Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Jul 1906, p. 3

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any external purposes and hat the same - satisfactory results be obtained from any other lini- ir trial of this liniment will be than pages of explana- Large bottle, 25 cents. not for sale at your druggist, it Says be procured at James B, s. t's ite * Liniment' Co., s., $t. John, N.B,, and Chelms- Mass. Now is The Time To Have Furs Remodelled And Repaired . F. GOURDIER'S 78 and 80 Brock Street ton's Only Exclusive Fur Store In new and choice de- eigns, low or high, burn- ished and gray! finishes. These are furnished with the new silver fili- gree covered shades, with bead fringe ! yd And Mica Lin'ngs That Cannot Cateh Fire A Candclabrum is to- day almost a necessity in a home. SMITH BROS. Jewelers :: Opticians Phone 668 Issuers of Marriage Licenses Trees erererererree IF YOU WANT A GOOD QUALITY SMITHING COAL TRY OUR CUMBERLAND. , 55-57 Barrack Wals St. "Phone 109 4 TTR esesneses eS ntacty g Sale! terials now going on. bry, Gingham, Organ- uction in price, viz :-- -» d 10c. a yard, to clear at Be. Oc. a yard, ard, t 15c. a yard. In the lot are Pots, the best 13c. line for 10c. CHILDREN Hose, in' pretty uality, soft, strong e legs, extra- well | regular at 2sc. 5 to 10 inches. g Bargain, 15¢. ling Waists, Underskirts, Gor- t Se. each, . a Se. quality, fast color, Satur: rs, Silk Waists, ete, only. the x Shaw beginning Saturday July Tih. 3 gaa . +READ THE FOLLOWING LIST GAREFULLY: i #4 VCH wonderful values never heard of 'before in Ladies' Shirt-Waist Sie made of fast color English Print, in two shades; Skirt made with side and front Pleats." Regu ie On Sale Saturday, 98c. Suit lax price $1.75. or vis a. 2 UT forth an effort to secure one of! these lovely Dressing Jackets. Only 69, made of fine farcy flowered Mashin,' in pink and heliotrope, trim- med with Val, lace and insertion. r' price" $1.25" to $1.50, Yours while they last, 69c. Ei' one a bargain. 150 Ladi s' Print Wrappers. fast colors, made with flounce skirt; waist well made, all sizes. Regular price $1.35. AR On Sale Saturday, 75c. < { ¥ 3 i i oT prices on Ladies' Silk Ties, 100 only, Silk Ties, to be worn with the new Poter Pan Waists. Two shades, grey and blue, in fine check, Regular price 25c, On Sale Saturday, 12%c. NDUOEMENT for the ladies. 500 Ladies' Faney Wash Collars; jin fine § many other I embroidered lawn, edged with lade, Battenburg, silk and kinds. Regular price 25¢., 35c. dnd 50c. All to go whilegythey last at 10c. A ee lot of 100 only, Ladiés'. Corset Covers, trimmed with lace and insertion, all sizes. Regular price 50c. each, On Sale Saturday, 25c. Each 00K out for the biggest snap ever heard' ol. | Wash Art Ewmbroidery Silks, all shades. Regular price Je. skein. w On Sale Saturday 1c. Skein UST the prices to draw a crowd in Ladies' Lace Ladies' Fancy French Lace Scarfs,' white only. Medium size, regular 40c., for....... ' i ae 23e. Extra large size, regular 50c., for .. NUSUAL price in Ladies' and Children's Fancy White Lisle Stockings. U some openwork all through, others half, Sizes 8 to 94, regular 40c. and 50c. pair, for Sizes 4} to 6}, regular 25¢c. and 38c. pair, for ACE at reckless prices. Fine imported French Lace and Insertion, in beautiful patterns. Mediom width, worth 10c. yard, for ......... Extra wide, worth 12¢. yard, for Bibs, silk and embroidery; some ornaments embroidered with 1". Reg- "®% ular price 25e. each. E sure and be on time and securé some of the B just unpacked. All colors, in stripes, dots, ete. and -15¢. yard. On Sale Saturday 9c. Yard LLURING. price in Children's Dresses -39~only," Children's Gingham Dresses, in small check, trimmed with embroidery. Fit children from 6 to 14 years. Regular price $1.25, v A By PE A yp imported Tweeds, in light and dark checked $12.50. pattern. Ri price on Men's Suits. 69 Men's Pouble" BFeasted Suits, made of | Gi savings in Men's Padts. Just received, a case of Men's Pants, made of English All-Wool Tweeds. well finished. Regular price $2.50 and $3. On Sale Saturday, Only $1.39 Only: 18, Boys' Brownie Suits, made of fine. English Tweed, in check effect, with sep SPLENDID opportunity to get your boy a suit. ; -- el THE LATEST ITEMS FROM British Baseball is to Be British | likely send a four Hentey. 2.08}, has been of North Andover, green pacer by which is regarded as a grand cirewit GCF lo Spain was vacant. After Prospect from Com-' that the This bridge 2,500 skeins Belding's Scarfs. 125 only, 25¢. pair . 1%c. pair . Be. yard . Sc. yard wn pA 2 My Llyn . 5 Y bi should buy the baby a supply of Bibs now. 500 Bakies' Fancy On Sale Saturday 10c. each lovely English Print Worth any time 12e. "SPORT | MANY SOURCES. : Baseball--Winnipeg Will Send 1 a Four to Canadian Henley Iroquois Beat Kee Lox IX. The Winnipeg Rowing Club will rties. Richard Baird of Hamilton has Arbuteskan, 2.00}, ar One The Toronto Telegram says that tke reason the Argonauts faifed to win the Grand Challenge Cup at' Henley, was because they are in too great a hurry to win fame, or because they wish to get to the top without mount- ng the ladder. he Grand Challenge Cup for eights in the Henley regatta has never up till now, been won by any but an English érew. Several attempts have been made at it by Holland and Bel: gian crews. Now Belgium has succeed: ed in gaining the honor. i In an exhibition contest at the Cel- made a remarkable throw of the 56- Ib. weight, beating the world's re cord, held by himself, by almest a foot. His throw was 39 feet 7 inches as against his former record of 38 feet 74 inches. At Wimbledon, Eng., in the final of lawn tennis championship tournament ®2. Miss Douglass will now meet Miss May Sutton, of California, for the title of champion. The horse races: at Chatham were rainy weather, and as a result the bookmakers escaped a' raid = by the police, The names of the bookies were secured and preparations were made for a raid. It was found that the bookmakers had returned to Detroit. William Pilgrim, of Meaford, a vet- eran of '@), writes to the Toronto News, stating that he thinks with the necessary backing that he could eoyer the sixty-five miles walked by Rey- nolds, of Port Hope, in faster time. Pilgrim claims to be a much older man than Mr. Reynolds, and is will- ing to walk the stated distance any time. It is now practically certain that another British rugby football team will visit New Zealand in 1908. In this case the New Zealand Rugby Union, which made a profit of $34,600 on the tour of the . All Blacks in Great Bri- tain, will finance the affair, which will mean in all likelihood that the smaller centres of football in New Zealand, will have a chance of seeing the British footballers. The Iroquois, Canada Cup defender of last year, proved her superiority over the Kee Lox IL, in the races off Summerville, N.Y., on Saturday and Monday. Practically there is not a doubt but that the Herreshoff design- ed yacht, which defeated the Canadian challenger of Fife design last season, will this year be the United States defender of the Fisher Cup. British baseball is to be British baseball. This has been decided upon by the British baseball association. Not only has the association decided that no American shall play any po- sition sate catcher in a championship game, but as soon as the British players become accustomed to the work behind the bat the inhibition Os Safe Saturday 69c. On Sale Saturday, $7.95 150 pairs Strongly made and } will be extended and none but British players will be allowed to take part in championship games. This applies to American amateurs as well as pro- Regular price | fessional players. There will of course be American players in practice games ers will be employed for a time in coaching the team. It is the purpose, however, of those active in the move. ment to establish baseball on a per: manent and solid founhation here to bar all who have learned the game in the United States. The popularity the game has achieved "is wonderful in view of the traditional British con- servatism, The games so far have been well attended and the attendance is on |= in all probability American play- '#, rate sailor color and front. Usually sold from $3.50 to $4.50. Sizes: the increase. 92 23 and NM, On Sale Saturday, Only $2.25 Suit! {Separate School Teacher Resigns T'S a pleasure to show you these Summer Vests. 120 Men's Fanty Wash Vests, single breasted, light and dark shades. Sizes 31 to 10. Regular price $1.50 to $2.50. Yours 'on Saturday, Only 69c. 0 equal to this bargain. 150 Men's Outing Shirts, made of fine white last week. George Docteur is the from Rochester, N.Y., to visit friends. basket weave, and striped: effect, with or without collar. Just thing for this weather. Regular prices8N28710:$1.50, On Sal¢ Saturday, 69c. Fangy Top Hatpins, worth 25c,, for : ¥ Fatey Back Combs, worth 40c., for Fancy Back Combs, worth 35c¢,, for . 5,000 Papers Pins, worth 3c. paper, for Good Needles, worth 5c. package,. Splendid Thimbles, worth 3c., for. 200-yard Spools Thread, #brth 5c., Si notion values never heard of before :-- Cc. Mohair Boot Laces, worth 15¢. dozen, for .. ie sk ssessviik 5¢. dozen "TAKE NOTE! F. X. Cousineau will be in Kingston on Satur- day to inspect the stock and the business generally of Sunday from Three Stock Co. He will be pleased to. shake hands with jis oid vieyds and customers on Satur- the Montreal Bankrupt day afternoon and 180, Princess THE MONTREAL BANKRUPT STOCK G0. 5:2 et, 180 ON WOLFE ISLAND. After Good Service. Wolfe Island, July 5.- Mrs. James Hennessy and daughter, of Watertown, N.Y., are visiting friends here, Mrs, Briggs and friends, nine in all, are going to summer on the island, with D. Briggs, of the village. Thomas Muckian lost a very valuable horse home Miss Marie Coffer, teacher, in No. 1 separate school, after three years' suc- cessful work) has sent in her vesigna- tion and left for her home in Brigh- ton. Miss Sadie McArdle is home from Why | on: ion § where she has been teach we 20e . 0c, paper 2 wi p. i 2 package 4 for Se. § The contract of painting the Presby- 2 apools for Be, | terian church was let to J. S. Brice ing school. The entrance examinations took place here last i were dome forty in all e that wrote. | Miss Amey Spankie was presiding. land. Richard Card has purchased a naphtha launch. There are two wed- dings to take place in the near fature, Miss Ruby Cummings and Miss Coyle are home from the convent. Miss Sadie Furlong lft on Monday last for Mendon, N.Y., where she will spend the sumer with relatives. Oliver Donovan and bride arrived here on Rivers. John Mackie and wife are here from Water- town. Women with weaknesses should ngver forget Dr. Shoop's Night Cure. is surely clean wu eal tronhles: Sold bw all druggists. wear. Which Slay Spaniards now recent outrage, which they refer is placed mn the § finge# of the statue of the Viegin ia the. cathedral here, and story is attached 'to it. Canadian from King Alfonso X11, and a mont te We later she Shiod. The king 'took it back The pacing mare Princess Moquette, "and gave it to another member of the sold by T. ¥. eirce Joval x ¥ ani 0 n Mem. Yo 3 jewel, 'and 'each died a ting it on. Then the king feared to ve it to it MW e fin, as entered three crews. Gra- duates are eligible; the college is a large one, having about a third the membership of Toronto University. | to have miraculous powers. tic Park, New York, John Flanigan, | the ladies' singles in the All-England Miss Douglass beat Mies Terry e2,1! called off; Wednesday on account of the! | week and there mayic-like local treatment is used at bedtime, all night while the system is at_rest, it is constantly building up tissues, soothing the in- flamed and sensitive surfaces and will all catarrhal and lo- Try Bibby's Sle. balbriggan under- day. | Unworthy Wearer and Saves the Good. . The ring te a curious Queen M received the ri more © persons received the fatal soon after put- anyone else, and decided to mself. Three months later ring was placed upon the of the Virgin. he ring is believed hy. the peopls It slavs immediately those who are not worthy to wear it and: will bring: prosperity to the reign of the sovereign who de- serves to places the hand: upon his fin- , besides assuring him a long life. On the eve of his marriage King Ak fonso was seen to piously pray before the statue of the Virgin in the cathe dral, and before leaving the church he touched the ring with his lips. _ Fhis, the Speninrds believe, is why the young king escaped injury in the ter- rible catastrophe which marked his wedding day. ---- Cool Linen Suits a Necessity. » = A variation in eit which is very ef- fective marks thé boys Russian bl suits of this summer - time, made "in white and colored linens, chambrays, ginghams and piques. The bloomers show no change, but the blousé which closes on the oie side has a pleat on the opposite side simulating a closing with buttons. The blue linen one pic- tured has an inverted pleat. down the front, and two. pleats on either side, finished with large pearl buttons. The cuffs are of blue and white striped linen. Around the waist, and rinning through narrow straps, js a white leather belt, which fastens in the front, Black leather sandals and white sceks are the usual 'accompaniment of these suits. Quaint 'Quakdrs Marriage. London, July --6.--The village of Yealand Conyers, in North Lancashire, was the other day the scene of a wed- ding solemnized according to the simple ritual or usage of the Society of Friends. The bride was Miss Gwen- doline Priestman, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Priestman, of Bradford, and the bridegroom, Allan Claude Rowntree, eldest son of Allan Bowntree, 'of Scarborough. The mect- ing house, where the marriage was solemnized is nearly' two Rundred years old. There were no hymns and no of- ficiating minister. After a short medi- tation the bridegroom and the bride rose and the former said: "Friends, in the love of God, I take this my friend, Gwendoline Priestman, to be my wife, promising through divine as sistance to be unto her a loving and faithful husband until it shall please the Lord by death to separate us." The bride made a similar declaration. A certificate embodying these declara- tions was read hy the contracting Rarivy and witnessed by those pres: ent, Tobacco In China. Washington, D.C., July 6.--In reply to many inquiries from. this country as to the possibility of building up a trade in American leaf tobacco in China, Consul' George. PF. Anderson has sent a reply, in whith he says: "Already there is considerable busi ness done in foreign, leaf, Shanghai alone importing $150,000 worth last vear, but this was mostly for use of | foreigners. The real Chinese trade is not reached. When it is considered that the same port imported through the customs alone 21,280,000 worth of prepared native leaf and £333,000 worth of native leaf, with probably a similar or even a greater amount of each imported throwgh the likin routes, it can be seem that the real tobaceo trade of Ching is enormous. But the greater portion of the tobac co consumption gets into no trade re- ports for the leaf is produced largely among the mulberry trees, cured, mand consumed on the farms or in the vil lame." iy » rrp sti. Eagle Hill Echoes. Eagle Hill, July 4. ~The teacher, Niss FF. €. Stewart, lofi Thursday to ! spend the holidays at her home near 1 Belleville, James Irvine made o busi- {mess trip. to Tweed last week. Mrs. 1. i Ferguson and Mis. M: Reade and son, { Norris, returned Friday after a week's f yet with friends in Lanark. Mrs. John Pettifer and. little ter, Ber- nice, are spending a few 8 visit- ing at Elm Flats, guests of Mr. and ; Mrs. Hugh Pettfer. August Kittner nt Sunday at J. Rahm's, Denbigh. George Brown, Cloyne, spent Sunday at R. Ferguson's. Campbell Bros. Hats. Are sensible, scasonable, comforts- ble, and reasenable. | The Grand Trunk Pacific manage- family, 'who died shortly after. Advt. 4 lines or Everybody in Kingston Beads the WHIG ACTI HELP, THE YEAR ROUND. SITU- SALES] EN, FOR AUTO-SPRAY " on Dinpressod ie band or m HEAD EXPERIENCED TO BUY A Preparation That Will Destroy walk about the statio and otherwise under a Advt, & lines or under a month, $3. HELP WANTED-MALE. FINISHERS, REGULATORS | a machine hands by Martin-Opue Piano Company, Ottawa. ations vacant, dowestics Bh a factories, + a." Wellington street. TWO BOYS, POR ENTRY ROOM, OR | warehouse, Must be good penmen and quick at figures. pply Macnee & Minnes, Wholesale Dry Goods. in way's, 181 B wach buel heir agents. Cael Bros: Gat, Dae : WAITER, SBCOND COOK, and handy man who can make him- well generally useful, Good wages to right Persons. Apply at once to A, Welsh, Ganamoque Inn, Gananoque, oY MAN, "AUED 88, desires employment, or would con sider partnership iu suitable business. Can do o work, travel. Address Hox office. executive, or "GLY Whi A MAN OF GOOD ADDRESS AND ability to sell our gh Grade Nursery stock in the city of Kin, ston. A permanent situation for vicht wan. * Canada's rea Nurseries," Stone & Wellington, Toronto. WANTED. HOUSEWORK OF ply Box "0." SEOOND-HAND ROW-BOAT. Must be cheap. Or would rent for the season. At once, 68 Victoria St., near Brock. ANY KIND. AP- hig office. A GOOD SECOND HAND SODA fountain, small size, to operates in a country town. State all particulars, and address gn Note © . TO PURCHASE, A BRICK DWELL- ing house, eight rooms, all modern conveniences. tate price, terms, etc, Address communications to Box "AB.C.." Whig office. LOSERS OF VALUABLE ARTICLES to advertise them in * Forum." 4 your goods back as let another them, advertising will bring them. i MEDICALS. ' JR. McOARTHY, OFFICE LATELY Ra 1 i Ryan, corner Mon: rock streets. FOR SALE OR TO-LET. HEDGEWOOD HOME, 160 UNION ST.. all modern conveniences ; excellent location ; large grounds. Possession, May at Also iWo buliding lots for sale. For _ particulars torms, Apply to R.. W. Anglin "Easox. Ont. SCIENCE SCORES AGAIN. the Dandruff Germa Discovered. Finally the scientific student has dis- covered a certain remedy for dandruff, When it first became known that dan- druff is the result of a germ or para: vite that digs into the scalp and saps the vitality of hair at the root, caus- ing falling hair and baldness, biolo- gists set to work to discover some preparation that will kill the After a year's labor in one labora tory, the dandruff germ destroyer was discovered: and it is now embodied in Newbro's Herpicide, 1¢ prevents bald- ness, stops falling hair and speedily eradicates dandruff. "Destroy the cause, you remove the effect." Sold by leading druggists. Send 10e. in stamps for sample to The Herpeide Co,, De- troit, Mich. G. W. Mahood, special agent, ---------- Strathcona News Budget. Strathcona, July 5. --~There is quite a quantity of hay down in this seo- tion, Robert Madden is spending a few days with friends in Newburgh. James Wilson's little girl has been ailing for sovernd days © with a low fever. Mrs, William Wild is under the doctor's care. Mr. and Mrs. McClean, Montreal, are at her mother's, Mra. J. Kelly, One of the Rathbun company's river drive gangs, have arrived here and are putting their wood ashore. Leslie Bal lance has purchased the cement eom- pany"s farm and is moving into the house, Mrs. W. MeAvoy and two chil dren are visiting friends at Campbell lord, H. Wager and wife spent Domin- ion day in Napanee. Mrs, John Pybus who has been several times at the hos- pital is again suffering from the old complaint. George Haycock has finish- ed his contract lor strawberries with the canning factory. Rev. Mr. Chant preached in the Methodist church Sun- day last and gave a very interesting discourse on confederation. A canning establishment in this place is a fore gone conclusion. The people may look for it in operation this year. Several from here attended the strawberry festival on Youman's lawn, Newburgh, last Thursday evening. The Rathbun company intend putting a cement Smproving their property ° here. Mr. Finley inténds moving an old building down beside the paper mill and put ting it in order for a storehouse. The Misses Mabel and Lizzie Finley spent Sunday at Yarker. Robert Rook is ment announce that the first instal- ment of service cars for tracklaying purposes on the new transcontinental avetem left Point St. Charles yard to- Try Bibby's spécial $1. shirts. . dist church on Sunday in the absence | of the organipt. Mr. and Mre. Charles is visiting friends at Smithfield. P. Boyes presided at the organ in the Metho- Asselstine, of Napanee, visited A HOUSEMAID. APPLY to. ET TI RE LER VC Sed V, word. Minimum charge for ome im | 4 GENERAL SERVANT. FAMILY OF LS a sith. N wan $13 var south Hous at this T™WO {MAIDS, FOR STEAMER KING- GOOD PLAIN COOK ; ALSO BOUSE- maid EE a a i a hand ; also tet Bak mau) HORSE, chem ory Or AMERICAN sixteen FIRST-CLASS ch A $35 SoLUNMAIAN DISC GRAPHO- ONE w! THE ONLY AVAILABLE THE STEARNE WA King ws FARMS $4300 BACH: tT mie ohn: Couches For our MIDSUMMER SALE i See our Window Display of Couches. The latest in Leather, Wilton or Verona Rugs, Velours and Tapestry. At SALE PRICES. JAMES REID, ™ toting. FOR AMBULANCE 'PHONE 147. . oque, Mullen have purcha W. J. Free, Ottawa, has returned af Lensite; 07 . George street. CHAMBERMAID A girl. Apply at C GENERAL SERVANT FOR FAMILY of two, washing sent out. Apply to Mrs. Bampfield, 143 King street. goo bo 8 palin, Dept. "BH. . References = requ Apply Mrs. Victor Williams, 'Sunnyside,' Union street, A GROCER'S EXPERIENCE. «One insertion ot. "Cleric Wanted' in the Whig. bro a great number of applicants of all ages and descriptions. I had no Smesny in salgets just e yo man Ny I guess Drety nearly everybody in Kingston reads the . This is What an up-town grocer said yesterday. Want advts. bring results. ; WOR SALE, HARNESS AND PHAETON, Apply, 78 Division street. ASD ARM PROPERTIES. plan. sale. pay. De rt pL 208 Wellington St. NOY PEDIA NEw, ues, a digeoun reason. Apply through TRANSPORTATION, cap, to Chicago, the same being guafanion to purchaser. Eaguire ndolph Hotel. phone, with "five ten inch re- cords, choles selections. Can be had cheap. Apply at this Office. | SECOND-HAN SET BUGGY heels, and one set single harness, heap. a between 6 and 8 pm. A. W. Burtch, 157 Nelson street. vacant lot, on Lower Ui St. Beautitnl lew of 4 park, Apply sold cheap. MeCann'p Agency. 1 Brock t. or 621. TWO-STOREY, NINE-ROOMED SOLID « Depts "DS street. FULNISHED FRONT ROOMS furnished USE, 260 St., with You ons , will be HOUSE, NO. 304 QUEEN ST. Apply 300 Ques Bone. Ahly ue SOWER & SON, ARCHITECT, MI BE ST 4 + fees ane FINANCE AND INSURANCE - CUSTOMS BROKER - The business of the late Oy GO. Oliver, will ba carried "on in his office, 79 Clarence street. G.A. BATEMAN Who for the last five years has been ssspoiated with Mey Oliver. Money to Loan Mcintyre & McIntyre = BARRISTERS : 2 e Joyceville Notes. Joyceville, July 4.-The country could not look better; refreshing show- ers; everything booming. is keepibg a good price and our factory Cheese is doing well; the maker, Gilbert, * gives satisfaction. Donaldson has erected William i wire fence around his residence. James MoGrath (vontrgotor). has almost completed the thason worl on P, Joyce's house, and of carpepders are busy at it. A few our ports spent Monday in Ganan- ue Mesars. P. - Keys and James sed pianos. Mrs. ter spending a couple of weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W, , Mrs. T. Gallagher, Buffalo, is guest of her paremts;, Myr, and Mra. P. Naylon. W. Hamilton, Sanford, parents fideo on Sunday. Mich.; W. McGuire, Ottawa, and Miss If You Want a Home § Or Insurance, have a ™ talk with George Zeigler, "3" Stiiikcs | 87 Brook Street. »$ pp James | For Sale A first-class Cheese Fac § tory, nearly new; good business. T. J. Lockhart Real Bstate Agent, Kingston, A. Blake, Belleville, are visitors 'at TP. Trotter's. Mes. I. Joyce and Mrs. James Martin spent a few days in De seronto, last week, y ~ Point Road Poingexs. Point Road, ny 5.1 pectn A 1 heavy rains have ted the rm- ers on starting haying; if 'it soon does not ceasd it will prove disastrous to the crops in A number from here ati \ good time. E. C. Barrett ; ed a handsome rubber tired rig D. Hay. Schools have closed days, and teachers will have a to enjoy the fine weather, Henry | Chickering's, at M

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