LARIAT LLU 7 ight selvedge | 1ywhere. fention utting in gas piping 'S are promptly at- 'OR THE and Ranges e best made. BROS ne 35. Res, 55. TRAVELLING. mid-Summer Excursion to TRAVELLING. NEW YORK VIA NEW YORK CENTRAL [ INES TUESDAY, Aug. 28, 1906 Low Rates--15 Days Return Limit The proper time to visit Coney Island, Dreamland, Luna Park aod the Seashore Resorts. ASK TICKET AGENTS. KINGSTONS Ly MEROKE RAILWAY p In Connection With Canadian Pacific Railway Farm Laborers' Excursions To Manitoba and Saskatchewan $12 Going $18 Additiofia) Trip for Return Special Train Will Leave Engston, August 22nd, 7.45 A.M. Full particulars at K: & P. and C.P. R. Ticket Office, Ontario street. F. CONWAY, F. A. FOLGER JR, Gen. Pass. Agent, den. Supt. Bay of Quinte Railway New short line 'for Tweed, Napanee, peseronto, and all local points. Trains leave City Hall Depot at 4 pm. F. CONWAY, Agent B.Q. Ry., Kingston. LIS ENE LE LL ei Canadian Nctional Exhibition Toronto - - Ont. August 27 to September 10, 1906 Return tickets will be sold at $3.85 Good going on Tuesday, August 28th, and Monday, September 3rd, and at $5.40 27h, 29th, 2nd, 4th, 30th, 5th, 6th, On August September 1st, and Sth Tickets will not be accepted on trains 2 8 or 4, All tickets good to return on or before Sentember 11th, 1906. Farm Laborers' Excursion to the Canadian North-West Aug. 22nd. Fare, $12. For tickets and ail other information ply to J: P. HANLEY, Agent. Johnson and Ontario Sts. 31st, 7th Office--Cor. Daily Line - Toronto, . Charlotte, Thousand Islands, Brockville, Prescott and Montreal. seamers Kingston & Toronto Steamers LEAVE KINGSTON : Going .East--Daily at 6 a.m. Going West--Daily at 6 p.m. Kingston to Clayton, 1,000 Island Ports, Brockville or Prescott, soimg and returning Sunday only. single fare. Kingston to Montreal and return. Go- Ing Saturday or Sunday, Returning GQ. T. R. Monday. Fare $6. Also Excursion rates to Toronto and Charlotte going Saturday returning Sunday or Momday. Hamilton, Toronto, Bay of Quinte and Montreal Line LEAVE KINGSTON : Going East, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays at 4 p.m. Going West, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 4 p.m. J.P, HANLEY, J; SWIFT & CO. Ticket Agent. Frelght Agents. MOOSE OPEN SEASONS New Brunswick -- Sept. 15th- Nov, 30th. Nova Scotia--Oct. 1st-Jan. st. Quebec-- Sept. 1st-Dec. 31st. BEST HUNTING GROUNDS are reached by INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY WRITE FOR "Fishing and Hunting," "Week in the Canaan Woods," 'Moose of the Miramichi," "Trail of the Mic-Macs," . To Montreal Ticket Office, 141 St. James St., Or General Moncton, N.B. ALLAN LINE Royal Mall Steamers MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL. Passenger Dept., Victorian, Aug. 17. Sept. 14. Oct. 12. Vian. Aug. 24, Sept. 21. Oct. 19 qorEinian, Aug. 81. Sept. 28. Oct. 26. Umsion, 'Sept. 7." Oct. 5. Nov. 3. MONTREAL TO GLASGOW. Moderate Rate Service. Pretorian, Aue. 16. Sept. 20. Oct. 25. Uinidian, Aug. 23. Nov. 1. Sépt. {27. Mongolian, Aug. 30, oa. Nov. 8. For rates, apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent. nr FUN * P. GILDER SLEEVE, oe da QUEBEC STEAMSHIP COMPANY . LIMITED River and Gulf of St. Lawrence Summer Cruises in Cool Latitudes Twin Screw Irom 8.8. "Campana," with electric lights, electric bells and all modern comforts. . Sails from Montreal on Mondays at 2 Sy 7th August, 10th and 24th fo ctou, N. 8. calling at Quebec, Gasne, Mal Bay, Perce, Cape Cove. Grand River, Swmmerside, P.I.1. Charlottetown, P.E.I. BERMUDA Summer Excursion, $35 by the new Twin Screw S.S., "Bermud- ian," 5.500 tons. Sailing from New 4 August, 12th and 26th Sept. Température cooled by sea breezes seldom rises above 80 degrees. The finest trips of the season for health and comfort. ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, Quebec. For tickets and staterooms anply to J. P. HANLEY, or J. P. GILDER- SLEEVE, Ticket Acents, Kingston, nt. New York Central & Hudson River R.R. THE SIX-TRACK TRUNK LINE Shortest Route to the United States Via Kingston and Cape Yincent, N. Y. Lv. Kingston (str.) 5:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m. Arr, Cape Vincent (str) 7:00 a.m. p.m, Live Cape Vincent, 7:20 a.m. 4:50 p.m. Arr. atertown, 8:10 a.m. 5:50 p.m. Arr. Oswego, 11:59 a.m. 9:12 p.m. Arr, Syracuse, 12:13 p.m, 9:33 p.m. rr. Rochester, 2:28 p.m. 1:20 a.m. Arr. Utica, 12:20 pm. 9:45 p.m. Arr. New York, 6:00 p.m. 7:12 a.m. Passengers wishing to take 5 a.m. Steamer may secure staterooms aboard. Convenient train service in directions PULLMAN. SLEEPING AND PARLOR CARS Cheap Excursion to Watertown. $1.25 return. From June 16th to October 1st. Going Saturday 5:00 a.m. and 2 p.m, ovrosite Returning Monday, 9:10 a.m. and 4:40 p. 2 Cents a Mile Books for 500 miles of travel on New York Central and leased lines within State of New York cost onlv $10, while books for 1.000 miles over New York Central, Boston & Albany. Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburg, Philadelphia & Reading and Central R.R. of New Jersey leaving Watertown Ro cost $20. Secure further information and purchase tickets from H. S. Folger, New York Central Agent, Kingston, Onta C. F. DALY, Passenger Traffic Manager, A: H. Smith, General Manager, Gs C. Gridley, General Agent. Lake Ontario and Bay of Quinte Steam- boat Company, Limited Stes. North King & Caspian 1000 Islands--Rochester Commencing June 23rd, 10.15 a.m., for port, Gananoque and Thousand Iteturning will leave at § Rochester, N.Y., calling Quinte Port" STR. ALETHA at and intermediate Bay of Quinte Ports. For full Information n florsey, General Manager, Kingston: Jo., Freight Agents. ----ier 1000 Islands, Intermediate Ports and Montreal Every Sun- day, 8 a.m. Of the Hamilton-Montreal Company, Limited. Every Thursday, 2 a.m. A Steamer meeting every demand of steamer will leave Kingston, daily except Monday. at Alexandria Bay, Rock- Islands. p.m., for Bay of Leaves Mondays at 5 p.m., for Pleton apnly to BE. 2 P. Hanley, Ticket Agent: Jas. Swit & C SWIFT'S TOURIST TICKETS STR. "DUNDURN" Navigation Toronto and Hamilton (RINE IS FEARED RESIDENTS EXCITED OVER A MURDER MYSTERY. Blood Found on Hat--Was Lai: Seta Riding a Bicycle on Way to Place Where He Lived. Paris, Aug. 18.--The cure of the vil- lage of Chatenay, Abbe Ixlarwe, has mysteriously disappeared, and despite the careful and anxious search of his parishioners, no clue has been found to the mystery of what is, no doubt, a deliberate murder. On Monday, July 23rd, at five o'clock, in the morning, the Abbe Delarue left his house on his bicycle for the station of Sainville, to take the train for Paris to receive certain sutiufpr the charities of his parish. He was® only to be gone forty-cight hours, On Wednesday evening he arrived from Paris in Etampes, and as it was late to catch the train from Etampes to Sainville, Abbe Ddlarue mounted his bicycle to return to Cha- tenay by road. Since that moment he has completely disappeared. His sister, who lived with Lim at Chatenay, not seeing him return, tele graphed to the woman in Paris, an old friend of the family, with whom he always stopped when in Paris. She received a telegram that he had lft on Tuesday. Abbe! Delarue had in his possession a sum of about $170. The people of Chatenay and the neighbor. hood were convinced that their cure had been the victim of foul play, 'and organized search parties. The first re- cult was the finding near the village of Longuetoise of a priest's hat pierce ed with a knife and stained with blood. This was recognized as the hat ofthe unfortunate abbe. This is regarded as a proof that he has been assassinated. too In the 'neighborhood of the spot where the hat was found is a deen pool known. as the Etang de Mouli- neaux. It is supposed that some of the doubtful characters that the harvest season always attracts to the Beauce had laid in wait for Abbe Delarue, at tucked and robbed = him _and made away with the body. It is certain that the assassination can only have taken place in the wild and picturesque part of the country between | Etampes and Chalo-Saint Mars. Here there arc masses of trees, thi and especially numerous One of them, which bears the sinister name of the Abime (Aybss), is nearly sixty feet deep. For the last week the local gend armeric and large bodies of peasants have made a thorough battue of the whole countryside. The cure of Sain ville, the commune alongside Cha tenay, put himself at the head of his parisioners 'and made a thorough rch all round the spot where the nseing priest's hat was found. Men armed with sevthes gut the long grass, but nothing was found: % A Puzzled Magistrate. London, Aug. 18.--A deaf mute who was brought up at the Truro City police. court on a charge of intoxica- tion could neither read nor write, hor could he communicate by means of the finger alphabet. It was impossible to acquaint him with the nature of the chargé, and the magistrate avoid- ed a deadlock by "dismissing him with a caution." Good Corn Sheller For 25c. A marvel of officacy and promptness, a remedy that cure corns and warts. Its name is Putnam's Corn Ex- tractor. Contains no acids, never pains, gives lasting satisfaction, Insist on "Putnam's" only. It's the best, does Clean Teeth. To remove tartar and stains from the teeth try a Dr. Horsey fibre tooth brush, a perfect cleanser and polisher. Call and examine them at Wade's drug store. The lady who complained that her doctor always prescribed a sea voyage for her, "when he ought to know that I can barely fare," would have sympathized with the answer of an irate patient © "I should strongly advise my dear sir," said the physician, "to go south for the win ter." But the patient "promptly put him straight, saving, "1 may as well tell you, doctor, that I am neither a millionaire nor a bird." afford ear vou, the travelling public. For further _ information, JAMES SWIFT & CO., Wharves, foot Johnson py A feed JARRY W. NEWMAN, Ticket Agent, oy Ontario and Clarence street. I my Baby?" TIME TABLE Nestlé's Food Be STEAMER WOLFE ISLANDER tely takes the Place of JLY 24 ding SEPT. 10th, mother's . Ap Nests Food agrees with Monday. ..,..730F0 15AM. 100 4.00 PM baby's delicate stomach, hs 30 9.15 1.00 4.00 a0 9.15 1.00 400 N 9 0 9.5 100 330 e e S 30 9.15 1.00 4.00 0 915 100 4.00 00 ww, 1230 530 contains 5.30 11.30 AM. 3.00 630 PM baby's fragile system can 3) 11.30 3%. Su. change intostrength and muscle, 5% 11 3% A Nestlé's Food is instantly pre- x 1 % 3% su pared with water--no milk re un ma oe *Tharsday special : Bren tere Bay, Hove Is Sample--enough for 8 meals land y ay's Dock an por veins © eaves Breaker 4 Bay 630 am. ~sent FREE to mothers. ie inte subject to pot! bs without notice. THE LEEMING, MILES CO., Linrves, E. BRICELAND, Manager MONTREAL. Boat calls at Gard-n Telandgoing to and from Kingston. AUGUST 18, ---- Pelt Man With Balinst, But With. 7 out Effect. Milan, Aug. 18.<A couple of aeron- auts had & queer adventure while passing over Giandola yesterday. They werp, travelling low down pre- paring for a descent when they hap- pened to cross some fields attached to a lunatic asylum in which several of the patients were working. At sight of the airship the lunatics set up a shout, and one of them seized the trail rope and clung on. Others joined him and then tried to haul down the aeronauts. The balloonists, fearing mischief, be- gan to pelt them with ballast to make them release their hold, but the luna- tics appeared to emjoy the proceed- ings as a great joke, and continued hauling. . The uproar they made finally at. tracted the keepers, who ran to the assistance of the aeronauts, and knocking over several of the more stubborn patients, released their hold of the rope. The balloon then shot away, tarrving, {fom the ground one lunatic who had become entangled. He fell several yards on another in- mate, but neither aj to be much the worse for the encounter, THREE DAYS "DEAD." Narrowly Escaped Fate of Being Buried Alive. London, Aug. 18.--~A man who was said to be eighty.three years old, told an extraordinary story to the magis- trate at Old Street police court, yes- terday. He stated that he had been found unconscious in the street, con- veyed to an hospital, and thence to a workhouse infirmary; where he was pronounced dead. He lay three days in the mortuary vault, he sail; before he revived, His purpose in narrating the circumstance es to the magistrate was to learn how to get the benefit of a pension from a society of which he is a member. The rules provide that no one who has been in a workhouse is entitled to a benefit, and thé old man said the trustees asserted that his involuntary. detention in the infirmary invalidated his claim. The magistrate told him how to pro- ceed, and he went away without leav- ing his name and address. STUDENT SWIMS SWISS LAKE. Fails to Lower Record of Wo- man. Geneva, Aug. 18.~Two young Eng- lish students, Messrs. H. Walker and Story, staying at Neuchatel, attempt- ed to lower the record held by Mlle. B. Robert, a Swiss girl of nineteen who recently swam across Lake Ne chatel in two hours and fifty minutes, After covering about three miles, Mr. Story had to give up, owing to an attack of cramp, but Mr. Walker passed the cold zone in the centre of the lake with safety, and swam the distance * of five and a half miles in three hours and six minutes. Mlle. Robert made her record toward the end of the summer, when the wa- ter of the lake is much warmer, and Mr. Walker intends to try again to- ward the end of August. SPIDER RINGS A BELL. story of hoy a tric bell comes from Hanle While a North Staffords man was on duty the other night he robody was discovered, and still the bell kept ringing. At last, when the bell was examined it was found that a spider had sc tery that a circuit and the bell at was once began to ring broken. SHOT BY COSSACK. Drags Body Into Territory of the Czar. Berlin, 18 Aug. A Russian smug wh the at Cossack frontier patrolman, crossed the frontier and dragged body on to Russian soil, after German territory. working in him hg disappeared. says that the dead man was a keeper on his way house. book to patrols without reason, and when he tried to flee they shot him down. ESCAPE IN SACKS. Reveals Secret of Disappearance of Dangerous Characters. Mudrid, Aug. 18 outside the prison. convicts had escaped in this way outside, a man hastily got iavorablé "opportunity to eseape, Warning To Burglars. tice appears in a London street, Greenwich, Anyone entering these they are closed of electricity through them." "Beware ! Constipation, bowel headache, dyspepsia, torpid liver, bad kidneys, rheumatism, disorders inci by Hollister"s Rocky Mountain Tea, the greatest American remedy, or Tablets, 35 cents. Mahood's drug store, Alarm Lead Police to Suspect Burglars. London, Aug. I85.-A remarkable spider rang an elec- » police- heard an electric, alarm bell ringing Then the premises were entered, but spur its web from the bell to the bat- i established, continuing to do so until the web was gler was shot and skilled on Prussian soil, recently, near Laurahuette, by a tempting to remove bloodstaing which showed that he had killed the man on When the Cossack saw that persons the fields were watching Another version the customs He was pestered by Cossack The authorities of the prison in Melilla, Spanish North Africa, have been much concerned over the escapes of dangefous convicts from the prison, A dangerous convict ham- ed Casnova, who escaped a few days ago, was found by a sergeant in a black sack, which was usually placed Casnova explained that a number of When the guards were not looking at the prisoners engaged in manual work 1 into the sack, and was carried out to await a London, Ang. 15.--The following no- shop window in premises after will receive R00 volts irregularity, dent to sedentary life, positively cured Ten and Monday at $4.25. $13.50 goods. $1 49. pairs for a quarter. Being Pelted With Dollar Bil "And Making No Effort to Gatch Them Would be about as wise a proceeding as buying clothing without first coming here and learning our prices--and it would be about as profitable. Money saved is worth as much as money earned, and if we can beat all other prices on goods of same quality, and as well made with as much style, it must mean money saved. TOO HOT FOR SERVICE, Fall Asleep While '"Knot" is Be- ing Tied. Berlin, Aug. 18.---A wave of intense heat is passing over the greater part of Germany. Most of the rivers How- ing north and east are shallowing rap- idly, and in some cases navigation is seriously impeded, Cases of sunstroke are numerous, In Berlin the lime and plane trees have assumed a coppery hue for want of water, and only with the greatest violently in a shop on his beat. He difficulty the grass in the parks is suspected burglars, and a watch was kept green, Some idea of the heat set while the manager was summoned, | May be had from the fact that 500 ¢ | pigs arrived yesterday at the Central , | market dead from the heat and thirst, A more amusing instance of the ef- fects of the heat, occurred in Saxony at a marriage, where both the bpde and bridegroom, overcome hy the stifl ,| ing heat, fell asleep in the midst of the clergyman's address to them, BOY'S DARING FEAT, Climbs to Top of Steeple 250 Feet High. London, Aug. 15.--~Une¢ of the boys _{ of Oundle school accomplished » duar- ing feat recently. Without the aid of mechanical ap plinnees of any kind, he climbed to | the top of the spire of Oundle church, 250 feet high. The boy climbed by the aid of the stone crotchets, or projections, on the steeple, and to prove he had accom plished the feat he tied his handker- chief to the weather vane, Twenty years ago another pupil of the school named Bailey--now a well known doctor--climbed the steeple and tied his boot lace to the vane . When' he came down he received a sound thrashing and a sovereign from Mr. Reade, 'he head master, GOLD MINES IN IRELAND, Discovery of Nugget Big as Egg Reported. Dublin, Aug. 18. --~Much interest has been aroused in Ireland in a discovery of gold in the west. The discovery was made during quarrying operations at Boho, near Castlerea, in ( ounty Roscommon. Workmen found between two layers of rock a lump of virgin gold said to be about the size of a goose egg. A Dublin analyst has confirmed the fact that the nueget is composed of the precious metal, Such a sensation has been caused in the district by the discovery that people are flocking to 'the spot from all parts: ! Rnilway Tunnel Througn Buildirg Manchester, Aug. 15.-One of the warehouses erecled aloneside the new dock at Manchester exhibits the sin- gular detail of a railway tunnel, ab: out 250 feet long and provided with two lines of rails, passing through the ground floor of the structure in an oblique direction, so as to permit goods trains to be run direct from the quay to the godds yard at the other side of the buildings. Four headaches cured for 10e,, Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store, at | Wild Strawberry. » Diarrhaea, Dysentery, Colic, Cramps, Cholera Mo Infantum, Seasickness, Summer Com- plaint, and all Looseness of the Bowels may be rapidly and effectually cured by the use of " DR. FOWLER'S Extract of ild Strawberry, The medicine with a record of cures extending over 60 years. You don't experiment when you buy it. Go Saturday $11.85, S THE PACE. EE p-------- Miss Mary Stronc, Strongville, Ont., writes : leasure to tell of what Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry Pe done for me. I have had Summer Complaint several times and have never had to take more than 3 or 4 doses before being cured." Mrs. Eutas A. Morine, Hortonville, Ont., writes : fill a whole column citing the virtues of Dr. Fowler's Extract of It has been my firm friend for years, and once it saved the life of one of my little ches. I would not be without it." \ 10 dozen regular 25¢c. Four-in-Hand Ties. Saturday 2 for a quarter. We want to clear out these goods to make room for fall purchases. RONEY & CO., 127 Princess 8t. THE STORE THAT SET a. pi » Cholera "I feel it a "1 could Reruss SusstituTes.--Price 35¢.--Tusy're DANGEROUS, LONG DISTANCE swoiz sannee SHOTGUN $4.78 Send " $ | 00 deposit, sate ifthe $.750r $5.75 gun is wanted, State single barrel shotgun C. O. examination, you to pay the "xpress agent the bala: perfectly satisfactory. i rectly and @rin- nce and ong rigid steel frame buiit extra solid to withstan wt improved top snap and rebounding best quality steel works, extra strong spring, stock heavy rubber butt plate, full pital gr je for batten, penetration sah, For 1 in all we furnish the . shell gun with sutomatic which throws shells out automatically, makin it possible to reload in eo succession. Order today or send Eoviaine Special Gun Catalogue bey Sel ety in "in ) Svavers, ammunition, ps T.W. BOYD & SON, 27 NOTRE DAME ST. W., MONTREAL. sporting goods st hammer, ne walnul We Are Offering Speciai Inducements Saturday and Monday - On Men's, Young Men's and Boys' Suits Boys' 2 and 3 Garment Suits, made with same care as men's, regular $8,00. Go Saturday and Monday at $5.60. Boys' 2 and 3 Garment Suitt--A1 goods--regular $6.00. Go Saturday Men's High Grade Suits, materials fine worsted tweeds, serges and cheviots, tailored best custom style, regular $16 50. 30 Men's Odd Suits--some'only two and one of a line--regular $12.00 and Take your choice Saturday for $8 45. - 50 pairs-Men's Tweed Pants, regular $1.50. Saturday ggc. per pair. 40 pairs Men's Tweed Pants--Scotch effects--regular $2.25: Saturday 10 dozen only Men's Black Cashmere Half-Hose to be sold Saturday at 2 y -- GANONG'S G. B. CHOCOLATES THE FINEST IN THE CITY; 50c. per Ib. A. J. Rees, 166 Princess St. GEGEN GEOG!