be settlers who are kept out of pro- ture to furt fomote the scheme | this year from Cape Vincent to Des- mising settlements, and who, if they and get the | ers with small farms eronto, and Foresters' Island, yes- wish to take up land, must tum their interested, ¥ Edward county has terday. faces to the west and leave Eastern boomed with Bt. canning factories, The Whig will publish on Saturday ntario. x Pp! Y | Onta L why shonld net} ontenac ? i the very excellent Sermon delivered by | A citizen intercsted in developing Notwis _ the recent action | Rev. W. H. Sparling, before the Old | Eastern Ontario said to the World to- ** said J. L. Whit. | of the city couse; ve the forestalling | Boys, on Sunday Inst. in Queen Street | day : "It is a crying shame that ode ' "ask ve com- by-law, in 1 ing to abolish it, the Methodist church, sons have to leave their native coun- mi Ricei, Delalla, Fer. | meeting was j game and @ nition | The latest acquisition to the local try. If those townships were opened up ing, A 4, ofrios, for riot- as to th ve Sant n % Fonolu: yacht Sul, feet, is wih - motor | they would willingly go in as pioneers 2 & ion to the ne council, asking for | hoat of Art ur Cunningham. It is a i v } 8 fi themselves, against six" charge the repeal of the by-law or a modifica- fine little pleasure pr can show gud Sow au eS planers, hut to What evidence have you avainst | Hon of 'the forestalling hour from ten } ita heels to most yachts of its size. | pi YER yearning they must go a Reeci 9 asked the counsel for the de 2'¢ +0; at least, an Hour earlier. Try Bibby's $12.50 black suits, thous? : B ACL ec He > . . housand miles from home, Truce. rat si The president, R. J. Bushell, was| 'While throwing a stone at a dog "This land that is locked up is "That of Sergt. Nesbitt," declared appointed a representative to act which was worrying his horse, 'a citi- worth from. 50c. to $2 an acre as mill the crown attorney," that Reeci was | With the members from the Ottawa | zen missed aim and broke two panes land, Settlers could go in and clear one. of the noisest of the lot." branch as a deputation to visit the | of glass in a house on Rideau street, | 2" re 8 ing i I bad : it and have the hest farming land in The pix aipain Bt whom no case yas central experimental farm. The irate houssholder made him "pony Ontario, Tt is excellent for. grazing, : - 8 y Mayor Mo- In a hurry. for grain, for oats and in fact for gen- at, the words of liberty being inter- Was Here Before. See our strong summer corsets, 50c, ong ols purposes. But the Pca" them and they smiled, lum- Edgar Baker, thief and morphine and 8c. for large and small women, Rathbuns block progress." oy » 88 they wore ushered out of | fond, was sentenced to ten years in | NeW York Dress Reform, . It is known that rangers have been I "Cur i the Kingston Penitentiary by Toron-|, The local fire-fichters claim the Jot- through the limits recently and it is i Guiseppe Donofrio, You are charged | magistrates, a ter from a citizen the other evening, | open secret that a deal is on to yi ® : W. R. McRae, on In his career of crime he has called | eRarding the fire on Sydenham street, sell the whole nine' townships to the pone 26th, with intent to do bodily himself : . Morgan St. C) ir, Russell | ®a% decidedly contrary to the facts, Central 0 tario railway Ty Id t harm." shamed: > court, M. A Willi B! Stuart Wit id R_| and placed the members of the brigade ; ~ehtral Ontario ra way. if Joid-lo. a { "Not ilty," and y organ, Wi am Stuart, illri, es iable igh Private corporation it wiN be doubly hen? the prisoner Wigar, "Doctor," Major Smith, and | '» an unenviable agent. hard for the gov. rnment to tgke steps nodded his as his counsel replied, Capt "Russell Vhrnon Clifford. He has © new county house of refuge at ' ore En e ¥ 4 ake steps A charge was Put in against | mitted 1) ,, | Picton, will be opened August 22nd. | 10 open it up for settlement. him of stabbing t Nesbitt comm arceny, grand Jarceny, Washingtom Marshall has been ap- This timber limit held by the Rath- The Bt gave he'a and forgery, and has served time in inted superintendent at $500: Mrs | Duns was the subject of a speech by Sergean once that G. | Kingston penitentiary and penitentj- | PO! Superintendent 5 05: J. |W. R. Smythe, M.P.P. H | : offi " A 105: - Sythe, M.P.P. He recalled that 0 sta him during the riot. in the United States. . He broke] Marshall to be . matron at § 05; J. [WN R. A eo was itted f, aries in the Uni Sates. : He broke Mallory : £100 E.. W.' Rathbun announced himself as conmmii or trial on the rol t Joliet, Ill. wh he | Mallory to be inspector at 3 : i two. charges. pa ole a in ye ere he Try 'Bibby's for black suits. an independent candidate for the leg- Vincenzo was: oh with aa Serving an indeterminate sent- There are constant complaints about | islature in 1905, But lafer . he 'came shooting at t Nesbitt with the watering carts sprinkling the | Out as a straight snppartessof 'the Bassam ts intent to do ly A crossings. The custom has been to | then Premier, Mn. Ross. On. January gf : James Haro, I agent of the Are Quite Bare. turn off the water when crossings were | 30th, 1905, it was made known that | the 's new Q. Pp, R., » saw the pris- 8. J. Horsey has in his possession a approached, This is not always done. [an order-in-council- had been Passed he ur hoy | oner shooting at Sergeant Nesbitt. He treasury note issued by the United No doubt Contractor McFadden will on January 14th, renewing his timber 1 will 4 thought the revolver must have been | States in 1863. These notes are decid- give orders to kis men to keep the [licenses to these ning townships for operation loaded, 'as he heard a bullet pass his | edly rare now, and a premium has crossings dry and please many people. | twenty-five years. Mr. Smythe would : S - ' rn ' been placed uy b:thows by he govern-1 Girls' chocolate, one-strap and two- | have some people believe that this set *. McRae stated he was stabbed in | ment across the border. ey were is- the charge of rioti | Xingston the Birthplace of the Bw 3, © sly p mimitted for trial on four were committed before Judge 'rice, What is Gathered From Around IED HERE. sued about the time the North pushing the South hard . in the war and were freely used in exch On the reverse of ing that any person will be fined $15,000, and best part of his . remainin, prison. The note is quite a curi and seldom met with nowadays, identify ng, and Spey The Only Way. ure. To see all the islands by taking the Orities dire Ampiondt he id Jot America's tour, Saturday, 2.30 p.m, ies 10us 10 press the char rd, Fare 35 cents. oF ating that, alle Jour, wha soa] Supper an Hoard, Fare 36° oon . 1 at over oir ads m, be needed, pnd. they Mvotated, made 'an' example and put fe Jones' Falls And Return, 50c. 5 ir to five h medial health the souls of any other Italian section Rideau King every Saturday, 6 p.m. aller, a t 0 ios a gangs that in the future they may : on is Toolish > . ip "| behave themselves or suffer the con- * -- ---------------- : EARLY CANADIAN NOVELS, MARINE NEWS. tho bHl is the warn- counterfeiting jt d g days » "FRIDAY, AUGUST 3. NING FACTORY WHY COULD NOT ONE BE A Colborne Man Talking Up the "in. the near fu. was civil ange. the in osity INCIDENTS OF THE DAY, Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rouhds. Try Bibby's for black suits, , August Gth, Some Likely Get Jeauliott Shou Suge, : I Valuable Central Ontario Land wr 'allman Hall was out testing a 3 s Hueh Su] Ee nt the By- the alarm boxes throughout the ot . 1s Easdsnp, w ee yesterday, and found them in excellent | Toronto orl. oT The shutting out Will Ki \Ve.a canning fac- | condition. 1. addon, [uly Phi The hutting u tory? This tas te prominent ques-| The financial mecting of the Kings Jrom suttlemento the ine has been tion in HORRE. the meeting, | ton Methodist district will be held, oy [land from w a ne, Was cel Th g + the Vegetable Queen Street Methodist church, on cut and on w 1 the naira ql an Growers' President "R. J, | August 28th, stands has assume thern patt 'of the Bushell So Matthews, | A number of Kingstonians and some |abuse in ae. northern part Colborne, was i , this week, en- | American friends went out to Collins | county of astings, tative bod of deavoring Canning fi ty | Lake, to-day, to try their luck with { There 18. Q represe bia hia y iis in this had "appre the finny tribe, public opinion throug out id; oe £ro) s for Beautiful chocolate tie shoe, for lad- | that Fotetts, agoinsi this Slog to the . 0 ras, beans | ies, stamped price, Frid, progress ol Lastern Omtano, raising of > orm, Fens, en al Ffular 5, Spe] rice rida? The sore spot at this particular mo- It is ¢ eel hundred | Lockett Shoe Store. ment is found in nine townships to She --probably, could be | The fast sailing skiff, Freda owned | north, _ and it is most Sore in ha promised ers, "in this [by "Teddy" Kelso, has been bought, | townships of McClure," Wicklow, or scheme, for the growing of [for £117, by a gentleman from Clay. |'bine, Lyell and 8. Arié * (in which is the i y ry was | ton, who intends putting an engine in | found the village of Whitney). instructed to "th 'promoters that | her. Here the timber license is held by as far as the tion was con-| A recent Passenger says that if the [the Rathbuns. They have out the pine cerned, it ie "&pcord with | car-seat hog could put upon the | and are keeping the townships from the establ "here of a fact ry | market, the price of live Pork would | settlement, in the hope that the ad- ap- | and -would "ite: assistance as Tor never again run up to $7.50 a hun- vancing price of hardwood will re re- | 88 possible, i dred. pay them for their + waiting. In the Mr, Matth sill Be urged to call The steamer America had the larg- est excursion she has carried so far strap slippers, tan solés, nice kid. Onl 81.95. The Lockett Shoe Store. 14th Band, A. 0. H. picnic, Mon- nice cool tan shoes for men, at 20 pe. off regular prices, at The E NINE TOWNSHIPS RATHBUNS. Shutting Of From Settlement of meantime there are hundreds of would- of facts was not mere ly a co-incidence. Perhaps not. HELD UP BY LICENSE TO| Dr. Scott's Linime Is the best for man or beast As a HORSE LINIMENT Swellings;. Cuts, = Bruises, Jor i Strains, Scratches, etc, it 1 rains, nassed. he Large bottle, 25: cents, An Excellent - Hair Restore aid Scalp Cleanser "Il not for sale at your druggy st, 2 always be procurdd at James 8. Dr. Scott's White Liniment C . it Co, Frome £0 St Jobn, *B.. and Choi Reliable Furs Of All Kinds ls Kingston's Only Exclusive Fur Store. W.E. COURDIE 78 and 80 Brock Street "PHONE 700. Cut Glass must he cor- rectly cut to insure the most Brillancy, and the ) color must be Clear and White. We emphasize these points because so neces- sary Glass. A Sparkling" Piece of Cut Glass is such a deo- sirable article to send home as a Birthday Present or Anniversary Gift. SMITH BROS. Jewelers :: Opticians Phone 666 to First Quality tario government shortly to press this 4 " * a en] e beach at Lake Ontario Park is | There are those who argue that thig; YIov- becoming very popular with the young | renewal 'was made on the very eve of i - ladies of the city as a bathing resort. | an election: and should not be eonsid: A Performing Cow. Every morning and evening large num- | ered binding on the government. This | Councillor Kannedy's eow is not the bers of the fair sex, hoth married and | feeling has been made known to Mr. { only one that causes trouble. Pedes- single, can be seen wending their way Rathbun, and perhaps that js why he . hn : towards the sandy hottom, which af. desires to sell his v interest to ga pri- | wi fords such excellent opportunity for | vate corporation, which, pleading in- | hy the sport, nocencs, could stand upon the ground Get a 5c. box of Lax-ets at our of vested interests, store please. We thi Just test these too Laxative tablets for stomach, biliousness dy complexion, ete. Risk 5c. and see. Sold by all druggists, Try Bibby's for black suits. A South African veteran was tending the departure Wolfe Islander on her nk they are great. thsome, candy-like constipation, sour , bad breath, mud- f 1 at- of the stéamer make is that the pr cel this renewal settlers at ge development will he ret trians on Barrie street Morris, whose bovine , last evening, tnessed an exciting episode caused a refractory cow, owned hy John started out to The demand the people of Hastings ovince should ecan- : and open ttler ree grant land, n blocks, on ris rates and not as If the land is held settlement ang consequent | arded, ait on the On- deputation will w, P perform a few stu the land to | tured and led how and popular oil w ------------------ Sale of wash belts with pre nts in the moonlight neighbors' lawns. Tt led Mr. Mor a fine chase, but was finally cap- e by the well-known nan. tty bue- rm. New York Dress Refo eter Pan collars at Bibby 's last trip, yes- when he accidentally the steamer and the terday evenine. dropped between wharf, as the for or hugast . fy ras 1H t. Fortunately he gin "iy pn . . Yay First, : Marine Paragraphs. the dock again, and so escaped being J an azine, y + : ' EBT wel snd ht he The Sombre Arr cnr, hen ane the, reams" pode fist Canadian novel was written in The schooner Bertie Kalki x partners, started to drive towards . . Hoy, od printed at Kingston by Sowarde', from Oswego, °° Nimgston Mills, a few nights ago, and| IS certainly a lively one. The stocks are dwindling Hugh ©, on. Te in are {rhe ach Clara' Youell cleared ended by making a night of it and rapidly while prices are so very low » » ' t r » ing as s Gan- : aay, the Toronto Public Lib | "hypodue from a tes Ch. ance. The Pavipict or ore oan San Here! rary, e only perfec : ; t ror of ow Sop: The te do St realy Con: | 124s Vth oval ior Crawtors: rome pont oe SB: tow ards ot (18h Goods Bargain for Saturday vent, or Nun of Canada." The Richurdsons' - mls Seared, from in the matter, and a police court case 500 yards of Challies Dress Gin hams M li author was Julia Oathasing, Beck. The steamers North Rig 2d Toran: hs ; may follow ®' some worth 15c., others worth 18c a aos he name was Duples- to made the trip d the ri i use h It is a fact that you can read the ; ar : 20c¢. a yard. atur- ; | She: was Bory. at ton, 'N. ) p down river this tl ; a day your choice IoC. a yard ' BOARS | 1.7%, ogee writing the book in | Pgruine. John Milne passed |] SO. Ut he e Sys left rook of a oes pie or Jad od PORIORNNIIIIDION | Nova + when only seventeen through on her way up the Rideau |] Straw care olleritig H the same error without seeing it. All -- ------------ onitf a BL RY ew | to Smith's Falls, with toc) |] them for "emetly. HALF. [| newspaper mor wir oh you so. But A Dress Goods Snap a | to Kingston, Upper Canada, where ole Fuchs Ninos, vied by A. W. | PRICE on Saturday. That akon oom or ha TE carted, 400 yards of light weight double fold Dress Goods in RA Her years Inter married George Henry government dry dock, Saturdey, he means $3 straws for $1.50; shape, there stands the error so big Lustres, Mohairs and other Popular weaves for summer and INL ahllsbing ponder. Two years after The. steany Businees from the | $2 hats for $1; $1.50 ones || that you cannot see anything else. 1t | early fall wear, Plain colors, stripes and checks in Navy i ty Kington, ax pollo vi uasond Lic loose hve" ts sorter: She || for 7c. and sg ons the reason why 1% is 6 tas roranl? | Brown, High ug rey: Black. Former price. sou, 3go ood Ad : ¥ the ates, pub: § 4 to Quebec newspaper after it is printed. some as Igh as 45C. a yard: We i : : . Jlished a second book, '"Iemewante, or ' : ate . ' . 2 y ¢ intend to clear out tle i : , wan schooner Acacia while lying in lot with a r the, Adopied Son "of America. She | Th awalting har im, "le Tying in Your choice of our Panamas Trt Boley Dooce. With a rush price, as our fal] goods are on the way and died at Fredericton in 1867. Thro "of Ap : for $7 on v--som ; ; ve naven't any room to s Notic : hor the lated 1 cargo" o coal, at Swift's, is having ' : : e The Canadian Dairyman, for August, - pare. otice the rice for Satur- French-Canad ee Abbe Fer, somo patching done to the side of her | | worth twice that price. contains two splendid cute, one of day morning--23e. a yard. P land, and sho was a site of "the late hell, > Tonle mk ~ --- Joseph McGrath, president of the on. § © . . D 5 a 3 . * rontena eese oard anc & Other Hon. John A. Beckwith, ial fon ay cry a Children's Straw Hats are || Frontenac Ch Board und the oth secretary of New Brunswick. A son 5 wo lig] ges from Montreal, A ] H of the secretary-treasurer, William Pil- , / died dy, but other relatives are | I ning with Jo an, Jaen. Jug fneluded in this Saturday lar. OF the president whose energetic L Silk numerous, It is claimed that, on her | F'Mmer cared , wi alf-Price Sal wark in connection with the board, : two grain . e. od : are, ong 1 si w of the same this year, is so wall known, the Dairy- ove de, Richelion. ¥ J man says, "He is one of the bet A shi . . S avigation Not Delayed. known dairymen in Frontenac county, Shipment of , Long Silk Gloves in White or Men Of Fashion. laden barges, Valencia and k H i He has been a member of the board Cream very fine ualit 0 Our £ hints: "heokuke in ashore near the Cardinal canal, Due ats tor HH for ten years. In 1899 he built a mod- d { qu Ye n sale Satur- ul Seles fi quality they 'can not be ex. tly not in a position to in- boating 35c¢., and ern cheese factory in the country, the ay only 75¢C. a pair, 3 k* See' Our . mow derbys at $2, navigation as the steam. Yachti Ca i first of its kind in the district (stone 0, 83, &4, Campbell Bros, the passed _ Up last night, ng "aps tor walls, cement floor, metal roofing), All style centre for men's hats. was six hours te when fe re out fhat, have been built since have been AE | mien on a short i i it." - 4 ir Pan collars at Bibb'. ¢ here ure outing, Plows ianking of the han from Glen- The 1 Pings Weir Worth Seeing ton a goodly » * Jj ¥ai% whose efforts have alw, ve be € line o ) Jorki : : tum Arica oh good! ng and the up. bh taining a first clos real each nels. W orking Shirts are selling at So¢ Ogdensburg, this morning, from Quebec, 1 ihtese » the journal says, 'Wil. ; -- to- t, liam Pillar ha ' Cuba ales pan - rh nr rn 8 nember- at the The line of Children's Summer Vests at 5¢. each. route to Wind- Colored "land and water" Sight years, and i# in his fourth year The line of Ladies Summer Corsets at soc, a pair : - Secretary and treasurer." Th 1 3 . . just the thing for the -- eaurer,", © ine of Ladies' White : Out. Children to wear these summer On Suspended Sentence. The line of Ladies' Print Wren Hoss a. pai, with which sailors || days--40c. on Saturday. hoard, a oh theft. of a hammock was | each. , Ppers, worth goc. for 63c. must be dy- ad the prisoner, Thom. O'Neil ang, The li oY nor ' ' » Thomas O'Neil, pleadin € line of Ladie . rip vessel Watch Our Windows. guilty and being allowed to go - but not least : Whitewear atent prices, and last 0 a mee " Suspended sentence. Relatives from a ay " Barge ia distance worn resent and intercedod The line of B * Ribb 5 : the ™ ' in his behalf, His trouble is dri ays tbbed Hose in all The v is drink and legs ace lity fi e ' all sizes, double he he, simpang. but he Promised 0 {ake * #5¢. quality for 15¢, a pair, fa - - and leave the city in a Specialists, he an ron. charge of Being drunk ty days, but his ne mara! py thir Newman & Shaw Excursi SV TUES Lov The propet and the Seashore we Twin Screw Iron with electric lights, modern comforts. SAILS FROM M( AYS, p.m, Daj } Ay September, for P at Quebec, Gaspe, | Cove, Grid River, and Chaflgttetown, BE Suir ; Excirs new in ian,"' 5,500. tons. York, 1st, 15th Temperature coolé seldom rises above The finest trips health and comfort. ARTHUR AHER For tickets and J. P. HANLEY, Tigket SLEEVE, Ont. Toronto, . Charlotte Brockville, Pres New Steamers King: LEAVE OST Kinston. v0. 0 Porta, b lle © ret 0 inten o Mon Saturday or S on Monday. Fu Also agursion Charlotte ny Sunday or Sonday Hamilton, Toronte and Mor HEAYBEINGSTS ing Saturdays at 4 p. J.P, HANLEY LELDRL LOCAL BRANC In Effect Ju Trains will leave Depot, Foot of Johr Nos. "1,12, 8, 4, All other trains da Direct route to Hamilton, Buffalo Chicago, Bay City, Ottawa, . Quebec," ¥ Halifax, Boston an For Pullman Acc and all other infor P. HANLBY, Ag and Ontario Sts,, ) oF In Conne! Canadian Ps fo Fa Labc Excu To Manitoba a $12 gape Special Trai Kingston," August Full particulars a R. Ticket Office, O F. CONWAY, Gen,. Pass: Agen Bay of Qu New short line Deseronto, and all leave City Hall CONWAY, Agent B ---------------- Ltke Cptario and | Yet Compe Stes. North J 10.15. § port, Returning Rochester, Quinte, STR. A and Taermeniots CRE