Scott's Liniment nernal wee, it Is superior for Boras Cassw, Newcnlota, Ehvumation, jeawme Bock or Prem Strsine, Cailbboms, vi Frost Pius Large botle, 25 conte. cellent Hair Restorer nd Scalp Cleanser for sale at your devemist. it ge procured at James ootr's Whe he Lin Co. Ss. Joba NB, Os A ea sive Nodes Oup Specialty make 2 special study of i Furs for Women why Our Styles sut of the ordinary harmony with a of women SMITH BROS. STEN MANT' Wall Plaster } dy for ase by aking water. § ap in bags, 100 Is. i» cach, ite Rock Finish Ip i» Bags. 50 Bs. be cach Walsh S Trem 1on § eT i One Yard Summer ss Materials Il Be ried Quer Us to Next son Jf duced Prices il Do 1. ice the money- saving unities presented to this store. TLL VVVLVVRRVGY slins, Organdies, TyS, Ginghams, etc., culously low prices. nct let your neigh- t all the snaps. 'Bay of Quinte Railway QUEBEG STEAMSHIP COMPANY fiver and Gulf of SL. Lawrence Suitimes Cruises in Oool Latitudes Twin' Berew. Iron SS. Campana' with electric ligh! electric bells and all Ae paw, ET bs A . SAILS FROM MONTREAL ON MON- DAYS at 2 .m., 16th, and 30th Say faith aud 18th and -r August ; 10th and for. go N.S. Salling Perce, Ca SEE Suns, PE Te | BERMUDA Excursions, = gn lige S87 Horm an,'d 5, tons. ng fortnighth from New York, from 6th June ed November. Temperatu: brates seldom ries shove' Ro health and fort, he a or 'ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, 'Quebec. oF tickets sand ta terpous apoly hs to or '. QILDER- Siskvi,' Ticket Agents, Kingston, In a With Canadian Pacific Railway Homeseekers' Excursions To Manitoba, Alberta and Saskatchewan GOING July 17th, good to return until Sept. 17th Return Fares From Kingston: Winnipeg - - $2 00 | Strassburg - =D Souris -.- - BH Narkatoon - ne don - - E3A5 | Prince Albert - SS 0 Moosomin - - 3420 | No, Battiefo:d - 39 00 oi x x M0 | Macleod . 40 00 J gary - - - ON Yorkion 300 | Ned Deer - - - 4150. Regina - - - 357 | Stettler « « 300 | Edmonton +n Full particulars at XK. & P. and C.D. R. Ticket office, Ontario street. : ¥. CONWAY, F. A. FOLGER, Gen. Pass, JR. Agent, Gen. Supt. New short line lor Tweed, Napanee Deseronto, and all local points: Trains eave Oity Hall Depot at 4 pm. F CONWAY, Agent B. Q. Ry. Kingston. RAILWAY i Ll!) UN EEA HOMESEEKERS' : EXCURSIONS Te THE -- 'NORTH-WEST Return Fares From Kingston: Strassburg - - $36 25 Saskatoon - - IB Prince Albert - 38 (0 Nu. Battleford - 39 00 BN acleod - - 40 00 evan 35 Calgary - - - 49030 Forkton HW | gedDeer . - 4130 ina - - - 8575 | Stetuler £50 MovseJaw - - 3 W | Edmonton GOING July 3rd, Good to return until Sept. 3rd July 17th, " " Sepi. Iith For fur'her particulars, Tickets, Tourist Car Accommodation, and all other information apply tod. P. HANLEY, Agent, Corner Johnson and Ontario Streets. "1 Daily Line 1 CS Toronto, Charlotte, Thousand Islands, Brockville, Prescott and Montreal. Be mere Kingston & Toronto LEAVE KINGSTON: Arr. Oswego, am. 9:12 p.m Going East--Daily at 6 a.m. Arr. Syracuse, p.m, 9:38 p.m. Going West--Daily at & p.m. Arr. Rochester, x m, 1:20 am Kingston to Clayton, 1,000 Island Arr. Utica, 12:20 mm. 9:45 pm Ports, lrockville or I'rescott, golng and | Arf. New York, 6:00 pam, 7:12 a.m. returning Sunday only, single fare. 4 Kingston to Montreal and return. Go- Passengers wishing to take 5 a.m. Ing Saturday or Sunday, Returning G.| Steamer may secure staterooms aboard. T. R. Monday. Fare $6. ARTS x Also Excursion rotes to Toronto and |.;Souvenient train service in obposite Charlotte woing Saturday returning | difection . on PULLMAN, SLEEPING AND Hamilton, Toronto, B'y of Quinte and Montreal Line LEAVE KINGSTON : Going East, Wednesdays. Fridays and Sundays at 4 p Going West, Prusedays, Thursdays aad Saturdays at 4 p.m. J. P, HANLEY, J, SWIFT & QU. Ticket Agent, Freight Lake Ontario and Bay of Quinte Steam- while books for 1000 miles over New boat Company, Limited York Central, Boston & Albany, Bullalo, ---- Rochester & Pittsburg, Philadelphia & St . K i K Heading and Conteal 1&.R- of ew Jersev cost $20. Secure urther information rs. orl ing & Caspian and purchase tickets from H. S Folger, t. Ki . 1000 Islands--Roch ter Jew York Central Agen ingston Commencing June 23rd, steamer will leave Kingston. daily except Monday, at C. F. DALY, 10 1% am. for Alexandr ia Bay eo Passenger Traffic Manager, OF ananoque an ousand Islands. Retaraing will leave rg A. H. Smith, General Manager, Rochester, N.Y., calling at v of Gy CO. Gridley, General Agent. Quinte Ports. -- STR. ALETHA Leaves Mondays at 5 p.m. und intermediate Bay of Quinte Ports. For Tull information Horsey, General Co., Freight Agents. ALLAN LINE Rovajau MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL. Victorian, June 81, July 19, Ave. 16. Agents, for Picton apnly to B. B, Manager, Kingston: J. P. Hanley. Ticket Agent: Jas. Swilt & -- Boils and Red Rash, Eczema, in fact any skin disease, disfigures the com- plexion because the bowels are constipated--or because the kidneys do not rid the system of waste--or because the skin itself is unhealthy. Ointments, salves and soaps ay, useless, . Because the trouble with the blood. Owing to defective action of bowels, Ridneys or skin, the blood becomes laden with impurities, It is these impur- Ities -- ted by the blood-- that make boils, pimples, and paingul, dis- figuring skin diseases. It is because the trouble is with the bowels, kidneys . or: skin, that FRUIT-A-TIVES cure these diseases oa "Favrr Liven Tasers» act Hreety Sn the eliminating organs. col € ties--strengthen ov bal d thuacitar the skin and make the complexion clear and soft. If you have any skin trouble--or any fault with vougtipation, liver trouble, biliousness, headaches, indigestion, rheumatism----cure yourself with Fruit. a-tives, They are made of fruit juices and tonics--and never fail to cure, 0c. a box or 6 boxes for 2.50. Sent on receipt of price if your druggist does not handle them. FRUIT-A-TIVES LIMITED, OTTAWA, is roomy .and beautfully made. Every garment is double-sewn, cut generou:ly yet perfect in fit. If your dealer hasn't the R "Minerva" brand, write us, and we will tell you where you can getit. Look for this label, JHINERYA" The Minerva Mig. Co., Limited TORONTO, CANADA New York Central & eT foto River R.R. THE SIX-TRACK TRUNK LINE Shortest Route to the United States Via Kingston and Cape Yincent, N.Y. Lv. Kingston (str.) 5:00 a.m. 2:00 p.n. ATT. Cape Vincent (str) 7°60 a.m. 4 p.m. x Cape Vincent, 7:20 a.m. 4:50 p.m, Arr. Watertown, 8:10 a.m. 5:50 pun. PARLOR CARS Cheap Excursion to Watertown, $1.25 return. From June 16th to October 1st. Going Saturday 5:00 a.m, asd 2 pan. Returning Monday, leaving Watertown 9:10. a.m. . and 4:40 p.m. 2 Cents a Mile Books for 500 miles of travel on New leasod lines within Statesof New cost only $10 TIME TABLE STEAMER WOLFE ISLANDER JUNE 1h to SEPT. 15th, Leave is PAN 1 Ionian June 28, Sur 2 Aug. 28. Virginian, July & Aug. 80, Tunisian, July 13, Ase. ™ Sept. 6. MONTREAL TO GLASGOW, Weekly Moderate Rate Service. alles . n Corinthian June, 27, Retnrnine, leaves Kingston 4 p.m: = pe . "| Time Table salject to change without netice. For rates, apply to J. P. HANLEY, E. BRICRLAND, Manager ?. RR, J Agent, G. SLEEVE. , J - P, GILMER ee WA MI INSTRUCTOR ABLE TO DO "DO SUFFICIENT COLLEGE WORK. To Act Also as a Coach for the Track Team--Handied by the Athletic Committee -- Alfie After Janitorship. --- is altogether likely that a meet- of the Athletic Committee of a College, will be held in the . near future, when a decision will be arrived at relative to employing an instructor in gymnasium work, Such a meeting would probably have been held yesterday afternoon, but for the absence of W. F. Nickle, Magistrate Farrell, and other members of the executive from the city. It is antici pateds that within two months and a half the pew gym. will be ready for ocoupation, The idea is to get an in structor who can not only handle the gymnasium classes, but also be of great value to the students in turn- | ing out a first cluss track team. A capable man to meet such require- ments it is estimated would cost the college botween $800 and $1,000. Sev- eral anvlications have already been received from well known instructors in Ottawa and Montreal, For the football men a coach will be secured, £108 having been voted for that pur- pose last fall. "Chaucer" Elliott has been mentioned favourably for the position, and would no doubt accept it if it were offered to him. The pig- skin chasers will likely be brought in to college early that they may have every opportunity of rounding into shape for the first game of the sea and not being off-color till away son, in the middle of the season, as has often been the case in the past. The old, smiling countenance of "Alfie" Pierce will, it is hoped, be on deck as usual. When completed the new gym nasium will need a janitor and his position will be no sinecure either. Al- fie is not afraid of work. however, and would like the place. Tis applica tion is receiving good support, especi- ally among the football and hockey enthusiasts -and graduates--who be- lieve old Queen's would not be proper- ly represented in athletics were "Al fie" no loncer present with his "vest pocket' voice. General Notes On Sports. The gate receipts of the Shamrock- Montreal game Saturday, totalled 83,- 000. Over 3,000 persons witnessed the game Lajoic's sensational playing is made the more speétacular by the almost studied lazy style adopted by the star second baseman. The Toronto Argonaut cight will sail for home on Thursday. On their return hol they will start at work in_preparation for. the Canadian Hen- ley, to Le held at St. Catharines on August 3rd and fourth. J. A. Jarvis won the ming championship at Saturday. The time three minutes and forty was a_ very close race. only two yards ahead of the finish. Champion George 8. Lyon and M. Douglas Laird, of the Toronto Golf Club, runner-up this year at Ottawa, we in New York, where they will play in the United States champion- ships, at Englewood, N.J. Laird will compete as a representative from Princeton Golf Club, of which univer- sity he is. an ex-captain, five-mile swim- Putney, Eng. was one hour segonds, It Jarvis Taylor at SUNSHINE AFTER RAIN. How Well a Sunday School Pie- nic Fared. That a very dark cloud may hide a silver lining was proved, on uesday, at the annual Sunday school picnic of St. George's cathedral. In an ominous drizzle the America leit her' whari at one o'clock, and the drizzle soon be came the" downpour from a thunder storm, and all hopes of landing at Brophy's were dashed, for the grounds were drenched, On the return trip te the city, however, Canon Starr made arrangements to have She picnic go over on the regular Cape Vincent trip. Nearly all availed themselves of the chance, and soon ufter lemving home 'the second time, the sun shone out, and the trip across was delight ful. At the Cape, while races were run, the teachers got tea ready, and hungry were fed on the dock, the lug- gage trucks of the New York Central serving as tables for holding sup- plies. The prizes were distributed on the' return trip, and the choir boys helped things along by singing pa- triotic songs, and some of the hymns everybody likes best. To say that Canon Stare and the teachers of the Sunday school are very grateful to Mr. Folger for his kind- ness in giving the long trip, and to the officers and crew of the America for all kinds of aid, is putting it very mildly indeed. All were so courteous, the captain who did every thing pos- sible, the purser, who was 'so good natured and sympathetic over difficul- ties, the eng r who provided hot water for dishwashing share to make the day in to a success- ful and pleasant one. Members of the congregation, too, turned in and help- ed with a will, and instead of broken hearts over a spoiled outing, that every body expected, there the greatest pleasure expressed, all round, that things had turned out as they did. ------------ Miss Mollie Stenson has been guged as teacher in the Athens model school. Your lungs have all they can do. They work night and day, and are faithful to the end. Then use them well. If they are rasping and tear- ing themselves by hard coughing, come to their relief. 'Give them Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It heals, soothes, quiets. Your doctor will €Xplain its action to you. Pe him. We bave oo seerwte | ht mn Co.. oe fumes of 38 sur wea | il, Mass. Tost calle at Garden Islandgoing to and from Lgeton thes «dl did a large the was on- Lung Rest Comments on n the Dismissal of ie pAtLY BRITISH WHIG, 'WEDNESDAY JULY _ | WHITNEY'S AXE. Alexander Mackie. The Ontario Reformer, of Oshawa, has this to say concerning the Rock: wood dismissal "The axe has fallen again, time on the neck of a former much re spected townsman, who has for seven years held the por sition of clerk at Kingston, was looked upon: by the as a most all the clerical work of tion, sending his statowments to the government in manner, and no errors have ever been charged up aguinkt him, of the office hunter been, that the gov. ernment has yielded to their demands and without one iota of cause or any pre: tence at'an investigation. Mr. kie had been a resident of sinco life employed as {gaged in the mercantile business. was for over twenty consecutive years being § Alexander Mackie, : Rockwood asylum, during that time he department painstaking oficial, doing the institu: and a neat and concise or om ons But so persistent have the cries dismissed this faithful. official Mac: Oshawa he was a young man, in carly a bookkeeper and accountant, and for ten years previous to his appointment at Kingston, en: He years before leaving Oshawa, a mem; ber of the town council, and school board, and always took an active part in forwarding Oshawa's interests, and his many friends here regret the action of the government in dismiss. ing him to make a place for a arty heeler." ¢ Concerning the same correspondent. writes : "Surely the time for retaliation has arrived.' The Laurior government have been in power for ten years, yet our post-office and custom house are full of conservative officials, but since the advent of the Whithey government to power, there has been a continuous wholesale dismissal of faithful officials and the end is not yet. We strongly object to the spoils system, as they have it in the United States, but we do claim that when a party in this country shows - such. weakness as to introduce it, then the party in. power at Ottawa is perfectly justified in re- taliating in order that the weaker 'party may be brought to its senses. A very few instances of speedy retalia- tion would serve the purpose, When we think of the action of the three conservative license commissioners in Toronto, J. Flavelle, Col. Mur- ray and John I Davidson, who re dismissal, a sigmed, rather than submit to the dis- missal of the license inspectors, who were doing good work under them, one would - have thought that would have been a deterrent for them to continue in their nefarious work, but no, it has heen going steadily on, and will continue to do so, until peremp- torily stopped." Up-To-Date Shirt Waist. Tho outing shirt waist, or shirts, as they are termed, are really the regul- ation style last season shirt waists improved on. They are tailored like a man's shirt, the front being plaited in bosom effect and finished with pearl buttons. The plain back is gathered into a tape band at the waist line. For street wear the lone sleeves with stiff cuffs are desired, but for outing and sporting wear the new full three- quarter sleeve with pointed turn-back cuffs are preferred. A smart finish to this waist is the little stitched hand- kerchief pocket on the left side of the front. If the wearer is handy with the needle and wishes to be identified as out-of-the-ordinary in her attire, she can, in addition to embroidering her collar, embroider her monogram or initial on the pocket. This is a novel and pretty ic and gives a chic look to the waist. These tailored. shirts are a necessity this scasom for the girl who desires to make any pretensions to smart dressing. Any Kind of mate- used in their fashioning ; linen, lawn, percale, chambray, pon- gee, batiste, swiss or milk, though the heavier materials are more desir- able, as they launder better, keep clean longer, and decidedly the hext for outing wear. Care should be taken in the finishing of these waists, fos a great deal depends on the tucking, stitching - and fine tailoring of the garment. rial can be are A Choir Entertainment. Yarker, July 4.--The "Afighican Sun- day school of Newburgh, Camden East and Yarker, had their picnic at Gal- hraith's grove, Varty Lake, on Mon- day. Yurker Methodist Sabbath school will hold their annual picnic, next Tuesday at Galbraith's grove. Rev. Mr. Raddlifie; will entertain the mem. bers of the Anglican church choir to ice cream and cake at 8. Winter's, Thursday evening. Jennie Montgém- ery, Kingston, gave us a call. Michael Morrison and family, "Aubum, N.Y.. soent a few dave, at the home of his wvarents here. Yarkerites, to a goodly number, assembled at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Melville Cam- bridge. and presented. them with a sum of money, as a token of regard for them ere their departure for Na- panee," where they will for the future reside, they having purthased a busi- ness there, Mise Jefsie Winter. a pra- dnate nurse of Kinston hospital, has retorned to Kingston, where she in- tends to locate and follow her vro- fossion. « The Free Methodists hold their quarterly services, here. next Wednesday, in Ewart's 'hall. All are welcome. It makes? new frifndly' Raveryechern, Witch Hazel sonp 25c. box. Gibson's Ship A ADVERTISING Lette eee -------- RATES : First insertion, lc. a word. Each con secutive insertion thereafter ic. a word. Minimum charge for one In sertion, ae. Advt. 4 lines or under a week, $13 Advt, 4 lines or under a month: $3 Everybody in Kinzstou Reads the WHIG ET ---------------------------- HELP WANTED----MALE. HELP W. A. HOUSEMAID., APPLY MRS, WwW. . Lesslie, 57 George street. AN EXPERIENCED HOUSEMAILID Sages $12 per month: Apply at this Office. A LADY ROOMER, OR BOARDER, FOR the sumaner months. Apply 204 Johnson street. A GOOD SMART GIRL, POR chamber work and help in dining room. Apply Kennedy House. MEN ON GAS MAIN EXTENSION. Apply Gus Works. TWO MALDS, FOR STEAMER XING ston, 30 40 yours & age. onl TWO STRONG BOYS, To KEBp| = fa¥ of "gresine, 28. Wellingron St. Carpet stock | also good junior salesman, at R. MeFaul's Carpet Warehouse. HELP, THE YEAR ROUND, ations vacant, domestics, ho factories. Department *B." Wellington atroet. ere eee SITU. and 208 amma UU OFFIUE OVER WADE'S DRUG STORE. Apply to McCann, 51 Broek street. SMALL GROCERY STORE, WITH OR without. d dwelling. Apply to McCann, A LAUNDRESS, TO GO DOWN THE river, for the sumuuer, Iighest wages paid to comrpetont person with roferences. Apply. wt this Office, INSTRUCTOR WANTED just., John Macdonald, Secy.-Treas., 51 Brock street. DWELLING HOUSES AT und $35 per rE nth. Apply Ho, 330 Gardiner, Wellington Er HOUSE, NO. 204 QUEEN ST. BIGHT rooms, modern conveniences, ren Apply 300 Queen St. FRONT ROOMS TO RENT, CONVIEN. 5 ent ta City Park: also furnished $ house, Apply to 160 King street. RESIDENCE, 202 WILLIAM STHEET, modern Tuproviuents, yard and shed, Aug. 1st. 'GENTLEMEN TO HAVE THER r\ Steacy, suits p d cleaned carefully 2 An Jnsuructor in French i German " nd; also bring your cloth and |and also an instructo in i! an HE B x © have an up-to-date suit wade. Gallo- Jtireek for a boarding school in the T i BRICK SESINENCE 0 iis way's, 181 Brock street. United States. Both men must be une water heating i improv hot -- married, lumbets of o Church of Apply next 'ement A GOOD STRONG MAN TO HELP IN Engiand, aid raduates of Janatinng, of - reece tin op ; also young man to assis p Thi; ssentinl. Men i) 1 a : 4 ist | gisciplinarians. This is A CONVENIENT OFFIOE: FRONT in office. Apply Edwin = Chown & | preforred who have had experience in room ; 1 and well Son. Canadiun or English schools. "S800 und lighted. Good ay 846 Kine home for the school veéar of thiptv-Lie Jlrs, Apply J. P. Forrest, Gent's SALESMEN, FOR AUTO-SPRAY | weeks is olfered » ooh _ ps ga Se -Furnisher, King street, . ressed- han rk s satisfactory salar 0 [Saat comprested-air', Bane Ha Toterially "increased the "second year. [FIRST CLASS SITUATED, AND wachine free to apbroved agents. | Address ; "W.C.." Whig ge. d brie 1 Cavers Bros. Galt, Ui ha a irons "Bort church, Pouscanton A_MAN. OF GOOD ADDRESS AND nth ell J. White ability to sel our "1 rad Ri 1 mion street West. Nursery stock lu the Sty of King FOR SALE ston permanent situation for the " ~ . rieht oan. Canada's Greatest | HORSE, HARNESS AND PHAETON, MARGE ER COTA aE ON Sn Nurseries," Stone & Wellington, cheap. Apply, 78 Division straets perdi 'v Lo rom Toronto. living room, ning room, kitchen. OFEY And FARM PROPERTIES, bow Te Noe Daruly furnished, FOR THE KINGSTON COLLEGIATE Our iy 9 anpk % to > % 0 ow 268 Institute, a wale teacher to assist PETC nar 2 ites § St. street, K| oy mm Moderns. Initial Foiary for gradu- . ates or specialists, HOO ; maximum, $1,000. Duties to begin after vaca: | AMERICAN | ENCYCLOPEDIA, NEW. ARCHITECTS. tion. Apply up to Wednesday, 18th sixteen spacial reason. Apply "rough Whi IM. NEWLANDS, ARCHIT! in, foog, er Mave cue sample re. James St, conte cost of mailing uuired. Lawes, 228 St. Montreal. MEDICALS. brick dwelling, property in first class condition. Good locality, Rasot St; price _ $1, 150. Apbiy 203 St., Dept. "D." Bourd of Bducation. Soe, 1 gl e THE ONLY AVAILABLE FIRST streets. ral er on Be ' class vacant lot, on Lower Union St. 'Phone, 608. ET EE se mor Beautiful view J city park. ,Avply -------------------------------- EMPLOYM AS GROOM: LONG 208 Wellington St. Dept. *'D.' SOWER & SON, AROHITEOT experience. Apply "EBL 334 chant's Dank | Buildine. Sane. Batre stort: ONE RUBBER TIRED RUNAnout fac TOROS BEES snd Wellington wtrests. Pho and one good strong top by vy, and A Soon SECOND. JIAND SoA two sels of stugle harness; all been WRTHUR ae sta of 'ett J on country town. State all harticulars, avd some. Apply Edwin Chown - Rall streets. and address "J.B.S." Whig © : APPLICATIONS FOR POSITIONS | THE STEARNS WARBHOUSE, 260 IENRY AD hohor Bulan. ET with The T. Baton Co. Limited, King St., with lot 45x133, will be Phone, Toronto, received at Wages Office, 5th sold cheap, McCann's Real Nauplia Floor, good openings for the coming . « Dt io Tull. spaton. or 621. MONEY AND o AGENTS WANTED. GREEN TALKING PARROT, ose WVERFOOL. LO LONDON sam sapswen Awe conna | Sg Sue inh anh oth | sete $41 we money sell fig our Ad Vertis ng 'seven first-class pedigree. Address "A.B. cake box of assorted toilet soap; i or sourity unlimited Pl Ee ane Galler lor twenty-five Whig offics. Th 5, cant Write immediately for. terms 4 Cs tory. Nineteun | TWO-STORBY, NINE-ROOMED SOLID ™WO FURNISHED BOOKS TO BE Jot in mood 1 tien: without voli He references pa eante hie Address i To req known, office: wo ARMS og LACH ; ALSO (DR. McCARTHY, OFFICE LATELY ¥ Bockut's resi \ farm $6,500, ocu Dr. Ryan, corner Mon- }. tncludin oa th $8, a u and Brock streets. Year: Ey to A ah hat ee So ---------------------- dlington street. DENTAL. ---- DR. J. LAPPEN HAS OPENED UP SPLENDID INVESTMENT, OWNER his Dental Parlors, at 188 Princess retiring, Four, (4) good tennca- street, over Dr. Chown's Drug ments. rare 48) that ront for over Store. 'Phone, 735. $200. urth inelw Corner ross nd ioeaiity: living Toaing, YO MISCELLANEOUS. - trade ostablis i FARM HELP, AND ALL OTHER nitary i + kinds of help supplied. Department Price, $8,400, Particulars, 203 #B ,'* 208 Wellington street. Wellington St., Dept. #D." J am PRODUCE: AND PRICES. Prices At Present Prevailing in The City. Kingston, July 11.--Fhe local duce market prices this week are : Flour and Feed.--Flour, bakers strong, $2.25 to §2 farmers' , 90% to $2.10; Hungarian patent, $2.60 to $2.75; oatmeal and rolled oats, $5.20 pro- to £5.40; cornmeal, $1.50 to $1.65; bran, $18 to $20 a ton; shorts, $21 to $22 a ton; straw, $0 to $8; hay, loose, 86 to $8; pressed, 87 to $9. Eggs---New lad, 19%, and 20. a dozen, Butter--Choice creamery, 25c. a lb; farmers' butter, in a 1s packed prints, Ee. to and roll butter, 2le. to 2c, Meat--Cattle, op the hoof, £1.50 to 84 per cwt.; beef, carcase, $6 to $8 per ewt.; choice cuts, 10c. to 15e. a Ib.; veal, by the quarter, 56. to Se, a Ib.; cuts, Sc. to 12§c. a lb; by car case, Je. to Te. a lb; cutlets, 15¢. a Ib.: hogs, live weight, $6.50 to 87 per cwt.; carcase, 89 to $0.50 per cwt.; cuts, 13c. a Ib; lamb, dressed, $1 to 86 cach; quarters, $1 to $1.50. Fish--Salmon trout, 12jc,; fish, 124c.; » pike, Se.; Chinook salmon, 30c. a lb; Atlantic salmon, We. n 1h.: salt codfish, Te. to 15c. a Ib. halibut, 20c. a Th.; fresh haddock, 10e, Ib.; bullheads, 10c. Ib.; red herring, 15e, box; mackerel, 15c. a Ib.; lobster, 250. a lb.: salt whitefish and trout, 10e, a Ib.; perch, 30e. a doz; frog's legs, white- 10c. a lb; blue fish, 15c. a 1b. Poultry--Fowl, from 75c. to 81 a pair, or 10c. a lh,; spring chickens, 50c. to 81 a pair. Fruit.--Lemons, 30c. a doz.; orang- os, 30c. to 60c. a dozen; strawherries 13¢. to. 17¢; a box; bananas, 1de, to 20c. doz.; pineapples, 10e. to 20¢. each. peaches, 30c. to 40c. a dozen; plums, 15¢. to 20¢. a dozen ; apricots, 10e, to 18e. a doz.: cherries, 124c. a gt; basket, ¥1 to $1.50; rasp berries, 12¢. to. 13¢. a bax; goose: berries, 10c. a box. Vegetables--Potatoes, 80c. to 81 a bag; cabbage, Rc. to lOc. a head; onions, 6c. to 5c. bush; celery, 10c. a head, or from 90e, to $1 a dozen; pickling onions, Tse. a push; all oreen stuff, 5c. a bunch, John Me Kay, Brock street, reports the following as the ruling quotations for hides, 9¢. per Ib. for trimmed hides, sheep pelts, fresh, 81 to $1.50; dairy skins, 85¢.; venl skins, 12¢. per Ih.: wool, washed, 2c. to 206c. a Ih; tallow, rendered, 4¢. per lb. ---- Brockville And Ogdensburg. Ameorica, Friday, 8 a.m. calling at Gananoque, both ways, returning, leave Oodensbure, pm., home early, only 50c. ' The Bland's Pills with a red cross on the box are the genuine, take no other, 25¢. Sold at Gibson's Red Uross Made from the choicest whea and scoured, thoroughly steam delicately and rendered The most thoroughly dexterised Large cartons, roasted, Made from Granose Flakes, oughly baked, and a charming different ways, instead of bread, 15¢. per box, The original and best substi imitators, it is rich in color a Cereal will eure the cies occasionally developed by of tea, Manufactured by 16c., at all grocers. Granose Biscuit Rh ¥ Caramel Cereal # coffee heart The new large packages 15c, THE BATTLE CREEK HEALTH FOOD COMPANY Canadian Factory, London, Ont. # PRIVATE BOARD AND ROOMS, AT 498 Princess street, Vaughn Terrace. at that is grown, carefully selected cooked, flaked to filmy lightness, delightfully crisp and appetizing, and predigested of all flake foods. pressed into oblong biscuit, thor- i tempter when eaten, in a thousand 4 biscuit, or breakfast rolls, Price 4, Unlike all Caramel tute for tea and coffee. nd fragrant in flavor, o and cheek the rheumatic tenden- & the theine and uric acid properties H at all the ouding 4 grocers, + L i DS Monnar iss ROMY. 1000 IS Bicycles Bicycle Supplies Baseball Goods Fishing Tackle Talking Machines White Lily Mine Sold. Fort William, July 1l.--An impor- tant mining deal was closed. by the sale of the White Lily mine in the Atikokan gold range, when Col. Balti- Red Cross drug store. drug' store. more bought from Messrs, Manion & And Records AT Lo A Angrove Bros. 840 Princess Street. en oe Muphy 200 acres for $30,000. A §o, . 000 plant will be put in at once. : It pays to buy Abby Shit -at Gib son's Red Cross drug store. It's Tresh there, 1