999 the Camwdian 000,000, to merge the Granby Rubber Rubber con ny al A i con . interest wind Georee we Hing, controll Sul will be the first dent. Cheese Markets. ontreal, July 10.--~Cheese prices nre i RE or holders of finest Cine tarios are demarding 12¢. to 124-, townships cheese being 11%c. to J1jc. and Quebecs tlc. to 111c. Onmpteliford, © Jaby 60. -<Fiftesn dred boarded: sales, 100 ot 1 balances at 11 9-16e. He Is A Candidate. The liberals of Stonewall, Man., nominated Ira D. Stratton, editor of tho Stonewall Argus, as their candi- date in the next provincial elestions. Mr. Stratton was formerly of Selby, and also a teacher in the Kingston | Business College. : buns Ye. : Dr. Shoop's rhenmatic remedy---when axed faithfully will reach chronic and difficult cases heretofore regarded as freutable by physicians and is | the mast rel o Dresetiption known ' to {clean out and completely remove every Tratige of rheumatic poison from the blood. Sold hv all druggists, R. H. Island View house, Rockport, quietly pleaded guilty to selling liquor during prohibited hours and was filed 880, together with an additional $10.20 costs. William Coke, a farmer, was drown- ed near ura. We are still selling at LF PRICE 8 An Black and Colored & Muslins. § All Cloth Suits. @ All Spring Coats. 2 One-Half Price iR. WALDRON Canada North- L255 acres "Wh 18,008 Tor i Coal company's Sutput "of unmkilled % capital | pi ny has been formed with a t of 5, f | when the car struck hiny., | mcooews or Tam pay, Néwey Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters Br Hounds. i Texas peaches, Carnovsky's. {ade the 'Russion tiger ial Palace. 25¢. large box at Best's. S| Gran, a Tp Wolfe Island. The ardsons® elevator liam, Photographs of 14th R from . Fort Wil- = BOMBS WERE FOUND i255 heh The steamer Wolfe Islander was busy \day, ben ing id [pressed FILLED WITH DYNAMT hay from isl or shipment, ¥ =m "This was one of the few days with- THE GARDEN. ¢ lin the past month or so that the a ---- water waggons were called into ser Trepoff Puts All Machinery to "The only store in Kingston that sells Work, But Culprit Not Yet strictly high class candy, Gibson's Red Found--Czar Guarded More | Cross drug store. Huyler's and Mo- New York, July 11.--According to a Sunday school picnic 8t. Petersburg despatch to the World, Point, this afternoon. there was wild consternation, at the| The work of renovating the hoard imperiul palace, yesterday, following | of trade quarters in the British-Ameri- the discovery in the garden of that [can hotel block has begun. W. J, ute of several bombs filled with dy- | Chapman has the contract. to Brophy's namite, The excitement and dread | Here's a sefison tip. Local anglers, were indescribable, who know from experionce, say the It was obvious that the bombs | bass are taking to the bait in fine one connected with the palace, either | bay. | u# guard or servant, and everyone was | Yacht Rambler came un from Rock- under suspicion, . | port, to-day, to take Mr. and Mrs. J. | Gen, Trepoff, the commandant, im- | P. Gibson, who arrived at noon from | mediately put in motion all the ma- | Cincinnati, Ohio, for a trip up the | chinery of his office 'to discover the | Rideau, : i culprit, but thus far without result. | The K, and +P, freight motor got | In the meantime the person of the | stuck on the King street" track with a | ezar is being more rigidly guarded | freight, this afternoon, and held up | than ever, and increased precaution { traffic for a while, until a taken, if this is possible, { came along 'and lent power. ---- | A local livery keeper lost a valuable Hoisted Red Flag. j ores Tox uvening. The dima] was p . wi . | being driven near Cataraqui, w hen i deabipn. rabarg; py Ji Two bat caught its foot in a hole or tripped at Sebastopol. They are the. Three | ©¥er a boulder in some manner, there- Saints and) the Panteleimon, Their | bY. breaking ita leg. The horse was eres are in iting and have estab well bred and had considerable speed, lished communication with the mutini- | Put owing to the accident. will prob- ed troops garrisoned in Batoum fort- | ably have to be shot. trolley | Pek The Oriental baseball team play. in : { Cobourg on Saturday. The Trifle . Linkers will likely be strengthenec by, Tried To Kill Him. 5.) the addition of Jerry Hunt at first Sebastopol, July 11.--An attempt | hase. Owing to this game the match which was Ning arranged between the Orientals and Young Irishmen had to be postponed and. will now probably was made this afterndon, to assassin- nte, Vies-Admiral Chouknin, com- mander of the Black Sea fleet. The admiral wos wounded and taken to a be played on the 21st. hospital, Vies-Admiral Chouknin has A lamed for his severity. PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. J. W. Bower, for ------------ KILLED IN CALIFORNIA. t------ Thomas Orr, Bowmanville, Crush- ed By Car. many years a i wholesale merchant. in Toronto, is San Diego, Cal,, July 11.--Thomas dead. or an aged citizen of Bowmanville, Richard Bell, formerly of Owen t., was instantly killed last evening at Willow Brook, near Los Angeles, by being run over hy a trolley car, WAS seventy-six years of age amd had travelled * 4 hundred thousand miles without ever having met with an accident, He had boon visiting frivceids at Willow Brook and was just Stopping a moment to shake hands Sound, met his death while bathing at Medicine Hat. e government has purchased land in Woodstock to add to the grounds of the epileptic hospital. Goldwin Smith has decided to re- main a membét of the board of -gover- nors of Toronto University, Eugene O'Keefe has been appointed by the government to the board of trustees of the Toronto General Hos- | Brockville's Aspirations. Brockville, Ont., July 11.--Brockville may be represented with a junior four- oared crew at the next Canadian Hen- ley. Messts. George Dailey, J. Pros- nan, Jr, A, Chapman and A. O- Donohue have started training for the ovent, and though the time is short, it is Shotipht by faithful work they fan possibly make a showing which will warrant sendin pete for championsip pital. : Col. Little, London, has issued an order dismissing the members of the 7th Baud, and the band will be reor- ganized. George N. Matheson, collector of customs at Sarnia, has resigned, and the reform executive recommends Col, Ellis for the position. them to com- onors, -------- Kaladar Happenings. Kaladar, July 10.--The hay crop, which it was feared would be very light, has improved somewhat with ily the showers. Huckleberries will not named Donohue, of this city, was ap- | be as plentiful here this year as they prehended this morning, charged with | geverally are, Peter Morton and Mrs, stealing 821 from a cripple named | J. Morton made a flying trip to Tam- Walter Davison, whom 'the boy and | worth one day last. week, Miss Pearl another lad were pushing round in a Thompson returned to her home in carriage. . The cripple, who sells lead Arden after spending a few days with pencils, had the money in his hat- | Miss Lita Morton. Harry and Fred. band, and the Donohue boy stole hat Morton left on Monday for the states and all. He had Spent most of the | where they intend to work during har- money when apprehended. vest. James Wheeler had several car- ~~ loads of cordwood shipped from this To Shoot On Friday. station last week, Mrs. Dafoe, who Bisley, Eng, July 11.--On Friday | has been visiting her son, W. E. Mill. the historic Kolapére cup will be shoy | ®" for a couple of week for. For this teams representing Can- | Bon Echo. Benny and ada, the mother country, Guernsey, | of, Cloyne, visited friends here on the Malay States Guides and India { Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Allport. have have beon entered. The Canadian team | returned home after a visit with re. won last year. The fight should be be- | latives at Parham, Bath and Thorpe. tween the mother country and Cana. | Miss Grace Pickering, who has been das The Transvaal and New Zealand, | ill is much better, A little girl has which had teams last year, are not re- | (0Me to stay at the home of Mr, and presented this year. | Mrs. W. E. Miller, "------ Boy Steals From Cripple. Belleville, Ont., « July 11.--A boy has gone to iss Edna Mill * | ------ { ------ Stabbed In A Row. | « Wagarwille Waits. Galt, Ont., July 11.~William West, | Wagarville, July 10. Farmors stabbed in a row at the New Royal | around hers are Hotel, ast evening, by John J. | preparing their Groves, a plumber and gas fitter, is doing nicely, getting ready and ! machines to start Waving in a few days. very i t Hay is Groves has been arrest. | 00d this Year, : ; except in low places, od in Pari and will be brought to | where there has heen too much water. Galt immediately, ite a number from around here took " {in the excursion to the Thousand Is. To Pay $20, Fine | lands, Raspberries are going to be Gio TY 000 . . | very plentiful this year, but there 'cago, July 11.--Judge Landis in! will not } k i the Lomo, du "Jud y ! not be many huckleberrios. John i Bind bee Jintriet court, to- | Vanvolkenburg and Daniel Amey pss WY, sentenced the Chicago & Alton | ed through he: M \y morning, road, which wag recently convicted A otions ot oudny voi : t 3 ted of | for the Ame ide. E. Vanv, graming Hess or vieted of © American side. EF. Vanvolken- burg gave o party for the on Saturday evening. Solomon Cronk has purchased a new gramaphone, T MoCumber and Roy agar spent a fow days in Enterprise, few from around here took in the Picnic at Chip- pewa. Aty, 10 pay a fine of $20,000 on each Youngsters, of two counts, Appointments Gazetted. Fifth (Kingston) Saptain, vi and B 'artwright: to be lieutenants, Fred. | : Yok Gillman, Walter H. Poll und | Catholic Church Loses $5,000,000 Karl Creighton Folger. Rome, July 11--A law which just beén made ment, reducing the annual interest on outstanding government bonds from Ve per cent. to three and three-quyr. ters up to the end of 1911, and 'then to three and one-half, attracted litt]e public attention until the vatican au- thorities discovered that it means im- poverishment to the church in Italy, cutting down its revenue by 85 . Sutt y 85,000, Battory--To be revet-Capt. F, L, Ll ------ Dr. Sproule Will Attend. Ottawa, July 11.--Dy. Sproule, M.p., grand master of the Orange order, will attend the celebration at Stu. geon Falls on the 12), en Jones' Falls And Return, 50¢. . Rideau King every Saturday, at @ m, ------ Davies' Butter Special. -------------- ? a . Has A Fighting Chance. pra tale. this week, choice dairy Galt, Ont, July 11. death of Samuel Mama, C. P. R. construction collision here, Yesterday, ror. Muma was taken fr gong, in » Was an er- | om the wreck $0, but life. Two of inst night in | 'Have you pimples on your face ? Take Burdock and Sarsaparilia rs Yast, 75¢. Gibson's Red Cross drug | unconseious and is still 8 a fighting chance f. his : AW. Mallory has installed a milk- | the alin RAvvioR die) +X Machine in his dairy at Mallory- + the Galt hospital © |. "Sea salt" for sea bathing at hime | cleared this after- steamer Strathmore, is at Rich- i. i conkey's sold there. if Rigidly hn Ever, if Pos- The ' steamer America took the | sible, Brock Street Methodist church must have bein placed there by some | style these days up around Cataraqui | A Rifle a Lad Had Suddenly Dis- des was summoned but his The reported | by a young man, fl near Cataraqui foreman of , | and broke its leg. A the | deavoring to save sive to be shot for } has | trial at mending, : » and another js not gives instant rel expected to recover, + Red Cross drug store, a te Store Closes at 5 O'clock, New White Materials for) Summer Wear In this space we find it possible to convey only mere hint of the great extent our assortment of white {,. brics has reached, We take it for granted that everyon: knows how extremely fashionable and popular. white hag been and will continue to be. We need not try to create a-demand ; it is already formed. But we have faith in our own assortment of materials ; faith to believe that one who sees all. in the city, will choose from ours. Here's just a summary of to-morrow's showing i | | | | | White Skirting P.K's, yard, 12}, 15, 20, 25 and 35c. White Skirting Linens. yard, 55, 39, 65 and 69%. White Satin-finished Drill, for skirting, yard, 12} and 15¢, White Duck, for skirting, vard 124, 15, 20 and 25¢. White Linen Suitings, with pure round thread, 'which guy, antees the finest washing qualities, yard, 40, 45, 49, 55, 59, 65, 69, 75 and 0c. Fine White Shrunk Linen, imported for making waists, yard 35, 39, 45 and 49¢c.; extra fine, yard, 69, 75 and 90ec. e yt Sheer White Handkerchief Linen, beautifully clear and even " Put up in dress lengths of 10 yards, full 36 inches wi yard, 49 and 75¢. f gl _-- Materials for the Late Summer Suits, Too [8 ream Albatross Cloths, yard, 35 Cream Poplin, yard, 65c, | Cream Serges, vard, 49, 60 and 75 and 49¢, Cream Bedford Cords, yard, 49, 69c. | Cream Folienne, vard, 75c. | Cream San Toy Cloth, yard, 99¢, | Fancy Cream Materials, yard, 8, Cream Taffeta 'Cloths, vard, 49 he. Cream Lustres, yard, 49 and 90c. and| Cream Figured Lustres, in five Pret - JOAN LAIDLAW & SON JOHN ire, Js, - Several 3.75 and 4.00 White Nearly 10, 49, 69, 75 and 90c. lo. o @ Silk Waists at Half-Price--2.00 and 2.25--Thursday Promptly a# 9.30 to-morrow morning, we expect eager. thrifty shoppers in our store; with the intention o saving nearly . half the cost of a lovely silk waist apiece. Of course, we haven't many to go on sale--but what we have are samples--perfect in material, making and style--perfect in every detail. You can see these waists in our win- dow any time up to the hour of sale--0:30 sharp. 10 only, White India Silk Waists, sizes 34, 36 and 38; beauti- ful front design of fine Val. insertion; neatly tucked buttoned back; short three-quarter sleeves, trimmed with lace and fnser. | 2.95 tion; fucked collar, trimmed with lace: and worth regularly at] least 4.00. To-morrow after 9.30, only 20 only, White India Silk Waists, sizes 34, 36 and 38; neatly tucked front w th yoke formed by three rows of Val, a) tion; new buttoned back: short tlirec-auarter . sleeves, trimmed 2 00 with lace and insertion; dainty lace 'collar; and worth regular. | . larly 3.75. To-morrow after 2.30, only nia No phone orders filled. JOHN LAIDLAW & SON Bath Towels | | JOHN LAIDLAW & SON Cravenette Cloths for Raincoats A constantly increasing number of particular patrons who desire quality and style regardless of reasonable ex- \ pense----have made these very impor- tant items with us. We feel it neces. sary to keep it right yup to the minut: with the latest effects in waterproo materials. And as to quality, well just now we're offering the following four extra-specials of abundant worth Cravenette Cloths, in the popular shades of grey, brown and fawn, full 60 inches wide, in Hier qualities which have proven their genuine value to many Kingston women, both as to wear and appearance; 1 to-morrow, yard, 1.00, 1.95, 4 Cravenette Cloths, in the good shades of grey, 42 inches wide; yard, to-mor- row, 75c. JOHN LAIDLAW & SON Black Habutai Silks for Camp or Home We'll venture to say that four bath towels are sold during the summer months to every one sold during the balance of the year. Whether you're preparing for the resort, for the camp, or for a quiet summer at home, be sure that bath towels are well thought, of and provided. Our assortment| allows almost unlimited range, as.| starting at 124c. each, the prices! run with slight advances right up| to. 75c. each, with these specials : Brown Terry Bath Towels, full 50x| 22 inches. in size, with very nice red and white striped design, and neat fringe; worth half again what we'll ask to-morrow, each 35 JOHN LAIDLAW & SON Ladies' Linen New Laces : Collars ¥. All-Overs Amongst all. the hosts of black Another one of the latest fads in Such a lace season as this calls| silks for every purpose the genuine American citics was sent us yester- for extraordinary efforts on the part Habutais enjoy greatest popularity day. It is a pure linen collar of of all concerned. and prominence. They seem in ev the Barrow ery way most serviceable. They lend themselves admirably to any 0 use. Thev .are uncrushable. They are wash silks--in the truest sense of that word "wash." but not least, . From a high| source we had hinted to us, 'that | to get the very daintiest laces it would be necessary to go right t the true makers--in sunny France. | Well, that's just what we- did, and| though it was a long way to send for such small insignificant-looking packages, they open up.into such charming filmy loveliness that we are happy. Come and see why to- morrow. turn-over style--popu lar because of the great comfort it allows on the hottest of all hot summer Just ask when you're here to-morrow an sce if you don't feel like telling al your friends about it. days. for it And, last they are moderate in cost. Two very excellent examples of all these statements are the Also some new and very nobbs pieces' we'll offer effects in Fancy Wash Collars, wer, received, to be sold at 25 and 35¢ to-morrow, each full 27 inches wide, at 49 and 65c. a yard, Ah ptr AH. Gk. A. ori. | KILLED HIS SISTER, charged. Harold Steele, aged five years, liv- ing near Arden, township of Olden, drew a rifle from under the bed at his home, while his parents were outside ond in some manner the rifle was dis- charged and the lad's ten vear-old sis- ter was killed by the bullet. Dr, Ged medical skill was of no avail. In view of the tragedy a telegram was despatched to Coroner Mundell, of this ity, who, after consultation, with the authori: ties, decided that an' inquest, in view of the circumstances, was unnecessary and so wired back to Arden. ---- Horse Broke Its Leg, Yesterday afternoon, a horse belpng- ing to R. E. Wilson's livety, driven For Summer Wear Than Tan Shoes. The people that want comfort and healthy feet will always wear Tan Shoes in hot weather. Well dressed People are wear- ing Tans. We have a Bargain Table of Odds and Ends in Ladies' Tan Shoes. Some veterinary is en- | Were $2.50, some $2,00. Your choice now OrSes are now too ho tsa, for $1.50. THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE P. S.--Our second fat is d : «S y A of all Kok evoted to Travelling Goods . ---- veman pe breaks, without g ------ For mosquito bites, Menthola tim ief. Sold at Gibson's There's Nothing Better |] Eve HY If you cost our think custc cost Two 1 Ro The E) Oom/ easy' ¢ 'Going Retur Fron Quinte Via Ameri runain and 'R Si Whi boat, night (2 nig Givi treal ; Ottaw Pror be un Ameri Tigk reservy $3. F Pp. 1 Bellev Ever day, Of Comp Tos A the t For SWIF street A gent SW Niag: Thi whar Kas Tue p.m. Osw Mo) The wate The for A ing @ For SWI stree! Su Det, Go Go Fo Swil stree Vv Sig: D