Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Jun 1906, p. 8

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oa Sa Kg E Fy 1 Shae ee 4 8 g es 2 - + : rts Half Price & Stripes, Shots and Plain Silks, in £ Browns, Navy, Greens, etc. Regular 5.00. 17.50, 19.00, 20,00, 25.00, etc. for = 50; 8.75, 9.50, 10.00, 12.50, etc, ~~ Wart Suits. |B Half Price j§ nd Fancy Effects, Blacks, Greys, Gg ues, Greens, etc. $7.50, 9.00, 10.00, 50, etc., for $3.75, 4.50, 5.00, 6.25, 6.75, § Lae at Half Price § Pananias, Fancy Tweeds, beauti- jn the latest designs. if} BE FOUND IN THIS LoT = . fifice in these prices any | LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. Canadian Treatment of a Poor Old Yankee. ° Kingston, June 15.--(To the Edi. tor) : fhe action of the mayor of Li in sending the old Oswego to the House of Industry, in of his infirmity and inability to make a living, is in most marked eon. trast th treatment: some Cana- diane and other Britishers "get when they enter the United States, parti- cularly New York state, They are gen- erally given the full "allowance" of the alien law, and sent hustling back to Canada. Canadians are somewhat different. The poor old Yankee man is taken cave of here. It is safe bet: ting that a Canadian had he reached some place in New: York state in simi- 3 lar circumstances to the Oswego man would have been deported, even though il--HUMANITY, make our rings- right in quality and correct in style. ADETO | ------ Butter And Potatoes. "20c., roll butter, fine table potatoes, wiord, } For Saturday we will have a big shipment 'of Canton strawberries. ams Toye's King strect store. - 3h You're Planning For Your Dndeivesar; $1 suit. Noodle Underwear, wr 5 Underwear, 82.35 and hi if 1 ih ied FEET 1% ght fr ; Uni ville, L The establishment of a provincial ice Jores is being considered by the The Bell voted Alexander . The $10,000 worth stolen in New York, go the 'home, The nineteen months old son of C. her tom Can sale ford, w dec very ling out this have and meet ence, gus an In 0 The Very Latest Culled From An Robert committed for trial on a ch Messier, farmer, of St. Que., fell into a swollen drowned Gertrude O'Hara, by G. C. Pool father di Milton and Flossie Maxwell, aged lively, wore basketmaker, fusion and in his sleeving room fornd a blood-stained hatchet. Under forest, fish constables vis dry seized wings and feathers offered for Stipposed the Audubon socie -------- ; WAS SHOT FoR a BEAR. -- Tragedy Victoria, B.C, Jume 15.--James Red- wounded; died vestérday after int suffering. He seven children, the former being pecting an folio from Alerni envaged when he shot Bobcaygeon steamer Muonita, one of the Trent Val. ley Navigation company's boats, budly damaged by fire, at five the boiler, as possible, insurance. Toronto, Victoria 81,142,781 and $1 ir in for year expenditure, $44 985.96, the - Methodist, Book hy Rev. Dr. Briggs, showed an in- crease, in receipts of £30,000 Seattle, une 15.-The schooner Av. crow 'of twenty men 1 is thought the crew was hlown up in the fire ; : To Receive Higher Honors. |: New York, June 15. ~Accordiog to a dem oh the teh. to Sun, from Rome, "ardinal Satolli said that Archhishap Farley, of New York, was receive high honofs _ Bale. Saturday. Bus iF = iH § i i friire £ g | ---------------- Over The World. E. Campbell, Toronto, arge t B. Roosevelt, uncle of ted 8500 towards the memorial to Grabam Bell, in Brantford, of Gould' jewels, possession of a butler in the Gould Simon Range, drain and was New York, says father was murdered, last August e, a lover, of whom her roved, and several mized to the by Conrad Schick- a swindler. y of Selleck Dann, an aged was found at the hot- of an old well on his place, New aan, Conn. The house was in con- was instructions from the state and game commission, ited four of the largest foods stores in Rochester and in the millinery department, Tt is » ty inspired seizure, Has Extraordinary Pathetic Features, a well-known Alberni rancher, was shot on Tuesday by Hotel: iis in mistake, as Rolling , "dob a bear that he had ense and in a serious condition, and daily ex- eighth visit from the stork, say that Rol had been making a practice of f-season deer hunting and was so his neighbor, leaves a widow ---- Damaged By Fire. Ont, June 15.-The was o'clock, morning. The fire js supposed to originated from a spark from The boats will be repaired commission again as soon The loss is covered by put in ---------- Reports Brought Down. June 15.--The report College was ing ot Toronto this oEhing. of sented at the Methodist confer- The assets are ,120 had been pro- subscriptions. - The receipts were 84848537 and the The report of Room, presented | Semp---- The Crew Likely Lost. iS burning three hundred miles (ff Istand. Tt is not likely the will be rescued. It of gasoling which causal x » destined to VT S----t----" New Yorks Latest Styles. straw hats' at Campbell Bros', A -------- Buster Reon bolts bes % or brown, 185c., New = | an effective ad- the rights of the Was of the States president, died at Say- Telephone «company have have been found w 5 3 ~ A station. New leather at Best's. 3 cans blue 20¢. Crawford, Special value away accident, i ay. this afternoon. cnjoyable D. Somerville, Jock 20¢, ord Street the east was to-day, owing to gine. = Thomas | Fawee Kine returned, to- with vigor on sound of the old 1s large Old Sow 50c. tape girdle Norwood; F. R. F. J. Whitmarsh, Janet Lewis, Charlotte Towa. London, June sanitary inspector port which declare cacies," such gas tongue, ed over 'and give in detail. He from cows that d says that recently Lple pulp, and other all of which was Lioners, Le says, manufacture of Paris, men, "delegates and claiming {o adherents of the . woman's meet in Canada tions to ism, pression of the woman's Big Stock For 300 hoxes. 500 300 40 100 pine apples 200 pine novsky "on the An Arm a8 can be ascer weve killed in bore. All the four, principal = sort "of an armed tablished | } storation of order. corn. starch 95¢. at Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. bicycle awaits an owner at police berries, 25c., roll butter Fresh Canadian Toye's King 'Street d The sale of unclaimed goods ai the examining warehouse Phin Ibe." washing soda, 10c., at M{]- 5. a The RY. HA. band played some very tions wharf, last evening. school has resigned, He intends studying medicine at Queen's butter, finest Potatoes. Craw- Lake Ontarip Park opens Saturday, and children will ho allowed op cars for ope cent. The fast international limited from an hour and , half late, with the $3,000 syndicate ased hy Wolfe Isl, s, To cure a cold Dover's cold 250. at Best's. Stone spreading has again started vet heard in the land The hotel scheme is not { means. The board of trade committee 81 working quietly, may be heard next week, buoy has been placed on the shoal, at the head of Wolle Island, by the steamer America, is proving of much benefit to naviga- ti York Dives Reform City visitors today : H Fort Worth, Texas: Miss Payneer, ------ THIS IS AWFUL. The Kind of Stuff Good People Eat. gaged in manufacturing tinnea *'deli- Jad been making these out of old tinned. meat, which has been work other materials added, under circumstances too loathsome to been finding its way, into butcher shops, while" all- sorts of fuse' and dirty scraps are put into the London made sausages. found 900 pounds of with ants and other insects, rotten ap- orange peel, filthy macaroni refuse hought from grocers, made into jam. Many use rotten eggs iit the delicacies. -------- To Make Programme. June 15.--~Five hundred wo- from twenty nations, represent ton million of the International Coun- cil of Women conferred Versailles, to prepare. congress, in 1908. be discussed include alcohol: international suffrage, jury reforms and charity organizations. bérries at 124c, boxes berries at 130. 200 dozen bananas at 10c. dozen 300 dozen: bananas 'at 20c. pine apples at 10c, each. apples. ut 15c. each, Car- corner.' : 2 Bielostok, Russia, June 15.80 far tained, thirty Jews esterday' Jewish shops, on roots, were sacked, OF THE DAY, cards for cushion tops, in summer Corsets, 8c. and 66c. New York - Mrs. Cass, injured in Dress Reform. the recent rin: s slightly better To: strawberries, store, at on Satur on the Queen's principal of Have the a break to the en- tt and Oliver. Haw- day, from Columbus, horse purch- in twelve hours take They'll do it. the streets, but the steam roller is not dead. by any and something and corsets for 35¢, New va Serson, ( Wolfe Buck, ananoqie; Island; Miss Cedar Rapids, 15.~A Camberwell has sent in a re st that a firm, en- potted chicken aud instances that meat ied 'of discase has the Lendon Te The inspector a Jam factory he dried raisins filled in treated and ondon confec- being , yesterday, at the programme which will The ques- + arbitration, sup- white slave traffic, Saturday's Sale. J at 13c. at 124c, rach. ed Truce. & outbreak A truce has beon es: the completes ro... and his staff was commenced | T FIELD LAST EVENING. ---- Mounted Artilleryr 'Kept Crowa ¢ Fully Sustain- ed Its Séene was one of m encroaching upon the field, and interfering with the mov ts of the the. battalion, by a suad of mounted artillerymen. 7 ey ing officer occupi a position about midway between Union and ie streets, and close to Park avenue, and from this point, as a saluting base, watched the movements troops. The old stereotyped that the regiment "fully sus- its reputation," is more than true of the inspection, and seldom, if ever, did the volunteers go through their mu hing and evolutions with freater precision. They swung along ike regulars, and there hei room for all battalion movements, the men were able to do themselves jus- tice, and reflect much credit upon Col. Kent and the officers in his command, for the work they have accomplished in bringing the corps up to its pre- sent high state of e dency. the oreover, a word of praise to men should not be forgotten, for such x Joride and esprit de corps seems to ave been enthused into the ranks, by the commanding officer, that into the lowest man in the regiment there is instilled the desire to be a credit to the battalion. Such a state of affairs @duld have but one result, and it was apparent last evening. 'ontrary to expectations the stretch- er corps were able to pet ont for the mspection, and no small credit is due Dr, Myiks for his efforts in overcom- ing difficulties at the eleventh hour, he red cross men are certainly 4 credit to the 14th, and the finest and Joost competent the regiment has vet As for the bands, both brass and bugle, were out in fall force, and showed marked improvements over preceding years. One would hardly recognize them as the same musical organizations as of old, and in point of fact they are not, being altogether i and strengthened bandmasters. After inspection Col. Gordon imented the regi- ment on its work, and Col. Kent, i thanking the men for their attention to duty, stated that there would only three. more parades before the an- nual trip, and requested all the volun- tears to twn out to thom. The Pa- rade state was 364, the best shown at an inspection After dnspection Col. Kent again asked for more men whe Moy be ghls to arrange to pe to camp for a few days with the two companies that the: th are sending to join the composite reriment at Cobourg. The idea of allowing voluntéers, from q city regi ment, to go to camp, 8 a new one, and many have already volunteered to 20, but about twenty- five more will be wanted to have the required number. The regiment is to be composed of two companies from each of | the following vlaces, Peter boro, Belleville and Kingston. The Kinoston contingent is to leave here on Tuesday mornine, the 26th. which is the last week of camp, and spend that afternoon, and the two following davs in camp, returning home by Friday noon. Citizens as well as the 14th officer®, » are anxious that the 14t}y will be able to send two good com panies that will uphold the high standine of one of the best volunteer regiments in Canada. -------- A Fine Creation. In keeping with June, the month of weddings, there has been placed on exhibition in the window of Tove's King street store, a beautiful wedding cake, which is composed of four storeys. set in nillars beautifully or- namented with draveries, leaves, ote, Design "and workmanship both show exceedingly clover taste ana care, 'and the cake has elicited very favorahle comment, . from the many passers-by who have stooped to admire it. 1% is the work of Mr. Toye's baker, Charles Barnum, who has a reputation for furnine out excellent work of this kind. The cake will remain on exhibi- tion for a few days. , em Will Come Up Again. Prof. Martin stated this maornina that he also is a representative of the city council on the Pam! « Bduea: fon, hut took an opnosite view of tha fifth class question from that of My Meek. He was prepared to stand the responsibility for voting for any in: frase in cost reapired in the estah. 14TH POR. RIFLES) INSPECTED ON THE CRICKET as a person would pick Children's White Long Kid 1 Nas | We will have Children's White Stock-| What ! the ings, in all sizes, very mod- | scarcest things ly rite, Yo motraw, . Ba on the mar- Our French New Laces er have heen sold already thaw we ever expected to sell in two seasons, Per Thite d Gl in the in haps: the best example of the favo Long w ite sid 16-hutton length, with wh ch our assortment is chosen] dressec the. dressed: YAbat from, is ths fact that now it isnear| and m 3 oh te TOW, 1 MN ly all new. So often have we order tom te oatily . 3 ed, that the pieces we had at the her Dressed Kid b ginning are nearly all gone. It ig long Tan _ a spladid collection, worthy of all attention, and we you to inspect, When we announced continue all Saturday, we imagined such sp, im- mense quantity of Aprons could not be any. wl near sold in one day. But they certainly caught the public fancy. They sold as rapidly up: fifty cent pieces what the sale offers, You are saving fifty special trip down town ? that this, sale would Well, that's practically cents. Isn't it worth a For to-morrow a About 200 Ladies' and Misses' Aprons, of fine white lawn, : with fancy bibs, very prettily trimmed, in usval full lengths, finished with} neat hem, regular excellent value ° at 2Be. upwards, your choice to. morrow, as long as this sma bt - ance lasts, three for e., or ehch... JOHN IDLAW & soy New Summer FRENCH SOIETTE, a new waists or full dresses, much like sheer make with lovely silken full 46 inches wide, and right pow one of the most, popu. | lar low-priced summer materials in New York. We has secured a small lot in BLACK and WHITE only Y while we feel sure the stylish appearance of this new my. | terial would. sell it quickly at the usual Price® in othe cities of 35c., we will, because of the Pprice-concess secured, offer it to-morrow at 25¢, a yard Just now we also have a very preity and fashionall Black Swiss Muslin, intended especially for summer waists, hut whie can be used for full summer dresses. is full 27 inches Widen and we are able to éffer it tomorow, as another special, per | yard, only .... 0000 RAM Standen cpraats soos ost Tae JOHN LAIDLAW & SON -- aterial--Popular, apg e, Too ? Summer material, for either a mercerized mull, f fi, | finish, will pot crush, js | nov I © Simmer ff for Summer That word "nicest" we used advisedly. By it, we mean "most : . satisfactory in every way." As to cool comfort, stylish appearance and moderate cost, White Lawn Waists are away in the lead this summer. The assortment we now have, we're proud of. To take it waist by" waist, or as one splendid col: lection, and compare it with the showings of much larger stores in larger cities, we [eel we would show ours equal. Here are three specials we would like you to ask for tor morrow -- White Waists, of very fine lawn, made in one of the latest and most pleasing novel styles--the surplice effect; with wide insertion fronts, wide insertion and late vests, and full sleeves' with a decp tucked cuffs buttoning 4 a a: to clbow. Saturday we White Waist, of finest sheer lawn,|White Waists, of fin st lavn, > + 2 Quel . wv somely embroidered with beautiful Swiss embroidered ey han k i lace apd inser . : . . ntl; rows of a ae u front with dainty lace msertion tho and tucks, full three-quarter and tucks in voke; mew elbow, | ngth sleeves finished with illest sleeves dainfily lace trimmed; fine) material and clusters of fine tucks lace collar; and open back. One of our finest special waists. Saturday ... hetween two rows of insertion, finishe | . ! to match front ~ JOEN LAIDLAW & SON - - 249 | Gloves and Ribbons Tafieta Ribbons have} 'en greatly favored and worthily so. They wash splendidly, i out-wear most of the higher priced] kinds. We'll have all want- ed widths to-morrow at 10, 12, 15, 20 and . ket? Yes, they § are but by ¢ one of the luckiest flukes E we have quite 8 an assortment. You can ima- gine how long i it'll last. Your Beautiful Valenciennes Such a lace season as this, we nev experienced before. More laces size is likely amongst these :-- and © mn th shades, Gloves, lat st 69 summer to-mor I heartily invite White Lawn Waists Are the Nicest | row, only . lishvont of 4 fifth class in the public schools. The anestion. he sain, would come wp again before the Board of Bducation in asomewhat different man- ner, probably in the 'way of askine that an advanced class be established. not 5 fifth class. The Judge's Address. Tn his addcess to. the jury in the Schacher case, the indge charged strongly apainst the prisoner, He ut- terly discredited the stories of Feld- man and Bedore, and gave his opinion that Dr. Schacher's story was not given in a straightforward manner. He asked the jury, however. to consider the fact that they were brothers. The indge put puch faith in the stories for. the crown given by. Messrs, Crews, Shaw, O'Brien, Smith and o who said thev saw 'the prisoner in town. The jury had not returned at 3 p.m. -------------- Come To Queen's. 6. W. Mitcholl, M.A.. principal of the Collegiate Institute. has : been hointed assistant professor of classics in Queen's University, Kingston. He is a gradaate of the college and a relative of Prof, John Watson. ------ Rest's Snowflake hoking powder js a pre nowaer and pives perfect satis: faction, "MWe. pond, i " All Trav Steamboals and Railways Crowded Teavelling Season Begins With a Rush Je ellers' Supplies § Our Fu B Car At | Robt, The Leadiag U Two Deers Ab Telephone ¢ . SEALED TE} to the undersigne der "io Public | Ont." will be re til Monday, July for the construct at- North Bay;,- 0 Plans and speci forms of tender o ment and on a master at North Persons tender ders will not pe on' the printed ed with their act Fach tender mn an accepted chequ mate payahle to outable tho' Minis equal to ton per amount of the te feited if the pers citer into a contr to do so, or if hn work contracted f§ not accepted the The Department nceept the lowest ¥ Department of Pu Ottawa, + Newspapers ins ment without. au partment will not Revsecsascas : PRELI AUCTI{ Wednesday oi re fesiletons Particu § donw B. MIL @eessrases Our Represent the Footwear oC ance, durabil; Wear ** Military Sign of Golden Be St. James" | Excu ™ OTT WEDNESD FARE--Adul Children und Good Chance to Hea Special trala leaves G OR Must Be Sold T. The following de 187 Brock St. Chown, 98 Bagot St., kitchen. all modern 106 Bagot St., ¢ modern. 108 Bagot St., kitchen, all modern Price and - parti Real Estate Agen J -------------- DESIRABLE PRO! To close the eatate ! ouhle Brick Pw 1| Brick Dwelling, 48 | Brick Dwelling, 104 Briek hwel'ing. 108 * or detalls soe JUN SWIFT'S Bear) ---------- First Chinese Attention: Pry laundry. Ww, Vi h are » buying staff." Do ne ™e agents, I.oam Plucy where such st J. JURK. | 'Bibby' Headqu Headquarters for derwear. ou

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