ods only one Cascaret at a time late all the Bowel-Muscles enough, purging, discomfort or loss of Lv if you want the same natural at a six-mile walk in the Country ive you, (without the weariness) Cascaret at afime, withintervals till you reach the exact condi~ desire. } * * % Cascaret at a time will properly a foul Breath, or Coated Tongue, ving clearly its ready, steady, t mild and effective action. ming Headache can be warded off, order, by a single Cascaret, and e removed, tburn, Gas-belching, Acid-risings roat, and Colicky feeling aresure Bowel trouble from food poisong, ld be dealt with promptly. Cascaret will stop the coming move on the Bowel load, and free stive Juices, if that one Cascaret as soon as the first signs are * * * t fail to carry the Vest Pocket | Box with you constantly. ousand dollars a year spent in ents could not buy for you half so earty Happiness, solid Comfort; | Temper and Health Insurance, ittle ten cent '"Vest Pocket" Box rets will bring you. : Druggists sell them--over ten boxes a year, for six years past. ery careful to get the genuine, ly by the Sterling Remedy Com- id never sold in bulk. Every amped "CCC." ple and the famous booklet, "Curse ipation,"* Free for the asking. Ad- erling Remedy Company, Chicago York. 2 ANADA COMPANY. THE NAME @ FACTURING CO. P. Q. LiMiTED, )TTAWA, ST. JOHN, N. 8B. ERYWHERE. 0@00e® $ Shoes last for air. hoe Store ©EO ©eOeL® SPECIAL long, 20 inches ular price $9.50. size lasts, @ o ® @® ° COPECO P0190000860 00 h only, Birch, ck St, MOTOR GASOLINE In 5 Gallon Lots or over, 26c, a Gallon Supplies always handy on the dock. SELBY & YOULDEN LIMITED. BRITISH - AMERICAN HOTEL KINGSTON - - Is undergoing alterations and will b> re-opéued to the travelling public in a few days. W TELFER - - Proprietor A WARM SUBJECT 'There's nothing in the world we're so much interested im as Coal at this time vl the year. It may Mound queer to speak of coal buying and selling as » science, hut that's what we've made It 'wo fmportant discoveries we have aade are that complete satisfactiom to ir customers pays best, and that the ay to wim husiness is to deserve it. Booth & Co. FOOT OF WEST ST. Phone 133. Royal Insurance Co. Established 1845 LIFE DEPARTMENT Assurances in Force, $104,000,000" * 40,000,000" Assels over X Expenses only 816 per cel nt. of Ieome. Profits to Policyholders--The_game profits have been paid for thé past Forty Years. Over $14,000,000, have been puild as profits altogether, At the last distribution in 1905, over $3,226, 000 paid. Security to Policyholders is not sur- passed by that of any office in the world. Liabilities valued at 8 per cent. interest. Expenses of Management are less pro- nortionately' than any Life Company in Canada. A Safe and Strong British Office. Rates, etc., on application: to W.J.B. WHITE ~- ~ Kingston Must (Be Sold To Close Up Estate The following desirable City Propor- ty i= 187 Brock St; Chown, 95 Bagot St., rosldence of late E extension dining and kitchen, all modern. 106 Bagot St., extensiom kitchen, all mjodern. 108 Bagot St., extension dining and all modern. Rurticulnrs, see Geo. Clift kitchen, ce und Ren. Estate YA E. HEROD: E. HEROD 286 Princess Street. Ordered Footwear Repairs > Shoe Dressing, etc. § 'Store Closes at 7 p.m., Except : Saturday. @ctsccsacsscrcsscsssasaseesP Fors 0 ¢ 0 ¢ ¢ ONTARIO SUFFERED AGONIES FOR FOUR YEARS Whole Foot Nothing Nothing But Proud Flesh -- Tried Different Physicians and All Kinds of Qintments -- Could Man Says " GUTICURA REMEDIES THE BEST ON EARTH." foot and nothing but flesh. told agonies for four years s different physicians and all k ds of oint ments. 1 could walk only with erutches It is sixteen mon using Cuticura my lim! } months the ( geem to work, | t. The first two t I kept on using them veeks afterws ards] saw a 7 limb. and Ointment often dur: the ¢ uticura Sot mouths; when'my limb was healed up just the same as if I never had trouble. | "It is eight months now since 1 best on God's earth. at the present day. of suffering. Th Ointment and Soap but the doctors' £600. cost Remedies. f postage is enclosed. Cuti letters June 27, 1905." Drug & Ch o-Malled Fro For negligee and sporting wear are exclusive in style and quality. They ere very comfortable, and lock neat end natty. Two qualities, all styles. 013 TOOKE BROTHERS, MONTREAL. Limited. » Walk Only With Crutches -- Ohio "In the year 1809 the side of my right foot was cut off from the little toe down to the heel, and the physician w ho had charge of me was trying to sew up the side of my foot, but with no success. When he fouhd out that wouldn't work, he began trying to heal the wound with all kinds of ointment, until at last my whole way up above my calf was proud suffered un- and tried 1s ago since J began wp and Oinfment for ra Remedies did not Then 1 began using ing the day and kept it up for seven stopped using Cuticura Remedies, the I am workit ng after five years of Cuticura was only $6; bills were more like You ean publish my name and refer any one to write to me about 1 will answer all John M. Lloyd, 718 8. Arch Ave., Alliance, Ohio, plomplste External and Internal Treatment {or every , from Pimples to Scrof Infancy to Age, I of Cuticura Soap, ( sly al form of Ci hoclate C be 1 all ¢ A nL a NewYorkChinese Restaurant 83 Princess Street Open from 10.50 a.m. to 2.00 am The best place to wet an all round Lunch in the city. Meals of all Kinds on shortest English and dishes a specialty. notice Chinese Wm. Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. New Carriages, Cutters, Harness etc., for sale. Sale of Horses Every Saturday Canadian Chinese Restaurant 3831 King Street Open from 10.30 a.m. to 3.00 a.m The best place to get an all round Lunch in the city. Meals of «all kinds won shortest notice. Fnglish and Chinese dishes a specialty. "Phone, 655 Lawn Mowers The Best Mower Only $3.50 -- Ted .. Strachan's Hardware .. Sales Fugniture Auctio Book your sale and get choice .of ¢ I conduct all the important realize the highest prices. 'Phone, 0605. JOHN H. MILLS at once ate. sales and The Leading Auctioneer Jervas' Confectionery Store| 7: First Class Confectionery Store and Tee The Gentle Kidney Cure. Kidney remedies that i the stomach._are goin 0 you mighty little good. THE GENTLE KIDNEY CURE better and kee better. Bu-Ju away that sha and strengthen, Winoson. ONT. - . Rew York. Rooms Fon $1.00 Per Day Up OPPOSITE GRAND CENTRAL STATION iW YORK Bagrage To and From Station Free mt on receipt of two cents in postage. stem, aus Debility, Mental and Prain Wo pondency, Sexual Weakness, Emissions, 'matory hee, and. Fffects of Ab Price $1 por box, six for 85. On will cure. Sold by A) all druggists or mailed Plain iI. . on Ieee Es of price. New pamph mada ty Wi THE Wow Don't think that Bu-Ju is not effective because it does not "tear things loose." The man, who talks most, does least. urge-- and over-stimulate the kidneys as goes about curing you gently, mildly, correctly, You never know you are taking medicine --excect that you begin to get on getting eals inflame mation in the kidneys--takes in in the back and thedull ache through the hips--stops excessive urin- stion--and enables the disea- $A portions of the kidneys to 'Cares Rheumatism Too. THE CLaFLIN CHEMICAL Co. LIMITED, Grand Union Kote! | An excelles: guide-book and map of the City of New York Wood's Phosphodine, The Great English Femedy. Tonos and invigoratesthe whol for ous Fy makes new Blood in old Veins, Cureg Nero- Des- CT. or Exrcesses. ill please, six "Toronto, Ont. in let Cream Parlor. Pure Cream, with crushed fruits used: A constant supply » Celebrated of fine fresh Candies. Dr. Brock's £% H. JERVAS, 220 Princess Street Next t> Opera House, Try Myers' Cooked Meats for Picnic Lunches. Female Periodical Pills ar 3 best mont medicine for ladies. Rold ony in Kingston at the BRST DRUG STURE, 124 Princess St-eet. Mailed on 0 receipt of price--$1. Among the 11.462 University of Paris last year, the were 1,68 foreigners. ' Of the 9€8 male students 513 were forgigners.' students at Slevsssarscsssressssrenees ' ' ' ¢ ' ' Hosa a ans a | the re NEWS OF NEIGHBORS WHAT WHIG IG CORRESPOND- ENTS TELL US The Tidings From Various Points In Eastern Ontario -- What People Are Doing And What They Are Saying. Althorpe Notes. Althorpe, July 10.--A pumber of people from here attended the cele bration on July 2nd in Westport. Strawberries are very 'scarce this year. ordon did a gredt act by making cheese on Saturday evenings; a great relief to many farmers. R. Ritchie has returned from military en campment at Cobourg. The men have finished their job on the road. Fred Dowdall and sister, Violet, are home for their vacation. Miss Limi J. Norris is visiting with friends in town, . Cutting Hay. ell Rock, July 10.-~ The wave . of improveme: nt still rolls on. KE. James and T. B. Wheeler are siding up thie houses anew. Miss Goldie Sanborn, Oso, and Miss Stella Vanvolkenburg, Glendower school, are at home for the holidays. Some of the farmers = are cutting their hay. Arthur and (hr ence Grant, who have been seriously ill, are improving this week. Visite Mrs. J. Grant, Yarker, at James'; Miss Lotta Clark, Moscow, at Fasank Clark's; Miss Eddie Huffman, Moscow, at M. Perey's; Miss Georgina French, Arden, and Miss Covert, Bath, at G. M. Sanborn's; Miss Charlotte Yorke, Yorke's, Tamworth, at J. Fermoy Orangemen. Fermoy, « July 10.--The Orangemen attended church here on Sunday last and listened to an impressive sermon, preached by Rev. Mr, Woodcock, of Westport. They! are preparing for a big day on July 12th and expect a number of lodges to take part with them in celebrating. School has clos ed and Miss Hill has returned to Bed ford Station. The recent rains have raised the water so as to enable George Butterill to saw the remainder of the logs at his mill. Thomas Rodgers is busily engaged with his new_putfit, on the road, selling vo uly L. II. Biteman has fenced part of the commons on his lot here, and has now a good pasture for young stock: The Methodists held chureh in the hall on Sunday last. Free Lavant Station Items. Lavant Station, July 10.--Clara B. Lee, of Lavant, was visiting her friend, Miss Nettie Roach, Wilbur, Sat- urday night . Miss Nettie and Carrie Watt, «f North Bay, are spending their holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs, Watt, of Lavant. The annual pienie held on the 4th inst, was a The programme consisted of a al and literary entertainment af ter which all became deeply interested in the field and. especiadly in the baseball match between Mississippi and Lavant teams, which resulted in a favorable score for the latter and an innings to spare. Mi earl Me Intyre, of Arnprior, ting her re latives at Wilbur. Mrs, John 8S. Paul, who has been staying for some time with her daughtér, Mrs. Thomas Lee, of Lavant, has gone to Poland again. sports, Reports From McLean. McLean, July 10.-- Berry picking will soon be the order of the day, but the strawberries and huckleberries very scarce this year. Rapin and blackberries will be a good crop if nothing happens to blight them The people around MelLemn have not started "their haying yet, as the hay Hunter had valuable is still too green. John the misfortune to lose a ow last week. Robert Vanvolken berg had several sheep killed and others badly bitten hy dog Daniel \rney and John Vanvolkenberg loft Lean on Monday to go to the ¥ ork State, where they intend remaining this' summer. Visitors : Mrs. Smith, Bath, at A. Foster's; Mrs. John Todd, Svracuse, N.Y., at Wiliam Rawley's; Misses Geneva and Martha Smith at A. Foster's; Clinton Wagar and fam ily spent Sunday with friends at Me Lean; Grace Lott is spending the sum mer at Newburgh. Several Fine Launches. Bay, July 10.--Mr. Morahan have taken up having rented William Gilbert's house on Main street. Born Seeley's Mrs. John housekeeping, and to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph MeAlonan, last Wednwariay, a son. Congratula tions. John Jackson has his steam lamnch finished and Jitunchd. It's a beauty and a fast E. M, Brae ken and C'. McKinley ih cach pur chased a gasoline launch. Both are landies and speedy. Capt John Randall is having a coal house built on his new wharf. Alexander Brown, Washburn, a former resident, has again become a resident of this place. A. Neal is burning two kilns of brick and tila this week: Edward Neal has gone to Norwich to spend a few months with friends and to recuperate his health. Bracken lost a valuable horse last week by falling into a deep diteh, Visitors and camp very numerons al present, Regoie Fishing is excellant and many good catches are reported. . Brewer's Mills Notes. Brewer's Mills, July 10.--The fre- quent Tain. ghowers have proved the craps. A number from here spent Dominion day in Ganano Misses M. E. Tierney and L. wrote on the entrance examina- tion in Sydenham. School closed for the holidays and Miss MeCabe, t er, has returned to her home in King ston. J. Raochdfort, Sr has returned, greatly im que. Milne after spending a fe days in the city, accompanied by his nephew, J=Roche fort. Mre. D. Gallagher and children have taken! their departure, after" 'n week's vidit with her parents. P. Me 1 hiz home last week. Has Typhoid Fever. fo Bongard's, = July 10. The recent : heavy rains are proving quite disas Kenna and sister, Cec spent Sin day on - Howe Island, Miss M. O'Brien, Elg has returned to her home, after visiting her aunt, Mre. J. | Smith. Mr. Moore. who has heen spending, some time with his dangh ter, Mrs."R. Anglia, Jr., returned to DATLY. BRITISH WI] ~WHIG, WEDNESDAY, JULY 1H. trous to the hay crop. Mrs. Beith, Pie | ton, visited friends here last. week, J.' BB. Bongard has accepted a position as purser on the steamer Niagara. Miss Viola McCannock has veturned after spending a few days in Pi Hazel Kingsley has been v her | sister, Mrs. Thomas Bongard. Mrs, S| J. Miller, who has spent the last two months here has véturned to her home in Oswey % accompanied hy Mrs. R. tre A. Pringle, who has been on the oh list is reported better, Mr, and Mrs. J. Harrison were guests at E. A. Williams' on Sunday last. Mrs, | Thomiis Bongard is visiting at Cherry | Valley. Mrs, 8. A. Tobey was at Port | Milford on Sunday. Clayton Bongard, who has been in Toronto for the past three months, has returned home, ill ton. Miss Burridge, July 9.--The country could are about to start having. Our cheese factory is doing fine work. Our school has closed for the holidays and Miss Hills has returned home. The L.O.L, 650, attended service in the Methodist church, here, last Sunday, accompani ed by the LOE. of Fermoy. The ser- on Wednesday night, was greatly ap preciated by a few of our voung peo- plo, Caintown Jottings. vntdwn, July 10. William Moore visiting his brother in Lansdowne, ie home from her 'school at Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brown and chil dren, of Ottawa, are spending their holidays at the Home of her parents, wd Mrs, John Tennant. Mr. and Andrew Tennant and son, of N.Y., spent a few dave at ' Tennant's. ¥. and "Mrs. Richard Read are at present at NY, ing Mr. and Mrs Rochester, i. B. Hoge Boni ss Lon 'Poole, of eland, spent a few davs at He WV. Powell's Eva Earl, Lyndhurst, and » Bard. Athens, wer rueste of Miss Nora Kincaid. Buell, Burton Graham and Leslie OF gon spent the evening of the fourth at Alecandrin Rave Bl Pownant----han erected a new kitchen and woodshed. Ge rae Westbrooke Tidings. Westbrooke, July 10. Farmers started having, which is a fine have Jemima Gates left on Friday to visit her son, George, at Depe sauville, N.Y. Mrs. John Saundercook and Frank Morley returned: home on Friday, af- ter spending a couple of we with friends at Northport. Isane Smith attended the fun Isane Coelan on and sister, Magic erhl at Bath of Mrs. June 21th. Those on the sick list are Miss 1. Walker, Mrs. Saundercook Mrs. James Gates and Mrs, Isaa Redden. Garnet Sproule, of Albert College, Belleville, is spending his holidays at his here. A little girl has come to the home of Mr, and Kome Mrs. A. Howie. Visitors: Mrs. Comble and children, of Kingston, at F. Mor loy's: s« Marv Fallon, of Kingston, at s Sheehan; Miss Sadie Al ton, of Sydenham, at F. Gates'; Miss Mageie MeGimm, of Kingston, at G 8. Smith's; the Misses Carrican and brother of Marvsville, and Miss E Twoomey of Ode at D. Shechan's; iss Jackson, of Uginburg, at Gi. ates', Death Of W. C. Girvin. Stella, July 10.--William C, passed away on Saturday, June 30th, I'he end came after months of linger ing illness, borne with patience, He tenderly nursed by his loving mother and brother. The funeral took place on Monday, and was conducted by Rev. James Cumberland, assisted by the Rev, R. 8. Wilkinson. He was a member of Court Island, 8. 0. T. The young ladies' sewing circle held an ice cream social and male of fancy work on 8. L. Pringle's lawn, Satur day evening, in aid of the Kingston General Hospital. St. James' church, Kingston, had its annual excursion to Stella Point, on July 5th. Haying is now the order of the day. The differ ent machine agents are ling quite a lot of hdy loaders and side delivery rakes this harvest. W. H, Preston and 8S. Miller sold two valuable horses lust week for which they received fan cy prices, Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Bol Girvin was friends here, News From Westpoft. Wesport, July 10.-W, A, of Montreal, but formerly manager of the Merchants bank here, was in town over Sunday. School has elosed for the sumiper holidays and teachers who have gradunted from the Westport schools are "home for their holidays, among whom are the Misses R. McCann, vin, Mary Bennett, Susan Hazelton Phyllis McCann, Nellie Bennett, Jon- nie Hazelton. Miss Annie- MeCann, of Fran New York, is home on a visit to her mother, Mra. James Lennon. Mr. and Blair returned from an ex- { Mrs. J. WH. it nded wedding trip to eastern points, The baree Columbia is in port with a carvo of salt for local merchants. The celebration here July 2nd, was a decided suecers, "Che chief attraétion af the day was the baseball match between Elgin and Westport. The score was eight to six in favor of Elvin. In | with a load of milk, with typhoid fever. Joseph St. Peter, | ness Movement camp meeting at an old and highly respected resident | Sydenham. Mrs. John Morrison and of this place, is dead after a linger- | son, Kenneth, spending a couple of ing illness. i weeks here with friends, have returned | to their home in Hartington, Mrs. Burridge Briefs. 'Hiram Walker, Thompsonville, is not look better? lots of refreshing | Wilbur Love. Levi Brown has showers, ! everything blooming, al fied his residence by putting a galvan, though a few weeks of fine weather | i2ed iron roof on it. Mrs. J. Irish, would be appreciated, as the farmers | St., has come to reside here, Mrs, mon was much appreciated. Vilitors : Misses Bresee, at James Shell ng- ton's; A. Goshin and his sister, C. Jones, accompanied by Miss Sickler and Mr. Green, at CC. Stinson's; Miss | Illa Barr, renewing old acquaint ances here, Miss A. Swerbrick and Mr. White, Maberly, at . © Thompson's; William Thompson and B. Barr," at Tichborne. The dance ats B. Bottings', Mr. and Mrs, George Tennant, of Brockville, spent a fow days last week puesta at Eli Tennant"s. Bar tor Poule 48 at present the g t of his father, E. H. Poole. Miss Ina Nunn is gpending "a few we with | her aunt at Tan. Mid€ Alice nant in this vicinity. Mrs. HI. Snook has re- turned home from Kingston, where | she had been visiting friends, Mrs. ton, Kingston Mills; Misses Weller and . E. Weller, Kingston, at Mrs. Gir- | vin's; Mrs. R. Patterson returned from a vigit to Buffalo; Mrs, C. Pat terson, Buffalo, James Seott, visiting friends; W. Chown, Kingston, with friends; Mrs. A. E. Saunders, visiting Meldrum | Julia Lynett, Mamie Cyur- | the evening there was a grand display The of fipeworks from the mountain. searchlight excursion , to Frockvillo and Alexandria Bay on 'Saturday night was well patronized. The exam- inations for Part II, junior leaving, held in St. Edward's school, closed on Thursday, July 5th. Dr. George M. Gorrell and his partner, Dr. Moore, of Morristirg, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Gorrell, Lapum' Occurrences. Lapum, July 9.--Mrs. William Lati: mer, daughter, and grandchildren, former residents of this place, are re newing acquaintance here, W hile G. U. Davy wos ea route to the factory one of his horses Boulton and fa- dropped dead. J. E. De tora the Holi mily attended, on Thursday, shending a week here the guest of Mrs, beauts Clara Lapum returned home Sunday, after spending a few days with her the Misses Henzy, of Kingston, B. Rose and Edwm Bell, visited on Saturday, at A. H. Bell's, Westbrook, Mr. and Mrs, Cyrus Bush, Thompson | ville, and Mr. and Mrs, F. E. Brown, were on Sunday guests of Mr. and | Mrs. Henry Bush, Mrs. B. Rose attehd ed on Thursday, the funeral of Mrs, Henry Honzy, Jeingaton, William La pum, Bethel, spending a few days here under the parental roof. Mr, and Mrs. Michael, 'Love, Mrs. James Hufi and Miss and Master Clifford attended the pienic on Dominion day at Varty Lake, William and Clarence Lapum were on Friday afternoon, guests of Edwin Bell, John Brown was on Saturday evening, ¢ on { friends in Yarker. Visitors: Mr. ahd | 'nieces, Jessie Mrs. BB. Vanalstine, Napane Su therland, and children, Battersea, with Mrs. T. B. Hamm; Oliver Cully, with' | his. sister, Mrs. H. Bush; Richard Boulton, with his brother, J. I, Boulton; Misa Mary Shannon, of {| Glenburnie, with her cousin, Mrs. J), Huff, Sree The Results Good. Canifton, July 9.--A large drive of logs has just passed through here and [ the b chip season is over for an- Uther y The garden party on Fri- evening under the auspices of the ¥ worth League, was a huge The night was fine, the 1.O.O.F. band 'w ceeds which | indeed very RUCCess and the pro to $112 were satisfactory, The league has undertaken to provide funds for repairing the church and Wis to be hoped that every church ember will assist ath encowrage the youny people Lin this work, Rev. Mr. urke has ar- | rived and on Sunday ving preached hiv first--sermon too very large grogation, The. Canifton eirenit did not forget their former pastor, Rev 3. P.eSteele, who is ill but extended sympathy which as choice nted eon ", some of that genuine maketh the heart glad. A few repre sentatives went quietly to his home one evening last week and presented of £120, tok- him with a purse ns a en of sympathy and love. Mr. Steele had been with ug only one year, but he made many warm regret his retire during that time riends who deeply ment from the ministry and narticul larly from this cirenit. Miss Hicks our povular young teicher in the Brick ! school has sent in "her resignation This is a matter of regret also as | Miss Hicks is not only an A 1 teacher, but a useful member of society ns well. Mise Rush, teacher in the Stone school is spending a week at the gum mer school at Twelve O'clock Point Joseph Waldron, who went to Fd monton, on June 2rd, arrived homa ago. He is pleased with the country and secured a farm on the prairie. (', A. Callery of this place and G. WW. Hammon Camphellford, a week music hy the] {eft on Tuesday for Edmonton and + North Battleford, where they oxpeet to secure some land. John L Palmer | paid a flying visit to his family last | week. Mrs, Haight is visiting | her dauchter in Newburgh, Miss Hat | tie Burnside, teacher at Bancroft is spending her holidays at her Benson home here. Frederick Wheeler and wife, of Belleville, spent Sunday at R. B Dunnini's Miss Yavee, iborne, spent. Dominion Day with her mother here. A number of our citizens went to Uamvbelliord for Dominion Day Mrs. McKenny, Toronto, visited her father, E. P, Brintnell, on Monday Mis weeks Norma Callery is spendine with her aunt, Mrs. G Hammond, Camnhellford Mr. Allore has sold his Loni hotel and fixtures tq Capt. Palmateer, Belleville, The new landlord will take charge next week Mize Clara Shorev. Newburgh, who was here vigiting her brother, hans returned to her home, Mrs, 6G. W Kerr and Mra, Smith spent Inst Wed nesday -in loe, attending the wed ding of their e. Mize Olive Bailie Fine Selection Of Goods. Prevost, Brock ctreef, has réecived | nnother cage of Beotch tweed and rige, in all colors, for his order work depart fancy worsted ar for suiting, ment. Thev are without doubf the finest patterns and quality he has ever had in his store, They were bought under value. A suit of them made to order will be sold under the {usual value. Brazil has just announced tarifil. which reduces the duty on flour and many other American exports twenty per cent, aml is designed to | promote the development of commer cial interchange between the United | States and Brazil. RHEUMATISM [8 a new | joints in a few hours. Positively cures in a few days, It does not put the disrase 10 sleep, but drives it from the systems ~MUNYOR. fi making What the "Canada Lancet" . says about Abbey's Effervescent Salt. "Many physicians of Canada are now prescribin ABBEY'S SALT. It is particularly useful in cases of obstinate Constipation and chronic liver trouble. It is especially effective in kidney trouble. It corrects acidity of the stomach, Salt it a specific in. certain forms of dyspepsia and in gout and rheumatism. Abbeys Effer- vescent We consider Abbey's Salt absolutely the best effervescing salt made in any country." age. and 6oe. a bottle. a aS A THE RESULT of grorance 41110 4 a man In every respect, weary, fruitless snd PR stations of life--the farm, You ran no risk "Iam 33 years of a; life. 1 became weak and nervous, My kid feared Bright's Discaas. Married Li my home jubagpy. 1 tried ev treatment from , Kennedy & They HK KEK K&K K &HK SINFUL HABITS IN YOUTH MAKE NERVOUS, WEAK, DISEASED MEN. - and folly In youth, overexertion of mind and body and future happiness of Fthoutands of pronicioy re a re & oung men. At an early age, at the blossom of manhood, le others are forced to drag ont existence. Othera pon BAHT mony but find no solace or com ort thers, T in ." @ trades and the professions, Rervous Debliity nese TE our Noy ot 25 years in Detroit, Bank security. CURED WHEN ALL ELSE FALE. No names used without written consent. rried, When Early indiscret San and later excesses nade Sed, sar N rend ergan, Their New M built me up mentally, physically And atxvally. treated me BiX years ago. skilful and responsible financi any, +80 why patronize Quacks and ho can be curad by reliable doctors." ~W, A. Belton, OP ORES 0AARNTED OR 0 PY. oslo Fros-Bok Fresnel Bk Fs oe sna, | Drs. Kennedy & Kcrgan, "ban AW" a! entire American continent. and clean for warm wcather has ever been devis- ed by shoe manufacturers. Just now our shelves are loaded with the choicest styles. you to see them. J. H. Sutherland & Bro. THE HOME OF COOD SHOE SHOEMAKING. Answered Here The White Shoe craze is THE WHITE SHOE QUESTION Is Being Satisfactorily Nothing so cool sweeping the We invite LABATT'S Me and Porter are 'Nature's Best Tonics. Pure Malt products, made from the choicest barley and best selected hops. healthful and aid digestion, They are very Labatt's are very palatable beverages and agree with the most delicate stomach. JAS. McPARLAND, 339 and 341 King St. 'Phone 274, \ AGENT, 4 PP. PPPS PPY PIPPI TPP TPP TIPLE BIGYGLES TYPEWRITERS $ SEWING MAGHINES Sold and Repaired ? . J. B.C. DOBBS & C0., 171 Wellington St, @4dd $49 Pe dde th tithes A P10 LEAD Immediate shipment. THE CANADA METAL CO, 31 Williatn St, Toronto Get our prices. -- Phone Main 1729. 3