Rheumatism, of the Limbs, ele. Lniment is thy og liniment ong b , oll bandage any TOY. with the linimegt, "p Ie bottle, 25 cong. xcellent Hair Restorer Scalp Cleanser sale at your adruezia '8 procured tit es B, White Liniment 8 oo N.B.. and Chelona: a rr ------ Ww ig > Time Have 'S Modelled i d>aired: GOURDIER'S d 80 Brock Street ly Exclusive Fur Store ndelabra 'w and choice do. low or high, burn and gray finishes, are . furnished new silver fil ed shades, with ica Linings That not Catch Fire ndelabrum is to Imost a me, necessity TH BROS. lers :: Opticians hone 666 8 of Marriage Licenses 01 LINE in your tank ur dock. stock of Dry Bat. rk Plug and Coils hand. & YOULDEN IMITED. 37%c. preseat itself of ILKS at Less. JAY s on that day we about 250 yards dered Iks dainty figures of ill wash as per- le, and although et on Thursday . a yard. NDOW Off Veek Shaw DATLY BRITISH RAILWAY E ¥] TRC ERAT Dominion Day Return tickets will be sold 'at SINGLE FIRST CLASS FANE Good going, Friday, Saturday, Sun- day, Monday, June '29th, gounp July 1st, and 2 returning from destination om or before Tuesday, July 8rd, 4 1906. Homes eekers' Excursions TO THE~- NO RTH-W EST rn Fared Fro m Kingston 1' fun] 00 | Erased - «$99 Sos 0 | Serkatoon : - Rrapdon 05 | Prince Albert - 28 Moosemin - 20 No. Battleford - 39 00 r. . to Madeod . . 0 2 "| . .o. oven} 0% | BT CS Rg" - ea efther Morcaaw - = "60h | Edmonton 2 0 Wh ING th] Spt. 8rd J Ard, G to retarn un! iC Sr ou mh, a - al 1ith For, further particulars, Tickets. Touriet Car Accommodation, sid all other iniormation spply toJ. P. BARLEY, Agent, Corner Jcbneon and Ontario Steels, § 2 GENT PEMBROKE RAILWAY In Connection With gauasion Pucif Pacific Railway SINGLE FARE DOMINION DAY Going June 20th and 30th, Returning until July 8rd, 1906, Homeseekers' Excursions! -- TO Manitcba srd Caradian Nerth-West July 3rd and 17th Full particulars at K. & P. RR. Ticket pflice, Ontario street ¥. CONWAY, FF. A. FOLC Gen. Pass. Agent, Gen. 8 ang C. P, Bay of Quinte Railway New short line for Tweed, Deseronto, and all local points, eave City Hall' Depot at 4 pm. F. JANWAY, Agent B Q. Ry:. Kingston. QUEBEC STEAMSHIP CONPANY LIMITED River rd Gulf of $1. we Summer Cruises in Ceol Latitudes Twin Strew Iron B88. *Campana," with electric lighta, electric bells and odern comfort. SAILS FROM MONTREAL on no DAYS nt t 2 pana, 10th, Hol July : 18th and 37th August ; rh and 24th Septeiber; for Pictou, N.S., calling at Quebec, Gaspe, Mal Bay, Perce, Cape Cove, Grand River, Summerside, P'.E.I. and Charlottetown, P.E.I BERMUDA mer Excursions, by the Win Sere 5&2 Temperature cooled by sea breezes seldom rises above 80 degrees. The finest tri of the season for health and comfort: ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, Quebec. For tickers apd stataroqus Sa ily io Ji HANLEY, SLED EVE, Ticket Agents, Sure mt: Daily Line ™ July 2nd. | | Napanee, | Trains | | { | row rau; jam,"t 5,500 tons. Sailing Pr from New York, from' 6th Jude to 3 ; | Torente, Charlotte, Thousand Islands, | Brockville! £1escolt and Montreal." New steamers KiRgston & Toronto LEAVE KINGSTON : o Loli East--Dally except Monday at | 5 Goink West~Daily except Monday at Ron | to 'Clayton, 1,000 Island Ports, Brockville or Prescott, going and returning 2 Sunday only, single fare. Kings! to Montreal and return: Go- ing Biren or Sunday. Returning T. R, Fare $0. day. Also a rates to Toronto an | | % | direction. Whether you: bread is.good or bad, the cost of baking is the same. You pay a few cents more for Royal Household Flour but those few cents in- sure good results every time. "It is the finest, whitest, purest flour that's milled. It's the flour that is always good. Ogilvie Fleur Mills Co., Lid. 158 Montreal EE JE HOY A RAE | oe |) J ~ -- CL CTLL] [OA Ie, hi Lg air THERE IS ONLY ONE MAGIC BAKING POWDER , Wholesome and SOLD IN ALL Ee EW.GILLETT Sours TORONTO, ONT. de En a SAL CSA pein. AEN IRD WOMER Use Dig @ for unnary Ts Kl 10fiatiiaatis ireice Ao tr ulcers he Pain J 4: Sold by Drussieis, of went ton Sain w Roo oy ory ord Ro Obezalar mit an Wool's Pho The Great Eaglis Tones id nid oruienthe Witte IT rugglsts or mal in Pl hE. On ie [ ew pamp, x TY Medicine Co, ade Fhe Toronto, Ont. TRAVELLING. New York Central & Hudson ~ & iRiver R.R. THE SIX-TRACK TRUNK LINE Shortest Route to the United States Via Kingston and +» ; Bape Vincent, N. Y. Lv. Kingston (str.) 5:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m. Arr. Cape Vincent (str) 7:00 ui. 4 p.m, Lv. € Vincent, 7:20 u.m, 4:50 p.m. | Are tertown, 8:10 a.m. 5:50 pan. Agr. Qswego, 1L5Y am. 9:12 pum. Ath: yracuse, 12:18 p.m. 9:38 p.m. rr. ¥u chester, 2:28 p.m. 1:20 a.m. Ary 12:20 p.m. 9:45 pau. Arr. New" York, 6:00 pm. 7:12 a.m. Passengers wishing to take 5 a.m. Steamer may secure staterooms aboard. Convéiient 'traln service in opposite Hc Ed isrsing | PULLMAN, SLEEPING AND Hamilton, Toronto, Bay of Quinte| ard Montreal Line LEAVE KINGSTON : ng East Way . ys, Fridays and Sune, foal dp Going W ent, TPicedays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 4 p.m. J.P, HANLEY, J. SWIFT & CO., Ticket Agent. Freight Agents. i -------- ey 13 Prewa, Lake Ontario and Bay of Quinte Steam: boat Company, Limited Stes. North Kin King & Caspian 1000 Istands--Rochester 'ommencing June 28rd, steamer will leave Kingston. daily except Monday, at 10.15 ajm., for Alexandria Bay, Rock- port, Gananoque and Thousand p Sands, Returning will leave at & for Rochester, © N.Y., calling at Pi of Quinte Ports. STR. ALETHA Teaves Mondays at 5 p.m., for Picton and intermediate Bay of Quinte Ports For full Iniorpation apnly to E. B Homey, fl Manager, Kingston : &.' Hositey Fleket Agent'; Jas. Swift & Co. Freight Agents. ALLAN LINE Rovgiman ' MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL. Victorian Shine al July 19, Virsialam, July 98 Ave: i his 14, Ave. 3 9, Sept. 6. Ra TO GLASGOW, > Weakly Moderate Rate Sarvice. Soi June 27. Sicijfan + July 4. For rates, apply to J. P. HANLEY, Avent, a; TR, J P, GILDER- PARLOR CARS Cheap Excursion to Watertown, $1.25 return, Fpom June 16th to October 1st. Uaing Saturday 5400 a.m, and 2 p.m. Retu ni Monday, leaving 9:10 a.m, and 4:40 pan. 2 Cents a Mile looks 0. 380, milks of travel on New Coral and leased lines within Watertown yore o New "York cost only $10, while books for 1,000 miles over New York, Central, Boston & Albany, Buffalo, Rochester ' & Pittsburg, Philadelphia & Reading and Central R.R. of New Jersey cost $20, Secure further information and purchase tickets from H. 8. Folger, New York Central Agent, Kingston, Out. C.. FP. DALY, Passenger Trafic Manager, A H. Smith, General Manager, G."C. Oridley, General Agent. TIME TABLE STEAMER WOLFE ISLANDER JUNE 10th to SEPT, 15th, org Wolfe Island! J ou. TBD 05 AM. 160 4.00 PA Yo Tey. 100 4 ih 1.00 4 0 9 100 3, Frida 100 4 100 4 12.30 5 B25 seE8e. 585 ga5k32% ~ = "casas sss, rast * poo ao, { *Tharsdny special : eakey's Pay, Howe Tes lami (Walker's Dock), Be bs Dork ord Bay 6% am. ' © B BRICBLAND, Mavager Bost calle at Garden lelandgoing to and from Klugston. e | zen)' TT EE ALD. GIVENS REPLIES] To A CRITICISM OF HIM BY A to City Council Containing a Censure of An 'Alderman. whose communication to the Whig appeared in your issue of Satur- day, andl who dealt with the petition of the board of trade, recently sent to the city council ? "He says, in the first place, that the hoard of trade has a perfect right to criticize the members of the council: Everyone admits that, so long as the mem of the board confine them- selves to passing resolutions at their own meetings. But they surely do not claim the right to address a petition to the council, containing a censure of .one of its members. The council itself can attend to its own members, and censure them, when necessary. The council is quite willin~ to aceept sug- gestions as to 'matters of general in- terest, but it has a right to resent any attempt at interference and dieta- tion by any body of men on a mat- ter concerning a member and an em- ployee, "Citizen" says the members of council are just' as entitled to criti cism as members of parliament, Ad- mitted; butrlet the board of trade ad- dress a petition 4 'narliament censur- ing the Hon, Mr. Harty or any other member for some statement made by him, either in committee or in the house, and sce what will happen, "Citizen" seems to forget the section of the "Declaration of Rights which contains those great. -rinciples establishing the rights and liberties of parliament. Let me quote it for him : "That the freedom of speech or de- bates, or proceedings in parliament, ought not to be impeached or ques- tioned in any court or place out of parliament." Does "Citizen" forget the Cing Mars case which was before the House of Commons at Ottawa the other day ? "Qitizen" further says that theald- ermen are responsible to the people for their acts. True; but they are not responsible to the board of trade. As an alderman, T am responsible for my words and acts, in the first place . to the council itself; second, to my con- stituents; third, to. the courts of law. So far, none of these has expressed an opinion on the case, "Citizen" also says that next Janu- arv, 1 shall havé to answer at the polls for mv remarks, Tn other words, "Citizen" threatens me with ven- goance of the members of the council of the hoard of trade at the next al- dermanic election. One has only to glance over the names of the gentle- men that compose that council to be convinced that they will resent any such imputation as 'Citizen' casts upon them. 1 have sufficient confidence in 'those goéntlemen' ta believe that, 'if 1 offer wiyself as a candidate for al- derman, they will nat be influenced hy any desire to revenge themselves on me because 1 happen to differ with them on the under discussion. They will vote against me, if they do so vote, be- because taking my record as a whole, they find T have not done my duty as a representative of the people, and not hecause of any isolated act on my part or from any petty spirit of re- venge on theirs, ¥ This is the first time T have ever come out: in the open, but who shoots from behind a tree. T hope, if he re- plies to this, he will have the manli- ness to sign his name to what he has to say.--D. A. GIVENS, Pure Foods Versus Impure. The crusade against adulterated foods is commendable, and should be supported by right-thinking people, es- pecially when in the majority of cases the adulterated product is foisted up- on the community at the price of the pure article. It is refreshing to know that in tea the public are protected by demanding the well known and re- putable brand, 'Salada' Ceylon tea, sold only in sealed packets, each bear- ing the sdling price and the register ed trade name, a public safeguard against substitutes, -- Married In St. Mary's. A very pretty wedding occurred Wednesday morning at half-past o'clock when Edith, daughter of Myles Byrnes, of Barriefield, was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Collier, Toronto. The ceremony was performed in St. Mary's cathedral by Rev. Father Kehoe, and at its con- clusion the happy couple at once took the steamer Kingston down the en route to New York. On their re turn they will make their home in Toronto. Point Road Pointers. Barriefield, June 22. -The recent tq low lands. weather would be welcomed, as the farmers are dhout to start haying in a few days. J. Muckle has been ap pointed telegraph operator in this lo- cality. W. J. Ruttan has been ap- pointed magistrate. Capt. J. spending the ' week in Cobourg the voluntecrs. T. handsome wire fence in front of his residence. F. McGrath has also built a handsome fence, EE ---------- Get Ydur Bowels To Move. Now see here a minute my friend. You ought to know that you can't cure pains in the head, or heartburn and shooting pains in the stomach with headache powders and liniments. That stuff you rub on doesn't remove the cause. You have got to go down where the trouble is. What you want to do is to get your bowels to work. Take three Hutch tonight. Take one after each meal. It takes out these pains by stopping the fermentation of the food. It is easily taken, better than elixirs, sarsaparillas, jron and acid preparations. Don't lose time fooling with such things, but start us- with a doctor for ten cents, Kingston, June 26.--(To the Edi-] tor) : Will yoli give me space to ans- wer a person signing himself "Citi- ninth | phe Trea aE 1G, ioofa Wanderful- Box, The most wy rleriul § hoy Jo delcunil 4 dn any home i a box 'of u WRITER. Mother, father, and children alike fil it useluls ATF Clarke, of Caven lish, Holds That Board of Trade Had | St. West, London, (Ont.), says: ¥ No Right to Address Petition [have used your Zam-Buk for line burns, and it heals them quicker than anything T ever saw. My wife uses it also on our little girl, Yn is oon tinually falling and bruising herself. She 'always 'runs to her mother for some "stuff,'" a8 she ails it, know 'ing, young as isu that Jem A wil soon makes sore better, I think it is a wonderful prepasati, nm, and bound to have an enormous use. | This is mn g how varied ar: the uses of his eal vegetable balm, The hard skin of the adult and the tenis er, delicate skin of the clili are alike benefited hb its. application, Zam Buk is of excellent: service in the home, on cause of its wonderful healing, sooth- ing and antiseptic powers, It heals cuts, burns, braises, and abrasions, is an excellont: embrocation and is a certain curq for pimples, er uptions, eczema, rarwerm, aleeis; barber's rash, festering: sores, insect stings, sore breasts, abse:iws, boils, etc. All druggists supply Zam-Bak, at fifty cents a X, qr fis fabs aiunbls, post free, from the Zam Rl Ca, Col borne St., Toronto, upon 1ecvipt of price. ------ i MRS. LESLIE An American artist, specinlty of portrait work, has bécome the pet of London 'aristocratic society, She has been taken wp by the exclusive set amd is overwhehued with orders for purtraits of society women of the bhluest blood. Lady Seville and Lady Cunard COTTON, who is making a ! are wmong her spegial: patrons. MARINE NEWS. What is Gathered From Around the Harbor, "The schooner Bertie Kalkins cleared from. the. asylum for, Oswego. Swift's wharf: 8 up last night; Belleville, day. down yester: particular matter now ! answered an adversary who does mot | two sloops a | four ; John | river | heavy rains are doing a little damage' A few weeks of fine dry! { the public tend to Woods is ' Doyle has built a! ing Hutch as quickly as you can, Its. he required daily --r Steamer Rideau Quéen made a trip up the Rideau as far as Washburn, to-day. The steamyacht, Nokomis, from Alex andria Bay, was in port with a party last night. The steamers North King and King- ston made the Thousghd Island tip, i this morning, The steamer Wolfe Jelabder is carry- ing considerable hay to the city, not withstanding' that on the ave rage week come to port laden. ' Richardsons' clovator : Schooner Acacia" cleared with feldspar for So- dus; propellor Midland Queen cleared for Oswego to load coal for up the ldkes Robert Anglin, lotkmaster at King ston Mills, denis that there was any accident to a lock at that place last Saturday. The locks, he says, never in better order, M. T. Co. elevator : Tug Bronson and four light barges, from Montreal, clearing agnin with three grain bar were ges; propellor 8. N. Parent, from Duluth, with 79,800 bushels of flax: tug Thomson ang four light barges from Montregl; propellor Parent clear ed for Chicago; tug. Thomson and three grain barges eleared for Mon eal S8. Fairmount and consort from Fort. William, with 145, ls of wheat; 88, Fairmount cleared for Prescott calling on her re turn with the Melrose' und Qiichec, for Fort William, Morbid Morality. Toronto Star The sensational murder in the Madi son Roof Garden, Now York, adds an other to the list 'of drastic criminal cases which engage the attention of a whole continent. The outstanding feq tiuwes are that a prominent New York architect of middlé age took advan tage of an unusually preity artists' model when he assigted in hey theatri cal ambitions, and wealthy young Prishurger Who abl married her, sought to wipé out the dishonor in the blood of the betraver. In his desire for revenge he appears to have been a by his wife. While the facts as Ware now given to 6 "murderer a populpr hero, it is not unlikely that w and, his wife will vet He made to appear in a lees favorite light, The whole story iHustrates the morbid morality: 'dfval promineit section of Ameriban soticty. wpe An Enjoyable Concert. A very enjoyable 'concert was' furn- ished last evening by Companion Court Frontenac, No. 427. in their hall, on Princess street. Those taking part in instrumental wie" $e. Misses Har- old, Wright and Cesig: as soloists, Misses Morrigon Tein and Mr. Hurst; as veadbrs FT rciters, Misses Brigtow and MoKenzie 'and Masters Davis and Beigtow: Tee cream and cake were served tH¥ough - the evening and at ten'o'clock, the audience dis. persed, fully satisfied with an evening well spent. W.. H. Godwin acted as chairman. This court intends to run an exewrsion to), For oresters' oy Phan: age, nggr Picton, ot July, 4th, Adal Ahont _ feo oysters would 1 ' ona Tor one ly a sufficient WEDNESDAY, J UNE 2% one instance out of, ts Hamilton,' CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First insertion, 1c. a word. Eadb con scqutive insertion thereafter je. a word. Minimpm charge for one. in- wert abs. Advt, rg ey or upder a week, $1 Advt, ¢ lines or under a month, $3. Everybody in Kingston Beads tho WHiG Chan APPLY TO MRS. R. E, Kent, 85 King street. Binnie dest nobis bi ™o MAIDS, FOR STEAMER ® King. 80 40 Yours age. Call a3 or, avenin. Wellner st. FOUR IR LA 2 DINING ROOM other hel, a. i} - ir J > A rious AP ol on "Wi fie HELP WANTED--MALE. FOR SALE. BARBERS® INEROV ER O S, ART ory AND FARM PROPERTIES. A young man to learn RB rie Plan. Ne, sale. No pay. st Apply A. E Hunt. D., 2038 Wellington soo. HONEST BOY, LEARN AMERICAN ENCYCLOPEDIA, NEW, kers Trade. Alp to HOF. sixteen volumes, at a discount, for Weight, Harrowsmith, Ont. reason. 'Apply through Whig 00. WAITERS = TO ALSO WORK IN kitchen. Apply Oenadian Chinese | SPACE IN THIS COLUMN. FOUR Hestuurant, 331 King stieet. lines or under, 26c., one insertion 2 . three insertions; $1 a week ; $2 HELP, THE YEAR ROUND. Srv. & month, ations vacant, domestics, hotel {actories. Departuient *B., br THE ONLY AVAILABLE _ FIRST Wellington street. glass vacant lo ot, on! Lower nice St. w of ty park. GENTLEMEN . TO HAVE THEIR 203 Wellington St., Dept. #D. wh suits Pressed and cleaned carefully by hand ; Pa ao bring your cloth and have p-to-date uit made, Gallo- way LN yan Brock stree! SALESMEN FOR Host cotipressed-air terms. mple chine diberal to approved agents. Cavers Bros. < Gait, Dut. AUTO-SPRAY uid Sprayer A MAN OF GOOD ADDRESS AND to sell High Grade sursary stock in 0 city of King- permanent situation for the mau, "Canada's" Grea Nurseries,' Stone & Toronto. { AND BOYS TO LEARN PLUM ing, Plastering, Bricklaying. Special offer life scholarship Ofty dollars, easy payments ; position maranteed ; free catalogue, Coyne iros., Trade Schools, New York, Chicago, St. Louis, ' A MALE TEACHER FOR THR Kinvston Collegiate Institute to take History and assist Sith Latin: Duties to begin afte! vacation. Salary will start at $700 or $900 and go to $800 or $1,000, depend: ing on experience and gealifeaion. John edonald, Hoard of Education. WANTED. rrr rE ---- GROCERY STORE AND STOCK. AP bly to McCann's, 61 Brock street. TO GB BY DAY TO DO NaBHING or ironing. Apply Box office. WASHING CLEANING oR OFFICH work. to-do hy the day. Apply 414 King street. A GOOD SBCOND HAND Soha fountain, small size, to operate in country town. State all particulars, and address '"J.B.S.' Whig office. TO PURCHASE, 'A BRICK DWELL- ing house, eight rooms, all modern Sonveniencss. State price, terms, Address oe cations to Hox i RBC While 0 LOSERS 'OF VALUABLE KXRTICLES to advertise them in "The Forum." You might as well Fo your Ronda back as let another eep them, and advertising will bring them. PRODUCE AND : PRICES, Prices At Present Prevailing in The City. Kingston, June 27.--~The local pro- duce market. prices this week are : Meat--Cattle, on the hoof, $3.50 to 84 per ewt.; beef, carcase, $6 to $8 per cwt.; choice cuts, 10c. to 15c. a lh.; veal, by the quarter, 5¢. to 8c. a 1b; cuts, 8c. to 12§c. a lb.; 'hy car- case, Be. to Te. a lb; cutlets, 15¢. a ib; hogs, live weight, "86.50 to $7 per cwt.; carcase, $9 to $9.50 per cwt.; cuts, 13c. a lb.; lamb, dressed, $4 to $6 cach; quarters, $1 to 81.50. Fish--Salmon trout, 124c.; white fish, 12§e.; pike, 8c. a Ib.: Chinook salmon, 30c. a Mb.; Atlantic limon, 30c. a lb.; salt codfish, Fe. to be. halibut, 3c. a Ih.; fresh haddock. "0c. a lb. bultheads," 10c. a lb. finnan haddie, 10¢, a ay red herring, 15e. box; mackerel, 15c. a lb.; lobster, hy a Ib.; salt whitefish and trout, 0c, a Ih; pe rch, 30c. a doz; frog's logs, 40c. a lb; carp, 10c. a lb.; bluefish, 16¢c. a Ib. Poultry--Fowl, pair, or 0c; a 50c. to 81 a pair, from 7Be. to 81 a Ib.; spring chickens, ! Fruit.--Lemons, 20c. a doz; orang- es, 30c. to 60c. a dozen; strawberries 10c. to 15c. a box; bananas, 15¢. to 0c. doz; 'pineapples, J0c. to 20c. each, peaches, 'Plums, 16c. to 30¢. a do apricots, 0c, to Ibe. a doz.: cherries, 124c. a qk.; basket, 81 to $1.50. Vegetables Potatoes, Sle. to 81 a bag; turnips, 15c. a 'peck; eahba e, 10¢. a head; onions, Ge, to 78 Ls celery, 10c. a head, or from 90, to $1 a dozen; pickling onions, 75c. a peck; asparagus, green onions, let- tuce, rhubarb, Be. a bunch. Flour and Feed. --Flour, strong, $2.25 to $2.35: farme ors', $2.25 to $2.40; Hungarian patent, £2.60 to $2.75; oatmeal and rolled oats, $5.20 bak ors' ) On to $5.40; cornmeal, $1.50 to $1.65: Bran, $18 to $20 a ton; shorts, $21 to $22 a ton; straw, $0 to $8; hay, loose, 86 to $8: pressed, $7 to 89. "Fggs--New laid, 17e. "to 18, a dozen. Butter-- Choice creamery, 256, a lb; farmers' butter, in prints, 22%. to 25c. a lb: packed . and voll butter, 2g, to 2e, John McKay, Broek street, reports "| the following as the ruling aiiotations for hides, 9c. per Ib. for trimmed hides, sheep pelts, fresh, $1 to $1.50; dairy skins, 85¢.: veal skins, 12¢. per Ib.: wool," washed, 25c. to 260: a Th.; tallow, rendered, de. per 1b. -- A Public Caution. The caretaker of the dairy school has heen given instructions to take the names of all parties trespassing = on the lawn, Boys, especially of late, have been using it*for a playground, racing across it, ete. If continued, prosecu: tions will take place, No pains have been spared to beau- tify the grounds and it certainly is one of the best kept lawns in the city, and in keeping with the dairy school. Paglinment will keep Monday next teak] ' Wellington, THE STEARNE WARBHOUSE, 260 King St, with lot 456x132, will be sold cheap. cCann's' Real. Estate THE BRICK OK RESIDEN CEB, jum etiest, Sight-raome, wit Apply next REV, J. } ht, poly Sion 'Gnudnogue, Ont. STORE, SUITABLE Bhan dweliingx na Apply G. A. Bateman, street, Kingston, Ont. sITy ATED, FARMS $4,200 BACH ; tor's dence and farm, $6,500, fucluding practice = wort! $8,000 [3 ear. Apply to John rite, ellington street. CORNICE BRAKE, steel), almost (ALL: IRON AND new, in fing working order ; also tinswmithe' "machines, stakes, atc, Apply to Charles Harris, 128 Lower Hagot St, Kingston Ont, DINGHY "WATER BARBY 11" 14 feet, built in 1905, to design of aquadified naval architoet, $00, Owner has built larger yacht. Ap- ply D. N. Robertson, Hurrowsmith. SPLENDID INVESTMENT, OWNER establish Le No ré + Sanitary conditions, pn culars, Dent. "D." MONEY AND RUSINESS. trade Jioeded. Price, $3.400. Wellington St. LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE Fire Insurance Sompnny, sah raiinnle which the policy 'guecurity the SPE of f all he 8 Stackhald ! Eine Sr Eaiee OUR POLICIES CE a MORS ON ON building and co Gods Susrancs fers. hors Braun: ine Es ofnis from Strange as Dominion day, Prorogation is ex- week, From about the end of next MISCELLANEOUS. VARM HELP, ALL OTHER AND ; of hel led. ¢ ki bitin B08" Went Baton street Foon Agency, Bi Wrock St. "Phone, 330 mney aatrooted arith b or 621. ched, posi Strost TWO-STORRY, NINE-ROOMED SOLID pa oppo brick dwelling, property in first class noxt month, may J, condition. Good locality Raxot St St. bread, 196 Union street West. price $1, 150. , Apply 208 St.. Dept. LATOR SUMMER a LON S------ wrence rwo ALSO Kitaton. Six iM, NEWLANDS, ° 3 fobr Soe oe, Seco " over Piqua 0WER & SON. chant's Bank and Wellington wtroets. Al ner ot Queen and IENRY . Pu... $ hen : : BOARD AND ROOMS. TWO FURNISHED ROOMS Cone and look over the house and evening wear. meres and Cashmere Serges, oiles. : LARGE CONVENTION Of Sunday School Workers to'Be Held in Kingston. The loca) Sunday school superin- tendents' union, together with repre sentatives from the various Sunday schools, met last Sunday afternoon, bo can matters arising out of tl ttheoming provincial eonveption o stohér 23rd, Dith and ih. an) for- ty! were presént and it was decided to hol © convention in Sydenham | Strdet. Methodist church; alse to ask the provincial = committee to give |» more prominence to the question of house to house visitation, inasmuch os this will he taken up in this city, after the convention, T, F. Harrison | Was requested to deliver the address | f welcome to the three hundred dele Hol expected. These delegates will be entertained on 'the Harvard place, -- eri, At Bufiulo, the international 'water ways commission considered the Ch - cago Seeiuage application, REDUGT On NEW CREAM DRESS 0008 something that you cannot find elsewhere, and at PRICES : that will help you make up your mind. NEW CREAM FABRICS AND SUITINGS in splendid assortment of weaves and qualities for out:door or | New Cream Cheviots and Etamine Serges, New Cream Mohairs and | Late New in fetas, New Silk and Wool or Al le repes, New Vel All at Reduced Prices THURSDAY dt THE JAMES JOHN 180 Wellington Yoo o FINEST IN THE CITY a0c. per " A. J. Rees, 166 Princess St. magnificent range. You' il, see Cash- oys and Wool Taf Li tr et PRINCESS STREET EPISOI Passer by Twice Struck by ] and Ladder. Yesterday afternoon, while sta on the top of a slop-iadder, yi get down a pair' of Fi on a hook, outside the si a in a Princess t. elothi 2 Holl off the! et the 'po ng | Passer-by arrived at the 0 time, to receive the weight falling clerk and thus his the 'ground was not met with ihjurious result. Sad for the jp by. however, who in s 'when strugk by the young marl, ad the full force of the falling lad: der. "Wel, T never," as he 'went on 'head. was his only 1 his way. rub ---------- Alexander huis, uthor, of ple Leaf," died al in Toronto lust night,