Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Aug 1906, p. 4

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ESS ST DRY GLEANINC + This is the only way to make your Light Summer Suit look fresh and new again, without shrinking or injuring the color. in a supply of heat for the S. ANCLIN & G0. FOOT OF WELLINGTON ST. of practical experience' ith rupture, enables us to arnly our selves and mnnulncture « special truss for every caso. Wo are the only Truss thakers in Cknada and enjoy an ene viable repatation won by honest dealing and perfect work, - We guarantee to retain your Our 46 years - y rupture under all conditions or refund the money. Visit. our '0 xhibit at Toronto Fair, Manufucturers' Hall, Authors & Cox 135 Church St., Toronto. Running Your Way Should be ton after ton of coal from the best mines, scientifically Scrommed, honestly weighed, and Promptly delivered at this time, | Don't need much' coal just now 2 You will when Winter comes, and MeConkey's, . at Gibson's Red or Daily Whhig. The Muck Rake Again. was an election of directors She othel day, and it was announced that Har riman men had won. What was up ? The people could not imagine untif the press ~ave out the facts. 1 The Journal of Commerce found that of the $21,156,246 which composed thd assets, there were bonds, stocks, wars rants and loans to the extent of about $17,000,000. In' the liabilities of above were "reserve" and "profit and loss' to the extent of $12,000,000. Which suggested that the company was not a carrying company but a banking institution, and worked for the benefit of those who controlled it. "Why," asks the Journal of Commerce, "should an express company accumu- late from its earnings a large fund to be used in loans and investments in corporate securities ? A considerable part of capital seems to be invested in this way; as it is not otherwise ac- counted for. Who benefits chiefly by those funds accumulated in surplus and undivided profits and put out in loans ? Is it the stockholders of the express company or those who have occasion for fund$ in the operation of railroads 7, Minofty stockholders complain that while the company earns thirty per cent. or more on its capital stock only eivht or nine per' cent is distributed in dividends, and' the rest is otherwise employed. They! evidently suspect that it is not ems ployed for their benefit, but for the benefit of those who manipulate the funds or lend and borrow them." Harriman is the chief operator of the Wells Fargo company, and his friends repulsed those who would know any more about the business than he was willing to hand out. When it was suggested that the man- agement be changed the Harriman: clique announced that the great rail-. way man could not be replaced since he moved in a world, or higher world, which the stockholder could not bet- ter. What i§ wanted in the express business is an investigator, who will ask. questions such as caused first 4 A scandals and then the reforms in ne] life 'insurance business. oA Tribute To Worth. There is some difference of opinion as to the place Goldwin Smith has'| occupied in Canada. The Globe, on his eighty-third birthday, referred to him as "the most eminent of Canadians," and some of our gontemporaries are inclined to add a modification. Cer- tainly the man stands pre-eminent as a scholar. He has given continual evi- dence of this fact, Not only in* books he has written, and especially law histories, but in his contributions to the magazines and newspapers. As a writer of prose he has excelled. There are many distinguished authors in Canada, but it is doubtful if there is one who surpasses this grand old man for lucidity and gracefulness of style, It has been always admired and studied. Nor is it only occasion ally terse or graphic. All Mr. Smith's works is finished and there has been nothing. more interesting in litera: ture than his weekly treatment of current events. He is pre-eminent, too, in his asso- ciatio "I talked," said he, "with the man who talked to the man who was premier of England in 1801--to Addington about Pitt. I remember the rejoicings in England over the great reform bill. I remember seeing the farm buildings near my father's house burned by raiders who opposed the introduction of threshing machines, 1 well remember as a lad seeing the ser- vants light the fire with a tinder box. I have seen a man in the stocks. I have heard the curfew bell." He lab- ored with Bright and Cobden for free trade. He has ever been independent in his views and he has been bold to assert them, though without a aymn- | pathizer, In Canada he has not heen idle. He has gladly joined with the people in} the consideration of measures working for the public weal. In educational is- sues he has been an authority. In the- ological subjects he has not been so popular. He has his own ideas of reli- gion, its place, trend and effect. On Some points he is at variance with the multitude. Politically, he is out with most people. His vision leads him to believe that Canada and the United States will some day be one, and un- der the government of the larger na- tion. His conclusions are his own, however, and he hurts no man in ex- Pressing them. President Schurman, of Cornell Uni- versity, in 'which Mr. Smith so long lectured, sums up the wan in these wards © "Individual freedom, national independence and the reign of justice, g for.» | endy. ote the masses of mankind are the ¢nds {in England and on the American con- tinent. It is a record to fhrill the man and dorsed. it can be generaily on- Editorial Notes. Dillon says Ireland will accept self- government on the Transvaal plan, Well, Redmond is leader of his party. Let him ask for it. : It has transpired in the trial of the Fielding election that the tories had $0 - much money that "they were chucking it to the dogs." Talk about your attractions abroad. There would He no place like Dublin. with its parliament in session. Who wouldn't want a ticket for the gals leny ? The chairman of the railway com- mission is called the "Pooh Bah" of the local government. Is there any limit to the number of his commis- sions ? ¢ -- Montreal is going to put a stop to reckless motoring. Ysn't i it about time Kingston did something in the same way, and in protection of its people ? ------ Qualifications for office in the pub- lic service ? Certainly, but the pre- requisite is that every man who ex- pects a place must be a conservative, and blue-blooded at that. Mr. Haultain says the conservative party will have to change its policy and tactics hefore it can have any change in luck, Mr. Bordon will pro- bably make a note of this. -- R. Strothers, of Ottawa, is giving the Whitney government some ad- vice with regard to normal school ap- pointments. The guestion naturally follows, Who in thunder, is R. Stroth- ers ? ---- . The World accuses the Mail and Ot- tawa Journal of being in the service of the electric enemy, and of seeking to make the Beck programme a fizzle. They ought to be ashamed of them- selves. died in New York aged 112. He drank and smoked all he could, oschewed medicine and dodged the doctors. In advising friends as to long life he simply said, "Follow my example." A Russian Jew An Ottawa correspondent pleads. with the Whitney government not to make political appointments to the normal schools. That's all right. There is no polities in the education department, but 'the grits need not apply. -- Cecil B. Smitn will give time to Winnipeg, as _gn engineer, for 85,000 a year. Ho'is engineer of the Power commission, and chairman of the Railway commission. Which of these jobs does he give up? Will the government be satisfied with half his time ? half his SPIRIT OF THE PRESS. Sage And His Maxims. Chicago News. Russell Sage bequeathed the public nothing but a bunch of maxims, that nobody could follow but himself. Both Sides Pleased. Toronto 'Telegram. Winston Churchill's sorrow that he cannot come is nothing to this coun- try's sorrow that he was ever invited. Bryan For Peace. Rochester Post-Express. William Jennings Bryan is an advo-, cate of universal peace. We wonder, then, why he is so anxious for a third battle, Somethipg Amiss. Toronto Mail, The Kingston Whig 'complains that the Dominion government has ap- pointed a tory to a position in the military service. This error indicates that Sydney Fisher has been off duty or else slack in his supervision of Sir Frederick Borden's work. After The Ducats. Hamilton Times. The Ontario railway board does not know what are its duties or Powers, if any; but that does not prevent the members from drawing their $6,000 and $4,000 salaries regularly, To some important extent the board is dis- charging its functions. Humility Of The Liberals. Goderich Sigual. While the Ontario conservatives are taking the scalps of liberal office-hold- ers, the liberals of Kingston are com- plaining of the appointment of a well- known conservative to a post under liberal government at Ottawa. Laur- ier has not surrendered to the spoils system, but his good example is thrown away upon Whitney and his followers. ' Turn backward, 0 time, in your ght, Make Ty child | again just for to- night, = "I'll do it," cried Time, "just lot me Until IT fix some Rocky Mountain Tea" _ Specially strong corsets, for large or women, New York Dress Reform. Don't forget on Saturday to always buy that box of high class candy at 2 universal peace and the Lappiness of Fd Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store, this publicist has consint-' with voice and pen alike, spirit alike of ingenuous youth and of]. | noble-minded age." This is the judg: ment of an associate 'and a conuiry- Eg .| Quite a Marge 'WHIG, SATURDAY, AVGUST NU. Li y DUSTRIAL SCHOOL. An Assault Case Dismissed 'Charles Macdonald Presents Billiard Table to Young Men's Club--A Baseball Protest. Te a for assdult with in- tent to do bodily harm, took good dence, the case was' dis- bo years of age, for breaking into Syd- ney Adams' tailor shop, King street, a large pair of shears and stealing fifty-two cents, was sentenced to St. John's Industrial school, Toronto, until he is gwenty- one years old. Chief Ryan left yester- day for Toronto with the prisoner. Court Thousand Island No. §6, Can- adian. Order of Foresters ran an ex- cursion to Clayton on the Missisquoi this evening, leaving at 7:30 o'clock. number availed them- selves of - the opportunity. The executive committee of the St. Lawrence baseball league met last evening to consider the protest of the Wanderers against the Bachelors for playing a man who had not been a re- sident of the town for thirty days. Mayor Wilson and Clark Allen and field captains William Dorey and Fred Meggs were present. After con- siderable discussion allowed, C. H. Clarke, of Hickory street, who. was taken to Brockville hospital, the protest was | | Mr. some time ago, was brought home in George Whitmarsh's launch, the Laura B., yesterday. The unfortunate man is still in a very critical 'and serious condition. Slight hopes are entertained for his ultimate recovery, Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cornell, of the Gananoque East circuit, are spend- ing a couple of weeks in camp at lvy Lea. Miss Gavin, who has been spend- ing some time past in Montreal, has returned home. Ernest Waldie, of Mount Kiscoe, N.Y., is home on a short vacation. Mrs. Van Husen, of Johnstown, N.Y., is spending a short time here with her daughter, Mrs, Fred. J. Skinner, King street west. Rev. Ralph Timberlake, of Montreal, his parents, Rev, Mr. and Mrs. Wil. iam Timberlake, at the parsonage. Miss Kate Elder, of Kingston, is visiting with Mrs. Bryant, Garden street. Miss Pilson, of Ottawa, is the guest of Rev. Mr. and Mrs. William, Timberlake, at the parsonage. Thomas Hudson, who has been spending sev- eral days this week in Brookville and vicinity, has returned home, -------------- TENDERS RESIGNATION --y As Superintendent of the General Hospital. The resignation of Miss Gordon, as superintendent of the general hos- pital, has been placed in the hands of the chairman of the governing board, G. Y. Chown, to be acted upon as the management committee deems best. The question of reverting to the form- er system of having a medical super- intendent is to be considered at the governors' Scptember meeting, and the suggested change is likely to be carried into effect, as the hospital has not been conducted in a satisfactory manner, since the abolition of the of- fice of medical superintendent. The present superintendent, it is under- stood, wishes to allow a free discus- sion of the proposed changes, and tenders her resignation, to be acted upon as the governors deem best. -- Gave Her A Party. Mise Leslie, St. Mary's, is visiting and Mrs. Alfred Wilson, at the Bank of Montreal, in Picton, and Mrs." Wilson gave a pleasant little party for her on Wednesday evening. This was something after the fashion of a house-warming, as the bank resi- dence has been undergoing improve- ments. New-comers and the younger people now understand why the older set in Picton speak so enthusiastical- ly of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson as host and hostess--their home was always an attractive spot for everybody when they were in the town some ago. Years ------------ Favorites Of The King. The band of the Second Life Guards which will play at the Cana- dian National Exhibition, Toronto, August 27th to September 10th, is one of the most gorgeously uniformed in the British service, and is the fa- vorite band of the king at all royal levees and high state functions. It has been playing for British sovereigns for 200 years. ------ No Official Clashing. H. D. VanRant, United States con- sul, says there was no official clash. ing over the refusal of the immigra- tion inspector at' Cape Vincent to al- low into the States a Kingston wo- man who sought admission on Thurs- day. As consul, he certified that the woman, heing a Canadian, was en- titled to free entry into the domain of Uncle Sam. That was as far as his authority went, I the immigration officers had something else against the woman, they were justified, aceording to the United States immigration law, in refusing her admittance. Every person should know about and try J ' Silver Cloth"; polishes silverware, all bright metals and mountings like magic; no" paste or powder required, simply rub the article to be i briskly with the prepared cloth and a brilliant polish is secured in a clean, quick, handy way. Price 25c. Foe sale by L. T. Best, druggist, Princess street. Trial samples free. The directions are on each Red Cross worm powder. Sold only at Gibson's' Red Crose_ Drug Store. Shoulder brates, 80c., sale of Buster Brown Belts, 180., New York Dress Reform, See Bibby's new raircoats, TIDINGS YOUNG THIEF SENT TO IN- Ganatoque; Aug. 18.--~In the police court, yesterday, 'the case of W, Bishop for drunkenness and disorderly conduct came up before Magistrate Heaslip, He was fined $2 costs, William H. Brennan vs, up a share of the afternoon. The evi | , however, showed Brennan to be Gordon Barke, a young lad twelve valuable is spending a few weeks holidays with HE MADE 'A STRIKE SAMUEL BYERLEY. New York, Aug. 18.--Without capi- tal or backing, Samuel Byerley, a clerk in the employ of an express com- pany, in New York, bid for the new issue of Panama bonds and was award- ed the bonds, being the highest bid- der. He transferred the bid to a syn- dicate at a profit of $20,000, and the whole expense to him was four cents in postage, Peculiar Disease Among Hogs. "Morpisburg, Ont., Aug. I8.--A pecu- liar pie fatal to cattle and hogs, {is prevalent in Matilda township. Severfl herds have been affected. Save- ral weeks ago the disehse appeared on the jarms of Messrs. Mullin and Zeron, and was, after a careful exam- ination, pronounced typhoid-influenza. The continuance of the malady, how- ever, brought further concern, and a government inspector visited the sec- tion, but failed to throw light on the matter, the animals which last suc- cumbed being too long dead to per: mit a diagnosis. Since the visit, al ready, several cattle have died in the | vicinity. The disease makes quick } work and is fatal in almost every case. In milch herds the animal sud denly goes dry, or almost so, and in many instances lives but a few hours thereafter. Huylers' delicious candies are manu- factured at the Toronto factory now. They will sell at the same prices as in New York. Sold in Kingston only at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Butter, the finest. Crawford's. Try Bibby's £5 boys' suits. -------- NOT HEREDITARY. Baldness Due to a Living Minute Germ. Many people, even unto the present day of grace, consider, baldness due to hereditary influence. Nothing is further from the truth--, Baldness is caused by the onslaught of .a minute organism which secretes itself. beneath the scalp and attacks the roots of the hain--causing it to lose its life and fall out. This organism cannot be got rid of except by the free and persevering use of Newbro's Herpicide, No matter how badly the scalp effected the dandrufi surely disappears and hair health is restored when Her- picide is applied. "Destroy the cause you effect." Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c, in stamps for sample to the Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich. G. W. Mahood special agent. 1s i remove the WINDSOR TABLE SALT won't cake. It is PURE--clean, Perfect for the table. RESTORED TO its original colog by the use of 1 DR. TREMAIN'S GRAY HAIR rare na This is not a Hair Dye and will not injure the scalp, as it i Vegetable Compound and cone tains no Grease or Oil. ! It will restore your hair to its natural colo even though it has been gray for years. We guarantee it in every case or Juche} ro. funded. Ask your druggist for it or send d rect to us. Price One Dollar or Six Botties for Five Express Prepaid. THE TREMAIN SUPPLY co., Dept. K. 22 Buchanan St., Toronto Waggoner's Summer Sale Starts at Once. During August we will offer the balance of our Summer Suit- ings at : $16, $18, $20 To make room for the most extensive stock of Fall Goods we have ever imported. All Sales Strictly Cash. WAGGONER 188 Wellington Street. The American Ladies' Tailoring Co 261 Princess Street We take pleasure in announcing the ar- rival of Mr. Metz, signer and ladies' rare opportunity in his trade to fashionable cities London, England and Paris. France It Li%, therefore, 'mepessary for us to say that the best workmanship and fit is guaranteed. Customers can Supply their own goods OF Secure them from the company Mon- A most expert de tailor. having had the meted out to a Practice in the of the world, man most vie. : not Butter, the finest. Crawlord's, ey returned if work is not sasisfactory. 'Phone 5566. Such is the Opinion of All Who Have Once 7 CEYLON TEA Packed only in sealed lead packets to preserve its excellent qualities, ab 25c¢., 30g., 40c., 50c. and 60c. per lb. At all Grogy, : HIGHEST AWARD, ST. LOUIS, 1904, the chojeey ed, of i Sooked rh Ie stomach cleaa and the Bowie TE nd aod BOHVE -- wo Tg youl? Sirengthening, 8ppetiziog, ny » Falls, Ont, Cloth Every garment we offer you here is a speci- men of the highest art cutting and tailoring. We collect only garments that have passed with high honors the inspection of the 'Best Clothing Experts Men who know every detail that contributes. toward clothing excellence, that. our. kind of clothing looks, fits and is eminently superior to most clothing on the market isnt a matter of chance, but of a well directed effort on our part to get the very best to sell you that can be provided. Our New Suits and Raincoats and Toppers are arriving daily, SUPPOSE YOU STEP IN. i ---------- Mmm Ee ---- Saturday 'Evening at Johnston's Three Extra Special Offerings for Women $2.25 Jap Sitk Waists for $1.69 Good Quality "Japanese Silk, full front with box pleat. down « tre, and five one-inch tucks on either and full «l Regular price £2.25, Saturday Evening Sale P rice Ladles' Hose Fine Full Fashioned Black Cotton Hose, fast pair. Saturday Evening Hose Sale, side £1.69 color, wort 2 pairs for ............... . : Corset Covers ; Made of fine nainsook, very pretty, with lace insertion and lace frill. They were T3.., 81. 81.95 Saturday Evening Bargain .......... oi. For Men Men's Half Hose, fine quality lisle thread, in black and tan 35¢. and 10¢, Hosiery Sale 'Men' Cotton Hose Hosiery Sale ... AT THE JAMES JOHN 180 Wellingt in fancy colo scanned 00. and. 124 STON STOR on Street So ---------- COLLEGE? The important question to be decided by young men and wo men who contemplate a commercial edacation, and on their deci Sion may rest their success or failure in life. THE FRONTENAC BUSINESS GOLLECE . INGSTON, ONTARIO. : repares students for those positions requiring exceptional effi- ciency and paying the largest salaries. Wephoral gra cuae The Best Equipped Commercial School in Eastern Ontario Fall Term Opens Sept. 4th. ue and particulars. T. N. STOCKDALE, WHICH Write for Catalog Principal CATARRH 0 Finds Prompt A PROMINENT P. AUSTRALIA, L( DERFUL EX, Albert J, Smith, t dale Academy, Pade now located in Carl He writes to the garding his use of | «| was troubled which finally resul «Jt was when the work et I began ver, y. e Hy stomach be; did not feel so nau: "My bowels wer the catarrh gone. "Peruna Is a pei It for catarrh.""' Bome years ago it catarrh was confine nose. However, all t digestive organs are membranes, and cal these membranes at » 008222 1 T The ie gonerot awn, Duck a reatest barg 1.00 Waists fo) 1.25 Waists fo 1.50 Waists fo $2.50 i Costun 6 only, Cre 2 only Bis 1x Prodi) er 1-leie Jal ul al see 2 only, C regular 2 only, Bi regular JAMES RE 'Phone 147 fo Dr. H Health for Wom Health a ---- BE The Gre Tones an nervous 'Blood in ous Debility, Mental a heear, a Price fi bee box, six for! will cure. by all plain neg. on rece ® of mailed fre-. The VormeAly Windsor) Police Cour Ald. W. F. Nickle in police court, this D. Reeves was am A first offender at the cup that cheer liberty,

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