Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Jun 1906, p. 5

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around predicting a cool sum. stuff a shore. We took 2 Lo ok a good deal of stock ip of our hot-weather SUMMER VESTS- in, In Plain White, Strines y nd Figures, at $i, $1.95 oa any SOFT FRONT SHIRTS 69c., 81 and $i; "| LEATHER BELTS 2 25¢., 40c., 50c., Tic. and §|. STRAW HATS 80c., 75e., $1 to 2. FANCY HOSIERY oc., 40c, and 50¢, «- | SUMMER UNDERWEAR GALORE. 5. 25c., 50e,, RE OF THE TOWN. nu a a re ---------------------- L.E AD our prices. Phone Main 1729, CO., 31 William St,, Toronto, R SHOES White Canvas Oxlords, $1, $1.50, 2 and $3. : 50 and $3. Pat. Colt Gibson Ties, Christy ies or Blucher Oxfords, $2.50, $3, 3 50. : r Special Gibson Ties, in Grey Voze id Grey and Colored Canvas, + Klso many other lines of "ASHIONABLE FOOTWEAR. . : 8 Shoe Store Chagolate Color Gibson Tie, $150, $25 - The lessee shall have a dredge in oper: Yer annum for each mile of river leased. [ | ed on the output after it excoeds 310,400, OR t will not be paid fore TRI RIDEAU CANAL. -r IY od to the undersigned der for Cement," w office until 16 o 30th Jupe, 1906, fc barrels of Portland livered in sacks ) Specifications can office of the Super ) | the Rideau Cana 1 | Ottawa, on and The Departament « o accept the lowest or anv By Order, , L. K. JONES, Secretary. [Department of Railwavs and Canals, , 1906, ] . Ottawa, #th June, 1 oh i ting is advert Newspapers inserting this ve ment without authority mth partment, will not be paid for it GASOLINE Put in your tank at our dock, A large stock of Dry Bat teries, Spark Plug and Coils always on hand. LIMITED. . to Must Be Sold To Close Up i The following desirable City Ye Brock ! residence 'of Wate EB DB aot ., ~extgosion dining and | kitchen. altmoders, | ro itchen: ali 106. Bago . ; moon endlon dining and | 108 Bagot exten - Kkitelien, all mode oc tivo: Cliff. + Price aud particulars Real Estate Coffee is like everything else--the BEST Coffee requires care in cultivation, selection, blending and roasting. SEAL BRAND Coffee is rich in Caffeine and Caffeone. It is made of selected growths from the best Plantations in the world. CHASE & SANBORN MONTREAL After an' exceptionally busy season we find we have quantities of ends in every department. These we will place on the remnant counters on Tuesday and sell at ENACTLY HALF THEIR ORIGINAL PRICE. hese remnants are all left from the spring stock, so you will see nothing old er out of date. partial list :-- Black, Cream and Colored Dress Goods, Tweed and other suitings, Taffeta, Louisine, Indian and Jap- hnese Silks, all. colors; White Lawns, Dimities and Linens, Mercerized Goods, Cambrics, : 'Chambrays, rints, Muslins, Table Linen, Sheetings, Pillow Cot- ons," Tickings, Towellings, Flannelettes, Table Oil loth, Stair and Floor Oil Cloth, Carpets and Curtain "TUESDAY 5c. and $1 5 garment, ~ BIBBY (0, """Also'in the Millinery Department all colored Straw ats; to be sold at half price. REMEMBER all new goods, and all at Crumley Bros.. LOI COOOR OOOO COICO OO) REDUCED PRICES Boys' Tan Boots and Oxfords ; Regular $2.50 Values for" $1.75 See Our Window. Sizes 1 to 5. ) McDermott's Shoe Store OCT OO @ANIOE® 09 @PPT® ©® creen Doors 'Screen Windows Refrigerators iscrdtion of the Minister of the Interior. mation within one season from the date of he lease for each five miles. Rental, $10 Royalty at the rate of 24 per cent collects W. W. C » Deputy ol the Minister of the Interior: N.B.--Unauthorized publication of this advertisement! Ice Cream Freezers in assortment and at prices that are SURE TO PLEASE ¢KELVEY & BIRCH, 69-71 Brock St. TISH - AMER | Department of Railways and Canals. NOTICE TO DEALERS IN CEMENT SEALED TENDERS A PDRESSED ired at the r DPuoginecr of not as now auditing, correcting and THE INDIVIDUAL CUP compelling adherence to by-laws and ed now before being paid; in old days the accounts were paid and then scrutinized a year after by auditors, To Be Introduzed at Communion Chalmers' church decided to make personal canvass of bers to secure 'their question of the individual communion 'cup, now used by many congregations the church mem- Is undergoing alterations and ill be re-opened to the travelling ublic on or about July the First. who has been in the city for some time past, was on her way to the G, T.R. depot to depart for the Queen "&ty. En route she stopped at the B.N.A. bank in the city buildings. On leaving the building she slipped on the stone steps and badly injured the bones of heir right limb. Dr. Hanley was promptly called and attended the unfortunate lady. found that the congregation was prac- tically unanimous in favor of a change from' the present cup usage, in view of titude on the matter of of disease. Accordingly the session has decided to inaugurate the usage individual cups at the September com- munion services. Next Sunday's quart- erly communion will be the last for of the common cup _in e first in Nings- ton to make the chaiige, S-------- . Immigrant Luts Throat. SY MONEY AT HOME Eo Se Baan than Applications For City Engineer. So a4 S52) pd wo cates commend to the city council the ap- pointment of an engineer to succeea Mr, Craig. There have been eight .or ten applications received for the posi- tion, including one from A. D. McRae, B.A, BSe. a Queen's graduate of several years' standing. The board reets 'on Thursday afternoon to con- "CANAR: MARY vs. CHICKENS. SELBY & YOULDEN: Lg MER AND WOMER Pare ear sbuarars young English immigrant, o Years of age, tried to co hear Picton. Th : 2 oe muce FOR SALE &.> Ties and Tbr, e young fellow was in po work, no money and tried to cut his knife. Two doe- up, and now kind- hearted people are looking after him. "Three Swallows." throat with a bread tors patched him derate Reduction THE TAILY {ARRESTED IN WEST DYKES NABBED BY NORTH: WEST MOUNTED POLICE, -- The Steamer Plummer Repaired, and Goes on Her Way--The Erin is Cut to Pieces--Only One Body Found. Detroit, Mich., June 11.--1It is report- ed that Charles Dykes, Wardsville, Ont., has been arrested in the Cana- dian North-West, by the mounted pol: ice. An officer leaves here, to-day, for Winnipeg. Dykes iz the man suspected of" having robbed an Essex county, Ont., farmer, named Tilley, of over $1,700, in Detroit, about two months ago. Tilley 'came here with the money to have a time, and fell in with Dykes, who was a former acquaint- agce. When Tilley straightened up af- ter two or three days with Dykes, the money aisappeared, The local police have since been trying to find Dykes. Divers unshinned the damaged rud- der and stack of the Canadian steam- er Plummer, and after repairs were made, the rudder and stack were re. placed on Sunday, aud the boat de- parted. A Thorold, Ont., dispatch denies the rumor. that the Canadian steamer Erin, recently sunk bv collision in the St. Clair river. is to be sold to Tole- do people. The dispatch says: "Reid's diver examined the .Erin in fiftv-eight feet of water. No bodies were found. The Erin is cut to pieces, and i® a total loss, with no salvage. The body of only one of the five persons drown- ed has been recovered." JOHN GRIST DEAD. Buried in UTataraqui Near Boy- hood's Home. A well known and highly respected citizen of Ottawa, passed away in the person of John Grist, who resided at 515 Besserer street. Deceased was sev- enty-nine years of age and had been ailing for some time. g'he funeral took place this morning, at 10:30, from the family residence, the remains be- ing brought to Kingston and laid in their last resting place at Cutaraqui this 'afternoon. The late John Grist was born at Portsea, Eng., on November 7th, 1827. He came to Canada when a child, his father, John Grist, "of the Royal Engineer staff, being appointed to Kingston. Here in the Limestone city the subject of this sketch spent his boyhood days. He later chose the profession of architect, and studied under the then well known architect, Mr. Thomas, of Toronto. For seme time he followed his vocation in Kingston, but later moved to Hamil- ton, to occupy the position of draughtsman in the Great Western railroad, which was then in the course of construction. Afterwards he was appointed on the staff of the Royal Engineers, and remained with them many years, retiring in 1869 to enter partnership with. his brother, Henry. Grist, as patent solicitors in the capital of the dominion. He re- tired about three years ago, and spent his declining years free from the cares of business. A widow, four daughters, and two sons, John T., of Minnea- polis, and Henry 1., of Portland, Ore- gon, survive to mourn the loss 'of a loving husband and father. Guilty Of Sacrilege. Some time on Saturday morning the meanest and most contemptible piece of stealing which can possibly be re- corded, occurred at St. George's cathe- dral. The vandals entered the sacred edifice and took away a quantity of wine used for celebrating the sacra- ments as well as a few other little articles. The crime must have been perpetrated by: some one closely in touch with the surroundings of the building .and of the vestry, where the wine was kept. The police are quietly working on the case and. if Dame Rumor is fo be believed, have clues which will implicate persons who be- long to families well connected in the city. -- Deserves An Increase. Auditor Miller, qo painstaking, cap- able officer should get a substantial increase in salary, His work is high- ly important and no money expended shows better returns than' that. paid to him. The city revenue is only tax- ed $450 for his salary; if $200 more were given him it would only amount to a little over what was paid to the two auditors of past days for vouch- ing to the correctness of figures and resolutions. Every account is scrutiniz- -- A Lady Injured. This morning, Mrs. Loomis, Toronto, ---------- The board of works is likely to re. Sir John Power & Son's allows" Irish Whiskey, Of highest stand, Majesty the King. Savers and magazines Calan. Nok A Gibson's Roi : in the ctv. work in the locomotive works. He ree . 5 : was passing under: a' drill when it The Cheese Markets, R D AGENT slipped out of its socket and struck Iroquois, Ont., Jy i 8 JAS. McPA LAN J 3 Te ne B75 colored Fi him on the head. He d Hanley's surgery where investigation showed a severe scalp wound which Ottawa, Ont., was properly stitched and dressed. had Demonstration of Malagama Tea, all | 22¢-» call and see this lot, it is ex- this week, at Hopkinsan's grocery, | PoPtional value. PERSONAL MENTION, Movements OF The People--What They Are Saying Aad Doing. E. BE. Horsey spent over Sunday in Mrs. Cornelius Millan is in Boston on a visit. Miss Ruby Livingston, Listowel, is Leslie Wing, a former Kingstonian, is in the city. Robert Murshall is home from the > x at. = % oe da Harty returned to Ot- Edward Swift t over Sunday with friends in ne. : Miss Maud Gilmore and Miss Annie Logan, Picton, spent yesterday in town, sew Joseph Nash, away in New York ying . R. V. Rogers are at the Red use, Belvedere avenue, Wimbledon. guest of her sister, Mrs. R. E. Wilson. Col. C. W. Drury tion to the rank of lieutenant-colonel, Montreal last week and will go on be stationed at Berkeley Street. Me- thodist church. land, Sharbot Lake, Mrs, Elizabeth Pillar, Glenvale, are Dixon, Depauville, N.Y. Dennis Farney, an old Kingston bov | ¢ and at one time clerk at: the British- Strathcona hotel in Winnipeg. Capt. George Paley, of the Rifle Brigade, England, is in town for a the Depot Methodist church, Sunday | © James Bryden, ' Mannville, Sask., | of has tendered his resignation as a | of sion in Lemmox and - Addington coun- |o IT w Certain styles, to be successfully carried out, should employ certain ge materials. The dainty model of the | in picture would lose its charm if con- the tailored Russian blouse suit, for | mt instance, if made in sheer lawn or went to Dr. | an sider _the apnlications. Special Value In Butter. anton none al The! og 2 aman --_-- At Davies', 1,000 Ibs. choice dairy and | . Vankiek THI, Jam 9.~One ousand Free. creamery butter to offer this week at | four hundred and twenty-four white next Crown Bank, Brock street, Mar. 3 Cormeall, "Tune AM Sain: sod at ket Square. : Killed In A Wreck. nd 728° white ; sol at 10 15-16¢. 5 ------ New York, - June" 11.---Two persons : ---- Trinity Methodist church, a new | are repor been killee $30,000 edifice, was dedicated at Ber- | six ad te uve Le li ang Davies' Cooked Meats. lin, Ont., by Rev. R. J. Elliott, ger train op the Jersey Ceotral rail | Fifty vapMties. Saves time ang June housecleaning time we will} way, at Eatontown, N.J., today. worry. Try our head cheese at 12., soll 5 Ibs. of washing soda for 'Sc. at -------- jellied beef 5c. English brawn 20c. 'gr, will give all in's "Castile soap," the best and cheap- Club, 0.150 |, workingmen's houses. The mayor fa vors the idea which is to erect separ- city on a business: tip, returned Sat- | vo houses, and to sell them to work- ingmen on the installment plan. Ontario railway commission have Mr. 'and Mrs. Walter Stinson were | 10ased to the Town Site BHRING. Com. in town to-day, en route from Boston, | PanY the south-west thirty-seven Mass., to their home in Picton, ucts of the down site of Uohuh, Miss Evelyn Whittod, Deseronto, is Yiuicl iv Setioved 39 te in minerals. spending a few days in Kingston, the pany pay to govern ment twenty-five per cent. on the gross has passed the value Sf ore mined up to $1,000 per ) : _ | ton, fifty per cent. about $1,000 per tactical test, in England, for promo: ton, and a cash bonus of $10,000. 'Tor. Russell Miller, B.Sc, came up from lease is for 999 years. iamanb - assistant | chief of the provincial detective force, The ome Kingston as- assistan and an officer of international reputa- Rev. J. E. Starr will again bho | tion had a stroke of paralysis, on given a church in Toronto. He will | Saturday, and is critically ill at his home on Brunswick avenue. Capt. Scott Harden, immigration department have made a critical in- representative of the Church Army, vestigation of the four largest packing will speak at the meeting of the | houses ir city, and have found no un- svnod this week, - wholesome conditions. The places for Stanley Lawson went out, Satur- killing and packing were found day, to spenil a couple of weeks at | ventilated and lighted, while the sani- Claire View cottage, Wawatanka Is- | tary arrangemen Miss Mary Duran Kingston, and | an action against the Distribution e, | company, limited; H. Pp. on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. William Winona, H. M. My Senter, Samuel M. Culp, Beamsville; H. x : phant, Clarkson; for $25,000; th, American hotel, is now manager of the bank issuing under pn guarantee bond, dated March 15th, 1905. ew days. He is making a tour of the [retary of the imperial life insurance il this ee his first visit to | fOMPany, spent, this morning, explain- Kingston. ' ing and defending the apparent domi: Miss Margaret Campbell gave a |Dation of his company by Senator very pleasing rendering of that favor | Cox. Mr, Tillev, assistant examiner ite solo "Jesus Lover of My Soul," in | for the dominion government, hrought afternoon. the advances made by the Imperial At the Congregational Union at | life to A. E. Ames, through Senator Fmbro, Revs. W. Melntosh, Principal | Cox. to relieve the broker of some of Hill, D.D., and Hugh Pedley, B.A., [his financial difficulties. The other epi- were appointed a committee to con- | 500e gone into was the fer with First church, Kingston. Toronto Savings and land debentures commissioner for the Highland divi- | comnanies. The company spent $71,000 cil. The resignation was accepted. time when it was paving the bank six James Gracie, formerly a steno- | ner cent. on an overdraft of $100,000. grapher in the employment of the Fol- | Senator Cox paid an ger company, and now with. the Temis- | cent. upon the debentures until the caming & Northern Ontario Railway | bank's ovebdraft was wined out. When company, is coming Gown with the [the court adjourned, Mr. Bradshaw Kingston old boys. was telling of . policy for 825000, is- a sued on the life of A. E. Wallace, manacer of the Atlas Loan company, under on agreement hy which the Tm- solvent and the policy on Mr. Wal- lace's life was cancelled, Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Mullin's. Cape Vincent, structed of a heavy linen, as would | school have decided to hold +t similar use of the right material in | Saturday afternoon at Lake Ontario the given style that mukes for jts own | Park had to be . particular charm and hecomingness, A | of the wet grounds. sheer white lawn, soft mull or batiste might be used in a frock after this Bay on an excursion, model, the loose skirt and body por- | maid and there tion of which is cut in one piece and tucked to yoke depth' in the centre | Was settled for 825, front and back below the square-cut neck, inset with double rows of Valen. th ciennes insertions. The sleeve is al tiny full pufi, gathered in to a band | month. A further grant of the material, inset with lace in- | be made by the legislature sertion and finished with a lace edge | session. above the elbow. A deep hem finished "Foot Ezy" the lower edge of the skirt, and if | 25c. at Best's, matter got into the police am 3 White cheese were offered. Price balance on street. Anorg the letters received by Tore LORS at 10 1520c:0 Prince Bulow du was one from a veterinary urging him to take the contents of a bottle which | 55 : accompanied it. The medicine efficacy Alexantiria, been fully tested, he said, on | *nd forty-five hoxes boarded': 100 col horses suffering from sunstroke, ored : i Tana gc and 10 1\ge. ed: all sold at Tore ™ mundi board. ring 'his recent illness | but accepted 10ic.-on street, board. London, Ont., June 9.~Seven hundred cheese hoarded ; offered at 10 3 sold on hoard. inca : Winchester, June 0. et a henter --One thoussind re- LABOR DEPUTATION TO PETITION FOR ERECTION OF 'WORKINGMEN'S HOUSES. -- Mayor Coatsworth Favours Idea ~John Murray, Veteran De- tective, Stricken With Par alysis, is Critically Ill in Tor. outo. Toronto, June I1l.--Mayor Coats worth," to-day, stated that a labor de putation would wait on the _govern- ment, with the object of having the municipality authorised to raise funds, by tures, for the erection of The Temiskaniing, and the Northern, Detective John Murray, the veteran Officials of the civic medical health well ts were satisfactory, The Bank of Hamilton has entered alholland, Toronto; K iriffith, Grimsby; and Thomes Oli. Fhomas Bradshaw, actuary and sec- ut some interesting details concerning purchase of f the Imperial Life at the suroestion f Senator Cox, who controlled both' n the four per cent. debentures at a extra two per honds for the first five prem: " : : I ; To of the. honds had been omar | SOMEthing' just as good 'and as been purchased mt "oy las company became _in- | SWell as people in larger centers were enabled to purchase. To-day es we point with pride to the success fame cennected with the Sutherland Shoes. It took years INCIDENTS OF THE DAY, Reporters On Their Rounds. powder, 10c. at Best's, doubts about the ultimate success June housecleaning time we will Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps, but is |r wii Sw! best when used in the Tar ai' Sunlight way. ; a : 5c. Buy it and follow directions. 5c. oN W Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto LL . WS a or ee -------- ---- - . -- -------- i' THIS HAS BEEN AN EXCEPTIONALLY BUSY SPRING NN Nise. SA JAMS REID, The Leading Undertaker. "Phone 47 7 The Boy Who Steals the Time to Study Will Pay Up To Fame Some Day : Years and years ago when the bers of this concern started studying the shoe business, it was with the fixed idea that the people nerial Life was to acopt five Atlas |Of Kingston wanted the best-- and ET EET --~ with us in our Upholstering Depart- epar ten ment, as we had increased our staff, 5) enabling us'to turn our work out : 2) promptly and in perfect order. hy) #34) MATTRESSES RENOVATED | | in hair, wool or mixed, by our latest | improved electric machine. ; iN Re = ah "Phone 147 and staff is at your services. - YOURS, Gib ed EE -- EE S------ Regular 25c. tins of toilet talcum to do it, but We never h any i " sell 5 Tbs, of washing soda for se. . | Of OUr ambition. _ In our stock to- day we are showing just as nobby, ay with a purty from | Up-to-date Footwear as the best New York Broadway In the junior baschall match on Sa. | STOTES and at far more reasonable prices. ' turday afternoon, the Granites, nine to sik, The trim little steamyacht Navajo as in port tod, t he Victorias beat When is the city property committee ng to report upon the city build: RS improvement scheme ? he teachers of St. James' Sunday ha: i heir an- ial picnic at Stella Point this year, The polo mateh arranged for last Postponed on account It is alleged that a Pictonian grow tried to kiss a were doings. The e court, but | It is expected that the erection of ® new bacteriological building at wen's will be commenced early next is likely to ® at ils next quickly cures tired feet, one wishes, two or three-inch-wide A retired regular f the mili Tr B ices! tucks may be run above the hem with | service, to-day, Cran ity p el acts, Blade from the £Ho} : barley good effect. fact that Many non-coms. of the Army n select . OPS. They are Ie dae Ordnance Carps wers in the habit of | healthful and aid digestion, Labatt's i : avian c,othe; y Thin moromg Jol Gomes at with | Fos Co hie soni," [are very palatable beverages and agree | YY.) a very rs. accident while gt his rules of the militia department, with the most delicate stomach. oo as 10 11-16c. Half sold' on board; June 8.--Therg were 925 irty-one white and 50 colgred offered. , 3 1,896 i balance refused to sell at no sales : bidding 10fe\to 104e. d twenty-fiy c ow ® colored and 3 5 white June 9. Fight _Jhundred 'Ale and Porter are Nature's Best Tonics. Pure Malt WN 'Phone 274. 5 2 white and 615 col red heese boarded ee ; : AL sales were made at 103c, x : : = ; oH lleville, June 9.--Four thousand and See 3 - GUSTOMS BROKER _'{If You Want a Home 3 ©. A. BATEMAN | George Zeigler, "3 mare been asspciated with Mr, Oliver. 37 Biuak Strest, : Money to Loan! wanTED Mclptyre & Mcltyre oA ea % BARRISTERS : : -------------------------- genuine Montserrat lime fruit a . 3 ] 8 J. H. Sutherland & Bro. The Home of Good Shoemaking 339 and 341 King St. FINANCE AND INSURANCE business of this late CO, @. or J : in i" 5 8; Insurance, have 'a 79 Clarence street. talk with & INSURANCE for the five years has oe

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