Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Jul 1906, p. 1

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Summer Rar. he Evaningt-sAt Home. he L i. ort--At Camp-.0n There's noouter-garments mad. nto which more genuine useful. ress is crowded than the . nobly olf jacket. When the cool, damp venings come, and it matters not vhere you are this summer--y re sure to feel them--a fine nitted golfer will give you per- ect comfort. wing latest styles : Fine *N Ta ald bite oe oa ol, Se poet olt and pretty pearl dations, ur. most popular style, riced, to-morrow, each 2? 49 BLY. iiirirtinsne Cane rs y n navy, cardinal or brown, for li over-garments for all chil evenings, priced to-morrow 1.35 Ml ltd nie an iond & | and Serges--The hing Suits olored 'Tges are Neither oticeable light in nd wear- re you a al for a this : 1ch- \th- rdy 3 wide, of erisp red to-morrow at the same tre, per yard only 25 . firm quality, es W & SON Nightgowns h dainty lace and embroidery, onsible for 'creating the unpre- n our white section 'this season, nave gained in this regard--and f it, that nothing we can pos- ning of public approval. Wed- d in choice styles of lingerie 'cause you gspecial delight. ine cottons and nainsooks, in many high-cut zh- neck, some cut | finished with lace or em- norrow from 39%. to . ches long, 20 inches Regular price $9.50. his size lasts, () cash only, & Birch, 'ock St. EAD J ices, Phone Main 1729. 3t William St,, Toronto ing Better r Wear Shoes. fort and n Shoes wear of Odds Some 1C€ now SHOE STORE oted to Travelling Goods YEAR 73. NO. 161. rYS-- No Boys' Cotton Sailor Suits All aré American-made and good reliable colors, 20 Per Gent. Discount --ON- Men's and Boys' All-Wool Suits Except July specialsin Hal- ifax Tweeds, Now is the time to buy if you wish to save money. Get the best goods. E. P. Jenkins Clothing Co. 261 Princess St. Parisian Ladies' Tailoring Co. Will be Ré-opened shd Run AMERICAN . LADIES' TAILORING COMPANY On July 6th Customers' ma, supply own goods or purchase goods from company. All kinds of Ladies' and Children's Costumes and Dress-Making done. Monoy returned if factory. Telephone, 566. SWIFT'S TOURIST TICKETS 1000 Islands, Intermediate / Ports and Montreal ' Hyery Sun- FN 0} Hrery Sun GTR. "DUNDURN Of the Hamilton-Montreal Navigation Company, Limited. ¥ RE Toronto and Hamilton Every Thursday, 2 a.m. A Steamer the travelling: work is not satis. meeting every demand of or, er _ information, JAMES SWIFT & CO., Wharves, foot Johnson street, and Harry W. Agent, Cor, Ontario SWIFT'S TOURIST TICKETS Str. "Iroquois" Niagara and St. Lawrence Nav. Co. This fine New Steamer will leave our EAST BoUNR 1000 Islands Newman Ticket Clarence Sts. Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, 5.40 pan, WEST BOUND FOR Oswego, Charlotte, Lewiston Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 8.20 a.m. Thoroughly up-to-date travelling by water, SPECIAL FOR SUNDAY The Steamer will leave at 12.15 noon, for Alexandria Bay and Clayton, return- ing at 5.45 p.m. Fare, 50e. For further information, JAMES SWIFT & CO., Wharves, foot Johnson stirect. SWIFT'S TOURIST TICKETS Strs. "City of Montreal" and *'Cuba" Detroit, Tolede. Cleveland, Tor ronto, Montreal. Going West, Friday, 8 a.m. Going Fast, Sunday, 9 a.m. For further information. SWIFT & CO., foot street. DRUG STORE NEWS FOR MOSQUITO BITES ~USE-- Mentholatum In 25¢. pots GET'IT AT Medley's Drug Store We Give The most careful attention to our work; whether it is Ordered or Repaired Foor- wear. Wear "Allen's" Military Bootmakers Sign of Gajden Boot. 84 Brock St. JAMES Wharves, Johnson ape 3 DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE close the estate of late E. Chown. Peabo Brick Dwelling SWIFT'S "5 RSuainon a SL a SAVOR i WA DAILY MEMORANDA. Cheese' Board, Thursday, 1.80 p.m. The sun rises Thursday at 4.29 am. and sets at 7.41 p.m. This «day in history :--Alexandria bom- barded by British fleet, 1882 Marl borough victorious at Oudenarde, 1708. WHIG TELEPHONES. 248--Business Office. 229----Bditorial Rooms: 292---~Jobbing Department. Josiah Wedgewood We are just opening some very pretty DINNER SETS Of this celebrated maker, in odd, quaint shapes--one a very pretty rich Blue, at 89.75 For 97 Pieces ..ROBERTSON BROS.. Taste in Furs Is one of them 'with experts in the the essentials to buying success and profit. We are matter of choosing Fur Skins, and consequently every garment we manufacture may "be relied upon when offered to our customers. In the style and cut we are just as particular as we ame in the fitting. Consequently we never fail to please those ladies who John McKay Fur House 149-153 Brock St. NOTICE. THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT Messrs. Elliott Bros.,, Princess street, have been appointed sole agents for Kingston, for the celebrated McLaughlin® Asphalt Roof Paints and Cements. If your roof is in need of repair, give them a call Goods fully guaranteed. The McLaughlin Asphalt Roof Paint Co., Brockville, Ont. THE BIRD HAD FLOWN. Man Returned From Hospital to Find Wife Gone. Peterboro, Ont., July 11.--Married life is not always a bed of roses, as Ernest Heplan, a young English paint- er, has found out from bitter experi- ence. Heplan had been in the hos- sital for a week with rheumatism. {hen he returned home he found his wife and two little children gone and a wote on the table to the effect that his' wife had not been happy with him and had gone off with Joseph Pan, another Bor Tishman. who had been boarding with the couple. Pan is old enough to be the father of the com- panion of his flight. Tidings From Salem. Salem, July 10.--Farmers intend to start haying this week. Quite a num- ber from here attended church at Bed- ford and Fermoy on Sunday last, Mrs. J. Ewing is spending a few days in Westport with her daughter, Mrs. W. C. Fredenburg. Miss Lennon, of Godfrey, is visiting her sister, Mrs. P. Breen, The cheese factory is running full blast, and W. Gibson has been en- gaged as the second helper, to assist in the work, as it requires three men at present, Mr. and Mrs, Taylor visited at Burridge on Sunday last, Miss Lena Bateman and mother are visit- ing friends at Jones' Fall. A num- ber of eampers are enjoying the fishing on Wolfe lake. A number of gentlemen are hoarding at the home of R. E Brash, while tho New York party is occupying Mr. Guiger's cottage, which they recently purchased. Miss Lily Palmer, of Sydenham, is spending a few days at her home here. Roy examinations held in Westport, last week. A perfect bowel laxative for consti- pation, sallow complexion, headache, dizziness, sour stomach, coated ton- gue, biliousness. Lax-ets act prompt. ly, without pain or griping. Pleasant 1 5 cents. Sold y | to take--Lax-ets--only 5 Knapp wrote on the gr leaving Britain Will Not, Have Con- scription. LORD DUNDONALD STILL TALKING ABOUT COM- PULSORY DRILLS For All Boys Between the Ages of Thirteen and Seventeen--He Had Something to Say About the Lack of Interest Official- dom Had Shown to Canad- ians. London, July 11.--In the debate in the House of Lords, yesterday, on Lord Roberts' motion on unprepared- ness for war, Lord Dundonald said that the training the youth of the country in military discipline and the use of the rifle was not military. He suggested compulsory attendance at a hundred drills of all boys between the ages of thirteen and seventeen, Lord Dundonald asked what provision had been made, adequately ,to utilize the services of patriotic Britons across the seas. Should their services be required he declared, the militia of Canada, as before, would volunteer to a man, While men volunteered for reasons of sentiment, they liked some official re- cognition evenly distributed. Lord Dundonald added that he could net say that those in official positions had done their best for the colonists Who came forward in the service of the empire, as was instanced by the re fusal of the South African medal to Canadians who did not reach South Africa in time, Replying to . Lord Roberts, the Earl of Portsmouth said that. in Canada and Cape Colony ac- tive service could be extended only outside the limits of the colony, not for the defence of the empire, but for the defence of the colony itself. There fore it was perfectly clear that, though a form of compulsory service was re cognized, it was by no medns a com- pulsory service to defend the empire generally. The government was entire- ly opposed to conscription. TO WIN ROYAL BRIDE, King is Not Opposed to Marri- age of Marquis. i Tondo; Salty" TH=Thefc Huy Been ou good deal of fuss made over a state ment * that King Edward does not loak kindly on the Marquis of Angle sey marryiig into the royal family. The young marquis, who is just twen- ty-one, will not come into the estate until he is. twenty-five, and by that time it will have the richest rent roll in England. The late marquis, his cousin, as all the world knows, was a most disso- lute young man,: and spent money like, water until he was forced into bankruptcy. No one in society really cared to talk of him or to be seen with him. But with the other Pagets it is 'different. Young Paget, now the marquis, is a very nice young fellow, and well hrought up. It has been suggested that he would make a good husband for one of the royal princesses, but the difficulty seems to be to find the princess. The only unmarried British princess who is of marriable age or in sufficient health to get married is Princess Patricia of Connaught, and it is understood. the: crown prince of Portugal has been picked out for: her. There are the two little Dufi girls, called, by courtesy, princesses, and the eldest will, by the time the Mar quis of Anglesey comes into his castles, be just the right age. They are the daughters of the Princess Royal and the. Duke of Fife, yet can hardly be called "royal" princesses. King Edward, his friends declare, has hardly thought about the matter, much less put a ban on it. He is such a sensible man, is the king, that if one of the royal princesses fell in love with a clean, thoroughbred Ame rican youth, of good family and for- tune, he would be only too glad to give them his blessing and attend the wedding. . There--have been too many inter marrigges among the royal family of Etirope of late, and several of the royalties are now paying the penalty. The king has always helped along marriages that have not heen quite roval, such as that of his cousin, Count Gleichen, the Baron Pawal- Rammingen, the Duke of Fife, and others, who all married princesses. ------ May Have Killed Mother. Quebec, July 11.--A sixtean-year-old boy, named Montreuil, residing at Ancienne Lorette, shot and severely injured his mother at her home, on "Sunday. He was examining the weap- on and apparently did not know that it was loaded. The fool trick of pull- ing the trigger may cost his mother her life, though the doctors are not without hope of saving her. Part' of the ;charge passed completely throuch her hody, having entered from behind the shoulder, Clayton, Kingston And Ottawa. Steamers for Ottawa, every Monday, Wednes- ents. For bad or impure blood, take Bar- by all druggists, Gibson's Red Cross drug store. OPPOSED IT Rideau King "and Queen, day, Thursday and Saturday, at @ am. For Clayton every Tuesday, Wed- nesday, Friday and Saturday at 6.15 p.m. James Swift, J. P. Hanley, ag dock. Extract with Sarsaparilla, Toe. Romantic Story Told by Old: In- habitants. Frontenac, N.Y., July 11.--Many are the strange tales told by the old-time residents of the Thousand Islands, yet none is more interesting than that of the parents who many years ago de serted their little ginl, who is now a full grown woman residing in the country, but a mile or two jrom this resort. To-day the child of twenty-five years ago i a woman bearing all the marks of aristocracy, vet compelled to labor as the wife of one of the farm- ers supplying the summer residents with garden stuff. Where the parents of the girl came from was never learned. 'They lived for a time on one of the islands in the St. Lawrgnce river. One day in September the father came to a farm house on the main- land. Tightly wrapped in expensive garments he carried his child. With some excuse or other he asked that the child be kept for a few hours. That was the last seen of the man or wo- man. To-day all that remains to remind the woman of her strange paretts are the little hand embroidered garments worn the day when she was given to others. These are daintily marked with the letters "I. R. M.,"" but never has the meaning of these been deciphered. ------------ a W : 3 AMEER OF AFGHANISTAN, ------------ REFUSED TO DRILL ---- Cossacks in Sympathy With Labor Demonstrators. St. Petersburg, July 11.--A number of the Cossacks of -Uswoka, in the government of Blaterinoslay, of for the Tabor - tors, refused to go through their drill As a result they were imprison- ed. Another detachment refused to fire on demonstrators, and were trans- ferred to another post. Five hundred workmen met and resolved to release the men under arrest. Proceedin~ to the barracks, the pelted with stones the troops there, who fired, wounding 'two of the workmen. Later three thousand workmen went to the barracks, to find the prisoners had been already sent away by train, They then proceeded to the railway station, where they were dispersed by the troops. ' ANOTHER REVOLUTION. Capital Seized and President Murdered. * Rio Janeiro, Brazil, July 11.--The revolutionists in the state of Matto- grosso have occupied the eapital of the state, Cuvaba, murdered the pre- sident of the state and seized the overnment., The state of Mattagrosso a on Bolivia, has an area of 532,200 square milés and its popula tion, in 1890, was 92,827, Will Exhibit Peace Palace Plans. The Hague, July 11.--The exhibition of the plans for the new peace palace at this city, under the Carnegie foun- dation, which was opehed here last month, will be closed on Saturday. It has created considerable interest in the project. It is reported" on good authority that the board of trustees of the Carnegie foundation intends to send the plans to the United States and exhibit them either in Washington, D.C., or in New York. New York Editors Meet. Thousand Islands Park, N,Y., July 11.--The fifty-third annual convention of the New York State Press Associa: tion opens its three days' session at the Columbian hotel to-day. A. O. Bunnell, of Dansville, the secretary of the association, has arranged an in- teresting programme for this conven- tion. It will include numerous, interest. ing addresses by prominent journalists and other men of distinction and all the boating, fishing, ete., the members and delegates wish for, Minister's Wedding. Trenton, N.J.,«Jdly 11.---The Rev, John C. Mattes, pastor of the Luther- an Church of the Saviour, and Miss Caroline Olga Neidt, daughter of for- mer Councilman Osgar F. Neidt, a prominent GermameAmerican citizen of Trenton, were married this morning at the Church of the Saviour in the pres- ence of a considerable part of the con- gregation and a numbér of invited friends from' other cities. Find Lost Girl. : 0il City, Pa., July 11.--Kidfapped from her home in England, fifteen vears ago, and made to believe that she was the daughter of a couple named Halmes, Miss Ruby Halmes, nineteen years old, was, todlay, in- formed that her real name was Lee and that her mother would come here from England as soon as possible to claim her, NTARIO, WEDNESDAY, . SET ULY 11, 1906. LATEST NEWS Despatches From Near And Distant Places, THE WORLD'S TIDINGS GIVEN IN THE ERIEFEST POS- SIBLE FORM. Telegrams Condensed So as to Be Quickly Read--Matters of Gen- eral Interest From the Wires and From Exchanges. Judge Emory, shot' by M. C, Thomp- son, is dead, at Seattle, The Allan steamer Numidian, from Glasgow, arrived at Montreal at 10:20 a.m, The Allan steamer Pretorian, for Glasgow, sailed from Montreal at a4d am, A Yale professor denounces the Mun: roe doctrine as- the embodiment of national greed. Revolting, disgusting, conditions, in English jam-making establishments have been. discovered. Harry K, Thaw, murderer of Stand- ford White, has issued a statement denying he is insane. Thé 88. Kildona, "Thompson line; from Shields, passed Father Point, Que., inward, at 10:40 a.m. Railway men are agitating to have the date of Thanksgiving day changed to the fourth Sunday in October. Crowds cheered Mrs, Edward Tracy, when acquitted, at Sweetsburg, of the murder of F, Howard, who tried to assault her. 2 Gerald White, son of the late Hon, Peter White, was nominated for the commons hy the conservatives of North Renfrew, Au acrial tramway, four miles long, has been completed at Conrad City, Yukon, by the Conrad Consolidated Mining company. St. Petersburg figures made public show an unprecedented immigration to Siberia, 86,867 persons going there during the Jast six months. Russians have been. shipping into Germany unborn calves as meat. A witness testified that large firms were regularly importing such meat. Miss Winnifred Horne, sten: er, sues T. H. Haynor, a wealthy Nor folk, Va., broker, for $10,000, "oond ; imoroj -~ The se 0 Lord's 'Day bill to the Sunday bill, and, after amending it, reported the measure which now stands for third reatling. Foreign intriguers are being cleared out of Korea with vigor, and unless the work is soon completed the Mar- quis Ito threatens to place the city under martial law, The admiralty announces that the battleship Dominion will visit Can- ada in August and receive the presen: tation of plate subscribed for by the people of the dominion. r The Allan &teamer City of Bombay, for Philadelphia, sailed from Liver- pool at 3 pom, on 10th, with seven saloon, fifty-two second cabin and 124 steerage passengers for Halifax. An inquest into the death of An- drew McGarvey, a Scotchman, lately arrived in Hamilton, will be held. It is said a fellow-workman kicked him. in the pose, causing blood-poisoning. Germany has reported a sturdy fight against filthy canned meats from Ame- rica. It is now discovering equally unsavory messes trying to make gheir wav in over the Russian frontier. Winston Churchill is arranging to spend the autumn recess visiting Can- ada. He pails during the last week in July. It is hoped that Lord Elgin, the colonial secretary, will soon fol- low suit. In the House of Commons, on Tues day, the bill repealing the pensions to ex-ministers was reported. The re- maining estimates were passed, and the supply bills advanced. The premier announced prérogation for to-mor- row, A bill providing that no member of parliament can practice before com- mittees of the house, or receive com- pensation. direct or indirect, was reported in the commons, yesterday. Fine for infringement may range from £500 to $2,000. Will Follow Reply. Detroit, Mich., July 11.--From a re: linble source it is learned that to L. C. Sabine, now secretary of the Inter- national waterway commission, has been offered Joseph Ripley's position as superintendent of the Soo Ship canal and that Mr. Sabine will accept The poet will arrive in the Soo in September to take charge. Up to a vear ago he was assistant superinten- dent, under Mr. Ripley, and is well acquainted with the working of the locks. Mr. Rijley has been sent to Panama. Baseball Summary. National League.--~Brooklyn, 7; Pitis- burg, 6. Boston, 2; Chicago, 0. Cin- cinnati, & New York, 2. Philadelphia, 3; Bt. Louis, 1. American League. ington, 3 Detroit. 4: Wash: (ten innings). Chicago, 6; Boston, 3, called after eioht innings. Eastern Leacue.--Jersov City, 1; Providence, 0. Montreal, & Toronto, 2. Buffalo, 3; Rochester, 0. Dr. W. Ballantyne, who hag been house surgeon at the Isolation hos pital, Ottawa, for some months past, has returned to the city. Foss' celebrated Boston quality chocoletes in bulk or boxes at Best's, | remains of a prehistoric people, MR. GOULD'S FALL. Aged Resident of Tyendinaga May Be Fatally Hurt. Deseronto, July i1-~tavi Gould, an aged resident of Tyendinaga, ui two miles from this town, while in W. H. Staflord's store, met with a very serious accident, which will pro- bably prove fatal, The victim was in the act of assisting one of the to take down some pitchforks from a shelf, when he slipped, falling about thirteen feet to the basement below, fracturing two ribs and sustaining in- ternal injuries, As soon as possible the sufferer was taken to a nearby doc tor's, where a further examination showed that he had also fractured his skull. He has not yot regained consei- ousness, He is an old man of seventy: iwo years, and is very highly NOY ed in this vicinity. DIED AT HAMILTON . A Sister of Justice Britton Passes Away. Hamilton, Ont., July 11-Mrs. E. L. Atkinson, wife of Dr. Atkinson, Gananoque, died at the City hospital yesterday, i her fifty-ninth year, from: shock after an operation, Mrs. At. kinson was visiting her daughter, Nrs. J. T. Rogers, Paving come to Hamilton about twelve Necks 4 ago to undergo an operation. Ano oper- ation was - performed, , and the shock of it caused her death. Her husband was with hor at the time. She is survived by one ter and her husband, Justice Britton, Toron- to, is & brother. The remains will be sent to Gananoque for interment, A SUDDEN PARTING. -- Automobile Plunged Into River. Winnipeg, July 11.-=An automobile 'driven by R. W. Heath rounding the curve near the street railway powen house, yesterday, got beyond control and plunged over a thirty-foot em- bankment into the Assinaboine river, Just where it took the plunge a clothes line was stretched, and as the machine shot under this the rope caught the chauffeur under the chin and threw him out of his seat. The ma: chine sank in the mud and water and had to be recovered by means of a block and tackle. TIPPED BLESSED CANDLE. Which Stood Beside a Dying the suffe from pneumonia, and whom the Rg ro sald she could not live, she accidentally tipped over a candle at the foot of the baby's cra- dle. In an instant the lace were ablaze, and the room on . The mother grabbed the baby and rushed out of the room. Just as the firo was extinguished the little one breathed his last in his mother's arma. A PREHISTORIC GRAVEYARD. Digging Up Skeletons for Pre- servation, Watertown, N.Y. July 11.--In the vicinity of the village of Rodman, in this county, they are digging up the who were possibly of the Indian stripe, and had their viage near by. Within a few days eighteen skeletons have been unearthed on the farm of H. Heath. Raymond Harrington, field archaeo, logist for the Peabody University, has been directing the excavation work in a hillside pasture. The bones will be placed in the museum. A GIRL HOUSEBREAKER. Leatha Porter of Ingersoll Con- fesses. Ingersoll, July 1l.~In the police court, Leatha Porter, the sixteen- year-old daughter of Freeman Porter, pleaded guilty to housebreaking and stealing several articles of wearin apparel, valued at $20, the property o Miss Agnes Wood. Chief Wright went to search the Porter premises, when the girl confessed and directed him to where she had buried the stolen pro- perty in the garden, She wan sentenc- ed to three months in the county Jail. Too Much Patent Medicine. Rochester, N.Y,, July 11.--Mrs, Lot. tie. Schaal, sixty-two years old, of 148 Columbia avenue, died from the effects of a dose of patent medicine, She is said to have been accustomed to taking a large variety of proprie- tary medicines and it is thought that some mexlicine containing a coal tar product eaused her death. The: coroner will investigate. Lively Bout Expected. Ottawa, July 11.--Yesterday city engineer, Newton Ker, ordered the Canadian Asphalt company to take up a block of pavement on Ri- deau street, claiming that it was not up to specifications, He said the city has enough rotten pavement. The company refuses' to comply and lively bout is expected at the meeting of the board of works to-night. ithe LS ------ Davies' Fresh Meat Department. Beef, good quality, boiling and stewing cuts, 4c, to 8c., oven and pot roasts, 8c. to 12¢., choice steaks, 10c, to 124¢., Hamburg steak, 10c. Alfred Nelson, a laborer at the G. T. R. construction camp at Shelba, commited suicide by blowing him- sell to pieces with dynamite. "Father Neptune's safe float" for bathing or swimming, 35¢. a pair at Best's. 11. Yesterday | was J 1 summer, our stock is large we 'advise buying, as y some of 1 Sain, with White, Special at . LINEN HATS--In White and Great value at 85¢. to 0e. Quting Supplies. : complete.--J. R. & Co. you t tar Curpots ure, Curpets, or selling, no William Lott, an med of Bayside, after a short ill

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