bE OLDBERG, 322 Brossard: )P.1S OF CANADIAN NORTH-WEST even numibered. section of Domine in Manitoba or the North- vinces, SXoepting 8 and 26, not "4 S OF CANADIAN NORTH. MINING REGULATIONS, Royalty at the rate of ten cents 2, pounds shall be collected Pr ---- : 'BLOOD aris fm ct, ones, POISON "KN EXCELLENT FOOD.) admirably adaptéd to the Wants of Infants." Siz Cuas. A. CAMERON, C.B., M.D, Professor of Chemistry, R.C.S.1., ExPresident of the Reba! College of Surgeons, Ire & 9 ~ For Infants, = Invalds, And. The Aged. } : GOLD MEDAL, WOMAN'S EXHIBITION, London, 1900. DR. BARNARDO says :-- "' We have already used Neave's Food in two of our Homes (Babies' Castle and the Village Home), and I have no hesitation in saying it has proved very satisfactory." -- July 27th, 1901. es ---- USED IN THE » . Russian Imperial Nursery. Manufacturers :---JOSIAH R. NEAVE & ~ | ; Fordiogieideg, Bogiuod. < =o Wholesale Agents--THE LYMAN BROS, & CO., Limited, Toronto, and LYMAN, SONS & CO., Mon- treal. to $100 per annum for a com- paccording to capital. ner, having discovered mineral i may, locate a claim 1,500x1,- square ; entry fee es miner may obtain two leases to for gold of five miles each for a of twenty , remewable at the inister of the Interior. 8 lessee shall have a dredge in oper- within one season from the date of lease for each five miles. Rental, $10 annum for each mile of river leased. ty at the rate of 24 per cent collect- on the output after it exceeds $10,000. W. W. CORY ty of the Minister of the Interior. ~Unauthorized publication of this tisement will not be paid for. « Fenéwab! guide-book and map of the City of New York of two cents in postage. "IF YOU WANT A TRY OUR CUMBERLAND. 55-57 Barrack St. "Phone 109 sessed \T MYERS'. | RYCKMAN.--At Picton, on Jume a st, son, to Mr. and Mrs. Nolen Ryckman. ROWLAND. --At Brussels, Ont., on 26th June, to Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Row- land (hee Mamie A North, Picton), a daughter. POWERS .--In Pictou, June 25th, to r. and Mrs. Albert Powers, a duughter. MARRIED. BRIMACOMB -- FERGUSON. -- On June 23rd, Picton, to Rochester. Miss Ethel M. Ferguson Wo Brimacomi, DIED, PEBLING.--In Picton, on June 22nd, Hertha Markland, wife of Kliphalet Peeling, aged thirty-six years. LAMBE.--In Picton, on June 25th, Mary Ethel Lambe, aged 'twenty- SOVen years. ? GARRISON .--In Cherry Valley, on June 27th, Cecelia - Almira Garrison, aged fifty-cight years. s. BRITISH COTTON. Production Within the Empire is Constantly Increasing. The British government has recent. ly published a statement giving the complete statistics of cotton growing within the British empire, dn 1902 the amount of cotton exported from Bri 'tish colonies to the United Kingdom comprised only S27 bales. In 1904 the amount had risen to 9,438 bales, while the amount exported to all other countries was, in 1902, 2.003 pales; and in 1904, 12,037 bales. Figures for 1905 were not complete when this statement was made, but it was stat- ed in parliament that the total crop for 1905 would exceed 20.000 bales; of a value exceeding $1,500,000, The amount of cotton grown under [the au spices of the British. Cotton Growing association was, in 1903, 900 bales, and in 1904, 6,000 bales, and in 1905, 14,200 bales. Winston Churchill stated in the British parliament that "these figures, which exceed an arithmetical progression, are highly remarkable and encouraging, especially consider- ing the brief period during which fhe experiment has been made." Waiting works' wonders--if you keep busy while waiting. EE Wr -- No Liniment Can Cure It. That pain between the eyes isn't neuralgia. Many think so, but it is eatarrh, plain ordinary catarch, that needs attention right now. Your pro- per lead is to use "Catarrhozone." oetors recognize it 'as a cure that surpasses all others. Sure, because it does reach the trouble, safe because no drugs to take, you breathe its heal ing r direct to the course of the trouble. Two sizes, 25¢c. and $1. Sold - OF MARGARET ANGLIN, Olga Nethersole Cancelled Her ' Paris Engagement--Three Ber- lin Plays to Be Produced in the United States. 's Mansfield may revive "Cyrano de ac," next season. May Buckley is' to become Kyrle Bellew's leading woman. Euge Presbrey is at work on a raiflatisation of Sir Gilbert Parker's "The Right of Way." Cecilia Loftus, according to a re cent announcement, is to be a4 mem- ber of Weber's music hall staff of artists. Drina De Wolfe and Charles Cart- wright, in a new English play, is one of the interesting announcements for next season. . Anna Held is coming back to Ame- rica next fall. She will be: seen next season in a brand new musical piece. Book by Harry B. Smith. Mrs. Patrick Campbell will be seen in a new drama as well as in several of those she made famous when she makes her American tour next sea- son. "Mizpab," the poetical play, writ- ten by Ella Wheeler Wilcox, and set to music by Luscome Searelld, will be acted next season by a company head- ed by Charles Dalton. A week's tri was given to Lucie. France Pierce's play, "The Children of Men," in Chicagd recently and scored so substantially that it will be used on the road next year. GRACE SNELL, The eccentric daughter of Amos J. Smell, the Chicago millionaire, who was murdered | eighteen vears ago, has just beén warried for the sixth time. Her husband is Hugh M sve, a California newspaper man. Mrs. Love is thirty vight years old. Her list of former hus- bunds includes two hotel clerks from whom she was divorced ; and Frank Nixon Coffin, a Chicago coachman, from whom she was thrice divorced. One di- vorce from Coffin was granted aiter a honeymoon of four hours. She obtained two divorcees in the same court in two months. Charles Frohman has acquired for W. H. Crane a new play, "The Price of Money," written by Alfred Sutro, author. of "The Walls of Jericho." Lillian Russell has secured a French piece, which Paul Potter is transla- ting. The French title is "La Bon- heur Mesdames." Tt will be called "Barbara's Millions." E. 8. Willard has secured the Ame rican rights to "Col. Newcome," Michael Morton's dramatization of "The Newcome,"" in which Beerbohm Tree has made such a hit in London. Owing to a difficulty in settling the terms of her contract Olga Nethersole cancelled her Paris engagement. "The Poisoned Acid Drops," is the name of a three-act twelve:minute tragedy to be produced at a benefit performance in London next month. The first act is to be written by Capt. Marshall, the second by J. M. Barrio and the third by Fred Wright the actor, who is also to play one of the leading roles. Miss Lena Ashwell and her company will come to America in October, and after a run in New York of "The Shu- lamite," will go with that play over the independent circuit. Lena Ash- well, a former resident of this city, is one of the most talented of youngor English actresses and enjoys great vogue in London. Charles Frohman's first musical pro- duction for next season' will be "The Little Cherub," in- which he will pre sent Hattie Williams. It will be pro- duced at the Criterion theatre, New ork, early in August, with a notable cast. The piece is one of the season's biggest successes in London, and it will provide Miss Williams with an ideal part. "The Little Cherub" was written by the author and composer of "The Girl From Kays." Miss May de Sousa will play the leading part at Daly's theatre, Lon- don. Miss de Sousa has had a trium- phant career in England. When quite unknown, she was engaged by Arthur Collinge for the part of the heroine in "Cinderella," at Drury-Lane. After that came the chief feminine part in "Castles in Spain," at present run- ning successfully at' Terry's theatre. will be the character of 0 Mimosa San, made famous by Miss Marie Tempest, one of the greatst of Eng lish light operatic divas. Three plays now running in Berlin have been bought by Arthur Selwyn for disposal in America. One of them is an adaptation of "Little Dorritt," by Franz Von Schonthau, that has been presented in every large citv in continential Purope and is now in its second i Berlin. The second play is . Armand"s Wife," which Charles Hawtrey is to present at the Haymarket theatre. London. The thigd of the haul, "The Typewriter," by/Ludwig Fulda, has just passed the two hundredth performance mark in Berlin. One of Margaret Anglin's greatost HIGH OPINION |} 'ing, at 10:30. i t makes this remark : "When I see Duse or Mar- garet Anglin, or any other great act- ress, I do not ask * she really feel those emotions in her private life 7' Bernhardt saw the Canadian actess in "Zira" and immediately declared her the greatest English speaking actress and one of the few dramatic genuises of the day. A play, "The Whirl That nauseous wind," will be withdrawn from the Criterion theatre, London, and Mrs. Patrick Campbell will produce a new lay, entitled '"The Macleans of irness."' The chief figure in this is the Young Pretender, and the scene is laid in the Highlands, after the battle of Culloden. Flora Macdonald is not among the dramatis personae, its heroine being a fictitious character-- an Italian singing girl, to he portray- ed "by Mrs. Campbell, who is the active means of the pretenders es- cape. Charles Stuart and Flanagan, his servant, are the only historical characters in the play. NEWBURGH NEWS. Anniversary Service of Court , Newburgh Held. Newburgh, June 28.--The anniver- sary service of Court Newburgh, No. 417, LO.F., was held in the Method- ist church, on Sunday cvening.. The members, to the number of thirty, as- sembled at the lodge room, and march- ed to the church, where Rev. J. F. Mears -preached one of the finest ser- mons ever heard in Newburgh. His theme was "Humanity, Fraternity, Piety and Patriotism." The choir fur- nished special music. Mrs. MeKim and children, Montreal, are visiting Mrs. Pomeroy. Division court was held here on Friday before Judge Madden. The docket was not very heavy and court only lasted an hour. H. 'M. Deroche, K.C.. Napanee, attended division court on Friday. Eighty-five candidates are writing on the entrance examinations this week. John Lowry has purchased a mas- sive gasoline engine, Miss Deroche, and Mr. Warren, Napanee, ~ spent Monday evening with Mrs, S. Shorey. D. A, Nesbit and C. H. Edwards, Napanee, are presiding examiners here. P. D. Shorey is presiding at. the entrance ex- amination in Napanee. Robert Mad- den, Strathcona, is visiting Mrs, A. Madden. Alfred Knight, Napanee, was in the village on Tuesday. During the severe electric storm of Saturday a great quantity of 'hail fell at Switzer- ville. Miss W.: Finkle spent Sunday with Miss Herrington, Napanee. Miss Helen Herrington, Napanee, is visiting Miss Helen Finkle. Thomas Furrs, Colebrooke, was in the village on Wednesday. F. G. Millar, of the N.H. S. staff, left, on Tuesday afternoon, to spend his holidays at his home in Wiarton. a William Bowman had green peas and new potatoes, last 'I'tesday, from his own garden. D. A, Nesbit, Rev. J. T. Mears, P. D. Shorey, Miss Anna Sut- ton , Miss Pearl Wood and Miss Aleta Scriver took part in the programme at the lawn social at Pethel, on Fyi- 'day evening. John McCauley has a fine grano- lithic walk around his place which is certainly a credit to the contractor, Thomas Carr, foreman of the B. & Q. railway section. The men were just six and one-half hours at the work which is pretty nearly a record. M. Ryan has put up a new awning on the Paul store. Miss Stella Kennedy has returned home after a year's study in Loretto Abbey, Toronto. George Paul, Selby, made a flying trip through the village on Wednesday morning. "At Homes" are the order of the day. Edgar McKeinster is working for Peter Fairbairn. Bishop Mills will preach in St. John's church, on Sunday morn- ---- A Benefit Concert. Inverary, Everything points to a plemtiful supply of hay and a bountiful harvest. Farmers were well pleased with the returns from the factory for the last month. Alfred Garrett headed the list with a cheque for 8185. Several' other farmers . re. ceived cheques nearly as large. Statute labor is completed on roads. The 1.0.O.F. are a picnic in John Arthur's grove on July 4th, for the purpose of raising funds to assist Vineent Simpkins who was so severely injured by the pre- mature explosion of a blast at Perth Road. He is at present lying in the General Hospital.. A good programme is published for the afternoon with auadrille band in attendance during the evening. George Chrisley and Am os Ferguson have beautified their re- sidences by paint, Thomas Thompson, W. J. Arthur and Frederick Ferguson have erected new road fences. G. (lib. son had a bee on Thursday, drawing stone. A small girl has come to stay at W. J. Arthurs'. The school chil: ren had a jolly time at a picnie in Me Clow's grove on Friday. Little Maggie Lemmon of Kingston, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Loney, and Wiss Norma Elmer, is spending a short time with her cousin, Miss Annis Thompson. Th boys are practising for a foothall match with Sunbury at the Foresters picnic, on the 4th. Mrs. Tda Gibson is spending a week in the city. -------------- Souvenir cards of Kingston. views, in colors, at Wade's. If hali the average man's prayers were answered it would but add to his troubles. The smaller a man is the harder id is for him to cat crow gracefully. J n og une 28. the various preparing for New Her Drunken Husband Cured. A lady, who sdved her and home, says: =I bad for a time for been thinking of t: Samaria hing of SLivy for his drinking habits, One day when came me very much intox. Icated, and Me Necks sal i spent, I seat for Préacription, and pat i on, a tit : in bis cafe He Rever Suspect a ing, before T had given him. the full tours. he stopped drinking altogether. I honestly be- lieve Ai remodt rrll cure the worst cases." FREE SAMPLE avd pamphlet, giving al full particulars, pn imaIals nud 'sent Sentin 0 sealed envelope. b confidential, ache stamp for h ARS reply. 23 Jordan TORONTO, Ons admirers is Sarak Bernhardt. In the What Herpicide Does Newhro's Herpicide destroys the tiny vegetable growth in the sealp that ¢ ing scalp, falling hair and baldness. Once this microbe enemy of the hair is out of the scalp, the hair is bound to grow as nature intended, except in e auses dandrufi, itech destroyed, and kept ases of chronic baldyess What Sunlight Does Sunlight is nature's great germ destroyer and prophylactic. The (feet of sunlight sealp proves highly be inl if a complete plan of scalp cleanliness is earricd out. done without the use of Herpicide, which prevents re upon the scalp. Fhis cannot hy infection and keeps the seslp pure and whol More men and women have gotten positive results from the usa of Newbro's Herpicide than from all other hair remedies combined. Hot Weather Troubles The perspiration that exudes in increased quantities during the summer esomi months carries : 4 \ ut poisonous and refuse matter that would otherwise clog up the pores of the scalp. Incomplote elimination of this waste produces a hot and feverish condition of the sw glands known as Prickly Heat for which Herpicide gives immediate velief. Herpicide stops itch ing of the scalp almost instantly. Col. Thomp Burton, Member of the Board of Managers of the Of io Penitentiary, writes follows of Newhro's Herpicide : "As to Herpicile 1 find it an excellent hair dressing as well as being the first and only abso lute dandruff cure 1 have found. Upon my advice a number of my friends are using Herpicide, and the unani s verdict is, that Herpieide is, in all respects, everything that' its manufactfn- . ers claim for Sold at Drug Stores. Send 10c. in stamps for sample to the Herpicide Co., Dept. L., Windsor, Ont. See Window Di G. W. MAHOOD'S, Special Agent, Cor. Bagot and Princess Ste RET, -- - SUNSHINE FURNACE Does your furnace possess every known improvement ? This sectional cut of the "Sunshine" shows a few of the features that make this furnace such a great success. Among them are large double feed-doors, special fire action, well- made, roomy ash pan, heavy sectional fire-pot, dust flue, water pan, sect- ion of grate and how it is removed, galvanized cas- ing with flat cap, and pipe cut-off. Our free booklet explains all these and many more of the "Sunshine's" special features. Write for it. Sale by LEMMON & SONS MClarys ToronTo. Lonpox, MonTrREAL, "WINNIPEG, ; pride, Picton, June 28. Mrs. C. Gq, Fox. | VANCOUVER, - St. Jour, HAMILTON Running Full Blast, The on's returned! from Kingston General "Hos- | FRE O) FOR ME Joma) pital a few day¢ ago, where she un- ' : ci=nce | derwent a successful operation for af cataract on the eye. Fhe canning fac- tories are running full blast aenin and report the yield of strawhe rigs an average crop, The green peas wil | | which will positively cure lost manhood is " RESTOMIE; the marvellous German Remedy discovered by > ules Kokr, It is controlled in this Somutey by the I Medicine Company, a concern which has t! 8 igh standing in the medical world. This 'reatment a i thousands of men, young and old, when the best know remedies Dave failed if youre fulering from dixeses of th nerative organs sucl ing diana, Er da Jesuits of Abuse, this sl y ol eer ay san sf wil cre You the back and failing meen Beant completely in the worst cases in From of to two week's treatment. We make the da tae @ cure Or retirn your money. Thousands of testiny Bal Correspondence treated shietly TY i diet 7 treatment sent free with a of Tules fut . bu 74 and advice, Our greatest successes have iq oe a 7 7 have failed with othef ireatments a 8 Teme A " s regularly used in the French a ermal » end vital i the soldiers in these countries are models of streagt vitality. Write for sampaa C_% securely sealed in plain wrapper. be ready for the factory next week, Much work is being done on the streets this 'season, especially in the east end. A stray swarm of bees swarmed in a tree near Albert Steen burgh's house on the mountain. He succeeded in hiving them in a tea hox. A number from here atteseed the Free Methodist camp meeting at Odes- sa, last week. ©. 6G. Fox leaves for Port Hope to-day, where he will visit Also for sale by Henry Wade. his daughter for a few days, Address DR. KOHR MEDICINE CO., P.0. Drawer L, 2341, Montre> A per possit just as g you real; For Malt nutritive ele malt extract wheat, conve sugar, make: Hind adds a | foods sweet Malta-Vita. Waggons, As: there has not beautiful snow this s be more used. If yo Wagcon or Buggy of ft will be to your in Jas. La The Carri: 390 Princess Sf F Guai We guarantee ABSOLUTELY sterilized bottles Try it. Kingston Cor. Brock an 'Phone 56 THREE SH IRISH WH Famous fo century for it of flay Of highest st Purit it is espe fecommend Medical Prof account of it: "DRYN © Al A BUSHEL Bold by all Druggists and by' TEN CENTS PER | ARCHDALE Any man should b a business according BO man . can mana; way, I ------------