Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Jun 1906, p. 7

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verybody bbey's Sait Ot to the taste thee 1t with pleasure, ake" or flake on top owly--may be drunk linding the uses like us the full benefit of se. ic to purify the bloog beys « Salt d Serges are ngs you can ings or pad- he heat and and hang-- erfect fit--of makes per- Fit-Reform hot weather NADA 3OMPANY. IE NAME ) o 4 3TURING CO. » LIMITED, Q. ; WA, ST. JOHN, N. B. HERE. 000ce 00EeP PRICES S d Oxfords ] for $1.70% r Window. . TH ssi SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH.WEST HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS even section 6! Domin- ton Lands Br Manitone or the North- west Provinces, Lee 8 and 26, uot at the trict in which HOMESTEAD DUTIES : A settler who § £ been granted an entry for a Louie yu. is required th rome diticns connected therewith-undez oo of the following plans : (1) At least six months residence upon cultivation of the land in each year Dotig the term of three years. (2) If the father mother, if the " ots thor any person who is \, Cligible to make a homestead entry un- der the provisions of this Act, resides upon & in the vicinity She Jang 3) If the settler has his permanent rodeos farming land owned by him in the Vv! Sitity of Be homestead, the uirements s as residence pi be satisfied Ly residence upon the waid land. APPLICATION FOR PATENT should eo made at the end of three years, be- fore the Lodal Agent. Sub-Agent or the Homestead lnspector. pector. Before making anvlications for patent ho setiler must give mx months' motice writing to the Commissioner of Do- minion Lands at Ottawa, of his intention An so. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH- WEST MINING REGULATIONS. Uoal.--Coal lands may be purchased at $10 acre for soft coal and $20 fur nthracite. Not more than R20 acres can be acquired by one individual or com- nny. Royalty at the rae of ton cents per, ton of 2, pounds shall be collected on the gross output. Quarts. --A free 1winer's certificate 1s granted upon payment in advance of %5 per annum for an individual, and from $50 to $100 ver abnum for a com- any according to capital. A free miner, having discovered mineral place, may, locate a claim 1,500x1,- 500 feet. The fee for recording w claim is $5. At least $100 must be expended on the laim each year or paid Lo the mining re corder in lieu thereol. When $500 has been expemded or paid, the locator may, upon having a survey made, and upon complying with other requirements, pur- hase the land at $1 an acre. . _ The patent vrovides for the payment of royalty of 24 per cent on the sales. PLACER minine claims generally are 00 fest square ; entry foe $5, renewable yearly. A free miner may obtain two leases to redge for gold of five miles each for a erm of twenty years, renewable at the iscretion of the Minister of the Interior The lessee shall have a dredge in oper- ation within one season from the date of he lease for each five miles. Rental, $10 Yef annum for each mile of river leased Royalty at the rate of 2% per cent collect. ed on the output after it excceds $10,000. W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N.B.--Unauthorized publication of this advertisement will not be paid for 4 IITDEAU E TO DEALERS IN CEMENT SEALED TENDERS ADDRESSED to the undersigned and ' endorsed "Ten- der for Cement," will be received at this office until 16 o'clock on Saturday, the 30th June, 1906, for the supply of 1,750 barrels of Portland Cement, to be del livered in gacks. Specifications can be procured at the office of the Superintending Engineer of the Rideau Canal, Canadian Building, Ottawa. on and after this date. The Department does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender. By Order, L. K. JONES, Secretary. Department of Railways and Canals, Ottawa, 8th June, 1906. Newspapers inserting this advertise- ment without authority from the De- partment, will not be paid for it. SEALED TENDERS ADDRESSED 72% thé undersigned, and endorsed "Ten- der for Drill Hall, Hamilton, Ont." will " be received at this 'office until Pri- day, June 29, 1906, inclusively. for the Soustruction of a Drill Hall at Hamilton, nt Plans and . specifications and forms of tender obtained at this De- partment and on application to Messrs. Dlewart & Wilton, Architects, Hamil- on, Ont. Persons tondering are notified that ten- ders will not be considered unless made on the printed form supplied, and signed With their actual signatures. Each tender must be accompanied ry an accepted can be seen made payable to the order of the Hon- burable the Minister' of Public Works, equal to ten per cent (10 p.c.) of the fmount of the tender. which will be for- feited if the person tendering decline to ute! into a contract when called upon v do 50, or if ho fail to York contracted for. If not accepted the cheque ea complete the the tender ' be will be return, The Department does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender. Hv order, FRED. GELINAS, Secretary. Department of Public Works. d Ottawa, Jume 7, 1906. Newspapers inserting' this advertise Ment withotit authority from the De- Partment, will not he Paid for it. TIME TABLE STEAMER WOLFE ISLANDER JUNE 10th to BEPT. 15th, Leave Wolfe island 80 an 1s wake a dose. M 4 ¥ fd Monday. » Th Wotly vegetable and do ne point either gide of the inye: ted pleat. | address of welcome, M. Oudler, Swiss wade in ~ ied PRR. but LF ale tloaction Die Worn with this a Wai pin minister to St. Petersburg, was elect I 18 |B ereserervien or sty ak 8 | (dS andkerchieh ted eri? | reek sy hc erable, 10 4m CARTER MEDICINE 00., Now York, Pogustiishly around the howd, Three More Dead arnt -------- . . 12% 5.3% ® : F- : 9 T A mall Dosa, Small Renfrew county villages will ask th. Madrid, June 12.--Three more of the 300 SMP Small PL Price, SNR build a line along thy jietsane wounded by the Jol, thrown MAGIC BAKING POWDER 300 5.30 ig nnechere, for their Georgi i | by Morales, on the king's w ---- im $3 pone 0! oir Georgian Bay ar, died dus g WP Toms ond 300 680 / i ! Bi IVENTER NOWS$| "one Solution" Spesat omer New England Ham, E.W.GILLETT coma Breakey's Bay, Howe Is-| & = Wor a "Business Sho 4d. or There is just one wa: . At Davies', cooked ready to use; can TORONTO.ONT. y ; rthand of I y by which you | , i J : bry Poise! * Dock, Ricans baci avd Bro- Civil Services Course. ean get a package of "Celery King" be sliced thin and is very tasty, 15c. a FL th | § Kingston Businass Collage § |i: vit « voces owone™ mya, | & posed © Table subject to change without notice. ask your druggist for "Solution of ---------- 66 '" Boat calls at Garden' Toland De Meaty et Limited Ozone (the coupon kind)". Each battle | - rs. Daniels, Belleville, hit Mes, Rirgeton. ong om Head of Queen Stroot of this contains a cou for which | Willie, of the same town, in the eve, ee Kingston, Canada we send you a twenty-five. cent pack- | With » Bible, last Sunday. The latier age of Celery King." Never take | is said to have shown off her fine Crests and mp Ozone" without "Celery King" if you | dresses rather aggravatingly, and Heading tes fd. Thorough § | want the best results, We are pitting | called - Mra. Daniels "g wicked old » fndividual oluutiuction by rs 1a @ |50UPONS in "Ozone" good for "Celery | cat." ' for Paper and Envelopes every department. through. § | King" because no other dealer or firm Mrs. Vincent McDonald, Yonge, is - . gut the whole year, Catalogue § |in the world has the right to many. | dead, aged soventy-eight. She leaves o Made in Canada ENGR AVING Calling | $7375 woxav, mv, Mroaves, § |12ome "Celery King tie at | i oon "She chile. Sold iB. RR r other v in world will | Miss Lea 'artier Nicholeoh, and 1 i Sas and| ¢ § Rrasident. Principal. Bee such good results. "Ozone; kills | Victon Kincaid, both: of Brockville, din Kingston at tN classes Besides Letter Printing. rom» 'eqrd ta « 5 An Absolute Cure For DYSPEPSIA Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Belching of gas after cating, mean weakness. * By means of its muscles, the stomach should churn the food--changing solids into liquids--mixing in the gastric juice to start digestion. 3 If the stomach is weak--then food is not properly churned and mixed with enough gastric Juice. Then you have I 2 indigestion on "Furr Liven Taswers strengthen the stomach--just as_juicy beef eggs and milk strengthen the wasted frame of a patient getting over Typhoid. FRUIT-A-TIVES contain the elements that give new--vi new e --- to the muscles lining the rin. stimulate 'the digestive glands and assure a copious flow of gastric juice for each meal. More than that, FRUIT-A-TIVES correct the Constipation which usually attends stomach trouble--and by acting directly on kidneys and liver, put the whole system in healthy condition. FRUIT-A-TIVES are a peculiar com- bination of fruit juices and tonics that are known all over Canada for their wonderful cures in all 'stomach, liver and kidncy troubles. 'soc. box or 6 boxes for $2.50. it on receipt of price if your druggist does not handle them. FRUIT-A-TIVES LIMITED, OTTAWA, THAT STAB-LIKE PAIN IN THE SMALL OF THE BACK COMES FROM THE KIDNEYS AND CAN BE CURED BY DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS It is not the back that is aching, but the kidneys which are situated beneath the small of the back. Therefore, dull pain in the back, or s quick twinges, are warnings of sick kidneys warnings of kidney trouble. Plasters, and liniments will not cure a bad back, for they cannot reach the kidneys which cause it. Doan's Ki Pills reach the kidne y_are for and that bo "be free from backache, ful * 'Sénsation before the brick-dust deposit in the urine, or sa g wrong with the urinary organs or der, you must kee Jou kidneys well. Help them to wor reely, and help them to flush off all the body's waste impurities, Doan's Kidney Pills ate made from the purest roots herbs, and have a remark- able healing and toning effect on the kid- neys. Mra. Barling, 26 Locomotive Street, Hamilton, Ont., writes: troubled considerably with my kidneys, using many remedies, but finding no relief. I tried Dosn's Kidney Pills and found them to act. directly on the kindeys, and in. * Price 50 cents per box, three boxes for $1.25, all dealers or The Doan Kidney Pill Co., Toronto, Ont. £5 whes urinating, Siecks ti eyes, frequent | .. CURE the bles nce it to > bilious aiis of the system, such as ausca, Distress aftep eating, Pain in tho Bide, ke. While their mos$ remarkable has been shown in curing SICK Headache, yet Carter's Litile Liver Pills ave equally valuable in Constipation, curing and pre- thisannoying complaint, while they alse venting Correct all disorders of thestomach, stimulate the Sai reguato tho bowels, BE Achethey wonld boslmost colon tn those whe suffer from ae t; but fortae it ay theirgoodness does notend here,and those hi in so many wars that they will not be wile t0do without them, But 8 $5 the hane of so many lives that here 'we make Qur pills i har hour great boast: Pills cure it while ROrters Little Liver Pills are very small and easy {0 take. One or tro a fz n 1%} "I had been | Mrs. Rev. and Mrs. William Timberlake, Sydenham street, left at noon yvester- day, for Kingston, to enjov an ex- tended vacation, y ---- A Smart Bathing Suit Of Mohair. tached to the ven if they only sl D 1 a plain ho once try them will find these little pills value | piece, trimmed aftor alle. k head tons 'the same I ge suit is b: is where NEWS TOWN. A' Funny Incident Associated With the Minstrel 'Iroupe-- Personal Paragraphs of Real 'Interest. Napanee, June 13.--The storm of Saturday morning was guite severe in this vicmity, but no ¢ ¢ is re: Ported. 'Ihe rain came down in'sheets and lasted over two hours. The villagés north of here report very heavy rain, accompanied with "high wind, but no damage. Mrs, James Garrat borne, Saturday, owing n her 'brother's - family. Mrs, . Treleaven, Toronto, formerly Maud Vine, is spending a few weeks at her father's, Rev. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Montgomery ave guests of Mrs, Mont- gomery's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. P. Gordanier, Orchard Park. Mrs. L. Sherwood and little son are guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Sher wood, Piety Hill. ' Our fown was filled with music yes terday. - A Salvation Army band struck town in the moming and play- od very. sweet music on the streets for a couple of hours «nd at noon, a minstrel troupe arrived, which also paraded the streets and played very nicely, A funny incident happened to the minstrel troupe when they were com- ing into Napanee. Their car was be- ing placed on the siding and in some manner, as they crossed over a switch, the ear was slightly upended and over- turned. The" occupants made a scramble for freedom and from every window and door a frightened darky face protruded and the owner crawled to terra firma with wonderful alacrigh, One was heard to remark, "I thought I was goin' to he dumped out into the bloomin' watah." GANANOQUE NEWS. ---- Two Young Ladies Carried Of as Brides. Gananoque, June 12,--A pleasant ev- ent took place at eight o'clock last eveniig at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Moore, Charles street, the occasion being the marriage of their daughter, Miss Jennie Gh, to: W. A. Lewis, of Montréal. Rev. J. R. Ser- son performed. the esremony. After a sumptuous repast, the happy couple left on the midnight train for Toron- to and Niagara Falls, At nine o'clock, last evening at Christ church, Miss Gertrude Fuge, daughter of Mr. dnd Mrs, William Fuge, was. united in marriage to Fd- ward Congey of Napanee, The cere- mony was performed by Rev. J. R. Serson. THe happy couple left on the midnight train for Napanee. Rev, J. R. Serson and Mrs. Charles McDonald, went to Kingston yester- day, in Mr. McDonald's private yacht Kate, and spent part of the day, re- turning in the evening. d The delegates of Court Thousand Islands. Canadian Order of Foresters, at the session of the high court in Ottawa, are fulfilling their duties there this week. Mayor Wilbon was ac- companied by his wife. C. E. Britton is also in attendance as a member of the high court executive. Mrs. John Singleton is making a thort visit with her parents. Mr. and Ahsalom Grice, Brock street, Miss Bessie Timberlake, daughter of went to Col- to illness in Wow Mohair is a favored material for the athing suit by reason of its 'water- eda mg qualities and its light weight. he full bloomors of this' suit, held in Love the knee:with elastic, are at Gibson-cat blouse, with front pleat cut in one stitched on to the blouse and with blue silk-covered Hut shade as. the mohair. or the swimmer this much of the quite enough, but for the ather, and beach loller the skirt is dded. This is g five gored model, with ront-inverted pleat and a hem trim. ing of stitched bias band, ending in a 8 collar and ruggist for "Solution of kind)" manufactur. blic Drag OF NAPANEE MUSIC IN THE GOOD OLD |a record that has stood virtually wn- con, Utica, N.Y. The close season were married & pound is fresh at Gikson'y | iv Store, 13 The Louisiana legislature has refus: ed to take up the bill to appoint a Sa { Tatonto southpaw, has Ieleasyd to Oswego team of te En State League by Syia- cuse. § Al te Lacrosse Clab has oe out of the E.O.L.L. and the game in the woolln town is at a standstill. foie 1 hind Trinity, Cambridge, has de- cided to enter for the grand challinge cup at Henley. This will weaken 's drew for Sho event, . 4 : L. Doherty and H. 3. Smith, in 3x y R. F. and H. L. doubles, have been. se- represent F) in the con- test for the I L. Davis imterna- tional tennis cup. The Ame- rican team has not yet been definitely chon. has got a food foothold in Al- monte. The club laid out a splen- 1 course on the Kearney farm on the outskirts of the town. They have also fixed up a clubhouse and everything ia in file order for Satur- day afternoon, which is to be the opening of the golfing season. Iroquois won the Rochester Yacht Club race, run_ over a triangular machinery. It is a Canadian human hands. The wheat is . 'by MEAT--it is never touched by bs a dies a 4 and delight the appetite of Canadians. Hg ORANGE MEAT contains all the body, brain and vigor building elements of wheat. Analysis shows that ORANGE MEATcontains more wheat sugars than any other cereal. It's not merely "'sométhing toeat." It is a perfect FOOD, It contains the whole | wheat--the --r sil omitted aa the wheat germ which supplies Phosphorus to the nerves and brain, ORANGE MEAT weighs 3{ more than any other package. Your grocer has ORANGE MEAT in 15¢. and 25c. coupons good for new premiums. = 25c. size contains 234 times the 15c. quan "Orange Meat, Kingston", for new premium catalogue, nN our elevators as wheat--until it comes on your 15¢. size contains . Write J course of six miles, Saturday after noom. The Kee Lox IL faishad se- cond. Much interest centred in the outcome of the race between these two boats. Both are im the thirty-feot 100% 100% clase. The Genesse, also in this class, was to be reckoned with. The course was fifteen miles to north-west, and the start was at 3:10 o'clock. Iro- quois was first over the starting kine, and was in the lead throughout, fmishing at 4.30 seconds. The Kee Lox finished at 4.23 minutes, "What is the matter with the Pos- toh Americans is the stercotyped question at present among baseball fans all over the country. Fhis query is propounded because the Colling team succeedgd last week in breaking challenged since 1890, when the Pitts burg Club, of the National League, lost. something like fourtern straight games, says the 'New York World, The ex-champions' defeat last Thurs- day by the St. Louis Club, was their twentieth straights They broke the spell on Friday by beating the Chi- cago White Sox by 3 to 0, and re peating the trick Saturday. 4 to 2. THOUSAND ISLAND NOTES. Getting Lively Down the River. . Thousand Island Park, June 1 ="The past week has been quite rainy. On 'thursday anc Friday nights heavy el- cotfie. storms visited 'here Thursday night's being one of the heaviest rain- falls in years. The days are very hot and sultry. F. G. Weeks, president of Thousand Island Park, for a number of years, and a wealthy paper mill man of ' 1 Nyt died suddenly in Sy: r , last week. Fhe steamer Island Belle. commenced running on her route between Clayton and Ogaensburg, on Saturday: The steatier Nightingale has also commenced running on the Clayton Fine View route, The fare to Clayton from. "thousand Islana Park, o distance of five, and one-half miles, has been raised fyomn twenty-five cents to thirty-five cents, each way on all steamers. : The 'Murray Hill Hotel is fitting up for the season. Sevefal new cottages are beidg erected at this popular re- sort. H, P. Sheppard of Skancateles, N.Y., who conducts the boat livery, is getting ready for business. The livery boat house has been rebuilt, and je now in fine condition. My, Chown, of Kingston, is at his cottage, "Mos quito Lodge," for a few days. Dell Pickard," Fulton, N.Y., who bas the contract for laying the cement walks, has arrived, and is a very busy man at. present. Farly this spring a num ber of government surveyors took the depth of the water between here and Fine View, where a number of shoals are located, 1t ig expected a dredge will be at work this season to make a channel sufficiently deep for all classes of steamers. Harvey Slate has the contract of filling in the new wharf with stone, and has several scows carrying stone for that purpose. A new motor hoat house is being built in South Bay for Dr. 8. 8. Max for bass and pickercl expired here on Sat urday night. Things Are Food, Drink And Comfort. A glass of pur ice cream soda water has highest food value, as well thirstquenching properties, The vors are pure fruit juices and pulps, the ice cream is rich and pure. These, combined with sparkling soda water, served in perfestly cleaned glasses, makes a perfect drink. Wade's drug store. as fla Meeting At Geneva. Geneva, June 13. Delegates repre- senting thirty-seven nations, assem bled here, yesterday afternoon. for a conference on the revision of the Red Cross Convention. '\M. L. Forrer, pre sident of Switzerland, delivered The stability of a Company may be gauged by the class of Securities in which its funds are invested. Those of fn! Vk OF CANADA | are all gilt-edge, as may be seen from the following list : Lodger Avsets Mortgages -. $4,265,533.86 Bonds Reo Loans on Policies 1.017.480.99 Cash on hand and 1a Banks = - $261,960.60 Real Estate - - $56,281.08 ---- Maes. $8,848,658.42 HEAD OFFICE: n on Monday. Lydia Pinkham' Vegetable Com- Cross The Boy Who Stealsittie Time to Study Will, Pay Up To Fame Some Day Be x Years and years ago when the members of this concern started studying the shoe business, it was > with the fixed idea that the people of Kingston wanted the best-- something just as good and as swell as people. in larger centers were enabled to purchase. To-day we point with pride to the success and fame cennected with the | Sutherland Shoes. It took years to do it, but we never had any doubts about the ultimate success J. H. Sutherland & Br F. 6 +5 Medley's Drug Store| of our ambition. In our stock to- day we are showing just as nobby, h up-to-date Footwear as the best New. stores and at far more reasonable pri York Bre CES. The Home of Good REMNAN After an exceptionally busy season we find we have quantities of ends in every department. These we will place on the remnant counters on and sell at a EXACTLY HALF THEIR ORIGINAL PRICE. These remnants are all left from the spring stock, so you will see nothing old or out of date. Below is a partial list :-- SL Se Black, Cream and Colored Dress Goods, Tweed and other suitings, Taffeta, Louisine, Indian and Jap- anese Silks, all colors; White: Lawns, Dimities 'and Linens, Mercerized Goods, Cambrics, Chambrays, Prints, Muslins, Table Linen, Sheetings, Pillow Cot- tons, Tickings, Towellings, Flaunelettes, Table Oil Cloth, Stair and Floor Oil Cloth, Carpets and Curtain nds, Also in the Millinery Department all colored Straw Hats to be sold at half price. : REMEMBER all San : Half Price. | New goods, ard all at. S.. ~Crumley Brg | TYPEWRITERS SEWING MACHINES Sold and Repaired = J. B. C. DOBBS & 00, 171 Wellingto n St, PHFGFPOD GOOD DOGG HEG SD GANONSG'S G. B. CH COLATES ¢ .. THE FINEST IN THE CITY. 90c. per Ib JL. A.J . FR i [] :

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