Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Aug 1906, p. 1

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inches 'wide, very ¢ o-morrow,; yard 20c es wide, with the r make, to-morrow, dainty, deg yard, 124, 13 » popular Genuine » 156 and 20c. hes wide, for waists and dresses rrow's price range--yard, 10 123, C : ' : . Black Swig vide, much like the above pe : he pulse igher finish, to-morrow yard, %/ made Jrom round even threads st possible laundering and wearing d, 39, 45, 49, 55, 60, @, 75, Ne om the same kind of round even est wearing and washing ith 2 ¢ 2 qualities , 05, 75 and 90c. oidered Habutai . : : aist Fronts ver receiving more beautiful gs than those which arrived d Habutai silk--the best and with exceptionally attractive The prices, as you see, are of 783.50 and $3.99, 9 and $1.99, ING ns who use Furnaces or ir own comfort, have re- Id weather and the rush , and--keep out of the y and everything in this & Birch, ock St. ERS ALTY) JMPANY, Toronto, Ont Happen to Them. e have travelling goods all kinds at the lowest ces. Our SUIT CASES am nine bargains at $2.9 d $5.00. Nothing n to -equal them. We 'also have a splendid unk at $3.50--strong 3% good appearance. Having decided to build another large extension to our warcrooms we will continue our sales until the 15th Sept. SPECIAL PRICE OFF 1; DINING AND © | BEDROOM FURNITURE. Robt. J. Reid The Leadlag Undertaker Two Doors Above the Opera House Telephone 577. Ambulance, 1IVes, Ives. Fig" bottle, tottle. bottle. hottle. botue. Olives at Olives at Olives at Olives at | Olives at Olives at 3 bottle. Olives at . per bottle. Qives at $1.25 per bottle. Sta Olives at 15¢. per bottles Suuffed Olives at 20c. per bottle. Stulled Olives at 25c. per bottle. Stufted, Olives at 85c. rer bottle. Jos. Redden & Co. fives, Olives. "AUCTION SALE - i at the Vacant Store, @ililen Lion Block, Weillagtos ST. Thursday, Aug. 25rd Wi Sunny Thought Bange, Square my Are pousen . ane. Machine Sewing \ Black. Welnut Sideboard, six Mahog- Hose, onler, 'ADAMANT' Wall Plaster Réady for'sse by adding water. "Pat up In bogs, 100 Ibs. in each. White Rock Finish Put'wp In Dags, 50 Ibs. In each 55-567 Rarrack PR Walsh St. "Phone 109 Grresssasscterrrresecd WHEN YOUR SHOES NEED REPAIRING : © Remember our aim is to do re- pairing so that Footwear will look like they did when new. Wear "Allen's" Military Bootmakers SET ' . : = Times HavelChatiged There was & time when you could not toueh in our. ¥ now i, for 'itis so Stoves, Fummi- SHOT HIMSELF DEAD. His Family Say Shot Was Accidental. \ Windsor, Ont, © Ag. 21. --~Charles Drul thé iwenty-one-year-old- son of [iy WW, Drulard, meat dealer, shot mad Killed og ast ight, at hi His ily claim or es Hone. at ecklental ohe. The police Drulard was subject to ve i gg account of failing lat e case looks like 4 sioht, and the aide. apparchtly had plne- ide rai his month, as his fac is tof a or dishgured by ---------------- Great Trotter Dead Terre Haute, Ind. Aug. 21.--Axtell, the stallion that in 189, made the w 's trotting record of that time, died i the Warren Park Stock Farm, sterday, of spasmodic otic: The 5 Ax was feate. for $105,000, | Three persons Some very hand- some goods of this celebrated maker | JUST OPENED © Come and examine .the quaint odd shapes. ROBERTSON BROS To Attract the Attention of the Fur Buyer Is our: Mission in Adver- tising We desire that every woman discover how mach bétter we can do for her here than elsewhere by personally inspecting our line. \ SPECIAL--We call attention to our novelties in neck pieces, from $7 ap. The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. The Pacific mail steamer Munchuria is aground near Honolulu. Gen, Qquirtin Brandera, a negro, has begun an insurrection in Cuba. Fifty-eight officials were murdered at diflereit places in Russia last week, J. A. MeKellar, governor of Sault Ste. Marie jail, dipd Friday, after noon. The battleship Dominion struck ' a rock on her 'way to Quebec and is leaking. An American citizen named Gibson, by birth a Russian Jew, has been ex pelled from Odessa. were killed and a dozen injured in a wreck on the West. ern Ohio Electric railway at Wapa- koneta. Tenders are invited for the supply of 120,000 tons of steam coal to the 'Cape government railway in South Africa. A "dumb" man, named Macdonald, arrested in London, for begging, has regained speech, and can converse in collided on the Winnipeg beach Kh One man was killed, six s s were injured, and several cars wrecked. William Stewart, a Sherbrooke com- positor, shot himself through the head and died almost immediately. He has been in a despondent condition for some time A bhootmaker in M vested op the cha : plot to assassinate President Fal- lieres. All the accessories were found in his apartments. Senator Lovitt and A. Crowell, gident and vice! lent respec: [ of the defunct Yarmouth, N.S., Bank, have been arrested on a charge of making false returns. Rutiior has it that Won. Adelard Turgeon, member of the Quebee cabi- not for mine years, will enter federal politics in the fall, succeeding to the vacant solictor-gencralship. The Winnipeg grain deals excur- sion has arrived at Saskatoon and the party speak in high terms of the country travelled through. The d mand for laborers remains unsatisfisd: T. H. Oliver, K.C., one of the most prominent and respected citizens of Quabee, died from the effects of an op eration, in Grondin's Hospital, on Saturday. Deceased was born sixty: one years ago. Pami Vineento, twenty-four vears of age. an Ttalian laborer from Mont- real, employed in Macdonald Agricnl tural College at St. Anne de Bellevue, wae drawned in the river. He went for a wim, became exhausted, and died heart failure. of chest F. Dwyer. long one of the fost prominent figures of the Arieri- ean turf, 'died at bie cotlage in Brooklen. opposite the Gravesend race track of the Brooklyn Jockey Club, of which Philip J. Dwyer, his broth- er, it president tient "Blood Coolers," Abby. ll, Heath salt. Fnos' ¢malt. Citrate Magnesia, and Phosphate of S. All fresh, at Gibson's Rod Cross Drug Store. PLENTY OF WATER Daily Papers Predicted Earth- quake Several Hours Before Shocks Came--Chilian Fleet Proved Great Help--All Law- lessne#s Checked. Valparaiso, Aug. 21.--The situation is now well in hand, considering the destruction wrought by earthquake and fire sinve Thursday night. The au- thorities are very emergetic in sup pressing lawlessness, and supplying food and camp comforts to the homeless population, * which is en. camped on the outlying hills. Although all the water mains were burst, flooding the lower part of the city, sufficient water for drinking pur poses is now being supplied. The ¢iti- zens are becoming caltier, and some are Venturing back to their Romes in a dazed condition. Several person here who experienced the Sgn Francis: co earthquake say it 'was nothing like this. While the number of déad 1 an- khbwn it 'probubly will exceed 200. "Uhere are many more injured 'who. are being cared for in improvised hospi- tals in the Plates. The opportune arrival of 'the Chilidn fleet, which steamed into the harbor to be here to welcome Secretary Root helped to save the sithation. The sail- ors from the ships were landed and placed in charge of thé city, pending the arrival of the goverfiment troops. A' strange fact in conection with the: earthquake is 'that the daily pa- pers 'here published a prognostication Qf the catastrophe several hours in ndvanee of the first shocks. The first shock came jn the midst of a térrific rhin-storm, at 7:50 o'clatk, on Thurs. day "evening. A few minates later an eatial shock completed the destryiction, Since that time more than 150° tem: were sitdated. there were either demolished or pse- tically ruined. The theatres have all been destroyed. A stron: wind that camp up, om Saturday, . spread: the fires that were varing throughout the edstern bart of the city. completing the destruction' of this vesidence dis. trict. Probably mot wore than twenty ver cent. of the buildings of the city have been spared from the sects of the fire and = earthquake shock. All railway and street car traffic is sun nendad. The work of removine the dead and. wounded. progresses slowly, One hundred and twenty-nine bodies and 100 wounded have heen removed. None of the Enolish residents are known 10 be dead or wounded. " Juan Fernandes Wiped Out. Lima, Aug. 21.--A steariship brings a report that the island of Juan Fer- nandez, off the UChilian coast, was wiped out. On the island which ibe- longed to Chili, were a penal settle ment and a fort. Juan Fernandes was famous through having been for eigh- teen years the solitary abiding. place of Alexander Selkirk, who was wreck- ed there, and on whose experience. Do- foo' founded his cclebrated tale of Robinson Crusoe. sities Sufferings Mach Greater. London, Aug. 21.--A Valparaiso de spatch to the elerraph says: The hor- ror of San FPronsisto is duplicated here, but the sufferings of tens of thousands of refugees are infinitely greater, especially the old and very young because the weather is unsuit- able to camping? out. It is futile to estimate the number of deaths. The loss of the proverty will eertainly reach several million pounds $terling. Starting Cannon's Boom. Springfield, Tl, Aug. 21.--The re- publican state convention of lineis was called to order bere, this fore. woon, with a fall delegation represent: ihg every county in the state. The Yates and the Cullom factions are out i and some lively scenes are expected in the convention when the nominations will be in order fn the afternoon. Senator Cullom, who overwhel y defeated Yates forces at roent primaries, and who, therefore; is the controlling paws er of he souvention is a starch sup starting his presidential Sent earnest. Jenny ~Treatment for pimples ' and Shera oe AUGUST 21, gut, a New Yo broker, horseman and member ¢f the racquet and tennis club, recently = galloped . 100 miles at ont Park in nine hours and nite minutes, using six ponies and breaking every prévious record. The wilds ride was ul on a wager of $1,000 and ME. Vingat won kis bet, having covered the distance in half the time stipulated. : THAT FREE LUNCH. Decayed Pork and Beef Used in ' Preparation. Chicago, Aug. 21.--That the free lunch served "hy hundreds of saloons in: Chicago is largely composed of moat in a condition absolutely unfit for use was discovered yesterday by Food Inspector Murroy, when lis force 'of assistants raided a barn ab No. 124 lllinais street, owned by Wik liam Davidson, The 'pontained thirty stoves, over in men webe working in $283 Ti LER - - neys to investigate Go ida asserts In it De. Dison that be fest met. Mra, Mury A: Dizon, at Toronto in 1803. Cemtinving, he 2 an: éndeavor to prepare decayed pork - and beef into' a semblance of its rors ginal form, and thereafter "'manufpe: ture" it into free lunch for the sa loon trade. The men werd arrested on warrants sworn our by Inspector Murray and with Davidion are accused: of violat- no d » pounds of meat nnfit for uve. o ¥ of 'the books of the company showed thet this meat was the property Davidson. ¥ In addition to the equipment at the bain for converting unsalable: meat into. ents for sunposedly good roasts, the inspectors found 'a plant for the manufactire of sausage of different kinds and other articles of food which usually adorn the free limch counters in chean or middle class saloons. The. entire plant was confiscated and will be weed an evidence aoainst Dav- jdeom and his assistants. in Justice Gibbons' court. BLIGHT IN IRELAND. Conditions Point to Famine ir Emerald Isle in Winter, Dublin, Aug. 22.--Potato blight has appeared in every county of Ireland. Sporadic cases were noticed in Con: naught three weeks ago, after which time the disease spread with alarm- ing rapidity. In several districts every field is completely blackened. Government officials are making in- vestigations. The blight points to a serious po- tato famine next winter, but the petisants are less alarmed than in pre vious years, as the remittances from their relatives in America are larger than usual this seapon. Ireland's potato crop was ravagel by blight in 1545 and 1846. The en- e crop fuiled. The worst famine and pestilence known to modern Euro- history raged through Ireland during the next few years. One<quar- ter of the population, which was at that time more than 8,000,000, fs said by some authorities to have died of starvation. Fngland 'and (he United States sent large sums of money and quantities of food, bub all contribu- tions were inndequate, The cause of tho potato blight is a disease in the ts that affects fhe tubers, produce. ng decay. i et ---- DOG FOLLOWED MAN And He Was and Con. | Pleas Wa Muna } Madrid, Aug. Sh-A ¢ wan chi witness and Xd Bel caso at Valencia, Whe a wan has een Cotdiitied to doth for il a com non & "ud ol. Be he ve of the dog, which sw the o ime and Bh eo male Mam er %, Runnin, back home the aR hae his master's son understand that something was in | wrong. He followed the animel the grave, which the-dog seratched at the police, body wn- blackheads calls for absolute dlennli- |* ness, Pimples show that the body in i iso substances and needs Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea, Ten or tablets 35c. Mahood's store, © 5 Tol Mrs. Frances Van Howton, Now for the Toronto press. Anos as Minnie Downs Rh ae 2 bat inventory of his estate. the said estate amoun produced a baby, was her child by Dr, Le "She subsequently, marriage to her, erte, and alter my and she confessed child was not her child. i "She Naa mtiod a. ane at Hamil: ton, in the province Ontario, om December 29rd, 1803. Rov, C. E Whit. combe jpurlatind the auttinje core- mony, and . George 8. Rennle the Rev. R. F. Dixon wore fd a widow and that she was the da ter of Thomas and Emma Downs, Belleville, and that her, religio: Jomdnation was that of the Church of "fer the marriage we lived at Toronto, then a and then at Chatham, in #4 a ntatlo, where we separated "Soon after our marriage 1 learned that her reprosentations of hav ® shire in any such cstates were 3 that she was Wholly withoot mens, She Sebin gin # again mé in Toronto to the of ahout mother falue . tations, and hy i and eam to which my name Was forged, "I finally became so divisi 4 which action 1 defended y action she was awarded judgment March 17th, 1508, for 80 a meek any mony. . capers hus mwa been separa or vorer ween plaintiff herela and a and action or procending for a separa or for absolute divorre has ver instituted by either of us r King. who went to J in an afftlavit that Ye. Cumarla the Dirth of John i £3 J i i Bh # Rill

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