Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Jun 1906, p. 8

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0, Teo Jo 0h the cits. Says Fashion T the opening of the season, it really looked asi one in anything but white could not be Salled sty bly Jdressed: But white has dropped to a consi le ex- tent fp lustion's estimation ang now for summer, pop- ightly turns to the pretty creams. hether we forsaw the coming demand, or whe. red creams more inte shades, and thereby bought more lav: of the Ontario Bank, guard of the A..S. C.' calitp this morn- 0 . ning time we will of washing soda fog Sc. at IE E Fi ses ; i left this mowing for | "He will be caterer for the : a Toronto, is spending his Mrs. i i : iff i i R 4 i I; git 5 # ¢ Jones, gradhinte nurse of EL visiting her pa i : 0 5 § B HH and James Dennie, i He r Br , are expected home the E. Corvelivs and Mr. and Mrs. 5 & po. than other 3 fl i i r of which $1 and investments, J available, % ' -- % The Cheese Markets. % ios Lo June 12.1, ne Wing LP who Right 13-16c : : gs A ---------------- By Golf Club Match. i oA driving and putting match will Free. - Demonstration of Malagama Tea, all his week, at Hopkinson's | grocery, next Crown Bank, Brock street, Mar: ------------ The body of "Doe" Connors, Wind- sor, was found last evening in ~~ L river. Connors ended his life becayse = | of poverty and suffering from rheunia- | | tise, He was govty years of 3 It costs np more to enjoy a "good" ice ream soda' at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store Sownbuii Shan it does 'a '1 poor one at ot fountains. At Pocomokt. City, Md. Ned Wat: had ma: assaulted his employ: er, Samuel 8. Py FAs 8.30 O'clock UAT. ... 1] 5 All Accordeon Pleated Skins at Ons Half i Price. : Fancy Tweed Skirts at One-Half Price. Papama and Lustre Skirts at One-Half = 'Cheviot and Serge Skirts | at One. Half . In fact any Wool Skirt in our large stocks be offered during this sale at exactly One- Price. Prices were $4.00, $4 50, $5 00, 3005.00, $6 50, $7.00, $7 50, $8.00, for One- 1C€. It Covert Cloth Coats at One-Half Price. White Cheviot and Serge Codfsat Oné- ice. Prices were $900, $10.00; $11 co, 00, $15.00, for Onec-Half § ateness of the season ar the lot at exactly y preserve it indefin Robert Crawford i ed police magistrate of oJ welt not matter. The fact is, we have assortment of creams in which are popular fabrics, and we wish you t To-morrow will, of course, be best for an exami- nation. ..Qur showing will be new andnovel, complete and comprehensive, and include amongst others, these : i now a very pretty shown all the very 0 see it. : i : areal stows. aod thie 0 ite dou: LI | pps from week's. vi gold only at Gibson's Red ------------ e SYNOD OF ONTARIO. x Templeton, Napanee, was ¥ A -- n i Elections to Provincial Synod Mission Board. ' adjourned at twelve o'clock for the elections to th treasurer, presented report giving a review of' Creams San Toy Clsth, per yard, 996. Cream Tafietu Cloths, per yard, 19 and 69c, Cream Poplin, per yard, 63e. Cream Berges, per yard, 49, 60 and 75¢. Cream Lustres, per yard, 49, 75 and Mc: Cream Figured Lustres,- five de signs, per vard, 25¢. Fancy Cream Mateiials, per yard, 25, 10, 49, 69, 75, 90c, Cream Eolienne, per yard; T8e. Cream Bedford Cords, per yard, 19 and 69¢. Cream Albatross Cloths, per yard, 35 and 4Uc. JOHN LAIDLAW & SON t Are High-Priced But Inexpensive You may think that state: : ment contradicts itself, but itfrousing two-d doesnot We'll hold right] to its good, sound, common sense, and all we ask, as \P needed to convince you of the same, is a_ trial of ourlstack to a shadow. new French Model Corsets, They are made by one of the most famous makers in the world--made for particu-| er desighs, also lar, comfort-loving women--. made with style--and final- \ ly, made with splendid wearing alue, dollar worth for dollar spent. FRENCH MODEL CORBETS, the kind ricognized hy most Kingston women corsage perfection, appointed house surgeon in Bellevue he Ex-Alderman Willi Mh a week's visit to decidedly disappointed ; t the new golf club house, | b's annual a 8:30 p.m. for a prise | the finances of the: idee given by Major Scott. Mrs. Maeree | Solidated fund ia $309,088, pnd Mrs, Brownfidd will entertain at | of $6,951. : Pa : 5 . The and Q... afterward, "All menibers are re | $19,002 Episcopal Spreads Well, | quested to be prosnt. 241, plus rest of $1,008. The 8 a case of "lar away hills If your stomach is weak, If your food distresses you, If you are weak and nervous, month and see what Sold by all druggists. Thoma weett anf William Haw- Ohio. A syndicate of Wolfe these chased a $8.000 stallion and M Fawcett and Hawking i ingl it back jf satisfac. George L. Duquette, a baseball player, and for Kinoston team, was ma to Miss Edith Elizabeth Co and Mrs, Frank Cox, of At the present time he in real estate business "Foot Ezy" cures tired spiving feet; 2c. at Best's. A Kingstonian Married. 8 quiet wedding, on Tues. at the end of the widows' and Seq house fund, $1,056 Restorative one it does for you. orphans' fund, $2,700.63; $2,716.51; Episcopal Corsets superann $278.49; divinity students' nd, $2,214.98; Fectory began at twelve .. The. elections resulted rt of votes received : 58; land fund, $227.48 Provincial we Ye ish, W, . won, was killed by a mob. He.| Macmorine, a Grout, Rev, R. 8. Fo Carey, Canon Starr, Rev. H. Rev Mission Board--Revs, W. W. Burton, T. WwW. Armstrong, 'F. T, Patton, F. D. Woodeock, ( Jd. W. Jonws, I, F, Bogert, Burton, Archdeacon rneri, Archdeacon Elizabeth * Cathe daughter of A. D. Fr. Harvey Hen de Bourck Bi , pastor of St. qualities and genuine v Rev. Dr. Abraham Ra all the latest sp diverse styles: of 'hips and busts, all full-gored, and made entirely from the finest: white "Alex. andria™ cloth--in which lies the seo ret of their shape-retaining goingaway gown being of swith' hat of Tuscan Binney Black. Me. and Mrs, Plack to Muskoka, and hearty good wishes of friends will follow general favorite here, and he is y 'congratulated, both on his Success In newspaper winning a charming b Wedded In Cathedral. Immediately after 'the elose of on Tuesday night, Jémmized in the chapel, 3.00 Mission Board-- BR, 8. 0'Loy, R. Gardiner, Dr. } Chancellor MN report of the committee i the charge of his 1 was lengthy, and went important questions bishop, Semperance, oto, ---- WE ARE 233 YEARS OLD, -- This is Anniversary Edw, J. B. Penss, ghlin, W, B. Carroll, J. Judge Reynolds, Dr "reston, Dudley Hill. prices, 1.50, 2.00, 2.50 and... JOHN LAIDLAW & BON er Hosiery Stockings (from consider & contracting parties were Florence Tisdale, daugh- Tisdale, Barriefield. Herbert Turner, son of , of this city. The ore a pretty white » 4nd earried white roses. wedding party which was S| On June BI | (Kingston), il | Bac. Frontenac was EN | Year 1620, and at the 8] | entered the French a ) appointed him gover Possession The buildir one of his first atte chock the I and Joilet and was Salle, 1682, because sale of liquor when war with By Seven years later Fron Sent as governor of C ried the and in-New Kng completed h the repulse forbes under Phips 1600. Having thus re. fortunes of France tenac retired to Quel youthful bride w Girls' Fine Tan Cotton Stockings, in| wanted shades to. match shoes, Ladies' Combinations, ribbed or plain, per pair, 15] lisle thread for summer wear if to-morrow only JOHN LAIDLAW & SON non-arrival was due to a understanding of dates, ------ A Pathetic Case. not of the French rth America in 1672. at Kingston, was attempts to keep in roquois.. Hu sent Marquette to explore the Mississi the constant pairon of led to France in kas harbored an age Stone, who claims wego, N.Y.; and has «l outcast, William he comes from Os. been swindled out owned by his four bad When he left the police station, ay morning, he.said he would go Gananoque, but having been unaf>le ternoon he lay op' the shelter of the market verandah, apparently He is ill, and should he removed somewhere. Oswego should mot be allowed to use the city as a dumping" ground. manship and finish as ex nadian workpeople ; imagine we say, all Lay these set forth in pretty white waists, and| "ities, per yard, 15, 20 you'll have a fair conception of the assort- oe New effects have just arrived] Yer¥ Pops giving us more designs at the different] prices from 75¢. to $4.50. Come and see A favorite : | anada. He ear British settlements land and New Yosk. He is. vigorous cam before: Quehae in in America, 'Fron- hee, where he died. Band In Park. By permission of Liewt.-Col. Fages and officers, the R.OH. A. band will following programme at this evening, ecom- tient Breaking Window Panes. Millhaven, v without anything better to do, this section, breaking win. creant, is around tows. broken in the ney left for Chatham, on ter spending some weeks = Mrs." F, W tt, Kingston, at Charles Fo | Ki is on the sick list. mencing at eight "Fort Frayge"--Farrer. 8 unthine' "Diaz. were recent visitors TN ON, Haamaster~ ---------------------- Canadian Two bozes- for We., at Carnovsky's, |. afternoon, a very Jmteregt: : i ] f polo was played at t Thomas. Wallaoe club's grounds, Lake rk, N y teams constitut- living with his sis ardner, Point Pelee, tely conimitted suicide {with a double: gun. Both charges enter- Mozelyr 2, W. Harty, Jr: | back, Mr. McLaren. I, Capt. Russell Brown; 2, J. Osler; 2, Col." Williams; back, Maj. Lesslie. The ground. were in ideal condition; 'and a fine gfternoon's sport resulted. tent minutes each were ed his month: Reuben T ay. years," ¢ i ; by - shooting se Skirts and Sods are all new this | piled sho B. Cooper, Belleville, died orf Or two years he served in the found il. A widow and OORT, furvive, i § AY heen discovered; which, i when injected into thr aughtered meat will itely. A -------------------- es' Cooked Meats. Fifty varieties. Saves time Bousecleaning time we will of washing soda for 5c, at foe sralers. quarts ang i SARI Richard Fiet, Mimi, Man. about ghty years old, pommitted suicide by gn A : . candics at Gibson's £3 W ! of them, does 20% prettiest Embroideries, ny here Right now, or to- morrow, will be White Waist, of - fing. lawn, with wide and 2c. of dissectable insertion and White tucks, four clustres of fine and twos culiar and val of wide tucks to bast, tacked back and deep 'tucked buttons 9 the ed cuff] to-morrow only i.....* (Exactly as illustration.) 16 - Golors - in quali 49, 55, OS Silk Shoes We can get a pair 'of these shoes in thc style in any of the following colors ;-- Oyster 'Geey, Dark Blue, Lavender, i Alice Blue, Confederate Grey! Green, Pink, Red, Light Bliss, Old Rose, Champagne. The Above Lines are $3.00 a Pal" We also keep in stock all sizes in Lad vas from $1 up to $2.50. Ladies' Blue, Grey and Tan GREAT REMO Our Full Robt. 4 The Leadlog Und Two Doors Above pee g eS | LAR LS 4 ph JOHN LAIDLAW & SON Off All mbroideries last week when we had 4 ay sale amongst them realized the. immense amount of Embr dered last spring. Hundreds upon hun were sold---but we're not satisfied. nearing an end and we feel compelled Bicycle Su Baseball ( Fishing Te Talking M And Recor It was 'pot. until Several hundeed yards of this the dainty narrow effects for dren's wear to the wide Cors special trimmings and insertions, will be offered 9 am. to 6 p.m, with a discount of regular marked prices of precisely JOHN LAIDLAW & SON -- Light ' Summer Underwear = Prices & Angrovi Our S _ Represent the } ance, durability Wear **/ Sign of Gelden Boot The unprecedented pop- ularity of our assort- Ladi-s' Tan and Black Lisle Thread|ment testifies to its mer- ¥ that home of alliits, and claims your at- hosiery --Chemnitz, Germany), tH Fresh h showing the daintiest designs of the/HON- resh, new ship- season in open-work stockings, withiments have just been dots of silk embroidery in dif- ferent light colors, sizes 84, 9, 19 94, to-morrow, per pair'only ® Ladies' Black Lace*summer Stockings, | Ladies' in five qualities, each and every one| of whith offers Special value, per] neck, pair, 25°35, 39, 45 and 19. . { opened and' besides the Wj 3 oy 7 regular lines, we'll have: White Cotton Vests, of very|Ladies' Ligh fine weave for warm weather, low fine no sleeves, all sizes, practical: ity, per garn ly same as our 45¢. style with less elaboration, extra-special 2 Ladids' Fine to-morrow, only » i and other Articles wi only . Kingston, FRIDAY, 1 elastic in fine hizh nick, wit Ad Terms, strictly cash sleeves, ai per garment, 5 a JOHN, LAIDLAW & SON New Designs in Waists: White Ma Imagine the style and lovely novelty! of New York : the quality und worth of the| Li finest English materials : the perfect work-|" 11 who hu ecuted by our own ex yard 2 BRITISH - | for Sum Whiite India | White uo ls undergoing will be re-opened t {White Swiss Spo public on or about W TELFER - dresses, row, i {White P.K ed thread whi | SWIFT'S ah HERI DIRECT FRI urniture, Carpets, bo better place than Turk"s Second. Ladies' and his eldest son, h "1 and brought into Natal government baron against Bamba 5 tribe cast in thei © principals being ) + and Miss Clary 1 be wedding presents handsome fish. wet ire es' White Cas* at $2.00 a pair.

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