Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Aug 1906, p. 8

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mines ans naive to be entire new and . to develop them. be em- | and more than 600 in buming buildings i oroff, of the large print- t attached to the offi- where the compositors has been discharged, the minister ol railways has the resignation of Superinten- rence, of the Irinoff railroad with traffic an his rogd. : there is continued preparation the . revolutionaries for an uprising in the south, is he : " dicated by the interes tion by the police of shipments of arms and ammunition, including rifles i sabres, at Poleava and Theodosia, tai PITH OF THE NEWS, - ------ The Very Latest Culled Over World #1 An International Old as por at Stratford, wich, was killed at Bay City, Sten sland of the Milwaukee Avenue State bank, go, on a charge ing laws of the was arrested, in Chica of violating the bank d annual mest terboro, this m Xi tes are in 5 ktysix men, 'on board a, were placed under arrest, this morning, owing to their loyalty being : police court, Toronto, rrested in recent of keeping hand- 'erown not bei eyo a with the nr ittee 'of JACAs with h amid ork, 'appointed 8 | the position: of college | the jntemational " reference to Canada. Mr, Irv- ig Sraduated from McGill University n 3 ticipating in the salva Ralian steamer Sirio bodies in the in- hy San a a 3 § # + i or Sho Jwamh, the q ready to The intornd tion says he saw seventy terior of the. vessel, for the relief of the des ors have reached Crazed, it is believed, by the heat, three years old, a t Twelfth street, and killed his wife, J witlor. ving In Hon ' Was removed to an hospital in a dying condition, XK. & P. RAILWAY. Semni-Antiual Meeting Railway company was held, today, Among' those prosent' wore: W, R y general manager; James W." Timmerman, and focal © members. The half-vear's busi- | ness was reviewed and considered very. © 20 in.' to 27 in. Lina White an a director, J. B. W, 'was elected in his stead. This _~ to-morrow. passenger tenm ing be- BT pas Buy ed oil at Gibson's Red Cross store. It's good and The i 7 received a call to |! Mooers" elevator = this afternoon. |, A eaptain a nearby vessel having'la- i , complained to the au- thorities of boys in swimming with- out bathing. Mtire The steamer A the St. Lawrence with passengers and freight, broke and engine shaft on Tuesday, while passing Ogdensburg, || N.Y. She was caught and towed into tt for repairs. Ten minutes later the steamer would have been in the rapids, The steamer America brought a large | number of expursionists up from ther joints, this morning, returning Past two o'clock, To-morrow at i sho takes the Citizens' band. excursion from Picton to = Cape Vincent, from where the travellers: will go on to Watertown. - While awaiting their re- | the islands has ; turn, a run' amon been arranged, to ple a ch Buy Cu Gibson's ¢ the Cape peo- to tour the river. 'a sopp and ointment at Cross drug store. Movements of The People--What Miss Rebecca Heaslip, Gananaque, || is siting for a few days in tho Ely, a Mrs. M. Geraldi, Chicago, are » the est of Mr. and Mrs. G. uchinvole, Stuart street. Mr, Gerald is an old tonian. J.D. Thompson, county tegistrar, is able to he about town Ay after his recent illness. Magistrate J. M. Farrell, is now Thousand : rusticating id the Ts- |! lands, and is: eapeoted home far | , 'publisher of the | Publish cial re- ly & Pulicti-the_sfisiol ro : a ioouple §t Ta B Wi ted in town. Wednes James Lawless, injured at the Lo- | 5 is resting | quistly, to-day, at. the Hotel Dieu, | oomotive Works, yi and while he had a close call, his in. juries will not result fatally. ox: in Cy i? Sawtelle, e., who has supplyin, e pul- pit at Smith's Falls, for ® ne ast month, is the guest of PF. BR. Carnov- . Pritts Streets for {hie week; am * 'oughkeepsie, arrived jn the ty iodny, on Rp. cation, tor was in a repent railway accident, and veceived a se- vere shaking up. He still limps about with a cane. 2 W. D. Johnston and wile, New York, formerly of y after several Journ Shanes: or visiting their sis. + Mrs, Harvey yes, and brother, J. E. Johnston, Ernesttown Station, John Johnston, and daughter, Kings: ton, are spending a few days in that vicinity, rr ------ ANTIDOTE FOR GRAY HAIR. an : | Wkat May Be Done to Stay the °, aru hairs, are an indication that © hair-producin, are wonk- ening. When Tousd ay ald "be cut down to the healthy part, and the head should be ~a8 much as g Boksibie, Sap in the widla of the day, to the sun and gir. Massage the scalp at the same time with the cush- ion tips of your mere. Brush hair and scalp at ni t with a coarse, sti brush until a glow is produced, and rub in a little lotion composed of two drachms each of borax and glycerine to eight ounces of distilled water. This is ecoling and allays dryness of the skin. Brush again in the morn- img, and to the roots of the hair ap- ply with a brush this tonie Tincture of eantharidine, one une i quid am- monia, one drachm; glyeerine, one: half ounce: oil of re, one-half bring out the natural 'oil of the hair. ys t i ony an, ay Po A 0 necessary. i should always be done. in the rate direction of cies ome. a on, gndria bound down, » Closes at 5 O'clock "Home . Manag 1 aE E tention [hen its doe, Bot nh : to supply those things for the e, In servi asthe country-grocer said, Rm food service payment for our great trouble. we have is to list, everything h TABLE LINENS, in some of the 1.00, 1.10, 1,20, 1.25, 1.30, 1.30 and TABLE CLOTHS, in' many. different styles and sizes--full ery cnse, at a great range of prices, each cloth, 88c., 1.15, 1.75, 2.00, 2.50, 2.85, 2.09, 3.50, 3.75, 3.99, 4.50, 4.90, 5.75, 5.95 and TABLE NAPKINS, in lovely damask 'owellin designs to match' the choicest and T 88 cloths, made and finished perfectly, ©f purest at a score of prices from 1.00 dozen upwards, with special 1 124, 15, 18, 20; 95, 30,85 and quality-values at, per dozen, RAS 189, 2.49, 299 50, 3.75 4.25 ROLLER . CRASH and pure white, from LINEN HUCKABACK TOWELS, with|py EACHE CRAS rotty red border and neatly UNBLEACHED BASH erdmed ends, < 20540 inches 10 LINEN HUCKABACK TOWELS, of purest white, neatly hemstitohed, out most popular spec- inl," 20 x 38 inches, each 15 only ad a aT . 25 inches wide, and, per yard, . LINEN 'HUCKABACK TOWELS, purs| 15 and white and neatly hemstitched, an|GLASS exceptionally large size--28 x 41 inches, each 20c., others 21x 38 inches, each 260.; and others 35 21x89 inches, each ........... * ALL LINEN HUCKABACK TOWELS are most "xheive but in the -d cheapest yualily, guaran PLAIN ENGLISH PILLOW CASINGS id Foe ih iouy dotask de- of excellent qualities, from 40 1 hemstitched "order, very | 3a » inches "wid, per yard large--26x43 inches, each..... 2 TOO DOM Frit, panening BATH TOWELS, in many different|CIRCULAR PILLOW CASINGS, in BR lin, whee Rifas TERRY TOWBLLINGS, of purest white, the softest, nicest bath towel: lings we have to offer, 15 and 25 TOWELLINGS, in purest white, with neat colored checks, from 22 to 28 inches wide per vard, 20, 15, 12§, 10, ; A inn ava eis . "To-morrow NE of the sections upon which we've. prided osirsslyes much, is that in which are pou whi the many ed necessury to the ad home comfort, Sometimes we think we give it more at- pleasure, we find in being able qualities at, mes ample he best way we know of to give you a fair conception of what ere. And we make no apology, if it seems long. Each and every item is worthy of your full attention now, and deserving of your interested, lative inspection to-mor- Jrow. Linens come first, but--read it al ettiest patterns of fancy dots, Fleur-de- lis, clover leaves, ote., up to eighty inches wide, at man® popu- lar prices, to-morrow per yard, 40, 45, 50, €0, 69, 75, 0, 95¢c., 14 : bleached and damask, hemstitched and fringed, ete.~all perfectly finished in ev- ; 75 . .most popular of our table linens and| LINEN HUCKABACK TOWELLINGS, white, from 18 to 27 inches wide, per yard, 10 39 TOWELLINGS, TOWEL- INGS, full 17 inches wide, per yard, 10 and Se, 07 rs 4 Day | FANCY TICKINGS, in \ S different widths, of stripes of red and blue, from 32 to 36 inches wide, per yard, 124, 15, 20, 25 30 . and Summer Quilts CROCHET QUILTS, all siges, pure white, of summer weight, ex- cellently made "and finished each, 1.99, 1.48, 1.35, 99, 90 7 RR a . SATIN QUILTS, all sizes, for sum mer, soft, and of the most pleasing texture, many prices--4.50 2.95, 2.75, 2.49, 1.95, 1,75, 1 5 RAY and. in Ga . BLEACHED, and twilled, 2} yards wide, per yard, 25, 30, 33, 35 40, 45 and 49¢.; same, 2 25 wide, 38 and .....cavi inion a ' BLEACHED, and plain, 2} yards wide, per yard, 25, 30, 33, 35 and 45c.; same, 2 yards wide, 13 20, 25,30 and ......... ........... . UNBLEACHED, and twilled 2} yards wide, per yard, 30 35 BIE Col a Tisens aed . sizes and qualities, at a very same widths, from 40 to 52 extensive in range, from 15 inches, per yard, 25, 20, 18 . 80, 0800 AD. sinks. mma TR GR SERA RG ak JOHN LAIDLAW & SO) that the teu as It Is how- partioulars about having it re-covered at slight JOHN LAIDLAW & SON Ladies' Plain: Linen - Handkerchiefs, neatly "hemstitehed, each, 10, 12}, 18 and iid eA 2 drneenn ernan wae ' Ladies' Fancy Handkerchiefs, each, 10, 124, 15, 18, 20, 23 6 25, 30, 33, 35, 40, 45 and... * chiefs, very favor just now for gifts, each 1.75, 1.95, 249 and. ... Gent' Lawn Handkerchiols, of pure|BALDWIN'S ENGLISH ENITTING fine quality, neatly hem- YARNS, famous for their purity! stitched, Jo. Sash or 3 for ° ud absolute reliability, in black, 20¢., and 3 for .y OF eae] white, and grey, and a Gents' Initinled 'Linen Handkerchiels,| 'thirty colors. of very Ans: auality, Bons 25 ARDALUSIAN WOOLS, in all wanted dain and-embroi shades. initial, rr CoRR . GERMANTOWN YARNS, in Gents' Plain Moir Handkerchiefs, wg white, and the neatly ems , each 45 colors. 10, 15, 20, 25, '33, 37, MQ PyupHvR WOOLS, in about thirty| and JOHN LAIDLAW & SON lovely shades. | Sail Duck Jud from the quantities we've Fg y wold; we must have just about the best values in the city of this important em. To-mor- row we'll have all lengths, par yard, 10, 12} : . 14, 15, 18, 20 and ." | ing Yarn. Ba range of black, a warnin lous dealers have tried to and see that it is tic) » $500,000 FO FIGHT DRINK. Tacoma, Wash., Aug. 8--J. B. Mar: tin, a Cincionati hotel-keeper and an enthusiastic prohibitionist, declares he will devote the proceeds of his Alaska mining properties up to $500,000 year- ly to the cause of prohibition in the United States. The ty heretofore has had no more than $50,000 a year for carrying | on its work, After inspecting the Ta coma smelter, yesterday, Martin left |' or. Alaska to start development work. @ thinks that within two years he will be able to devote $500,000 annual- | hb the crusade against the liquor raffic. y.- : CR _ {e-zines ~ Thi Tonk Has Been A ET -------- Food, Drink And Comfort. A |r of our ice cream soda water est food ne, well ring protein Tol gf * Qur Thinks are made rte erie JOHN LAIDLAW & SON There's not one bit of necessity for anybody carrying an umbrella with a torn or worn cover around Kingston. Our re-covering proposition makes With two-thirds of the cost of an umbrella in the handle, ~diys with the better kinds, It's like throwing money away to discard It when the cover becomes shabby. 8, If you have an umbrella with a cover that you're at allashamed of--bring It here to-morrow, and get expense. JOHN LAIDLAW & SON These Are the Popular Wools and Yarns in Kingston For two days last week we kept quite a force at work unpacking the first fall arrivals of fine wool mense stock these give us, will not last long. Gaod-thinking people just seem to naturally associate Laidlaws' with any wants they have Ladies' Fancy Purelinen Handkorin this regard, and the result is, we find it best to have the largest, h: very Saintily yin gidlered most complete and 'pleasing collection between Toronto and Montreal. and lose trimmed, ip hig 2 95 Well we'll just list these favorites and invite your early inspection : . : most desirable/wyVRRN SAXONY 'WOOLS, especial | lv adaptable for men'® fine sox, as GENUINE "LAIDLAWS- UNBREAK ABLE FINGERING YARN," in blac} and white, and a splendid range of the most wanted col g and suggestion will not he out of place here. Some unserupu pass off ordinary yarns as our "Unbreakable.' Be careful that you ard not out-witted and deceived by such. wanted 25 way to be sure that Jou have the genuine is to look at BACH SKEIN . eted with the name "Laidlaw's Unbreakable Finger Without sich it is not genuine, is UNBLEACHED, and ain, 2 25 s and yarns. But even the im- SINGLE AND DOUBLE BERLIN WOOLS, in a complete range, offer ing every possible wanted shade. SHETLAND FLOSS, in white, black, pink, blue, grey, helio and many other popular shades. it has wemarkable strength, yet ver fine even thread. ors. We fecl that The on lu T Orr hello and it's in good condition now. There's only one Place where you can get one that will stand the same amount of wear that this one has, and that is at ve EE rhs | THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE to wear, but 'they have a 4 é é ee YEAR 73. Everything - Great Remo of Furn If we omly get it: We want yo you want the gos cost considerable our immense - stc think it 'better customers the be cost of removal. Don't Make Any Mista Two Doprs: Above 'th Robt. J. The Leading Vnderta = '222 Pr Telephone 577. "BY JOHN I. Auction Of Fusniture, Pian and Curly Birch ¥ eto, eto. 1 have received instru the residence of the late Ross, No. 189 Johnso Household Furniture, on TUESDAY, J Viz :--Fine Square P Marble Top and Curly Sets, Mahogany and Centre, Side and luxte Walnut, Black Walnut Dining Room Chairs, L Blinds, Bric-a-Brac Brus Rugs, Ladies' Secretary tresses, Chamber Sets, New Happy Thought erator, Crockery, Gla Utensils, tins Heater, G Walnut Wardrobe, Ice Linen for "dancing pur 10 numerous to mientio Piano will positively Sale at 10.80. Terms | JOIN, Waggon HH Lr Starts at During August the balance of our | ings at $16, $1. To make room extensive stock of bave ever imported, All Sales Stric WAGG ( 188 Wellingto A Hot Sometimes down So its a. question 3 the ball or the bal Its very satisf what you want = to get just what 3 SPORTING 'If you come h everything. Angrove 88-90 PRINCE WHEN YOUR NEED REPAI Remember our pairing so that Fo like they did whe: Wear *'/ Military By Sign of Golden Boo RA ea Me

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