assess 3B sksss ses 585 © EF 5% 558 Made in Canada Sold in Kingston at Medley's Drug Store § simply he- cause we need to keep up with earth ly idea regarding money, position, en- tertainments, if not becanse of sheer oluttony and pleasure, Wo vead the simple life. Can we not try to prae- tise it for the good of the souls of our servants and others who are just at an ace when they need spiritual guidance as well as bodily recruiting. ~KINGSTONIAN, CL ---------- THE CHINESE RESTAURANT The Chinese restaurant « was the scene of a lively encounter on Satur day evening. A citizen went in to and on fini his meal, y and as his meal bad letely refreshed him, he felt some- what like sitting up and teking a look at Iimsell. When the four blos- soms from the Flowery Kingdom com- menced to dig in, and clean him up, he was there with the goods, and livered them to & micety. Even with the aid of a poker the ching-chang men. couldn't go fast to warm up, Stile their of , ay el he up to great i of the ero which gathered about the. door. Beat- en to a foolish finish the Chinamen sought the aid of the police. The of- fender walked over to the station and the quarrel was settled, while it lasted a at just to sep the f ur, or rather {the pigtasi s, fly. Fur County court, opens at 1.30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon, at the court house, "Judge J. H. Madden, presiding, with the following cases : Non-Jury.--~Joseph Shatela ve. Dav- id Rahl, action to wind up a partner- ship. Queen's College vs, John Hic key, action for rental of premises ly- ing in the township of Clarendon. The Jury Case.~Shortall vs. Ac ton, has been withdrawn, 'owing to a settlement between the parties. \ One criminal case is slated for the general sessions: The King vs, Charles Schacher, This is the famous McKay fur burglary case. Stone On The Roads. . * Not much more stone will be put on the roads until the fall. Some sinall patch work is now being dome, Prin- cess street being gone over to-day. On some of the streets the macadam is almost all worn away, and it will be accessary- to make found tions with large stone. On account 'of the building of so many concrete walks, a large quantity of stone is required for that purpose. J ---------- A Question Of Water. A citizen writes : "The water works committee will have to get after the hoard of 'works for borrowin~ water from residents along whose. streets new walks are being laid. Has the city any more right to get water from residents any more than other parties or bodies ? It's aguinst the water works' rules for one citizen to supply water to another. Why then should he supply the board of works # The yacht Renomore, rom Brock- ville, stopped in port to-day en route to Smiths Falls. 1 Opened Up a Beautiful ine of Negligee Shirts for Summer Wear. PRICE I+ DRY GOODS CONDITIONS. oe states, the necessary arrangements. | Frm only anounced that tho am Scotland, aid Nye. Hotbs ig lying at # point th, in this city, Dh i president of the Great Northern railway, arrived in the city from New York, this ing, and at once went on board his: yacht Wa- couta, and left for the lower St. Law- rence ona fishing trip, . <The Allan steamer Virginian, from, Montreal, for Liverpool, passed Cape Race at 2:30 a.m; on Jime 10th, The Allan steamer - Tunisian arrived in Montreal at 5 p.m; on: June 9th. The arrived at Liverpool at 9 am., June low the "about 2:30 clock this afternoon. ran When the po- lice got on. their tracks . and were young life when Miss Ida F. Cochrane passed aay, after about three months' hali-past four Dien a members of St, Mary's church, very popular among the vounger peo- ple of the city. by whom Friendship, will h missed, Allan steamer Ionian, from Montreal, Ty fal puch. mis morning, and will be private, The police EL "an exciting -capiure terioon, after 'rather strenuous labors; of the minor to whom liquor is said" to have been sold on May 24th, and the young chaps older brother. When the minor failed tol show up in police court, last week, to give cvidence in the case, a warrant was issued for his arrest. Fnquiry at his home was to the effect that he bad left for the court and not since been seen. The police have not een chased into the marsh by . Nesbitt and Police Constable inger. Had, they remained in their watery position they might have heen | safe, but they crossed to the other £1 side and were met by Police Constable | $33 Megarry and escorted to the police station. -------------- Death Of Miss Cochrane. This morning, death claimed a bright illness, breathed her last about o'clock at the Hotel § was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Cochrane, and 4 beng she cheerful The uneral will take place on Wednesday or a AAS SE ? ; ca id TO THE PUBLIC :-- building of a New Hotel, invite list. - We must, by WEDNESDAY, cannot possibly call on all whe fore take this method of the "King's Inn," and feel sure that the investme dividends and that the benefit the first steps towards lowing would be glad to day, 13th, xr Minnes, President. E. J. B. Pense, M.P.P. C. Bermingham. R. J, Carson. § Dr..J. €. Connell. W. B. Dalton. R. J. McKelvey, ' TT. J. Rigney. Edward T, Steacy. 4 " - 10th. The Allan steamer Pomeranian, from Montreal and Quebec, jor Havre, passed Father Point at 3:45 a.m, on June 10th. The, Allan steamer Hilser- nian sailed from London on June 9th. The Allan steamer City of Bom- bay, arrived at Halifax at twelve o'clock midnight, on June 10th. ---- OLD LADY KILLED. Mrs. McGeachie Struck By a M. . Ci R. Train. St. Cathajnés, Ont., June 11. Mrs. Arabelle chie, an old lady about cighty vears of age, who lived on Thorold road, this city, was struck by a Michigan Central train near Queen- ston Heights, on Saturday, and - in- stantly . killed. Decensed had been visiting her son, John McGeachie, who is caretaker at Brock's mona. ment, and during thé day wandered off picking flowers. When the body was found she still had a bunch of the flowers she had gathered in her hand. po Are in a Satisfactory Condition in States. New York, June 11.---Very satisfac- tory conditions exist in the dry-goods special canvas by the Journal of Com- merce among the prominent dry- goods houses in the country. To Float Bavarian. Montreal, June 11.--It is understood that a Canadian firm, the Donnelly Wrecking company, will undertake the work a ------ on the Allan steam- ship Bavarian, which now lies on the fve rocks, mear Grosse Isle, and ich, it is feared, will become a total wreck if an attempt is not made in the near future to float her. The Pope's Ailment. Rate, June 11.--That the real cause of the of the pope is angina pectoris, was revealed, to-day, at the vatican, where fests. were S{Presiad that the days. of the present pontifi- cate will be short. tn Death Of A Bishop. Manchester, N.H.. June 11.--Right Rev. John B. Delanéy, Roman: Catho- lie Pp, of the diocese of Manches- Bo rot Sue. sivesse of New England Ham. | The Board of Trade, hav ing or fail in our endeavor. Canvassers are » would like to help; we, there- asking each citizen to subscribe to It it is only $100, we will be glad larger growth. We cannot give full information here, but any of the fol- do so on application. Remember that we must have the full amount of 875,000 by Welnes- Will Be Fought Instead of 150 of tween Richard Zombory, a well-known Hungarian with the Hungarian Land and Mort- apology will be compelled duel, with Johann Szuechs, the ori- ginal challenger. dist church, last evening, 3 welistic band of the Y.M.C.A.. held an outdoor meeting on the lot next to the cold weather conditions, was well attended. F. G. Lockett and Dr. E. Lake - Mrs. Joseph McConnell; wife of the , Very narrow escape this morning. She a aghout_ the a a was carrying her infant son down aus of opinion, Yenchod through a ] Stairs, where she fell and hoth were ) J enlarged 4 taken up the project of the subscription to the Stock ; 13th, raise $75,000 in stock out' working, but ; to receive your aid nt will be a paying one in ) to our city will be one of J. M. Farrell. L. L. Hendeérson. D. G. Laidlaw, E. C. Mitchell, J. A. Minnes, C. A. MacPherson. H. W. Richardson. Dr. [E. Ryan. J: 8. Turner, Cunningham, Secretary. p | a ® + sears esnge BUT ONE DUEL. The. Vienna, June 11.~The 150 duels be- sportsman, A residing at and officials Bug Pest, connected gage', Bank will not take place, the matter havin, been settled by an by Zombory. Zombory now to fight but one -------------- Y.M.C.A. Evangelistic Band. After service in Brock Street Metho- the evan the First Baptist church, and despite had charge, threw views on the screen of Biblical stories. Mr. Nichol: son sang a solo, and addresses were delivered hy Rev: Gi A. Mackenzie and Mr, Irving, Belleville. -------- Fell Down Stairs. proprietor of Collenider Hotel, had' n precipitated to the foot of the steps. They fortunately escaped with slight injuries, -------------------- " He Has Resigned. Ottawa, June 11.--Deputy Sheriff J. 'A. McLachlin, has resigned after eigh- teen years service owing to ill-health. Hei came here from the attorney gen: eral's department, Toronto, and previ- ously was on the Toronto News as a reporter, J + A Lad Drowned. : Ottawa, June 11.--A little boy, aged, eight years, son of R. Allen, Masson, Que., was. drowned in the Leviere river on * Saturday. A sand bank on which he was play gaye away. ¥ i------------ Good Liquor Spilt. Frankfort, Ky.. June 11.--The flake stand at a distillery broke down, yes: terday, ano' 'more 13,000 gallons of whiskey was lost. Loss $25,000. © ---------------- The "case of Mr. and Mrs" James, Francis against Mrs. Shea, which was or a week, and which should have been heard this Morning, was G, MONDAY, JUNE 11. A ---------- NEWS OF THE WORLD| {bad '§ bert engine, ---------- Matters That Interest Everybody ~Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered. 'At Indian - Head; Sask., the Bell Telephone company. have absorbed the Independent. company here. Mother Antoinette Macdonell, Moth- et Superior of St. Joseph's Convent, died on Saturday, in her eighty-fourth year. The shah of Persia is health, having severe attack of suffered recently. Victoria Park, Toronto; was purch- ased at auction by H. P. Eckhardt for | ,850, purchase being made pre- sumably for the city. . Three men were drowned in New York bay, Sunday, when the yacht Lottie, with a fishing party on board, was capsized during a sudden storm. Tap O'Neill. a laborer, was killed in a Buffalo saloon fight. Louis Narwood is under arrest, charged with having struck the blow that caused O'Neill's death. : Thirty-four Christign Scientists were injured through the overturning of a lirge sight-secing automobile in Bos- ton. Every person received injuries more or less serious. Rev. George Horton, a retired Pres- byterian clergyman, was instantly killed while driving into his yard near Oxford, N.Y, The wheel of the wagwon caught throwing him out and breaking his neck, He was seventy-five years old. "Foster Dwight Curfin; Topeka, Kan., anpointed to the United States sen- ate. succeeding Joseph R. Burton, has decided not to. accept the appoint- ment. Governor Hoche offered appoint- ment to Judoe Benson, Ottawa, who vrobably will accept. in normal recovered from. the gout from which he Judgment Rendered. Gananoque Reporter. Judge Reynolds, on Monday, gave jwlgment in the case of Brown VS. Simpson, tried at a special sitting of the county court about three weeks ago. The parties reside in the viemity of Secley's Bay, and the action was brought by the plaintiff, Aaron Brown, to recover $200 damages to his farm rented by . Patrick Simpson. The judgment is that the plaintiff gets $15 in addition to $15 which the de- fendant had paid into court. He also gets costs on the division court scale only, and is ordered to pay defendant the difference between costs on the county court scale and on the division cowrt scale since the amount of the judgment was within the jurisdiction of the division court. Defendant has also to pay plaintifi's witnesses. mamf------------ The Balloon Cure. Dr. George Bell; the celebrated eye Spucialit, agrees with Dr. Daulney in 4 thinking that many diseases of the eye may be relieved hy treatment in bal- loons at heights of 3,000 to 6,000 feet. In an interview Dr. Bull suggested that the "balloon cure' might be po- nularized, "I would recommend," | he raid, "the institution of captive bal- loons outside all the theatres and art galleries. Nothing could be. better for the headache brought on by the at- mosphere of a theatre or for the strain of the evesight by much nieture-gaz- r whowill by sox, etc., when would like to things. = likely be 7 why should ~~, mens wear. > ~~ i the future offer ities and new possible profit. A partial list for this week :-- Men's Underwear Summer "Balbriggan," the favorite weight with most of the men, in good quality, giving good 50 Summer Tj.g ready-knotteq dark eit honest. wear, at one popular ; Signs, some 1 price, per garment ............ i white bl > > 1 3 ' z Natural Wool Unshrinkable, *n-very pretty sump, lightest summer weights, constant- ly becoming more popular op count of such splendid wear- ing 'qualities, two qualities, per garment, 750, and... . Men's Shirts White Unlaundered, also in light grounds with neat new designs, well made and fin- fifty patter ac: choice, each each |... Irish Linen Han, did soft quality stitched h .. fancy J ished, two qualities, 73c., ac White Laundered, made by the celé-llrish Linen brated "Tooke," of Montreal, and| splendid soft fully up to the high standard * of Strong Working, in all sizes, made "Yarn-Knit" or from good quality strong all sizes in black sateen, 75, 50c., , 25, 2 . and... i ee. Black Cashmere Black Drill, made from an excellent 30 BE NCLY, A : : pair, 19, 45, 39, relieved with white spots and Po stripes, all full sizes, our extra-special, each only ...... Jl Men's Collars and Cuffs either Merino, in the weight, the nine ont of t pair, 35, 25 anc Collars, turn-over 'or - wing! styles in the latast effects, also made by the above-mentioned "Tooke" firm of Montreal, all sizes, at 2 each Cufis, either lin with excellent strong-wear- ing fmish, in two qualities, per pair, 25c. and priced, per pair none Bet genuine and two others at 20 Our men' Men's Ties & Handkerchieg grounds ane 9 Irish Linen Han > good size hemstitched, but quality, fit and finish insisted| initials, 123, 15 2 upon by that splendid mak- upto ...... er, two qualities 1.00 15 and... ie Men IF there's more than one m Y new shirts. the know each will expect his wi or sister to keep track ; Now, right here ; mens section Comes same wife, mother or shopping here she not look 8 sect 1USt as good qual. effects as found in the city (th not so great ranges) all--at prices marked clusive way--with ¢ 0 her fou styl in hl mn al], lkerch » neat and hand initialed, Handkérohi, fis. "Farmers'," 1 three qualities, 15 per pair, 25, 20, and ,. ¢ either plain, in different summer and "he- Americal 4H, knot so stand tween-season"' wights, washing and wearing et er than sizes "in five qualities, any other cotton material, some 35 and light n men, Evi favorite with wl Lo. ) , 25, 20 and * er band styléd |French Makes, than which you'll find their p "GUYOT" at at 45c. Y re needed we 1 neat small da rok band Gl he » Over Ikerchicfs, with plain vai 15 ate aie . Le Men's Suspenders Three good serviceable makes, 13 strong«and neat, and low- an in teq ollars and it: Rather, e, mothe, of all such § S where our in, That Sister wil| ' and 80, after the ion will n will be ugh perhaps and best of In our ey, he smalles r-tn-hay Some l or With "and song vour 2) v of splen- hem- 2) ribbed or 0b st summer 19 rices, 19¢., and 3 ine. than an aseent of, say, 3,000 feet. "The purer air at such an altitude. and the effect ob vatching the diminu tive objects an fhe earth 3,000 feet he- low, would do the eve a great deal of rood. To Make Observations. Deseronto Tribune. Mr. Crowe, one of the promoters. of the Glenora power scheme, was in town Tuesday morning. He said it was the intention of the company to secure funds enough to make a tost of the Glenora water power. To that end they propose cutting a sluiceway about five by eight feet and make ob- servations as to whether the water in the lake is lowered by this running away. If the level | remains station ary it will be conclusive proof that there is ample power there for an ex- tensive plant which they will then proceed to erect and operate. Further developments are awaited by the shareholders, who are to hold a meet- ing in the near future. -- Advantages Of Club Life. "That is the advantage of club life," said an observing woman. '"The one who undertakes active work in a literary club cannot stagnate. She simply must keep abreast of the times. As to the charge that she ne elects her home that is all bosh. She attends a club meeting once in two weeks and she is better for the ex- change of thousht and the afternoon spent in 'the company of her friends. She returns to her home life with re newed interest." | ------ Pocket Wireless. A device for a pocket wireless file: oraph re¢eiver and sender is being considered hy the American maval-bu- rean of equipment saye the Paris edi- tion of the New York Herald. 1t weighs less than two pounds and con- sists of a balloon carrying two hund- red feet of wire for the antermae and a detector about the size of a tobacco ipe. It works for thirty miles, ------------ Has A Fine Launch, George Hasrouck, New York, who bas a summer. home in the iflands, ilt during the winter one of the boats on the St. Lawrence tiver~8o-Long II is the name of the rev boat. She is forty feet overall, and four feet eight inches beam. and is equipped with a 1530-horse-power. Tre- Free. Demonstration of Malaghma Tea, all this week, at. Hopkinsgn's grocery, next Crown Bank, Brock street, Mar- ket Square. A "young son of Friest Waspe was drowned while bathing at London. Peter. Devlin, of this eity, will do the & SPE catering for the brigade staff at the] OF he matyos Ti Tdia aliout 2,000 4 pda i z Sold and Repaire THE FINEST IN THE CITY, 0c. per Ib A.J. R PELPITDOPPE DOPITILD DEIIII0E BICYCLES TYPEWRITERS : SEWING MACHINES d GANONG'S G. B. CHOCOLATES 166 Princess St. POA PPPO @ GOGvvOsT 16 Colors in Ladies Mercerized Silk Shoes 2% 4 : : tie or We can get a pair of these shoes in the style in any of the following color; -- Oyster Gray, Dark Blue, Lavender, Nile Green, Alice Blue, Confederate Gre), Green, Pink, Red, Light Blue, Oid Rose, Champagne. The Above Lines are $3.00 a Pai We also keep in stock all sizes in, Ladie vas from $1 up-to $2.50. UE 1 OCKET ny Ladies' Blue, Grey and Tan at $2.00 a pai™. 3 pump s' White Can: 4