Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Aug 1906, p. 7

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awn from quart bottles of eive a handsome €nameleq vill send a silk way, fob : OUR. PREMIUM LIST, CO Limited, Montreq; is always 1) me, Tn ay Poni ar round, TY, purest, cleanest ceres! food 5 all the world, An all-day food for everybody, MADE IN CANADA of selected Ontario Wheat Na fs, ont, re getting very e cleared out of. e a small stock 5 it will pay you nm at b1.75 00 leather] heels or imps. i ------------------ e Store A TTENTION ! not complete without Cabinet t Attachable. hem 'during our Mid- CS, I Undertaker FOR SALE Ait to buy = farm, our list. We never list to select Ve. have what you price is right. -ockhart . Kingston, ke sum to begin the 'Me provides for salar- 8, prizes for teriperance he costs" of opposing for saloons, theatres, C. srt. gston And Ottawa. lean' King and Queen, very Monday, Wednes and Saturday, at 6 ayton every Tuesday. lay and Saturday at 8 Swift, J. P. Hanky, ITT + PIECE OF BEEF Suffered For Three Years With Itching Humour -- Doctor Did No Good -- Cruiser Newark, U. S. N, Man Cured in Three Weeks, DARING CRITICISM GERMAN NEWSPAPERS AS- SAIL THE KAISER, His Habit of All-Round Interfer- ence in Public Affairs Bitterly Resented. Berlin, Aug. 4.--One of the boldest and most remarkable personal at- tacks upon the kaiser which a German newspaper has ever had the courage to print was published, SPEEDY CURE BY CUTICURA REMEDIES "1 suffered with humour for about three years, off and on. I finally saw a doctor and he gave me remedies that . id me no od 80 I tried Cuticura when my limb be- low; the knee to the ankle was as raw LY \ 8s a piece of beef, i -- All I used was the Cuticura Soap and E the Ointment. I butheq Wigle the Soap every day and used about six or En To OF Ointment, 1 was thoroughly cured of the humour in three weeks Ey haven't been affected with it since. 1 use no other Soap than Cuticura now. I remain, yours respect fully, H. J. Myers, U.S. N,, U.S. 8 Newark, New York, July 8, 1905. "P. 8S. Publish if you wish." CUTICURA GROWS HAIR Crusted Scalps Cleansed and Purified by Cuticura Soap Assistéd by light dressings of Cuticura, the great Skin Cure. iis treatment at once stops filling hair, removes crusts, scales, and dandruff, destroys hair parasi soothes irritated, itching surfaces, stimulates the hair follicles, loosens the scalpskin, supplies the roots with energy and nourishment, and es the hairgrow upon asweet,whole= some, healthy scalp when all else fails. Complete external and internal treat- ment for every humour, from pimples to scrofula, frum infancy to age, consisting of Cuticura Soap, Ointment, and Pills, may now be had of all druggists single set is often sufficient to cure the most distressing cases. Sold throughout the world. Cuticura Soap and Resolvent (also in form of Chocolate hem. Corp. . @@ Send for * The Grest Humo » You don't wash with the box! Both box and wrapper of Baby's Own Soap are plain, business like and cheap. All the money is in the Soap itself, which is as "" wholesomely >' pure and fragrant as money ¢an make it. Baby's Own Soap is much imitated as to appear- ances, but delicate skins soon show the difference. ¢«<Baby's ** costs YOU no more than the imitations. Own Albert Soaps Lid., Mirs. - Montreal. Wilson's | : this week, by the National Zeitung, of Berlin. The attack is all the more remarkable be- cause| it emanates from a journal which is generally understood to be highly ""semi-official." Apropos: of the kaiser's failure, to the present time, to dignify: the birth of his t grandson with the expected aot of imperial clemency in the shape of a general amnesty, the Natfonal Zeitung upbrinds him for being seriously out of touch with pub- lic. opinion in Germany, and asserts that he is being misinformed and mis- led by fawning courtiers, The journal says this process has reached a "dangerous" point for the welfare of the nation, and calls upon the kaiser in plain language to give greater: heed to the voice of the peo- ple. ic article intimates that the emperor's impulsive, strenuous nature fills with thorns the paths of officials who really attempt to be his advis- ers, but insists that he owes it to the loyal, monarchical people of the father- land to take their views and wishes up more. into consideration, It is declared that the German peo- af- ple share with the emperor the front he must foel at King Edwarc ostentatious disinelination to meet his imperial nephew, and at other marks of ill-will by members of the British royal family, and that it is poor recompense to this spirit of loy- alty and compassion for their soy ercign that he celebrates the birth. of the future German emperor by ace ing ious permission' to [} vacht's band to play a certain parade march on festive 'occasions, The Frankfurter Zeitung also pub- lishes a remarkable leader warning the country against - the consequences which will follow from the kaiser's all- round participation in the affairs of the empire. His mai sty, says 'the ar- ticle, strives to' become the principle regulator of all public questions. There is no problem toward which he has not assumed an attitude. It may be a uniform button or a new legis- lative measure, questions of painting or the drama; it may be the position of the Babylonian lawgiver, Hamur- abi, 'or vachting, theology or archi- | tecture. To all of these questions he | assumes a position, and seeks to in- | fluence public opinion. This may be | human, but it is not good for indi- vidual Germans, GANANOQUE NEWS. 'A Small Fire--Baseball at Round Island. Gananoque, Aug. 4.--The body of the late Mrs. Booth, of Gouverneur, N.Y., | who died suddenly at the residence of A. N. Parke, King street, was removed {on the steamer Where Now yesterday to Clayton, and thence by rail to Gouverneur for interment. | An alarm of fire was sounded from box No. 4 about 4:30 o'clock yester day afternoon, 'the fire was in the rooms over Haines' hardware store, occupied by a family named Turner. The fire brigade was promptly ay hand and the fire did not gain any headway, very slight damage being done. lt is supposed to have been caused by sparks from the adjoining shops. The Gananoque Wanderers have ar- ranged for a baseball game with the , Frontenacs at Round Island this aiter- ; moon. The Crescents, tail-enders of the Y St. Lawrence League, have disbanded. | Miss Coulton, <f Stone street, has PADS ONE PACKET HAS ACTUALLY KILLED A BUSHEL OF FLIES Bold by all Druggists and General Stores | Miss Nash, head milliner for and by mall TEN CENTS PER PACKET FROM ARCHDALE WILSON, HAMILTON, ONT. y tract to build has given to M Mitchell & Wilson for two houses on the corner of Garden and Stone streets. St. Andrew's church has made ar- rangements' for a sacred concert on Sunday morning instead of the regular service, permit and received a H. Carnegi from E, the con- Some time past for Mrs. K. E. Baker, and who has lately returned here from Brockville hospital, left to-day, for a rest at her home in Detroit. Mrs. H. riffin and Mrs. W. E. Meggs and fa- fmily, who have been spending the past couple of we the guests' of Mr. and . Eli Tennant, Caintown, have re- turned home. Mrs, Frederick Campbell, of Guelph, is spending a short in town with her mother, Mrs. liam Dempster, King street west, time Wil- ROBBED GRAVES. Man Denounced .By Wife Vandalism, Beflin, Aug. 4.--A peasant named Francis Ogrodovski has been sentenced For DOMESTIC SPECIALTY CO, : Hamiiron, ONT. n A WARM SUBJECT] There's nothing in the world wo're so "ych interested in as Coal at this time of the year. It may sound queer to Speak of coal buying and selling as a Svience, but that's what we've made it. to seven years' penal servitude at Roheim, in the province of Posen, for a particularly atrocious form of grave desecration. Ogrodovski opened a number of graves in the Jewish, Roman Catholic and Protestant cemeteries, and re- "moved the heads and sometimes the limbs from the bodies from motives of supers®itution. He brought the fragments home and buried them in his stable and cowstalls, and also in the fields where crops were growing, being firmly con- vinced that he would thereby protect the horses and cattle from disease and insure good crops. Ogrodovski was denounced by wifc after he had beaten her. At his trink he protested that he had no criminal intent in mutilating the bodies, and that it was the accepted belief + among the peasantry that porg his tions of corpses taken from graves soon after burial brought '"'good Tuck." : Two important discoveries we have Some girls are clever; they have Made are that complete satisfaction to made themselves great beauties hy Our customers pays best, and that the taking Hollister' Rocky Mountain Way to win business is to deserve it. | Booth & Co. shy of cosmetics and have become the handiomest girls in the state. Tea or tablets, 35¢. Mahood's drug store, FOOT OF WEST ST. Henry Cunninocham. tuner . from Pigme 133, Chickering's, at McAuley's book store | WRITES VOKERY BOOK. Aided in Task By Titled English Wife 1 a PRINCE VICTOR DULEEP SINGH. London, Aug. 4.--Prince Victor Du lcep. Singh, who marvied Lady - Anne Coventry, in 1888, is about to join the army of experts who have written cookery hooks. The Indian prince has a very refined taste in culinary matters, and has cookery hook is expected to contain many novel features. Princess Victor will assist her husband with the work as soon as he returns from Carlsbad "Varied menus will he given for ev- ery day in the year," said Princess Duleep Singh, yesterday. "Of course, recipes will be given for every dish mentioned." COTTAGE WRECKED. Pictures and Furniture Hurled About -- Occupants Terrorized. London, Aue. 4.--The pretty littl Hampshire village of Yatély, situated sdme three miles over the Burrey bor- der, has a mystery. Mr. Gough, a middle-aged, weather- beaten man, occupied a small cottage on the outskirts of Yateley. For many years past he has held the position of gardener to Mr. Mills, of Hawley Hill, a retired army doctor, afd lives with his wife and a little grandchild nam ed Nellie Benham, Three weeks ago they were disturbed by mysterious noises 'in the dead of nicht, but little notice was taken of them, On Thursday night, however, the little family were startled by pic tures suddenly falling from the walls and ornaments being flung on the floor without any apparent cause. "I have lived in this cottage for twenty-one years," said Mr. Gough, "and T have never heard the slightest disturbance. New our home is a com plete wreck. 1 cannot understand it Wherever my granddaughter goes this knocking follows her. only cicht years old, and she is perfectly terrified. We can hear nothing when we are with her, but as soon as she She is is left alone these noises commence." Last nicht the girl Benham went home to her parents at Sandhurst. to now be re The whole village is curious as whether the noises will peated, KICKED TO DEATH. Gamblers Kill One Who Was a Crook. Melbourne, Aug. 4.--A tremendous sensation was created at Flemington race course yesterday, when an infuri ated crowd of gamblers literally Rick- ed to death a '"'welsher" hamed Don ald Macleod, on the latter seeking to The incident has materially strengthened the Judking erusade an horrified the entire community, Dr. Clarke, the Anglican Archbishop of Melbourne. has written a powerful letter 'to the press calling on all Chris- tians to learn the lesson of the trage dy and fight the demon of gambling References were made in every pulpit in Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide Mr. Judkins, i large men's meeting, at Melbourne, Tuesday. id that the gambling real murderers. ahscond. addressing a said bosses were the PRISONER JUMPS OVERBOARD Swims to Nearest Shore and Escaped. Havana, Aug. 4.---The steamer Ex celsior, of the Southern Pacific line, arrived here some hours late, yester day, and the reason was that when the ship was off quarantine station, some fifty miles out from New Or leans, a prisoner jumped overboard and struck out fon the nearby shore, Half a dozen men leaped after him, but he had the start, and being a good swimmer, kept it. The shore was lined with high corn, good to hide in, and he hied thither. His pursuers, upon landing, not find him, though much time in the search. The mate who, through compassion, had taken off the prisoner's shackles is said to have lost his job, in addi- tion to suffering a fine of £1,000, could they wasted ------------ An Armless Postmaster. Auckland, N.Z., Aug. 4.- New Zea land ean boast of a postmaster who, for all practical purposes, is armless Owing to a physical deformity which renders his hands useless he is oblig ed to, and actually does, all the eleri cal work of his 'office with his feet His name is Ernest (. Moon, and he is in charge of the post office at To Uku, Aveckland. He uses an indelibl pencil in his office work, with which be writes clearly and legibly. To is thirty-seven vears of age, and has been in charge of the post-office at Tc Uku for the past eleven wears. The ™ reporte of the inspectors of the New Zealand postal department, show that Mr. Moon has given every satisfaction in the discharge of his duties. He makes out money orders, nostal notes and the periodical official statements by using his feet. In the same way he applies the date stamus to letters with wonderful rapidity. Mr. Moon can also use a hammer. eaw and other carpen ters' tools with his feet. Big Prizes To Win. No less a sum than £45000 will he distributed thie vear at the Canadian National exhibition in premiums mainly for live stock, in. addition to which $40,500 will be expended. or , DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, When fhe Liver calomel, cascara, salts, strong liver pills and purging mineral waters won't do any permanent When a son is bilious, the liver is not giving up enough bile to move the bowels regularly--and some of the bile is being absorbed by the blood. In other words, the liver is in a weakened, un- FRUIT-A-TIVES are the one true LIVER TONIC. They act directly on the liver--strengthen and invigorate this vital organ-- and put it in a normal, healthy condition. FRUIT-A-TIVES also stimulate the lands of the skin--and regulate the Fincrsond sweeten the stomach. When skin, liver and kidneys are normally healthy, there can be no biliousness, no constipation, no kidney trouble, no impure blood, no headaches, No other medicine known to science is so reliable and so effective in curing Biliousness as these fruit liver tablets. FRUIT-A-TIVES are fruit juices with tonics added--and are free from alcohol and dangerous drugs. 50c. a box or 6 for $2.50. Sent on receipt of price, if your druggist does not handle them, FRUIT-A-TIVES LIMITED, OTTAWA. WILL WATCH CLOSELY. The Experiment to Be Made in Kingston. Belleville Intelligencer. There are not wanting those in our city who declare that o mistake was made when the ward system of election of mayor and aldermen was abolish- od and the present system of election at large instituted, Hut the majority of our citizens, we think, are quite satisfied that the change made was n rood one. In this connection jt is in- | teresting + to note that Kingston is | about to enter upon an experiment ! which it may be well for other muni- cipalities to watch, Kingston has never departed from | the old systom, but it has realized, ag other municipalities have realized; that the ward system, as' at present constituted, fails to afford the people the best and most capable adminis tration. We have seen, and we shall again see, no doubt, men of unques- tioned standing, capacity and integ- rity, defeated by ward workers « con- cerned solely for the interests of go particular corner of the city in which they have their money invested, But this weakness in 1 ; the system is irre- | mediable. It is part and parcel of it, | and possibly the feature that com. | mends it to the favorable considera- | tion of a considerable element in every electoral division. | Kingston, by the legislation enacted at the last of the Ontario | legislature, has heen empowered to bring its municipal body "in line with its hoard of education, as far as the election "of its members are concern- ed. The act provides that "beginning with the year 1907, the aldermen of the municipal corporation of the city of Kingston, who obtain the highest number of votes in each ward, at the municipal elections held in that gession Year shall hold office for three vears, and ! the aldermen who obtain the next bichest namber of votes in each ward shall hold office for two years, and | the third aldermen who obtain the | third hichest number of votes in each ward shall hold office for one vear, and thereafter one alderman shall be | elected for one vear only to hold office for three years." Considerable opposition developed on this bill, as the spirit of parlia- ment is arainst checker board legisla tion. In the committees, however, the majority decided that it might be well to allow Kingston to make the ex- will tell how it will work out. SPEECHES BREW TROUBLE. 1 Encourage Natives to Revolt « Against British Rule. ' Cairo, Egypt, Aug. 4,~The speeches in the House Mahometans, Zulus, and Boers, against British rule, are hav ing a serious effect among the natives here. They give the natives to under t stand: that (hey would receive a strong | backing from a large section of the of Commons | + favoring It is emboldening thém to disaffec tion, and Mustapha Kamel Pasha the leader of the so-called nationalist party, whose watchword is "Egypt for the Eoyptians"--has gone to Europe ior the purpose of inaugurating a nro Nuhometan campaign, He owns a paper here which bittlerlggattacks the i British rule, and he will®ndeavor to | * obtain the ear of the London press. | 2 His arguments will be that the na- | tives are not fanatics, that they have no religious animosity against Chris™ : tiang and that they are quite capa- ble of governing Fgypt without Brit- ish help. 1f these statements appear they will be reprinted here in the na- | tive press and spread broadcast am- oni the sheihks us the views of Eng- |b lishmen themselves. ec oO! Whole Newspaper "Pied." Cardiff, Aug. 4.-One wall of the Pontefract printing works fell out- ward yesterday, carrying away ha}f the composing and machine rooms, | lestroving a laree quantity of print ing apparatus, and turning into "pi" whole pages of newspaper matter, many columng of set type, and tons of type in cases, belonging to the special attractions. is out of Order fully planned that nothing is safe healthy condition. from thom. Jewel cuses have been abstracted Now, purgatives don't act on the liver from Jocked bedrooms, and valuables at all. y merely irritate the bowels, taken out of hotel strong rooms, and afford only temporary relief, But without any traces being left that | considered, ! churches, | world ter stretches, its fields and its meadows, presenting a magnificent panorama of beantiful views, With {all good wishes for the new provinces 'we join John Campbell and the Signal in asking twice west or anywhere else, Cardiff, Aug. 4.-Rir Jol ) ri we wns " 1 , po John Pules periment, as there was a Strono feel- ton, the constable of Carnarvon Cax ino throughout the province that a | tle, erected 70 years ago, announces two or three year term for each al : Fu that the derman orf councillor would result ad structed to send its architect to ( 0 se hite ' vantageously to the people, inasmuch rv , ne ' narvon, to. confer with him with a as it would secure better men for the |. 4 i ns, it ; ge ' o- | VIEW to a more amnle restoration of service and a continuity of wmanag the edifice in which the first Prince of ment from year to year. The plan Walos was born looks wood from this distance, Time : ! Salary--~Three Halfpence A Day. recent | "The English people in case of a revolt. about, The Flesh Was Foundry, Aurora, Ont . writes . lieve that Dr. Chase's Oinment is worth its weight in gold For ab- cure, T was so unfortunate as to have onses, Sty AUGUST 4. IN - SWITZERLAND TOURISTS ARE VICTIMS OF EXPERT THIEVES. Gang of Men and Women Prey on Holiday Seekers in Switger- land. ; Geneva, Aug. 1.--Visitors to Swite- erland are being almost terrorized by a daring gang of international thieves, whose operations are so cleverely con- ducted and whose schemes are so cares would lead to the arrest of the actual offender, An Englishman forgot his pocket book containing over $400 in his room at a hotel in Basle yesterday, and on his return a few minutes later it had disappeared. An English woman who arrived at Basle from Paris yesterday was robbed of her jewels and purse, which 'she had locked up in a jewel case, Several thefts from visitors staying at Montreux hotels have ocenrred vo cently, and much property has, been lost on the trains from Lucerne to Milan. The thieves are women as well as men. All are well dressed, and speak several languages. -- ONTARIO THE BEST. -- Leave It if You Good Thing. Stratford Beacon. Through the Toronto Weekly Sun one John Campbell, a farmer of one of the midland counties, expresses his opinion that the newspapers of On tario are not doing their duty to their own province. "They. have said much in praise of the west and many young men have come to feel that the west is the only part of Canada where the young man has a chance." There is something in Mr, Camp bell's complaint, in the opinion of the Goderich Signal, 'Not through any lack of love for their own pro- vines it observes, 'but because of the pride they felt, as patriotic Can adians, in the astonishing develop ment of a part of the country which for long years was considered to be of very little account, the newspapers of 'Ontario have painted the western horizon in glowing colors; and, in deed, it' was no small pleasure to see Don't Have our own western country take the place of the United States as the promised land of fortune for our young men and women, and to know that Ontario's sons and daughters were taking the lead in the building up of the newer Canada. But the exo. dus to the west, no matter how for. tunate a thing it was in the begin- ning, has grown to such proportions that a feeling is growing that our own province is being unduly sacrificed for the development of the west; and it seems to be the duty of the Ontario press to dwell more largely upon . the advantages to be had at home and to counteract tho impression that i8 no place for the young man but in western Canada." Mr, Campbell emphatically declares it to be a mis taken impression, "Land is cheaper here to-day," he says, "improvements than it is there; every thing a farmer hae to sell is higher here with us than it is in the west; and here we have all the advantages of an old civilization roads, schools, and social fellowship," And, as the writer jn the 'Sun points out, there ix something more There is a craving for the varied and the beautiful in nature, a that can hardly anywhere in the wide be more readily satisfied than in this province of Ontario, with its hills and valleys and woods and wa there craving the young people to think before leaving Ontario for the To, Restore Carnarvon Castle. office of works has heen in Liverpool, Aug. 4 A Glasson (Cum erland) man has received an appoint ment which brings him in the income of thirty-thres shillings n vear a lit le more than three half-pence a day job is that of looking after Wie illage gully traps, Trade at Bibby's to-night Albert Ward lost his wicket hrough a piece of his hat breaking fi and removing a bail Food for thought is worth onee Lain gnc 43334 $3493449% 32343883 34333 ONE DAY ONLY ZSHOWS@ . | | BIG CIRCUS OF WORLD-WIDE FAME Nothing Like It Ever Seen on Earth Before. All the World's Most Startling Thrillers, The Newest, Latest, Most Stupendous E DIP OF DEATH A HE L ra \ 4 THE GAP IN AN AUTOM DOWN, AN ACT THAT COSTS $100 A SECoD, AND fs WoRTr a Daring, believa! Fiectrifying Somersauit ist an utomobile. Beyond A r U lic Bloc ty and Recklessness may not go. THE LAST WORD IN BIOCYOLE STARTLERS THE TWO TWIRLS of TERROR Aerial Somersaults by Two Da Death-defying Wheelmen. The Latest PE eng Pret Mires "Ooo 5 Bd Boldt Beores of Rishige Caparisoned Flophants and Camels, aod Gold-lluminated Tableau "Gar, in the Most Superb Display of Pageantsy Been in Modern Times, 4 + More High-Class Features than All Other Shows Combined. 100 Cireus Acts by ing Fl ¥ 4 Fr Two Hemispheres--BSpoel ildren's © 0 el DA Poole That Live Scandinavian Gyvey Groh Rip drome... Racing Glories of Ages-- High-Jumping ive ntinents a 3 CIRCUSES---2 BIG Z0O8--5 TRAINS SF SPECIAL OARS-300 Hartap~Duly Hard of Girafiga 1200 Pronto 12 Acres of Suvan- B A ts ever Constru i s fg ul - 3 8 Thor eat gal el . Incidentally a Splendid and Sensational Free Show will be given on the Exhibition Grounds at 11 a. m., pest | 5 » wm, daily. TWO EXHIBITIONS DAILY, AT 2 AND 8 P.M. DOORS OPEN ONE HOUR EARLIER, Ambion, with Sut 30 Cnt. CH areas Seah in tsnning otaion Private Box sod Reserved ora sxe, FE St PE er THE BEST DRUG STORE, 124 Princess Street Insist On Having LABATT'S osdon India Pale Ale For Purity, Freedom from Acidity, and Paltaableness, Labatt's Ale is surpassed by none. JAS. McPARLAND, AGENT, 339 and 341 King St. 'Phone 274. ape Te -- PPL OPPPPPOP POPP IPDD SP PPODLS BICYCLES TYPEWRITERS SEWING MACHINES Sold and Repaired DOBBS & €0., 171 Wellington St, EE -------- ------ | ------ = thinking Raw and Flaming, ---- If you have any doubt ax to the of. etivencas of Dr. Chase's Ointuent ax cure for eczema you should read the lowing letter : GC. H. McConnell, engineer in Fley ut thirty years I was troubled with zea, and eonld not obtain any lood-poicon, and this developed into oma, the most dreadful of skin dis. "I was so bad that T would wet Hp at night and scratch myself until the flesh was raw and flaming. The tor- ture I endured is almost heyond de- scription, and now I eannot say any- thing too good for Dr. Chase's Oint- ment. It has cured me, and I recom- mend it because T know there.ie noth: ine so good for itching skin." Dr. Chase's Ointment, Or, a box, ot all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & EE ors, Murray Isle, N.Y. ve mde RONTENAC J. © Pontefract Advertiser. Co., Torontd,

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