Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Aug 1906, p. 9

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figestion Headach, spepsia Diarrhea pid Liver Flatulence pendicitis Hives CUMAtism Jaundice arrk Nausea } ic Vertigo ofula Pimples manly Troubles rms Blotc hes \ es Eczema . ers Dysentery h cases a little Cascaret in time ig fty dollars worth of Treatmeny to say nothing of the sufferin, rt, loss of Business E ® : ergy, and ocial Sunshine it saves, * * - ing Headache can be warded off order, by a single Cascaret, ang se removed. urn, Gas-belching, Acid-rising; at, and Colicky feeling are bowel trouble from food poisons, 1d be dealt with promptly, : ascaret will stop the coming troy= move on the Bowel load, if taken st signs. fail to carry the Vest Pocket Box rets with you constantly, 3in sure * » - sand dollars a year spent in amuse. uld not buy for you half so much appiness, solid Comfort, cheerful and Health Insurance as that little t Box of Cascarets, iggists sell them--over ten year. y careful to get the genuine, made the Sterling Remedy Company er sold in bulk. Every tablet "cece." ple and the famous bookley of Constipation," Free for the Address Sterling Remedy Com- icago or New York. 9 ee -- ---- he World. Beach, Brighton Rockaway and ot} the world, MU Fares ; | many other great and new v before, within easy reach, on Beach, ier famous and conveniently ¢ shows and other amusement History, the Zoological and seums and institutions of jn- rough the City ; due to its situation, witn S are constantly blowing : WHERE, BUT ALSO mmer Resort. re as good as any season in York. In a great many re- @ year for visitors, and any- | the year should certainly ure while renewing old ones . during these months is fully - 99 . case ew. York) on, which proves New York's ire'" as no other publication on follow. subscription. eet, New York. | information avout the city, charge to subscribers to N NEW YORK OUSE E 'asonable ATES the City, convenient roof gardens, ete. Hotel to all The sub- than to any other r Its Cuisine ork for booklet and Special years the favorite stopping IADA OMPANY. /0 / TURING CC. LUmITED, A, ST. JOHN, N. B, IRE. x. "The Perfect Food" ~ Now 10%c¢. It is the only food for children and the best food for grown or growing people because it is only pure grain--has absolutely no foreign sweeten- ing substance. It is made in the cleanest food factory in the world from the whole wheat and combines all the elements that make blood, brain, nerves, muscle and bone. ever tasted. = At all grocers. pr-- Thin, Bloodless People Are constantly in danger of con- tracting disease of one kind or another. Good rich, red blood na- turally repels disease and déstroys discase germs, and the man who's blood is in this condition is practi- cally proof-against germ- diseases. Onthe other hand, if the blood is weak, thin and tem is in. no cond attack, and the anemic persc always liable to contract Consump- tion, La Grippe, Typhoid, Pncu- monia,andkindreddiscases; Coughs and colds aye easily taken and hard to shake off, and discase of' some kind is always either present or impending. The moral is, "find something to enrich the bloed." There is just one preparation which can be depended upon to do this speedily and with absolute certainty, and that is FERROL necessary to the fo blood, and in such cannot fail to be assimilated. If your blood is thin do not fail to take FERROL, and do not delay even for one day. Delays are dangerous. Geo. W. Mahood Cor. Bagot and Princess Streets. PURE FOOD INSURES Goo Her MAGIC ro PURE FOOD. COMPANY LIMITED EW.GILLETT YORONTO.ONT. IN ED FIFE COLLARS The life is not bleached out of the linen used in these Collars. That is one reason they withstand laundry usage longer than other Collars. Made only from an Irish linen, woven exclusively for Tooke, that will not Lreak or wear out prema. turely. TOOKE BROTHERS, umiree. MONTREAL. nt Wilson's FLY PADS ONE PACKET HAS ACTUALLY KILLED A BUSHEL OF FLIES Eold by all Drugigists and General Stores and by mall, ! TEN CENTS PER PACKET FROM ARCHDALE WILSON, HAMILTON, ONT. ' | Besides it's just the best you Always ready to eat. ¢ TOP OF LADDER. A Woman Leads as a Maker. Cabinet MISS ©, Copenhagen, rine HORSEBOEL. Aug, 25.--Miss Catha Hovstboel, is the only woman cabinet maker in the world. She work: ed her way up to the top of her pro slowly, but now, at the age of thirty-three she has reached the top of the ladder. She is all the rage in fashionable Europe, and her work commands fancy prices. per aeaie What Is Home Without A Father? We happened in a fession' very home the other night and over the parlor door saw the legend, worked in lctters of red, "What is Home without a Mother 7" nother brief, Now, what's Across the room "God Bless Our was Home matter with "God Bless Our Dad 1" He gets up early, lights the fire, boils an egg, grabs his dinner pail and wipes the dew off the lawn with his boots "while mother is sleeping. He makes the weekly hand out for the butcher, the grocer, the milkman and baker, and his little pile is badly worn before he has been home an hour. He stands off the bailiff and keeps the rents paid. 1 there is a noise in the night dad is kicked in the back an ade to go downstairs to find the burg and kick him. Mother darns socks, but dad buys them in the first place and the needles and varn afterwards, Mother does up the fruits well, dad buys it all, and jars and sugar cost like the mischief Dad buys chicken for Sunday dinner, carves them himself," and draws the neck from the ruins after everyone else is served. "What is Home With- out a Mother?" Yes, that is right ; but "What is Home Without a Fath er?" Ten chances to one it is"a board her is under a slab and ing house, f > Dad, here's the landlady x widow, t vour faults, ve you BS of them, but we'll miss you when vou'ré gone. eee Long Suffered Plague. : The swamp poison ivy is one ol the most vicious weeds that grow. A pe culiar feature of its viciousness 1s that some people' are not susceptible to its poison and even the hands or other éxtromities of a single fual may.not be susceptible, whereas the face or other parte of the body of indivi the same person may be, very sensi tive to the poison. If it was always to be found in exposed places it could be somewhat guarded agai but it sneake about in the high grass pois oning those coming in contact with it. 1ts only redecmir quality 1s that it ig greatly relished by cattle and they will, appare thrive on it Bathers have been and often + SOV water flowing through a creck, the bed of which is covered with ivy. 'It should be exter minated root and br inch. It perhaps would be of more sey ym the erely poisoned vice to tell pe what poison ivy ig and how it. may he distinguished in order that it may be avoided. Ft re sembles very closely Virginia creeper, commonly known as woodbine, éxcept that it has three leaves instead of five, Get The Best Liniment Whe) vou need a linimfent von want the one that cures quickest and best Smith's - White lLiniment penetrates deeply, relaxes the muscles, reduces in flammation and heals more surely thoroughly and quickly than any ather linimen€ an'.tha market. Don't fail to get bottle today for 25 cemts, at Wade's. Money back if not 'satisfac tory. te Everton toffee was first made about Molly "Busbell, in Everton 739 by village. NEW YORK LETTER UPPER WEST SIDE SUFFER ERING_FROM FLEAS. -- They Bite the Rich as Well as the Poor--Have Made Themselves at Home in the Subway Too, New . York. Aug. 25-The upper West Side is suffering from an epi- demic of fleas that amounts to a po- sitive pest. The fun of it is that the "pesky critters" have attucked the very terrjt in which our richest and most = high-toned citizens dwell, and have spread themselves with all magnificence. Along the Riverside Drive stretches a long line of splendid residences, in which costly and fine raiments are the rule, and sumptuous dinners a common occurrence, while the beds are of down, and soft and tender to the bodies of the slumberers. But these beds are full of fleas, and no matter how soft and refreshing the beds are to the 'sleepers, the flea is ubiquitous, and can bite as well on down as on sackcloth, The people on the Fast Side may be seratching for a living, but the people of Riverside Drive are scratching for a moment's relief. As for catching the dear little things, that is impossible, for as: the saying goes, "when you put your fin- ger on him, he ain't there." It is some comfort that our rich people are making a study of the habits and characteristics of the nimble little creatures, and by winter will be full of knowledge besides many reminis- cences of the fleas that have dwelt with them with a constancy that is above reproach. People are reading up on Egypt, and trying to get some lines upon the way the people of that distracted country endured the in- sects: Others are complaining to their landlords, but the landlords have fleas of their own, and all the bother they want on their own premises and persons. The color of the parasite is a reddish brown. In the subway they made themselves much at home, not- withstanding it is the first subway they ever saw. They do not seem to trouble themselves about the discom- forts of the subway, but simply cling to the human friends they have found and become attached to. There is no friend so true as the flea. He never deserts one, but divs a ; for a soft er bit of flesh, and tenderer place to hite. One man comes forward with a common remedy-simply common ta- ble salt around the habitat of the flea and he will flee away. The trouble is that most people think the salt man is making fun of them, and they don't try it, but it is said that some of those that have tried it; find it effi- cacious, The peddlers have formed an organ- ization with certain rules and orders that show that they are an intelli- gent set of people. They are ubiquit- ous, certainly in this city the set of business men who can find content- ment in the precarious craft that theirs is, must be an extraordinary class. The police are a continual men- ace to them, too, and some days they appear to have no rest for the sole of their feet, policemen shifting them from one point to another in a mel ancholy procession. The convention of the New York Peddlers' Benevolent Astociation passed certain rules, the first of which prescribed that no wo- man, except she 'is a widow, shall peddle with a push-cart. Tt seems that when some of the peddlers feel indisposed, thev send their wives, and these' sometimes outsell their neigh- bors of long beards, It iz also pre scribed that no peddler shall shout his wares, lest he spoil the trade of others. This is more consideration for others than we looked for in peddlers, not finding it in other dealers; but it is a good rule, and is well observed, as not a sound is heard from the ped- dlers in the streets from morning to night. It is a trade to be learned, also, as no young man is to be allow- ed to peddle until he has first learned the trade. Only one peddler is allowed the best corner being given to the one civing most to the city. The push-cart business is not affected by the summer exodus as patrons jn this line do not go away to the summer resorts. The association of peddlers, though it had only sev- enty delegates at its meeting, is a vigorous army, and every member of it means business all the time. This town will be a sight for sure immediately after the Bryan eveek ex pircs. The democratic elub keeps open house for a full week, and liquor of all kinds, meals, lunches, and enter- tainments of all kinds will be free as air. Of course, nobody will be able to resist 'such a programme as that, for it is a very long time since mankind has found itself able to resist a free blowout. Politicians may talk as they please, to-day, about the iniquity of Another Wonderful Case Here Is Something That Will Be Welcome News to Many a Dis- couraged One. "For several years 1 have been troubled with gas around my heart, shortness of breath, in fact, if 1 walked my usual gait my breath would get so short 1 would ke compelled to make several stops dur- ing my walk. "Of late my food did not digest pro- perly. It turned sour in my stomach, caused me great distress; often, too, I had disagreeable attacks of belching gas and heartburn, "I was bothered with severe pains across the small of my back and the least bending or turning would cause me to almost cry out. "I was induced to try Dr. Leon hardt's Anti-Pill and from the very first found relief. "For the last three months T have had no recurrence of my former com- phiints, so I am bound to say Anti Pill has indeed cured me." This is the voluntary statement of William H. Reed, of 165 Queen street, Kingston, Ont. All Druggists sell Anti-Pill. The Wil- son-Flye Co., Limited, Niagara Falls, Ont. : The remedy that cured such an ex- treme case is surely worth trying. 506 to one corner, FE Wiliam H. Reed. { demand among the free yailrond pe but wet on fou | lunch before them, especially if it be ! accompanied with the very best "| wines, brandies, whiskies, and the like, } and every one of them will step up to | the erib and be fed to the point of suffocation. 'The democratic club is planning for position, and it hopes to | reach by means of showering honors upon the great traveller, who is about to' return from foreign shores, covered with adulation and praises from peo- ple in all lands, and especially by his | own countrymen. It certainly is a very interesting political campaign that sends a candidate around the globe, and yet keeps him in touch by the ever ready telegraph with his home folk, and causes his lightest word, whether from Egypt, dapan, England, Sweden, Germany, France or mid-ocean, to be heard with the utmost respect, and taken in for all it's worth by those who propose to be his followers. And now, the crown: ing honor is to be a great city drunk with gladness aud also with the wine | that giveth its color to the cup. { Both parties are gathering their campaign funds by dollar contribu- tions, and the treasurers cxpress de light, but it is easy to see that they would feel very much better if they had a few move thousand giits, checks with good names at the bottom and good round figures filled in the bodies of the checks. The campaign will be spiritless unless they find pome other way to swell the receipts, Mr. Sher man, of the republican committee, has gently hinted that there is no neces sity of limiting the contribution to the dollar, but so far nobody has taken the hint, though doubtless many will, when the times arrives, the psychological hour, of which we hear | occasionally. Chmpaigos cost money, and there is no reaspn why solicita-~ tions should not be made for themy and they will be made by both par ties. Speakers cannot go up and down the land, giving their time for no thing. They mus be paid, and their expenses must be paid. This spasm of virtue to-which the public has been treated, will cost both parties dear, and the first thing you will know will be that both parties will be calling out that the people are being deprived of their rights, in that they are not having the gospel of political wisdom spread before them as in olden times, The rich residents of Riverside Drive, who went into the country have hit upon a cute device to balk the thieves and burglars who have rioted on that avenue, and it is spil to have entirely protected their vala ables from disturbance. Sims appear WOR IY Ron, Ring "Thieves and burglars take noti-e. Jewelry and silverware is 'stored with a safe deposit company." One of the first of the residence to be thus corated is that of the late Je Kittle, at the corner of Riverside Pri and 122nd street, opposite Grant's tomb. Their house has been twice plundered within the last two yours, Other similar signs dot the upper west side. It is alleged, that of the hundreds of houses thus protected by publicity not one has been enter ed. The burglar fraternity think this is an infringement upon their vested rights. The practice scems to grow, and soon, next season, perhaps, the entire street will be thus protected, The greatest trouble the poo: peo ple have experienced this season is the rise in the price of milk that has taken place this, week. The farmers commenced the raise on account of the scarcity of the milk and the difficulty of keeping the article sweet during the hot months, ice 'being scarce and too dear to be used freelv. The rise will cost the consumer a full cent a quart, and is a real burden upon poor people who want to use milk more freely, as it has become a contestant with bread as the staff of life Strangely enough, the newspapers have not indulged in their usual how! of extortion and robbery that thes invariably use when any article of food is concerned. It is not at all as scarce as ice really is, but a great ery was raised when the price of ice was raised, and measures taken to punish the dealers criminally. It must be because it is the farmers who start this rise. Well, it is conceded, that there is a good reason for the Java tion in price, as the consumption has for some time since exeeeded the pro duction within what has been consid ered the available territory from whith the city could draw its supply which has been 175 miles from the city. Tt iz now Mesirsd to induce farmers within four hundred miles of the city to send the products of their cows 'here, and this will necessitate expenditure for ice, and hence make of quality. in lead packets. WINNIPEG. TEA "IS GOOD TEA" ,. Just notice the eolor--a rich amber, which is always a token Sold by the best grocers in Canada The Blue Label is especially recommended. Prices, 25¢.,30¢.,35¢.,40¢., 50¢., and 6oc., Black, Green and Mixed. T. H, ESTABROOKS, St. John, N.B. TORONTO, 3 Wellington St. E. FATE. cup and see # Ber ( HITS ESTEE To : PAR L sending 15 cents. Corticelli dill Co,Ltd: StJobns:P h sar. Write THE SHAH'S PURPOSE To Give His Assembly People An the real cost of sending the milk to | market greater. The city is really | growing so fast that cows enough | cannot be got into the firkds fast | enough to fumish the milk needed Subways and have a hard job | abead of them in trying to keep pace | with President Roosevelt's antirace suicide followers. The city icannot supply enough car tracks to bring the inhabitants to and from their homes mornings and and the cattle on a thousand hills are not enough to pour out the neded quality of the precious fluid, which is so much in rich and the voor OLD TIMER con nights, After The Quake. Living is high in San Francisco, Rents are so high that many thou- sands of persons can pot aliord to live in houses, and 56 they continue to | roside in tents. The prices of neces | sities are as high a® luxuties used to be before the earthquake, and, of | course, wages are commensurate with | the increased cost of living. Ordinary | workmen receive $4 and 85 a day | while skilled mechanics ean command | their own price. The union men are | | | demanding a material increase in | wages, on the ground of the "ad | vanced .price of commodities," and! if their they threatem to tie things up demands are not granted. KE advanced prices there is not la bor enough in the city. The work of clearing away debris is still under way, and owing to the lack of labor it will be winter before the streets are | finally cleared. i at | Jenny--Treatment for pimples and blackheads cele for absolute cleanli- | ness. Pimples show that the body is absorbing poisonous substances and needs Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea, | Tea or tablets 35, Mahood's drug | Store. | { allow them to | the heavy grade that SHAH OF PERSIA London, Aug, M.~Muzaffar-ed-din Murza, the present shah of Persia, who succeeded his fath Nasr-ed-din, in 1890, has "wanused great surprive throughout the world hy ment that he try a representative the announce to hi assembly « would give coun con gress, of which hie will be the presid ing officer. This means a great pro gress, as the Persian government, has, heretofore, always been ultra aut cratic. Peck"s Foot Powder. tant relief to aching, in flammed or perspiring feet, L It ix cool ing and Big boxes, 20¢ at Wade's Drug Store. Gives it soothing. ' There is a rumor about Renfrew, that the €, I*. R. is going to chang its route on the cast side of the town #0 as to avoid the heavy grade which causes them a great deal of trouble with their heavy trains. There has also been pome talk of the G. T. RB also changing its route somewhat, to Jensen the curves and ie in their line from the station to the exhilntion grounds, R. J. Holmes, Devlin, Ont., will sue the Smith's Falls Record for econncet ing him with the suicide of a man of the same name and initials at Van- couver, B.C, Even in Arctic grate burns a lo IR and little All the fire-heat moves in one direction--so you get the heat's good while it's good heat not after it's gas- loaded, dust-choked, lukewarm. That point's a big one. Come and | Montreal Winnipeg ¥or 8a'e by Simmons lms, White wear that wears--and yet is dainty enough for trousseaux. Every seam double-sewn__every gar. el out 11 4 ment cut roomily, It is 6 » JINER Whitewear if your dealer hasn't it, write us. We'll cil you where to go The Iiinerva Manalacturiog Co., Limited, '0 Toronto, Ont, "Matrons who foss the The grounds of fate in in grounds of Tea." --=Churchsll, weather this furnace ses LEAST fuel to heat MOST house, --simply because it's built so it quickly changes cold air into hot heat--its "The Yellow Svore," 211.213 Princess Street. I Home Needlework is a magazine that every lady should take. times a year, 96 pages |! Issued 4 \ cautifully WoT Pek inh IEG t of fuel burns any fuel urhace, Grate bars are hollow, '! soairecanget intoevery 's atomof fire, --that way ? the coal has to bum a lot of AIR. Corru- gated fire-pot walls treble radiation, -- ane i other trick to make the ¥ icoal do 'more work. look--or write for book THE GurNEY FounprY Co, LIMITED Toronto . Hamilton Calgary Vancouver ¥ hone 4M,

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