the World, . Hetty Priston ¥ and othe wat ld, and 'coped aw "before, ere | Within a new | lle Shows 'and othe, ol | sory the Zou orient and institut jon, through the. City Sof ly due to its sity, es are constantly j A HITE mm SHOES sm nfl hy | u ms lowing 8 YWHERE, BUT ALSg : ammer Resort, are as good 8 Ge York. In ere is : of. the year Visi re whi v ric during these jo, IK": New York) 'Women's White Shogs , are getting very scarce, the wholesale 'houses 'dre eleared out of these popular shoes. We have a small stock left, so if you want White Shoes it will pay you to get them now. We have them at 4 $1.50, $1.75 a8 any Seunon f pat : rs, ann red should hs ig fully 'tion, which ature", a8 no soon ollow 8. subscription. treet" Now "York, red i y aormation Rout the gy I Proves Ney * other arpa J catioy Subscribers t IN NEW YORK We have them with brown :leatter] heels or HOUSE RE Reasonable - white heels--also embroidetéd vamps. ) A T E S £ rx i Y SO of the Lity, convenient to ai t. roof wardens, etc. his Hotel The sup. than to any other Abernethy's Shoe Store For Its Cuisine York for booklet and Special 5 years. the favorite stopping Insist On Having Jing yachtsmen. Bold in the Guwilight Boreas The yacht club dance was every bit as jolly and as much enjoyed as it was expected to be. The decorations above, below, and all over, were very pretty, and' the arrangement of Chi. nese lanterns around the lower floor was most effective, Several times dur- ing the evening the red flashing of dersleeve « were . the while among the married ladies were Mrs. J. fax, Mrs. Alexander Rosamond. Dr, and Mrs. Vaux were out of town peo- ple present, and there was a good sprinkling of girls up from the island cottages, and, of course, many visit- The usual one-sided: pess in the way of the totals of the sexes was notived, there being about one man to every. three girls. How- ever, the hot night made the occasion- al lack of a partner, and the exertion such an appendage would involve, rather a blessing in disguise. A funny incident was the piano trying to bein the swim by going on strike. It refus- ed to be taken upstairs, but with every mighty shove from the movers, wedged itself more obstinately at the bottom of the stairs, However, some of the banisters being cut away, it was hoisted willy nilly, to the upper flat, and began to join the orchestra in making music for the dancers about ten o'clock. The floor was capital, and between this and the attractive sitting out place the balcony made, with its view over the moonlighted lake, it was midnight before the afiair broke up. The orchestra was 0'Connor's. «ee A picnic party went over to Cedar Island, yesterday, and of course LABATT'S (ondon India Pale Ale Fort Purity, Freedom from Acidity, and Paltaableness, Labatt's Ale is surpassed by none. JAS. McPARLAND.' AGENT, 339 and 341 King St. : "Phone 274. : LONDON AND LANCASHIRE "NO RS R a great speak. of . . . They "e T : ' ai L S= Shannon, Mr. W. C. en... . LE ET «nt and Mr. H. E. TRichardson, me; 5 Life and Endowment | spent Sunday at the Sand Bar ders, . mln | Dr. A. F. Mavety and wife, Toledo, To Intending Insurers Only: sell the A FEW PLAIN FACTS lars that uy any- N.B.--The above figures speak volumes, cbnsitlering recent insurance in- vestigations. t. Made Our Company -oceupies the UNIQUE POSITION: of having lived up fully . to its estimates re Bonuses on deferred (i.e. Tontine) plans. It offers advantages unsurpassed,if equalled, thy any competitor. and cut Everywhere people have absolute confidence ih BRITISH PRINCIPLES. Now, we want a share of your business, We can easily show you that it will pay you to do business with our Company: How are we to locate you ? Wil youn help us to do so? {ou can if you will. How? "Why, simply let us know ii yom wish to con- us upon the subject. You say, Hamph ! this is reversing the I would prefer keeping a lot of agents "chasing me up," and "hutton-holing me" twenty {times a month, here, there and ev- erywhere. Would you? That is the old way, and, you can establish a new way if you choose to do so, and make it very much pleasanter for both yourself and the agent; now, will you? 'Why not? Let us have a hint any way that you please. Mills & Cunningham, sult with order of canvassing; e better ars than at this District Agents, display bby Co. E TOWN. Summer Comfort - by laying in a goodly supply of Sifter Comforts. the time. Some and embroidery, ones arriving all others allover Glace Lots of Pretty Collars left and new made of lawn and lace trimmed, all the very latest New York fads, 0c Bey Me, 0c, be. to Be each. 2 i 2 2 \ f A Fine Assortment of Belts, for ladies, pirls and boys, white pique, white and white, gold.and silver tinsel braid, embroidery, plain kid in black } for Gittle pebple, 5c, and Ge. each. also lots of Buster Brown Belts wir aga 2 : 3 Belt Buckles, in silver and gold, round and square, and easily adjusted, 2e., 3c. and 50c. each. 2 Fancy Collar Pins, very dainty and useful, ad A y Our ¥eilings cannot he syrpassed- in| gow) nd are * floor, 25c., 35¢c., and 40c. per yard. o& Calf or 20% 3 | 4, now $3. s; $3.50, now $2.50 b2, now $1.60; $1.50, S108 i be. each. "# AEE shown = on the ground x . . . White Pique and White Lawn Hats, for ladies and children; also Fique and # 1 _ Linen Caps for small boys. mhuwine that people realize that ly grtigles, and also that our 3 from T5c. to $3 Our. White Waists ave still selling briskly, they cannot have too many of these used, t stock is the largest and prettiest in tow. Pricks range i each, hoes made by Utz & Bell and other high- 3 pe Store | Library For Belleville. » Ont., July 31.--Harry Cor A Stiff Fee. formance of Chicago; July 31.--Dr. Brank Bill- ings has filed in the probate court a HIRE First 8 months of 19068--Increase in new Insurances is over 66 per cent For June 1908 as compared with June 1905--Increase over 100 per cent 79 Clarence St., Kingston | We have certainly been visited. y glorious summer weather this year, but please remember that it is only half over and the hottest are yet'to ¢ome. Be prepared | CRUTILEY..BROS. ---------------------------------- ------ fa ¢ ia surgieal operatian. | youngest daughter of the late Bishop There is no intention. on Pa 1 Baldwin, is staving with Mrs. Abbott, the trustees to contest the claim, ui | a¢ 'the Bank 'of Montreal. ~ Miss Ada Temple came down from | Toronto on Saturday, and will spend | a few weeks at "Thistledown." _ Mr. Norman Doward, Toronto, was in town over Sunday, and left for Montreal. a Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Dowa Miss Zita and Master Egor Don inh have been spending the past month, guests at '""Thistledown," returned on Sun- day, to their home in the Queen Uity. Mrs. R. Osborn and Miss Daisy Osborn, Toronto, are among the "Old | Girl" visitors, guests of Mrs. Osborn Driver, Barrie street. . ee 1 | . i Miss Edith Folger went up to Tor- onto, on Satu 4 . Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Black, were down from Toronto, with the old hoys, guests of Mr, and Mrs. J. RR. Black, Mack street. | Ohio, will reach the city to-morrow, | and will spend a week with Mr. and | Mes. George Cliff, Wellington street. Rev. John Mavety, pastor of Cen: { tenary Methodist church, Montreal, | and family, will spend the month of August in their cottage on the shore | of Sydenham Lake, Ont. | «Te we Mrs. J. M. Elliott and her little daughter, Kathleen, University ave- nue, returned yesterday, from Chester- ville, where they have been visiting { Mrs. Elliott's sister, Mrs, Crawford, | at the manse. { Miss Kirby and her nephew and | nieces, have returned from Montreal. | Miss Mabel Milo, Montreal street, is | back from her visit to Buffalo and { Hamilton. { Mr. and Mrs. Robert Massie, Otta- | wa, visited with Mrs. W) Allen, Cler- | gy street, for the past few days. | Mrs. Karl Cramer, Dansville, N.Y., | is with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. D. | F. Armstrong, Johnson street. - - * ' Mr. and Mrs. G. Y. Chown have re- | turned from their trip across the con- | tinent." They went by the northern | route, returning by the southern. | Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bollard of Ot- tawa, are holidaying at Mrs. W. Ad- ams, University avenue. | Miss Sheila A. Hughes, formerly of | Kingston, has been accepted, -after | two months' probation in Saratoga, hospital, Saratoga Springs, N.Y., as | a nurse-in-training. Mrs. Alexander Rosamond, of Al- {| monte, is the guest of Mrs, Brown- field, Wellington street. Miss Amy McGill will be down from Toronto, to-morrow, for her holidays,' and "will be' with Colonel and Mrs, McGill. Canon Starr and Mrs. Ladd haye gone down to Brockville for a day or two. Miss Sarah Griffin will leave morrow, for Brockville. Miss Minnie and Miss Florence Cro- | | | to- | thers will sail on August 12th, for home. The Misses Smaft and Miss Ella Gage, who were coming up to Mrs. | Breden, for the Yacht Club dance, ! were unable to come, but will proba- ~y bly be here later in the month. Mrs. John Watson, Miss Harriet | Watson, and Miss Eleanor Macdon- { nell, have gone up to the Sand Banks | for a visit. Mr. Flsdale and Mr. Hugh Robert- son are hoth with Mr. and Mrs, Stew- art Robertson, . . Miss R. Friedman of Toronto, who spent the last few days with Miss R. Licherman, returned home to-day. Baldwin of Montreal, the { | | aa i 5 000 inst the | they readily accepted services of the | Yee K. Betis will leave, to-mor- ive BL uilding a for gh days' | papess in the case. | row, for London west. to be vacate ---- | Mr. and Mrs. Looseburough, who jonal services in attendance on Field. The fee iz believed to be one of the biggest ever charged by a phy-e Sician in the United States for ser vices - that: did not include . theo per: rehants Bank, of this city. t it up as a: public library I expense and present it to reeled of MeAnlev's haok store feet, at Chown's drug store. { William Swain, piano tuner. Orders { have been visiting Ease "Em. For tired and perspifing the warden and Mes. Platt, leit, to-day, days' visit, before going to Mrs. A. G brother, Mr. Miss spend th he \ ae ; g Hoh Tidens ih among The] a Hammock Another' | With Mrs. J. M. Boyd, University avenue, Thef hi Boarding Houses will leave. to-morrow, for a month's ~Ra; p on Fresh Charge. visit in Montreal. dust elcbratiog,™ wis' the term visiting Mrs," S. Roughton, street ton, has been with his sister, Greek 'fire painted all things couleur de University Rr "F cortpinly was ecolebrating," goss, and made pretty faces prettier. Robert, Mocks University avrnne, cao | laughingly replied George Dick to rs. Brownfield and Mrs. James Gil- visit to his former home. the charge of being drunk. His sad C. C. Almon, Mrs. Edward Birkett, from Ham#ton. ar aie YE od sentence. of $10 or four months. "I Mrs. Charles Kirkpatrick, whom svuty: 23 oO Nxonto gis, Hise Tie won't come back," he returned amid body was glad to see home from Hali- the laughter of the large crowd of Miss Mrs. D. E. Mundell. * '- gone down to Montreal, with a party of Chinchilla Nr. est Gallagher came down from Toronto, last night, and leaves for the north country to-day. days in the eity. ton Place, have been spending a few days 'in genial editor of the an, of that town. is visiti . Winth Sears, A + x hn Me inthrop Soars, . af "1 only picked it up on the street, Miss Grace Uhphofi, who has heen became the plea of the prisoner. staying at "Heathficld," returned, to- day, to Baltimore. Montreal. staying at "Avenmore," for Toronto. grandmother, Mrs. Robert Thomson, : . on- had taken the hammock joyed itself, In'the party were Miss | Sears. ac , my ni Jean, Miss Kate and Mis. Belle Craig, > : s + i Thats or ane. * said J. k Whit Miss Bessic and Miss May Smythe, | Mrs. W. J. B. White and children, | ing, K.C., "I ask for a committal. © Miss Florence Cunningham, Miss Grace | University avenue, have returned from James Rankin Plended ot guilty Martin, Miss Irene Swift, Mr. Ernest | Frankford. ; hing Srun and disorderly, . Gildersicove, Mr. William 'and Mr oe | Miss. Adams, of Toronto, who isf °oot S0 CH CGUtg with coating thur Craigs Mr. George Smythe, Mr, {spending the summer at Gananoque, | & Sivturhanees July 20th, on Rideau "Ns, omy > ¥ » b d { | street. i Clive Betts and Mr. Arthur Martin, | Wwas up for the yacht club dance, hnc T. J. Rigney appeared for defendant, for Picton wa. 'Hutton and her daughter pay a little visit west of Flott is visiting her Gordon, in Pickering. Klisgbeth Hutton has gone THE EXCUSE OF AFTER. HOLIDAY DRUNKS, sbi One Man Charged With Purloining Miss Edna Burrows, of Belleville, is 'Alfred under which, the getdral holiday drunks who made theit appearance Mayor Mowat, in this morning's po- lice court were wont to be styled. ) g¢ H. Lanigan, of Hamil: Mrs. condition bore out his statement. He was allowed to'go on a suspend- Little Miss Lillian Mundell is home curious spectators. Three first-timers took out a walk- ing ticket, with a warning against *Bitting up the booze" in the future, Clarence Manhard and Walter Fue long paid 83 and costs, while a fre- quent caller was bound . over at $10 or four months, because he hadn't onlled in a year, i Tom' O'Neil, whose countenahoe was as familiar as his face was . willingly acknowledged going the pace that kills, but or a second charg of stéaling a hammock from Elizabbth Jamieson, on July 7th, faltered out a "not yiglty."' . . Mr. and Mrs, John McKay 'have fiends, on their private yacht] the Mr. CHF is the Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Clif, of Carle Mr, Cliff is thr Central Canadi- the city. Miss Carrie Barber, of New York, Carrying a Whig in her hand as she stepped into the box, Mrs. Elizabeth Jamieson, 286 Ontario street, declared herself to be the owner of the ham- mock. It was missed from her hall July 7th, She said she did not know the prisoner. Witness did not agsin sce the hammock until the police Mrs. Douglas Young is back from The Misses Farrell, who have been left, to-day, Buy Whitewear Nows-Special Low Price Stylish 1906 Covert 'at Sweeping Redu "1A final clearance after our busiest selling when a summer coat is most needed with even " cooler and fall little more. than four weeks away. garment perfect--materials the popular light covert cloth and . | fine broadcloths. These bigcuts :-- ~~. == k § 5.00 Conta for... ....oiui. i § 7.00 Goats for... .... $10.00 Coats for ...... Big Bargains in Raincoats $5.00 Three quarter Raincoats| $5.00 "to "6.50" Long ' for Stress rsaneet . 125 coats forigaaiing $600 w 850 Ruincoats | $7.50 to 10.00 = for inane 2981 CONS isiisimaresernsas PRINT AND SATEEN HOUSE WRAPPERS, regular prices $1.25 to $2.00, all at, each Cea avERsAYARERLERAS got it. Police Constable Driscoll said he got the hammock, on exhibit, from Mate Tyo, of theaSS. Melrose, who has phr- chased it from O'Neil. Witness said prisoner had admitted to him that he Master Hugh and Master B. Thom- son, of Ottawa, are staying with their Clergy street. : Mr. John Ardrey arrived, to be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Winthrop to-day, to spent Sunday with Mrs. Brownfield, Miss Mardel Clerihew, of Toronto, on a visit to hen mother, University ave nue, is spending a few days at Shar: bot Lake before returnipg to the Queen City. 1 Miss Sarah Lavell went down to Thousand Island Park, on Saturday. aie a» Mrs. Roderick Carter, and Miss Madelon Carter, will go down to Que bee, on Friday. The Misses Shaw will be home from Ide Perrot, to-morrow, Mrs. William Skinner will leave, on Wednesday, to visit Mrs. E, H. Mar vin, in Syracuse. Miss Nan Skinner will go down, to- morrow, to Montreal, to pay Mr. and Mrs, J, 8. Skinner a week's visit. Mr. and Mrs. Skinner, and théir baby, will be here about the middle ofynext week to stay at 'Maitland House." > iH. and asked for an enlargement = until Wednesday. It stands. This is the second case of a similar character against Rankin within one week Short, and of rather a good phys - que, with a bright, fresh-looking face, a young man of about twenty-one years of age, a somewhat superior type, appeared before Mayor Mowat, charged with theft of a silk handker- chief from Joseph Hall, on July 20th. JL; Whiting, K.C., asked for a -re- mand until Friday. The defendant is of good family, in England, had plen- ty of good clothing, had lately lent money to others and was not in need of the money or articles of wear he has purloined in his short stay in the city. 4 is a oase.of an excellent and popular. reeord. being destroyed by an BE ontibllable mania. Later, the man was released, MR. 'MURPHY'S DOG LICENSE. Miss Lillian Lambert came home, to- day, from Perth. Miss Lulu Rees has left for Syracuse to visit her brother before returning to New York to take up her duties as a nurse-in-training. Miss Leta McCallum, of Detroit, vis- iting friends in the city for a few Hays left for Brockville, to-day. Miss Ida Lee returned home from Burlington Beach and Toronto yester- day. Miss Gertrude and Miss Lulu Lee left on a visit to Toronto and Hamil- ton, -- Irishman's Demand Blocked Wheels of British Parliament. An Irish dog of uncertain pedigree that would not fetch a shilling in the open market, has furnished a potent argument for home rule, or, at least, for a large measure of control of Irish affairs by Irishmen themselves, The dog which has achieved the distinet- tion of being gravely discussediby the representatives of the nation in par- liament assembled, belongs to a man named Murphy, whose Irish extraction whatever may be said of his canine Miss L. Kinnear of Chicago, is pay- ing a short visit to Mrs. R. J. Reid, possession, is unquestioned. s at their camp, down the river. I'he law imposed on Ireland by Fng Miss Maud Publow returned last land requires that dogs should be night, after a two weeks' visit at licensed. Murphy applied for a license The clerk said he could not Murphy said he was not re- sponsible for the clerk's educational deficiencies. The police summoned Marphy for keeping an unlicensed dog. It was delivered on Good Friday, which invalidated it, and acting on legal advice Murphy ignored it. The police obtained a second summons against him. Murphy maintained that the fact that his dog was still un- licensed was due to the failure of the clerk to supply him with a leense af ter he had applied for ond on a legal form. He was fined three shillings, and a constable assigned to make ob servations on the private life of Mur phy's dog D. D. Sheehan, the member for Mid Cork, heard of the vicissitudes of Mur phy's dog. He put a printed notice on the parliamentary paper enquiring if Mr. Bryce, chief secretary for Ire land, had also heard of Mr. Murphy's dog. Mr. Bryce hadn't, but he com- munieated with Dublin castle, and Dub- lin castle communicated with the au- thorities at Cork. The Cork authori ties went a report on the dog to Dub Jin eastle, and Dublin castle forward. od it to Mr. Bryce, with the addition of various weighty legal opinions thereon. Then Mr. Bryce gave the House of Commons a learned and luminous disquisition on Murphy's dog. Thus the wheels of imperial legislation were stopped, the time of a cabinet minis ter and many government officials wasted, and some - of the nation's money squandered because Mr. Mur- phy applied for a license for his dog in Gaelic instead of in English. Some folks think it very funny, but Irish na- tionalists declare it strikingly illus- trates the absurdity of a system of government. under which Irishmen are not permitted to settle for themselves such a trivial matter as Mr. Murphy's dog. in Gaelic, Christie's Lake. : read it. Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Publow, leit, today, for a week's visit in Detroit. Miss Lillian Smythe has returned from a visit to Ottawa. Miss Ethel Slater, left, to-day, for a month's visit in Toronto. Mrs, A. E. Smythe and little Miss Mildred, went down to Ottawa, last night, to visit Mrs. George Perley. Miss Jessie Slater is visiting Mrs, Foxton in Brockville, . me The engagement is announced of : Miss Jessie S. Shields, B.A., daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Shields, Brockville, and Rev. Andrew S, Im- rie, B.A., B.Th., Brantford. Miss Emily" Florence Mackie, young- est daughter of the late James Mackie, of Toronto, to Mr, Charles L. Kerr, of New-York city. Miss Vern Ethel Mackenzie, of Castle- Rea, Rosedale, eldest daughter of the late Sir William Robert Mackenzie, of Herefordshire, Eng., to Capt. George Frederick, of Cliiton-Howard, Hast ings, Sussex, Eng., late of His Majes ty's 17th Regiment. Mr. (Jack) Greenway, of the OC, P.R. Telegraph staff, Winnipeg, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Greenway, Camden East, and Miss Florence Beatrice, se cond daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam MaGee, Winnipeg. The marriage of Miss Annie M. Mal- lock, third daughter of the late Dr. Mallock, and Mrs. Mallock, of Ottawa, to Mr. H. ¥. Grindley, of Montreal, is arranged to take place on Thursday, 27th September, in St. Andrew's church, Ottawa. Every person should know about and try "Housekeepers" Silver Cloth"; polishes silverware, all bright metals and mountings lke magic; no paste or powder required, simply rub the article to be polished briskly with the. prepared cloth and a brilliant polish i= secured in a clean, quick, hand way. Price 25¢c. Foe sale by L. 7 Best, druggist, Princess street. Trial samples free. Everything is in readiness 2t. Lawrence Park, for the enertainment and banquet of the Anglers' Associa- tion of the St. Lawrence, which is to be held at the Lotus, on Wednesday. It's not like what vou get at other places, said a lady at Gibson's Red I ------------ Rocky Mountain Ten is sold at Gib- son's Red Cross Drug Store. Fresh there. The report that the Canadian Paci fic railway intended tp build a hotel in Toronto is denied." A Montreal man named Lemieux was killed on the railway tracks near Par- ry Sound, Platt's chlorides," infectant, ix wold at Cross Drug Store. 4 the odorless dis- Gibson's Red i SPENCE'S ™ "nm Kile sire _ Kitchen Cabi . with Cabinet Attachable. | We are rinning them during our Mid= "summer at : oy REDUCED PRICES. JAMES REID, The Leading 'Under IPhone 14 Tae et le Do You Eat the Kind of Food That * Is Exactly Adapted to Your Condition = Some foods tax the power of the stomach to an enormous degree. Get your stomach in order. No matier what + your condition' you get your nutrition right nature will do the rest may be, once for you. Life Chips, Granose Biscuits, Granose Flakes, Granola and Caramel Cereal Coffee are all foods made on "the Battle Creek idea." + For instance, one pound of Granola exceeds in nutrient value two pounds of round steak. Delicious with cream and crushed fruits, * THE BATTLE CREEK HEALTH FOOD CO., Limited Canadian Factory, London, Ont. FINANCE AND. INSURANCE . CUSTOMS BROKER - [If You Want a Home 3 The Business of the late Cs G. : ) G. A. BATEMAN Who for the last five years kas pean msspoiated with Mrs Oliver. ------------------------ Money to Loan ' . FARMS FOR SALE ete Tose our diate Wo Melntyre& Melntyre | 5 irk Ss Sh :: 'BARRISTERS : Lockhart | Two Boats Aground. Sunday night the tug Augusta ran aground on Stevenson's bar, abirast of Nine. Mile Light, The tug ¥ron- tenac went 'to her assigtance and pull- od her off. No damage was done 'ex- cept: the unshipiping of her rudder which was fixed yesterday at Garden Iiland by a diver. Cross. Drug Store fountain, It's made | Miss Maggie Naylon is visiting for a few their home in Kansag. ~ # trom pure cream here, friends in. Gananoqu. , During Sunday night the steamyacht Bigelow went ashore on Horseshoe