Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Jul 1906, p. 8

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pany is making from $1,000 oars "ALL PRUGGISTS Dr. TT. 8. Sproule, M.I',, was clected president of the Imperial Grand Orange' Council in Toronto. It pays to buy castile soap at Gib- son's Red Cross drug store. of mammcr suits at Bibby's, 1] A < T You'll take ad {ied"tc him Jman, without any head, lying along- ] and did not sasan ~ - Have to Come Quick If you wish to take advantage of our Great Cut-Price Sale In Boys' Wash Suits and Blouses _ Buster Brown Suits, Blouse Sui h without sailor collars, in white linen, colored crash 'and 'washable materials, fit boys gto 10 Blouses to fit boys 7 to 16 years, bE §.55 | 81 a8 1 Blouses, .75| 1. ' Vi (3p Jet, Vo & compan® rs for thirty pew ships on ich, estima: at an aver. me cost of $450,000 each, represents business of, $18,500,000, + satis wetlon at the . tirade convention with {por Hove: Meighen, president of the oh . A a millers the chance Wounds company, says it prod 1 in Indiana has action of coal in In na ha tons. in . The value of 'the outout last year amounted to $12,402 ho directors of the R. & O. Navi y Sonpang will aot yet plrclare d. Tt sta in any dividen ud a 000 last year. It ix that the com- losses, more Safly thas it di wi to rol ane hon suffered should build up a rescrve before it re- sumes the payment of dividends, ---- The Cheese Markets. Ont., July 18.~There were 0 vod Mens Ale or Ate t 11ke. July 1R~To-dny twelve ed 1,280 boxes, all cols J tories ; Ite. : No sal oedstock, Opt.. July Few cheese 1c Peterborough, offered. AN old 15-16¢. , mh bhet PASSENGER'S MISTAKE. Thought He Saw Headless Body on XK. & P. Track. ; t out on the early To , & Fi Juiivey sta- : . Ast ne was Ho his morning. A he excitedly t the conductor and commauniea- the fact that a short dis- back he had seen the body of a jen. 18 Syme 1.900 AR 4 00 hoxes Jul a 11 18-16¢. to 11 from side the track. The conductor tele phoned into the local office to! ask the general manager, F., A, Folger what action he shonld take in the matter. That official had been up st such things before, however, i do uy tush. In. stead in ing out an engine A pediabely ho awaited the PR | report from the conductor on the ten 'clock train. with whom he comuni- i} ov, ----m---- keep a sh look- out when the spot. Accord- slowly proceeded to- atching his alongside the track Ho was Brion when the first train passed and th eo tall grass ocon- Joealed his head, thus causing the vis ion alluded to. Thin 'incident réealls many similar ones which have ) josalten from Stenw dummies, ote., being left in the fields ¢ « On ome occasion somebody ced one of these dummies on the track and the engineer ran over it. He thought for sure he had killed some one, and when he stopped and found out what had caused his alarm be swore vigorously instead of being glad, The Matter Laid Over. No farther tenders were asked by the d of works for the laying of the O'Kill street sower extension pipe. This matter has been laid over until a city engineer is appointed, when tho specifications will be revised. Would it not have been well to have called in for advice the water works superinten- dent, who is to familiar with pipe lay- ing ? -------------- Cheap Words. * The Lockett Shoo Store are giving a discount of twenty per cent, off any of their mons Oxford shoes. Take a glance at their window, -------- We Advertise The Steamer's Name America to Brockville and Ogdens- burg, Friday, 8 a.m., calling at Gan- anoque both ways, home early, meals on board, fare 50c. Always avojd harsh, purgative pills. They first make you sick and then leave vou constipated. Carter's Little Liver Pills regulate the bowels and make you well. Dose, one pill, 2 Ibs. black Ceylon tea for 28c., at Mullin's. ; with and cesani i inmaaias rn i of this sale. It will Fovan Aras bir vid Af iaveanniniens from $10,- | the changed hands at po {oe Ne For MERRICVKILLE WOMEN, One Was Flung on to Rock--The Other Safely Navigated Rapids and Was Rescued Boy Escaped in Time. Brockville, Ont., July 19.--From the Rideau, near Merrickville, comes the story of a thrilling incident. Mrs. Churchill and Mrs. Hoskins and the latter's son were rowing above the dam, when they lost control of the boat by the droj ng of an oar, and was carried rapidly down the current, The occupants crigd franti- cally for help. When the boat was at last whirled info the rashing stream ust. shove the 'waterfall the boy grab- the pior that stands shove Jad essaved to stop its progress. He hung to the pier pi. was pulled out of the boat, which went crashing over the dam with the two terrified women. The fall is abaut ten feet, and below the waters are' broken by boulders ntil they strike the level further om, re, Hoskins jumped out and was wept over. the rocks, until about for- ty feet below she was flung on top of a big rock, where she loy quite insen- sible. Meanwhile the boat, with Mrs. Churchill in it, had gone bumping along, but staying right side up and holding together until it was caught below by the boy, who had climbed the fi and run around by the land to the lower level, Mrs, Hoskins was rescued in a state of utter collapse, Mrs. Churchill also suffered from shock. Both ladies are now recovering. The boat is damaged beyond repair. ---------- A GREAT FIND. Silicate of Cobalt fs New to Continent. ' Cobalt, Ont., July 10.--Professor W. E. Hidden of New York, has left the camp for Toronto, He celebrated pro- bably his last day in camp by digeov- ering a silicate or carbonate of cobalt entirely new to North America, hith- orto only known at Schneiberg, the famous cobalt mines of Saxony. It is a pink mineral Gecurring as an @n- erustation. Last week Professor Hid- den identified polybasite among co- balt minerals, its first discovery in Canada, Though found in Silver King, Arizona, and several mines of Mexico and Saxony, polybasite when pure contains seventy-five per cent. of sil- ver, It is an iron black ore of silver, consisting of silver, sulphur and anti- mony, with some copper and arsenic. Hidden is the discoverer of hiddenite, a transparent emerald green or yellowish green variety of spodu- men, found in North Carolina, and highly esteemed as a gem. SPENDS $100,000 YEARLY. Guilia Morosini, Thinks Economical, Too. New York, July 19--Miss Giulia Morosini, daughter of Giovanni Moro- sini, banker, spends more than $100,: a year on clothes, and even at that declares she has to practice nomy, $ Miss Morosini is famous in_ society or her beauty and raiment, Her father, who formerly was a partner of Jay Gould, is a millionaire, and there is no limit placed on her dress- maker's bills. It is of her own vok- tion that she endeavors to keep the annual expense of her wardrobe rea- sonably near the $100,000 mark. It is tho oasiest thing in the world, Miss Morosini says, for a woman who can afford it to spend much more than $100,000 a year on her clothes with- out being extravagant, She's -------- TO MAKE ENQUIRY As to a Smoke Consummer For Locomotives. Montreal, July 19.--The Canadian Pacific railway is to make a test of a smoke consumer with a view to hav- ing it adopted on the locomotives if the test is successful. Consumers used on some of the Michigan Central en- gines are said to be successful and A, M. Horvey, mechanical engineer Q P. R., was sent to De- troit, to inspect them. He estimates that they can be installed for about $10 per engine. ------ DEATH FOR STOESSELS. -- His Second Ordered to Twenty Years in Galleys. St. Petershurg, July 19.~The com- migsion which was appointed to- in- quire into the surrender of Port Ap. thur to dhe Japanese during the re- cent war, has filed its report. The commision proposes that Gen. Stoes- sel, who was in command during the siego of Part "Arthur, be sentenced ' to death, and that Gen. Foke, a member of Gen, Stoessel's staff, who urged the chief to surrender, be condemned to twenty years' confinement in the gal- loys. Both Will Intervene. e 8t. Petersburg, July 19.~dt became known, today, that at the recent conforence between the emperor of Austria and the German emperor, the two monarchs decided that, in the ovent of a revolution. in: Russia, both rs will intervene in Poland with armed forces if the Russian gov. ernment finds it impossible to main. tain its control of Poland. -------------- Bomb Hurled At Him. St. Petersburg, July 19. From Se. bastopol comes word that while the trial of the men, concerned in the Black § futiny, was going on a bomb was hurled at Col. Fo Jay commander of tae Rrest Regiment, as officer was leaving the court room. The bomb did no. damage, however, i -------- Asked To Prepare Plans. London, July 198i Doiiglas Fo. pnt president of the institute of Civh incers, has been invited to prepare plans for a channel tunnel. Parlin. .| mentary sanction for the scheme will be sought at the next session, * ------p pn Every child should learn to swim Eearn with swimming floats, 350. and . Gibson's Red Cross drig store, «Try Bibby's special 50c. hose. AE AILY BR COVER FALLS 'oronto. earpenters are asking an oats. three cents an hour in "ie Allan Line steamer, Mongolian from Olasgow, arrived at Montreal, at 10456 am. A valuable ermine scari was stolen from a show case in the stare of the Robert. Simpson Om, ly, Aioronto, A libel aetion for ,000 has been tered Ald. Gordon of Strat- ol at The mnstance of the board of works. The 'steatnen. Frontenac has been ac™ quired by the Nessen line and will be used for daily trips between Milwau- kee and Manistee. Alfred Beit, the dead South African financier, for reason, never married Elimboth Bennett, an estimable lady to whom he had been engaged, It is currently reported that Hon, David Laird, Indian commissioner, will shortly be superannuated, and that his successor will be S. Jackson, M.P, for Selkirk. Hon. Colin H. Campbell, K.C., at- t -general and minister of educa- tion for Manitoba, and John } Me- Dougall have been dected fellows of the Colonial institute. The body of an unknown man, with an open knife in his hand, and anoth- er knife on the ground nearby, was found under a pile of planks in the corporation yards at Mon Wi bus a scandal over the or- der refunding a circus license fee. It is said the names of the civic license committee ware forged in the docu- ment, which was afterwards stolen from' the mayor's desk. 4 Orillia citizens were wakened by cries of "murder," and a freight crew found the mangled remains of a man on the railway track later. The body was that of Robert Barbour, employed on the OP.R. at Coldwater, The chemist of the customs house at Smyrna, having analyzed certain Am- erican butter, reports : "It is compos- ed cf grease and vegetable matter, ut- terly detrimental to health." The gov- ernor has prohibited "these detestable foreign eongoctions,"' Hon, George W. Ross, just réturned from a trip to Mount Clemens, Mich., for his health, has been asked to un. veil a monument to Robert Burns in Chicago. Thé monument is being er- ected by the Scottish society there. Hon. Mr. Ross has not yet acoepted the invitation, INCIDENTS OF THE DAY, (-- Newhy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters on Their Rounds. Try Bibby's 50c. underwear, he steamer Mississiquoi brought an excursion from Rockport, to-day. cary , . tuner from Chickering's, at MeAuley's book store 3 bottles flavoring extract, 25c., 4 Patkagen gorn starch, 25¢c., at Mul- in's. Lieut. Arthur Craig has presented the band of the . 14th P, W. 0. Rifles with a march, "Boston Commandary," by T. M. Carter. The steamer. Wolfe Islander took the exoursion of the Williamsville Metho- dist. church, this afternoon, to Brophy's Point. It was five minutes to two when the Cape Vincent, N.Y., boat reached the city, to-day. The train being away behind 'scheduled time accounted for the delay. We will continue to sell for balance of this week our 35e. pure Java coffes for 25¢. per Ib, at Mullin's. We have all sizes in a man's £3.50 gun metal blucher cut Oxford, twenty per cent. discount, $2.80, The Lockett Shoe Store, No other candy sold in Kineston carries with it the stamp of excellence like McConkey's, the choice of royalty. Sold only at Gibson's Red Cross drug store, The steamer America brought a large crowd to the city from island points to-day, at noon. Over 100 Kingstonians were on board for the return sail down the river, More cases of sick headache, bilious- ness, constipation, can be cured in less time, with less medicine, and for less money by using Carter's Little Liver Pills, than by any other means. In-less than two weeks the market toll leases expire. Who will then col- lect the tolls, or does the city proper- ty committee intended {o recommend that the tolls be abolished. Recently, the city council decided to make no further lease of the market toll pri- vileges. Every person should know about and try "Housekeepers" Silver Cloth"; and mountings lke magic; no paste or powder required, simply rub the article to be polished briskly with the prepared cloth and a brilliant polish is secured in a clean, quick, handy way. Price '250, Foe sale by L. T. Best, druggist, Princess stroet. Trial samples free, estieem---- $40 WORTH OF SPANKING. Mothers Save Fines by Whaling Offenders. Ithaca, N. Y,, July 11.--The Ithaca lice court, resounded with wailing. ight mothers plied a stick given by Recorder Sweetlantl on the trousers of their offspring, The youngsters had been arrested af- ter hard work Order and two railroad detectives, for many car burglaties, during the lust month. Their parents were poor and Recorder Sweetland offered to remit the fines on condition that the par- ents administer eorporal punishment in court, The mothers eagerly rods and p one of them called dollars of her life." ' a Friday And Saturday. Our best 30e. Japan (black or mix a) tea for 200. per 1b, at Mullin's. ------ grabbed the to. earn what "the easiest five The plan of the Grand Trunk Pacific to cross the Saskatchewan river at Clover Bar and enter Edmonton along | the west side of the river will be sanctioned. Have vou a summer cold o Take Gibson's Red oe Cah, Syrup. It cures coughs and colds, | William ©, Middlediteh, High River, | late of Brandon, Man., has been j Semtjuacod to three years for perjury and attempted forgery. THIRTY YEARS polishes silverware, all bright metals | by Chief of Police Van | » AFTER OLD TICKET HONORED BY THE ALLAN LINE. Miss Robertson Will Travel From Glasgow to Canada on a Ticket Purchased Thirty-One Years Ago. Montreal, July 19.--Thirty-one years ago, a woman named Robertson, whose home is in Glasgow, purchased a tic- ket to come lo Capaa, hut Je had to tpone the trip. ticket was los by the Montreal Ocean Steam- ship company, which was founded by Iate Sir Hugh Allan, and was care fully Ar by the purchaser in the hope t some it would be used. It was not until to-day, however, that this ticket was presented at the offices of H. & A. Allan, here, by a relative of Miss Robertson. Although more than a quarter of a century had , the company willingly honor- ed the ticket by issuing"in its place a new one, which will be sent to Miss Robertson, to enable her to make the long delayed voyage. The old ticket'is being retained as a curiosity. The coroner's jury, which investi- gated the death of the two-and-a-half year-old child of John Dobuck, a Pol- sh family, residing at Point St. Charles, has rendered a verdict of murder, and the stepmother is aecus- ed of the crime. e medical testi- mony was to the effect that the child had been kicked to death, seven of its ribs having been fractured. The stepmother, a disappeared before the crime was discovered, is still at liberty, although the police have been looking for her for a couple of days. Frank M. Morse, manager of the Grand Trunk Pacific, left for Winni- peg via Chicago. At Winnipeg he will be joined by the engineers of the road and other officials and will personally supervise the early work of the con- struction of the road. ait------ PLACED IN JAIL. Till Executors Wind Up His Mother's Estate. Judge Price, in chambers this morn- ing, sentenced Thomas Arniel, charged with theft, to thirty days in county jail. The case was primarily aired be- fore Mayor Mowat, in police court on Tuesday. J. L. Whiting, K.C., ap- peared for the prosecution, The first witness, 8. 8.. Corbett, de- clared the keys of the home of the late Mrs. Armel were handed to him, ke having been appointed agent for George and Thomas Arniel. Witness fastened up the house. He heard that the prisoner had broken in the house, though warned. Things were taken out of the house and sold. Witness said an attempt was heing made to wind-up the estate. Police Constable Arniel knew that the prisoner had gone into the house. Police Constable Bateson said he found the articles on exhibit in Handler's second hand shop, In evidence for the defence, Dr. Campbell stated that Mrs. Arniel, on several occasions had: expressed the desire that her property when she died be divided between the prisoner and sister, Lizzie. Deceased left no will, Judge Price remarked that the es- tate should long since have been set- tled, and to give executors a chance to do their duty, he would put Arniel out of the way for a short time, rp -------- FARM LABOR SCARCE, Farmers Want Helpers Meadows. Stress of farm work has raised the outery for men to go in the country to work. Almost every farmer in town, today, wanted a man, and a well-known Wolfe Islander offered $2.50 a day for men to help with the hay- img. Too many of our young men, evidently, have travelled west. Re- ports have come in from many near- by sections of the scarcity of farm labor, henée the good prices. That the men are being picked up to go to work is noticeable lately at the morn ing sessions of tho police court, Evi- dently the Farmers' Association was not fully taken advantage of this vear; next season there will likely be a greater work to do for this asso- ciation, in the -- Don't Pay Beforehand. A farm woman from Wolfe Island hired two men this morning to go over to do farm work. To make sure of them she paid them something in advance, but when it came boat time the men were not to be seen. As she passed an Ontario street hotel, she saw the two men in the bar room and she entered, but they disappeared as shadows before light, and she { had to take the ferrv minus her men and money, APPEALS ANSWERED. Woman and Child Receive Cloth- ing Gifts, The newspaper appeals, last night, on behalf of Martha Austen and her child, the mother in jail awaiting trial for theft, were quickly answered, and several kindly disposed persons sent clothing for the unfortunate young woman and her child. They are in al- most destitute circumstances, as would | likely be the case' when she received {but 85 a month. The complainant, { Mr. Hartman, of Ernesttown, will | hardly press the charge against the woman, and at any rate her evidence that she was willing to give back the clothes when they should come for | her, should prove sufficient. If she is let off when. she comes before Mayor Mowat, to-morrow, someone, it is hoped, will cdre for the woman. ------------ Earthquakes Daily. Albuquerque, NM, July 19. Refu- gees, in large numbers, are arriving in this city from Socorro, NM., where great damage has been wrought hy a fuccession of daily earthquakes since July 2nd. In that time not an hour has passed without one or mere earthquakes. . 'ig ---- Removes the microbes which impoy- | erish the blood and circulation. Stops all trouble that interferes with nutri- tion. That's what Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will do. Tea or tah- H is really meant for those whose plenty of such, Aad we promise Toronto,Montreal or orther large you not to leave without every need" well supplied, and also, morrow, Friday, will reall the best days to come. your list : LADIES' WHITE NIGHTGOWNS of fine cottons and nainsooks, i many different styles of full sizes some with high-cut neck, some cu square or round, and some V shape finished with lace and embroidery and tucked yokes, priced for Friday from 39c. 4 15 to 9 LADIES' WHITE UNDERSKIRTS. of fine nainsooks, in new and cle gant patterns, yet very durable with French bands, wide flounces of embroidery and lace, and clusters of tucks, priced for Friday from 75¢c. to .... . 4.75 LADIES' WHITE DRAWERS, all styles, of fine cottons, some with clusters of tucks and wide frills of fine embroidery, priced according to trimmings--either hemstitched frills, or ~ embroidery or se 75 . priced for Friday from 25c. 20 Linnie dissin sisi Mothers of Kingston hardly seem all made-up. Not only of time and range'i-- CHILDREN'S CHILDREN'S 35c. to 2.25. CHILDREN'S Going Away? That's Right. | But--Choose wear Before You G %.. If your answer was not "Yes -- well, we'll tell you now that this talk ed trip necessitates the choosing of some one or more white under-garments. No greater mistake could be made, than to plan a visit of even a few days without guarantee you, that nowhere (either in will you find nicer designs, of finer quality--at the same pleasing prices-- than we are now showing, So we urge leave the choosing to the last day. To- be one of , y t this sum- /} mary of our showing help you make Your White- intend" you-- cities) "white not to LADIES' WHITE CORSET (((™) IRS, of finest cotton, with V neck. trimmed | with beautiful embroidery. dl made with the full front neces sary for this year's waists, priced for Friday 1 0 rom 10c. to . LADIES' SILK CORSET Cov. iRS, of purest white and utterly charming designs, at Ofe., 1.25, 1.19 and 1.75, (We are able and "will be pleased to match any piece to form a set.) The Popular Noveity One of the latest and most pl ing fads in Whitewear, is the new combination Corset Cover and Short Length Underskirt. We new havi this novelty, of finest nainsook. trimmed with lace, and drawn into Children's Whitewear, Too there would be in buying the many dainty ey, too, Come Friday and see. The following gives you an idea of th DRAWERS, from 12ic. to 49c. UNDERSKIRTS, for children from 2 to 4 years old, from NIGHTGOWNS, from 35c. to 1.25. fitted waist with ribbon. to appreciate or realize the saving little garments for childre worry, but of money, and much mon Refrigerators,Yce Stoves, Wickless and Ovens. elsewhere, 77 Princess Street. For the Summer Season Cream Freezers, Lawn Mowers, Garden Hose, Win- dow Screens, Screen Doors, Gas Coal Oil Stoves We carry a large assortment of the'above articles at reasonable prices. Inspect ourJstock before purchasing ELLIOTT BROS "Phone 35. Phone Main 1729, 20% OFF ALL All this and next We have three comfortable, lets, 35 cents. Mahood's drug store, . " MEN'S OXFORD SHOES * PATENT LEATHER, GUN METAL ARD TAN. season's styles -- all splendid shapes and good Mente good warm months ahead of us to wear Oxfords. is a chance to keep your feet cool and SOLDERS OUR SPECIALTY) THE CANADA METAL COMPANY, Toronto, Ont. 20 207% DISCOUNT So this Fay vie THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE. COOL SILK MERCI LIN SHIRT Direct fror All soli AETEX ( SHIRTS. dis $1. Cream tached aehiie iy : E. P. Jenkin Furnishing 261 Pri Ame Ladi Tailc Co. Successors to Talloring Co. IS NO They are prej orders for all Garments and Customers may. or purchase fro: Money returned FP DRUG ST The addi a little of Bradley's Vi Sea To the wat to the the ben therelrom. satisfactory. In large b WHEN YOU NEED REP! Remember ot pairing so that | like they did wi Wear * Military Sign of Golden B To close the esta Youble Brick Pw Brick elling, o Brick Dwelling, 1 Brick Doeing: 1 Yor detalls sec J1 etl Times Ha There was a tin find anything muc you cannot get in Stowded with Gru ture, Carpets, ete, or selling, no bett TURK'S a IE ' Chickens 1 On a rainy mo wisdom 'may b chickens. If i is drizzly day all « get out and sta with an utterly They hg a=, . gird pi the rey is to hovirs "the chic) shelter. 3 Camp! For ladies' cai -- French and It. sold at Gibso Store, Try Bibby's cc

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