Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Jul 1906, p. 5

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g the & two materials t ogeth ind will never teak gas, ihe iD JOINTS the only means of nd youam estimate ht 1 cos! he y st of By of new catalogue of lista *« PRESTON, ony, TT BROS. re -- y » uits legantly tailored, meet every day. in town that can Suits reasted Styles-- OUSers roomy at mitted, SUITS. Aly e West of Eng- O R A KING. red 5 ellington St, 3 Gomfor Y COMFORT suffering. wear INVICTUS hapes in T.ace and haps i rrie bas | prolonged life dad made a new ol op & me.""«=Mrs. O. D. Robinson. NAA Mrs. 0. D. Robinson, 48 St. Felix St,, Brooklyn, N.Y, writes: *y have taken Peruna and it did me more good ihan all my two years' treatment by special physicians. "I can really say that I feel like another person. No more swollen feet | the remarkable ' turpentine-growing and limbs. No more bloating of the | country of France. They don these abdomen. No moreshortness of breath. | stilts after breakfast and do not re- No: more stiff and sore joints. You have no idea what your treatment has done for me. It has prolonged my life and made a new woman of me, +Q, such a blessing I have received through Your kindness, Doctor, and the assistance of the medicine which you so ki prescribed. "J am able to work since I began your fredtment, but before I was not able to help myself, much léss do any work, All praise is due to Dr. Hartman and his' treatment." 7 StopsHeadache Jutoo, A the ie Japanese headache cure, is a'friend in «Don't py condemn 'it as something that will hyrt you. yTaken when Ri Suspect a headach it wil. ward itoff. Taken later it wi cure the headache in twenty minutes, In rary cae case it 1eaye you feeling good, It ible which is one of da all that is clafmed for dit. But don't confound it with the drug cures and condemn it without a trial, That isn't fair to @isasarsassasannanaany 'ADAMANT' Wall i : : Ready for use by adding water. sodP@e up in Dage,100 Ibs. in cach. "White Rock Finish i Put up In bags, 50 Ibs. in each 55-67 Barrack St. "Phone 109 § P. Wals bh bindable % ' WHEAT AND PEAS, A Return to the Old Standard | Crops. Toronto. World. The present crop season promises to partially festore to the province more con c6 in winter wheat and peas than has been felt for several years. | The gradual decline in the yield of | winter wheat from losses through win- | tex. Killing 'gradually stopped the rais- ing -of this. crop among Ontario, farm- erés The success of recent years seed: ing and particularly so this year will | serve ity restore crop to a fair pro- i portién of its early reputation. Some- | t the same experience has occurred with peas. The depredations of the pen | byg caused - many ' to forsake the fon others that were less trouble one Peas this season promise to rehoh the condition of: the old-time ard and to again become a favor: orop. with the agriculturist. The i fi fo of these two crops hinge "Morganatic Marriage" Suggests eo LYopic of srop rotation ole 'What the constitachty atop, wire exhausted by a contin Sone Bond} in the other that the par g e 'yearly favored by repeated : development. In the case of whes tthe lant has been permitted to some of its lost properties by -- LD oh other crops. and in peas, a \ area has left a much ay for the development of the! 'hug. 'If this theory has any sub- 100, a period of successful oud ture L again subject the crops to like ing - influences, ite ot A Marine Laboratory. ly a long-felt deficiency on coast, Wilfrid Huddleston has to build a large laboratory for | marine biological research at Culler- coats, Northumberland. The estimat- od. 'Gost is £3,000. The department of a re and fisheries have verbally "fo give a grant in aid of its g The foundations are to be o + shortly, and the building lie vopled in before the winter, GUARANTEED 11 THE STOCK OF 3 OF THE JAMES! at » High as $20,000 Per To uly- 25.~~Mrs. -Alice Fos- Ler, 8S fants, eon hia morning, and remanded for treal, ford), én chrges of theft, is wanted hers' principal and ture stock of the Canadian Northern or James Bay railway on the com- pany's line between Toronto and Sd: bury, uo 'distance of 268 miles, a rate not 'exceeding $20,000 per a not, to exceed. $3,360,000. The deben- tures per cent. shows that the earnings of the Temis. kaming and. Northemn way, were $50,054, and' that after meeting operating expenses there remained a net profit of pro month of 1905. Residénts in Turpentine District of Chicago Ohronicle. J| ing .of stilts { dinfier vlate. 'BAY RAITWAY, Mile--The Earnings of the 2) ing Railway -- Re- ; or & Week. V, charged with va- xeally held in' connection finding of dead' in| was) arraigned in the police gr bu with the a "en Near, arrested in Mon- t week, and taken to Brant- lar charges. vent has guaranteed the interest of the: deben- The gov The total amount of the guarantee is $' are, payable July 10th, 1936. The interest rate is three aud one-third An official "statement issued, to-day, Ontario rail- the government line, for May, $24,106, compared with ofits' of 86,966 for the corresponding THEY LIVE STILTED LIVES, 4 France Exist Oddly. + People live"on sixteen-foot stilts in move 'thém again until it is" time for bed. There are two reasons for the wear- in the turpentine coun- try? One is the turpentine gathering. The 'other is the herding of the great flocks. The turpentine comes from the mari- time. pine. This tree is tapped, a shingle is inserted, and from the shin- gle is hung a tiny bucket, into which the turpentine drips. The tapping process is like that used on the Am- erican sugar maple. Young pine Trees are tapped low, but with each year's passage the in- cision is made higher, so that it is not long before most of the trees are tapped twenty or thirty feet from the ground. Hence the huge stilts of the work: men. On these stilts they traverse the flat country, covering five or six yards with 'each stride. and quickly and easily they collect the turpentine that overflows the little buckets hang- ing high up in the trees. It is for herding also that the stilts are 'useful. The country is very flat, and the herdsmen unless he continual- ly climbed a tree, woulfl be unable to keep all the members of his huge flock in sight. But, striding about on his stilty, Be commands a wide prospect He is alway®, as it were, upon the hill, The stilt wearers carry a fifteen-foot staf with a round, flat 'top like a When it is lunch time or when they are tired they plant up- right under them the staff and sit down on the round, flat ton. Then in comfort, seated so dizzily high. they eat. and rest and chatter -- a strange sight t0 behold. SECRETS OF THE CATSKILLS. Fish and Deer in Abundance Live Unknown. F. H. Westbrook in Field and Stream. Most people who are lovers of camp life turn up their noses, when one mentious the Catskills, and, indeed; int certain parts and at certain seasons this country is by no means ideal for camping. However, it is surprising that within 125 miles of New York, there should be places very rarely vise ited by city people and where deer are' plentiful 'and bears frequently trapped. Certainly the beautiful clear streams and fine mountain scenery are very enticing, and above all, the ease and expense of getting there is a min- imum. Three of-us decided to make a trip through" this 'region, gipsy fashion, in a circle of about 100 miles' circum- ference. The idea was to hire a horse and waggon, stow our tents and blan- { kets and a few necessary clothes in it and travel through the country, vis- iting the various streams in order to try the fishing. As we had our tents and a few: provisions (which latter were easily replenished when we passed a country store), it was not nec o8sary to reach any particular place by night- { fall, but rather we were at liberty to stop where the prospects for fishing seemed the best--usually well back from the villages. PHRASE 'OF QUEER ORIGIN. Mara ge of Desert. J | "Bick hrnene, hewing, 8 derive sonage ik a woman of inferior ran is not uncommon least it was not. until recently. man gives the left hand to the wo- man when the ceremony takes place. children become princes and princess- es. They are regarded legitimate by the law, but no right to father, The origin of , the be the optieal illusions of the | delusions of Morgana. ~~ situation with the utmost firm- in Germany, or at The The wife gains no rank by her union with a man of royal blood nor do her as perfectly they have the property of their name given to such mockeries of marriage seems to de- serts. The Italians call = the mirages | which 3 mock parched and weary trav- elers "fata morgana"--that is, the The Bubsian premier has instructed the provincial governors to deal with hu Britton, Toronto, i# in the Reporters on Their Rounds. Spanish onions, Benmurda onion home-grown seed onions, ete., at C novsky's. The .four-months-old child of Police Officer Arniel died, last evening, after. a brief illness. Another prisoner was released from § the penitentiary, this morning, having completed his term of impri ig "rhe bowling match yesterday afternoon had. to but will come off some Fie, this week: 1 To-day being = the day of the insti. tution's patron saint, St. James, the inmates of 'the House of Providence Provincial Detective Ross, of Mani- toba, arrived, last evening, from the west and "took Metealfe back, at! noon to-day, to stand trial. ae' Mrs. "(Col.) Galloway, Toronto, is spending the summer at the. camp at Dead Man's Bay. The colonel is ex- pected to arrive Sunday for his vaca- tion. Capt. Thomas Donnelly , returned, this afternoon, from Montreal, where , | THAT were given a treat, has Abraham Futur- teu y 25 Mon JF ; wan Chatham, Ont., po- port | want he Co some fur rob- beries, leaves for F. M. St. committed suicide and that place to-night John, alias Axdrad, who was su to have been connected with the gang not, as ye, shown to have relation. with them. The cor- of the suicide without calliog 8 jury as it was, mm- doubtedly a case of self-destruction. It ti A xelrad was the business Head of the crowd and, that a doing over stolen furs, he was upling on an investigation o> Fon. ng rl on he rand run arding the recent accident to the t ' : BE Wahcondah. bridge. bi is il, Ang the body of County Councillor Pringle was in James Corn 3 hy eo nr the city, to-day, and visited the court been employed" ayed pain he g on 4 super. house. There's something in the air. stracture, was the tr Dy A car Keep your ears open and you'll hear lying beside A 18. elyay it drop pretty soon. If the residents of Beverly and King that Cornwall, who has been so accus- tomed Vo trains ling 'on the left track that forgot about the streets do not get an asphalt crossing hand ck there very soon they threaten to bury | change, which went mo effect. on Sw 14% Ald, Bassam in Dead Man's Bay, and | day, on the wrong side as deep as the old naval ships. There was an exceptionally large crowd on the steamer Kingston this morning. The G.T.R. brought down an extra Pullman load of tour- ists, who took the steamer here for down the river. GEN. AND THE BRITISH. As a Practical Joker He is Unex- ' celled. T. Sprague in Outing Magazine. hei Savannah was invested by the ' American army, Capt. French, with a small body of British regulars and five small vessels, was stationed twenty miles up the river, and the proximity of the American force made him nervous. Col. John White, of the Georgia line, wanted to capture this detachment, 'but no soldiers could be spared by:the American general for the undemfaking. Now the colonel was a determined and masterful man and resolved to make the venture on his when he heard a train coming. He was forty-five years of age and resided 'in St. Lambert where he leaves a family. WHERE A FLAW EXISTS In the Reciprocal Marine Inspec tion Agreement. Ap instance of the unsatisfactory conditions of 'the reciprocal marine in- ion a t between Canada estion United States was shown this morning when the owner of a gasoline launch, which brought passengers from Clayton to Kingston, applied for a Canadian certificate of inspection. It was impossible to grant this, and for the following reason : By the reciprocal inspection arrange ment, Canadian inspectors issue a Can- adian oertificate on the presentation of a United States certificate, In Can- ada ail steam and gasoline vessels of over three tons ate inspected. In the United States 'meseels of only over fifteen tons requize to be ipspected. own account. He persuaded his 'three | Hence the laumh in questidn, being orderlies and Capt. Etholm to aid lunder fifteen tans, did no§ require him. At the fall of night they built a | United States impection, and, there- great many fires in the ° woods near the British post, arranged so as to give the impression of a hostile camp of large force. Then the colonel and his. four friends, "imitating thé man- ner of the staff, rode with haste in various directions. giving orders in a loud voice. French became satisfied that a large body of the enemy were upon him, and being summoned by Col. White, he surrendered his detach- ment, the crews of five vessels and 130 stand of arms." Col. White pretended that he must keep back his troops, as tory outrages had infuriated them and indiscriminate slaughter might take place. He took the parole of the Brit-| ish captain and soldiers not again to orve, gave them three guides, his or- Qerli, s, to escort them to sale quat- ters, and hurried them away before daybreak lest the fury of his pretend- ed . soldiers should fall upon them. "The affair approaches too near the marvelous," adds Lee, "to have been admitted into these memoirs, had it not been uniformly asserted at the time, as uniformly accredited, and nev- er contradicted." WOLFE ISLAND NEWS. Cheese Inspector Satisfied With Find. Allen, Wolie Island, July 24.--Farm- ers in this section are busy haying and are well pleased with the excellent crop. G. H. Robinson cheese instructor, called at our factory last week, and found everything satisfactory, Archi- bald Berry is slowly improving from his recent illness. © Gertie McDonald is visiting her sister, Mrs. G. Rattray, St. Lawrence. Maggie Murphy, New York, is visiting her mother, Mrs, THomas Murphy. Miss Mamie Rattray and brother, Allan, who have been vis- iting at D. H. McDonald's for the past month, returned to their home in Clayton on Sunday. James Murphy has gone to Pert to spend a couple of weeks visiting his sister. Mrs. Hal liday, who has been ill, is improving. Sister Mary Thomas, Belleville, is vigiting her mother, Mrs. T. Murphy. Steward Hogan is seriously ill. Miss L. Robison and Sects, Kingston, are visiting at W, Woodman's. Mrs. P. Grant and er Adrian, Kingston, are visiting her father, Alexander Doc- tuer. Allan McDonald, Kingston, spent Sunday at his brother's, Archie Mec- Donald. George Docteur returned to Rochester, N.Y., on Sunday after a week's visit with friends in this sec- tion, Graceful Parisian Women. They graceful figures of Parisian wo- mon arg said is oe due mainly to diet ve he French girl drinks men rier. a & meavyr Bas "ha Parisienne contents herself with a bowl of a 2 Altogether her outdoor exercise is mainly limited to shopping excursions or short strolls in the city. She is very active about her house. hold tasks, both from motives of economy and also as a means of keep- ing down superfluous flesh. Bird's Nest In A Crane. Discovery has been made in the busy station yard of the Cheshire Line railway at Northwich, that a tomtit fore, had no eertificate from the other side, Not having'a certificate to pre- sent to the Canadian local inspectors, the latter could hot issue a Canadian permit. The rediprocity arrangements, therefore, will bb very unsatisfactory for United States vessels of under fifteen tons untd that country changes ils marine law -~ makes it to cor- to Can s, granting inspec- tion to all. vessels over three. tons. The owner bf fhe Clayton launch wished inspection; but according. ' to the international agreement, the local inspectors could not act. The recipro- cal arrangement is very clear, and they have to follow it. The launch was given a clearance, but is not al- lowed to carry passengers between United States and Canadian ports. It can do so only hetween ports on the other side. On the other hand Cana- dian launches of 'over three tons, hav- ing a Canadian certificate of inspec tion, can trade at United States ports, PITH OF THE NEWS, The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. Habibullah Khan, Ameer of Al ghanistan, is thirty-four years old. Friends of Mayor Ellis, of Ottawa, say he will be a candidate for a fourth term. The only son of Dr. McNaughton, of the London asylum staff, died on Mon day, from lockjaw. W. C. Coo, London, has been ap pcinted official stenographer to the Ontario railway and municipal board, Miss Grace Lillian Massey laid the corper-stone of the new Sunday school of Crawlord Street Methodist church, Toronto. The charge against the captain of the steamer Erindale of obstructing the Yonge street slip, Toronto, was dismissed. Answer To A Wedding Invitation. London Tribuoe Mr. Black regrets that he Must impart the information Thut he can't accept with glee Mrs. White's kind invitation. Candidly he must avow, Risking being thourht unpleasant, That his means do not allow 0, the purchase of a present. Mr. Black, too, would remind Mrs. White, without evasion Thut they've met, Only upon one ocomsion. As for the prospective bride, , Her mo ddr welighita daughter, I her form he'd ever eyod Something he Mr. Black must, therefore, state, Taking all things in conjunction, That he can't participate In this fashionable funetion. He is neither millionaire Nor a dor inclined to mumgers ; He's just one who cannot. spare Chigities Jor perfect straneers. through Fate unkind. perhaps had bought her. 2c. a Ib; oar: suse. to Te. sb ovtieis, Bo, a ; hogs, live weight, $7.50 per ry phe $9 to $0.50 per owt.; cuts, 150 a Ib; lamb, dressod, $1 to $6 each; wuartore, $1 tol $1.50." --Salmon pouty Jes white fish, 12§c.; pike, .; Chinook salmon, 30c. a 1b; ah salmon, 30c, a Ib.; salt codfish; Te. to 15c, a lb; halibut, a lb; frosh haddock, 100, Ib.; bullheads, 10c. 1b.; red box; mackerel, 15¢. a lbs lobster, : 25¢, a Ih salt whitefish 'and trout, 40e. a Jb; blue fish; 15¢c. a lb, Poul Fowl, from Te. to 81 a pair, or 10c. a Ih; A 50c. to 81 a pair, Flour re Read Pour, Sakere strong, $2.95 to fi to $2.40; 'Hungarian, patent, a to $2.75; oatmeal oats, $5.20 to 85.40; cornmeal, $1.50 to $1.65; | bran,' $18 to $20 a tom; shorts, $21 to $22 a ton; straw, $6 to $8; hay, loose, $6 to $8; pressed, $7 to 89. Fegs- Now laid, 200, a dozen. Butter--Choice creamery, 250. ab farmers' butter, 'in prints, 25¢ a Ih; packed and roll butter, 22. to 23, ult. ~Lemone, 30c. a doz; orang: , 30c. to 60c. dozen; chaffer 'raspher- ries, 10c. to 12¢. box; bananas, 15¢. to 20e¢. doz; inonpples, 100. to 20e, each. peaches, 'se. fo "a dosen; s Be. ¥ 2e. a ny le apricots, . to 15¢c. a doz; cherries, to $1.00; oe a quart; basket, $1 raspberries, 12. to 186. a box; gooseborries, 10. a box; red currants, So, to 10c, a box. Vogetables--New potatoes, 800. to $1.20. bushel; new cabbage, Bo. head; celery, 10c. a head, or from 900. to 8 A dozen; pickling onions, 75¢. o all reten stuff, 50. a bunch, Peck McKay, Brock street, reports following as the ruling quotations for hides, 9c. per Ib. for trimmed hides, sheep pelts, fresh, $1 to $1.50; dairy skink, 85¢c.; veal sl ine, his per 1b.: wool, wash . 26c. a Ib; tallow, rendered, de. per "b. FOOLISH WAYS OF MEN, Queer Creatures, With Many. Use- less Habits. Detroit. Free Press. Ever watched a man as he takes a chair ? He'll move it--every time even if it's only an inch. Ho wouldn't git in it just where it was for the world. Watch him next time and see if he doesn't move it. A. woman will seat herself without touching the chair--a woman is more philosophical, anyhow, Men ave queer creatures, as every one knows, comments a writer in the Philadelphin Press. A man will 'al- ways stir his coffee before drinking it. This is very foolish--he should taste it first to sce if it meeds stirring, Few men open their ' personal' sot: postutarks 1 tha [Vg of ay ine Women, on the other hand, tear open the envelope at once; they are in too much of a hurry to waste any time, When a man puts on his hat he al: most always looks inside it first, What he expects to sce remains"a mys- tery, but he looks for it all the same. He subjects the point of his pen to the same careful scrutiny before com- mencing to write a lettor. A woman starts right off--jabs hev.pen in the inkpot and , straightaway begins to scribble as if her life Fen on it. It is the man who ¥hads with his back to the light, holding his book in one hand. Herein lies wisdom. A wo- man rests her book on the table and leans both elbows thereon. But the foolishness of the man's act lies in the fact that he is secking comfort and seldom takes this position because it is the most scientific ope. OF gourse, he finds it isn't eomfortable=his arm aches after the first ten minutes, whereupon he puts his hook down and remarks he is going out, It is the man who lets out secrets not by telling them, hut by ill-timod silences. He does worse--bhy refusing to gratify the curiosity of his ques- tioners he invariably causes them to jump to conclusions much more dam- aging than the truth of the matter. Marysville Matters. Marysville, July 24 Migs Katie Currie accompanied by Mr, and Mes, Burlie and little daughter Nora, of Winnipeg, are spending a few weeks with Mrs. Currie, 2nd concession. Mr: and Mrs. Cammings and little daugh- ter, Marie, Toronto, spent part of last week visiting Edmund MeNeill. James (Neill, Belleville, spent Sun- day with his brother John Fahy. Delbert Palmateer of the 0. B, Belleville, spent Sunday with Frei Meagher, Miss Nora Shevlin,' Peter. boro is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Shevelin, Misses Tlene and Vera Slavin, Deseronto, are guests of Mrs, Alexander Anderson, this week. Miss Kate Shea is visiting her brother, Daniel Shea, who is on the sick list, at his home in Deseronto, Hughson Ashley and Mrs. Bowen, Belleville, were quietly married in Belleville last week. Mr. and Mrs. James Buckley are while 'ago and "IntstiRassed- 4 drawings, the in her exhibition in Pall Mall. Rome." The her husband, Sir William Butler, Jaded Palates. L3nden Sketch. has ested and hatched three young ones "inva tiny aperture in the arm of a big crane. Every day of the week the crane is in use. envines and' Wagoons are running around it con- stantly,. and carts are loaded almost hourly. Yet by looking down the ap- erture three yellow bills can be seen and a chirrup heard, and as the men city. move away the mother flies to the crane and feeds the youngsters. it is equally, if not m lunch and at dinner, ment, two of those are originals of which are The pope sends in return a blessine "from his heart."" He received the giver in audience during an Easter visit to "Letters" were addressed | od by Lady Butler to her mother during a recent visit to the Holy Land with Nothing new to eat has been dis covered for several centusies.past. The I nonotony is not confined to breakfast 80, felt at Chere are dis- gracefully few animals fit*to eat, and | the okapi, which seemed sent to solve the difficulty, is a bitter disappoint because there. are only three specimens of him knows to exist and rejoicing over the arrival of a son. I -------------- in getting the key to fit the lock at the tenth try, but as he literally climbed the Ly an unfortunate side step aroused his wife. When he reach- the . bedroom.' his wile, whose tongue was fond of exercise, cave a prolonged exhibition tory. In conclusion s¥¢ lamented 1 fate that had tied her to a man whb came home at four in the mornigh. "My dear," expostulated the hus "itsh only one o'clock, «it shteike ones most distinctly." While in Ont., boys, swimming at, this. morning, with Bext JAMES REI, The. Loading] Undy state of infoxicatiSit reds. Yuva shrewish ora / ely, i " § pr waders. re granules ali dissolve--thus the fall bani the salt is Te with ev every dose, 1 bb It is the ideal laxative fone to purify the! 'regulate stomach, : liver, kidneys and "bowels--and build vp. It 'would natura lly be quiet with. { i us at this season of the year, but EE "Phone 147, pr MADE IN 'GANADY BY A CANADIAN comy Ths)lezy REPUTATION . FOUNDED ON. . MERIT AS WELL AS i or DoMPANY OFFICES: MONTREAL TORQT@, LONDON, HAMILTON, ¢ AGENTS WANT hi »8 in : Vue, i et The business of the Inte Oy Ga Oliver, will be earried ua office, 79 Clarence streeth G. A. BATEMA Wha for the last five FOR Lai ant to bu¥ 8 ; em RMS you ward lat. We 'et © be od 16 What you ud oetores nae rights bootie aud the price 18 ae : - CUSTOMS wii] ckhart TT. Je Lo Kingston. fl it Ba,

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