Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Jul 1906, p. 5

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mpany, Limited, are po 5 3,200 milek fron} Station "of the *"DeForeg 3 "TICA and 3 Novem, § < ve Kuecassially nhatlan Beach, \. You. ; io i 3,200 miles, * The Kilo watts, while sta. ty es more POWerful : in all kinds and condi. ATLANTIC STA110y ring + 50,000 a 60.000 oy ave oe 2,100 00 if, { interést, 0 0 96,000 0g ross aksedeipa Fiond $2,100,000 09 nd the "other half to per .eent. on the enti t on July lst, 1905, ther ding and receiving over of 25 cents per word, One le Company," during the Telegraph Company, Lin. all vessels doing business Il times with! our land sty. » swell the grand aggre. ews from all parts of the ghout the Dominion, will pany is. now doing a large real, Quebec, Ottawa, and 1 newspapers of the above , business firms and indi- equal, if not superior, to 00.00 hares can be purchased at t the rate of 6. per cent, of MARCH, JUNE, SEP. ws at once, and we will be lorsements, etc., or call on order, certified check or liately. s Company. rence St., Kingston, Ont. EE -- a great speak of , They ur Ten ders. sell the lars that ly any- t. Made and cut e better lars than at this display bby Co. IE TOWN. olly 'Bath ass, flowers and child: ve a bath in the summer se our GARDEN HOSE er fixtures and you'll : prettiest lawn on the Price, 7c. Foot up. SS MISERY. MRS. LIZZIE SHARPE. or © | and interest as well as results, felt Feity is growing is by the fost | amply repaid for the free distribution EDWARD HILL. that this Sot divoptocy 4 NN 4 of seeds. : Chicago, July 28. -- Edward H¥L, a containg gi nats, than last ~ . ' : » /d | Every member of the C.1.8. walks | Chicago boy now living with His mo- | year's. Only . Bama over D3 GES lL BR Pp OE | around the eity with eagle eye, if she | ther in Sawtella, Cal., is only four- wightewn years age are. published i ¢ " ; knows where the burdocks still flourish | teen years «id and wholly inexperienc: nid meripd well are ex hom % s | and the boulevards that are neglected. } of in the building trade Yet, he has da hm ie - ? we wre, hi There are hundreds of thousands of women in America suffering from } | She aiko knows the gardens that are | undertaken to build alone, and unaid- i ; year Pelvic Diseases, endangering their lives by neglecting treatment. If they will write to me I will give them the benefit of my extensive experience 1 in treating this' class of ailments. --S. B. Hartman, M. D. i | A "T had suffered for a number of ypars | with constipation, indigestion and fo- | male troubles of the worst form. 1 was | N view of the great multitude of | Entire System Affected. women suffering from some form of | wr.. yames Golloher, No: a, On- female disease and yet unable to find tario, Can, > itos: 3 ' sny cure, Dr, Hartman, the renowned «] was suffering from systemic oa- unable to do my housework without gynecologist has announced his willing=| 40 rrh for about two years help. ness to direct the treatment of as man i Sanee a8 ar make a to any "In damp weather 1 was unable to do Satisfactory Results. during the summer months without | ™¥ work, as my back and sides would | "After taking Peruna I havo exper- | AY ° ' ache, and I thought if I did not soon jenced the most satisfactory results. I'| SEOs + find a cure T could not live lonk. am like a now woman. he Mary had Low Delhi street, «i saw where Peruna had cured hun-| "Ido all my own housework for sevon - sipitif, Du) YTiea} dreds who had suffered as I was suffer- | rooms, thanks to Peruna. Before taking your medicine I was ing. I docided to try it. down. eomplewsly yun down. «After taking the first bottle, I felt a Headache and Backache. i big change. ,- "My back and head ached all the time | Completely Cured. and T'was so nervous that it was impos-| «) pave taken five bottles and I am sible for me to attempt any work. completely cured. "After using two bottles of Peruna «1 thank Dr. Hartmsn for his kind there was a wonderful change and 1 am | .4vi00 to me." Bow 4 well, woman, Dr; Hartman's offer will hold good Gratitude. during the'entire summer months, "} cannot express my gratitude suf-| Any' woman can become a regular ficiently and 1 am recommending it to | atient by sending a written statement all my friends." of her age, condition of life, symptoms Dr. Hartman's treatment will be con-jof her dgrangements, and previous ducted by correspondence. treatmeént. The medicines prescribed can be obs | Dr. Hartman's Advice. tained at all drug storcs. Mrs. Lizzio Sharpe, 208 Friendship Comwlete Treatment. street, Providence, R. 1., writes: | whom return to their homes to com- The Doctor will prescribe all medi-| "Some time ago I wrote you, asking plete their treatment by corresponds cines; applications, hygicnic and diet- | advice in regard to my health, describ-|ence, regulations necessary to effect com- | ing my symptoms. Those wishing to become patients by | | | | "J want to recommend Peruna to all who are similarly afflicted." The principal remedy which Dr. Hartman relics upon in curing: catarrhgl diseases of women is Peruna. Hundreds of women sufferers find Peruna a household remedy. Many of {hese women have written letters of thanks for the benefit they have ob- tained. Dr. Hartman's Experience. _As is well known, Dr. Hartman is the President of the Hartman Sanitarium, an institution which has a department devoted to the treatment of female dis- eases, YL He is thus bronght to see a great many of such cases every year, the most of plete relief. «Following your advice and taking | correspondence should address Dr. 8. B, Farthermore, all correspondence WII | your medicine for only five, weeks, I | Hartman, President of the Hartman ,bo hold stricily confidential, am thankful to say I am a well woman. | Sanitarium Columbus, Ohio. - - e------------ ------------------------ B0@ srs sat sssssatasse ase RTRR SRA ssevarnll * Buy Whitewear Now--Special Low Prices . 453 384 Whitowear Now: if 0; Stylish 1906 Covert Coats ; at Sweeping Reductions A final clearance 'alter our busiest selling season--just when a summer coat is most needed with evenings growing cooler and fall httle more than four weeks away. very . garment perfect--materials the popular light covert cloth and fine broadcloths. These big cuts :-- $ 5.00 Coats for $ 7.00 Coats for $10.00 Coats for Women Can you Answer "NO" to any of these Questions ? | 8 Dr. Hugo's Health Tablets for Wo- cee 2 PRINT AND SATEEN HOUSE WRAPPERS, regular prices $1.25 to $2.00, all going at, each .....79 the market years ago, doesn't it? | SPENCE'S ™=* Mich sm Be cr rstrrrsrsrasssssssasdita sass ans sen@O aaa ee sen HOUSE - KEEPERS ATTENTION ! Your house is not complete without one of our Kitchen Cabinet with Cabinet Attachable. We are running them during our Mid- summer Salé at REDUCED PRICES. JAMES REID, The Leading Undertaker 'phorfd 147 for the White Ambulance. in their favor, isn't it? for every organ, they reach immediatel the seat of the trouble, want, isa't it? The Vital Question. to her sex. and vigor ? A wh BE Wl Rae becomes harder to cure. : sasssssassIAIsIIRss SIRI IAS i 5 . =. at dealers or by mail postpaid. Chickeri SAN 's, at MeAuley's book DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, CIVIC IMPROVEMENT SOME PLACES BRIGHTENED 'The Duty of the Citizens Pointed ment society met in beautiful » lovely shade trees on Th visiting the children's gard- ens were The children had all made an honest rains of the spring which had washed so many seeds out of gardens all over | the city, was responsible for the lack of greater results. The parents as well as the children had been interest ed, and the CLS, which values effort Recommends Peruna. | places too shady added their mite to ---- | i. kes us long to men are the prescription used for sick and run-down women by a great special- ist in diseases of your sex. Such a pres- cription ought to be a good one, hadn'tit? The tablets are compounded just for ¢ . . . TE : pec women and contain the special tonics $ Big Bargains m Raincoats which your petalier system needs. That si = i ns chould make them a better medicine for $5.00 Three quarter Raincoats $5.00 ;t0' 650 Long Rain- oot ais Tor vote io for 1.25 coats for iain. 2.98 and women, shouldn't it? $6.00 to 850 Raincoats $750't0 10.00 Loug Rain- 3. { 208 coats 398 The tablets contain the very latest in- OF: +euererusnnsse srasannsaneas &. DALI! Lersrrenernersernasnanes h gredients and discoveries in medicine-- are up-to-daté. That makes them worth more to you than any medicine put on The tablets are a compound remedy, that is, they contain something for every organ of your system. They must there- fore reach the organ which is causing you trouble, evenif youdon'tknow your- self which one itis. That is a big point S. Unlike the liquid preparations, the tab- lets contain neither alcohol nor opium. Because the tablets contain something Result--imme- diate gain in health, "That is what you Bat here is the question of most vital interest to women suffering from a run- down condition or any, trouble peculiar Will you take the tablets? Will you risk 50¢. to get back your old time life The 72 tablets in a single box, taken now, will start you on the road to health. Take them now before your condition N. Robinson & Co., Coaticook, Que. from store, JULY 28. TO BUILD A HOUSE. m------------ And He and Mother to Live in It. : tess, BY FLOWERS. Out--Take a Walk About the City, and Notice the Improve- mente: LE the_ divic § \ ve of the civic improve The Sie Mrs. W. B. Dalton's one of tho good a wellkept lawn with and a border of ine members Xam Wednesday. very much encouraged. local men to out the volume effort to cultivate their seeds. Very proved uns al. There were many | few had neglected them. The heavy skeptical citizens who told this year's ed by any other person, a siX-room house with bathroom and kitchen, in which his mother and he will live af- ter it is completed. The building will be 26x32 feet and the materi} will cost about $800, ------ Chips Cause Trouble, Alexandrian Bay, N.Y. July; 28.-A somewhat unsuccessful matibedvering, followed by Vighteous outbursts of wrath from several river captains, were the results, yesterday, caused by the dumping of a large quantity of shavings off a scow into the main channel just below Alexandria Bay. The means was taken by tho lumber mill to rid themselves of a! large quan: tity of shavings, which daily 'atcumu- late. After being thrown into the river the mass lengthened out 'into a long, raft-like structure, and had all the appearance of "one of the! huge rafts of lumber which occasionally are towed by large tugs down the river, ; The ecdptains of the different boats, laboring under «the illusion that they were about to encounter a huge mass of timber, piloted their boats careful- ly through the open spaces, only to find upon approach that the "danger" was only a harmless mass of wood- a success and each meeting is a long recitation of such successes, It is to be regretted that so few successful home gardens registered their houses. It had been designed to have the competition under four heads according to the valuation of the property. A great deal of publi- city was given to the necessity for people registering in order that their places might be inspected, but there were few who did so. It is especially to be regretted that no one entered the competition for window boxes. The florists reckon that there were 200 additional window boxes suppliéi hyd them, this year, as well as those of home manufacture. A great many peo- ple whose soil is too poor or their the beautifying of the city by having | window boxes. Among the very suc- | cessful ones, must be noticed those in | the porch of the Randolph hotel. The | Iroquois hotek also has very pretty | verandah and window boxes. The | AngldF-American hotel adds its quota lto the improvement of a very con- spicuous corner, by window boxes on | its second storey windows. Mrs. Han- | ley has planted Vines and nasturtiums { to hide the long fence, at the railroad | station just opposite. Livingston ave nue has, at least, one live landlord, |planings, which in no way should | who lends his lawn mower to his ten- | have impeded the course of the boats. ants and distributes plants among | them. As a consequence it is one of The Last Of Four. the prettiest streets in this city. 1 3 : i Sh} ) Joseph Hinch, an old and highly re- | Tt is hoped that the citizens who pe resident of the: township ; of | complain that they cannot make their | grass grow because of trees will walk | out Alice street and see Mr. King's | beautiful lawn under his apple trees. | The trumpet vine on the front of the {dd Arts' building, . Queen's Univer | sity, is worth going out to see. The | success of the vines on that building, see similar 'vines | Planers on the new Arts' building. Narth Fredericksburgh, died, on Tues- doy evening, having attained the pa- tiiarchal age of cighty-six years. De ceased was the last of four brothers, vie, Edward, William and Thomas Hinch. He leaves hesides his bereaved wilow, a son, Thomas Hinch, 1Ermest- town, and two daughters, Mra: OC. M. Weese, Switzerville," and Miss Elida, at home. Deceased was a member of the Preshyterian church, an upright, conscientious man, and highly esteem- ed by all who had. the pleasure of his acquaintance. He was a Mason, his mother lodge being Prince of Wales lodge, Newburgh, Don't forget the request of the C.I. | S. to make it part of your holidaying | Monday, to sce some of the successful { gardens around the city. It does not | matter whether they are the work of old enthusiasts or new recruits to the movement to make Kingston beautiful, | The C.I.8. asks for more such help. { Tt is hoped that the children will | snd in a number of stories of Kings | ton for the booklet the society hopes to publish in the autumn. Every | child's story that §s published will be paid for according to its merits. For the stories by adults, two prizes have | been offered, one ¥10, one $5. There lis a great dead of material awaiting for our historians to put into form. The first need of Kingston is loyal | of its citizens, These stories ought to help to develop a love for the eity. | The children in the Grandmother's | Talks ih the spring, showed what could be done. The Toronto Graphic with its illus trated article on Kingston by Frank Yeigh, for which the C.I.S. supplied the material, and the News the cuts, Nuptials. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bradley, Dundas, was the sceng of a very quiet wedding last Friday even- ing, when Miss Ella Martin (step- daughter of Mr. Bradley), became the bride of J. A. Peters, of Midland, The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Mansell. The bride was attired in a handsome gown of pale green cloth, The house decorations consisted en- tirely of The bride was the recipient of many beautiful presents. The happy couple left on a wedding trip to Bufialo and the Falls. The bride is a niece of Mrs, Frank Bryant, Queen strvet, this city, and was for merly a resident of Kingston, she is well known. roses Opening Lands In Montana, : " } hysicians, 17 shoemakers, 17 tail- | 4 ing congre= | shows one way in which Kingston | (reat Falls, Mont July. 28.-The pa vi ' diocese, and has a flourish | . shuns Pun ire alle, Mont: July £5. we, and insurance ents by i : i George' | could be advertised ~SECRETARY. decision of the United States land | soore. In the list of Tay th - gation. He will preach in St, . office, to throw JOHN BENEDICT. which had been county, homestead applications have at the local land office. evening, Police Constable Hughes was attracted to the corner of King and Brock streets, by the noise of an un usttal disturbance. Reaching the he noticed a little hunch-backed In dian, who had partaken of too much fireewater, having a great time wav- ing a violin in one hand and a hat in the other seene St. George's Cathedral. Holy service, 11 p.m.; baptisms, You don't want to drink whiskey or take i d ? communion, 5 Am; opium, do you aan. evening service, 3:30 This morning he appear- i a : ¥:| od before the mayor and stated that with special refétence to the OM | ard, of English origin, of the Saffolk he was a violinist and played on the Joys' Reunion. Rev, E J. Ethering- branch, and of Catherine Demorest, He hailed from: Cornwall won, M.A., rector of. St. Thomas | daughter of the pioneer squire De- | boats. | "Do you get drunk often," queried y r v ' i evening service. C, B. 8S. Harvey wi his worship " . wing a solo at each service, "Oh, yes," candidly replied the pris oner with little show of concern "then you had better be placed be yond the reach of temptation," re sponded the court, And that's how | (he John Benedict came to be sentenced to two months in jail defaulting the payment of 85 and costs, The second offender was Patrick Burns, He had been drunk and his yrevious record was pot of the bests fe pleadéd hard for a chance to get Won. By Queen's. terday afternoon. The made up as follows : Queen's Bampfield, and Watson--19. Dennison--9. Contains 477 - More: Names Than Kingstonians, Toronto or v Jishers have issued the book, and the one or two past attempts made by ts had come to naught. The book, how- been where open: to public entry about 2,350,000 acréd of land in Teton withdrawn will Have a Rest For Two |irom public entry on November Tth Months 1903, went into offect, today. The Shortly tor he ' land is now open to entry unger the Shortly alter twelve o'clock last or desert acts and. many aleeady been filed morning o'clock, Upnon Stare will preach at morning service, church, Hamilton, will preach at the Queen's bowlers turned the tables on Rockwood enthusiasts when they caught them on the eollege green yes- teams were Shannon, Ross, Rockwood Mackie, Smith, Dick, and three months after the banns are pub- The Reid case for de- Last Year's Directory~--~Some to Be Growing. . The first city directory, published by, i printed by Kingston jshers that the book would because other attemp never got out, issued, and had increased to 8,249, This year the number stands at 8726. It is usual for directory publishers to estimate the population by wulviplyiag the number of names in the directory by three. This method of computation would give Kingston a population of 26,178. This rule, however, though claimed to hold good in other eities, finds its . exception in Kingston, for the figure is®t0o high by several thou- sand. Another proof, perhaps, that the Limestone City has the race-sui- cide habit. There aro 642 individual names in the four suburban villages given in the directory, viz, Barrie- field, Cataraqui, Garden Island and Portsmouth. Multiplying this by three would give them a combined population 'of 1,926, which is prob. ably about correct. The new directory is handsomely and strongly bound-u masterpiéce of the gentle art of book-bin an practiced by the one and only Thom- as Medley. The book is a product of the Whig press, and is very at- tractively got up. is printed on} fine white paper, and, though not quite so bulky as last year's, con: tains over twenty more pages. The miscellaneous directory at the back is very complete. The contents through out are so arranged that any infor- mation sought can be found with little or no trouble. An index on the last page furnishes a complete key to the book. new addition to the diree- tory--and one that will no doubt he appreciated--is a two- map of the city, showing all the streets and the location of the principal build- ings, Another innovation soen in the arrangement of the st directory. The numbers and a Strom all the one side of a street, and follow this with the names of those on the other side. This year both sides are pub- lishod in parallel columns, and the method will be found mutch more con- venient. The business directory makes some- what interesting reading. It shows that Kingston manufactures every- thing from a railway locomotive to a paper box, Seventeen legal firms are ready to entangle you in the meshes, of the law. If you want to be talked to death there are seventeen barber Inn, of Winnipeg, who spent a shops, and the directory tells you where to find each one of them. It il dave. in: the eligs are Jor Nowe possibly give pain to some readers to principal citics of be told that there is only one brew- | Ontario and. enjoyed their visit in the ery in the city. On the other hand, | niversity city, however, there are thirty-five hotels, | Migs hie: McCarthy and y Misa Libby Gilligan, of Oswego, are visits ing Mr. and Mrs. M. Mutchmore, 45 Bagot street, were much plea+ wed with the telp down the river on the steamer America. It is their first visit to Ci a Among the Kingston Old Boys ; turned is Rev. B, J. Etherington, of Hamilton, 'who stepped in each of which, with one exception-- the Temperance House-- spirituous liquors can be had if you have the price. Forty-four carters look after the transportation of our goods and chattels, The dressmakers are a num- orous and industrious family, they number 135. There are 26 butchers, 54 contractors, 13 dentists, 99 grocers, I8 laundries, 34 music teachers, 8 Sits, an sual tans fit plate cathedral on Sunday evening. there being 10M of them. The Clarks are a poor second with 48; the Cam A + A bells are third with 42, and the Re inons, and Browns next with 38 and 3M respectively, ------ Joke On A Councillor. a mote than usually active interest in the "muke . Portsmouth beautiful" warfare this spring. But the joke was been turned on him, now, for he had been allowing his cow to roam ab leisure ubout the village streets, per haps, it has heen sugested, with the idea that he Was hy practically, In Memoriam, The late Mrs, Isaiah Badgley was born in Demorestville in the spring' of 1816, She was of. U, E. Loyalist € | stock on both sides of the house, i 1 both father and grandfather being of- ficers in the British, army. She was the eldest doughter of Erastus How- morest, who was an officer in the waf 1 {of 1512 and 1537, She was a sister of the late Rev. Nathan Howard, and Rev. E. D. Howard, of Quebec; also of T. J. Howard, Wellington; aunt of Rev. E. EK. Howard and Rev. Fred. Howard, and others. She was the mo- ther of the late Rev, E. E. Badgley, D.D., grandmother of Dr. Fred B., of Toronto. Sha leaves to mourn loss Ira and Wesley' Badgley, both: prosperous farmers of Thurlow towns ship; Thomas Badgley, B.A., of Em erson; Albert, also a B.A., 'of Winni- peg, and one daughter, Mrs. Graham of Sioux City. A goodly number of grandchilgiren to .the fourth gemera- i. { tion. Mrs. Badgley was connected with many of the leading families in d | Prince Edward county. Bhe was a life- long Methodist and a person of #ap- erior intellect. pha Eggs For Paupers, London, July 28.--The Not! } Board of Guardians has Notthgha erence to at tha t, Monday, Civie Holiday. Steamer America makes complete tour of the islands, 2.30 p.m. Supper i board. Home early. 35c. return. Cool your blood with Abbey Salt. It's fresh at Gibson's Red Cross Drug The old girls will enjgy good candy | Gi to Phone 230, and ice cream soda wafer at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. It pays to go in | there. infraction of a city by-law, was further enlarged, this morning, until the maghstrate's re turn, © o aE FINANCE AND INSURANCE ¢ out o Suva sd reform, Slatin that $ v ug 9 'ol. nu ac mee given A a y i NP ' Dr.Hugo sHealthTablets | and he had not taken a drink for The Men Dischorged. It You Want a Home : twelve years. In consideration of the Ottavy, July 28%. --John Wilson, Wi Hh N - » 1 circumstances, his worship let him go | lium Villeneuve and Thomas Fenton, te. CUSTOMS BROKER ¥ ; $ Make Healthy Women. on suspended sentence, with the warn- | the Montreal men who have boén hel he al of the late Cs G. "Or Insiirance, have a $ | SESS | ing that should he ever again be cor: over a week dh a charge of being im- i Oltver, be carried pm im his "talk with $ . alled by the police a punishment of plicated in the . Juoriset picking pute: sav Clr siete | George Zeigler, ™ 3 SEA Se my, | Eh cote re mow as 1 ery i pple, XC ¥ : gistered agains im. cen y, were dimicha ged mm police G. A. BATEMAN Biers "a InsuRANCE London, July 28.-The two-year-old | : this morning, the crown having no nas 57 Brock Street. daughter of Warrant Officer Dove, R. Grasshopper ointment is sold at evidence, Who for the JE Ya Ni was found, yesterday, lying dead | Gibson's Red ("ross Drug Store. "= . -------- 3 -------------------------- FOR LE across a swing rope in her father's | Do not miss this opportunity of Customers from all ove the =x : RM SA ' garden 'at Devonport with her neck | acing the far famed Thousand Is- | pronounce the jcc ereamfsoda at rib FAl 2 3 entangled. It is supposed that the | lands, Monday, 2.30 p.m. Steamer Am-J son's Red Cross Drug Store the best want to buy a farm i 2 . aH ¥ : ; 0 p oney 0 oan Baie 1a be "our lst. We never ' child slipped while swinging on the | erica, with Capt. Allen on board, will sold in the city. : : . had such a good list to select 4 | rope, and was unable to extricate het- | show you more of them than you Boys' overalls 25¢., at Bibby 5. %: M I t from pefore; We bave whit you self from the twisted coil. : | ever saw before. Only 35e. ' If marriage is not solemnized withi Melntyre & C n yre waht and the price is right. $ |" John Thorpe, Ottawa. was caught on a ed Te > i L oO rt Quo our iwo-piece summer suits for | burglarizing T. €. Elliott's shop, lished, they must republished. n 5 'BARRISTERS i > T.| 5 ckha ' oh at S650 , Br £750. The H. Dn. Peterboro. Phone 230, Gibson's Red Crges A "Street . os Kingston Real e Agent, Kingston, Bibby company. Don't forget to bay Lydia Pink-] Store, for drug wants, Pr King \ Se Henry Cunningham, tuner ham's Compound = at Gibson's Red | livery thers, Brownie overalls 25¢., at ic Cross Drug Store, § 4 , Se. Gibe Sng pg = ; ih a

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