( orn Umbrella, is a constant menace to a persons re- REE : Biltation ra diys mo 'More ox- 4 . Jiberals | 'worn { sti cusablo with 'a - 'man' than & wo- Not & year ago' the ; 7 ; : k ay Ah man. And the only 'thing that dragged into court, literally persecut- |. . Further Con; fone 43 ts be et 'can. excuse either ome is the fact «, by 'Kingston iy or | : : that they know no alia out Enight, per garment an active part in the the over of your umbrella is at § Men's Summer Balbrigga, Undep Tae June 35th, appeas- (nufacturer. if all shabby," bring it here. We will § wear, of much finer IY, Derfoaily Price, this" m igh i * them in § have a"hew cover put on in a few §banded and finished, either pure md Sharged with rioting. The 15 to 17--per' gars and 'at small expense, i natural light. fp MN Ferrari, Ni Spntgaiisinesss gE it save time. . § shade, to-night, Per garment. o RN" 'JOBN 'LAID : Grade Collars at Loy for it this was the day and the | ¥ You have the Jargest maker of it a rule to clear out his fins of sumer colar 4 ih when be Dad ne pureed docs oy hs Sho e made a cent more or not, and we got the tw bo': . ; . : : been let go. They wore lars, in sizes 143, 15, 153, 16) gia vind unwilling to plead nilty t turn-down styles of different heights, of an alin ' ough their counsel, through the in- ity, Thy fold 'at twe for 25e.~youk choice "of 'this entire lot. to. ° Sexpueter, strongly advised 'them to night after 7 o'clock; and as long as it may last on Monday, each only. . Asked individually, they al pleaded See These Collars in Our bderable' explanation JOHN LAIDLAW & SoN y judge and ju ] i Jpg one were Be 'tried at once, i were inclined to plead n the charge was read, hs Were being retained far 7, while those who had JOHN LAIDLAW & SON Floors, |, bourd I iesane : married couple 'played a huge okay x paint embarked at ; dy for back of the a ge al TR Foot Bat O xandria, gonkervalive politics and ling, in which relatives 'of opposition leader Borden, within the * | dopartment, take their share. There is no department at Ottawa in which able |igore ig Bo much politics but it is rosy | TY ad y mostly tory in % Tho last * two appointments in Kingston post-office have been' of con- servatives who have worked and wag- against liberal candidates. The | penitentiary and other institutions show: equal generosity to unrelenting, persecuting opponents, ast straw came when' L. W. was taken from a civic posi- like many ' other worthy mén, but was pitchforked in over them. It was delibérate choice of Bb conservative when there wore liber- SHEE | als in that branch well fitted for 4 Price Coats. = | bie 14 Price All Wash Suits | All Spring recognition, , on behalf of the men t sentence. He con- very meagre; th hed, ing a noise on t orm, previous to the attempt arrest by Police Sergeant Nesbitt, The mien were foreigners and felt th were heing upon and, natus- ally, under 't clam circumstances, . were 3 "boiled down" hb at the thought 'there was only a" disturbanck and considered thirty-six days already spent in jail, quite sufficient as a pun- ent " though h of th r. Whitin, ought muel the blame 'of 0H riot fell on the prisons ors. The two "more" serious offenders, now retained, he did not 'think yould have asted as 'they' did had not" the | § prisoners with 'their clamoring backed 3 thém wp. Evidences showed the prison R 'bar, to be very prominent He considered 'the event had Been' a very grave on, They h undertaken to Fun the lay and shou be set wn' ex: » considered the | fact that the prisoners 'were foreign: | ers and igriorant of the law, and their conduct $b 'some extent excusable; Had Canadians so acted, he would be more severe in hix penalty! One thing he felt should he taught {hese men; that must, hot use knives in this i eely as they do in 'theid t possible cost. mention our linens especially : ing pricds, per yard, 50, 60, and "possible" to the 'avern or high prices-- just 'w cloth sells for [TABLE NaPK as sentenced to thir, ty 'days in the county jail, at hard Jab, and" the other three! sixty dayh eh ' The two Donofrios did not take at all kindly to 'their sentence' and fired up into a considerable passion. They asked "that the" thirty-six days al i dd be counted in on the sivty-day tones, hut his honor yo! phied : "1 oould not possibly make the || sentence any' li lig Reécei quite visibl showed his pleas. ure that the sentence Wad to be hard ment. They have because of béing kept lock- The appointee has been a bitter as- |. sallant of liberals, and still owns the k Kingston conservative paper, and will | continuo to own it, In the city 'couis- cil ho was unyielding, always voting for conservatives and against liberals, The Jocling excited has been: intense, and gonservatives may woll smile, for | © the liberals at Ditaws have wrecked fl | the party in Kingston, whose remark- able triumph last January put the first lis in a fast-reviving provincial cause. Mayor Mowat, immediately up- | went, rosigned his post 'of 'prosident of the Kingston Reform Association, and 0 this was. followed by the resignation of every one of the 'twenty-one mem- £1 bers of the exeeutive committee. A intated the appointment * hud The announcement is made, to-day, of the Appointment of Major L. WV Shannon as or paymastir of the Elistern Ontario command, effective July' 19th.' "The 'how appointee is ingston's city clerk, a Jeng con- setvative and "former proprietor of the Kingston News, Mr. Shannon takes up. his duties at the 'armduries on Monday, 'ano will at once Yesign' the position' of 'eity clerk. His civié duties he will continue to orm also, until Ws' successor is appointed. Mr. Shannon enters the Perm anent force With the rank of cap- tain, . a4 work together to the one en The Member Interviewed. Hon. Willlam Harty, M.P.," was in. terviewed, - regarding the appointment | 'apt. Shannon ay Paymaster" for Ontério' edmmand. He derskiris thin other items. o them this season, advisable to see fonday and' choose : through the ; 3 endorse the recommenda { the local 'exvéntive asked the Whig. "I have never failed to since being elected Jo the Neuse." All" their reeom- mendations have through my the 1.49, 1.65," 1.75, 3.95, and ... "HIS HEAD BLOWN OFF. ---- Baltic Mutiny is a Thing of ' the Past. St. Petersburg, Aug. 4.-The head of governor of Samara was blown off by the explosion' of a bomb that was thrown at the official, last even. ing. The assassin was arrested. * "The 'Baltic mutiny is already a thing of "the past. Seven of the ringlead: ers, who 'murdered Capts. Alexandroff and p erhasky in: the mutiny at Cron- 8 pi! ' court-martial. : killed ' elsingfory i ot ith disarmed sailors, sappers - wrtillerymen, aver wh the infantey; hitherto markedly loyal, are standing guard, © . 2 A battalion -of infamt: locks at Cros With our methods oF buyi and dealing with 'the makers, and ancy-worke ork tog the of making our assortment of whit the most popular in the city. Perhaps these features are rtainly, we have received rare com I You are going away, no matter bow 'short the trip, it'll be ner you have plenty 0 WHITE UNDERSKIRTS, of terns, daintily 'trintmed" with ters of tucks, with French bands 99 f very fine nainsooks, in wide flounce of embroidery or la i Our Trunks are stronger m Which is Managed Very. Much fo: atrons' Benefit RE ha og--goi right past all middlemen hdd. buying tietly for ty 3. in a positi here we can o er you the greatest of quality Re re 2 Poipion ui ch a statement needs proof. The best way we know of to prove it, is to have you come and examine our assortment. and to do this we invite you Monday. But now we ll TABLE LINENS, in some of the prettiest patterns of fancy dots, Fleur- 2 ver leaves, etc., up to eighty inches wide, at many pleas- Seles, clover lea D, 65. 69, 75, 85, 09, 1.15, 1.29, 1.40 1. TABLE CLOTHS; which are finished to a degree of perfection almost im- r--at low prices, medium prices ever you wish to give. One most notable 6.95 , in dovely damask designs to match most of the choie- est of our table linens, made and finished perfectly, 'at a score of prices, from 1.20 a dozen upwards, with special quality values at 5 200,: 2.50, 2.99, 3.25,.8.75, 4.25,.4.99 and .......... Hadid ia 'JOHN LAIDLAW & SON w York's Decision in Reg £9 White + JOHN LAIDLAW & SON Regard to] Fancy Ribbons Waists Two solid cases of ribbons ' i vad 1 make an immense lot for us to be The latest Pak YE y. bey getting in now. Yet such a ribbon that city. of fas! ap EW 1 0Mgeason is this that we cannot ex- Topas to Maman the on pect an ordinary assortment to that fancy . waists hh .*llast us half as long %s it would ore good style than ever bp [other years, We invite you to the coming fall, This, we thin 'come on Monday and see these should be good news to everyone. Vals? ' of" a .»- (latest arrivals For if they do sil easily, they're ¥ Tait £ all widihe. u » . . ancy lafietas, of all widths, show 50 Inexpensive at this store that ing stripes, polka dats, 'ete., yard, 25 you can always have plenty to car-|and 29¢. ry you past laundry day, And Plain Taffetas, of all the wanted the fact that we have more than ridths, jg an unlimited Mudie of + : ovely shades, yard, 10, 124, and T5c: one design at each price offers doa with one extra special, full 54 inches still further satisfaction ere. ne wide, all colors, Monday, yard only of our most popular styles : 20c. White Waist, of finest sheer lawn, Valenciennes Laces Just yesterday we received another having a beautifully, embroidered front, with neat side-tucks to 'bust; | om a1) assortment of dainty ich, even if you've examined neatly tucked back; and full wi on cage may te | a! rons, min : y i will make it worth your while (Exactly as illustration.) § 2 ahd. ENC come and see all Monday. =~ "JOHN LAIDLAW & SON LL LE JORN * White - Underskirts of Exceptionally F The fine quality of cotton, the generous fullness ol every erfection of making and finishing, and the moderate prices wi LAIDLAW & SON ---------- rment, the extreme » cannot help but e undergarments re more noticeable in our yn. pliments in regard underskirts, and if not, to come here new and elegant pat- priced for Monday--99¢., 8.49 ons or FR : bniling Bargains » Blue and 'Tan Canvas Tie » Cuban Heels, were $2.00 and Now $1.50. Dongola Kid Oxford Shoes, were $1.50. ark Ch , all sizes. co LOCKETT SHOE § and cheaper than any NEWC For First Ti alty is 8 que Stre ings. London, Au 259 years, a visited Newecas The ¢ity on of the surrend the Scots to | in 1647; it wa give the most King Edward wing of the A new infirmary; new bridge ov ed a statue o The king oF LN Fd historic resides castle, an imp side of the Als of Norman a original buildi of war had br verge of ruin constructed ¢ irieeq of the g the ballad of ( The ceremon very 'elaborate connection wil strong college. ed in 187k M 3 FO of Science, bu decided that pleted as a v strong. The o J. .Joknson, scheme: was ¢« ware finishe They have bee superintendence work has cost The great hu room. It will examinations, the building a tibule, with » columns. The contain splenc devoted. ia. The George laboratory wi teghnical teact gineering dray chanical muse will 'he. tauch trical laboratc room is on t trance, . An 'interest ing of the A serieq of exe laboratories. The king ar losk through elgptric aro Bi which "there a lichtful vocal The cxplanati orchestra are part of the h téd "mioropho The new. br ed for the N company, fr company's ow son. It has b od with concer bridge was © tions. The ne of steel, whe of cast-iron. on three' pra ticewock twer under side of heivht of eigh level, which launched fron Park. i with all the heen devised chapel is bea funds speciall Novocastrigns On 'their ar and queeh 'we thusiasm' Ad