gs nd does i ~The farmers are busy 'with their hay, which is a year. Mrs, Frank Collins and daughter returned from 'a two weeks' vis They were accom- and dl Sumas Complints are antntly cored by We 1 wd for 60 years. t is pleasant to take not leave the bowels ina condition. Price 35 cts. THE ONLY THING THAT KILLS THEM ALL POOR IMITATIONS. AVOID TEN CENTS PERPACKET FROM | ARCHDALE WILSON -------- ATTEND THE B Ambitious young men and are contemplating a Commercial Fducn- ton in Shorthand, apt, Fook. + ote, of a Civil Servize course wil, the . Frontenac Business College The best Jquipned and most up-to- Ontart gol ution: =n 0. 8 ts may enter nt any 'thme, and ar dates are assisted to goud pay. tuati Write for catalogue and Bold by all Drugglsts and General Stores | © and by mall. ied Miss Lottie Collins, who to spend her. vacation here, Fairfield, Kingston, is with her par- Ulongh, Hartington, spent a week with her friend, Miss Ballan- tyne, at Mrs. J. Fairfield's. Mrs. G. Miller, is -vigiting her daughter, Mrs. Morrison, at Brighton. Mrs, Irwin Miller, Kinks' Mills, was a recent. vis- Verona Varieties. Verona, July 18.--Mr, and Mrs. Wil liam Clough, Bannockburn, and Miss Winnifred, were guests at Joseph Per- Joy's on Sunday. Charles Aylesworth, Godfrey, spotion foreman, K. & P, R, and Edward Curl, local foreman here, had their respective of . men building a new platform in front of the K. & P. station here, this week, . At Pleasant Valley. Pleasant Valley, July 17.--Farmers are busy at hay harvest. George Barr has 8 hay sling to assist in bow, spent a - the inl of 'ort Arthur. They will soon ta - session of t! own farth. Miss Fila A. Barr has ' returned from Smith's where spent the last i visitors , at BE. Whitty's © and Annie Watson, . at 3 Ida Gordon at J. A. hes: Miss M, Kerr, Petworth, at chor'. also Mrs. T. Kerr. Huckle berries are a failure here, raspberries .Jare also scarce. A Wedding Expected. Sunbury, July 17.~The weather con- tinues fine, and all crops are looking fine. A foothall match, played on Saturday night, in the village, be- tween the Sunbury boys and a picked team from the locomotive works, re- sulted, after an hour's plav. in each team making a goal. A return match will be played in the city in a short time to deride which is the better team. After the match a supper was supplied the city team at the village hotel. Sunbury factory i tawa to Montreal. Farmers are bus- ily engaged in securing their hay crop which is a large ome. Our village lodge was well satisfied with their trip to Brockville on Thursdav, and returned at a late hour in the even- ing. With suitable weather ensilage corn is making a rapid growth with a good acreage grown. A wedding will occur in a fow weeks in our midst. The contracting parties are well known in social circles, W. Knight reports a good store trade, receiving a good patronage from farmers. Tamworth Tidings. Tamworth, July 18.Marlbank play- «l baseball with Tamworth ut the fair grounds on Saturday last; game stood 16 to 20 in favor of Marlbank. Sidney Rose, Boston, is home for his holidays. Misses Jessie and Mary Sim- monds, Chester), Pa., are visiting at D. B. Floyd's. William Penny, Nan- B.C, is visiting friends if Greatest Female Tonic On Earth. Thousands of women are wan, pal- lid, rundown and dispirited. strongth to drink in the pleasures of and activities of life. What they need hs hat nourishing tonic Ferrozona oon regain those laughing eves, bright piri and rosy checks. Fer- rozone does this and more as Mrs, I. Adrignson, of Whitney Pier, Ch, : "My daughter was very much run down and ha i up all the trouble mate my daughter healthy 2nd well. Fer- rozone gives good al 0, alates, trengthens. 1 at ah. h ase regularly if best," errozone, it is. the «Price 50c, per box or N. Ont., and Hartford, Cona. 5 8 £ : E ths At in. , July 17. whole week of time hay 'weather hav given the farmers a great start with the great is to harvest. Many will build stacks this season. Con- sickness prevails. iy 0 second daughter of widow 0'- Monday morning after a ' illness of brain fever, Mrs, ite i =z Bernice Alford, Es cott, called on friends Sunday last. Mrs. Burton Failing, of New Jersey, is visiting her many friends in these parts. Miss Laura Morgan is rusticat ing at Caledonia Springs, for A few weeks. Mrs. A. Wiltse is very ill. The funeral of Miss Mary O'Brien was held today to the Roman Catholic church after which. the remains were taken to Westport. for interment. Mrs. McCor- nish, Wes » visited her daughter, Mes. G. H. Howard, last week. The several western excursions are. well patronized from this neighborhood. Sylvester Coon, a wd Lkpown farmer, is renewing uaintances with rela- tives here. Youn $6 Mr. and Mrs. A. Humphrey, a daughter; to Mr, and Mrs. A. L. Campbell, a, son, still 'born. Florida Visitors. Florida, July 17.<The farmers of this section ave very busily engapid harvesting their hay, which isa good crop. Mr. and Mrs. H. Walker left; template spending two months with their son, W. P. Walker. + PF. Alten, after spending a few dave at M. Martyn's, has returned to, Watertown, N.Y. iss na . Thompson, after spending a week with her sister; Mrs, W. Shellington, has. returned. to 'her home at Parham. The Florida -Sun- day school held their annual picnic, at D. Martyn's grove, on July 2nd, which wos a deci success. Miss Lena Brown and Miss Jessie Arnold, after spending two weeks, the guests of W. L. Storms, have returned to their re- spective homes at Athens. Miss Pearl Thompson is spending a couple of weeks at Parham. Mrs. Baker and three daughters, Kingsville, have come to spend the summer with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. H, Walker. Visi- tors : T, Shellington, Miss Giles, T. Thompson and children, Parham; W. Shellington, Murvale, at William Shel- lington's; W. Lewis, wife and children, Washington; 'H. Vrooman, Sharpton, at H. Walker's; M. Carl and son, Yar- ker, at B. Redden's; Miss Irene Brown ahd Mrs. L. _ children, * I'Kingston; Mrs. A. Mi a hes iss Lita Davey, J. Dillon, Westbrook, at IJ. B. Storms', FASHION"S FORM. i------ 4, Semi-Tailored are being shown by the shops 'this sen- son that it is impossible to have a fixed idea of what is desired. There are the very elaborate lingerie models of the sheerest lawns with valenciennes, Mechlin and other fing lace trimmings, to the severest tailored models, the latest arrival being the Peter Pan. The illustration is a cross between the very dressy and the very plain, and is not unlike the bodice of the Fritzi Schell dress, which has found such popular favor this season. It is made of heavy white linen, the edges of the yoke and double-breasted front being piped in blue and buttoned with shirt uttons of pearl. The. desired breadth to the shoulders is acquired hy three large tucks on either side of the front, which are stitched. to yoke depth, The fuk elbow length. sleeves are finished with novel shaped cuffs inset with lace," which match the lace yoke. The lace collar is run . with featherbone rods to give the desired support, and the top is finished with gathered ruffle of edging. ------ BURN POKER OUTFIT. ---- Church Folk Hold Celebration in Public Street. Sedalia, Mo., July "19. The ra- a gambling Rowe' Ts confiscated at the in- Rev. J. Murdy, Pastor First Christian church, was burned in the pri I street of the city yesterday, in the presence of an mmense crowd of persons. Rev, Mr. Mundy and Deputy Constable Wilker. n_ addressed the erow, rath OBI ing to do all in their power to sup- press all gambling in the city, np ------------ W. Sarrout, who was wounded in § C. Polson & Co., | duel with M. Pughisi-Conti. ov Dreyfus case, is better, hi cians think he will recover, : to-day, for Calgary, where 'they con' PASSED AWAY AT NAPANEE "ON WEDNESDAY, - te Had Heached His Seventy- Second Year--Was For a Time in Charge of the Restaurant at the Outer G.T.R. . Station, Kingston. ; Na July 19.--One by one the old ans are called home. Wednes- day morning, A of our' ne respected residents, pass- ed peacefully away, after a month's illness of Bright's disease. was born in Manchester, England, se- venty-iwo years ago, and was one of fa large family, . all of whom have passed away, Mr. Morris being the Jast. The 12th of July was his se- venty-second birthday, but he was so 'weak that he did not realize it, al though congratulatory messa received from Winnipeg. Deceased came to Napanee about thirty years jngo and has been a resident ever set, with the exception of three ivears in the G.T.R. restaurant at 'Kingston. . Besides his widow, ne daughter, Mrs. A. Wolfe, is left to mourn a loving and devoted husband. and father. He was a member of the Bastern Methodist church and a man of sterling qualities, whose word was 'ever 'us good as his hond. The fune- ral will take place this afternoon to the Eastern cemetery vault. Mrs. R. L. Hodgson and little son, Harold, left Tuesday, Tor their home in Grand Forks, B.C. "of months' stay with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Bennett. Mrs. James Garratt, Harvey Garratt and wife leave to-day for Vancouver, B.C. where they will reside in future. Mrs, Mance, the guest of her uncle, S. Gib son, leaves to join her husband at aleliort, Sask. Ensign and Mrs. Rose; of - the Salvation Army, leave this week for Rossland, B.C., where they will labor in future, The change was made for Mrs: Rose's health, which has been quite poor since coming to Napanee some months ago. The ice cream so- cial on the lawn of the Presbyterian church, Tuesday evening, was very 'well attende! and pronounced a suc- Coss. iF. 8. Selwood, a former teacher in the Collegiate Institute here, is spend- ing a few weeks renewing acquaintan- ces, He leaves « ; next week for the North-West to look over the prairie province with a view of locating there. W. T. Gibbard and M. C, Bo- gart- arrived home this: week from a month's visit to the prairie provinces. They have nothing but praise to sav for the prospects and future of that country. -------------- PARENTAGE OF JOKE. The Lost 'H." in the Channel v Chops. St. James' Gazette. Two attempts have been made by a contemporary to trace to its source a well-kmown law court's joke. The first credited Sir Francis Lockwood with the jest; the second made the then Henry Hawkins its father. As a fact, the mot seems to have originated with the first Lord Chelmsford, then Fred- erick Thesiger. Sir Cresswell Uress- well was trying a case in which the hame of a vessel was frequently in- troduced. When mentioned by Sergt. Channell, who was deficient in store of aspirates, the vessel was the Ellen; when alluded to by Thesiger she was the Helen. "Stop!" cried Cresswell, presently; "I have got on me notes the Ellen and the . Helen; which is it?" In his blandest tone Thesiger replied; "Oh, my lud, the vessel was christened the Helen, but she lost her 'h' in the chops of the channel." The joke will be remembered against the victim long after pther records of him are forgotten. Which makes it worth while to note that the he ever recived was ; vate school, but that he raised him- self to the bench by industry which would be the death of most men, only edueation it a poor pri- A REMARKABLE CASE. An Ttalian Whose Blood Doesn't Coagulate. , Albany, NY, July 19. After hav- ing bled at the nose continuously for forty-six hours, Michael DeFoe, a wall known Italian politician of Schenecta- dy, has so far recovered as to be able to leave his bed for a short time, Al- togither he lost about two gallons of blood and thirteen pounds in weight and is in a very weakened condition, He belongs to the small class of in- dividuals termed by scientists, "Hem ophilis," or those whose blood does hot coagulate, and hence when wound- ed have ho power to heal an injury. It is said to he an hereditary trait, and confined to males, Mr. DeFoe suffered from a wound cansed by a orse's kick, three years ago, and at that time bled for "ten days at inter- vals. He has strict medical orders never to undergo any surgical opera. tion. ---- Denies Having Five Wives. Columbus, 0, July 19. William Painter, who' was arrested last night on the charge of bigamy, admits that he has three wives in Columbus, but denied that he had a fourth wife in Bincianaii and still another in Pitts burgh. Painter came originally from Pittshurgh, Hard or soft corns e 3 ured wi applications of red ith three Guaranteed, Money back ; tsfactory. In boxes, \5c,, 3 ade id store. The "Siberian pest," which w I > cn was first reported at Yekaterinoslay, hys appeared at Pialystok. : $1000 PILE CURE A Thousand Dollar with every bottle of Dn Hem-Rold--the only every form S Piles. sorge 3 worry ook, St. "Dr. Leonhardt's of a very bad case 1 uarantee goes .. Loonhardi's Certain cure for Thomas, Ort. Hem-Roid cured me :, of Piles of ove Joare Standing. I had tried every Ihe i ty io permanent cure ull | a Pils told. Thad Blind and Hicedine les, and suflercd everything, Oint- Panta and local treatments failed, hur easton ardt's Hem-ioid cured me Hem-Roid is a tablet Frank W, Morris, one after a couple | Corn Salve. | Send 3 Corks drawn from quart bottles of our Whiskies.and receive a handsome enameled Pot 8 corks we will send a silk watch foh with enamel charm. : WRITE FOR OUR PREMIUM LIST, M. CORBY DISTILLERY CO Limited, Montreal A Pure and Wholesome [Matured Spirit. Mixed with: Soda makes a very refreshing;and invigorating beverage i ® KEEP THE CAPSULES, THEY ARE VALUABLE. (i : [ " DR. J. C LLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE (THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE). is admitted by the 'profession to ba the most wonderful and valuable rem- edy ever discovered. is the best remedy known for COUGHS, COLDS, CONSUMPTION, BRONCHI- TIS, ASTHMA. acts like a charm in. DIARRHOEA, and is the onl Specific in CHOLERA, and DYSENT. ' Xo effectually cuts short all "attacls of EPILEPSY, HYSTERIA, PALPITA. TION and SPASMS. is the only palliative in NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM, GOUT, CANCER, TOOTHACHE, MENINGITIS, eto. Always ask for "DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE," and beware of spurious compounds or imitations. The genuine bears the words "DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE" on the Government Stamp of each bettle. re ca Sold in bottlesi'; Prices in-England, 1s. 13d., 2s 9d., 4s. 6d. each (Overwhelming Medical Testimony accompanies each bottle Sole Manufacturers :--J. T. DAVENPORT, Limited, LONDON. Wholesale Agents, LYMAN BROS. & CO., Limited, Toronto. It is not the price you pay or expensive, but the fuel it afterw for a furnace that makes it cheap ards consumes. : A common furnape may cost you $5 or $10 less than a * Sunshine," bub if it eats this up the first winter in extra fuel, what do you gain? Nothing; but all the annoyance and extra work that go with a poor furnace. The * Sunshine" is in use from Halifax to Vancouver, and we have hundreds of testimonials from pleased users. Bold by enterprising dealers everywhere. Booklet free. MClarys LONDON, TORONTO, MONTREAL, WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER, 8ST. JOHN, HAMILTON. LEMMON & SONS, King Street GOOD OOCIODGOCOT GANONS'S G. B. CHOCOLATES THE FINEST IN THE CITY o0c. per Ib. A. J, Rees, 166 Princess St. TRAVEL QUEBEC STEAM Lim fiver and Gulf Summer Cruises | Twin Screw roa wi electric ligh! -- comfort SAILS FROM MC DAYS at 2 pum. and 27th August : for Pi at Quebec, Gaspe, ) Cove, Grand ver, and Charlottetown, rem Summer Excursl new Twin Scre ian,'t 5,500 tons. from Nem York, fr November. Tempera breezes seldom rises 'The finest tri health and comfort. ARTHUR AHER! For tickets a Jy P. HANLEY, SLBEV Ti Ont, In Connec Canadian Pa TRAINS LEAY 12.80 p.m treal, Quebec, St. . Boston, Toronto, Cl) frew, Sault Ste. Paul, Winnipeg, ) Portland, and San 1] Expre s 5 p.m.--Local fi connecting with C.P 7:45 a.m.--Mixed, termediate points. Passengers leaving pm. arrive" in Of Peterboro, 5:12 p p.m.; Boston, 7:80 N.B., 11:35 a.m. Full particulars a R. Ticket Office, Oi F. CONWAY, ) Gen. Pass. Agen Bay of Qui New short line fi Deserontd, and all leave City + Hall CONWAY, Agent B, LL IRE HOMES! EXCUR =TO 1 NORTH Return Fares F Winn, .. 00 Sours' = . ¥8 8 Rrandon - 38 55 Moosomin - - 3420 ia - 0 Estevan Yorkton } 300 Regina - -.. 357% Moosedaw - - 36 00 GOl July 3rd, Good to ret July 17th, . For further particular Accommodation, and atl to J. ¥. HANLEY, Age Ontario Streets, Ral Eo) La Toronto, Charlotte, Brockville, Preseo Steamers Kings Steamers g LEAVE KINGSTO! Going East--Daily Going West--Daily Kingston to Cla) Ports, lirockville or returning Sunday on Kingston to Montr lng Saturday or Su T Monday. Fare Also Excursion ra Charlotte going £ Sunday or Monday. Hamilton, Toronto, and Mont) LEAVE KINGSTO} Uoing Bust, Wednes Sundays at 4 p.m. Golng West, Tuesd Saturdays at 4 p.m J.P, HANLEY, | Ticket Agent, Lake Onfario and Ba boat Compar Stes. North K 1000 islands: Commencing June leave Kingston. daily 10.15 a.m., for Ales port, Gananoque and Returning will leav Rochester, N.Y., « Quinte Ports. STR. Al Leaves Mondays at and intermediate Bay For full Informati Horsey, General Man P. Hanley, Ticket A Co., Freight Agents. ALLAN LIN MONTREAL TO Victorian, Thurs., Jui Ionian, Thurs. daly Virginian, Fri., Aug. Tunisian, Thurs., Aus MONTREAL TX Weekly Moderate Numidian, Wed., July Mongolian, Wed., Ju) For rates, apply te Agent, G. T: R,, SLERVE,