Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Jul 1906, p. 13

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in the consist of airs (4 bars), with bulldog teeth, and kers he grates shine" easily be removed replaced without ny simple features ase and economy. . Booklet free. King Street NADA JOMPANY. CTURING CO. Q LIMITED, AWA, ST. JOHN, N. B, V/HERE. rns. alan su et net the Jaws of |1§ later excesses 5 - - - he VL 8 O > vn Soren i \ GUARANTEED PERFECTLY.PURE GENUINE.& roany pero s Ax reat r FREE FROM ADULTERATION ALL DEAL! TS acres on | AUTHORIZED TO RETURN PURCHASE wig Ten, EE | Ae TO ANYONE FINDING CAUSE FOR COMPLAINT, $5,000 reward will be paid toany person who proves that junlightSoap contains any Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps, but is best when used in the Sunlight way. any form of adulteration. 5c. Buy it and follow ais Be. Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto CO LLARS The Iron Frame quality is de. signed and made only by experts. They ply. throughout and specially RELIABLE FOOTWEAR For Boys Just what you Boys. Something that will stand the wear and tear. Don't fail to see our Children's Boots before' you purchase. $1.50 and $1.75. H. JENNINGS, 356 King St. are four linen pro- want for the tected against laundry wear. They wear longer than other 94 TOOKE BROTHERS, MONTREAL, Limited. collars. CABLE TO WOLFE ISLAND. Vincent to-Wolie Island. one of the largest that the has ever handled, and is about a mil for Baby. Remember "that a" few may cause serious skin trouble to a delicate skin. Don'ttake chances,don't acceptany "justas good" Soaps for the baby, but buy Baby's Own Soap inches in circumference. It by the Western Electric Sompany o New York, and Robert W. of the cable. The cable went through Monday a large flat car, and after it was de- livered at the Cape station it nearly a day The cabl river. The cable is company is two inches in diameter by about six was made Gillespie, is at the Cape superintending the laying on took to get it in position to Ee ------------ NEWS OF CHURCHES THE VARIOUS DOINGS IN THE RELIGIOUS WORLD, To Help Replace Sunday School Libraries -- Tunewburg, N.S.1 Church Received Beautiful Gifts--The Busy Chinamen. Rev. J. W. Kirkpatrick has been ppojuted steward of Woodstock Col- re. A, Rose, pastor of the Pres- | given by one of Bishop Brent's by rian org h at Westboro, Ont. has | sachusetts friends. accepted a call to Montreal west. ------------ Rev. Andrew Murray, Wellington, WOMEN IN ELECTIONS. South Africa, has retired from the : ministry owing to age and failing | New Zealand Interested in health. Politics. Rev. T. M. Fothergill, Ph.D., .has The women of New Zealand are resigned his pastorate at Whitby and | "very feminine," according to Lady Brooklin, and will shortly remove to Ward, wife of the prime minister of Toronto. Bristol cathedral took fore it was completed in 1888. cester cathedral was 425 years building. . Rev, A. F. Cobb has resigned the Baptist pastorate at Port Elgin, and expects to go to the wegt about Auo- ust 15th, T "> cathedral at] Trondhjem, in which the king and Jucen. of Norway were crowned, June 22nd, is six hun- dred years old. It is claimed that a Christian church existed at Glastonbury, as early as A.D. 300. St. Martin's Canterbury, was built phaul A.D. BVT. Rev. W. A. Bremner, pastor of the Presby oa church, Bracebridge, has received a unanimous eal fromothe | congregations of Ripley and Betvie. N Rev. 2. U. Parker, M.A, number of years pastor avenue church, Toronto, his resignation of church, Winnipeg. Rev. E. H. Emmett, Brockville, Ont., has High G to South Pasadena, Cal. He has become Baptist state evange list for Southern California. The congregation of Indian Lands, presbytery of Glengarry, decided at a meeting held in the Gordon church, on July 5th, to extend a Hearty and un- animous call to Rev. A. Mackenzie, D.1D., Douglas, 1 Alfred W. Stone, a graduate of Toronto Baptist College, and for many years pastor in Cleveland, Ohio, has res «1 his pastorate of Glen ville Bap! ist_church. Preparations for the World's Chris- tian Endeavor convention at Geneva, Switzerland, are proceeding rapidly, and the convention promises to be one of the most important in the history of the movement, The Preshyterian congregations of Dracon and Metz have extended a un- animous call to Rev. McCrea. The stipend is 8800, with manse and two weeks' v A new church is 532 Glou- in for a of First has tendered Logan avenue formerly of removed from we James tion. the individual soul to that of saving society. ner stone of the%athedral church = Mary and St. John, Manila. Filipinos, were present at the mony. by Train, Gen. Bliss and other heads of vernmens tments. (On the plat- Eo with Biorives representing the various other Ameri- oun missions at work in the islands. The cathedral will probably be a year in building, the country, where women have voted years be- | for ten or twelve years. ed for their good dressing, it scems, are very fond of their homes and have no desire to speak in meeting. litical meetings," cently, terward that they were visiting Ameri A few weeks singe was laid the cor of Over and Ceres represented Admiral 1,000 people, including Americans Official lilo Govegnor-General was Ide, were clergymen and is to cost $100,000, Mas- They are not: "Sometimes women do speak at po- said Lady Ward re- "but it generally turns out af- cans or perhaps English women. No, we don't sit on juries and we don't run for parliament. The law would have to be' changed before we could do so, but I don't believe we want to. Perhaps some time in the future it will come to that, but 1 think it will be a long time. We did have a mayoress once in a town in the northern part of the colony, but no one seems inclined to repeat the experiment. In fact, are very busy with our domestic af fairs and are *quite content for the present to leave the management of public affairs to the men. The womed of New Zealand place their hones be fore every other consideration, and their domestic problems are just as se rious as those of any other country, "But don't imagine that we are not interested in politics, and that we don't vote. There isn't a woman in New Zealand who doesn't know every member of parliament, either by sight or by reputation, and there isn't one | who can't think intelligently about po litical questions. Out on the farms and in the villages it is just the same ar in the cities, and it makes life over so much more interesting. No matter whom you meet you will always find one subject of common intercst, "Our elections are most interesting events, and the women do a great deal of electioneering, just as they England. But they don't do speechmaking, except among selves. Political afternoon teas favorite method of winning doubtful women voters. Every woman over twenty-one votes. The only quali fication ik a residence of twelve months tin the colony and three months in the we do in much them are n over i Work at | in course of erection at Metz. Bell Company Begins at | Rev. 8. 0. Nixon, Stanley street Cape Vincent. Proshyterian church, Ayr, Ont., has re- Watertown, N.Y.. Standard. signed his pastorate There i rall I T signed his pastorate. ere is a ca 00 ou The Central New = York Telephone - and Telegraph company began: on unde E way from Red Deer, Alpena, Tuesds lacing a cable from Cape Mr. Nixon will go west as soon as he uescay. placing # : is free from his church' duties, Malcolm Man! The Rey. of Grand View, Peart, BA, late who went home li f in length, weighing eighteen tons. The o London, Bug. for special treatment a ications o 00r Soa . tsitra ¥ ise Le or 1s throat, is now a curate in PP P P cable contains ten pairs of wires, and Christ. church, Highbury, London, N. Mr. Peart hopes to be able to return to Rupert's Land next year. A A Bapuis: clergyman in Indianapolis, Rev. L. D. Bass, is reported as saying 2 | that he time has come, especially among Baptists, when "we should cease to worship that Baptist gold brick, Rockefeller, and turn our atten tion more to the poor carpenter of Nazareth." be paged ont nf the a © Gipsy Smith is to sail foi America Specially recommended was placed "on a large pontoon, which | on the Caronim, on September 25th. The Attendants Have No Use For Is oved slowly 'by 'a g a S| He will conduct missions in the Unit- Babies. for nursery use by the doubtless now in position. io Forint CH. Ta duly 2H ti 3 : y 2 © x iS ac ' le ty TR . io ' & ore ity, la., July 26. " National Council of " Win Ihe Sab is placed at Welle turning to England in February. It few dozen old bachelors and old maids 3 sland, it will be = connected wilh by | his been arranged that no hall used : i WwW n I i x Canadian Telepl Oo AD. 8 a Jarrange a 0 gi vho met here, to-day, in convention, omen in Mo ntreal She Canatiin Teloih dhe SOmPARP. and for his missions is to hold less than in .aceordance with the call issued by Albert S 14d. MI . : will make possible direct communica- | {wo thousand persons. Clinton. Merrick, chairman of the old . tion with Kingston from this side. The Chinamen of Moosejaw, Sask. bare a committee, had the deciding 3 I'he Canadian - company will begin | are taking a deep interest in the Y.M. voice. very fow, if any, babies would making their connections at once, C.A. building fund, and, what is more, bo born: jn. this. county The conven 1 -- Direct telephone communication be | they are contributing to it. Yip Foo tion is one of the oddest: conglomera " AN EXCELLENT FOOD tween Cape Vinomst and Kingstofi has | and Quand Wing have contributed $100 tions that ever came together in on ) long heen desiréd by the people resid- | and $25 . respectively, and another place. Most of the members of the admirably adapted to the jng i oth Bi Re and heretofore it | named Wing Yet, 810. All three are convention are really old bachelors Want 7 Infants." nas been a difficult matter for a person | restaurant-keepers. Yip Foo is a mem od old maids... with the 'peculiar 'ants of Infants. at either point to talk to a person | ber of the Methodist church. and freakish potions which many years \ cy Cuas. A. CAMEROX, C.B., in the other place. The message had to The American Tract Society has vot of eelibacy are -apt to develop in in Drofessor of Chemistry, K be sent either to Buffalo or to Ogdens | ed a grant of three thousand dollars' dividuals. Some of those present are Ex-President of the Royal College of burg, and then repeated from' Pres- | worth of publications wherewith to not quite so pronounced and radical Surgeons, Ireland. 5 cott or somg Canadian point near | nid in replacing the Sunday school in their views and notions and have 7 Buffalo, making two connections neces- | libraries which were destroyed in the probably been attracted more by sary and a delay that was almost un- | various churches of San' Francisco curiosity and the cheap excursion avoidable in either case, The rate was | that were consumed by fire. The work rates of the railroads than by the de very high, tego, when a message had to | of selecting the volumes which will be | sire to assist in launching the move be sent in "that way. cent has already begun, and they will | ment which the convention proposes be shipped to the Pacific coast. | 1 launch. At the opening of the con v 3 a tin eh 2 en tao lint Mey vho is the RESCUE ~ S¢ St. John's Anglican church at Lun rs . ' . vention Chnton S RS OF TRINCESS. enburg, N.S., has been the recipient ; A very densible and ervierable ih | loading spirit and J of the moet any vg i eifts i ' as ner coat lor {he Sma oddier 1s that n welcomed the ba aed ) Bank Clerk and Innkeeper Suffer | of many beautiful gifts in the past} f% oy ohable fabric like' white | maids present yao uid I 334 from devoted members of the congre . | maids proses ned i won : For Aiding Her. ration, among whom may he mention linen or pique made on loose lines, dress, in which he explained the Le. } Burlin, JUN7i294 The sensational] 5 iq one of the foremost. Livut.-Col. | Hint the garments muy be casily slip- | theories in support of which the con or n ants, light of Princess Louise of Cobourg | Kaulbach, who thr ite aah. pre ped on over the duinty lin rie frock | vention has. been calls]. He attacked from the asylum at Elster, Saxony, | sented the splendid ime of ten bells without mussing it, and giving the | (he theory of roo uicitle ax inter Invalids where she was imprisoned for five years | Once more Col. Kaulbach has helped necessary protection ithout too much | preted by President Roosevelt, and bs by her hushand, Prince Philip of Co-) to beaut this second oldest' sacred | ditional weight, Pique is the favor | maintained that ree suicide really And The A ed bourg, is yecalled by a sordid aspect | adifice of the dominion by the. presen. ite material for this purpose. Tt laun | did mot consist in the birth of toa g +g |of what was otherwise a romantic es- | tation of three elegantly carved oak ders well, does not muss ag readily as | fow, but in the birth of too many cape. clergy stalls. . linen and may be made up after al- | children. He entered into a lengthy GOLD MEDAL Her lover, Mattachich, enlisted the Rev. S. M. Crothers, of Cambridge, most any pattern along simple Tine. | disen ion of the tion and was » help of w clerk in the local bank] Mass., has heen telling English Unit. | Fhe Genignes of thi smal garment | enthusiastically landed by the WOMAN'S EXHIBITION, | named Frederick Thormmann, and a] arian# that two. prime forces are now as borrowed her Lea Jo the | meeting ; : : al innkeeper, named. John Weitzer, | at work in the realm of religion with | EroVn-ups: pany Jac ii 9 aoe pres nt | There wr disappointment that London, 1900. both of whom rendered valuable aid | which the church must reckon--the Scion: yarying the ou 5 ans 80 as President Roosevelt bh wenpted . in furthering the flight of the princess. | first the scientific spirit, "a pure to add hiote J ness 3 the ody poe the challenge of the committee to de DR. Sr ; ch promised both of them | austere, and devout Jove of truth, such tion. In length it reaches tothe hip- | hate the race suicide question with BARNARDO says :-- line, and the sleoves-nre of full length | the old maids nnd bachelors. The antinl rewards, and Princess | ns sways the thoughts of all the best rathired into stitched turnback .cufis. | on ' A " We have already used Neave's Food in Louise, after her escape, renewed these | life of our young men in universities," Hhe bE Tore. ot ort a ns ih | meeting intend ho form a permanent two of our Homes (Babies' Castle and the promises in person. 4nd the other, "the democratic im- tastened A Yreo bah aby ory Aion fon al to moming ite an om Village Home), and I have no hesitation in When their complicity in the affair | pulse and idealism that draws men patch sacket elon on either RR a iP a s " ticket on a pla is ad ying & lus proved very sstisheiory | | bona di Thorn-| from the problem of the salvation of |\iich "the " Tittle maid may tuck her | by Dredont Roosovelt, Soi Ju 27th, 1901. | { mann lost a good post, thereby sacri- } + 2 Hoon Ri eRiicn! SOURAV Lh. , ' : : m-- _-- " handkerchief and hep small hands. The | ficing his prospects - for a pension, las ia ila , a: | - USED IN THE while Weitzer: Jost his best customers 'Her Drunken olla} is 8 wid, Joliine als Fitted King As Godfather. = i i t au ine dward was Russian Imperial Nursery. and otherwise sustained financial dam- --~ Husband Cured. |:titchings on the cuffs and edges ot London, duis 2 R v F " find was {age A lady, who saved het | (he co kets, {one of the godfathers of the Duke « Two years elapsed. As the princess hashandand heme, says the cont and pocket Manchester gecomd son, who wns | hem +--JOSIAH R. NEAVE & CO. | shows no sign of redeeming her pro- rr rh lonf Une Mrs. Charles Smith, of Jimes, Ohio, christened in the chapel royal of St, -- * Fordingbridge, Bogland. __, { mises, Thornmamn and Weitzer have gamaria on wy bastard writes : I have used every remedy for | James palace. The king was repre Wholesale Agents--THE LYMAN decided to sue her. ody Apr Rogen ih sick headache I could hear of for the § son ted by { Granville, a lord in BROS. & CO., Limited, Toronto, Thornmann assesses the compensa- home very much intozs past fifteen years, but Carter's Little | Waiting. The other sponsors were Ku and LYMAN, SONS & CO., Non. {tion due him at £10,000, and Weitzer Jeted, a Liver Pills did me more good than al) | gene Zimmerman, of Cincinnati, fath treal fixes his claim at $9,000, the eless Samaria | the rest. | erin-law oF we Make, and Consuelo, Lr rm -------- Prescription, and putit | <q. lin Duchess of Manchester, widow of she o g iz such a habit with some Clean Teeth. I Tr. and high financiers that they steal Thinge | cig gles duke, Minsiseippi water brought TrvsacsssassacssnssecsaseP | To re 0 tart }] stuine from | before I had given him the full course, they. afterward try to get Hid of as | OV°F Or the o mn, was used at the Ta remove tartan ang = i tea Hopped ! dion altogether. 1 honesiy be hard : gH ) Ty ) | christening. The mother was indispos $ » lebrated the teeth try a Dr. Horsey fibre tooth | etd nis remedy will cure the wi yard us if they were a case of small: ; ° Dr. Brock Ss Lol en brash, 'a perfect cleanser and polisher, FREE SA PLE aad pamphict giving pox. ol 'anil unable to be present, but a § Tam a iodicas Pill, arc the § Call and cxamine them at Wade's full particulars. testinenials sand price, sent | The difference between a 3san and bis fashionable gathering = atfended the rest ODL! ladies. So hr & ife is she brags shout bis good | coremony. ¥ Irug store. confidential. E sehroe stam or reply, | nie 1 he brags m 18 goo ' yok Rinkaton 51 am § THE SAMARIA REMEDY CO. habits and he about his had ones. SE receipt of price--$1. ¢ Heaven despairs = of the man who 23 Jordan Sireet, TORONTO, Ons Female detectives should be good i Corn Cola, Moxie and Tona Cola at Wade's soda fountain, - despises men. Also for 'sale by Henry Wade, electorate where the vote The native women take just much in terest in politics as the white women, and' are thoroughly well posted in everything concerning native affairs, We have an aboriginal population of 40,000, and they have their own re presentatives in parliament," The educational opportunities of New Zealand are practically equal for wen and women, Lady Ward said, but education is not the variable r Some institutions are co-eduecationai; 18 cast. as others are not, and even the high schools often separate the sexes. All the professions are open to women, and there are , a good many women doctors and lawyers, but no women reporters, exeept on the weekly papers. The Small Maid's Summer Coat. machinery. to the nerves and brain. Talks on Orange Meat MEAT--it is never touched by human hands. It is a Canadian cereal-~perfected by Canadians--to build up the health and delight the appetite of Canadians. ORANGE MEAT coritains all the body, brain and vigor building elements of wheat. Analysis shows that ORANGE MEAT contains more wheat sugars than any other cereal. It's not merely "something good to eat." It is a perfect FOOD. Itcon wheat--the outer shell omitted from flour and the wheat germ which supplies ORANGE MEAT weighs '{ more than any other Your grocer has ORANGE MEAT in Ibe. and coupons good for new premiums, 25¢, size contains 2}; times the 1bc. quantity, Write "Orange Meat, Kingston", for new premium catalogue, (THE PURE FOOD) Ne. 1 Canadian from field to table. ORANGE MEAT is made from the best wheat grown in Canada. That's the reason why it is the best cereal in the world, From the Western wheat fields, it is brought by rail and lake right to our elevators at Kingston. Then our experts cook, malt and toast it changing wheet starch to wheat sugars. From the time it enters : our elevatdrs as wheat--until it comes on your table as ORANGE The wheat is entirely handled by the whole osphorus kage. 5c. packages. 13c. size contains Zor 316 [ Hon limes a year, ET 50 cts per year. sending, 15 cents. Corticelli Silk AR Skirt Protector en soiled,a sponge brush makes it clean again and no ¢ damage done. v Needlework is a magazine it every lady should take. Issu 96 pages heauijuly Write for sam] | Johns AN ODD MEETING. lookers. Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Summer Complaint, Stomach Cramps, Colic, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum, and all Looseness of the Bowels may be rapidly and effectually cured by the use of that old and sterling remedy ' Dr. Fowlers Extract of Wild Strawberry, It has a reputation of 60 years' standing and never fails to either relieve qr cure. There are many imitations of this remedy on the mu: arket that sell for less per bottle. Dr. Fowler's is 35 cents, so be sure and get the The cheaper articles may be dangerous to your health. = genuine, HAS USED IT FOR YEARS, Mrs. Cuas. Woops, Waubau- shene, Ont., writes: "I have used Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw- berry in my house for years, and I find it a splendid remedy for Diar- rhea and Bowel Complaints, es- pecially in children teething." 4 Dr, KOHR'S RESTORE rE 1 of the New Contary,~the anoat wunderful Jet Med! Sis covered, It is astounding the cases cured in ome month in Paris. Fhe Nat! Medical Board has recommended this weit for nse in the Insane Asylims where, os is well Rein Re majority of the sale inmates are victims of lost Vital ' in ns most terrible form. iu E Rutope th the ned erdorsed by all governments and w used a8 Specific in the great standing armies of oth Sn aid Germniy. Stops losses in from seven to ten #0 that they mever return. after a few day's treatment. The skin becomes clean, the eyes brigh! Confidence returns, step elastic, cis regular, Headaches disappear. No mote mory, the mind becomes bright and active. A rood for brain and Mood. A perm: how chironic the case, Just serdus in your an and nddress plainly written andl a hin = of Restorine wil be sent FR ia Hi in sealed sige Da fot hesitate a moment will you with success and with hosest co! bh

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