven by the stability and spread of the church, which in no small measure is the result of his la- hour. Time has justified his hopes and shall it not strengthen those who carry on the work of Christ in the world, to-day, to realize this. When we look at the heterogeneous masses in the great centres of civiliz- ation, many without a thought , of God or an ideal of morality--when we consider the corruption in high plac- es of our land, we are inclined to take a gloomy outlook and believe the work of christianizing to be hopeless, but when we further review the facts of history, and consider the advance that has been made all along the line since the days of the apostle, and that religion and mortality are press- ing on as steadily as anything (lse, we need have no fear but that, like the apostle, our labour "shall not be in vain in the Lord." FIXING THE FIGURE Sell Hotel Street Throughfare. Evidently action in closing the en- trance to the passage in front of the Hotel Dieu from Johnston street to Brock street has been stayed for the present by the corporation of the archiepiscopal diocese. The city council was notified three months ago that this thoroughfare would he closed, in osder to prevent accidents. The city was willing to repair the roadway if protected from any liability that might arise at a future time. How- ever, the Catholic diocesan authorities decided that if the city did not pur- chase the land would to be fenced in as it was years ago. It is understood that the church corpora- tion is considering the figure at which it would he willing to sell. interests are at present in the hands of a sub-committee of the board of works, with Ald. Rigney as ehair- man, At Which to Dieu have The city's -------- Officers Will Move Up. There is a rumor from Ottawa, that the following changes will shortly take place among militia officers that Lieut.-Col, Vidal, adiutant-gene- ral, will retire and Col. Gordon will take his. place. Col. Buchan, com-. manding Quebeo province, will take command of the new western provin- ces, and Col. Roy will take his place, with headguarters at Quebec, Lieut.- Pelletier, at Montreal, will take the place of Col. Wilson, commanding the garrison at Quebec, and Col. Wilson will 20 to Ottawa as chief of ordnance In_succession to Col. Cotton, who will take the place of Col. Gordon in Eastern Ontario, -- A Revolting Sight. A revolting sight was witnessed at the corner of Princess and Bagot streets late on Saturday afternoon From ga gateway crawled a drunken man with a big chunk of beef in his hands. He began to chew ravenously at the dirty meat, to the disgust of Passersby. A waggon driver knocked the meat away from him but the in- toxicated fellow, after grovelling, re- gained it, and crawled and staggered up Princess street, chewing away at what to him. seemed a choice morsel, -- Summonses Expected. Notwithstanding the optimistic license in- Spector, the expectation is that very shortly there will be cases of viols. tion brought against some local hotels by the spies of the Whitaey govern- ment, who have been going about the province. It is well-known that the spies were here, as well Bay. Evidently, the Magistrate Farrell is being awaited, before summonses are issued, -- Visiting Consul Van Sant. as at Collins return of Police H. Ritchie of the Guelph Mercury editorial staff, is the euest of Mr. Vant Sant, United States consnl The newspaper man and the consul will fish in the surrounding waters during the, week, and have secured powerful magnifying plassés with which to look upon the specimens of the finnv tribe which they catch. They will thus be truthfully able to say that the fish measured two feet in length (when viewed throuch the magnifying glass). Officers To Wear Swords. A militia general order savs swords are to be worn by officers at all times when on duty, and on parade with men bearing arms, exeent at muske rv and artillery practice. At field manoeuvres commanding officers may permit carbines to be carried instead of swords, provided that nll the offi- cers of a unit turn out alike. Tour Of The 1,000 Islands. Wednesday, 20th, steamer ica, 2.30 p.m. Home early. First class meals on board. Fare 35c. August Royal Military College. The * recruit class for the Royal Military College enters on Wednesday. The number of recruits this season will be thirty-seven, last year. Th ill be a total of cighty-eight _cac in| college next month. The commandant, Lieut.-Col. Taylor, returned to the city to-day. ---- A Delivery Horse Drowned. The delivery horse and waggon, be- longing to Simmons Bros., was stand- ing on Swift's wharf, | this morning. While the driver was inthe fre ight of fice the horse' walked into the water, pulling the cart after him. mal, which was valued was drowned. ------ Students Go Into Camp. On Wednesday, Prof. Macphail leaves with a number of students of the School of Mining, to! do practical work in camp at Thirtepn Tsland Lake. The party will be absent several weeks, an increase over = The ani- at about £150, Preached in St. George's Cathe Delhi, N.Y., on Romans wii, 24: "Saved by Hope." He pointed to the supreme § Occurrences In The City And need of hope in the great apostles Vicinity--Other Brief Items of life, pier , Juch of bia work iii Interest Easily Read And apparently fruitless, and many ot ¥ results so quickly overthrown. That Remembered. ; his hope was not in vain is abun- Heary Cunningham, : tuner rom GENERAL. Chickering's, at McAuley's book store. To-day's rain was not at all un- welcome, The parchedy ground very much needed the showers that fell. The cough cure that sells for Gibson's Red Cross Cough Cure. T no other, : Thanksgiving day this year is likely to be beld on the same day as in 1905, viz., the third Thursday in October. The four locals who were out on a time Saturday evening and who ap- peared before Ald. T. J. Rimney, this morning, at the police station, were allowed to go with a warning. . Half a bottle of "ned Cross Cough Syrup" -eured-a bad ccd: Sold only at Gibson's Red Cross drug store, 20c. It is rumored that several cases of fishing on Sunday will be before the ake magistrate in the near future. The names of prominent citizens have been mentioned as coming under the in- spector's vigilance. In accordance with a resolution passed at the last meeting of the Presbyterian General Assembly, the committee on church union has had its report printed and it is now being sent down to the congregations for their information. Of much interest to visiting Ameri- cans are the college hoods worn by the clergy at St. George's cathedral, and many are the enquiries made about them. Such tokens of scholar ship are much less frequently seen in the United States. * The acts and proceedings of the Presbyterian General Assembly make such a bulky volume that 'when sent by mail the postage amounts to 20 cents. The box containine the re ports to be circulated among the eld- ers of Kingston, weighed 500 pounds. Get a 5c. box of Lax-ets at our store please. We think they are great. Just test these toothsome, candy-like Laxative tablets for constipation, sour stomach, biliousness, bad breath, mud- dy complexion, ete. Risk Se, and sce. Sold by all druggists. "Jack the Diver," was busy at Swift's wharf this morning, endeavor- ing to bring up a gold bracelet lost by a passenger off the steamer King- ston this morning, A reward had been offered for its recovery. A large crowd of citizens watched ~ the well-known diver at his efforts. He has a record of remaining several minutos under water, "A mouth full of Bristles," did vou ever have that experiends, Buy your tooth brushes at Gibson's Red Cross rug store and avoid such trouble. This morning as the crew of the steamer Toronto was transferring bao bage to the wharf a suit fill overboard. Five dollars reward was offered for its recovery and proved easy money for the perter of the Hotel Randolph, who jumped in a skiff and coralled it be fore jt sank. The tory papers are shouting .that Major Shannon is acknowledged the best man available for the nosition to which Ke was annointed. The liberals do not say so. There are an hundred #8 good men available in the F Ontario command. And tories, either ! -- A Serious Smash. Quite a smash-up occurred, day evening. at the corner of Union and Frontenac streets. A named Pixley, was on the way to his home, near Sydenham, with a load coal. In crossing the street car track he got caught and was struck by an approaching car. His : completely turned over spoke left in the four harness was stripped from the horses as well, but the animals escaped un- Jured. The farmer was thrown some distance, but was only shaken up. Case Fastern they are not Satur- farmer, of waggon was and hardly' 5 wheels. The |: -- To Make Room For Fall Importa- tions. Prevost, Brock street, great clearing sale ments, clothing is having go in all hig depart- made to order, ready- made clothing, and gents' furnishings, People in need of the above goods will save money, as he will make a great sacrifice of all goods to make room for fall and winter importa- tions, ---- A Birthday Party. On Friday afternoon a birthday Party was given to Miss Jonnie and May Newman, of Charles sqreet. Twenty little playmates met together at Lake Ontario Park, and enjoyed themselves with the Ferris wheel and merry-goround and a few games. A snapshot of the children around the table was taken, The birthday cake was very fine. ---- The Only Way. To st the Thousand Islands, by taking the America's tour, Wednesday 2.30 p.m. Supper on board. Only return, Andrew Clendinning, weds, is dead aged eighty-four. He was marrie] twice, and had cighteen children, all living and prospering. The death occurred at of Robert Jackson, from a complication Black Creek, an old resident, of diseases. Discomfort After Eating. Feeling oppressed with a sensation of stuffiness, and finding the food to distend and painfully. hang like heavy weight at the pit of the sto- mach, are symptoms of indigestion With these the sufferers will often have constipation, fullness of the blood in the head, acidity of the stomach, nausea, heartburn, headache, digust of food, gaseous eructations, sinking or fluttering of the heart, choking or suffocating sensation when lying down, dizziness on, rising suddenly, dots or webs before the sight, fever and dull pain in the head, vellowness of the Kin and eves, pain in the side. A few doses of Hutch Tablets will free the system of all the above men- tioned disorders. Purely vegetable: acts without ' pain, Smal) and easy to take. One after pach meal. [THE DAY'S EPISODES LOCAN NOTES AND THINGS IN | - - \ ST -- Apply Or. Seoits | For any external purposes and we | sure that the same satisfactory Wilh, cannot be obtained from any oui ment. A fair trial of this linimen: more convincing than pages tions and arguments. An Excellent Hair Re; will of exp rep aiid Scalp Cleanser Large bottle, 25 cents, if wo for sale at your druegigy, an always be procured at James Be Dr. Scott's White Ldniment Co, Props. St. Jobn, -B., and Cheimgy Reliable Furs Of All Kinds wil... Kingston's Only Exclusive Fur Store W. F. GOURDIER 78 and 80 Brock Street PHONE' 700. Cuff Links In Gold. Silver, Gold Filled, Gun Metal and Pearl We are showing the largest arsoriment of Cuff Links our cases have over held Plain Links, dull for' engraving. A durable pair of Engraved Cuff Links, fully guaranteed, need not be « xpeasive, SMITH BROS. Jewelers--Opticians 'Phone 666. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. MOTOR GASOLINE In 5 Gallon Lots or over, 26c, a Gallon Supplies always handy on the dock. SELBY & YOULDEN LIMITED. Our New Dress Goods Are Here And we call the attention of the ladies tothree special lines, which we have care- fully selected for early fall wear : Ottoman Cord, all pur wool, colors Navy, Cardinal, Brown, Green, Garnet, in- cluding Black, at 50c. « yard, Grey Tweeds for Suits and Skirts, all wool, soap shrunk Tweeds in Light Grey and Dark Grey, mix- ed patterns, at 75c. yard. a { All Pure Wool Venetian Broadcloths, 52 inch wide, just the proper weiglit for suits, new colors, Old Rose, Alice Blue, London Smoke, Castor, Navy Blue, Brown, Green,Fawn, Grey, Wine Color, NEWMAN & SHAW Mid=Sun Excursic TUES] Low | « The proper t and the Seashore | . 28 and Sept. : Bug. 27, 29, 30, 31, 5,6,7and8 - Return Limit--! LABOEF SEPTEM} Single First: Going Daas, Lim Farm Laborers' | Canadian Nort 8th. Fa ull particulars at a Tevet Office, On! CONWAY, F r Gen. Passe. Agent Bay of Qui "aq New short line fo peseronto; and all | jeave City 'Hall I CONWAY, Agent B. Canadian Exhil Toronto August; 287 to Se) Return tickets will $3. Good going on Tu and Monday, Septen $5. August 27th, 2ud, On September 1st, and Sth. Tickets will not b 1, 2, 3 or 4. All tickets good to September 11th, 19 Farm Laborers' Canadian Nor! 8th. F: LABOR DAY- Round trip tickets ull stations in Can way first-class fare. Going dates--Sat: Monday, Sept. 1st, & Tickets valid ret tion on or before Se For tickets and a Avply to ) J: P. Office--Cor. Johnse OPEN S New Brunswi Nov, 30th. Nova Scotia-- Quebec-- Sept BEST HUNTING reach LRA {od RAIL WRIT * Fishing and } "Week in the "Moose of the "Trail of the 1] To Montreal ' St. James St., Or General Moncton, N.B. SWIFT'S TOU 1000 Islands, Ports anc Every Sun- day, 8 a.m. STR Of the Hamilton-! Company, Limited, Toronto an Every Thu A Steamer meet the travelling publi For further i) SWIFT & CO., Whi street. HARRY W. NEW Cor. Ontario and C Yircinian, "nisian, Sept. 7. Victorian, Sept. 14. Ionian, Sept, 21. MONTREAL Moderate } Mongolian, Aug. Corinthian, Sept. Sicilian, Sept. 13 ¢ For rates, SPPIEN went, Q. T. SLEEVE,

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