Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Aug 1906, p. 4

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' . green -- . | CLOTHING TALK | Our High Grade Clothing costs no more than the common kind sold : {OVER ADMINISTRATORS OF! by the governmens,| THE SUNDAY LAW. | il en - happen. Publig. Their Actions Represented as New . and Austere--Collector Min- edited by a con- gaye's Command -- Canadian : ve, says the Bastedo investiga: Officials Keep Law--An Indis- . Hon was a bluff That is the Whig's creet Advertisement. , 5 opinion. The report on the case, by| Kingston, July 30.--(To the Edi- an vast, as diversified | (1 commissioner, was the most par- Sox) Unless some kindly hand comes if I, the eye being fascinated ' 0 © that hd has ever made, to the rescue several well-meaning, -- yet unsatisfied people will lose a lot There is a rumour that the relief | OF _ sleep, judging _ from complaints : 3 made over the administration of the granted by the Cnnadian' government Bunday laws by officers of the cus to the San Francisco sufferers has | toms. Their actions are represented as been misapplied. A reckoning will be {a new and austere thing, whereas they E It should cortainly be de [are this season but following the course of many years, There were re- lnxations at times, but they brought | everywhere. : THE H. D. BIBBY CO. If men would look here first, we would sell all the Shirts sold in" town this season, : THE H. D."BIBBY" CO. = Good judges. of Clothing are buying our $10.00 and 1250 Suits 'MR. 0 A Resident Finds R SUFFERE welcome the Jews to his territory for Never Suspected. on sight. If you want to pay $10.00, 12.50, 15,00 or 18.00 for a Serge dissatisfaction and complaint much . : . Sk the pass-|eall the fuct that Collector Mingaye, . : of the Sunday act i Cons 'home. | dat ¥ act In he acht which brought a party of roy- gard to ownership. The Turk is not a SPIRIT OF THE PRESS, UB idnight, that. Sunduy should. be will burden them with taxation, and; lat, Whitey mining deal has a provocation with a sad pretence of _-- of customs officials at the Canadian | menia can never be forgotten, and it Beware Of The Roller. Suit, the best to be had for the ' : more intense than. that being indulged. ce, and with all in now. Probably not a few will re- in the seventies, refused clearance to a. of Sie Overtures' are in progress with the de Tuas. breud and beer must, ~ rs to Kingston on a Sunday, and of 'the 'wultan with re on any day. So it is contended, them to anchor in the strepm re they left. In derision [ghey Foren Doodle," by the ihe i etreat, and officialdom, representing 'British Lion, met the ut it. Who would bave | equanimity. | perhaps vob them of all they possess, | thought it 2 Hhere ie Tittle difference in the policy The massacre of the Christians in Ar ] ports. They have a strict law to en- | suggests what may be the fate of the Deantiord fXpusitor, W force and it is uniformly 'well en inston Churchill n he . Mr. Ozial Ron | Jews whe are now migrating to Pales- | it behooves Dr. Seath to howe' f Jored The Yeppris of getivah of wigall money is here. : retired lumberm tite fof that it 5 the: st ler." Juchi cupsionista a 2 Welland for hal and in the belief that it is God's steam road roller. oque are exaggerations. The steamers THE H. D. BIBBY CO pss J favoured: land, and the certain home » Ee calling thers upon the ramble routes . . 2 <*'For fifteen ¥ ; Czar's Meditations. i 31% trive: Vike y was a sufferer | of His chosen people. = of the isles are on 'daily trips, like the Ic diarrhe pire A : R. & 0., the L.0,-& BQ, and Rideau If you look about comparison ~ * roi diarie 3 ZAR 8 now he will go in for systemn boats, which are aseorded full ¥ mac . Wil Take Their Medicine. | government. for the people, Lot +o bY Mitr or Algiers ld semnia. | the He bh t liberty of call in Kingston or Sunday. we'll force you to bu our. New "I was treated buve un-] Hamilton, di the Ross govern- |! . ovick Tone more think, | But. none of these would venture to . y yy i ¥ : papers : 4if he ks quick D ! but, if anything condemned the Murphy ment's rule, had a normal college, in qu h advertise an excursion from Kingston Sait here . In fact, I was in so nkaming lens commen with he lablbmen of | Bndsay tensed, | tat da. se dh sone min fo dma + ; J juois, Vo e a That is a significent cir. | Which the city or the board of educa- ufuaday okt. * evident J flagrant contravention of the Lord's Sal I: Tw 1 S 1 pjowever, 1 and one which is worrying tion spent some $70,000, The SP0OID- Wok hi is deny ftinhen for | Dav act, ale. Ol wo-piece ummer and noticed nl & io « mem 0 ir OV s . encou ged of the government who | modation was of the finest. The Whig | ernment, "or 'is it possibly that Rr] An Reurson. party. came here o year Suits at special prices. Hy : ing several bo + on pleasure jaunts some- | 568 this from a p P ber has no influence with his gov. | 28%: having ordered dinner in ad- ; Perana, I was of the building. But this ae nt) vanee, intending to return immediate- wonder to mys accommo, ly after the meal to a river port, A d kon is to be Rais) ot no svailby Proper Comparison landing was not _ refused, but ok it new government. proposes w to 4 Was an excursion pure and simple they It did] transfer the normal college to Toron- Kong Edward's nots declining the in- | Wee told that it would mean a concession | 10, and 'make it a sort of annex of | vitation of the parliament of Canada | Pesary lavingby' here till mid. but the provincial university. is as much "deplored" by' 'some news- night. Steamers from Charlotte tan The H. D. Bibby Co. opsooiint suffering, there THE SUIT STORE OF THE TOWN. efficacy in the " h n : : 302 : » | CATTY excursion parties on Sunday t pi 4 The ambitious city resentéd . this Paps te as. it at po i thu with the Cobourg or Port Hope, But ator Ti and to pacify it the pros » Singe : . land them; if they did they could hot J i was. © first ty ot Hp Don't Mention It. return to the south shore wolp diy. Y or Sp for, Tthat a ical a Toronto lobe. The law seems highly puritaniea]l to 4 ' ut aoe © deh school Russell 'Sage announces" to the | OWners desirous of .charters, but oth. Ould: bo given. to, it, one: of u very 1. [hasell Sage . ann. the best that |" who echo their dissatisfoktion IN DAI Il tions kind, and one on which a leould in the light of this day." Some | YOUld perhaps be the first to con. e To cure yo 3 ols id be ex A will $0 think what he might demn a noisy Sunday down town : t money pend \ with not a little drunkenness, an¢ wi have done if aided by darkness. ; wi Sn» al ¥. tariness this would be the eficet of freedom to iJ t I mon 4 I emons, and monthly ' A Grand Succes: all comers on the one leisure day of this year<would replace the, Wes the week. ; ing the foun Sherbet Pt. Sugar, beart, nerve g Tha he Better a dull port than I t. Boilin Water ber the college, and that the govern: { hold = ad uy 30. The Jaw Social discredited one. -- Yours, SHOAT, 9 8 pa to ta ould supply the site and con- church, was ny a oe id "Ih T= TOWER. ne oF he om, two Jemons in el Ns et ? » N e ex- n, wafer-like y careful to i tribute, in addition, $1,500 a year in |tursion from Newboro was well pa- take none of the lisghier-colpr. rid he. ely 8 tronized als low the oil cells. Putsthe pefings inte ' tion: for the disturbance to | tromized, Py Pg arnjoyaible PITH OF THE NEWS. a bowl, add the. boiling water pri let it stand ten = minutes, closely covered. . & Cut the lemons in Jialves. etrove, the seeds, squeeze out . the. nd add it ~. with the sugar to AE more sugar if needed. When cold strain it shrough a fine strainer into the can and reeze. : blic school classes would ning. i a " t hy ao oa 3 : Sh gues ey 2nd Mes, The Very Latest ser) From, All ; i | stl picnic at Hamilton's gro ove The World: ~ J, wn) blic that the | Blair Settlement, on Mondor At Russell Sage's relatives will nog con: 7 made pul x: test his will until the: t what, i ton must: sapniv 'the site 3th. Me, ang Nea D. L. Goodfellow ing to". thein Y Re wv. 8 Hamil people upnl i bee ¢ Pp comi A free, and accept the normal school on oh. they aout ngs ron "Pa hast, A German insurance company refs the same conditions as the other plac- | relatives. "Miss Lizzie Oastle, left for | © to pay $4,000,000 in claims' arising es that are similarly favoured. And [8 short 'visit to friends in Ottawa. | ©ut Of Sun Francisco earthquake, been sod Hamilton will gracefully - surrender. | Miss Margaret Kelly, Chicago, who |. A three-year-old daughter of Isaac nity of the 1 ii . TL, "ispent a pleasant vacation in town, Bailey, Gore Bay, fell from 2 rail 0 j-] ts council is apolitical one. So is |jafr, Inst week, for home. A number | fence, and 'was struck by a rail, and i } ! The above quantity will serve 30 dishes. Figure out "the cost and see if it wont pay you to have a WHITE MOUNTAIN wr 5 ? : , FREEZER. We have them all Sizes, one to twenty quarts. com-§its board of education. They exist | from hero expect to attend the re-un. | Killed. , largely for party pi . They would {ion in Brockville this week. Excurs Scotchmen of New Brunswick will M K ] ¢ B "» h "The ithey government should | not antagonize the Toenl orem] «ions by rail every day. The farmers | "neil a monument to Robert Burns C ec Vey & 1 rc 9 ; Lavoid even the appearance of wrong- on any amt If thei yore ars very busy these days haying. This | "ear the parliament buildings on the : ; ' jear's Crops are vy héavy on afternoon of September 13th. 69 and 71 Broc § "It is the duty of the commission] in power they would be called all man- eather Proves Fn.d favorable. el E. Ecclestone, Ottawa, is to bo b k St. . | to sell the congession for the best fig- | ner of nauies and scourged for their mis- ------ appointed assistant secretary to the ure obtainable, but it is not the duty | conduct, But as the offenders are con- News From Sydenham. railway commission to deal more |: F------ of either the government or dommis- . iT s £0 . a | Promptly with routine busines. sion to incur ny suspicion of unfair atives they may be criticized a} Sydenham, July 30.-A large crowd A meeting between King Fdward and ng oi : rca' sme little, but eventually the politicians | Wo0t on the annual employees' B.Q.R. Emperor William has bee vd ] Y r------ F deals oblige any one or hn x hy um a PEN NOW e . A to put iho ta ol ole in the ] will settle down and take their medi- Thich, i+ ld Bodo : ieton | Guitely arranged to take place in Ger- - | B | A' CITIZED yw . itie: without' os RFtaide. ghar dl ong a. en] has. many during the coming autumn. 0 A : wit the deal has not been closed the in Quebec, and alse tin the sh us Two ex-choir members disturbing the No « Credit ion should be* offered to the St, Anne de Hou Yor the tS East St. Louis, HL, court, by hum- D public aga non the now terms, so Editorial Notes. a pee. or the Past boing hymn tunes, 20 Off All Our Tan Cal two weeks the topic of the day were made to sing f or 20 J. H. Truesd that all would-be, purchasers may have] About fifteen years ago a band stand ving, a Say Bas Chocolate Oxfords house on Syde been berrving. The wild raspherries before the judge, and then quietly an Duportuiity to pr i was erected in Victonia park, and in | have Tugun _Yery plentiful. Mrs. Ander- ot, Youkowski, New York injure Py Bre The commission, throu, its chaic} th ? hand hi 1 i but |#on and children, accompanied by her}. . A 1, New York, was ' ed at. the Whig mon. Tas alvon out that the deal is Ne yours a band has played bu mother, Mrs. 1. Moore, Toft for Winni. Te Cy reivsing lo poy his wife s5| Men's Tan Calf Blucher Oxfords, $4, now $3. rect $ome erro a better one than that of the 'terme ---- yon os end soto time viding for his children; he hae Had iam' Tn 9f the : which were advertised. Docs any onc] The . conservative papers are busy | pocqs Finds. Ro Parent Tasty twenty-five Ladies' Tan or Chocolate Oxfords, $3.50, now $2 s0 blaze belongs 't believe this ? Is any one so innocent] with Mr. Ross again, They are bound | Miss F. Shangre is the guest of Mrs. | Mrs. Margaret Olivia Sage, the 40° S A: Gatohell: as to suppose thal two Ottawa men, } to translate him to the senate, and |M. Asselstine. Miss RG isda of Ruasclt Sage, intends to dis $3, now $2 40; $7.50, now $2 ' $2, now $1.60; $1.50 The in Hd including. the son of Denis Murphy and | have him succeeded by a younger man able to sit out a short time every le Non 09 000. 10 Shasity 58 500n now $1.20. through the his business partner, would refuse an]in Ontario J day. n Gould, 'gets : near-by resider back from Europe, ee Gatehell worke arrangement that was in their fa. Great July Clearing Sale. Dr. H. de B. Gibbins, late vioe-prin. Among these you can select shoes made by Utz & ud had ever, i p and had every vour and offer, as a substitute, one] Stratford proposes to give a site Provost has made a great reducti cipal of Liverpool College, and at pre- | Dunn Geo. A. Slater, inhe stamped out 1 thint "was: greatly tothe: advantage of | for its normal whool in the city park. Jin all light-weight a dothing stut headmaster of King Charles the d h k J ny T.Be and other high ! raved Theres the provinte ? Not much, and the] Our uptown alarmists, who went off } black lustre coats, all sizes, for $1; nen hol at Kidderminster, | gFade shoemakers, om, in last 1 , ark iped 50 . 1 | has been appointed t, inci men, in contention "is too silly to be ad J too woon on the subject, will make d Str coats, $1.50. Splendid jphpointed to the principal Truesdale, was 3 ship of Bishop's College x a x * assor t of clerical lon, coats, at F op's College, Lennoxville. Trucalale. was Se » py ha pl rend: fale ot hia nn All other dens of goods D. J. Roach, of the American Hotel, Ness and common senso Yecil B, n lichCo 4 pontinued, "I : : + Hamilton, s fined cont} J aa . i eight will be 'sold extreme- | Hamilton, was fined $100, for allow © aw happebod-the. Smith, C.B., chief iss of th The Montreal Gazette has it that iy low. NZ men in his bar-room last Satur. y r = . : not only Denis Murphy erred in the y ast Satur e oe ore \ day night. His two } 1 burned tq the Temiskaming railway, and man of al -------- fae : 18 two bartenders were boli an hour a work for po bi of i ful} mining deal, but also his fellow-con- 'A Former Kingstonian. fined 820. The license inspector in- in before the | : a : 0 a; tends to summon some f the eerie: T+ beliov | spirators. Tn time, if not now, this| In a railway wreck on the New York who were in the hb bi the men SEU. eh : ifted trio will h heir , | Central at New Hamburg, N.Y. Dr. ie har itis due, and Emigration To Palestine, |* 0. Wid have theig eves opened, |," ix McCambridge, Poughkeopsio, -- to Mr, Gatche The dredm' of the Jew is to return] The Toronto . News' Ottawa corres | Yas thrown through a window and A Six-Day Excursion. men, who "me to Palestine, or failing to realize this] dent amuses himself in writing down with another man fell upon the | On another page will be found an. § a hourslate and MILK WA dream personally to know that the] the liberal leaders and 'writing up. the Seder, which had turned over on its | nouncement of third annual six-day y | Side and lay on the bank. They were | exoursion to Montreal v Hebrew race are returning to the land § conservative tenders. "Ho realizes that fable to climb upon the roof of i Steamer Aletha, oor nd to Sth of their fathers as a preliminary to | a conservative constituency wants this | %econd coach and sit there until the inclusive, The gro A win i i stter, Natw the restoration of the Teraelitish king- kind of stuff, excitement subsided, when they climb- | this event is evidences foralasiy. St ) pred oa Tater Ea dom. The Ten Tribes have disappeared, ------ ! ed down, ous enquiries and bookings of former T Y Car' No. 24, apparently forever, Scholars, as a re- Chicago, as a city, has just found When's: woman a liars from . ut: ine many. new tae; "Finest : : : Maddoch and. sult of their study, have sought to] out that the Marshall Field property | ing weaknesses, she then America, verdict of locate the. remnant of these trilws, but | was under-assessod during the million: all they contend rests seemingly upon | aire's life time. It's a discovery which | tion, j does not bring any eredit to the city The other tribes aro ropresented the | officials. They -- SANE The Toronto News holds that the liberals have some rights in Ontario; ------ oo least they have the right to hid on padabeet Gallagher and J. Porte J "uch a sure thing as the railway deal night. Tt works h-- I Re arom Timber Sos or Gavpeurs 10 be. Will ! while you sleep. It seduces ---- giving a man twenty The wl for hy § ®, _it| rawhide, because he tr i, comforts, it cures. Dr. |away after Detar oi ded Je blond i Restorative (tablet or liquid hounds, and twenty more because oe consti tational, nerve tissue | would not ad for bri plead for mercy. with the Ride this morning. to be seen by daylight); with. - shane AD lait Danadn 's commercial 8, many attractions, fue Simoug the til too late tc The waggon v the milk scatt Two little che with Knox, h: in charge of a was - proceeding Begor strects J proaching Pri . parently did 1 being dragged 4 horse. He got DV : S. 3 T, of- life- Is Your Throat Sore ? Sing it hoarse, sore or congested, cure jg : iuiskly found hy rubbing on Nervi- ah dpa 1m. era onee, cures completely . Try 1, » J ays 2e. per bottle, v Polon's Nervilia LY. My Fray Isle, CRoNTENAS

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