Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Aug 1906, p. 8

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ud Tp By a br ihe police force were treated to , this afternoou, by Ald. Dasiel Jamies' choir sion, Thubsdny, oh ang exchir- | Mike Eva Brown, Philsdelphia, is [ho | soh street. 3 J John, Watson, was the employee hoe Sngee was jammed at the M. ¥ stbamyacht Castanet aprived at Alexandria Bay with a number of tourists, ted, for a refresher, one contri- 0 the s who will refrain Of fil i oe "this e at 8 pm." raat Fort articles ng a t, two hats and a hand- ait owners at polite sta- : gk ] i i r at 40c. per gal, we ® Ibs. granulated sugar for 8. E. Evans, nursedn-train- en 8 2g C oF v hospital, Watertown, N.Y, her vacation at her Pa- 5, Portsmouth. 'SOME LICENSE MATTERS. | ---- Will Be Aired in Portsmouth ix To-Morrow. "ifn Wednesday afternoon, at two o'clok, in the town hall at Ports mouth; before Justices of the Pence. : Huntor and William Lawson, two cases for infraction charges are ult of a visit froth the provin- flicers, and the hotelmen to an- them are George Perryman, : on Mills, and Robert Walker, Collins Bay. Le i, Talowm for hot weathers Colgate's Violet and Cashmere hou- 'and MermeR's, Borated and Vio: . Fresh at Gibson's Ned Cross Drug ; Regular Values Te, 90¢., $1.00 fen's White Cotton 8 Nightshirts Regular ge. The, Oe. Qualities % Your Choice for 48c. Each F8 THESE SHIRTS AND NIGHT- & SHIRTS are made in the latest style, full EB length aud width, and are being offered at § 'prices which, in the regular way, would riot pay for the material alone, "to say nothing of the 88 making." Every Size in this lot, 14 to J 1% Inches jure. To this It is estimated that the forthcoming oprned at Long Branch , to-day. in propritions weather. Entries were more numerous than last year, but a light fnisage. hampered the marksmen, only two posaibles bei made, ome in the Canadian Club match, and one in the extra series. The lucky ones were T, i Borgount D. Craig, of the Hol Sergt.-Inst. Diamond, Rookliffe. Dhl remand, this time until to- morrow, was made-at the police court, today, in the case of George Finlay- son, the Montreal lacrosse player, char, with committing an assault on Charles Querrie, of the Tecumsehs. Querrie was among the witnesses ab- sent. Magistrate Denison said that unless they were on hand to-morrow, he would order warrants to be issued for their arrest. Finlayson's counsel suggested that his client be allowed to withdraw his demand for a sum- mary trial and take the case to a the magistrate would not consent. He said he wanted to ear the evidence to ascertain if there was any truth in the reports that a fine sport was being brutalized. PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. Martial law is being enforced in Y naiso. : The thermometer read ninety-three in shade in Halifax, yesterday. The battleship Dominion strack a rock on her way to Quebee and is leaking. It has been a red week in Russia. Fifty-eight officials were murdered and Jokiy: Stu wounded. | BS. Glenarm Head, Ulster Bue, from 'Port Albert, Wales, inward, at Father Point, 11.50 p.m., 20th nual meeting Rifle will show a population of 180, A000 for Alberta and 330,000 for Sas- katchewan., : The year-old daughter of Uharles Odell, of London, was killed and Mrs. Odell was seriously mjured in a run- away accident. { Ontario's premier says he supports the Salvation Army, because of its influence migrants it brings out. 'and its care over im- Dr. Charles G. Bacon, the oldest and best known - resident. of Fulton, N.Y., died Saturday evening at his hoshe, after an illness of about two weeks. Tasso Macavie, an Italian labofer, recived a shock of 60,000 volts from the Ontario Power company's line at Niagara Falls. He will probably re- cover, Adntiral Bou De Lapeyrere put. -Gov. Sir L. S. Jette, went on board H.M.S, Dominion, this mom- ing, to Brecht their homages. to Capt. The French press is of the opinion that the pope's recent eneyelical to the bishops relative to the law of Separation of church and state is the inning of a religious war. John R. Tobig hon N.Y., was found dead in about two feet of water in a ditch at the north side of the Peat Bed road, about ome mile west of the Fort Sanwix canning factory. Excitement like that in the first rush days has occurred in the Klon- tyke this month, and stampedes to stake claims for dredging took place almost daily and sometimes nightly, Mrs. Harriott Phillips Abbott, wife of J, Heary Abbott, Gouveneur, NY. dind after an illness of many montis, aged sixty-seven was a daughter Phillips. {Cohour~'s second annual horse show opéned to-day, and from the number of exhibitors and entries, promises to he a creat success. The show lasts till Thurstlay. There are over 300 entries for the three days. Continued hot weather in Water own. is having an ill-effect upon the hoalth of small children, and within' the past fow days there have been soveral deaths directly chargeable to the extreme heat. The Pacific Mail Pany's steamshi Pe and years. Mrs. Abbott of Silas and Rose . Steamship com Manchuria is of the real at Rabhit Island, Honolulu. The Marichuria struck bow-on during a heavy rain storm. She was consider- ably out of her course. The 5th Regiment Massachussetts volunteers, arrived in Montreal, to. day, and will be. entertained by the Joeal wilitin. They - will spend the afternoon sight-sesine and will go to Dominion® Park to-night, Burglors entered car 'stables of the Levis Electric company during the night, #agged the night watchman and ators'. boxer, Thay rein . hy escaped, 'he amount stolen is about $75, Tonwanda, took his five-menths-old grandson on to rock him to sleep. The old It asleep first and the. little fel- pitched to the floor. His peck was broken and he died instantly. The sequel to the failure of 'the Bank Mrz. Barlow, Belleville, who has been visiti Mr. and Mrs, George Davis, Cha street, for the last two nionths, has returned home. The committee of St. Jeorge's eon- grogation will meet, on Thursday, t consider: the bishop's request for ow notinations for dean" dnd rector. celebrated Orion Male horus, Utica. N.Y., are running an excursion to-morrow, coming on from Clayton, by the steamer Am- The steamer Caspian's lar, wid he = aspian's crowd, when she arrived in t, this morn- ing, wai sugmentel y about ome hundred city folk, for the trip among the islands. . The steamer America brotight about 200 exemsionists from river points to the: city, today, 'and returned with many Kingstonians abodrd to tour he islands Charles Whitconibe pleads not guilty to the soft ImPRaChiment: as he 18 not angineer of the locomotive works: , he had good luck at fishing, and liked the sport better thaw the publicity good-hearted friends Wathen with pale, colorless faces, who feel weak and discour, , will receive both mental and bods vigor by using Carter's Iron Fills, which ave made for the blood, nerves and coms plexion, : Watertown's mayor, Francis M. Hugo, has accepted an invitation to deliver an address on Labor day. It a tended Tl a Sounnit ep repre- sentative of e Central Trades Tabor Assembly. Mayor Hugo's ng ject is to be "The Dignity of Labor." ------ A SPECIAL SESSION Of Police Court 'to Consider As- sault Case. A special session of the police co was held, at twelve-thirty Poy Fo day, Lieut.-Col. Hunter, justice of the Peace, presiding. The case 'aired was against the two youths, arrested yes- terday, implicated in the assault on a young girl on Saturday night. T. J. . young girl, aged eighteen years, is employed as aed hg an Earl street home. Her story was as told yesterday. She was out driving with Milliard Redden, and he attempted to nssqult her. She resisted him and two young fellows came to his assis. tance, till her screams brought aid. The second boy arrested did not seem to be deeply implicated, and tho court let him off. , however, pleaded . "guilty" and through his Joinsel elected to be tried by the Judge T. J. Rigney said that in the event of not being able to obtain trial of Redden before Judge Price, in the morning, owing to the absence from town ef crown asecuting attorney, Jd. B. Whitine, K.C.. an application for bail would be made. ------------------ STORM AT CORNWALL. -- Lightning Strikes Church of the Nativity. \ Cornwall, Ont., Aug. 21.--Puring a heavy thunderstorm, yesterday, light- ning struck the Church of the Nativ- ity, Roman Ca ic, East Cornwall. dust where the bolt entered the edi. fice, is not apparent on. the outside, but inside a couple of large pictures, stations of the cross, were knooked down, and two sections of plaster, were torn down from the walls, leaving the wood-work sineed. The building did not take fire, Lightning strack poles and trees in several oth- er places, but did little damage. ------------ A TENNIS MATCH -- In Which Kingston Play. To-morrow afternoon, E. H. Pense, M. L. Atkins and I. May, will meet in an interesting tennis mateh i of She Royal oF ole hotel, ay 3 near They iv Zely. cup and Pr. Ball formerly of King- ston, will referee. Davis is the Ot- tawa champion, and as Pense knows a few points about tennis, a keen con test is looked for. A Baby's Death. _ Mr. and Mes. Victor Stroud, Ord- hance street, are mourning the loss of their six months old daughter, Bessie Constance, who died to-da¥, at noon, The. child had Been ailing for the 1 st three weeks and the father who was at Camp Petewaws, was ealled howe last week, on 'wccount of the serious condition of the Nttle girl. To Improve Ill-Temiper. Relieve the Hi ysical suffering of dorns. Quickly the old reli, ie n it. flesh: tog subs Be ware h i titutes and insist on * ne ys Ts he one sure and painless cure. will AUGUST 2 order for one gallon of 1. Cause. oo a Aug. 21. 5th Massa- de aes rr British Veterans' tion of Bos- ton, left for Mon this morn after a two days' visit to Ottawa. "Lhey got ready for train at eight o'dock, and up own Lansdowne by the veway, marching Rogers, and stali of 43rd A on Car heat in Ottawa, to-day, combined with the humidity following yester- is very oppressive. The doctors were kept busy as a result. There were thirty-two deaths in the ¢ity for the week ending yesterday, chiefly babies, too frafl to stand the heat A young lady named Laura Moore, 'aged twenty-one, danehter of Thomas Moore, living in ' the country, three miles from Aylmer, Que.. was instant ly killed by a bolt of lightning and her sister-in-law, badly injured. The two ladies went to the bank of the river to spend the dav, and with them was Mrs. Moore's little child, who es- caped unhurt. © When the rain began they made for the shelter of a large tree and while sitting underneath it, were hoth struck, Laura being instant- ly killed. ce -------- HERE'S NEW WILD MAN. -- Lives on Paisley Island, Off British Columbia. Vancouver, 'B.0.; 'Aug. ¥.--Another wild man has ariseri to contest claims to notoriety with the Vancouver Is- land Mowgli. The second man lives on Paisley Island, a small domain ab- out thirty miles up the coast from here, aibjout 240 acrés in extent. He has the whole island/to himself, and makes his home in dn old hut, which used to he occupied by a fisherman. He has been chased several times by the crew of the local steamer Era, who wanted to find out how he man- aged. to live without working, for there is no sign of cultivation on the island. The wiht man, however, never allowed the sailormen to corner hin. He took to the tall timbers every tinie and hid. He has a beard like waist, and presents a most uncouth appearance. ------ai A BOY'S ACCIDENT Will, Lay Him Up For Summer. Last evening Richard Summerville, 27 Charles street, met with an acei- dent which will lay him up for the rest of the summer. He was playing football with his boy chums, in a field close to his home. In the middle of the game he fell, and a companion toppled over him. In the mix up, Summerville sustained a fracture of one leg. just above the ankle. Dr. C. A. Morrison was called and had the patient removed to the Hotel Dieu. the Cataraqui Tidings. Cataraqui, Aug. 20.--The recent showers were very welcome. School has re-opened with the same teachers in charge. The Methodist chureh, here, will have 'but one service each Sun- day hereafter, alternately morning and evening. Miss M. Clark has returned from Toronto. Much sympathy is felt for™Mr. and Mrs. Charles Baker in the loss of their infant daughter. Mrs: Blair has Reushased the property oc- cupied by W. Hood from Mrs. John: son. A party of our villagers took in the trip to Ogdensburg, last week, and report a very pleasant time, Mrs, John Ward and Mrs. E. Cooke, who have been on the sick list, have re covered. James Gordon has the foun- dation of his new house completed. Miss Stella Boyd is visiting her fn. ther in Duluth. Charles Afair is home. Mr. and Mrs. John Baker have a baby daughter. The horse belonging to Mr. Wilson, that broke ite leg on the road, here some time ago, has pe covered sufficiently to be put out to pasture. The Anglican church is under {ing repairs. All hope that Andrew owie, who is in the hospital with a broken log, may be s ily restored to health. The many friends of Mr. Hunter ave glad that he is again in- stalled in his old position of section manager. Visitors: J. Kendall and son, Gananoque, at W, Kendall's ; Miss G, Northmore, New York, Miss Jackson, Ithaca, and Mrs. Weld, and son, Douglas, Toronto, at J. Simp- son's; Mr. and Mrs, Aylesworth, and baby, Kingston, at J, Riley's; Miss 1, Phelps, Belleville, at J. Cooke's; Miss Jonnie MeKelvey, Kingston, nt Nicol's: Miss: Ruth Lampton, Moscow, and Miss Amey, and Mise Delta Antey, Orillia, at J. Powlev's; Mrs. Pringle and children, Kingston, ab E. Ely's; Miss F. Ballantyne, Toronto, at Ci Futivie: She Misses Florence, Elsie, ie Abrams, and Cecil at their father's. 0 Mire, fT ------------------ fires are raging in Quebec, much dantage is done in New mswick. Caplan, Was wiped out. A large number of People are yb Feri yp for want a ng Trey Considerine how many millions of icrobes are, the competition \ tremendous. Canad. a's trade for July endl a sratilying inerease over the figpres for the same month in 1905. A dollar goes a long way when if is Forest and else's and you are trying day's rain, and an early morning fog, | Rip Van Winkle, almost down to his } morning we expect dent house-keepers. low this talk. When you consider ple" -- settled goods of not so. Six times the Look nary prices. 120 paits only, Fine Linen ly considered extra good - firm, round thread, full Yours to-mprrow, after prettiest patterns 75, 90, 95¢c,, £1, 1.10, 1.20, 1.25, 1.30, 1.39, and styles and sizes--full blea ete.--all perfectly finished 8,99, 4.50, 5.95 and 4.99, the popular sailor style, polka dot print. Rigularl to-morrow ..... $1.25. Yours to-morrow, AFTER 930 on Wednesday + 7 ple section will be the very cen- tre of interest to scores of provi- Our reasons for thinking so--reductions--fol- tual meaning of that word "sta- value," the idea of reduced prices | seems entirely inconsistent. - But of what we'll sell was bought in the most extra-ordinary way --and it's only right that you should get it at out-of-the-ordi- them over, and see if you can afford to pass them by. Good 23¢. Huckaback Towels--2 for 35¢, 18 in size, of soft, strongquality and' pleasifig Weight, regula: morrow after 9.30 o'clock. $2.19 a dozen, Fine Linen Damask --One-Third Off 240 yards only, Pure Linen Table Damask, @0 inches wide, of +20 for every day use, exceptionally good value at 30c. a yard Some Regular TABLE LINENS, in some of faney dots,! TABLE CLOTHS, in many different Damask, hemstitched and fringed, case, at a great range of prices,| for each cloth, Se, 1.15, 1.75, 2.50, 2.85, 2,99, 3.50, 3.75 JOHN LAIDLAW & SON Children's Wash Dresses i Children's Linen Dresses, in the natural unbleached shade, of our sta- the ae- standard amount Huckaback Towels, . 81 x 42 inches value at $3.00 a dozen. Yours to, or each towel, | bleached. very popular with man 9.30 o'clock, yard only (No mail or telephone orders filled.) JOHN LAIDLAW & SON -- Lines in This Section of the TABLE NAPKINS, ask designs' to Match (he fleur-de-lis, clover leaves, ete., up| and most popular of our "56k line to eighty inches wide, at many ens and cloths, made and finished popular prices, to-morrow, per perfectly, at a seore of prices yard, 40, 45, 50, ©, 69 ¥l a dozen upwards, with 1 49 special quality values at . per dozen, 1.89, 2.49 nd 2 3 ol - oH TABLE PADDING, of good stpong filled with the finest pure stitched have made up, neatly hemmed, ali ready 760 inches, 'at $1.05, and sige 00 x 76 inc hes, at | $1.75. To-morrow, by the 5.75, 6 1 |- yard--80 inches wide at 81 . | t 9 3.50, 3.73, and ... ... . colton cotton batting, every half inch. ched and closely Some we in every use--size 50 x 2.00, 5c, and 60 in. wide a prettily trimmed with good, red, ly sold all season at $1.95. Yours Children's Print Dresses! of navy blue; with white stripe or | ® spot, trimmed with pique. sold all Regularly Season at) at -- in lovely Dam choicest from $ SEWING TRUNK to catch up with it. a MACHINES Sold and Repaired : J. B.C. BOBBS & €0., 171 Wellington St. $4 $03P E4000 $4500 $3444 DO NOT BORROW A OR VALISE Something is Sure to Happen to Them. We have travelling goods lowest ot all kinds at the prices. genuine bargains at and $5.00. town to equal them. of good appearance. THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE, The Tedium of Afternoon Calls will vanish over a cup of Blue Ribbon Tea It will add zest to the conversation and piquaney to the visit. Black, green, mixed --325c. to $1 a 1b.--All grocern baad anaa a cd BICYCLES TYPEWRITERS Our SUIT CASES at Nothing if We also have a splendid Trunk at $3.50 strong 3 Fancy V Light St off. ° 75¢. and 508. $2.00 to for $1.00. Children' Half Price: B..P. Jenk A Fine 0 Take Steam 4 pm. to-mo Breakey's B: pm: Fare, 2! Steamer ¢ Point, Hallid, dock (How Breakey's Ba in the cool of Steamer lea' street. Bm BY JO -AUECT or : 6 v Thursda Viz :--HNdphv Piano, Brass an Sect, Springs, * Mirrors, Pictur Bureaus, Blac Dinner Waggon, any Chairs, Ref: etc, moved for | Sale, 10.80 a. Se, WHEN Y( NEED REI Remember pairing so that like they did Wear Milita, Sign of Golden rns ssc ---- DESIRABLE FP To ek the J ouble I rick Pawelling Dwelling Brick Dwelling Yor details sce SWIFT'S ®= A ----. Times His There was a 1 find anything mw you cannot get crowded with fi ture, Carpets, ®f or selling, no be TURK'S SE ------ ELEVAT( Passenger J Crubhe New-York, Fletcher, a pub instantly killed on her 'way 'to floor of the ; Broadway and Miss Fletcher elevator at 'the doing wo jostle the elevator st bound. Miss Fl of the elevator crushed betweer and one of the was arrested. Commeén ¥ Almost invar constipation ,an ilton's Pills be system, regula bowels,' and. h that's surprisin Pills, price 95c. Brockville Friday, ericd leaves noque and Roe turning. leaves Only 50c. Steamer Ame her special town day, 230 p.m, ly 38¢. rethrn, Buy Castoria Gibson's Red (

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