LIGHT WAY Sunlight Soap is better than hee soaps but is best when drt . Sunlight way (follow Hard rubbing ang boil ri ed ere Sunight 04D is used ® Sunlight Soap will not ine en the daintigst fn ire nds and the clothes wil ; Pr woolens sof The reascn for thisis | f becay rlight P is absolutely T-- DAIS No injurious chemicals indeed, nothing ansing, dirt-rey s of soap that \p. Buy itand follow C. directions YOUR MONEY REFUNDED by the dealer from whom buy Sunlight Soa Tou ps y p if you any cause OF complaiy Sug but the active moving proper. 's nothing by i 16 ER BROTHERS UMITED, Toronto me and the eashore and ing like "Fit- coolness and NNELS. GES, DS, PUNS. egant, stylish, L. "Kingston. S RESTORINE :-% most wonderful Medicine ever dis. al world. 10,000 The National nfidence returns. $ disappear tomes bright d. A pel ie, Jus: se r written sent FREE te a mome Lh hovest confidence. a I, 2341, MONTREAL. STION actorily is sweeping the Nothing so cool is ever been devis- it now our shelves tyles. We invite Bn. a) Insurance Co. Roy Established 1845 LIFE DEPARTMENT Assurances in Force, Assetsover = ~~ Expenses only 83 per cent. of income. DE ve Da eT, hint fits have 'been Forty Years. Over $14,000,000, d as profits altogether. last distribution in 1905, over $3,220, Security to Policyliolders 1s not sur- pases by that of any office in the world. Liabilities valued at 8 per cent. interest. Bx of Management are less pro- roridonately than any Life Company in Conadfie and Strong British Office. Rates, etc., on application to W.J.B. WHITE - - Kingston BRITISH - AMERICAN HOTEL KINGSTON - - ONTARIO Is undergoing alterations and will be re-opened to the travelling public on or about July the First. W TELFER - - Proprietor Grrr sssnsasssssscren@ ¢{A. E. HEROD 286 Princess Street. Ordered Footwear ¢ Repairs Shoe Dressing, etc. Store Closes at 7 p.m., Except Saturday. @cvesvsarvsrsacsessseas A WARM SUBJECT There's nothing in the world we're sa much interested in as Coal at this time pf the year. It may sound queer to speak of coal buying and sellig as a ecience, but that's what we've made it. 'wo important discoveries we have wade are that .complete satisfaction to ir customers pays best, and that the ay to win business is to deserve it. Booth & Co. , FOOT OF WEST ST. Phone 133. THE FRONTENAC LOAN & INVESTMENT SOCIETY. ESTABLISHED 1863, President--Sir Richard Cartwright Money loaned on City and Farm I'ro- es. Municipal and County Deben- tures. Mo purchased. Deposits received and interest allowed. 8. C. McGill, Managing Director. Office, 97 Clarence street, Kingston. NewYork Chinese Restaurant w 83 Princess Street Open from 10.80 a.m. to 8.00 am ~The best place to get an all round Lunch in the city. Meals of all kinds on shortest motice. English and Chinese dishes a apecialty, NEW MONUMENTAL WORKS Lettering in Cemeteries a Specialty : 3 : JAS. MULLEN, 372 Princess St. Opposite Y.M.C.A. (anadian (Chinese Restaurant 331 King Street Open from 10.30 a.m. to 3.00 am I'he best place to get am all round Lunch in the city, Meals of all kinds on shortest notice. English and Chinese Hishes o specialty: Phone 655, Wm. Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. New Carriages, Cutters, Harness etc., for sale. Sale of Horses Every Saturday -- er 'Auction Sales Book your sale of Furaitu and get choice of date: uy St oun I conduct all the important sales aad ealize the hichest prices, 'Phone, 685, w JOHN H. MILLS The Leading Auctioneer Lawn Mowers The Best Mower Only $3.50 we AT ee . Strachan's Hardware dervas' Confectionery Store First Class Confectionery Store and I . ce Cream Parlor. Cream, H, JERVAS, 220 Princess Street Next to Opera House. Choice Cooked Ham AT MYERS', Dr.. Brock's ¢ ¢ Especially For Women FRUIT-A-TIVES are the finest medicine in the world for women. As a mild and gentle laxative--as a positive and speedy cure for Constipation and Biliousness--as the only cure for weak and irritated kidneys and espe- cially for * that pain in the back "--as a positive cure for headaches--and as a general tonie to build up and invigorate the whole system -- FRUIT-A-TIVES stand supreme. i In cases of irritated Ovaries, Ovarian Pains, Vaginal Catarrh, Excessive and Scanty Menstruation, Ulcerations, Bear- ing Down Pains--and all those troubles peculiar to women-- rials OR "Fauir Liver Tasiers™ ve the most remarkable effect. ha Ninety-nine cases out of a hundred of Femszle Troubles are due to Deglect. Bowels become vonstipated ~ Ki e: irregular -- skin neglected -- an e i of the Bony which should be carried off by these important organs, are taken up by the blood carried to the female organs and ison them, thus starting up a train of female troubles. FRUIT-A-TIVES are made from fruits and by their remarkable action on bowels, kidneys and skin, rid the system of poisons, purify the blood, and restore the delicate organs of generation to new vigor and health. 'o woman, who suffers, should ever be without them. soc. a box--6 for $2.50, at your druggist's or sent postpaid by FRUIT-A-TIVES LIMITED = OTTAWA. 2-1 Shoe Polish' Black, Tan and White The bootblacks all use "2 in 1" Shoe Polish-- Pleased customers and many of them. "2inl" is aleather food, softens, preserves and does not eat or burn shoes. Don't take substitutes. Many Women have Kidney Trouble and don't know it. They at- tribute their ill-health to et Pom." Dragging pains in the ps, e, nervousness, tiredness, headaches--are more often caused by sick kidneys. I your kidneys are not well, the other delicate organs are and inflamed, bringing on te onion of female weak- an e serious troubles often i pregnancy. " THE GENTLE KIDNEY PILL cures these cases of '* Female Weakness' because they cure the Kidneys, They promptly restore the Kidneys to health, allay inflammation, take away the pains, and make the deli- cate organs well and strong. At druggists, or direct on receipt of price, soc. THE GLAFLIN CHEMICAL CO. LIMITED winnson, oat. Ar; made to withstand the rough: est laundry usage, and will retain their appearance longer than other make. - Each Collar is individually in: acted before it foaves Ta: © guarantee {| ths Junttutee. e workmanship of TOOKE BROTHERS, MonTReaL. "M5; With Maypole Soap With Ease at Home With Sure Results Made in England but sold everywhere. roc. for colors, 15¢. for black, | | C C s W. Botting, Westbrooke, Pewa, at DAILY NEWS OF NEIGHBORS WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND. ENTS TELL US. The Tidings From Various Points In Eastern Ontario -- What People Are Doing And What They Are Saying. Young Woman's Death. Allen, Wolfe Island, June 26.--Miss Delia Berry, a resident of this section passed away last Wednesday after a short illness. She is survived by three brothers and two sisters, who have the sympathy of all in their bereave- ment. A large number attended the forty hours' devotion in the Roman Catholic church, Marysville, last week. Grain crops in this section are looking fine. G. H. Robison, cheese inspector, called at the factories in this vicinity last week. Maggie Ho- gan returned home from Watertown, Monday. T. V, Hogan and John Mur- phy have purchased new buggice. Junetown Jottings. Junetown, June 26.--Leland Warren was seriously injured by a kick from a colt while leading it from water. Miss Grace Herbison has had a piano placed in her home. Miss Williams, Brockville, is the guest of her niece, Mrs. E. Avery. Fli Tennant is erect- ing a kitchen and woodshed. Ben- jamin Ferguson and James are ro- pairing Quabbin Hill. Mack Hall is building an implement house. Miss Airace Rappell has returned to her home at Athens, after a week's re- creation. Painting The Town. Caintown, June 26.---T. G. Tennont put up a large barn last Friday, Messrs. Ferguson and Bushfield at- tended the medal contest in Athens on Friday evening. Misses Winnie Phil lips and Mabel Wilcox?were guests at Thomas Franklin's on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Reid and 8. Powell joined in thé excursion to Ottawa last week. Strawberries are ° very scarce. R. R. Phillipe has had Ed- ward Andress, of Mallorvtown, put a coat of paint on his residence. John Kincaid has had painted his housa roof. x o A Drowning Accident. Flinton, June 26.-- A very sad ac- cident of the drowning of two men occurred at Brillgewates. Jas. Brill, one victim leaves a widow. An in quest was held, but no blame was laid on the Rathbun company. A ver- dict of accidental drowning was making it up with the widow. work is the order of the day. Mrs. Charles Miller, who has been very ill is improving. There is strong talk improvement to our country. D. Pringle has bought place; price 8100, plentiful. Visitors A Good Crop. Murvale, - June 25.--A lawn social es to Kingston battery last week, A number intend taking in the Railton picnic, Wednesday. A. smiles; it is a girl. R. ston, is spending a couple of weeks with Israel Lee. Miss Violet Murton, Kingston, is visiting her parents, The strawberries are very scarce. Curtis Walker is on the sick list. Visitors : Mr. and Mrs. H. Curran and daughter of Harrowsmith, at J. Hattie Lake, Kingston, at Bert Pur- dy's; Henry Coffing, Kingston, Miss Laura Walker, at William Wal- lace Miss Edith Irwin, Elginburg, at Max Purdy's. Harper, King- and Summer Visitors In Bloom. Wellington, June 22. Mrs, J. S. Hill, of Detroit, and family, are vis iting here. Mrs. Morrow, of Hillier, is guest of Mrs. W. Wright. A number of the members of the Masonic lodge vis- ited Lake lodge on Saturday. Mre. D, McDonald, of Rose Hall, died from cancer last week; interment at West Lake. L. K. Shourds went to England in the interest of . his fruit business last week. Miss Wilcox, of Picton, guest of her aunt, Mrs, Mrs. Mary Roberts and of Toronto, are visiting Rev. and Mrs, G. W. McCall. The picnic of the Ep- worth League and Sunday school, will take place on Saturday to Twelve O'clock Point by C.O.R." G. A. Well. man, J, KE. Nixon, H. Payne and others went to Cobourg this week to is W. Wright. daughter, Mae, visit boys of the battalions, John Wilder returned from Detroit ~_ last week, ---- Bongard Movements. Bongard's, June 23. Mrs. Ballard teacher, has been obliged to ¢ . school here and return to Norwood owing to the 'serious illness of her brother. Mr. and Mrs. 5 A. Williams and Mrs. R. Harrison visited at Wau- Poos recently. Miss H. David and Miss M. Waltam were guests of Miss N. Pierce on Sunday. Mrs. A, Kerr and Mrs. A. Wright, Waupoos, were recent guests at J. D. Bongard's. Mrs James Ackerman has returned > Fairmount, after a week's visit her parents. D. T. erecting a barn for N. MeGee, at "The Pines." Mrs. G. Vangesen was called to Haliburton, last week, to see 'her mother, who i« dangerously ill. Misx Gertie Williams is visiting 'friends in Picton. Mis. D. IL. Bongard, Picton and Mrs. J. Penman, Lanark, have been guests of Mrs. JJ. D. Bongard. Mr. and Mrs. G. Hobson, Bloomfield spent Sunday at 8S. A. Sobey's, rlose the to with McCormack is Forest Facts. Forest, June 2.~Mrs, J. is around again after a ness, Lawrence, severe sick- 'R. Guess is sporting a new rub- ber tired. rig. Mrs. Cummings is visit- ing her mother, Mrs. 8, Babcock, A number of young veople intend taking in the Railton picnic. Visitors: Mrs. at her son's W. Botting. Miss Velma Lavin o J. Moreland's. Mrs. Bert Wilton, at Mrs. J. Lawrenée's, Miss Gertrude Burng, and Miss Gertrude Finn, Chip- B. Harrigan's. A terrible, reached. The Rathbun company intend Road of a new railroad through here. We hope it may come as it would be an John the Miller Raspberries will be successful was held on the Metho- dist church grounds last Friday even- ing; proceeds £55, for repairs to the church, Purdy brothers sold two hors- Cowdy is all Curran's; Miss: Bk thunderstorm passed. over this vieid- ity on Saturday, afternoon, The rain came down in torrets flooding the grain in low filaces. The crops' never looked better than they do this year. The farmers - are wearing a broad better than t were last year; while the corn crop is slow, owing to the frost of last week, and so much wet weather. "The hay crops are a much hotter quality than last vear, while fruit of all kinds is a failure. Bad Day For Picnics. Moscow, Jane 38.~Many farmers are setting up wire fences along their lanes. Misses Grace and Ruth Patter- son entertained a number of young people on Saturday evening. Pienies from Wilton, Desmond and Colebrook were to have taken place at Varty lake, Saturday, but the rain pre- vented. Mr. and Mes, Miller have been visiting at Charles Amey's. Mr. and Mrs. George Lampkin spent WW few days with friends at Cataraqui and in Kingston, last week. Mr. and Mrs Frizzel, Toronto, are visiting at Levi Evans. Mr. and Mrs. Stauley Sproule, of Odessa, spent Sunday at F. P. Johnson's. Dr, Patterson | and sister Pearl, Newburgh, spent Sunday at W. J. Patterson's. School will close on Friday. - Miss Sills will go to her BR.TIH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27. -- ---------- v ---- smile. The grain crops in all are much ' road. Rev. R. W. Street preached his farewell 'sermon last Sunday and ead the financial rts, ore leaving for Moditoba Rev. Me. Foyet takes the circuit in September, Another pastor will fill the pulpit in the meantime. A mad bull gave chase to several men eral miles and captured. Picnics are the order of the day. The Twelith will be celebrated at . Blackburn; neighbor- ing lodges will unite. A little girl arrived at Clinton Empey's on the 11th, 2 ' Crop And Cheese Boom. Harrowsmith, June 23.--The country could not look better, lots of refresh- ing showers; everything booming. Cheese is keeping a good price; more milk coming to our factory this sea son than any since the factory start- ed, averaging nearly forty cheese per day. Mr. Bradshaw shipped 200 on Saturday, and all No. 1 cheese, which demands the highest price. He has a number of first class makers this sea- son. J, T. Gallagher shipped a car load of hogs on Thursday, and J.D. Shibley a large shipment of hay. Some of our young people had a good time at the lawn social at Murvale, on Fri- day night, The village seoms some- what deserted, since the braves left home for her holidays, while Miss As- MISS BERTHA KRUPP, Safd to be the wehest girl in the world, Who owns the great gun works at Essen, Germany andl whose income is variously estimated at $2,500,000 to $5,000,000, is again reported ongaged this time to a young aristocrat, whose name is still hept a secret. He is said to be poor, but of an old and highly respected noble family. sclstine will leave for Winnebago, Minn., to spend the summer with her friends. A social is to be held on ¥. P. Johnson's lawn on Thursduy even- ing, in the interests of the parsonage debt. Mrs. Forsythe O'Neil is visiting in Watertown, N.Y. Wild Bull Chase. Harrowsmith, June 25.~Some farm- ers say seed potatoes are rotting in the ground owing to wet weather, The hay crop promises to be of good qual ity, but ory It is expected that the Great Northern company will run a railway branch through here, from Montreal to western points, Survey: ors have been through and 'located, Thomas Burch hms purchased a fine black blood horse. The vat purchased from D. Derbysh Brockville, for W. F. Empey's factory had a roundabonit trip. It was shipped in a car with the freight and was carried far west of Ottawa, being a week on the over You Are Losing Looks or Strength ? Once you were robust, bright and happy. _ To-day you are dull, worried, fail ing in vitality and appearance, Just when you should be at your best, vou're played out and need a cleansing, bracing tonic. Your blood will soon redden, your vivacious spir it will soon return, you'll be yourself again if you regulate the system with Dr. Hamilton's Pills. A truly wonder- ful medicine. It searches out disease; positively drives aw ay headache, wear- mess and lack of vital force. Give vourself a chance. Use Dr. Hamilton's Pills and watch the result, Sold ov erywhere, Be. per box, or by mail from N. C. Polson & Co., Kingstoi, Ont., or Hartford, Conn., U.S.A. For the Little People When shopping don't for- get those very important Canadian citizens--the Child- ren, who are just as fond of new and pretty things as their ton, guaranteed fast color, in bldck white and tan; good quality, also Children's Half Hose, in- same col- ors, per pair E 10c. HILDREN'S HATS- On second floor we are showing some of the newest and prettiest Summer Hats, Bonnets and Caps ever seen in the city, both In straw, silk and white and colored duck and linen. Be sure to see the line of linen and duck Tams at... 25¢. BUSTER BROWN BELTS Lots of these very fashionable Buster Brown Belts left yet, and just the very thing to finish off the small boy or til, in black, tan and white. 25¢. WHITE LAWN WAISTS A 1 «Ibow sleeve, back fastenin, priced that you simply -~ : CASH CO CRU arge shipment. of these héauties g, nicely trimmed and have to buy some. . for camp at Cobourg. Olander Baker lost a valuable cow on Wednesday night, by getting lost. N. Alport has hired with J. T. Gallagher, and mov- ed to the village on Saturday. The Sunday school picnic, to have boen held on Saturday, was on account of rain postponed until next Saturday. There are rumors of a wedding, a steam hay press, and a stage line to Kingston, Visitors; E. Gallagher, of Toronto, at his father's; Elmer Tal- longgfrom the Adirondacks; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Calljhan and son, King- ston, At Daniel Grages; Also a visitor to stay at Miles MaNtin's, on Satur- day, a son. NO SHAM BATTLES To Be Held This Year By United States Troops. Washington, D.C. June 27.-A gen: eral' order will be issued from the war department in a few days, giving in- structions. in regard to the exercise of the mobilization of troops in the summer at Mount Gretna and the other six camps of concentration. It has been decided to hold no sham battles and to indulge in nothing of a spectacular nature. The work of the troops, 'both regular and militia, will be | confined to practical operations and exercises which tend to harden soldiers to out-of-door life and train than for the hardships and exposures of field work, There will he abundant marches and night bivouacs away from the regular camps. There may be at cach of the camps a final review, which will be attended, as far as pos rible, by distinguished officers, It is poksible that Gen. Bell, chief of staff, will visit all of the camps some time in their existence, provided he leave his work in may not be possible for any length of time, since his assistant, Gen. T., H: Barry, will, a part of the time, be absent in Europe, where he goes with Duvall, to witness the German army manoeuvres, Arrangements have also been made for a yepresentative of the general stafl at each of the camps for the purpose of technical observation of the work of the troops. The officers who have charge ol the camps, such a8 Gen. Grant, at Mount Gretna, where the New York militia will be Sent, are enjoined to see to it that there is the least possible amount of a soldiers' show, and that everything be done to give the camp a serious and business-like aspect, ---- TO FORM CABINET -- Under President of Russian House of Representatives. St. Petersburg, June 26.--1It is said at the conference to-be held at Piet- wehof, to-morrow, between the czar, high government officials and others, it will be decided to form a cabinet, under Sergius Andro Mourontseff, the president of Russian house of repres- | entatives. It is believed all the mem. bers of the new cabinet with the ex- ception of minister of war and the minister of marine will be selected from representalt in the douma. Percy Pierce, who was held in thorities in Bufialo, automobilist, custody by the au Werthima, Germany, for #ion with a farmer, has been released, elders, Knowing this we are always prepared to meet their needs. $A CHILDREN'S Vi S--Long and | BOYS' COLLARS AND "TIES- Of shart and no sleeves, light summer course he will kick at the thought of weight, 12}c., 10c. and Se. wearing them, but it is a case of CHILDRE STOCKINGS--In cot- must on Sunday at least, Turnover Collars for boys from 6 to 12 years, each 124e. Long Silk Ties, in navy, b 0c bright red, white and also' lack. grounds with white figures and spots. each oe 20c. will be BOYS' $ SATERS These r much more to his taste than collars and tics, plain colors and combina-d tions of colors, nice light weight for hot weather, all fizes, each 50c. GIRLS' HANDKERCHIE AND COLLARS---Lots of these necessary summer articles in stock and all at very reasonable prices...... be. to 25c, just arrived, tucked, and so low UPONS [LEY BROS. can Washington, This other' officers, including Gen. P. W. the other day, it was followed for sev: |' EE the thin, round-cornered little Enamel Box below! 'When carried in your vest pocket it means Health-Insur- ance. "It contains Six Candy Tablets of pleasant taste, almost as pleasant as Chocolate. . Each tablet is a working dose of Cascarets, which acts like Exercise on the Bowels and Liver. . . » It will not purge, sicken, nor upset the stomach. Because it is not a "'Bile- driver," like Salts, Sodium, Calomel, Jalap, Senna, nor Aperient Waters. These waste Diges- tive Juices of the system needed to- morrow, in merely flushing-out the Bowels today. ® ® = Neither isitlike Castor Oil, Gly- coring, or other Oily Laxatives that simply lubricate the Intes- tines for transit of the food stopped up in them at that Showing size of ** Vest Pocket" Cascaret Box compared to Watch. again till that Cause is removed per- manently. The chief cause of Constipation and Indigestion is a weakness of the Muscles that contract the Intestines and Bowels, Cascarets are practically to the Bowel Muscles what a Massage and Cold Bath Ts Q'2P NAME has beon closely allied with the development of Bewing Machines In Canada for more than One Third of a Century, because we have a Machine which bears investigation and stands any test. ALWAYS OOomMPANY OFFICES : expensive, too. cular time, h ~ partial Constipation gency drugs relieve the immediate trouble, paves the way for all other Diseases. but do not relieve its Cause. « *'Vest Pocket" box 10 cents. The same trouble will therefore recur Be sure you get the genuine, made MADE IN'CANADA | BY A CANADIAN COMPANY. IR, A ---- WHEN THE SUN COES DOWN-IF YOU USE ACETYLENE You will have in your home, store or factory a light that will shine as bright as day. In. We'll tell you all about it for the asking. The Continental Beat and Light Company 17-19 Busby Lane, Montreal, P.Q. Sole Selling Agents for Shawinigan Carbide, A EOI IC White Canvas Shoes Sizes, 1 to 5, : The $1.50 kind, while they last for ® McDermott's Shoe Store 000002060 M00E0 VsCOS SLOWS only by the Sterling y. and never sold in bulk. Every tablet stamped CCC." . A sample and the famous booklet, ** Curse of Constipation," Free fo the ask- ing. Address Sterling Remedy Company, Chicago or New York. 0 en rn ls LOOK FOR THE NAME THE WILLIAMS MANUFACTURING CO. MONTREAL, P. Q. TARONTO, LONDON, HAMILTON, OTTAWA, ST. JOHN, N. B, | e AGENTS WANTED EVERYWNERE. : ~---- LiwiTeD, Ja SRR ik : SE 4 NR» | Get our prioss. Phone Main 1789, THE CANADA METAL CO,, 31 William St,, Tex