Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Aug 1906, p. 7

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TURING CO. LIMITED, ). fA, ST. JOHN, N. B. ICRE. are fuel savers. Because the castiron combustion chamber is corrugated in such a way as to add about to the heating surface, with the result that from the same fire a " Hela" will extract a proportionately greater amount of heat than will a furnace built with a smooth combustion chamber. The corrugations serve another purposes, relieving the strain of expansion and contraction. Send, me 2 rough plan of your house, and I will make you an estimate of the cost of installing a «" Hecla" Furnace. new ""Hecla" Catalogue. «« Clare's Furnace Builder,' CLARE BROS. & CO., LIMITED, KINGSTON AGENT : See@©C0 @N IN TAN If we can fit you we @ @ee. oo -. STOP! 1} And look at our Men's Show Window and © $5 and $4.50 Shoes for 1 will also send you the Write now--while you think of it--=to care of y a8 PRESTON, ONT. ELLIOTT BROS. oe ew @® ¢ Big Cut Prices: : SHOES ®® know you will buy. (2 $3.50% | ® 899 OOIOCIOIOOIOIOIOIOI OOO OOOO] 3 McDermott's Shoe Stores ¢ OOOO) SEES 9 0ee ceossee COOBPOOFIPO GANONS'S G. B. CHOCOLATES THE FINEST IN THE CITY 50c. per 1b. A. J. Rees, 166 Princess St. CRRA (inl (ser (4 SYNOP.IS oF GANADIAN NORTE: WEST HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS Yen numbered section of Douiin- wh in Manitoba or the North- west hady in 2 excepting 8 and 26, not reserved, may be homesteaded upon by any person who is the sole head of a family, or any male over 18 years of age, to the extent of one-quarter sec- tion, of 160 acres more or less. Entry may be wage personally at the local land office for the district in which the land to be taken is situated, or if the homesteader desires, he way, on appli- cation to the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa, the ommissioner of Immigra: tion, Winnipeg, or the local agent for the district in which the land is situ- ate receive authority for some one to make entry for him. HOMESTEAD DUTIES: A settler who stead is required to perform the con- ditions connected therewith under one of the following plans (1) at least six months residence upon and cultivation of the land is each year during the term of three vears. (2) If the father (or mother, if the father is deceased) of any person who is eligible to wake a homestead entry un- der the provisions of "his .Act, resides upon a farm in the vicinity of the land ehtered for by such person as a home- stead, the requirements of this Act as to residonce prior to obtaining patent may te satisfied by such person residing with the Jather or mother. (8) I the settier has his permianent reside. #8 upon farming land owned by him in the vicinity of his homestead, the requirements of this Act as to residence nay De 4 satisfied Ly residence upon the an a APPLICATION FOR PATENT should be made at the end of three vears, be- Agent, Sub-Agent or the Uomestead Inspectus. Before making applications for patent the sottler must give six month's notice In writing to She Commissioner of Do- winion t Ottawa, of his intention to do so. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH- WEST MINING REGULATIONS. Coal. --~Coal lands may be purchased at 10 per acre for soft coal and $20 for Dathracie. Rot more than 320 acres can be a one individual or com- re Royalty at the rate of ten cents of 2, pounds shall be collected output. Quartz--A free miner's certificate is Kranted upon payment in advance of $3 per annum for an Individual, and trom $50 to $100 per annum for a come paby according to capital. A free Hiner, having discovered mineral in Place, way, locate a claim 1,500x1, The fee for recoiding a claim is $5. At least $100 must be expended on the claim each year or paid to the mining in lieu thereof. When $500 has been expended or paid, the locator may, bi having a survey made, and upon' mplying with other requirements, pur- hase the land at $1 an acre. gp vides for the payment of So! 1 per cent on the sales. R mining Slats generally are fee $5, renewable pany » square ; entry i ohtain two leases to se Miner may ob wiles each for a ; renewable at the ol Jumim for sach mile of river re te of 24 per cent collect output Satter * area $10, ORY, Deputy bt the Mintytor of the. Intert CURE Bick Headache and relieve all tho troubles fuck Gent to a billous state of the system, such as Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress after ssiite, 1 Junin the fide, 40. &e. Sle Sole aie ows shown in SICK siesdache, yot Carter's Litlie Liver Pills ave equally Be in Constipation, curing and pre venting thisannoying complaint, while they aise eorrect all disorders ofthe: out Mver aud regulate the bowels, Even if they only ~ HEAD Ifche they wonild boalmost priceléss to those who suffer from this riage complaint; but fortune nately theirgoodness does notend here, and thoes ahosncorty 8 ih, will find these little pills valv- ys that they will not koh wit a ran But after allsick ACHE the bane of so many lives that here is where @ithobane of po Tas Qur pillacure it while lo Li Pills are very small and yery easy to take. One or tvo ills makea decd. They are strictly do not Sve, of but by their gentle a please all w! them. 4 vialaat 25 cents ; five for 1. by @ruggists everywhere, or sent by CARTER MEDIGINE CO., New York, fmal AL Small Doss. Small Pris Canada Life Assurance Co. Has paid an average profit in bonuses since inception, (Sixty Years Ago) of 2 per cent., which means that $20.00 each year is added to your policy per $1,000, of Insvrance, and at the same time have brought the Reserves up on all business to a 3} and 3 per cent. basis, which warrants large future profits. Excellent results have been and will be paid by the Company. It pays to insure in the Canada e. Tall in the Kingston Office, where ACTUAL RESULTS will be cheerfully shown. J. O. Hutton, Manager Kingston Office, 18 Market St. Telephone No. 703. The greatest mystery of medical sei- ence is the exact use of the thyroid gland, which is the seat of the dis- 000. | ease known as goitre. So lately as 1813 ghe Fast India company decided' that trade with Ja- Unauthorized publication of "this pent will not be Daid for pan was not worth cultivating. NEWS OF NE NEIGHBORS WHAT WHIG CO CORRESPOND- ENTS TELL US. The Tidings From Various Points In Eastern Ontario -- What People Are Doing' And What They Are Saying. Death From Injuries. Bongard's, Aug. 7.--A partichlarly sad accident ocourred at Bongard's dock, on Monday evening. Upon the arrival of the Reindeer a man, by the name of Charles 'Turner, was alight: ing from the boat, when, in some way, he slipped and fell between the boat and dock, sustaining injuries from which he died, -- 'Cutting Barley. Brower's Mills, Aug. 6.--Farmers ave cutting their barley; an abundant crop. The lawn social held in Dean's grove, on Monday evening, was a de- vidod "success. robert Jordan, Nova Scotia, is visiting his sister, Mrs. W. Fisher. Miss Anna Cofiey, Kingston, hue returned home, after spending a pleasant week: with the Misses Der- rigan. Miss Brannigan, Ottawa, 1s visiting at J. Murray's. A pienic is to be held in Dean's grove, on August 2th, by Rev, Father Traynor. Mrs. J. Rochefort has been quite ill, but is recovering. A Feast Of Ice Cream. Junetown, Aug. 7.--Miss E. Patton, Bishop Mills, is spending this week with Mrs Avery. Gertrude Andress, Brockville, is visiting her grandpar- ents Mr. and Mrs, Alexander Tennant. Miss Mary Trickey, Athens, is spend- ing a few days at A. Avery's. Miss Eve Dormer, who has been spending a few days with Luella Herbison, has irned to. her home near Gananogne, Miss Evelyn Earl, Warburton, is vis- ing her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, Walter Purvis. A very pleasant time was spent at the home of John La: kins, Saturday evening last, when Carmel Lakins treated his parents and friends to ice cream, Several from heres attended the old. boys' reunion at Brockville on Wednesday last. Malcolm Hall has finishéd taking his hay crop off the Bings farm. Haying is a'most complited in this section and harvest ing has begun. A Settler Seriously Ill. Arden, Aug. 7.--The weather con- finues dry and hot, no rain here this month, except a light thunder shower yesterday; vegetation requires rain badly, pastures are drying up, and milk to factories is decreasing, Farm- ers are getting in their hay, and some have begun eutting grain. Herbert Boomhower, who has been in Michi gan for some time has returned to Kennebec. Andrew Boomhower, an old pioneer settler of this township, is re- ported seriously ill. 8, R. Monds, late merchant of this village, who left for the west last March, arrived here on Friday afternoon, from Saskatoon, af- ter visiting several places west. Albert Gaylord, wile, and. remainder of his fa mily will leave Kennebec for Saska- toon, this week, following his sons who left here in March last, having sold his farm, and stock. News reach- ed here last week of the death of Mes. Roxie Jones, at Bancroft. She was the oldest daughter of Anson Clarke, Cora Miller, has become assistant at the Arden Post office, -- School Soom Opens. Harlowe, Aug. 6.--The social held on Thursday evening was a success. We notice in our midst Miss Johnston, who has returned to take her school. Charlie Hillier is leaving for Hunts ville to-day. A number of Neal Mills' friends gathered at his home and relieved him of his hay making, an act of kindness much appreciated ow- ing to Mr. Mills' recent illness. Fara Thompson has gone to Muskoka, dis- trict. A Marshell lost a valuable cow one day this week by getting in a well. Mr. Thompson had the misfor tune to have a couple of his fingers bad- ly cut. A little wee pirl came to make its home at C. Botts'. 'Mrs, Smith, Westport, and Mrs. Coobert have gone home after spending a week with their sister, Mrs. J, Miller. Wil liam Gray, Deer River, Minn., accom- panied with his wife and child, are spending a few weeks with parents, Rumors states bears in our vicinity. Rev. Mr. Huffman was in the village on Friday en route for Arden. ne Hufiman is guest at the Cedars, B. Detlor was in the village on Mond: ay. J. Cook had the misfortune to have his horse break its leg. Laid At Rest. Salem, Aug. 5.--Mrs. Daniel Mul ville passed peacefully away on Au gust 3rd after a short illness. Hor death. will be learned with regret ly all who knew her. She was a kind wife and a loving mother. Besides her husband, she leaves vight chil dren, two misters and four brothers, to mourn. Mrs. Michael Carey. Rose bush, Mich., Mrs. Martin Johnston, Saginaw; Daniel, Patrick and Joseph, of Bariga, and Fdward, -of Burridge. Her funeral to St. Edward's church was one of the largest for some time. Among those who attended were Mrs. M. /, Rosebush; Dennis Mul ville, Orillia; Thomas and Nellie Mul ville, Kingston: Miss Maggie and Lena Mulville,' Deseronto." Farmers are busily engaged harvesting, ns 'arly all the grain is ripe in this locality. Miss Eva Morris has return. ed to Portland after visting friends here. Miss 1. Sickler, Miss Blanche Samders, William Taggart and Hire bert Taggart were among those who attended the (ld Bovs' Re-union in Brockville last Yweek, Wiss Lena Bate- man and Mrs. Lockwood, Westport, visited ° Portland friends last week. Miss Nellie Stinson, Birridge, has been spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, Face Bitten By Dog. Caintown, Aug. T~Master Kenneth White is spending a few days with his' father. Mrs, John Ferguson is very ill. William Moore is on the sick list. J. F. Kincaid and wife, of Syracuse, N.Y., spent n few dave here with his brother and sisters. T. Weston and family have moved to Athens. DAILY BRITISH form) is a constitutional, The gists. [ORTURED BY ITCHING ECZEMA Suffered Tremendous Itching Over Whole Body -- Scratched Until Bled -- Rs at Night, With and Excruciating Pains -- A Western Lady's WONDERFUL CURE BY CUTICURA REMEDIES aon gps ieeneien § last at this time I suffered with. a endous itching on my Duck, which grew worse and worse, un- lit ' spread over the whole body, and y my face and hands were free. For four months or so I suffered the torments of the damned, and 1 had to serateh, serateh, scratch, until 1 bled. At night when I went to bed things got worse, and 1 had at times to get up and scrateh my body all over, until I was as sore as could be, and until I suffered excruciating pains. I did not know what it was, and resorted to a number of blood purifiers, using at times also Cuticura Soap. They told me then tat I was suffering from eczema. Then I made up my mind that I would also use Cuticura Oint- ment and Cuticura Resolvent, I used them according to instructions, and Wd soon indeed I was greatly relieved continted until well, and now I am ready to recommend the Cuticura Rem- edies to any one who suffers as did your obedient servant. Mrs, Mary Metzger, Sweetwater, Okla., June 28, 1905." TORTURING, DISFIGURING Humours, Eczemas,and Itchings Cured by Cuticura The agonizing itching and Durning of the skin, a8 in eczema; the frightfu scaling, 8s in psoriasis; the loss of hair and crusting of scalp, as in scalled Lead --all demand a remedy of almost superhuman virtues to successfully cope with them. That Cuticura Soap, Ointment, and Pills are such stands proven beyond all doubt. Sold! Hhromghout 1 the world, Cuticurs Soap, Olut ont, of Chocolate Coated Pil) -- Resulucut also in form w in 3 haa of sll drogpiste. A le in viele A Cherub singer ob "Mas i nh ied From How to Cure Baby Humours." SN NA ANNAN social, on Friday evening last, was grand success, proce amounting to $31.75. Mrs Mary Ferguson is with her brother, Thomas Tennant, of Mal lorytown, who is very ill. Mrs. Ira Andress is on the sick list, Miss Mable Gibson has gone on a visit to her friends in Albany, N.Y. The Misses Ferg of Athens, are, this woek, the guests of their aunt, Miss Louise Ferguson. Mrs. Nancy Ten nant and Miss Alice Termant are spending a few days in Athens, guests Knolton. Miss 1', of Mrs. H. R. Moore, of Smith's Falls, was the uson, guest of the Misses Alice and Emma Tenngnt. Miss Jordan, of Mallory- town, is the guest of her friend, Miss Cassie Tennant, Mr. and Mrs, J, Simpson and children, Battle Creek, Mich., are this week, the guests of her sister, Mise Hattie Powell. Misg Myrtle Powell, of Freelands, is spend ing a few dave at her home here. Mrs, Charles McDonald, Mallorvtown, is spending a few days with her sister, Mise Hattie Powell, Mrs, Margaret | Ferguson is not so well as usual, Henry Miller, is at present the guest of hig sisters, Mrs. M. Dickey and Migs Miller. Master Cecil Brown, of Ottawa, had the misfortune, one day last week, to have his face bitten be a dog. re ------------ When a woman suffers from depress- ing weaknesses, she then - keenly re- alizes how helpless--how thoroughly worthless she is. Dr. Shoop has bropight relief to thousands of such women, He reaches diseases peculiar to women in two direct, specific ways--a local treatment. known by druggists everywhere as Dr. S8hoop's Night Cure, and a constitutional or internal pre- scription called Dr. Shoop's Restora- tive. Dr. Bhoop's Night Cure is ap- plied loeally, and at night. It works while you sleep. It redives inflamma: tion, it stops discharges, it heals, it soothes, it comforts, it cures. Dr. Shoop's Restorative (tablet or liquid nerve tissue tonie. It brings renewed strength, last ing ambition and vigor to weak, life- less women, These two remedies, sing- tv, or used together, have an irresis. tible, positive helpfid power. Try them a month and see. Sold by all drug WHIG, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 8. A WIFE'S INFIDELITY] INCITED HER ER HUSBAND T0 MURDER. Attacks Baron With Dagger and Clothes and His Own, Berlin, Aug. 8.---From Sigmaringin comes the story of a terrible tragedy caused by illicit love. Lieut, Muazer, an officer of the reserve, a middle aged mun, had a lovely wile, whose hlond tresses were the envy of half the wo- men in her town. The couple had liv- ed happily for ten years and moved in the best society. Late one night last week hushand and wife retired as usual. The hus band was awakened by his wife silent: lv leaving the bed and going down- stairs in her thin nightdeess. The hus- band, thinking she was walking in her sleep and would catch cold, slip- ped on hia dressing gown and hasten- ed after her with a wrap. He was astonished to find that she went to the front door, and, opening it, ad- mitted a man. He proved to be Lieut. Baron Von Holsheim, a hand some voung dragoon ofhicer, The couple went into the sitting room, and the outraged husband, securing first a heavy Oriental dagger, followed them. He surprised his wife lying in the arms of Von Holzheim on the sofa. The dragoon drew his sword, but be- fore he could use it the husband had rushed in on him and plinged the dagger into his breast up to the hilt. His wife had swooned with fright. The husband carried her into the kitchen, saturated her unconscious body with petrolenm, and then, doing the same to his own clothes, set both on fire. The police, sesing the Hames, rushed into the house, but the bodies of the husband and wifo by that time were mere ashes. The dragoon officer was still alive, and he told the story, Soon afterward he died of his terrible wound, GIRLS WILL BE GIRLS. At Atlantic City Maidens Sport- ing Half Hose. Atlantic City, Aug. 8.--Atlantic City, prides have had such a shock | For the fair summer girl--she ot least of the shapely leg--has taken to socks on the bathing beach and abandoned the conventional long stockings. This. awful breach in the conven tions was made by a girl from staid and prim Philadelphia. Viloen she ap peared yesterday in bu: gs and at tracted the attention of beach loun- gers, Peter Parker, captain of the life guards, hurried aghast to Mayor Stoy for instructions, But the mayor is a wise official and he know better than to undertake to settle the all-impor tant question of hose or half-hose, and where there was but one pair yes terday, to-day there were hall « dozen pairs of stockingless calves, twinkling along. the sands, with a prospect of a general adoption of the new fad with in a day or two, for- "U the girls wish to wear sobks, 1 have no offic dnl objection," Mayor Stoy seid. "I have hal enough trou ble in trying to regulate bathing rigs in former seasons, and so long as there is nothing positively indecent about the costumes there will be no objection," According to local haberdashers there has not yet arisen a strong de- mand 'for bathing socks, and it is he lieved that the daring pioneers of yes teeday and today borrowed their brothers' hali-hose for the occasion, Pretty Separate Waist Model. The revival of the separate silk waist of dress intent which has beer mid-summer fashion is responsible for a number of novel and charming de- signs, one of the most favored of which is that of the illustration, The original of this model was in u water green chiffon tafieta, trimmed with Mechlin and Valenciennes lace and worn with an accordion pleated skirt of black voile, belted with black satin crushed over a shallow featherbone girdle foundation, Shirtwaibt lines are suggested in the back and the front of this waist hy the Gibson shoulder tuck stitched to yoke depth, The fastening, though made in the centre back, is simulated in the front by the double row of tiny brass but- tons set on at the bust line betwoen the stitched bands of the silk, running from shoulder to waistline, These are given the necessary hody hy a foun: dation of lightweight princess hair cloth, which is likewise used in the turnback vuffl of the elbow length sleeve finished with o deep cuff of nu- Merous rows of Vale; ne i nnes nse; riion finished with edging. The little point- ed yoke or chemisette and high col lar are also made of the Val. inser tions, the Mechlin lace forming the collar-like yoke, edged with Valen- ciennes, This waist would be splendid for mourning wear, made up in soft taffotas or China silk and trimmed with Val. or a similar fine lace. -------------------- The most mixed population in the world is probably that of Britich Gui ana. There is an a wixture of French, Dutch, Spanish, British, Coolie and Indian blood. Trades unions are no new invention. Accurate records of their existence in Roman times have beim dug up in Pompeii, Then Sets Fire to Spouse's | HERE is x Reason-- Why the Good People of Fast as the Clock Ticks, Every second some one, 'somewhere, is Buying a little Ten-Cent Box of Gass carets. 1,2, 3,4, 5, 6-60 times to the Minute, 60 Minutes to the Hour, 3600 Boxes an Hour, 36,000 Boxes a Day-of Ten Hours, 1,080,000 Boxes a Month, and then some. Think of i-220,000 Peopls take a Cascaret tablet every day. Millions use Cascarets when necessary. The Judgment of Millions of Bright Americans is Infallible. They have been Buying and Taking Cascarets at that rats for over Six years There is also a Reason y Why there are Parasites who. themselves to the Healthy Body ot Ci caret's success--Imitators, C Substitutors. They are Trade Thisves who rob Cascarets of the "Good Will" people, and sneak unearned earned and paid for by Cascarels, : It is not en Experiment, not an Acck A Dishonest Pupasn means dent or Incl Mr Oy a 'sound, Honest * Product and a Disregard of the Business, based on Time. Tried-and-Tested ers' Hoalth or Welfare, Merit, never found wanting. Beware of the Slick Salesman - "There is a Reason. ancient "Just as Good" story that com= iS mon sense refutes, He will perpetrate 8 Cascarets are the implacable foe of fraud od you for a Slolen profit, . All Disease Germs; the Incomparable _ Cascarsts are ragesiy ty te cleanser, purifier and strengthener of the Remedy Company. and ¢ he famous | entire Digestive Canal, Ten Cent "Vest Pocket box fs They Act like Exercise on the Bowel shown. They are hover soi in Bulk, Muscles, make them strong and active-- Every tablet marked 'CCC. abls to Help Themselves do their work-- Be gure you get the genuine. keep themselves olean. All Druggists everywhere sell them, Cascarets are the safe-guard of Innocent and Millions of Men and Women Childhood against the Dreadful Death- them constantly in vest pocket OF purse, dealing Dangers that threaten the Lives A sample and the famous booklet * of the Little Ones. of Constipation," Free for the 'They are Purely Vegetabls, absolutely Addreas Sterling Harmless, always Reliable and Efficient, . Company i n wi TT ass on desta Ros sored on the oe - i. Bri Specific dod be 1 ry Ei Ha ib Or. KONA MEDICINE CO.. PO DRAWER T, 2341 Snaps IN SUMMER FOOTWEAR. Just now we are making some attractive prices on a New summer lines of shoes. All our Ladies' Tan and Chocolate Oxfords, i Blucher, Cut & Gibson Ties--the $3.00 ) kind--Midsummer 'Price .... ... nn ... $2.28 All our Tan Calf and Chocolate Vici Oxfords, He in this season's style, stamped peice goods $2.50, fOr "il tit a Calif ernie SHEE All our Tan and Grey Canvas Gibson Tie ; Oxfords, the $2 grade--Midsummer Sale Price. 5.7 4%, 5% LHL Cr wr All Children's Barefoot Sandals, sizes 8 to 2 --prices Tange $1 to $1.25. All at the one price of nb us Hind mal Rl ana a White Cartivas Oxfords and Bals., the 5 $2 kind. Midsvmmer Price .... .. ... $1.49 J. H. Sutherland & Bro. THE HOME OF GOOD SHOEMAKING. $1.60 76c. Men's Bam Insist On Having LABATT'S (toadon) India Pale Ale For Purity, Freedom from Acidity, and Paltaableness, Labatt' Ale is surpassed by none. JAS. McPARLAND, AGENT, 339 and 341 King St. Phone 274

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