Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Jul 1906, p. 4

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i i i : F : 3 were made the defendants in an action which has rum its course and ended in The judgment of the court is, how- ever, lacking in element of consolid- ation. It is held that the defendants are not linble to eriminal prosecu- tion, under the code, and the judge, while not finding in its literature any- thing which could be designated as indecent, questioned the fitness of it of it ns "a stage production." Mak- ing thenselves, better understood they say that instead of exciting impure imagination in the minds of the audi- ence it inviles disgust, and is an un- likely way of exposing, as it is de signed to do, conditions under which some women are employed. Mr. Shaw, the author in England, regards the decision of the court as a vindication, and promises to revive the play. His only'wegret is that the sdlitors and erities, who were respon- sible for the litigation, have not been jailed, and he hopes he may be suc cossful in "forcing home their dis- graceful attitude in this matter." It. may be possible to reverse public opinion upon the play but it is not | likely. It is branded as unclean, and nothing that Kas been said of done | during the "hearing of the case has tended to make it clean. Etiquette of the Profession. The question of vested rights again comes home in a very peculiar way in the Crichton case. It came before the Mulical council of Ontario, at its re- § cont sension, and exei a lively de bate. Dr. Crichton, Castleton, wag accused of unprofessional conduct in advertising "a curs dor la grippe, and other ailments, wid the council | chafged that he was imposing upon | the credulity of the people and for the purpose of gain. " 4 One of the speakers, a doctor, and, not now in practice, described the of- fence a little more explicitly when he said it "was not, because of his be lief in any theory, nor for more ad. vertising, but because of alleged fraud in advertising." J Counsel for the accused asked that the case go over until September or until the next annual meeting, so that he might have more time in which to prepare his defence. But he was denied this request on the ground of expense. Moreover he declined to stop advertising his marvellous cure, and so the motion Was carried that his name be stricken from the roll, What follows ? Must he conse the practice of medicine? He has been pro- nounced competent, has been loonsed and has, in the exercise of his liberty, done, something which is not consider- ed prof L-Can the council de prive him of his living ¥ Can it oxer- cise its powen arbitrarily and render his education and labour null and void ? There is ground here for an appeal to the courts, and it will be made, Ee ------ AL RN The medical council is very jealous of its honor, Its members profess that they do not like } advertising, but W an occasional member gets it though not at tariff rates. Failed of the Mark. It is a satisfaction to know that Upton Sinclair wrote "The Jungle," for the purpose of concentrating atten tion on the work in which certain per sons are engaged, Incidentally he wrote up the horrors of the meat pack- ing trade, and, in order to make the pictarvs intonsely real, studied the situation with special care. But he had, it is said, first a desire to aid socialimn by a remarkable object les son, and then a desire to help the men who, as an occapation, were fore. od 'into daily experiences of the most revolting character, It is something new to be brought into contact with one who has in sev. eral respects achieved what he did not aim at. Sincluie did not expect to make money out of his book, and the money is rolling his way; for the story is commanding a large and profitable sale, He did not seek a reformation of the meat packing business, and his awful revelation, even as fiction, star le the Jarger cities a two contin. ents, ' The stock yards ut home and abroad are being fumigated, and jn. cette the workers will he benefitted, DUE not as Sineluie designed. "Wilshire bas it that he will make 'ather and Son stored up heat from the of royal descent. Proud Ite progeny," we wlace in tre ellis of our eustorsrs the great. Best waite for the money pad bis to. buy. Crawlond's an- ther attempt at the social elevation : he will write an- it deal with some whose conditions are even those of the stock yards, the empléyee, and not his et, will revive attention. . Will x succeed even then? Wilshire thinks the average worki ; rise because the sell interest of the enpitalist demands his first and whole attention, Hard Up for Scandal. The commons will not have adjourn- od any too soon for the ophosition if it makes an end of the session by the close of this week. Some men who have been esteemed great, or who have had greatness thrust upon them by their party, have been carrying their crotohets to extremes" Mr. Ames, NLP., Montreal, is credit od with having accomplished great things with his little card case. As member for one of the Montreals he is said to have won his election by or ganization. He had money and he hired help and drilled it in certain work which, elaborated, kept him be fore the people as a candidate and made then admire his persistency. His methods, of tabulating and re- view everything, and using it in a parliamentary sense, were copied and applied. Hence the appeal to the faithful for generous contributions to the bureau's expenses. Hence the employment of men to nose into every department of government, as Mr. Ames' sleuths nos- ed into every detail of the civie bugi- ness when he was an alderman. Hence the division of the forces into com- panies with specific plans and par- poses. Hence the decision to make this the scandal session, and to create all the noise and fuss possible over every "discovery," so that the people might be impressed. Hence the exploitations and explosions, with- out much damage to gnything but the reptile fund. The last and most ineffectual assault. was made upon the experimental farm. The scandal mongers had their mission there and when the estimates of the agricultural department were under consideration they ranted and seold- ed, about the fences and hedges and trees and hogs, and for every defect they held Hon. Mr. Fisher to ac count. Now the staff of the central experi- mental farm, from the principal down, are supposed to be the ablest men procurable. All of them are spe cialists in their lines, All of them are capable of giving instruction to the people, and to parliament itself, on the subjects which' are assigned to them. Fancy the humiliation of the committee which; in order to 'hurt the minister, undertook to discredit these specialists and reflect upon their work. The model farm, it is true, should be a model in every way. It is not run for profit, and there should be no feature with which a common, every day, ond amateur fault. Granted that there was some- thing to cavil at, fancy the ridicule members of parliament invite by hold- ing Mr. Fisher personally responsible | Editorial Notes. Quebec has the distinction of hav- ing the largest debt, as a city, in Ca- nada. It is not to be envied. farmer can find The Jews are returning to Pales. tine, which is no man's land while ruled by the Turks. It is like going back to captivity. The business tax in Quebed\ was made exacting because the province wantod rovenue, But now that there has been another surplus business men will look for lighter taxes. ---- Does the license of a hotel cover the sale of cigarettes * It Peéterboro, it held so in where thers is a by-law against the handling of "cigarettes by all who fail to' put up $200 each. Winston Churchill does not think much of the House of Lords, and b the same token the House of Lords does not think much of him. The compliment is therefore reciprocated. -- WJ. Bryan will aceept the democra- tic nomination for the presidency of the United States--if no one else wants it, and Hearst, who wants ev- erything in sight, retives in his favor, -- Choquette objects to the new Sunday bill, because it will inter. fere with the Sundag horse races in Quebec, It is time something wasvone to improve the "customs" of the peo- ple. \ -- The Toronto World hammered Mr. Aylesworth because he opposed pub- lie. ownershio, and, being corrpot- od, now hammers him because he has not done this. It is bound to he against him anyway. -- The Toronto Telegram is moved to say that the report, which has caus- od the dismiskal of Deputy Commis- sioner Bastedo, "So far as its terms have been disclosed by the Ontario government," is a pettifogging, cow- andly, production." v Senator -- The land owners are very much n- terested in the selection of a J sumed the full = responsibility of the best remember that the institution is not being located bere on their ac count. It is mot designed to give a fictitiow# value to corner lots. : The. Spectator suggests that the Whitney government pay Hamilton $70,000, the amount it will be out in providing for the normal college which goes to Toronto. So the norm- al school is not a very desirable swap. The Spectator must be more careful. "Rojestvensky has managed the court martial business splendidly. He as- surrender td Togo, and the doctors declare that being injured .in the head he did not know what he was doing. So a temporary touch of lunacy is the salvation of them all. SPIRIT OF THE PRESS. A Terrible Doom. Ladies" Field. : If one's income is limited, the gen- eral rule is that one must live and die in a black hat. A Possibility. Brockville Re order. If the anti-usury bill goes through at Ottawa, it will nip off quite a slice of business in the civil service cheque-shaking line. Must Speak Quick. Toronto Star. Considering the accidents from fire works on the Fourth, Dr. Sproule will forbid his brethren to discharge Roman candles on the Twelfth of July. Radical Opinion Out West. Lawery's Claim. . It is better to have the whole of Canada break the Sabbath than that even one individual should be. fined or imprisoned for fishing on Sunday. We Say Why ? Hamilton Herald. Sunday golf was threatened, but the minister of justice has 'saved it. Also Sundays baseball, cricket and tennis. But why discriminate against Sunday hockey, football and lacrosse ? Forest Facts. Forest, July 3.--Farmers are busy in the hay Weld; hay is much better quality than last year, but not so plentiful. Allen Brown is sporting a handsome horse and carriage. Mrs. F. Donovan, Montreal, and Miss M. Carey, Kingston, were guests of Mrs. T. O'Connor on Thursday. 0. Kelly returned from the north on Friday with a fine drove of cattle. B. Detlor has purchased a new driver. C. A. (- Connor, J. Kelly, J. Boyle and L. Keeley took in the Odessa social and report a good time, Wedding bells are ringing in Forest. E. L. Lawrence is spending his vacation at Mre. R, Caldwell"s. Miss Estella Moreland, and Miss Sadie Sherman spent Monday evening with Mrs. P. Kelly, Miss F. Guess is in the city, trying her ex- amination in music at Grant hall. Visitors : Miss Reynolds, Verona, at her sister, Mre. C. Jones'; J. Me- Guire, Portsmouth, at 0. Kelly's; Miss Sadie Sherman, at J. More. land's; Mrs. Burke, Oso, at her mo ther's; Mrs, F. Guess, Mrs. P, A. Kelly, Spafiordton; Mrs. J. Offord, Sydenham; spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs, T. O'Connor; H. Nolton, at W. J. Nichols; Mrs. F, Koen, Kingston, at her mother's, Mrs. P. Kelly's; 1. Shen, at Mrs, Horn- beck's. Loughboro Council. Sydenham, July 9.--In the absence of the recve, through illness, Council lor Ruttan presided. Voted: G. Peters, enlvert, Harrowsmith road, $2 Peters, breaking stone, $30 Woodruff, plank, $3.85. 'R. Joy vert, 3; A. Page, culvert and repair- ing brid £3; J.C. Buck, breaking stone, $5.20. J, Graham, stone, $8.95. A. Ritchie, breaking stone and repair- ing culvert on Perth road, £20.75; G. Curl, breaking stone, S15; W. Harker, job on Grant's Hill, 85; Tobias Young, job on Wright's hill, 815; J. Silver, repairing culverts on Buck Lake a, and bridee at Wallace's Jacob pS oe, cul- Mill, 810; Johnston, culvert, 84. J, Hogan, 1 king stone, $21. On mo- Hon, Ritchie-Wopdruffi, the cement walk to be built under the supervi- sion of the council, hy day labor and not by tender, and all motions to the contrary rescinded. Adjourned till Monday, August th. -------- Centreville Notes. Centreville, July 9-A number of electric storms have pagsed over this yiinity and a great deal of damage has been done, M. Ingoldshy and daughter, Stella, have returned home after spending the past week with friends in Kingston. A number from here attended the picnic at Chippewa last Wednesday, July 4th. Mrs, - J Dunn left, on Monday, for un extond- ed visit with friends' in "Chicago. Miss Liza Ingoldsby has returned home from NHS. for the summer vacation Mrs. John McCormack and Mrs. John Kidd, Erinsville, visited friends, in this vicihity, last week. Martin James, Queenshoro, spent a few days last week, visiting friends here. The road work is about completed. My. and Mrs. Patrick Shannon spent Sun day at William Cassidy's. James Me. Keown, Erinsville, 'spent Sunday with William Murphy, : ---- Women with weaknesses should never forget Dr. Shoop's Night Cure. This magic-like local treatment is used at bedtime, all night while the system js at rest, it is constantly building up the weakened tissues, soothing the in- flamed and sensitive surfaces and will surely elean up all catarrhal and la. cal troubles, Sold all druggists. 'he government steamer Aretic, which was to have sailed from Sorel Que, to-day, for Hudson Bay, in charge "of Capt. Bernier, is not ready to leave. Her departure consequently has been Postponed until the order to leave is given by the minister, At Belleville, on Tuesday, Miss Nors Blanche O'Brien, daughter of the late James O'Brien, was united in riage to James Vincent mar- , WEDNESDAY, JULY il. i SOME SYRIAN SWEARING. Made An Item in Police Court To-Day. In an endeavor to owat, on the bench in police court, this morning, had Joseph Shatela bound over to keep the peace, fined ¥3 and costs: Defendant appeared.on two charges, abusive language and disorderly co duet, aid by Nicholas Rahal. T. J. Rigney appeared for complainant, and John Hassen as interpreter. Defendant was not court opened and a warrant w swung into court. He explained he would not set for defendant; he ex- plained the previous differences be- tween the two parties. David Rahal, Nicholas Rahal and Alexander Elinson gave evidence of the abusive language. Defendant de- nied using any bad words; he said the Rabals were always bothering him. He was inclined to grow vehement and gesticulate wildly. Suddenly he burst into a torrent in his nativejtongue. "There he is swearing." eried sev- eral witnesses for complainant. The interpreter admitted Shatela had done 80, Of the fine, $2.50 goes to Rahal to pay for the broken windows in his Brock street shop. The mayor said to Shatela: "If these people bother you, as you say, you can seck redress in the courts; be- ware of taking the law in your own hands." MISSION STUDY. A School of This Type Now Proceeding. Whithy, Ont, July 11.--The first summer school for - mission study in international inter-denominational en- terprise is now in full swing at the Ontario Ladies' College here. The at- tendance is upwards of This morning, Rev. R. J. Cronknite, straight from Lake Geneva, where one of these schools on the other side of the boundary is held, told of his ex- periences as a missionary in the Orient. Last evenino. at a popular gathering, which filled the beautiful concert hall, Rev. Oshorne Troop, Montreal, began his series of brilliant Bible studies. Rev. Dr. Carman made clanism, in an absorbinely interesting address on the mission field in Japan, China and India. A WANDERING BOY. "Where is My Boy To-Night ?"-- Answer Homé. The secretary of the local YM.C.A received word yesterday that re young lad from Oneida; N.Y. who while spending last Friday in town, got leit, had arrived home safely. He had a strenuous trip. Though he left the Y.M.C.A. building at 6:30 o'clock he failed to catch his seven o'clock train and had to wait in town till the midnight, Instead of getting off at Gananoque, he was carried on to Rockport where he got a boatman to take him to Grindstone Island to join the Y.M.C.A. campers of whom he was one, Portland Council. Verona, July 2.--Members all pre- sent. Voted: $2.50 to E. Percy, work on road; $1 to T. Griftith, work; $5 to J. Leveck, work; $1.50 to H. Ri- ley, culvert; $3 to I. Mills and wife, charity; £2 to J. Deer, culvert; $4 to M. Revell, charity; to W. Brooks, work; $1 to 0. Velley, gravel; $2 to Mary Perault, charity; %2 to 8. Grant; $3.20 to N. Ball, gravel and work; $11.25 to E. Townsend, work, $2.20 to George Jefirey, work; $1.50 to B. Page, work; # to Secord Storms, work; $5.50 to C. W. Martin, work; $1 to R. Babcock, work; $10 to A. Rider, liquor furnished Laken's fa- mily in 1903, in smallpox cases, order- ed by board oi health; $3.86 to P. -3 Harrowsmith, July 7.---At a special meeting members all present, A depu- tation consisting of J. S. Gallagher, John Stewart, J. W. Bertram, and others, asked a grant to aid the coun: ty of Frontenac agricultural exhibi- tion, to be held at Harrowsmith. Mov- ed, Shillington-Wallace, that this council grant $25 on conditions that it be placed on exhibits by members in the township of Portland. Carried, A" motion, Irish-Wallace, that a ce ment walk be built at Verona, from S. Walroth's corner as far north as forty barrelsaof cement will build, was lost. A motion by Walker Storms that a cement walk be built at Verona, beginning at Amos Keech's lot, south side, to run north, provii- ed the parties interested . assist with the work, was carried. Cochrane brothers pgesented their Li'l for crush- ing 162 cords of stone. $32.89, | was resolved to give them 8212.89, and when the said Cochrane brothers complete their contract of crushing the balance of stone already corded up they be paid in fall. Vot od : 818.12, to John Deer, work at Verona, and for work on Sydenham Road, 81 to G. Gossage; 8 17) 5. BE. Day; £3.12 to C. Purdy; $43.73 to Heury Knight: 814, to Fdward Pixley: £2.03 to G. A. Redmond, plank for walk. Next meeting at Harrowsmith, Au- gust 20th, at 1 p.m. Bumped By Pig; Lockjaw Kills. Doylestown, 0, July 11.- +} oseph Keiffer, who was knocked from a lad- der a week ago died Sunday from te- tanus. He was picking cherries : from a tree at his home here when one of settle the ii] tes of our Assyrian citizens, Mayor and present when i about to be issued for him, when he Design Registered a comparative resume of the world's ! great natural religions such as Shintoism, Buddhism and Confu- Belmore, work in Verona. 1 pin. with enamel L Send 3 Corks drawn from qiart Hottles of our Whiskies and receive a handsome enameled For 8 corks we will send a silk watch fol charm. ' WRITE FOR OUR PREMIUM LIST, fa M. CORBY DISTILLERY CO Limited, Montreal : covll not get a lawyer. Later John | Melntyre, K.C., came in and said he | a BIBBY"'S Outing to wear you'll be Men's Suits Nobby Two-Piete Suits of | Homespun for men's summer | wear, $6.50, 7.50, 8.50, 10.00. two hundred. | | Elegant Three-Piece Sum- {mer Suits, made from light {weight Fancy Worsteds, at ($12.50, 15.00 to 18.00. The {tailoring is pertect the cut | faultless, The dressy Blue Serge Suits--nothing so handsome. nothing so good for looking well at all times as the Blue Serge Suit. | { Our Serges are the sort that hold color and shape. Single: and double-breasted styles, at $10.00. 12.50, 14 00, 15.00 to 18.00, THE H. D. Clothes! Any particularly nice thing you want apt to find here Summer Trousers We've a great variety of patterns and can fit all' legs and suit all tastes. Trousers at $2.50. 3.00, 3.50, 3.75 to 5.00, Soft Shirts It's about now that the shirt question is a very important proposition in getting a man in proper shape for a comfort- able summer. We have some very natty lines at $1.00. Other lines 67c., 75c., 1.00 and 1.25. Fancy Hosiery 25C., 35¢. and 50c. a pair, Summer Underwear 25€., 35¢C., 50C., 75C., 1.00 and 1,50. al garment. BIBBY C0. THE MEN'S WEAR STORE. OW WR, WR Wh, Wh wh, wh. wn & | $2, Ladies' $3 and The Sawyer EE ---- GROWING IN POPULARITY. The More People Know Newbro's Herpicide the Better They Like It. The more it becomes known the bet ter it is liked. One bottle sells two, and those two sell four, Newbro's Her- picide is what we are talking about. It cleans the scalp of all dandrufi, and destroying the cause, a little germ or Parasite, prevents the return of dan- drufi, As a hair dressing it is delight- ful, it ought to be found on every toilet table. It stops falling hair, ang prevents baldness. It should be used occasionally, as a preventive to pro- tect the scalp from a new invasion of the dandruff microbe. Sold by leading druggists, Send 10¢. 'in stamps for sample to the Herpicide Co., Detroit Mich. G. Ww, Mahood special agent. ---- Death From Eating Tablets, : The eighteen-months-old son. of Wil liam Patterson, Dufferin, Ont., pene 'here, got hold of sugar-coated tablets his cousin, Miss York, was using. He and' was soon in the oning, as the table tonie Orr, New ate a number agonies of pois. ts contained deadly his pigs entered the yard. His dog gave chase and the pig darted under | the ladder upon. which Mr. Keiffer | was standing. The ladder toppled | over, throwing him thirty feet to the! ground. He was uninjured except for a broken finger, which he ignored un- til lockjaw set in. Then he was be. yond medical aid. i ------ Ten cows, valued at R350, ) \ were kill- ed by lightning on the farm of site for * boro, Lawlor, a Dbopular voung gentleman of Peter. | Sage, Folden's Corners, durine & severe electrical storm, | "Silvercloth," the handy polish for silver or plated ware, hetter than powders, pastes or liquid, Ask for sample at Best's, . Bj son's Red Cross dp other, drugs, which could he only taken in small doses. Before medical skill was secured the child was dead. ------ Clark's Pork And Beans. Always keenly enjoyed by children and there's nothing better for them. Get Clark's and you get the purest and best. 3c. and 10¢, \ins. dames TM. Fmsley: ville, colebrated July Sth, The and' wife, Belle. their golden wedding children and friends present enjoyed the - oecasion im- mensely, 4 ' Rich, red blood in every box of Blaud's Tron tonic pills. Sold #t Gib. ug store. Take no KA Ladies' White Canvas Oxlords, $1. $1 03-- a So ite Canvas Uxlords, "3 50, Ushoe $ : ee -- SUMMER SHOES and Ladies' Chocolate Color Gibson Ties, $1.50 ] $2.50 and $3. Pat. Colt Gibson Ties. Christy Ties or Blucher Oxfords, $2.50, $3. 50. See our Special Gibson Ties, in Grey Voze Grey and Colored Canvas, Also many other lines of FASHIONABLE FOOTWEAR. Shoe Store Department of Railways & Canals, Canada WELLAND CANAL PORT COLBORNE ELEVATOR NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS SEALED TENDERS ADDRUS. to the undersigned and endorsed "Ten- der jor Elevator," Will be received at this office until 16 o'clock on Wednes- day, the 15th August, 1906, for the Construction' ang erection of an 800,000 bushel capacity? Elevator at Port Col- borne, Ont. Plans and specifications of the work can be seen on and after this date at the Office of the Chief Engineer of the De-' nartment of Railways and Canals, (ttaws, ht at the Office of J. A. J umieson, Consulting 'and Designing En- gineer, Board of | Trade Building, Mon- treal, at which places forins of tender may be obtnined. In the case of firms there must be at- tached the actual signatures of the full name, the natures of the occupation and place of residence of each member of the Same, and, further, an accepted bank cheque for the sum of $25,000, must ntcompany the tender : this accepted cheque must he endorsed over to the Minister of Railways and Canals, and will be forfeited if the parties tendering decline entering into contiact for work a4 the rates and terms stated in the offer submitted. The accepted cheques thus sont in will te returned t6 the re- spective parties whose tenders are not accepted. The lowest or any tepder not neces- By order, L. sarily accented. K. JONES, ' Secretary. Department of Railways and Canals, Ottawa, July 6, 1908. Newspapers' insertine this advertise: mont witibut authority from the De- nartmont will not be paid for it. At St. Charles church, Read, the 'marriage of Frank T. Egan and Miss Bessie Teresa Culkeen] second dauch- ter of John Culkeen, was celebrated. Charles Rose, of Murray. has pur- chasod Timlin's hotel, Frankford. Invalid port wine, "Wilson's" at Gibson's Red Cross drug store, wold BO am BU A

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