Will fag ee -------- nletes® ot ores Keeping soreness out a cy nrpassed for Bicyclistg Large bottle, 25 cents. cellent Hair Resiorep iid Sealp Cleanser for sale at your drug be procured at J Tot. it Ames §, ott's White St. Jomm, Ap hme, Cay "heima able Furs f All Kinds Na gston's Only sive Fur Store GOURDIER "and 30 Brook Street E 700. ie newest produ Hem Dishes" his. n fo white erystal linie LAIN) with u Pierced OWE: DESIG in nch Gray Stiver, com- hall way up the SS. 'le have FERN DISH- , and Pots of . many er desigus = equally king. As a 'Table oration' nothing ex- ell arranged RN "DIST i. MITH BROS. welers--Opticians "Phone 6866. ners of Marriage censes. DR GASOLINE 5 Gallon Lots or over, c. a (Gallon ies always handy on & YOULDEN LIMITED. 2ct Your v Dress | Fail tN OW. are many things be said in favor a proceeding :--In ler of the dress you Lt choice of all the terials and you can ir dressmaker more make it now than ave off until later rason when she is ED TO DEATH ders. The New ¢ all in stock and first choice of many and New York hat cannot be re- this season, © Our in both of the nes is the finest ever been spread he ladies of King- GOATS ! great variety of styles at $350 d up to $1250, zens of styles at tween these two. Ms Arriag Daly. $12 ips Full particulars at K. & P. R. Ticket Office, Ontario street. ¥. A. FOLGER JR. t. Gen. Supt. Bay of Quinte Railway F. CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Agent New' ghort line Deseronto, leave City Hall $18 4, for rer Excursion to Ries Farm Laborers' Excursions Ta Manitoba and Saskatchewan dditional for Return Special Train Will Leave Kingston, August 22nd, 7.45 AN Summer Exgursion, 38s by Tweed, Napanee, and all local points. Trains Depot at 4 p.m. FPF. CONWAY, Agent B. Q. Ry., Kingston. TIRE Canadian Nztional RAILWAY SYSTEM Exhibition oronto Au Ont. 27 to September 10, 1908 Return tickets will be sold at $3.85 Cood going on Tuesday, August 28th, and Monday, September 3rd, aid at $5 40 On August 27th, September 1st, and 8 1. ok or 4. 1 alls tickets good to Igura on or before Sentember 11th, Farm Laborers' Exc Excursion to the Canadian No:th-West Aug. 22nd $12. LABOR DAY Ho Monday, Sept. 3 will be sold between hada at at TAREE, 2308, Fare, way first-class fare, Gog dates--Suturday, 20th, 2nd, 4th, 30th, 5th, s will not be accepted on trains lpwest Sunday and Monday, Sept. 1st, 2nd and 3rd Tickets valid returning from Alestina- 4th, 1906 For tickets and: all other information HANLEY, Agent. OfMee=Cor, Johnson and Ontario Sts gr Daily Lin tion on or before Anply to P. Yorsuto, Charlotte, Thousand Islands, | & we vcivile, Prescott and Montreal. Porm Kingston & Toronto "oan B KIN a As ut : . Fy ont=Dally at arn 3.060 Island Pore: vite of Freseott golng and, onl ontreal and return. Se Ing a or, Sunday, Returning G. T. R\ Monday. Fare $6. A rates to Toronto and Sept. ie Charlotte going Saturday Sunday or Monday, Sundays at 4 p Saturdays at 4 J. P, HANLEY Nov, 30th. Nova Scotia--Oct. 1st-Jan. 1st. Quebec-- Sept. 1st- Dec. 31st. BEST HUNTING GROUNDS are D.m. Fridays and Thursdays and reached by INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY _ WRITE FOR " Fishing and Hunting," "Week in the Canaan Woods," " Moose of the Miramichi," 6th, returning 18trs. North Kin King & Caspian Hamilton, Toronto, B Bay of Quinte and Montreal Line KINGSTON : Uoing Bast, Wodnsadays. 1 Days Return Limit dithe The proper time to visit Coney Lend, Dreamland, Luna Park STEANSHP _-" and C.P. 81st, th, one SWIFT & CO., ot Frelght Arn 00SE OPEN SEASONS New Brunswick -- Sept. 15th- MHEITED tig: fit and Gulf of 1. Lavina | Summer Cruises in Cool Latitudes - Twin Screw. Iron S.8. "Campana," with electric lights, electric bells and all modern comforts. Sails from Montreal on Mondays at 2 n.m., 27th August, 10th and 24th Sept., for Pictou, N. 8. calling at Quebec. Gosre. Mal y, Perce, Cape Cove, Grand River, mer side, P.E.IL, Charlottetown, P.E, Ey BERMUDA and S., "Bermud- allie 'from New York 29th August, 12th and 26th Sept. Teinperature covled by sea breezes seldom rises above BO degrees. The finest trips the health and comfort. ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, Quebec. lan. Li Su 300 oi of season for For tickets and staterooms, anpl to J. P. HANLEY, or J. P. GILDER- SLEEVE, Ticket Agents, Kingston, nt. New York Central & Hudson River R.R. THE SIX-TRACK TRUNK LINE Shortest Route to the United States Via Kingston and Cape Yincent, N.Y, Lv. Kingston (str.) 5:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m. Arr. Cape Vingent (str) 7:00 a.m. 4 p.m. Lvs C Vincent, 7:20 a.m. 4:50 p.m, Arr. atertown, 8:10 a.m. 5:50 p.m, Arr. Oswego, 11:50 am. 9:12 p.n. Are. Syracuse, 12:13 p.m. 9:83 p.m. Arr. oches 2:28 pom; 1:20 am. Arr. Utiea, 12:20 p.m. 9:45 p.m. Arr. New York, 6:00 p.m. 7:12 a.m. Passengers wishing to take 5 a.m. Steamer may secure staterooms aboard. Convenient train service in directions ovrosite PARLOR CARS Cheap Bixcursion to Watertown, $1.25 return. From y+ 16th to Gelobor 1st. Going Saturday 5 Returning Monday, 2:10 a.m. and. 4:40 p 2 Cents a Mile 2 ( for 500 miles of travel on New and leased lines York Ceatral State of New York cost only $10, while books for 1.000 miles over New York Central, Ploston & Albany, Buflalo, Rochester & Jy itusbury Philadelphia & Reading apd Central R.R. of New Jei cost $30. Secure ro Informa ion and purchase tickets from H. S. Folger, ew York Central Agent, Kingston, Ont, aan. and 2 Joa ving Watertown D.m. OC, ¥. DALY, Passenger Traffic Manager, A; H., Smith, General Manager. @, ©. Gridley, General Agent. Lake Ontario and Bay of Quinte Steam- boat Company, Limited 1000 Isignds--Rochester Commencing June 23rd, . steamer will feave Kingston. daily except Monday, at 10.15 a.m., for Alozagdria Bay, port. dan Gananogue and Th wii $a at 8 p.m., for Staraler YY. calling at Bay of Quinte Ports. STR. ALETHA Leaves Mondays at 5 p.m., for Plcton 'and fatermediate Bay of Quinte Porta. For" full information aprly to B. E. Horsey, General Manager, Kingston : J. P. Hanley, Ticket Agent: Jas. Swit & Co., Breight Agents. 2 t------ ------ SWIFT'S TOURIST TICKETS mediate 71000 islands, Inter: Ports and Montreal Toery Son STR. ""DUNDURN'* day, 8 a.m, Of the Himilton-Montreal Company, Limited, Toronto and Hamilton Every Thursday, 2 a.m. A Steamer meeting every demand of the travelling public. Navigation For further information, JAMES SWIFT & CO., Wharves, foot Johnson 'treet. HARRY W. NEWMAN, Ticket * Agent, "Jor. Ontario and Clarence street. "TSME TABLE ST EAMER WOLFE ISLANDER Begioning JULY 24th, ending SEPT. 10th, { " Prail " 100 400 P.M mhteh in Michigan, has not been cov- of the LO 141 jin H+ ered] by Lewis. Tt is said Lewis 'him: ce, 100 3.30 self has mot the money for the one S T= Moatren Ticket : 8 n thousand dollar side bet, that Ward t. James ; 1290 5.30 insists upon, and has not yet been wr General Passenger Dept. ' am 2 Pa able to sooure ft, 7 oacton, N.B. io 8% Field Day Of 0dd Ladiss. : Bo a Portland, Me., Aug. 21.~The Odd SWIFT'S TOURIST TICKETS io 2 Ladien of Waning are holding their an |L¥ Strs. "City of Montreal" and "Cuba" *Tharsday "special : Breskey's Fay, Howe Is . The ay i Fark, bo ¥ Detroit, Toledo, Dioveland; To- innd (Walker's Dock eae » Bay 0% 4m rs and ans interesting Prosrammy Paint. had Ke . re ronto, treal. Ryfaret Isgres Kineaton 4 p.m { has been arranged. The mornitig was done Fast. Friday. a Rol? mje 0 Junge best otics devoted to sh games and races, further r jon, JAMES \ Garden Island going to snd frém while in the ternbon sbversl his- swiEr d a0. mines J Johnson | ghee ain ot torical 4 PULLMAN. SLEEPING AND} within | NEW TORK VIA NEW. YORK CENTRAL LINES Tupisinn, MONTREAL TO SGOW. Moderate Rate Resianian. Aue. 16: 3 25, Num! 37. 5 1. -- 8. Ht Ln TS SE sinting an unlor class: es for i ame wirls, For information, apply to Miss Alice King, Alice street. TIITR NOW Civil n grad in demand. Thorough vidual or Ntiuction Sou ihe me year. Catalogue 3 B. McEKAY, H. 7, METOALFE, President. Principal, rrr VY Edgehill Church School for Girls WINDSOR, NOYA SCOTIA. Incorporated ASL. The Bishop of Nova Scotia, Chairman Hoard of Trustees. The Bishop of Fredericton, fein r of Board of Tra , eX-0f Lady Principal, Ming Gena Swith (late Lady principal of King's Hall, Comp- ton, P.Q.), formerly Headmistress of St. Stephen's High School, or, "ng Tord assisted by Eleven Resident Ex- rerienced ~~ Governesses from Eowland (live of whom are specialists in the Music and Art Department). House: keeper, Matron and Nurse, lixtensive buildings, with capacity for 100 Residents ; Heated by Hot Water, Lirhted hy Electricity, Grounds covering eight acres, with Lawns for Tennis. Croquet, Basket Ball. &e. School Dairy and Laundry. Preparation for the Universities, Michaelmas Term begins Sept. 12th, For Calendar, containing full informa. tion, Hockey Apply to DIR. HIND. Windsor, N.S, CHOICE BACON Sliced to Suit : AT MYERS' MISS ROSA McAHAN OF BUTTE How After Two Years She Found a Remedy For Dandruff. Miss Rosa McAban, of 211 West Qartz street, Butte, Mont., says: "Herpicide has thoroughly cleansed my scalp of dandruff, with whizh it was entirely covered, dnd it has stop: ped my falling hair. 1 have tried many different preparations in the past two years, but mone took effect except Newbro's Herpicide." Dandrufi is a germ disease and Herpicide is an infallible destroyer of the gérm. "De stroy the cause, you remove the ef fect," Kill the dandruff germ. Ask vour druggist for Herpicide. It js a delightful dressing; allays itching: mukes the hair soft as silk. Scld by. leading druggists. Send 10ec. i Jin stamps for sample to The Hergicide (o., Detroit, Mich. G. W. Mahood, special agent. Tr IN MEMORIAM. The Late Mrs. John Boyle On Friday evening, 10th inst., Mrs, John Boyle, South Lake, Leeds, died suddenly, at the age of sixty-six years. Her unexpected death came as a great shock to her family. Mrs. 'Poyle' was attending to her household duties, apparently 'in her usual good health, when stricken with apoplexy. She re mained conscious for «a. shott time, then passed quietly away. Her loss will be keenly felt by her large circle of friends and acquaintances. A life long resident of South Lake, she was widely known for her kindliness and hospitality. Ever ready with Kind words and deeds to cheer the Hives of others, she was regarded by all as a personal friend. Her husband. four sons and four daughters rémpin to mourn, and the sympathy of the community it extended to them ia their snd afiction. Two of her sons reside in Chicago. The funeral, large ly. attended, took plage from the fum- ily residence, South Lake, to Brewer's Mills church and cemetery, on Monday morning, August 13th, at ten o'clock. BOXING MATCH IMPROBABLE. Mike Ward's Bet Not Yet Covered. Detroif, Mich., Aug. between Mike Ward, the Canadian boxer, and Lewis, of Philadelphia, seems tobe of,as the money posted by Andy Ward, Mike's manager, for a 21. ~The bout piano was well atténded, Dempster's J trang, east of 'the town, being an ideal for such a gathering, ative '§ busitiess being far in excess of bore We Honored as the Civie es hme 20.~To-day hav- civic holiday by Mayor i the day was kept in an ex manner by merchants and xeptine e The Citizens' Hand minute row or Bn five minute rive ing thé there. A very en Joab time "Was spent by ai, al De oie appearance of the w ar she kept many away. In the the dark oloutls gathering 30, took the major portion away nthe dance that I-§ followed the te However, all press themselves as well pleased wit by 1 3 The or vation Amay Corps held tha oo picnic' at Lindsay's grove, abput two' Wiles west of © the town, to-day. Qiijte a large number availed 'themselves of that privilege, | sad young and old enjoyed the day's pleasure, Noa. 1 and 2 government re- serves and pavilions were also occu pied for private pienies dnd the whole river front from Dempster's front, west of the town, up to the north channel was dotted with people and tents and 8, efijoying a private outing. 'The Mississqriol furnished her share of the day's doings by taking number to Broek- Oarsmen and Beiormnei report this to be a real record' bréakine season for the angler's Paradise. The tourist what it has been for years past. The fish numerous than known for many years, John Kidd passed away at an early hour, this morning, at thé home of hi# adopted daughter. = Mrs. Oviatt, Stone stroet, in the seventieth year of his age. The funeral of his wife, which was to have taken place this afternoon, was postponed till to-mor- row, and both will be buried together at 'Gananogue cemetery at two o clock, In the ~olice gourt on Saturday, Frank Latimer, Stone street, pleaded guilty before Police Magistrate Heas lip, of being deunk and disorderly, and was fined $8 and costs. A number of prominent gitizens of Gananoque, are making favorable comments on our local Gananoque Reporter mows: paper, publishing accounts of two pol ice court eases in their issue of Aug' ust 18th. This is the first {ime of late and the Reporter should 'recive en: couragement," "and we will wrobably have an opportunity of reading more of a similar nature. Mrs. H, Crooks, Paris, Ont., is spending a few weiks in town with her parefits, Mr. and Mrs, J, Reid, Tanner street. Mrs. and ies Kitnball, Cardina!, who have spendin, some "time" with friends iow tows, ve Dr. and M returned hdhie, doch, Springfield, Moss., are 6 Anchague, the island residence of Mr. token have also Been larger and more | Advi. € lines or ender = week, Ah § Tas wr Shite mnths adie in npn ed the VHB HELP WANTED--MALE. Gibson's Rod Cross Vrux Se oe EE gn = DRUGGISTS Al APPRENTICE. goon] orr ------------------------------------ "here ad he "FOR RO a Ie a abietne: er TTY TT on saw ian a Toi Pie mp reer een SQUARE PIANO te EE Fei MAHOGANY at 80 Frontusse at once. PLASTERERS, SEVERAL . FIRST. ad j 53 s asm, mo ., Address . tractor," 2.0. box 583, Cobours. * MEN Jt] EVERY WHERE-GO0D PAY TD int rb Circalars, vy tack ns, ole. Gen _ Nalional Adv. ueonn, Ubieno. Adv. Broan, cotend T a iS 4 made. "Aaya _ wate aet Broek BIGHT Yond AJIT YOUNG MAN ROR Prick. N ROR OFFICE. Rot a i at Sooo aud Sala go we week, Address: Aa Asistant, wv 0x , Montreal. SALESMAN, wirn FXOERTIONAL Canin lh ales SRCAYE deans Orders Sakon from about middle tember to her. Liberal to competent sale terms Lov Company, Toronto. Er TT ETRE TE TIE A COOK AND HOUSEMAID, APPLY 200 King street A COOK, FO FAMILY OF reer Apply to 126 Jobnson street. -- ee | GENERAL SERVANT. APPLY AT A QB Bart St. References required. a re: G GIRL AS COMPANION DUR- Youn the BL by TO 280 Division St. ing EDIATELY, d00D GENERAL era, at The Hub, Market treet GENRE AL SERVANT. ARRLY TO * p iL fo endey, Cor. g and Wost Sts. hain or a " MUST A COMPITENT GouEMaI, oe rei 165K Ear -- Ih th C. Ni rl w ™ vs, | : BR ANG | cite remaiie ita , MAL POR , BO 40 Call p » FUR FINISHERS. (APPLY we JORN gay "or, soning. TS Bulut Bt okay, Brook 5 EVERYBODY SEES I Itit's in the Whig. Try a Want Advt. to-day. : One in- sertion, 25c.; three insertions, §0c. A GENPRAL SERVANT. nus? RE wood cooks No ferences Mines, Sr., 1 a are ranges placed under similar con- ditions, the "cease fine" ds sounded as soon as any kind of craft approached the range, and the ved flag is kept up till - everything is close. This is as it should be, but carelessness such as is displayed at Portsmouth is nothing short of criminal. Being connected with the militia my- wolf, 1 am natarally in sympathy with the users of the range it avhen it be comes an abuse, §# J nly is at the present time, if becomes neces sary to call a BRIE I 'Would sugvest that measures he" taken t6 see that whenever the ranoe is ig nse that the mmost caution" Be the mle instead of the utter disregard dor Nile that is displayed at presepti--Yaurs truly, . D. DUNN. hp ----. ¥ Would Like To 'Know. Kingston, Aug. 2134To the Edi tor) : Would you Kindly 'inform me through your Pe there are any hatehs or ods in the district of it west of Byden: ham streets, as the inspector puts in most of his timé on Saturday nights --------------------------] * A YOUNG LADY OF GOOD. APPEAR. bivien £2 work, A Bro. or He vont that sold ns good twine for twelve cenis and gave five pounds to the hall, "and eventually found that' he paid over twelve cents a pound for his twine alter all. May we not claim In- spector Joseph Haycock's kind pro- tection ond efforts at just weights here as in other places. ONLY A STORFEKEFPER. BILEANS CURE KINGSTON LADY Of Acute Indigestion, Wind, etc. Several interesting cures by Bileans have been reported from this district, Mrs. E. Reed, 165 King street, suys : "I suffered nil last wintef With acute indigestion. Soon alter eating, an un- ortabde feeling nround my heart and ih my chest was apparent. | had wind, rifting and belching of gas, my appetite failed and I Decking ray weak and despondent, as nothing id met ge ot | ye Wi floor in or hors a Lue. Bileans for me |: what 1 had 4 hari expected uy me dieine to In a very short time fet 1 3 aT ame urse made me quite well again. | 1 "tn bow not like She aime Jeon cannot speak too what. Bileans have done for highly Bileuns tone up "the whole system, Were. Summer date, hat "tired out' feeling restore energy. All liver and stom: oa are overcome by Bilsans All dmiggists welt 44, 8c. a box. « and Mrs. Georoe Taylor, M.P. Mr, and povigy Be on Earior. God Wao. Mrs. R. B. Orser and Miss Orser, Xpply Box. "'F." Whig office. estaba castes. | Amel dinshur~ who have heen sending rn GRNERAL SHIVANT, MUST POSITION AS Tay, Suk Fy euros, a week in town, left darly. this morn | © SOFCCH ferences : no Washing har ™ wore or snistant in ine, for home, accompanied by 'Mr. or ironing. - Good wages to the right office. Fmplo oh address and Mrs, Raloh . Orsen, King street, person. Apply. Mre. 'W.B. Skinner, PW care Whi ote: who will spend a week there. 180 Fine sie. FOUND. MISCELLANEQUS, 'CARELESSNESS' AT RANGES. |, psn, CONTAINING MONEY AND | FARM HELP, AND ALL OTHER tickets. Owner can obtain same at Kinds oo SR rer re pNeglect of Ordinary Precautions thie OfMoe bY paving fF wdvt es at Portsmouth. MAMAS Seat lh rr ------------ Kingston, Aug. 17.~(To the Edi- SPORTING NOTES. tow) : yusles the fread g 'Quite a in dhs part of Su hy and phot hav. wo days eer the enace,"' 1 note that some one has -- drawn your attention to the careless ily A he Jv attending to his duty. Interesting Items On Various chi and Willie } OR, manner in which the ranges are used |' a---- Sporting Matters. fi held that siti are pl at 'the penitentiary.' 1 caf substantiate . Burgh, the Brooklyn boy, is making | un invasion of England and Se what has been said by my own experi Making A Change. | good with. the Cardinals, Whi Eastwood, nce, Slabtown, Aug. 20.--(1¢ the Edi- | © Cateber Sam Brown, of the Bostons, | Capital lacrosse team's About two weeks ago I planned to | ter) ¢ The government a put- | is laid np with a split band, 'was removed to ' a 8ail 'an lake, calling at Portsmouth | ting upon the market this tioon, Harry Steinfeldt was the fret mah | on Saturday, suffering from t harbor on the way up. Off nearing the | from the penitentiary, « superior | in his league to secure 100 hits, fover. z ranges 1 noticed 'that the bullets | gfade of binder twine, snd has been President Herrmann, of Cincinnati, ---- wolild ricochet i long' distance over | supplying it direct to the farmers at announces that Joe Kelley will re A STEAMER LOST. the lake. I took it for granted that | eleven cents a pound in ton weights main a Red, a---------- the firing would cease a8 soon as we | or eleven and one-half 'cents in" Wack | The St. Louis dub has released Gov Smith Sunk in Collision on approached the line 'of 'fire; as the | quantities of fifty poundg. But Caters | Cuteher McCarthy, and be hos gone to . » ¥ 4 boat was in plain view of both mark: | who have boight it in this tion | 8y ruguse. Huron. ers and those at praetice. There was {have been canny enough to weigh it | Tt is rumored that Brooklyn is ne- Oudenisourg, NY, Aug 21-7 not the slightest cessation' of fire, Jand find that in numerous cases the Rotating with Cincinnati for Tom- f Rutland line 'stenmer m however, and not curing "to endanger | ba¥x, which should weigh five pounds y Corcoran, was wank in in collision with the the lives of those abodsd, I was com- | and for which the price of five pounds angle won the. great republic | er Uranus, of the Gitehr o pelled to turn about and abandon the |is collected, don't weigh over four and | stakes at Soratogs from Gallavent tation company, of a trip. a hall pounds, The laugh is on the | and Whimsical. miles shave t IX, At Niagara-on-the- Lake, where there | farmer, for he passed many o store | Pitcher Mike O'Neil, of Minooka, | Huron, Sund Pa., bas turned down new ofiers from both Boston and New York, John MeoGiraw says he gould find no players in the minor lengues who could help out the Giants. Its years since Kolley has played os good an all-round game as he lu putting up for the feds this season. Catcher, Riter, of Erooklyn, is de veloping into a valuable utility man. He plays best at an infield position, The Corinthian football tem, of London, England, defeated the all-To- ronto team by a score of 6 to 0 ot Hanlan's Point on Saturday. Following the lead of their English] P brothren, of the hooting game, the Corinthians, the Cacegon team of Franve is to tour United States and | America. t In the weini-final rolnd for the fi president's cup at Ekwanok Jestarde oy Jarame' DD, Feavars. | in wig The : by Amit Mannie Dougie Roxy ling, # that grim Ritland J i i Gaus. not i whether morning or evening. one tire crew. were and transl to the Ge cighteen hols matches sh n new hitiraix hole apart Tox for course of 144, Jou Walcott, the culored eng another tough is eoft has hon A aa to 'meet Rhodis of K ansas City, on the a of Sent r_ 16th. This nr Helps Men ork su a i; and wilt ns = tm what' To Wer ; six o' 5 the additionn) {match of {whelmin