try. Is religion, and the + sion it. need and for which there is no de mand at the present time, commons does not sympathise with Jerome, backed by the best men. of New York, who may have contritnited k generously to his election expenses, Fd |was a tribute to his worth and popularity. He could afford to ignore the petty cries that were raised against him and to endure even the of the yellow press.' Fi FE i ill think twice be- acts upon the petition. He the wisdom of giv- chance to vindicate and so order an enquiry or of some sort. Mr. Jerome, it remembered, promised, if clect- many of the insurance could get evidence and it is not likely Ahtse men, or any who were as- SE i 5g fk E --- il The Fifth Class Setdled. The board of education has put a Yuietus upon the agitation for a fifth class in the public schools. There is | no demand for this class, according to the inspector, and a special report which he prepared for the school man- agement, and to return to something which went out of ekistenice, natural- ly, like life out of the body, some years ago, would invite, on the same 'authority, if mot well attended and y not successful, confusion' and injury CA ay to 'the schools. The strange part of oo HOTEL the case is that the flurry was caused : Se Bi by many persons who have no earth. KINGSTON Sole ONTARIO | ly interest in the cause, and joined in Freht he proceed ih : : t ing because of 'the variety Bs undergoing alterations and it lent to the business of the board, SA . Incidentally, during the disoussi 1 be resopened to the travelling i pd on bot : ast evening, fault was found by two public on or about July the First. of the speakers with the press because WTELFER . . "Proprietor it referred to what was going on 1 Uni in a discouraging mater, The pap- ors, which usually know what they are talking about, disapproved of the re. AGE}: FREE LW 4 ) - AMERICAN vival of the fifth class. The facts, as they have come out, showed the sound - ness. of this position, and justified all that has been said by, the press upon the subject. The re-establishment of the fifth class would cost; annually, $1,200 or $1,500, and it would be tlo- ing precisely the same service as the first form in the Collegiate Institute. 'Ibis duplicating of work is not desic- ed, even by those who appeared to favour it, and who petitioned Tor it. What they thought of, in all probabi- y | lity, if they thought on the issue at © Jeoll-and many of them admit that they signed the paper because asked to do so, without consideration and question--was that there might be an adh dlass, with subjects commer- cial, practical and literary: These will be pleased to learn that the manage- ment committee went further-and sug gested a combination of results at {the institute, at a very much lower COOKING J oir i oie oe and old will somewhat disappear when the taxpayers reglize what the seise- TE Jess cdmpaigning would involve; There is a general desire that the way to education should be as clear as pos- f there must bo a further provision experimenting it should ited, na pI Te ganizations which presumed to turn 'OL : him down. They had wnlimited capi- Styles In tal, as usual, lor political purposes, 0 i ; and they pr ded on the I his perfor : that it w ly ' necessary to inter : pose an objection to a man im order | journalist. If Mr, S : to Wupipress him. The triumph of Mr. governor of the stale has heb Mr. Jerome from of- J 4) | "Bibby's" Suits. "Bibhy's." and aid him in sup- Foster comported himself more reasonably he would have no grievance against the press. The senate has taken a whirl out of the North Atlantic Trading company. The venerables are seized with a burn- ing. desire '#0 'know who compose the tions, Which was' an impressive per- formance. SLEEPING IN SCHOOL. English _Bducation Committee Takes Up the Question. Daily Mail, With rogusd 'to the teaching of chil: dren under five years of age in the tions were' issued by slow. education committee, ing that facilities should be sleep hy 'animals, ete.,' involvin imitations in be . The ehil- ERLE Ea ou means , pic- tures, etc., ey nes ey i tables Shoda be provided instead ~ toe, Foreign Treatment Of Double Chin, In Vienna, where women make a practice of being beautiful, they They dash it morning, saying that this exercises the muscles and makes them firm. ' In Lon- don they treat the double chin by éxercise. The head'is bent this wa: and that until the flesh is exercised o! The method is tiresome, but very ef- fective. In Paris they have a way of treating the double chin by the most vigorous kind of massage. There are women who come to your house at a certain hour every morning to slap your. neck, and they keep it up for half an' hour, -------- Best Not To Operate. Bxchange. Dr. Chauvel, medical inspector of the French army, deals u heavy blow at the popular surgical treatment of ap- pendicitis, in a speci report of a statistical nature. He shows that out of 668 cases of a) dicitis in the military hospitals of France 180 were x upon, while 480 received only medical treatment. Of the latter there were only three that resulted fatally, whereas of the much smaller number dealt with by the use of the knife, twenty-three were lost. -- Oral Hygiene. A preacher, with a mind for in-} vention, has pulled out o: ne minis. | | it, incompatible with the ex- ol natural' endowments, which some times work out great inventions? "At transpires that the crew of the | tion Arctic, during the 'northern voyage, and over winter, danced with the Is quimo girls and gave them refresh: J ments, My, what an "awful scandal, There is no punishment, sufficient for ---- The . Toronto eontrollers are up against the press. The papers will the insurance companics. | show hoi defective the men are who hile a candidate for vice he knows. [hold high office and have large duties other ttwo he does not know. He | i, perform. They have the courage of Mnaintains his. silence. for the yrosmt, >} tsi; convictions, They. do not dodge hit "he invites the asesults which are their duty, X being made upon him, and in orden, | -- | apparently, that he may get back at] The Board of Education has heen them later. on. exercising ita judgment upon the It is hardly to be expected that he | merits of a petition which was pre- could emerge out of the conflict at- | sented to it. This petition asked for something that the city does not ; ---- Mr. Foster is annoyed because the pressing a too candid and critical company, Senator Macdonald demand- | ed the names, and withdrew his reso- | x Clark e, who has been ¥/1 the proud posi- + of parliament for the n, in obedience to the 3 pretences, is princi: Jmown in this country bv his able protest at a thankseiving eld in the the term SO Wiehicun -.R. Vesmiteh, the Servian minister in is nepersonal friend of the i of Servia 'and will probably he nade Premier of - Servia in the near future. Peter had a personal re- presentative at the wedding. ---------------- no end of a4 noise at the time, fur that he had meant his protest as a joke, : Sir Pdward, although a most sue counci he 1 - ; tactless and wrong-headed man, whose cil schools some ori hae ! humor, sypite his diminutive stature, stat- | 18 one Au Al o "| over, hd is a very when' required, 'the committee 201 Mout not make urges that simple toys, such 'as dolls, ;yonces mg ouses, cradles, strong trains, stuffed of dignity he would treat the 'ory lead [ the double chin in a scientific way. fulfil his aspirations c with cold water night and >&nd' the best they would do for him entirely ' previously held | } Oral hygiene, or mouth cleanliness, is one of the utmost importance in , the care of the teeth of both young and old. It should take first place as a part of the daily toilet--more par- ticularly of the child whose teeth are | soft and more liable to be attacked by decay. " Cleaning the teeth with most child Teh is peslormed in a perfunctory lick-and-promise. sort of way, and al- most always lacks the thoroughness which their importance calls for, -------- + First, The Ice Cream. One of first essentials in making ice cream soda is that the ice cream shall be pure and delicious; We use a pure cream ice cream, add a liberal quan- tity lo each glass, combine it with re fruit juices and serve it proper! a an absolutely clean glass. When Jou want this dainty beverage at its t, get it at Wade's drug store. I -- 1+ = "Little Dorrit" Still Lives. All lovers of Dickens will he inter- ested to learn that the original of "Little Dorrit" is still alive. She is rs, 3 the sister of Dickens' sohiool chum, and his, playmate in the days when she was Mary Ann Milton. 'She has Sve for more Shan half a century in south of England and, 'though now more than ninety years age, she still retains full posses- sion of her faculties, I you are 'interested in summer suits, we want to show our hand. or lines at $7.50, $8.50, $10, 812, 814, The H. D. Bibby Co, 1,000 . Islands-Rochester ' hpuse, and his grating manners have b City Commercial school, and as porter for one of the penny dailies se- cured the means to study for the How homely his appearance is may be gathered from the fact that the other day, club in a locality w paratively unknown, to remark, "What speech from a laboring man 1" A self. made man, breeding and of early culture, pos- to Sachoand relieve tio poseables tol. sessed by most, of his fellow-members Nausea, ness, Distress after of the English bar, he has the faculty Tmatiable suey fide, &e. NT of making more enemics than friends, ug hoon iowa which has sometimes served to inter- fere with his success as counsel - in court. Thus, during the baccarat trial, in which liam Gordon Cumming, he contributed in no small measure to the latter's | § defeat by "the manner in which he alienated baronet by going out of assail the then Prince of triving by sheer. lack of vert teamer North loaves at 115] , Sunda for 0 id : erals, of his character, issue between the' Wilsons, of Croft, 'and Sie William Cumniing, into an issup' betwen the Tatter made 'the gr retainer on hi cessful laws and one of the leaders of the English bar, is a singularly the clephanting order. More. disappointed men, Herpicide; the only any pretence af | paip preparation that actually kills the fact. His ambitions dandrufi. Sold by leading druggists. have | Pin as Shine ye Mosmgn ond Je. in stamps for sample to Rr : great le oy abd 1b 4 Phe Henivide company Detroit, as in consbyumce of this that he do« | ypcn yy Mihood, spadial agent, clined, o foW > ears ago, 'the masted Ta lon B render 'it impossible for the conservatives to give him a seat in the cabinet, for which he con- sidered himself peculiarly fitted. = But in none of the ministerial shuffles did ever see their way to in this respect, was to offer him re-appointment the solicitor-generalship, which Lo had and "which he now spurned as altogether unworthy of his political importande. Since then Sir Edward, nominally a conservative, has always been a cruel foe of the governing ele- ment of the tory party, and when the latter was in office lost no opportun- ity of attacking it. 'At the Tast gen- eral election, howayer, he gave the im- pression that he had become ed and that he Arther Balfour, Chamberlain. he was returned to parliament Ly the city of London, but tio sooner had he got in and taken his seat on the min-, isterial Dench in the commons--a seat to which by angiegt usage and un- written law ithe member for the city of London is entitled--than he resumed once more his opposition fo the lead- ers of his party, thus playing into the hands of its adversaries, the lib- now in power. It is for this reason that he has literally been driv- en out of parliament by his indignant constituents. Fg departure will not be regratied. For he has been a dis- tinct failure there--captions, self-op- inionated, aggressive and irritable, he seemed to get on the nerves of the to although reconeil- approved, not only of but even of Joseph inded many people to the fine sides Of humble extraction, he was a fol- low pupil' of Sir "Henry Irving at the a re- bar. when addressing a workingmen's re he was com- people were heard & very intelligent without the advantages of he acted for Sir Wil- popular sympathy from the his way to Wales, con- tact to con- the' entire controversy, from an Tranby and the too. Sir Edward n e of accepting a of Oscar Wildé, and 0! "of . Then, ok On' the strength of this ha et Lo e---- s On the Sunny, Vine-Clad Hills of product tect them. from the dew. carefully sortéd, the good 'grapes be- ing tossed into large, square, wooden troughs, where men, - bare-legged, end wearing heavy shoes, with projecting iron nails, tramp them out. oe. After with gulphur Alcohol MISS. BUANCHE ULLMAN, op el with NEW YORK pints to Was recently married in Paris to Dr. | degree of Bolton claims to have the best cated police force local authorities tures for the police policeman not on du attend. At these taught, grounds on which conviet obtained, and evidence, At Ipswich the Fire Guard Club now supplies fire guards at cost children. terns are provided at from ls. to 6d. each, 'and parents the cost in penny weekly instalments. For . every ve been made the excavations one of Newcastle's These include the most dreaded for: past with a notorious berland in the thi ter whom it was Spain, Few of those. who Into an adjoining the to wine fame vineyard. Io It is Necessary That the Dandruff 2 Germ Be Eradicated, "Destroy the cause, vou remove the that causes hair and baldness, and grow luxuriantly. nished material for long cable do | effect." Kill the ger spatches to this country, and excited dandeuff, falling a good deal of ill-leeling, which was you will have no mor only partially allayed by Sir Fd- your hair must ward's somewhat lame explanation Herpicide No oth scientif for Lectures For in among ---------------- A Novel Cl Guards of shilling thy iS paid in a bonus of one penny is added. ---------------- Torture Pit Discovered. Important antikuarian discoveries at the Her centuries. It named. ---------- If your stomach is weak, If your food distresses you, If you are weak and Use Dr. month and see what Sold by all druggists. n hot weather a vacuum of wines are obtain: grapes, grown in the CURE DANDRUFF. recently that a de- arrange special lec- force, and duty is expected to lectures. they other the best way to give g to poor parents price to prevent accidents to in commection with the Black Gate, ancient landmarks; ms of torture in was sheriff of Northum- rteenth century, af- Shoop's Restorative one it does for you. "citrate of mag- ne:ia"" is cooling and healthful, Eng- lish made, in 250. bottles, at ( Red Cross Drug Store. . delight in vat pips is put into another trough, ter water is added, the mass is crushed with a wooden press. i fertilizer and to y . The affair made i 18 sed for s . . "| The laud obtained fs run into in this community as to the best Place to pur- re en ay phic ste then chase CLOTHING, HATS AN has a tin funnel 'inserted in the hung- hole to permit - civenlation of air. In each 'barrel g space 'of about four gallofis of liquid, must be left in order to al wine to ferment without overflowing. fermenting about two months, the clear liquid is transferred to other barrels, carefully, #0 a8 not to disturb the sediment at the bottom. The barrels for the ulti- mate recoption of the wine must be of white oak, perfectly clean and smoked prevent dampness, The barrels are. then stored and care fully classified hy experts and a name given to the butts. Different kind ed from the the safle wines are so bad that as vinegar or burned as 'alcoliol. of 995 degrees must be mix- wine, at the rate of twelve eighty-five gallons for cach strength required. low period in the different Some of they are sold I'm o dandruff not only "contains the dan- drufi germ destroyer, but it is also a most delightful hair dressing lar toilet use. tion is on the s.roving the dandruff other claims to be, son that it is only 8.toyer of the germ has heen discov- ered--Newhro's for regu- er hair prepara- ic basis of de- germ, and none the simple rea- Police. edu- the world. The every are things, the ions may be ub. approved pat- 3s. can contribute on pit, one of associated nervous, iibson's the mellow flavor and the stimulating warmth of sherry wine know how the t is prepared ¢n. the sunny, vine-clad hills of Spain. ' Between the middle and the last of October the sherry vintage occurs. The grapes are and left in the sun for two or three days, being covered at might to pro ree SIF IT CAME To A yp of September cut the liquid runs, while the residue of skins, stems The taking the the ol em THE H. D. BiBBy TT eee VW -y -- DV ObY (), TE It's astonishing how quick and unerring th public is in picking out the best Place 10 ¢ IF 'A. VOTE WERE TAKE D HABER. DASHERY for men and boys, we are confi. dent we would SWEEP THE FIELD py | LARGE MAJORITY We're right sure that we would secure the vote of every man who called just to take a look at our handsome Garments and Toggery and learn-our prices, The H.. D. BIBBY (0. THE SUIT STORE OF THE TOWN, OTR WR, WR eh, gm, emg i Wart Weather beer Warm Weather Bargains at ® + Johnston's To-morrow 35c. Lace Hose, Saturday, 23c. Women's Tan and Black Lace Lisle Thread Hose, full fashioned, extra fine quality, in all-over and lace ankle spliced hed and toe, regular 3bc., for ...... Regular 20c. Stockings for rage, _ Boys' and Girly' School Stock ings, in heavy black ribbed cotlon, double knee; heel and toe , seamless and fast black, regular %e., Saturday o.oo 0. 2 pairs for 2c. 50c¢. Japanese Silk for 3gc. We place on sale to-morrow 40 pieces of Japanese Silk, in all shades, including white a nd black, full 27 inches wide, bright § finish, just the silk you ar ¢ wanting for waist and shirt-waist suits, never sold Jess than 50c. Saturday you can buy ' BE on iitrpier sispuineas gitopmssies sis: enise sar 39%. a yard - § 54 inch, Sicilian 42c. Yard 54 inch English: Sicilian, a fine silk-appearing fabric, in black, navy and cream, actual value 75c., to-morrow .. 12. per yard 46 inch. Black Voile for 6gc. 46 inch Black All-Wool French Voile, fine fabric for summer Wer, good value at $1 a yard, to-mo.row ws S08: 35¢: Wash Belts, To. morrow, 25¢ | 20 dozen Lagics' Eyelet Embro idery Wash Belts, with the new har # ness buckle, in every desi réd width, some very swell Patten to-morrow. your choice : a Ladies' Vest Special 25 dozen Ladies" Ribbed Swiss Undervests, in short and sloaveless styles, neck and arm-holes trimmed with sill tape and luce, on 1 sale to-morrow rece 2 for 25e. For the Good Man : st the Fast Black Cotton Socks, in all sizes, from 9} to i. Just pai kind you pay 5c. for in other stores, to-morrow . 35c. Braces for 1gc, i : bh. the yo 15 dozen of Good Strong Braces, finest elastic webb, th Jind Fo $ pay 35¢. for in the gents' furnishing stores. You can bu) 19. here 10-MOrPOW Or wu. itus fousricssinnes snisssinns , $1.25 Shirts for 7gc. vi : 7 ice assort Men's Soft Front Shirts, in all sis, from 11 to de for the ment of patterns. You ha ve always paid $1 and 3 70¢. each r same goods, On sale tom OITOW ccc oii coins in Kingston We are still selling the best lin: of Ladies' , pairs Tor 25 { THE JAMES JOHNSTON STORE 180 Wellington Street 6 8 A cesssssssesll - SUMMER SHOES SOL Ladies, White Canvas Oxlords, $1, $1.5 Ladies' Chocolate Color Gibson Ties. $1.50 $2, $2.50 and $3. sich ies' Pat. Colt Gibson Ties. adi - Blucher Oxfords, $2.50, 8, $3 50. . . pia 0 rey Voze S 1 | Gibson Ties. m See OE il snd Colored Canvas Also many other lines of FASHIONABLE a WO! a1 far from well. Th traced to some de male organs whic depression of bx anywhere or = bearing-down n sleeplessnes weakness. These symptoms there 18 finger ahe a life of 'suffering « is the inevitable res The eval fain symptoms ydi etable Compound. Miss Clara Bea writes : Brat Ae, Finan "For several year a weakness y drain on my vitalit and causing severe h ins and a general real had no esis medicin ut n until T took Lydia } Compound. In tw better and stronger, was well; no more no more pain. So praise the Vegetable sider it without equa For twenty-five danghter-in-law of hae 'under her dir ducease,: been advi of charge. Her ad: helpful. Address, EE ---- COMMERCIA yr) What Is Going ( World--T Iron producers ex) will be established The Hudsows | Clared a dividend of A. E. Dyment, ¥ a director of the Canada. American capitali site in Hamilton a A xtinst aro new $100,000,000 ) land, with a provis ceeds are to go to sian warships in E "Lin Dat, a promi ant of Victoria, B. company with a (gold) for the pw electric railway in | Canton and San about 60 miles. hose who are Trent Valley Sugar the prospects for th sugar factory in lent. It "is underste 000 cash has been and a. proposition i ered to buy a plant may 'be paid for in the new company. The Canada G Dredging Co., in Toronto people are recently & British C the right to opera River, -.where they claims opposite Cy claims extend 1.500 and run 'back 700 feet helow 'low wat Company is operati perty and paying hs The Chees Madoc, June 14. thirty-five boarded. Tweed June 14 were boarded ; all Murphy. Disease A Ben According 'to Sir the well-known ph disease is not man best friend. It is, } fort to dislodge system. Therefore, | great mistake to ti once the svmptom patient, which is generally does. Do cough too soon, be the [xactionl eal windpipe of bacter Fears holds tha in a wound is a pr aided rather than admits that in the certain disorder a a cancer, he has nc ts find any good p Botanical A _ botanical 'clo Isthmus of Tehuant the morning 'the flo noon red, and at n tions of color being the time of day car tint of the flower. Trash J The" greatest ass values 'at Campbell Ask to sce our st suits. The MH: D. B