' | 10 A vorg k and unerring the e best place {0 deal, RE TAKEN ie best place to pur- 'S AND HABER. BE i du boys, we are confi IELD BY {i JORITY > would secure the lled just to take 2 ments and Toggery IBBY CO. ' THE TOWN, a ym EE seme------ Bargains at )~MOrrow lurday, 23c. hread Hose, full fashi lace ankle spliced od s Ciireiarid MD 2%.» pair gs for rate. heavy black ribbed cotlon, and fast black, regular Ye. .. 2 pairs for 2c. x for 39c. of Japanese Silk, in all full 27 inches wide, bright § + for waist and shirt-waist turday you can buy eves . 39. a yard - ¥ 2c. Yard aring fabric, in black, navy orrow ., 12¢, per yard le for 6gc. ine fabric for summer wear, 69. NOrrow, 25¢ 4 h Belts, with the new har some very swell patterns, recial ats, in short and Yosvelen with sill® tape and lace, on PTI sik > 2 for 25e. from 9) to 11. Just the 8, to-morrow... 10c' a pair ' IQC, elastic webb, the kind you stores. You can uy thet 79c. ym 14 to 17, nice assort- paid #1 and $1.25 for the : seikis 9c. @ s' Hose in Kingston ary he 2 pairs for 25 Street a eases sssessseslil ee - SHOES $1, $1.50, anvas Oxlords, Color Gibson Ties. $1.50, nd $3. : olt Gibson Ties. Christy icher Oxfords, $2.50, $3, Gibson Ties, in Grey Vet ad Colored Canvas, y other lines of BLE AR. WOMENS NEGLECT SUFFERING THE SURE PENALTY + More thai likel Jou Speak the sume words yourself, ad no doubt far from well. male organs which manifests itself | depression of i reluctance to go anywhere or 'an bearing<down pains, lency, nervous. sleeplessness or other female weakness. These symptoms are but warnings that thats i sr ahead, and unless hooded a life of 'su or a serious operation is the inevitable result. > The never-ailing remedy for all these i E. 's Veg- d. Miss Clara Beaubien, of Beauport, Quebec, writes : Deat Mrs. Pinkham : "For several years I have suffered with 3 female a Ch proved a serious tain on my , 84D] my strength and causing severe headac! wi ins and a general worn-out fe until many 1 really bad no desire to live. I ) ¥ perma Vegetable es, but did not until I took Lydia E. Compound. In two months I was much better and stronger, and in four ths was well; no more disagreeable di rge, no more pain. So I have every to praise the Vegetable Compound, and I con- sider it without equal for theills of women." For twenty-five years Mrs. Pinkham, danghter-in-law of Lydia E. Pinkham, has 'under her direction and since her docease,: been advising sick women free of charge. Her advice is free and always helpful. Address, Lynn, Mass, COMMERCIAL "MATTERS, What Is Going On In the Business World--The Markets. Iron producers expect. new high records will be established this year. The HudsoW's Bay company. has. de- Clared a dividend of seventy shillings. A. E. .Dyment, M.P., has been elected a director of of Canada. Awerican capitalists have secured a site in Hamilton and will bulld a large A xtringber factory, a new in- the - Sovereien Bank pe aro on for the placing of a new $100,000,000 Russian loan in Eng- land, with a provision that half the pro- ceeds are to go to the building of Rus- slan warships in England. "Lin Dat, a prominent ant of Victoria, B.C., is organizing a company with a capital of $2,000,000 (gold) for the purpose of building an electric railway in China to run between Canton and San Wu, a distance of about 60 miles. 08e who are at the head of the Trent Valley Sugar company state that tho prospects for the establishment of a sugar factory in Peterboro' are excel- lent. It 'is understood that about $40.- 000 cash has been subscribed to date, and a. proposition is now 'heing consid- ered to buy a plant in Michigan, which may 'be paid for in-stock and bonds in the new company. Chinese merch- The Canada Gold and Hwdrauljc Dredging Co., in which a number of Toronto people are interested, obtained recently a British Columbia charter, and the Fight to Operate on "the Fraser River, where they have secured thre claims opposite Cayoosh Creek. These claims extend 1.500 yards on the face and run 'back 700 yards, and go two feet helow 'Jow water mark. The Towa Company is operating the adjoining pro- perty and paying handsome dividends. The Cheese Markets. Madec¢, June 14.--Nine hundred and thirty-five boarded. All sold at llc. Tweed, June 14 ~To-day 555 cheese were boarded ; all to Murphy. Disease A Benefit To Man. According 'to Sir Frederick Treves, the well-known , physician of London, disease is not man's enemy, but his best friend. It is, he says, nature's ef- fort to dislodge bacteria from the system, Therefore, he considers it a great mistake to try to stamp out at once the svmptoms of disease in a patient, which is . what the doctor generally does. Do not try to stop the cough too soon, becuase the cough is the practical means of ridding the windpipe of bacteria. Similarly, Sir Frederick holds that the inflammation in a wound is a process of cure, to be aided rather than hindered. But he admits that in the machinations of certain disorder as, for instance, of a cancer, he has not as yet heen able ts find any good purpose, sold at 11jc. Botanical Clock. A _ botanical clock grows on the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Mexico. In the morning 'the flower jis: white, at noon red, and at night blue, alterna- tions of color being so regular that the time of day can be told from the tint of the flower, Crash Hats. The greatest assortment values 'at Campbell Bros'. and best -------------- Ask to sce our special $10 summer suits. The H: D. Bibby Co. | train 'and sustained a compound frac- | ture of the right leg, just below | The appsintment will be for a period ARM TO BODY. ; EAR we Both Lungs Riven by Piece of 'Wood--The Sufferer is Not Likely to Recover. ; Ltica, N.Y., June 15.--George Lanz, a workman in a luniber mill at Fulton Chain, was brought to an hospital with 'a sliver twenty-five inches long and an inch and a half wide sticking through hs body from the left side and 'pioning his right arm firmly to his body. He was working on an cilger when the sliver was projected against him with great force. The "surgeons say it is the most remark- able accident in their experience. Tholigh both lings are pierced, the men was not unconscipus and severe hemorrhage has not yet occurred. His chances for living are very slim. A Deplorable Accident. This morning a most deplorable ac- cident me at Collins Bay, when Willipm Weir, a brakegman on the Grand: Trank railway, dhd whose home is in Brockville, narrowly escaped he- ing killed, He was standing in = the rear of a ballast train When the engi- rd du to_shunt, being unaware of hig fdlow-workman's position. The re- silt was that Weir was struck by the the thigh, as well as-a very severe cut in the*grain, gnd lesser injuries. The left 3 alto showed an ugly deep gash. "He was quickly picked up by his comrades and made as easy as pos- si lo. The engine being at once at- tached to the van, Weir was brought to Kingston without delay and con- veyed to the General Hospital from the outer station, where the ambulance and Dr, 'Anglin, Grand Trunk surgeon, were in waiting. At the hospital the doctor, assisted by the house surgeons, set the fracture and made the injured man as comfortable as possible, though the ultimate result of the in- juried is still difficult to determine. Not xmough Company. Philadelphia" Bulletin. Nat Goodwin, in deseribing an un- successful play, said: "Why. one night, during his company's western tour, the box office man was aroused from @isiap in the middle of the first act bv an odd sound. He yawned and looked out of the box, and 'there be- fore him stood a little boy, weeping bitterly. "What is Vhe matter my little man?" he asked: "The boy, holding up a check, said: "'I' waht my money back.' ,""'Why do you want your money back?" asked the box office men in To Rtdmibe." sobbed the boy, 'I'm afraid to sit up in the gallery all alone." \ a hod Tn Fp Moumimg Customs. Customs concerning mourning = are not at all arbitrary nowadays. many persons mot: putting on black at all for parents, brothers or sisters. They do not, however, wear colors, but pure white, using dull-finished white ribbons or crepe lisse as trimming. There are mournin~ textures in cloth and silk fabrics. Black belts and rib- bons mav also be worn. If black is rreferred, two years for heavy black for a husband, one vear for a parent or child and six months for a sister or brother is the usual time for wear- ing it, After that it may be lighten- ed. The stationery is usually deen branded for heavy mourning, prowing lighter by deorees. A Natural Question. Everybody's Magazine. The wife of a Gordon Highlander re- ceived an invitation to visit him at the barracks in Scotland and took with her their six-year-old daughter. When they arrived the husband was on sentry duty, so could not be ap- proached. The child eyed her daddy with a rather sorrowful, byt amazed expression, as he paced up and down the square, . shouldering his rifle, and wearin a kilt. She had never before seen him thus arrayed. Presently, with a eolemn look on her face, the child loudly exclaimed : \ "Mamnty, when daddy finds the man who stole his breeks will he give me that little frock ?"' The Hurrying Hours, By Arthur Lewis. How often the thought conies home to Te, me, As the moments hurry away, Of the many things 1 intended to do Somehow, sowne time, some day, There are promises that have not been kept, Though T always meant to be true, But the time is too short for all the things That a body intends to do. To-day is the only day we have, Of to-morrow we can't he sure : To seize the chance as it comes along Is thes way to make it secure. For #very gear is a shorter year, And thit is truth sublime-- A moment 'misspent is a jewel lost From the treasury of time. To Engage Assistant. Guelph "Mercury. Sag At a meeting of the - special com- mittee re the city engineer's request for an assistant, it was decided = to engage Lindsay Malcolm, M.A, a third year undergraduate of Queen's Unibefity, and at present employed with dity engineer at Stratford. of four months. Western Oil & Coal Co. A letter from J. B. Ferguson to Mills '& Cunningham, reads: "I have a good many enquiries from Kingston people asta how matters are getting on. You ¥ say to them that while pro "has" slow, yet we are steadily *, ahead. I let a con- tract recently to put No. 4 well down + "A twelve-months' guarantee goes with pure rubber hot water bottles, sold at Best's. Seven 5c. bars of Sterling laundry soap, 290, to-mqrrow only, at Mul- tins, The witaliéet' political "constituency 1m PIERCES MAN AND FASTENS 9 A +f i and by the parishio for three centuri be lost. is duly carried years and elects the town crier, warden and one ficials. request the lord tha court. Preston's ous festival. only held once then the . proud most of it. tony people first day of the processions, Henry II land, Portland great saving of take advant termed ¢hurel property. Brapert in the fees, all that is dor and vendee and there draw marriage be pub the refusing par ing the church." When an -act away nearly all for so many ce Ports, the which is a "limi was overlooked. inhabitants are duty. to appoint their perhaps the possessed by t that by an anci refuses to serve. or three cities clailn certain gif mayor receives a collier entering t night from each The beautiful in the that are just as tures, destroys A French woman takes very good figure very near half pound of pi mix all boilin, ens; then remove in ice for six or cold add whi; fro out and eat with The Bros'. June is ol call and see our in. this The sr in: the ki Newry, with less Shan: two thowtan ectgra. | aly over Reon Can Ska private} day purchaser strect store; T "Iba. in Somersetshive. quaiat little, old-fashioned place. 4 town council elects the church-w for the coming year, and hag done so morning service on Easter head of the borough police marches the aisle and hands t ment notifying the right, only in this o Speaking of 'clections, there are still a few towns which have the privilege of electing a high steward under ancient charter of Edward II. wich is 'one of these, and the ceremony At Beaconsfield the freeholders have the right to keep ome of the very fow courts-leet still in existence. This court meets about once in twelve of fifteen The court-leet cannot be con- vened directly by the. frecholders. The regular procedure is for the council to guild merchant is abso- Tately unique. No other town in Eng- land is privileged to hold such a curi- The guild merchant is It. means a whole week of public holidaymaking from the of the earth to attend it. one steamer alone brought 250 Pres: quaint guild court is opened on from New York. The the guild merchant, and every day during the weck there are i fireworks hibitions, etc. The charter dates from To move to the other end of Eng- privilege, which, cised to this day, and is certainly a gift. A Portland man desires to sell a field or other. landed Instead | of tween themselves. Such an agreement holds good in law. The vicar of Norham, has an odd privilege. If the banns of then the marriage fails to take place, the sum of forty shillings for "'scorn- town the only town in these islands whose They cannot be taken by "press gang," and they are permitted oddest of the privileges men enjoy the right of wrecking house of any man chosen as may who Speaking of mayors, there are two tion day. Bingley is an old-fashioned village near Manchester. Its mayoral ty carries with it the emolument of a pint of six-pemany ale every Saturday houses in the place. French Women's Discretion. French women are the most of feature, for there are other nations ell but Divas of other traits. They know how to dress and how not to dress. They know how to off their own good points. And they know how to conceal their 'defects. French woman never displays her fore- head fully, A French : woman the oval French woman never bundles her neck up high unless' she be an old woman. near her eyes. And a French woman Pineapple Pudding. Beat, the yolks of six eggs, grate cupful of sugar and one of hot'eream; together, set into a kettle ol water and stir until' it, thick: a pint mixing it through the whites of the eggs to a stiff and beat in. Pour . and set in ice again, ¥ extract of pineapple and sweetened, ------_------ Panama Hats. . greatest values, at Campbell S-------------- the month of wedd; Af you intend ing weddin F.0d cakes, plain, decorated iced, at all prices. We can suit ever: line. Toya 's, King Ome in Chard, ners thi are three church-wardehs, and the | the whole school one lesson. Ecually vicar has absolutely no power of ap-|is it ; to lay down a de pointment.. Easter Tuesday is the} finite as to how lessons shall be meetlig 'day for the election, and an taught, in regard to doctrinal em- odd point about the business is that no public notice may be given. II it were, it is the opinion of lawyers that the privilege, which has heen exercised es past, would at once an Har- out every vear. the parish constable, the ale taster, pay or two other local of- of the manor to call in twenty years, but Prestonitesi make the ends To the last displays, ex- possesses a liar we believe, is exer- money to those who of it, This is what is loying a usual She at heavy necessary is for 'ven- to go into the church up the agreement be- in Durham, lished three times and ty can be muleted in of parliament took the privileges enjoyed nturies by the Cinque of Brightlingsea, bh' of the Ports, was Consequently it is exempt from all jury the own ale taster, But his yachting town is ient statute the free the whose mayors can ts. At Limerick the ton of coal from gny he harbor on his elec- of the three licensed world, not by grace gifted as to fea- show never of her face. A seldom wears jewels care to keep to the classic. her & neapple, add to it a from the first; set eight hours; when of whipped cream, the pudding; also mould When solid tum cream, flavored with 2 wedding cakes, vatiety. Fine fruit or y enough, both are a hey. Georges Halla System of selves. There Discussed at Conference in St. i Graded Subjects Advocated vy 'Dudley Hill and Others, ' ste since the Sqes. was Bret incorpgry n Sunday school teachers¢ and The installation of the church-wer- mn ebods "in , were at the | deh of Chard is made the occasion of nde . school Conference in 8 a good deal of ceremony. ¢Duri '® hall, evening. . i the prayers, 'and the op: of Ontari o a word on the Sunday school, saying that a nw the church in the future, is dependent on the way in which she trains her children to-day. Dudley = Hill, Napanee, ; a. superin- tendent and enthusiast in the work, was. introduced, and at once proceeded to outline his scheme for graded sub. jects. It is impossible, he said to teach phasis gnd so on. W schedule of subjects, A tokies of Rible hero § of Bible heroes, or from the fife of Christ, . Junior, the in i ermediate, Old Ree: tament, patriarchal then the history of Israel. Barr of the apostles and early church history. Mr. Hill not having mentioned any- 'thing in regard to the teaching of the church catechism, Rev. H. B. Patton spoke briefly. on the great importance hat he wants is a such as the fol- of this subject, Canon Starr questioned the advise: bility of a diversity of lessons, , this would practically abolish da techising at. the close of the school, a most important feature of the work, Like. the previous speaker he consider. ed the catechism should be taught, drummed into the children, if need be, and made the basis of Sunday school teaching. The scriptures should be used to illustrate the catechism, and the catechism form a guide to the right understanding of the sori Mr. Hill explained that the graded system he to dealt only with the Bible lesson. He thought the catechism sh be taught, as a whole, in the junior grades, but rather deprecated the recitation of a small pleon every.Sunday, in all the grades. tach priest arrange the method of grading prayer book and catechism lessons. Several speakers gave their views, Rev. Me. Costigan being very amusing over e acceptance of new Sunday achook adlomor and the equal zeal with which thev were thrown over when it was found they didn't work transformations in a moment. There was a discussion on teachers' meetings, roused by Rev. W. H. Lips combe. He and Rev. W. L. Armitage advocated them strongly, the latter adviging the ome of a class if the tonchor were ab | Suny. I impressive lesson to thy class, and he generally endeavored to make it an impressive lesson to the tencher later in the week. (A round of laughter greeted this.) He is in sympathy with a graded system. The bishop summed up the discus: sicn, saying he agreed with Mr. Hill on most points, though not on all. He believed in teachers' medtings, If teachers won't attend such classes they are not fit to teach. They would know their subject far better by get- ting it from the living voice of the clergyman, He agreed that the cate- chism should be the foundation of all teaching, and that its unfolding and explaining should follow the children through * their school life,, that thev might be made intelligent members of the church, The motion of Rev. H. W. Bedford Jones, that the synod of Ontario pe tition the Sunday school committee of the general synod to issue a uniform course of lessons for the Canadian church, was put by his lordship and carried. 4 Rev. J. Cooper Robinson, of Japan, strongly urged missionary teaching in the Sunday schools. At the conclu si.n of his speech, the bishop closed the meeting, giving the blessing. ---------- Horse Dropped Dead. Colebrook, June 12.--The Ladies' Aid of this place hdd a law» social on the church orounds, last Wednesday evening, the ~ weather way not very favorable. Nevertheless, they had a fair turn out. The proceeds amounted t0 840. The Yarker band was in at- tendance. The Rathbun company's drive of logs is passing through "here now, with very good success, although the water is lower than usual. As George Hamilton was driving through the village, Tuesday evening, at a fury ve rate. the horse dropped dead, on the ~ciner above the school house. F. 8. Wartman has gone for a trip to the North-West, and intends to remain for 4 month or two. No vigitors, no- ly sick, and no marriages; every- thing quiet. vi : a ' Personals From Bath. Bath, June 14.--Perey McKenty, Winnipeg, Man., is here on a visit with friends. Mrs. C. Mills has gone to Odessa for 5 visit to her daughter, Mrs. William Smith, Mr. and Mrs. KF, X. Beaubien of Gananoque, visited on Saturday and Sunday at E. P. Sh 'e. Miss Mary Nash, Orillia, who hae been very ill for the past weeks, arrived home, on Tuesday ev- ening, at hey parents, Dr. and Mrs. Nas 8 to recuperate. Mrs. Wilson of Oakville, and Mrs, Galbraith, Bram. ton, arrived on Tuesday, on a visit i Miss D. M. Wilson. Mrs. James oung, Napanee, is visiting t NM Robinson's. § = ------------ y Cabbage Plant Record. réstonpans has for many years been the largest cabbage Hay grow- t ! ro g Jions of plants have -- during the past eet Pri Sispa _WHIG, FRIDAY, JUNE 13. | stony scoot JAMES REID, The HAS CONSTANTLY and' Popularity and Esteem, Were the expressions tended the opening of price 39c. each. ' The 'ment, 'Boys' Sweaters, ages 3 to.10. Regular 75c. with us in our U as we had increased our enabling J promptly "Phone 147 your services. Leading Undertaker. 'Phone 147 heard from Our Big Sale! Our customers were satisfied that we are doing | Just as we advertised to do--give the greatest bargains | ever offered in Kingston. Now that the hot weather | has arrived, no doubt you will want a nice cool Home- spun Suit. We have a very large range in two and three pieces. The fit of our garments are perfect, and the tailoring equal to the best. $4.95 to $90.45. Other HOT WEATHER SUITS in two pieces, at $2.65, $3.45 and $4.45. Hot Weather Coats and| Vests at Sale Prices Now is the time to dress your boys. You can save at least 30%, on your Boys' Suits. .Boys' Stock-| ings, sizes 4 to 63%, at sc. per pair ; sizes 7 to 9%, 9c. per pair, or 3 pairs for 25c. You will find BIG REDUCTIONS all through. Come and see Tor yourselves. We ask no more. Roney & Co. 127 Princess Street. ; Store That Spts the Pace. : pholstering Depart. and in perfect order, MATTRESSES RENOVATED in hair, wool or mixed, improved electric machine, YOURS, 4 - CUSTOMS BROKER - Thé business Tver, ul be curring we = ae Who for the last five years Money to Loan Melntyreg Mel tyre * BARRISTERS : If You Want a Home Or Insurance, have a talk with ° George Zeigler, "*y: sare 57 Brock Street. | The prices range from at staff, us to turn our work out by our latest and our staff is at . = FINANCE AND INSURANCE ~~ »