Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Aug 1906, p. 1

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ry, if you ues. stylish designs ot, well wade and ir choice of 3 "womoreon, ! up . o 00. in = 05 heights extra shapes, all sizes at three for 40c. k, two for 15¢., day tomoreoy, ashmere Sox, with se amless oul s and Joes, nd well shaped, es, per pair, 35c. very g Samnc es 4 Ul mer, Balbriggan f good cle make, "per Under- ow, garment dbrigegn Vode er quality, per- finished, either rite or natural light 50 , Per garment. OW dus Toriggag "MESH" UNDER S, of soft, strong thread woven into a light riving ideal comfort e warmest iReAthur, 5) ow, e . and Children | likelihood: there'll be at » months more in which ant the lightest, coolest possible to have. Weli, e. Our exclusive "Hos All"' section has been the } Kingston all summer. We have just space > give these few mighty ons : Lisle Lage Hosp, in black nd tan, having the dainti- ible appearance and preat ring quality, all ir, to-morrow, from 3 Little White Cotton Sox ainty, and" light . for summer wear, i . Wa DES bite Canvas Oxfords 5c. and "cool, sizes 8, 9, ~~ 80c. Boots, sizes 2 to 7 5c. 4 OF STORE "gwd: ones for $3: "Great Removal Sale of Furniture Having decided to build another large extension to our warerooms we will continue our sales until the 15th Sept. SPECIAL PRICE OFF DINING AND BEDROOM FURNITURE. : Robt. J. Reid The Leading Undertaker Two Doors Above the Opera House Telephone 577. Ambulance, NOTICE TO CREDITORS Pursuant to R.8.0 , Cap. 129, S. 38 NOTICE 1S HEREBY GLVEN TO all person or persons having avainst the estate of Mary Phillips, late of the City of Kingston, Milliner, or Annie Phillips late of the City of Kingston, Milliner, that they are hereby required on or before SAT- URDAY the 15th day of September, 1908, to send by post prepaid to the dersigned solicitors or to William J. Philline, of Harrowsmith, Ont., the ad- ministrator of the said Estates, their Christain and surnames, addresses and desoriptions, the full particulars of their claims, a statement of their se- curities and the nature of the security ¢if anv) held by them. After the said date 'the administrator will proceed to distribute the said Estate "-ving regard onlv to those claims of which he shall *~ve notice and he will not be liable to any person of whose claim he has not ther notice. SMYTHE, KING & SMYTHE, Ontario Chambers, Kingston, Ont ated at Kingston, Tth August, 1906. Insolvent's - Assets for ; Sale by Tender. SEPARATE stock and book TENDERS (FOR debts) will be received hy the undersigned up to SATURDAY, Aug. 25th. 1906, at 3 p.m, for the purchase of the assets of the estate of Morris Steinart, of the village of Croy- don, County of Lennox and Addington, Insolvent, consisting of Dry Drugs, Boots and ete., about $1,300.00. Book debts, about $225.00. The Stock is nearly new, the business having run less than a year. Dated, Kingston, Aug. 9, 1906. JAS. YULE, 324 Princess St., Assignee. LIFE INSURANCE | Ligarpoo ROYAL "ais | 814% INCOME | rer A Ci in Force....... $104,000,000 ... 840,000,000 || PROFITS PAID, 1905 ........$3.226,000 Same profits paid for past 40 years, Premium rates and particulars on applica- tion. W. J. B. WHITE, - WHEN YOUR SHOES | NBED REPAIRING :: | Kingston Remember our aim is to do re-| pairing so that Footwear will look like they did 'when new. Wear "Allen's" Military Bootmakers Sign of Golden Boot. 84 Brock St. SWIFT'S TOURIST TICKETS Stes, "City of Montreal" and "Cuba" Detralt, Toledo, Cleveland, To- ronto, Montreal. CGolog West, Friday, 3 a.m. Going East, Sunday, 9 a.m further information, JAMES wir & CO., Wharves, foot Johnson street. ------------ ---------- DESIRABLE FROPERTY FOR SALE To close the estate of late E. Chown. Touble Brick Dw: ling, 187 Brock Street. Brick Dwelling, 48 Bagot Street k Dwelling, 106 Bagot Strect. ing, 8 Bagot Street. Bia bx i eS UNE BULLETIN. SWIFT" 5 Es BATE RRR Tinwes HaveiChanged There was a time when you could not find anything much in our stores, mow you cannot get into see all, for it ia so crowded with first-class Stoves, Furni- ture, Carpets, etc. For trading, buying. or selling, no better place than TURK'S SECOND-HAND STORE 308 Princess Street. SUI J ynrrincess SRE | TENDERS FOR PRIVILEGES. . ANY PERSON WISHING TO TEN- der for the Booths at Fair Grounds, on please send same in © Enpor Day. will before the 25th inst. in Labor Hall. Specification found T. FLEMING. 1,000 Islands--Rochester. Steamers North King and Caspian legtve daily, except Monday, at 10.15 for Thousand Islands. Return- tg laaye 5 p.m. for Rochester 'and Bay pf Quinte ports. RSE "Tumblers Headquarters Alaska Seal Garments Crown Persian Garments Automobile Coats and Canadian Fine Furs fit. spect aur Fur display. now STORED FREE until re- quired, - John McKay Fur House 'F. W. VAN'LUVEN Full size Hold seven ounces 29¢C. a dozen. ROBERTSON BROS.. RIL OF YOURTIME --FOR-- MADE TO ORDER We guarantee entire satisfaction n quality, style, workmanship and You are invited to call and in- FURS selected and ordered 149-153 Brock St., Kingston. WAT VAN LUVEN'S. Early June Peas; 4 cans, 25e Catsup, bottles, 10c. and 13c. Olives, bottles, 10c. and 15¢ Chow-Chow, bottles, 15¢ Mixed Pickles, per quart, 13¢. Golden Haddics, cans, 10¢ Fresh Herring, ns, 10c Kippered, Herring, cans, 10c sd Herrings in Tomato Sauce, c Mackarel, cans, 10c Pork and Beans in Chili Sauce, cans, 10c > A Delicacy in Fish Foods 'Vidona, ipbells Choice Soups '--Chicken Tom » paragus, Vegetable, Oxtail Celery, 15¢c. cans, 12c Butter. Butter. Choice Dairy, Fresh and Sweet, Ib blocks, (special), 23c 246 Princess Street. Phone 417. DRUG STORE NEWS "Wellington" Photographic Supplies AND Self-Toning AT BY JOHN H. MILLS Golden Lion Block, Weillngion St. Auctioneer i Granulated Sugar, 4c. With vour order for $1 worth of | him the sincere svmpathy of his peo groceries, we will give granulated | ple. sugar to-night at fc. per pound: A ------------------ limit to each customer, at Mullin's,| Recent disclosuris in the United corner Johnsors and Division streets. | States business world injure American S-------------------------- trade abroad. Post Cards Medley's Drug Store -AUCTION SALE - Of Furaiare at the Vacant Store, birthday, today, and the entire mon . ' , y Thursday, Aug 23 he 'iz i--Happy Thought Range, Square |}. JSoiheating wi Pr ake aud 'other Beds, Bedroom him. It is safe to say that there is Set, Springs Mattresses Carpets, | probably not another ruler in the Motors Pictures, _ Sewime _ Machine. | world who ig, so generally loved and Bureaus, Black | Walnut Sidekoard. | 1 Cpeeted ns Emprror Francis Joseph, Dinner Waggon re r : MRpected ap SWxtor Francis dosh: or convenience of Sa | , Kir . Sale, 10.30 ms cash sity, his deep religious nature and his H. MILLS. simplicity of character have 'endeared The French minister of publie works You are guaranteed a perfect fit savs the church law will be carried | when vou get glasses at Chown's into execntion Drug Store, KINGSTON, (UBN'S RULER President Palma Was In Deadly Peril. AN INFORMER TOLD OF THE PuUT OT FAND SAVED RULER'S LIFE. Plan to Murder Him, But Luckily 3) ose Concerned in the Gieut Screrme Were Landed .n ¥iisou Celis Themselves. Havana. Aug. I5.-1t has developed that the life of President Estrada Pal ma, of Cuba, was in the gravest dan ger, vesterday, and that but for the prompt action of a young lieutenant of artillery the island republic would probably be, to-day, without a ruler. 'for some time the report has been circulated that certain members of thy ONTARIO, SATURDAY, A SERIOUS FIGHTS OCCUR Between Cassacks, Peasantry an! Workmen. St. Petersburg, Aug. 185.---There was a serious affray, vesterday, between workmen and Cossacks, at Kolpino, near this city. There were twenty casualties. It is reported that the police have discovered a large quantity pf wea pons, presumably belonging to the re volutionists, near Helsingfors, Fin land. There was another collision between Cossacks and peasihiry, in the pro vince of Pensa, yesterday The mob showed such determination and fury that the troops were foreed to re treat, carrying off several of their number badly wounded. Five of the peasants were killed, and several score wounded. The peasants are re ported to have fought more like wild animals than human beings, In their fury they seized a priest, who was hurrying up to assist the wounded, and beat him almost to death before the wife of a sick peasant, whom he had aided, and inter vened, recognized him, CANADIAN CHEESE. ing to Sa About the army are plotting against the pre Something ey sent Hvernment, their anmounced Article. : grievance being that the president was London, Aug. 18---A witness in the PRESIDENT PALMA. not sufficiently: jmpréssed with the pe- ity of a large and "up-to-date" military foree Yesterday while a tillery was about his duties banas fortress, near which the dent, is spending the summer, be approached by an artillerymun, informed him that seven members of his company were planning an attack upon the president for that afternoon and that ris had their plane co far perfected that they were assuted they must succeed. The officer secured the sbven men, and then, geant and a squad of men, he for the barracks, where they ported to be. The seven men found cleaning their revolvers placing them in condition for use They were promptly arrested, and are now locked up in the guard house. It is reported that when they were searched documents were found prov- ing absolutely that thev had plotted the hie of the president, and also' in dicating that the affair out come of the uprising of rebellious Ha vana policomen ladt winter. when they attacked a force of Rurales and killed a sergeant, a corporal and two men and wounded a half dozen. tn May Appeal To People. Winnipeg, Aug. IX. Politicians are unusually active and report is cur rent that the elections are scheduled for November next Premier Roblin, or of ar in Ca lieutenant names of the calling a ser set off wore re were and was an the report goes, thinks that the good crop will help the government. Mr: Prown, the leader of the liberals, . is apparently growing. in public con- fidence. He is still a stranger to many sections of Manitoba, and shrewd con- servatives think a contest should be held before he ge in closer touch with the people. So far there does not seem to be any strongly-defined between the parties save in matters of business administration. iskue Tlacing The Mikado's Banner. IR, King-at Arms, Sir Alfred Seott Gatty, visited St. George's chapel, Windsor Castle, the other day and placed in position the banner of the Emperor of Japan es a member of the Order of the Gar- ter, the insignia of which he was in vested with a few months ago by Prince Arthur of Connaught, on be half of the sovervign of the order, King Fdward. The banner bears a chrysanthemum in gold on a scarlet ground, with a gold fringe, The ban ners of the King of Wurttembery and the Crown Prince of Sweden were also placed in position. London, Aug. Garter Austrian Emperor's Frthday. Vienna, Aug. 15. Emperor Frames Joseph is celebrating his seventy sixth him to his subjects and the tragic events which have darkened the first fifteen vears of his life have won for Guildhall police court, giving evidence against a prisoner chargéd with steal ing fifty Canadian asserted that when Canadian deterior ated in quality, it would be impossi ble to identify them, but when they feft the docks in perfect condition the cheese, cheese withesse would have been able" to identify them apart from the marks on the cheese. He went by the smell and taste. It was a common practice for merchants to put inferior cheese into boxes of well-known brands=. Peo ple who expected to buy Canadien cheese were 'anxious to get it, but whether they got it wns another ques tion. To Stop Smuggling Jf Arms. London, Aug. 15 Through the for ¢ign office, the bourd of trade has re ceived a copy of a note from the Rus sian ambassador to the effect that the clandestine importation into Russia by sea of arms, ammunition, and ex plosives, was assuming considerable proportions, and the ordinary cus toms vigilance was no longer suffi cient to cheek it. In conformity with an article in the Russian code, whith provides that ia ease of necessity the vessels of i ry should "go- ojerais with, i covery and sdizare of contraband, the Russian govaummt had decided to reinforce the ordinary surveillance of the customs in the Baltic Sea, and its gulfs by means of Russian war vesecls empowersd to inspect and effect the arrest of suspected ships. Blue Evening Coats. Aug. 18---The long talked in men's dress is London, of change evening about to be realized. High class tail ors in the west end are making samples. During the coming season the cont will be of blue cloth, with a velvet collar and silk facings, brought to the edge of the lapel. Trousers or knee breeches will be optional, They will be of black cloth. Trousers will some times have two rows of braid on the side seam. The outfit will be similar to the evening dress recently prescribed for gentlemen of the king's household, including gilt buttons. It looks as if the momentous result will be the garbing of men as footmen in stead of waiters, Armed Invasion Intc Canada Ottawa, Ont., Aug. I8%.-About twelve hundred officers and men of the New York militia and a number of companies of various militia regi ments in other eastern states, arrived wre, bearing their arms by permis ston of the Canadian government, The occasion is the annual visit at the invitation of the British Army and Navy Veteran Association, of Boston, Mass. The soldiers pny their own fare and defray their own expenses on the trip, but the officers and men of the Ottawa garrison have arranged an elaborate programme for the en tertainment of their visitors, Mining Plant Destroyed. Belleville, Ont., Aug. 18.-Word has reached the city of the total destruc tion by fire of the entire plant and buildings of the Pyrite mine, situated near Quemshoro, The mine was for merly owned by Ernest Fraleck, win ing engineer, but was sold some time ago to the British Development com pany, of Toronto, who had engaged a number of men... Work will prob ably be resumed on rebuilding at once, ns it Is a very valuable pro perty. Loss and insurance could not be learned, A '"King's" Tribe Durban, Aug. 17.~Considerable at tention is being paid here tos wug gestion emanating from quarters that, in order to counterget Try Bibby's jor men's underwear. Try Bibby's celebrated shirts. Try Bibby's celebrated $1 shirts, Butter, the finest. Crawford's, influential Dinkmlu's power and prestige among UGUST 1 5 1906. [CHILI QUAKE No Accurate re Details Receiv- ed Yet. TOWN OF LOS ANDES IN THE MOVING ACONCARQUA, DESTROYED. London Seismologist' Says His Records Shew Earthquake as Great as That of San Fran- cisco--Lasted Five Hours. Ay 18. ~In the of te communication Buenos absence i Aug. graphic beyond Huente del Inca, it has been infpossible, up to this hour, to ob- tain accurate details of the destruc tion, by the earthquake, in Chili. The managers of the telegraph companies, Press reports purporting to come from Chili are purely imaginary. London and New York are eagerly socking for news from the affected dis tricts. Officials of the Pacific railway say it is the belief the damage at Valparaiso is not nearly so serious as has been stated, but they express the fear the town of Los Andes, in the moving Aconcagua, has beep destroyr el. Newspaper telograms, from Men doza, state many houses in the Los Andes district were destroyed by the earthquake, and that there have been o great number of casualties. The in terruption of all means of communi: eation with Chili caused dh anx- iety., Many rumors of disas are afloat. Bad As San Francisco. ! London, Aug. 18--~Prof. J. Milne, the seismologist, reports from the Isle of Wight that his records indi- cate an earthquake as great as that of San Francisco, lasting for five hours, apparently located along the const, considerably worth of Val paraiso. Its First Earthquake. Valparaiso is a fortified seaport of Chili and the most important commer: cinl town of the western coast of South America. It has a Population of ai 10 000, 14 is the capital a simi nethe wituated on a large bay in the Pacific ocean, seventy-five miles west-north- west of Santiago, with which it is connected By rail. The bay of Valparaiso, which is well sheltered' on three sides, is bounded by ranges of hills rising to from 1,600 to 1,700 feet high, on the slopes of which a considerable portion of the city of Valparaiso is built. On the south side of the bay are the spacious guburbs of Nuévo Malecon and Gran Avenida, from which pass out one of the finest of the thoroughfares of Valparaiso, the Avenida de Las De licias. The lower central section of the city is constituted by the Almendral, hav ing regular and attractive streets and containing the principal business houses, the park, the Plaza Victoria and the National theatre, To the north-west of this section, in the quatter of the city known as El Puerto, are situated the greater num ber of the public buildings and the vast warehouses which line the quays and docks Elevators connect the lower parts of the city with the villa section on the heights The port of Valparaiso is the ter minus of the important lines of steam ers for Europe, and is the centre of the South America coasting service It contains a numerous foreign ony composed chiefly of British, man and French merchants, The bor is defended by modern mounted batteries col Ger- har- well RAIDERS CAPTURED. British Parties Break Up Garg on the Indian Frontier. Simla, Ang 17Capt. Hickford, with a party of the Khyber Rifles, ambushed a raiding gang at Gandae, fwo of the leaders were kill and four others were. captured. Another gang from Khost, in Afy hanistan, recently raided Turi, in the lower Kuram Valley. Parties sent out in pursnit engaged the raiders and killed four, including Tsm Gul, a fa mous Khattak outlaw. A Daring Escape. St Petersburg, Aug. 1%, Belenzoff, the leader of a band which pillaged the Credit Mutiml Bank, of. Moscow, mnde na daring escape While on his way to Moscow from Switzerland, whenee he had been extradited He was on board a train, heavily guard- od, 'and when near Pskov, dived through the glass of a window, gain od the forest and eluded porsuit, here, state nothing is coming through. | AMETHYSTS IN FAVOR. Queen Alexandra Sets Fashion in Stones. London, Aug. 18. The gem of the season is undoubtedly the amethyst, and nlmost every lady of fashion iw now wearing the pretty purple stone, Queen Alexandra first set the fash. ion. Her example was easy to follow as amethyst are by no means ex. pensive, Stones of the size of an al mond nut can be purchased for $15 of the best quality, but those of a lght- er color can be obtained for $2.50 or $3. Set in the form of a pendant or brooch is the most becoming manner to wear the gen "Our sale' of amethysts has been re markable this season," said Me. rice, the well-known jeweler of Picoa/ dilly. "The only reason I can assign for its popularity is its cheapness, some of 'the smaller stones being with. ing the means of a shopgirl. Strange lv enough, the best quality of amethyst comes from Trddand, where large quantities - ¥ quartz are dug up in the Ulster DIES FROM TERROR As Bulldog Pursues Him Flees From Saloon and Expires. New York, Aug. IX. --Sheer terror o a large bull terrier led to the death of Hugh Leonard, a middle-aged man, a saloon in Chinatown on the east side last night. The same dog terribly bit another man, Martin Donovan. The animal, Donovan toll the physi cians at the hospital, where he was taken, was set on him and Leonard by an intoxicated man in the saloon. Leonard ran out of the place in fright and presently died in a drug store He hod been subjected to heart dis ease. The police are investigating the matter, Donovan's wound is serious, August Mariella, a bartender, was, arrested Jater and locked up on a charge of felonious assault. He is ac- cused of having set the dog on the two men, FATAL MOTOR ACCIDENT. Boy Struck in the Head. Montreal, Aug. 15.--~What may prove a fatal motor accident occurred, near Lachine, last evening. A little boy named Fleming tried to cross the road in front of a rapidly coming auto mobile, and was struck in the head before the chauffer could bring his machine to a stop. The hospital au- thorities have little hopes of . the child's recovery. bos a A Little . Halifax, A 18. Justice Wentherbe any Judge Russell, com. prising the court which tried the pe tition against the retum of Hon, W. S. Fielding, minister of finance, as momber of Queen's and Shelburne, at the election of November, 1904, gave decision, at Liverpool, dismissing the personal charges of corrupt acts against Mr. Fielding, but declaring the election void, the court holding that the agency of E. M, Farrell, Liverpool, 'had been established, and that the payment of 8560 by the latter to John Seldon, a week before the election, was an illegal act, although Seldon swore that the money was expended for legitimate campaign purposes, Judge Against Dirty Bibles. London, Aug. 18.--A strong protest against the practfee of kissing the testament was made by Judge Sie Thomas Snagge at Northampton county court yesterday. A witness objocted to take the oath, and the judge said he was not sur prised to hear the objections of wit nos, for the practice of kissing a dirty book was the most unhealthy, insanitary and objectionable formality in Christendom, and ought t6 be abolished. He hoped to se the day when kiswing the dirty leather cover of a book would be prohibited by law, and he appealed to doctors throughout the comntry to support him in his protest Will Not Make Visit. Copenhagen, Aug. Empress of Russia, who intended visit Copenhagen at the same time as Queen Alexandra has abandoned the idea of visiting Denmark this year, on accotint of the situation in Russia, The general opinion here, in all circles, ns to Russia, is very pessimistic, 18.<The Dowager to Woman's Long Swim. London Aug. 18.~The Thames swim: ming record was broken on Tuesday last by Miss Ethel Littlewood, un hos pital nurse, twenty-three years old, who swam from Sunbury Lock to the Isleworth gate of Kew Gardens, a die tance of sixteen miles, Convicted Of Bribery. Perryville, Ark, Aug. 15-State Senutor F. 0. Butt was convicted by a jury in the circuit court, on a charge of offerin state senator. Tle two years in the and fined $5 a bribe to another was sentenced to penitentiary and Try Bibby's for men's raincoats. the Natal and Zululand natives, a It ix announced that 210 members of king's tribe' whould be formed from | the militant section of the social re the loval natives, with Sibindi's tribe | volutionists were arrested in St, ux a nucleus, Petersburg and Moscow during the --. et last three days. The London Streit Railwaymen's Union has called the strike off, but The North-West Grain Dealers' As jiropoue to continue the war against | ( cintion extimote the total vield at re fompany. i i 207,000 bushels of wheat. Tt is said ; e wise an take care of your even l the hot weather has caused some »y having them examined by the "X| shrinkage but even that estimate is a pert optician at -Chown's Drug Store gol erop. Cotton might shirts, twilled and Fresh again on Thursday, MeCon- plain, worth 81, for 59. Livingston's, | key's high class candy, "The Choice tonight. t of Royalty," at Gibson's Red Cross William Swain, piano tuner. Orders | Drug Store recaived at M Auley's book stare. Fresh eggs, Renfrew Seamory but- Try Dibby's for Men's Underwear. |r at Crawford's. New sweaters at Bibby' 5. Fresh eggs, Renfrew creamery but- | ter, at Crawford's. | The provincial convention of the A. - | OH. will meet in Gananoque next | year, Enamelware of all kinds for the sick room, at Chown's Drug Store. Try Bibby's $5 boys' suits, Butter, the finest. Crawford's. Auction Sale of the Season Mrs. Fortescue, 305 King St. West, (Edgehill). Particulars later. in eleven hours. Toronto, Ont., As Light to moderate and warm to-day. thunder storms. Ladies' Hose Suppa asc. Quality at Ladies' Lace Hose Ladies' Plain Hose 20c¢. Quality at Ladies' Summer Ve: 20¢. Quality at 356 Quality at. Men's Cotton Und 35¢. Quality at Men's Cotton Socks aoc, Quality at x " " 3.00 4.00 6.00 " " Call and see them at STEACY' BORN, NYRUES SAL Fast 14th, Byroes, n Hungerford, Aw 1906, to Mr. and Mrs. ughter. XABRIED. CASB-MOSIER Watertown, 15th, 14 hy Ret. Mamgnd a ll Woite I R Watertown, i * gr on Th Awe. 16th, 1906, by ov HN ani, Stanton Barriefield, to Arthur Bada of Kingston. DIED, NEAL.~Iy North Tonawanda, Thomas aged thirty-one Neal Funeral took co yosterduy sisters' slince "1 from Charles Neill, 158 Rideau at. ROBT. J. REID Holt {Es 'Phone 577. Olivés at 10c. per bottle. Olives at 20¢. per bottle. Olives at 256. per bottle. Olives at 30c. per bottle. Olives at 35c. per bettle, Olives at 50c. per bottle. Olives at 75c. per bottle. Olives at $1.25 per bottle. Stuffed Olives at 13¢. per Stuffed Olives at 20c. per bo Stufied Olives at 25¢. per Bott Stuffed Olives at 35c. ver Jas. Redden & ALLEN, THE AUCTIONEER, Olives.

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