Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Aug 1906, p. 1

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m by. Fowels--2 for 35¢, Lowels,. 31 x 42 inches asifg Weight, regular | A 18 value at 0c. a yard sk desigus to Match the choicest or 'dozen, 1.89, 00 a dozen. Yours to- yard only........ nd most popular of our*t56le fin 50, 3.73, and lozen, or each towel, | ask, G0 inches wide, of «20 led.) W & SON -- ---- a - in This Section 1s and cloths, made and finished srfectly, at a seore of prices from | a dozen upwards, with ry popular with many BLE NAPKINS, in lovely Dam ecial quality values at 2.49, nd 2 o BLE PADDING, of good steong tton filled with the finest pure tton batting, closely stitched ery half inch. Some we have ade up, neatly hemmed, ali ready r use--size 50 x 70 inches, sat 55, and size 00 x 76 inches, at 5. To-morrow, by the ard--80 inches wide at 81 ic.,, and 60 in. wide at * V & SON tba sh Dresses unbleached shade, of .69 med with good, red, ason at $1.25. Yours with white stripe or sold all season at) 3 will vanish over a cup of bbon and piquaney to the visit. $1 a Ib.--All grocers PEPPP SPOT LES TERS ACHINES spaired 71 Wellington St. A Ri DRROW A VALISE Happen to Them. Ve have travelling goods all kinds at the lowest es. Jur SUIT CASES att nine bargains at d&J d $5.00. Nothing n to equal them. Ve also have a splendid mk at $3.50--strong a0 00d appearance. HOE STORE, Bargains Fancy Vests, 2 5% off. Light Summer Coats, 259% off. 75¢. and $1.00 Shirts for 508 $2.00 to $3.50 Straw Hats for $1.00. Children's Wash Suits, Half Price: B..P. Jenkins Clothing Co. A Fine Evenings Outing Take Steamer Wolfe Islander at 4 pm. to-morrow (Thursday) for Breakey's Bay, returning at 8 p.m. Fare, 25c. Steamer calls at Brophy's Point, Halliday's dock, Walker's dock (Howe Island), and Breakey"s Bay. A beautiful trip in the cool of the day. Steamer leaves: foot of Clarence street. E. BRICELAND, Be Manager. BY JOHN H. MILLS - AUCTION SALE - Golden Lh Blok veneers Store, Thursday, Aug. 23rd Viz :--Hdbhy Thought Range. Square Piano, Brass and other Beds, m Set, Springs, ' Mattresses, . Mirrors, Pictures, Sewing ne, Bureaus, Black Walnut Sideboard, Dinner Waggon, Chellonier, any Chairs, Refrigerator, etc, moved for convenien Sale, 10.80 am. Terms JOHN H. } six Mahog- 'arden Hose, ale. LLS, Auctioneer. Soummm-- WHEN YOUR SHOES NEED REPAIRING : : Remember our aim is to do re- pairing so that Footwear will look like they did when new. Wear "Allen's" Military Bootmakers Sign of Goidea Boot. 84 Brock St. DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE To ¢tlase the estafe of late E. Chown, rick Drwelllom 30 hast parces ror ri ID) ot Street Dwelling, 106 Bagot Street. Enger Streep. For details sce JUNE BULLETIN. SWIFT'S REAL'SSTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY Times Have Changed There was a time when you could not find anything mich in our stores, now you cannot get into sce all, for itis so crowded with fitst-class Stoves, Furni- ture, Carpets, ete. For trading, buying. or selling, no better place than TURK'S SECOND-HAND STORE * 908 Princess Street. ELEVATOR FATALITY. Passenger Jostled Operator -- Crashed to Death. New. York, Aug. 23.-Miss Sarah Fletcher, a public stenographer, was instantly killed by an elevator while on her 'way 'to her office on the tenth floor - of the . Townsend building at Broadway and 25th street, yesterday. Miss Fletcher started to leave the elevator at the wrong floor, and in doing mo jostled. the operator so that the elevator started upward with a bound. Miss Fletcher fell to the floor of the elevator, and her head was crushed between the floor of the car and one of the doors. The operator was arrested. Commén' With All Women. Alinost invariably they suffer from constipation and should use Dr. Ham- ilton's Pills because they cleanse the system, regulate the stomach and bowels, and, bring health and vigor that's surprising. Try Dr. Hamilton's Pills, price 2c. everywhere. Brockville And Ogdensburg. Friday, August 24th, steamer Am- ericd legves 8 a.m., calling at Gana- noque and Rockport both ways. Re- turning. leaves: Ogdensburg, 3.30 pm. Only 50¢. Steamer America makes another of her special tours of the islands, Thurs day, 230 p.m, First elass supper. On- ly Be. retin, Bay Castoria for infants. Gibson's: Red Cross drug~store, Sold at KINGSTON, Some very hand- some goods of this celebrated maker JUST OPENED Come and examine the quaint odd shapes. ..ROBERTSON BROS.. To Attract the Attention of the Fur Buyer Is our Mission in Adver- tising. We desire that every woman discover how much better we can do for her here than elsewhere by personally inspecting our line. SPECIAL--We call attention to our novelties in neck pieces, from $7 up. John McKay Fur Heuse 149-153 Brock St., Kingston. i. 0. Fe. MEMBERS OF COURT FRONTEN No. 59, and oth oresters in the A are requested te tend the funeral of our late Bro. Folkes, on' THURS- DAY Aug at 2.30 p.m., from his late residenc 0 John street. Jo S. R. McUCANN, ¥ Se BOUGHT BY CHINESE. The Oldest Newspaper in Victoria, B.C. Victoria, B.C., Aug. 22. is stated and believed by many here that the reconstruction - of the Colonist, the oldest newspaper in this city, is being engineered by two wealthy Chinamen, Loo Gee Wing and lee Wong Kow, who are said*to practically own the paper. I'he assertion is made that they have securwd the paper in order to carry on an aggressive campaign for the abolition of the $500 head tax on Chinamen entering the country, and to enable Chinese contractors to bring in coolie labor for use in the prairie,. harvest fields and in railway construc tion work, BERT BRIDLE CAUGHT For Stealing the Sum of Forty Dollars. Windsor, Ont., Aug. 22. --Bert Bridle, of St. Thomas, wanted by the police of that city, for the alleged theft of forty dollars from the London and St. Thomas Traction company, while in its employ, as agent, was arrested here. iast night, on a Michigan Central train. He is being held awaiting the arrival of an officer irom St. Thomas. W. N. WARBURTON THE MAN Who Will Manage the New Rapid Railway. Windsor, Ont., Aug. 22.-W. N, War- burton, a well known railway man, formerly of Hamilton, and late of Chatham, has assumed the manage- ment of the Windsor, Essex & Lake Shore Rapid railway, and will super- intend the completion of the road. A Guarantee Of Coolness. Is given with each ticket for the America's spocial tour of the islands, Thursday, 2:30 p.m. Home early. Fare, Joe. mea 1) Charles Unwin, a C.I.R. engineer at Moosejaw, died suddenly on the Em- pass of Britain, and was buried at sca. Rev. J. P. Wilson, of belleville, wend the burial office, and Col, Pon: ton assisted in the Masonic burial ser- vice. Mr. Unwin's wife wae a Miss Clarke, of Belleville. John Shannon, an ex-councillor of North Marvsburgh, has been alarming- Jy ill with typhoid fover and other complications, and his condition is regarded as being still critical, wit only a limited chance of re¢overy. Mrs. Nelson Warden, born in North- ern New York, and for many years a wemident of "Elimabethtown, is dead, aged seventy-six. Albert Caswell, , formerly C.P.R. ticket agent, at Brockville, and a great favorite, ' is dead in Portland, Ore., aged fifty-seven. A widow and four children survive, Earthquake Shocks At Val- paraiso Continue. FIRES STILL RAGE AND THE CITY IS PRACTICAL- LY WIPED OUT. Troops Behave Splendidly,' Pro- visions Scarce, Water Supply Small, and Bread Lines are Established--Deaths, So Far, Number 1,500. Valparaiso, Aug. 22.--The earth- quake - shocks continue, some of them being strong. There is not a single structure in the city that has = os caped disaster, The water supply is very small. Fires are still raging, and the city has been practically annihi- lated. It is impossible to estimate the damage to property, In the banking centro: of the city a few business houses escaped destruction, So far the number of deaths is fully 1,500, Martial law prevails and the troops are behaving splendidly. Many looters are shot every day. The people are living in the open. The ships in the harhor are rendering great assistance in the work of relief, provisions ' are scarce and bread lines have been - es- tablished, EN The' suburb of Vino Del Mar is al most completely destroyed. The inter ior' towns of Limache, Llaillai and Quillotta have been reduced almost to ruing by the earthquakes and fires, Santiago was seriously damaged byt the earthquake, but ' suffered little frome fire. The mortality there was small, Hage damage was caused at Talea Curico and numberless other villages, Concepcion was severely shaken But the damage was small, Railway bridges and tunnels have been ruinéd, and it will be a long time before traffic can be resumed. "The Xisaster is a national eatastrophe as the coun- try has scant recuperative resources, Valparaiso Is Peculiar City. Woitrdal, Aug. 22.--H, G. Morris, who has 'spent the last two years in Valparaiso, has arrived in Montreal. Speaking of conditions there, he said: "It is a city of peculiar construe- tion. Fronting on the sea is a strip of land 400 to 500 yards wide. This is level 'and ix the business section. You can get an idea of the width of this strip from the fact that it has only two streets, the Calle, for whole- sale businesé, and the Calle Esmeral- da, for retail business. "Back of these the land rises in tiers, to which you go up on eleva: tors or incline railways, such as you have on the mountain in Montreal, The residences are on these upper tiers. | The city contains a lot of wealth. It is a naval port and officers of all kinds make their head- quarters there. Business is mostly in the hands of English and Americans, and is done in the English language," IN DARKEST RUSSIA. Carnival of Carnage, Intrigue and Arrests, Goes On. St, Peteisburg, Aug. 22. to returns issued by the pagiment here, the revolutionists throughout Ruesin, last week, killed 172 government officials, and seriously wounded forty-two. The police also discovered 120 bombs, twelve illegal secret printing plants, and seven de- pots of copies of suppressed editions of various newspapers. The revolu- tionists further pillaged thirteen gov ernment spirit depots, and in these operhtions killed and wounded twen tv-two employees. There were 276 ar reéts for political offences during the weok. According police de NEW ZEALAND PARLIAMENT Will Discuss Promotion of Trade With Canada. Wellington, N.Z., Aug, 22, In the spiech from the throne™afh the opon- ing of parliament, yesterday, the governor of New Zealand, Baron Plunkett, said that the promotion of trade with the United States and Canada would be one of the things considered during the session. Semi-Human Giants. London, Aug. 22.--A Montreal cable stated that one Fournier, the steward of a steamer trading in Hudson Bay, reported the existence of a race of senvichuman giants. Walter Maunder, the wellknown astronomer, in a lot: ter to the Daily Graphie, says there can bé no reasonable doubt as to the real nature of these mysterious beings. The wandering Indians in the vast solittdes of Labrador or Northern Candda are peculiarly liable to at tacks of madness, 'or, as the Jndisns wut it, to possession of an evil spirit. hey seem to have strong camibalis- tie tendéncies. My. Maunder describes at length how Fournier on one cea sion tracked the mysteriovs creatures, but never succeeded in sein them in the open, but heard their gibbering. Get a Bo. box of Lax-ets at our store please. We think they are great. Just test these toothsome, candy-like Laxative tablets for constipation, sour stomach, biliousness, bad breath, mud- dy complexion; 'etc. Risk 5c. and see, Sold all druggists, William Swain, piano tunér. Orders rons a RaBniors Bo wa TE CALANITY 'to-day, that such LEERY ARIO, WED ONT AN ENVIED GIRL. Selected "as . Official Mascot of MISE EDITH DEACON, Newport, RJ. Avg. 22.- Miss Edith Deacon, one of the prettiest and mos popular society girls in Ne@Posbyeds the most envied girl of the younger set in that aristocratic place, She was seleoted by Admiral Evans as the offi cial mascot of the American squadron during the recent stay of the North Atlantic squadron in Newport harbor, She was the emtre of every entertain. nent in Which the officers of thé squadron tobk' part, DIVORCES ARE VOID AND CONSEQUENTLY SEC- OND MARRIAGES NULL, Invistigators, Probing of Old Court, Dis. Peculiar State o! Census Records cover a Affairs, New York, Aug. 22. Discovery was made, yesterduy, by investigators of the United States Census. Buren, who ure looking up divorce statistics in this city thut many of the divorce de. cisions of the old court of econmon pleas are inoperative because no de- cree has been entered upon' the re cords. In hundreds of cases in which the court has ordered that decrees of divorce or separation should issue the order for judgment has not heen sub mitted to the court by counsel for the successful party. Thus no final order could issue It is belicvad that in manv such cages the parties to the divorce have been married again. Jt was stated, marriages are void and can only be legalized by notion of the legislature and that much confus ion and inconvenience to the interest od parties is certain to ensue, The court of common pleas is no longer in existence. THIEVES FOUND GUILTY. Men Brought Stolen Furs Into Canada. Chatham, Ont, Aug, 22. Found guilty by Judge Bell in the counfy criminal court, on the charge of bring. ing. $16,000 worth of stolen furs into Canada, Jacob and Simon' Gebritski, of Brooklyn, N.¥., were remanded till Saturday for sqntence. The trial last ed three whole days, being spread over as many weeks, and was replete with charges and counter charges. It is un derstood that they will not fight ex- tradition. On the night of July 23rd last, De- tective Campenu, Windsor, with New York seerct service men, and Chiof of Police Benn, Wallaceburg, captured Wallaceburg, who gave the names of Joseph Jackson and sone. Thee were charged with steal ing £16,000 worth of raw furs in' New York, and were at work dréssing the furs in an empty house they had rented a few days bfore. The detec tives had traced the 'prisoners first to Montreal, then to Windsor and Chat three men at ham, and subsequently to Wallace burg. They were taken to Chatham, where extradition proeesdings wero commenced. 'The third shan was re leased at the prilisninary investiga- tion. INFANTS FOR ADOPTION. A Shortage Produces Different Varieties. Toronto, Aug. 22.-~Bome weeks ago J. 1. Keleo, tha saperintendent of neglected children, A pned, through the jirces, that his" supply of healthy children for adoption had ran' out, and 'requested that any municipalities or institutions having any on hand should communicate with him, as he had a number of applications filed, As a result he has now available an at tractive assortment, consisting = of twenty infants of both sexes, and varying - complexions, . hair, and eyes, and fevis confident that investigation hy prospective adopters would be al most certain to lead to satisfactory {fansuctions, Many Spend A Day On The River. By. taking the Amerien's trip to Brockville and Ogdensburg, Friday, 8 am. Pivet: class meals on board. Home early, Only' fc. veturfi. : met re sore back, fresh Belladonna Provinee. Is Said To Have Made Good Batgaln., RICJTS GIVEN FOR, THE OVER 80,000 MILES. | Measles at Abitibi-Many Deaths Among Ojibway Indians West Indian Trade -- Now is the Time fcr Canadian Firms to Send in Their 'Canmed Meats. Bed Ottawa, Ont, Aug. 21.--The pro- vince of Ontario, after two years of labor aldng the "Albany river and James Bay, has secured a territory of 80,000 miles. This treaty had to he secured preparatory, to the opening up of the country hy the Grand Trunk. Pacific. Nearly 3,000" Indigns surrendered their © rights upon condi- tion that a reserve by established for each band, one square mile for each family being the ratio. Each band is to be soparated, The government will pay #1 per head gach year to. those who have lost their land. The com- missioners, D, C, Scott and Samuel Stewart, have secured the. signatures of the chiefs. ' A report to the Indian department shows that twenty-six deaths have reently occurred from measles at Abitibi. One of the doctors attached to the Indian department recently ge: companied the inspector who was dis- tributing the treaty money among the natives in this region. He did what he could to cope with the outhreak, which, however, carried off twentyix before it was brought under contol These Indians belong to the Ojibway tribe, and have but recently come un- der trédty. The trade and comme = depart ment has been advised of the passage in Trinidad of an ordinance lee for a strict inspection of all canned ments entering the island, The Canadian commercial agent at Jamaica writes that now is the 'time. for Usnadian in the Chicago = exposures have given them'.to increase the sales .of Cana. dian canned meats in the West Indies. -------- PITH OF THE NEWS. ---- The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. The Chilian government will float & loan to pid the sufferers, The steamer Frank H. Peary, one of the largest lake freighters, is ashore near Duluth. Congressman Longworth says posi tively that President Roosevelt will not stand for re-election. The Ontario government's August report shows good crops of fall wheat, outs, barley and peas. The Sultan of Turkey, it is said, will disinherit the heir presumptive because of hig liberal view, The Canadian government's ice breakér, Lady Grey, was launched at Barrow-in-Furness, "on Tuesday, Jenny Lind's son, W. Gold- schmidt, las been appointed chancery registrar of the royal courts 'in Eng- land, Government officials gay "it is im- posdible to meet the demands of On- tario farmers for help, us most of the' immigrants are now going west, The CPR. company hax made an arrangement with the imperial gov- ernmint for a fast mail service be tween Liverpool, 'China, ahd Japan, Special trains: will be put on to car ry the mule across the continent, General Manager Cumming, of the Syracuss Lighting company, after a three days' trip to Buffalo, Niagara Falls and Toronto, claims that Nin- gara power eau not be utilized to ad- vantage hecattse of the cost; even in Buffalo, steam ix éhenper for' power purpose in the bie manufactories than electric power, In an address favoring socialism and attacking municipal ownership of public utilities delivered in Syracuse, under the auspices of the Jewish Bund, P. Zoosmen of Chieago, a soci- alist, urged his hearers. not to sup- port W. R, Hearst or any municipal ownership candidate, The Cape to Cairo, railway has now reached a point in Africa 374 miles north of Vietorin Falls amd 2,016 milea from Cape Town, The 221 miles from Kolomo to Broken Hill were | constricted in M0 days, On ninety- nihe days, however, no work was tone, so that the rails wore sefually laid at the rite of over a mile a day. From 3,000 fn 5.000 natives are con- - wtonily employed, and about 350 whites, Baseball Summary. National League.--Chicsgo, 4; New York, 2. Pittsburg, 8; {ten innings.) Amir'oan League Boston, 5 De troit, 2. Rt. Louis, 1: Philatlelphin, 1, (seven innings); econd gume called off, rain. Chiengo-New York, rain, Cleveland, 2: Washington, ' 0, (first game): Washington, 2; Cleveland, 1, {second game.) ; Easiern League ~Montreal Newark, rain; Rochester: Jorsow: City, ram. Bal- timers, 5; Buffalo, 2. Providence: To- tonto, wel grounds, Brooklyn, 7, for sters, Gibeon's Red Cross drug 4 INDIAN PENSIONS|E PICKED UP A SKIFF. Evidence ' of a Tragedy in Lake * Ontario, i ro color, fairly well worn, and u ck shirt. In a pocket of the trou sors were o silver. watch, made by the Connections Watch 'éompany, attached to. a white metal fob, and fifteen cents in silver. In another pocket was a Grand Trunk railway's conductor's check, on 'which was the Ng. 113, Theto wore also n dark grey Mikado hat in the skiff, a pair of boxealt boots and a pair of oars. These facts indicate that there has in al likeli- hood 'beett a suicide ov u cave of no-. cidental drowning, These particulars were given to Harbormaster John Mo Lollan at Port Bowmanville. The pur. ser took the articles in charge and has garried them on to Montreal, ---------------- Suicide With Two Poisons. Heénnon, N.Y, Aug. 20.--Mrs. Julia Carlan of Watertown, committed ui cide, yesterday, . at the home of her daughter, Mes. W. C. Tull, of this plate, by taking carholie acid and audanum, She was about sovenity years of age. Bhe left Watertown Mon- day forenoon to visit Mrs. Tull. ---------- To Superintend Plant. Winnipeg, Aug, 91.---Oeil B.- Smith was engaged last night, the coun- eili to super 1° the' constriction of the 'eivie 'Power plage, A REVOLT SOELCHED GOVERNMENT LOCKED UP ALL THE LEADERS. First Battle Between Insurgents Resulted in the Death of One Man, and the Other Revolu- tionists Fled From the Loyal Troops. ¥ Hovana, Aug. 22.-The Cu penctically. : ma xteen. Th t und peo ple generally nivad | thet the move ment has received about all the aoces. "ious it ix likely to gain. The ness of the government in arrest suspected leaders: and plotters in Ha- vata and elsewhere and in. sending ve- inforooments to the disturbed districts hs had an excollont effect in strength. ching public confidence. and over-awe- ing sympathizers in the movement, het wos some fighting, yostorday, in Havana province. A detachment of rural cugrds encountered a portion of Banderas' "band, with which shots wero exchanged. One insurgent was killod and the others scattered, Fifty rural guards are in pursuit of the main band. . It is reported that Guines, twenty miles mouth of Havana, wis peaceably oceghied "by 'a 'band of insurgents, leiden Rebels Scored Victory. Havaiia, Cuba, Aug, 22.-The rebel forces aro reported to have scored their first vietory shottly before day- light, this 'morning. when o foree, un. der Pino Guerre, attacked the Ruraels outpost at Pipar Del Rio, and drove them back toward the city. The in- surgents did not follow up their ad vantage as they are reported to be awaitine reinforcomonts, but a con: contrated attack on all the forces of loyal troops, at Pinar Del Rio, is ex pected]. Aid in being rished to the government forees from Havena. mie WAS SHOT IN DAWSON CITY. ---------- Meets With = Accident Ranges. Mtawa, Aug. 22 -Nows has heen re- cdved at Ottawa of the shooting at Dawson City, of Corpl. Mousseau, of the Royal North-West Mounted] Police, n son of the Tate J cg Mousséan, of Montreal. The injured mas was on the rifle range with some civilian when one of them accidentally dis- charged Kis rifle, the bullet entering Corpl. Mousseau's back and passing out through hid body. We is now at the hospital avd the doctors say is doing' av well ai can be expected, t-------------- at Rifle H. N. Kitteon, of the railway and mutficipn! bowrd, has telephoned for nsistdnies in prevontin-. go street rail- way strike in Hamilton. A. B. In- gram has gone ap, Stéps to organize Northern Ontario into & new province, were taken at a meeting of loading men of dis trict, "at Buult Ste. Mari go ch 4 Ther Olives at 10e. por Olives at 30c. por Olives at 28ec. Olives at 800; Olives at '88e. : winanville, Aug. 22.---As the R. & | tod 0. Navigation company's steamer Pios, ; be convinced of that moment you see the new Fall FOKES.--On Alig. Sst. Joseph Fokes a Funeral from his Ia "Tom, 0 iran' SOP re Rub Inte Patrick years. Funeral ka

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