Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Jun 1906, p. 3

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letegi- Keeping soreness ogy or LINIMEND of the Wace, 'Passed for Bicycligty ree bottle, 25 Cents Excellent Hair 1 Sealp lg T Sale at you. procured a t's 1 4 Ru toy pliniment g, * 80d Chey! ee WwW is © Time Have rs Modelled d Paired Sos Only Exclusive Fur gto ts in Pearls or Bride, ridesmaid or roomsman irl Stars, and Pend- In quaint and deli designs. wl Bar Pins, Handy Lace Pins, and ties. wl Pavdd Stick for Cravat or Tie, able in 'style and relers :: Opticians Phone 666 irs of Marriage SOLINE t in your tank our dock. stock of Dry Bat. ark Plug and Coils hand. & YOULDEN ne for hange expect to wear wool onger, and be at all com- r not come to this store nd buy the material for cheap and at the same sses'? We have t Sc. a yard and up. lain White Mus'ins, Ge. a up. , and up. erizedd Goods, special at p. re prices it is easy to st of a. New Dress for * n's Ribbed lervests wap in Children's Ribbed ach. a good line for ladies, ality for 15¢ Underwear wr Underwear at 50c. 8 garment. Underwear. Shirts and the Balbriggan 33 to MM, v hest garments in ch. Underwear ) 250 rear, in all sizes, oC. IN & SHAW "Jane 80% 'g BT = 5 7 Excursions' TO THE NORTH-WEST Retdrh Fares From Kingston . - $5200 z $36 5 woset SR) x2 Brandon << + 3385 ce se Moosomin - - 342 {| No. Battleford - 39 00 Arcola - SEO | Macleod 2 x Sorkion BO | Red Deer .- UW Regina - - - 357 | Stettler . an Moose Jaw - - 36 | Edmonton - GOING June 5thy.- food th return until - August 6th Jatie 198° we " August 20th July Lo " Sept. 3rd Jaly 17h, 5% 4d Sept. 17th For further particulars, Tickets, Tourist Car | Accommodation, and all other information a brs P. HANLEY, Agent, Cerner not Ontario Streets. LA LCEICIER RAREST g RAILWAY = In Connection With Canadian Pagific Railway Homesetkers' Excursions To Manitoba, Alberta and § atchewan ge \ return untit - Augast 6th ~ . » Juve 19th August 20th July 3rd, =" - Sept. 3nd July 17th, te " Sept." 17h §; Return Fares From Kingston: Winnipeg - - $210 | Strassburg - - Sourie ~~» 3350 | Saskatoon - Brandon + - (38°55 { Prince Albert, - 3 pMoosomif =" 34 20 F No. Battleford - 3 Arcolf ww se «34 00 | ~Macleod ~ - Ketevan . 5 00 Calgary - - - Yorkton hs Fed Deer - - - Regina 5 ~ - 8 75°Y Stettler } . en Moosejaw - - 3600 Edmonton Full (particulars at K; & ®; and CP R. Ticket Office, Ontario street. ¥, CONWAY, * F. A; FOLOFR, Gen. Pass: Agedt. ° Gen. Supt, Bay of Quinte Railway. New 'short line Yor Deseronto, and all local points: Trains leave City Hall Depot at 4 pm. F. CONWAY, Agent B. Q. Ry., Kingston. ee ---------------------------------- QUEBEC STEAMSHIP COMPANY LIMITED River and Gulf of SI, Lawrence Summer Cruises fn-Cool Latitudes Twin - Screw Iron 8S, "Campana," with electric lights, electric bells and all modern, comfort SAILS FROM 2 Tweed, Napanee, MONTREAL ON MON- DAYS at p.m., 18th June; 2nd, 16th and 30th Jul 13th and 27th August ;: "10th, and "24th September, for Pictou, 'NS, 'calling at Quebec, EI RA ED G ran ver, Su! «al. an Ohancttotawn, Bld er orn | TR Summer Excursions, $35 by the new Twin Screw SS "Bermud- fan,'d 5,500 tons. Sailing from New York, from 6th J November. breezes seldom 'rises above 80 degrees. The finest trips of the season for health and comfort; ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, Quebec. For titkets and staterooms apply to Js od HANLEY, or J, P. GILDER- SLEEVE, Ticket Agents, R NE Daily Line 1 - Toronto, Charlotte, Thousand Islands, Brockville. Preseott and Montreal. steamers Kilgston & Toronto LEAVE KINGSTON : fortnightly une to 21st Kingston, 5 Going Fast--Daily except Monday at 0 a.m. 5 Going West--Daily except Monday at 5 p.m. Kingston to Clayton, 1,000 Island Ports, Brockville or Prescott, going and returning Sunday only, single fare. Kingston to Montreal and return: Go- ing Saturday 'or Sunday. Returning G. T. R. Monday. Fare $6. Also Excursion Charlotte going Sunday or Monday. rates to Toronto and Saturday returning Hamilton, Toronto, Bay of Quinte and Montreal Line LEAVE KINGSTON : Going East, Wednosdays, Fridays and Sundays at 4 p.m. Going West, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 4 p.m. J.P, HANLEY, J, SWIFT & CO. Ticket Agent. Freight Agents. Lake Ontario and Bay of Quinte Steam- boat Company, Limited STR.NORTH KING 7000 -Isiands+-Rochester Corumencing May 27th, steamer will leave Kingston, on Sundays at 10.15 a.m., for Tho! d Points. Re- turning Will /leave at 6 p.m. for Rochester, N.Y., via: Bay of Quinte. aii service except Monday after June rd, 23 STR ALETHA Leaves daily except Sunday at 8 p.m., for Picton 'and - intermediate Bay of Quinte Porta. Pion apply to BE. BE. For full into) Tiorsey, Genefdy ager, Kingston: J Jos, Swit & . P. Hanley, ckét Agent; Co., Freight Agents. - EE ------------------------------------------ ALLAN LINE Royal Mau MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL. Victorian, June 21, July 19, Aug. 16. lonian, June 28; July 26, Aug. 28 Virginian, July 5, Aug. 3. Aug. ! Fumisian, July Aug: 9. Sent. MONTREAL TO GLASGOW, Weekly Moderate Rate Service. orinthhens S83 00F x 0 June 27 Sicittan . July 4. ply to J. P.'! HANLEY, « R, J. P,GILDER. { For rates, Avent, @. 7 SLEEVE, Temperature cooled by sea |. _ RHEUMATISM JON OF CHURCHES BYTE wales or U 0 rporate Alliance Not Near th Methodists, Far More Remote is It With Others. Summarizing the work of the Pres- byterian general assembly, Dr. Quill says: | "Fhe siipreme eourt of the Presby- terign church has just threshed out depend. Sold in three d S n three _ of strepgth--No. 1, 3 wt ii cal. , BNE : rong ana Bn, EASY- MONEY AT_HOME profitable indoors. EGER BIRD BREAD 10 CENTS, 104 YOMIARY, va. CHICKENS" showing how to make A COTARBIND SEED a. tein "GEN AND WOMEN Use Bij @ for unoatara! iscEarg.s.iaflammations iriilatiots or wiverations «! of muceus membranes. Painless, and not astria £2. geut or poisonous, Sold by Draggieis, g went ia plain fg y OX proms, propa jor $1.00. or § bottles $2.35, Ciramlar vint on teqiesl. i." THE FRONTENAC LOAN & INVESTMENT SOCIETY. ESTABLISAED - 1863 President--Sir Richard Cartwright Money loaned on City and Farm Vro- hrperties. Municipal and County Debens tures. Mortgages - purchased. recéived and interest allowed. S. C, McGill, Managing Director. Office, 97 Clarence street, Kingstom: -- NewYork Chinese Restaurant i 83 Princess Street ; Open from 10.30a.m. to 8.00 am. ~The best place fo get am all round _in the city. Meals of all kiads on as notice. English and Chinese dishes a specialty NEW MONUMENTAL WORKS | - Lettering in Cemeteries { _® Specialty : : : JAS. MULLEN, 372 Princess St. ! i Opposite Y.M.C.A. i Deposits Canadian 'Chinese Restaurant i | © 981 King Street Open from 10.30 a.m. to 3.00 am sThe best place to get am all roend Cudch in the city: Meals of all kinds on sh t notice. Enghsh and Uhinese Hiskes a speclalty. Phone 655, Wm. Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. Néw Carriages, Cutters, Harness 'etc., for sale. Sale of Horses Every Saturday Auction Sales Book your sale. of Furniture at once and get, choick sof date: I, conduct all the important sales sad ealize tho highest prices, "Phone, 6854 JOHN H. MILLS The Leading Auctioneer Lawn Mowers The Best Mower Only $3.50 aim Pome .. Strachian's Hardware .. Jervas' Gonfectionery Store Pirst Class Confectionery Store and Ice Cream Parlor. Pure Cream, with crashed fruits. uged.. A constant supply of fine fresh Candies. H. JERVAS; 220 Princess Street Ty Myers' "Home- Made" Head Cheese , TIME TABLE STEAMER WOLFE ISLANDER JUNE 10th to SEPT. 15th, Leave Wolfe Island: 915 AM. 1.00 4.00 Pa* 9.15 100 4 00 1.00 4.00 100 3.30 1.00 4.00 . § 100. 400 nday .....9.00 10.00 1280 5.30 Leave Kingston: - y E30 AM. 300 S50PM. L430 IL 200 530 -8,30 J1.30 300 530 R3 130 3." 8 830 11 50 300 530 IL 300 530 k 1.15 6.00 pecial 3 Brewkey's Bay, Howe Te Yi anors Dock), Balliday's Dock and Bro no u LJ » an hh, \ Polok Break: ) A NH ey # Bay 630 am letnening, lea ingston 4 p.m. Tjme Thble subject 10 chatgs without notice. l BE. BRICELAND, Manager Boat calls at Garden Islandghing to and from Kingston, + The steamer Georgia.of the Good rich line, ran aground during a fog on the shore. of White Lake, while: en rogte from Chicago to, Whitehall, Mich. The passengers are in ho dang- er. | ol . the *'prel ies" of a union act with the Methodists and Congrega- tionalists; 'In the autumn the general conference of the Methodist church will be' engaged in a similar task. We ravi to walt for the latter result,but the former is already ours. ~~. The general assembly did two thifgs. In the first place, it brought out{ by individual and united testi- moRy, that there was a spirit abroad, bringing a closer, unity, not only of heart hut of thought and purpose. It gn record that Wegotistions. Which 501 at first to be a "mere waste edn \ turned out rich in promise and result. Scparation seemed to be more of fiction than of fact, and diffi- culti's were 'much smaller than ap- peared. Even on doctrine, they agreed substantially on such a strong basis of pvangelical truth that it was con- sidered' sufficient 'as a working founda- tion. . Over this matter there was no debite, and this remains a fact to be kept [An memory. "hen the . assembly agreed, by a vote of 179 ta 22, to "go forward. That means that: the next step is to be taken. It is this: The committves hyve met in various ways and consid- cred the. question on -all its bearings; that they might be fully informed of all! the views, findings and proposi- tions of the theologians in the union sessions and presbyteries. The reason is that the finding ol the joint gomanittee is only' provision- al, and' it would be folly to ask peo- ple to do anything final, while it is in, that condition. That is the plan, as regards the people, but the committees are to 'keep on, and who knows but they Wiay strike a snag in the near futhire ? 'Phis is really" what the assambly did, but other tings appeared. There ard two great parties, who' are stand- ing on two different bases. There are still the 'old: names and tendencies' of comservatism and reform. The major- ity in the union committee appear to belpng to the latter, but the delegates are very qutich mixed, and if all is true that one hears, the people are strong for the former. The reform element argues as fol- lows: We, have had unions belore. Every charge that it is a lowering of the old flag has been used for gehera- tions. We were told that this and that denomination wergp "not sound," but we #nitcd with them, and such union hag only resulted in blessing; and so we may expect opposition to the épd' Jof (time. Positively, they lim" that in Ya 'more spiritual 'tht thd Bible, and in the light of modern thought, old doctrines have not their sharp edge, but are capable of bein; held in a higher and broader way' Thus it is the work of God for the strength of His church in Canada and the world, The conservative takes the opposite ground. He asks, where are we going? Have we to give up what we hold as dear as life itself to become something that we cannot honestly confess? Have we any guarantee that Methodism and Oonhgregationalism are other than they used to be ? Does anyone pretend that everything is so easy and so much alike that it will make no difference ? Thus, they ask for facts, and de mand something definite. They are disposed to be critical and go slowly. They warn the church of a aisunion, which will do more harm and be as great as the reverse. dissatisfied hecause the scope does not indude Anglicans, Baptists and others with whom many would sooner join than with Methodists and Congregati- onalists. They even argue that our Lord did pot mean "corporate union" ET ------------ Active Liver. Good Digestion. And There . is No More Prompt And Certain Means of Keep- ing the Liver Right Than DR. CHASE'S KIDNEY-LIVER PILLS In calling your attention to Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills" it is only necessary to point to their success in thé past, for they are known jn near- ly every home. By means of thein direct and speci- fier action on the liver--causing a healthful flow of bile--they regulate and enliven the "action of the bowels antl ensure good digestion in the in tedtines. At the same time they sti mulate the kidneys in 'their work of filtering poisons from the blood. This cleansing process set in action by: Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills means a thorough cure for hilious- "intestinal indigestion, torpid , kidney derangements and con stipation. y It means a restoration of health, stompt(h and comfort where there has bidn pain, weakness and suffering. It means a removal' of the conditions which lead 1o backache, rheumatism, lubbago, liright's disease, appenti- citjg and diabetes. Mrs. Thomas Covert, Highland Grbve, Peterboro County,.Ont., writes: "Iwas a sufferer for years with ste- mach trouble and terrible headaches anl spent a good many dollars in me- dicineg without receiving any benefit. Hearing Dir. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills. highly recommended, 1 determined to give them a trial, and did so. with midst satisfactory cesults as I was very greatly benefited and do not hesitate to recommend this treatment as the best obtainable for such ail- ments, Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills, one pill a dose, 25 cents a box, at all dealers, or Fdmanson, Bates & Co., now it is handed down to the people, | committee, They mat talk it over! among. themselves, but it is not de- gired, 'as the time is not ripe * for them to vote on: the sulject in the pretation si | Then they are | st i in a prosent in. steongly. Bainst. jt. Ninni- + at ty ostake the op DE view, Tat. the dor west, acpord- ing to speeches shnly made on the pladorm, was it, and did not want it. Montréal, is badly mixed up, as Halifax and a have shown. For unless the hip get their eyes open. some way or other (for we noted the vote of Very many, prominent men from every proxince), they will be strong toumen. What ee TY it come fo." Tt is'too soon to ask the question, and no one would be thanked for an answer. We risk this much, gover. I corporate union be not yet at hand with Metho- dists. it is much more distant with Anglicans and Baptists, If we are to give up aiming at cogporate union be cause every churgh will not enter, it is unhistoric, unchristian and unwise. Let corporate union be the ideal, but let no time limip be proposed, for it'is the work of God, and a thousand years are with Him as one day. 7 yattiaw 1 AMERICAN MACHINERY -- Will Be Shipped for An Indian & Railway. « New York, Jude 18---~Americans will supply the equipment for a hydro electric" plant 'to furnish power for a railroad 'system 'and 'commercial enter- prises in the Cashmere Valley, in Nor- thern India. Fen million dollars will be | expended for fhe work, The plant will | be situated on 'the Jhelum River, | \hich is capablé "of developing about | 100,000 horse power: A railway will he [ built the edtire length of the valley, | a distance of 150 Wiles. The Jhelum river will 'be dedpened to prevent an- nual Hoods. One hundred thousand acres of rice land will 'he reclaimed, ahd various éitiés will be supplied with power. The Cashmere Valley is full of fae tories, and' here the famaus Cashmere shawls are woven, Few 'outsiders have been * allowed: {6 enter the vallpy, whidy ix ever 'he mile above the sea "level, The government is independent under a maharajah, whose annual tri- bute to the 'British governmaont is one hose, twelve shawl poate und three pairs of Cashmere shawls. In the power-heuses! will be installed 1,000 kilowatt generators. built by the. General Electr company, which will be connected: with 'wetter turbines, The contract stipulates that no piece of machinery packed shall weigh more than four tons, for . the reason tat there is two hundreds miles of rol transportation, including a lift over » mountain 8,000 feet high. Bullock carts, - the capasity. of which is five tons, will transport: the machinery. The first notable American project in electrical development in India was nt Carvery Falls, where a 12,000 Loree: power plant was ingdalled. ta transmit t power, to the Mysore, gold fields. Biren, should be without at of these 'somfortable, 'cool No 'woman least one garments, to be slipped on after the day's work is over, or When one does not feel any too well and dressing is a positive task. Any light-weight cot ton or silk material may be used, and the kimono made up at p trifling ex pense. The material selpeted for . this one was a cream-colored cotton crape, which may be bought at any store at a very low price. The full skirt, finished with & 'deep 'hem which just touches the floor, is" gathered into a yoke cut in one piece, 'pointed' in front and straight' across in the back. Around the neck awd down the fronts runs the customary kinfono banding in a Persian patterned, silk, showing ma- hogapy pale blue and green, and the full kimono sleeve of full length shows more use of this silk 'in the turnback band. This same' patter may also be used for the kimono sacque for wear with the tingetio or wilk petticoat, Tosy--Pradse" Ot (Laurier. Toronto Telegram. *~ . Canadian public life has never known a leader with, id a touch ag Sir Wilirid Latirier =e to face lw With such any opportunity as Hon. George E. Foster presented to him. The, Cingmars, spisode reeled" the Laurier, of his great days in roppost tion, Sir Wilirigd ewes Mr. Foster n vote of thenkeTor~vn him to re- appéar in his favorite part of real, bigsman, high and lifted above the lows poejudiecs | of dis own followers or the small decdils of his enemies, ! Only Thres:Voted Nay. St. Catharines, ~Jupe IB Merritton ratepayers voted on the by-law to fix at $60,000 the assessment: of the mills of the Merritton' Papes: company, which is starting a big paper manu- facturing business there, There were only three voted against it. This is consideged a record, rT -------- (At Melitopol, Russia, 'a hailstorm of unprecedented severity destroyed 20,. 000 acres of crops and killed cdttle in Totonto. the field Soe Stones weighed three ] le mak's hia uch? w OR CONDENSED ADVERTISI First insertion, le. a word. Each tons Bctutive insertion thereafter je. a Mintmum charge for: one ine sertion. Ante, under a week i 43 Advt, 4 lines or under a month, D 4 Everybody in Ringston Reads the WHIG | ETE HELP WANTED--MALE. HELP, THE YEAR UND. SITU: lions vacant, Jotnel os, og otel sod Wellington street. * GENTLEMEN TO HAVE THEIR baa Nired pout ) on ----. and ; ring yo 0 an have an up-to-date suit' made. Gallo- way's, 181 Brock street. FIRST-CLASS PATTERN MAKERS, both wood gud iron, alse laborers : rd 4 Rat hE Ep Ams A" HOUSHEMAID. APPLY Hutton, General Hospital, rr A-GOOD GENERAL SERVANT, AP- ty te 50 Wat Bt. X GENERAL SERVANT, TWO IN Yr a in the svenlng, at 257 : Brock oy - 5 . i A HOU ID, FOR LADY CART 3 to Mrs, Ria A A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT. NO | washing. A AP, Kean BE 8 PR nion St. 4 Beer am ------------ GIRLS TO WORK IN THE BISCUIT a] Confecti ctory. Good i LL The Vor Cramoiorte. ON TO ASSIST IN CARE OF invalid lady, one willing to make Toh Wy a. useful: Aoply 1% FOR SALE. on a COTTAGES, DWELLINGS, AM .TMeChnn, 81 ; and Offices ann. " Brock street. CITY AND FARM PROPERTIES, 4 Our plan. No sale. No pa) De- . Vv. partment "D.," 208 Wellington St. stéady work and hi, tL. wages paid ; ress Stande ph Com- pany, Port Hope, Out. $ SALESMEN, FOR AUTO-SPRAY Dest compressed-air hand = Sprayer made. Liberal terms. Sample machine frees to agiroved ages. Cavers Bros., Galt, Ont: A STENOGRAPHER, ONE AOQCUS- toed ta work on the Underwood Machine, and has chad some experi- ence in bovkkeeping. Address with references, Box "W.C." Whi office. A MAN OF GOOD ADDRESS AND ability to sell our Meh Grade Nursery stock in the city of King- ston. A permanent situation for the rieht minh. ** Canada's, Greatest Nurseries," » Stones & Wellington, Toronto. / GOOb LIVE HUSTLER, SALARY and commission. To take charge of Kingston and istrict, for establish- ed busipess. Insurance of people with canvassing ability required. Ne. at- tention paid to applicatise without references. Address rig office. rT Tr WANTED. AMERICAN BNCYCLOPEDIA, NEw. Post Bread, 196 be reson. "Apply through Ey SPACE IN THIS COLUMN. FOUR 1s or under, 285¢., ome insertion : . three insertions ;: $1 a week ; §2 a month, 4 THE ONLY AVAILABLE FIRST class vacant lot, on Lower Union St. Reanthioh view of city . » 208 mgton St., Dept. #D." -------------------------------------- 'WO-STORRY, NINE-ROOMED SOLID x brick dwelling. ploperty in first class: vod locali 28 B condition. t St. rice Welngton » po $1,150. Apply t, Dept. "DD." TWO FARMS $4,200 EACH: ALSO Doctor's residence » and Hm Sa00. D SKUOND HAND SODA fountain, small size, to 'dperate in a country town. State ull particulars, and address ""J.B.S." Whig office. LOSERS OF VALUABLE ARTICLES to advertise thems in ** Forum." You might as well your. gopds back as let another wep them, advertising will bring them. MONEY AND BUSINESS. and LIVERPOOL, NDON AND GLOBE Fire low i Pompany, Available n addi slicy holders have fo sdourity 'the unlimited lability of all the stockholders. Fi iw and city pro- perty insured at lowest ble rates, Before renewing old or giving now business get rates from Strange & Strange, Agents. ------------------------------------------------ NUR POLICIES COVER MORE ON building abd contents than any other company offers. Examine them + Godwin's Insurance porium, ot . practice worth vear. Apply to John Gardiner, 151 Wallington street. : retiring, Four, (4) good ten ar a Finded Go $200, The purth includes grocery and up-t living ood cle tra v needed. Sanitary toidi Price, $3.400. Parti Wellington St.. Dept. DD. BOARD "AND ROOMS. "REE CFATRVIEW,* MACK | modern improvements, made. Has parlor, 3 Sedrouma, hs Eva. Mid NDS, yd 3 : TWO FURNISHED ROOMS ae B) Jot n LL OURS Jotation, Pwithous board : references required unless applicants he known. Address "FH. 1." care office. FURNISHED ROOMS, IN CITY'S .. best loeality ; nedr park. block from electric cars. ates amotlerate ; x every convenience. Apply at office. LLENT OPPORTUNITY, BY who neglect to use these It was full of great possi- AN EXC a man columns. bilities. QUIET AT BIELOSTOK. Massacre [Eclipses in Horror Previous Ones. Ficlostok, June 18.---More troops, including a battery of artillery, arriv ed here, yesterday, and quiet' was re- stored last evening, Numbers of Jews, who are flecing from the city, wer» escorted, by soldiors, to the railway station. The refugees have lost. all their property and money, and all of them, are hungry. There was further rioting on Saturday night and yester- day morning. The mob. was swelled by thousands of peasants, and plundered and burned the destroyed dwellings of Jews, The suburb of Boudary has been totally burned. Eight streets have been totally devastated. A Far Greater Horror. London, June 18.~The Times St. Petersburg. correspondent declares the Biclostok massacre far eclipses in hor- ror and dastardly premeditation all previous outrages. It is known, and officially admitted, that the telegtam alleging that Jews had attacked a procession and killed priests and chil- dren, was a baseless fabrication, It has been ascertainéd that several regiments, quartered at Biclostok, were used not to check the massacre, but to fire, indiscrimfnately, into Jew- ish houses, thus completing the ruin and bloodshed. The correspondent, de- scribing the situation as one of anar- chy everywhere, and the outlook ag well nigh desperate, says only one thing can prevent a catastrophe, the fear of a financial erisis. 3 Owing to the fall in Russian bonds abroad the bourses, in St. Petershurs and Moscow, are in a state bordering on. panic, 'and the brokers talk of sending a collective memorial to the throne pointing out the certainty of financial disaster, unless the govern. ment' yields to the douma. 1,000 Islands-Rochester. Steamer North King leaves at 10:15 a.m., Sundays, for 1,000 Tsland points, Returning leaves at 5 p.m. for Roch. ester, N.Y., via Bay of Qiinte. T.-H. Race, Mitchell, Ont,, has been appointed to take charge of the Cana- dian exhibil at New Zealand. He will have associated with him Capt. Wil liam Burns, of this city. Roth gentle. men will leave for New Zealand about the. latter part of August. When Your Back Bothers. If course it's hard to work. Stooping over hurts, lifting is tedi- oud, and you wonder what to do. Ever try Nerviline ? Nothing like it for weak or lames back. It penetrates to the core of the pain, eases from the first applieation, brings cure that de- fies a relapse. No linhment is so clean, 80 soothing, so certain to kill museu- lar, rheumatic = or seiatio pain. Your dealer - sells Polson's Nerviline in large 25¢. bottles. Why not try it? Vrtaon, moans Sp soos. ax. 48 | MEDICALS. IR. McCARTHY, OFFICE LATELY oncu b; Mon 1IBNRY P. Phone, 945. « Ryan, corper teal and Brook streets, For Men and Patent Colt Skin. bined, | In Tan Calf, Gun Metal Calf Smartness and Comfort com- Prices, $4.50 and $5. P000e2000 "R0EE POLP0ROR® De ---- THE MARKET QUESTION. An Ex-Alderman Upholds Police Bupervision. Kingston, June 18.--(To the Editor); I noticed in a recent issue of a city paper an article criticising the police for doing the work of the late Market Clerk, Mr. McCavmon. I have no de sire to say anything against Mr. Me Cammon, but would simply like to ask how many infeactions of the forestal- ling by-law" he brought before the court during the past two or three years? You could count them on the fingers of one hand. The forestalling by-law is a great in- Jury to our market, As it is, a farm. er, butcher, dealer of any other per- son can sell his goods throughout the whole city to grocers others at any hour during the day; t, when he goes on the market, he runs the risk of being arrested for selling his goods to a dealer. The farmer reasons: "Why should 1 go to market and run ohanc- es of getting into trouble myself, or of having to appear as a witness against my fellowman, when 1 can sell off the market without let or hind- rance." Thus it is that the Kingston market has dwindled down until it is small j 'compared with what it onde wad. To save our market the forestalling by-law mist A praposdition has also been made to take over the collecting of the market toll by the city officials. 1 had the homer, some . years ago, of heing a member of the council at the time we tried this ' eXpefiment: but we found, after a' five years' 'trial, that the city was losing money every year by pey- ing salaries to: collectors, or through their carelessness. We were very glad to {eo back to the old system of let- EE ---- | ting. the market tothe hi highest. bidde would strongly advise the presen council to take a lesson from past ex= periences. For further information re garding collection by éity 'officials the mayors 'who, the chairs during that period ; voll be consulted. EX-ALDERMAN, 3 IMPO. #2 roti RTANT SCIENTIFIC DIS. COVER! \ 3 A CTlinical Preparation That Posi- _ tively Kills the Dandruff Germ. 3 ri amie in i curtain - is bro's Herpicide, a preparation that prevents falling hair; 'and speddi- ly 'and' permaven eradicates dan- the scalp, thr p dandruff, socks to sap the life of the the root. There's no baldbess wi falling or thin hair, no thin hair out dandruff, and no dandruff if germ is destroyed. Newbro's | is the only preparation that will to' the work. "Destroy the cause, will remove the effect." Sold by ing druggists. Send 10. i g ins sample to the Herpicide Co., tamps for Mich: G. W. Mahood, special agent. rs ai---- George Robinson, aged + y Lombardy, Ont, swat drone of Smith's fall while' swimming © at Jones' 1 in the Rideau river. : had been working for some time with Lockmaster Jones, X TES "From all parts of 'the city" ons tomers come to Gibson's Red Cross drug store for seidlity powders. Sold in 5. i there. Always "fresh, i i i tuner. Ord reed ved, at MeAuley's A 3 we dy

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