Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Jun 1906, p. 2

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McKay furs of last November 18 in th, - the « te at appeared to tell the fass at the Royal Mili- famili \ ulin Shea was i { iid i 2 wl i fckse £F = H ceremonies were con- ternoom, but yesterday on devoted .to the child- , Mrs, G. Bx Cummins, | H i : 33 ! it TFL i £8 2 5 ii fF 8 vy ' secretary-treasirer, mittee work and our little ones, Miss Ek as Chown; solo and Share . "Th a Sunbeam," primary class; special and general missionary work of the eo, Chinese class: solo and chorus, Chiew Ling and school; lib- department, Mr. Green- address, Rev. W. T. a; report on deacon- E. Davis; hymn; G. Brown, Ottaw ess work; collection; The appearance of Rev. Mr, Brown was the occasion for a warm welcome on the part of the children ed him with waving handk church was richlv decorated with flow- ers for the occasion. » school 118 adult members and seventy-t! teachers and officers: the Chinese de- partment has nineteen Chinamen atfendance. T. F, H school is doifie better wi Rev. H. y . OC. F. Lancaster, Carey, in- "he Daring Tesi arrison. is the sup- e-------- The W. A. Of Ontario Diocese. I attended and fruitful restilte. The next meeting will be in Kingston. The officers selected wero : Honorary President--Mrs, Hon. Vice-Presidents--Mrs, Miss Gildersleeve, idents--Mrs. Lou » Seeretary--Miss Dalton. retary--Miss Daly. ite Corresponding See: Leaflet Bditor--Nj ) Treasurer--Miss Muckleston, Dorcas Mrs, Murchie, / J. WA and O.C.M.G.--Mre, FF A £ } fii! | i Secretary of Literature-- Miss Mae- Organizing Secretarv--Mrs. Loucks. Jeaflet Treasurer--Mrs. Charles Kirk- ---- A Quick Economical Heater. Montreal, writing to the Bison Hot Water Furnace, made s Jato must 1s 1 R. Ives Co., Limited, = response to your enquiry of the asking whether the boiler installed in the Union N had proved . satisfactory am plad to say that it has very satisfactory to be a quick, econo- and keeping a steady, even fire, requiring little or no atten: tion for hours. All it have been fulfilled." seeks only that he him- the end be lost. Devotion thing required of the Ch must be prayerful. The preacher said, begins of private prayer. must be faithful your claims for For The Cobourg Camp. At the Cobourg camp, Major Cun- ningham, of the 14th, will be brigade major of the 7th brigade; Capt. Daw- son, of the 14th, musketry instructor; rtermaster Swaine, of the 14th, as- Colt musketrv instructor; Calle , provost Bailey and Sergt. Stewart, At 25c. the best manufactured. § ge variety of patterns ¥ all widths made, In return for lo ceive ? There wi first cies cross before the crown. yaltv, service and does the Christian re- ter side, when all tears shall abpear we shall be like Hi 3 e. Him, -------------- 8. The Royal Engineers corps leave for Cobourg on Wednesday. Service Corns goes up on Friday The Omtario Symod. The Ontario Synod session opens to- morrow. There will be morning pray- er in St. George's cathedral at 9.30 business session will be. convened in St, George's hall immedi- ately afterwards. The bishop's charge will be delivered at three' o'clock the afternoon. Rev. Dr. Stone, Chica- the synod sermon in Blair-Se On Wednesday morning, a quiet wed- ing was celebrated at William Seott, Baglon wife. of John aj, ceremony was perform- J. D; Boyd. The bride, un- wore a beautiful gown of 'silk over eolienne over silk carried a bouquet of white a their Scott, became the Pink lips, like velvet, r ped or cracked lips; soft as velvet by applying at a light coating of Dr. Shoop's The effect on the lips or most excellent ointment mmediate and certain. Dr, Shoop's Green Salve takes out com- - [pletely the sorencss of cuts, burns, ises, and all skin abrasions. It is a wonderful and most highly healing ointment, glass jars at 6c. gis This morning a Diamond, was w pink white camations and maiden hair fi The many beautifyl pre- sents, Mr. and Mrs. Blair lef Ar8dins ; i. s sa can be made' as splendidly situated lot on street, between' Jobnson and |} streets, 435x132, with a brick roofed warehouse 22x35, lined th 'metal, being thoroughly rat and 'proof. This is a most desirable ¢ for storage, within = one block om Grand Trunk Depot, Swift's and ¥ wharves. The lot is choice ation for a residence. i th Blair's manv friends join lad named Michael heeling along Mont real street, when he lost control of his biovele, and was thro head avainst the 1 pa wn, striking his do you. The kind cross is sold only Cross An asphalt cross ing was laid to-day armouries ana Artillery M. H. Claxton jis buildi brick house near" the corner of Brock on the St. Lawrence River | itl nicely wooded. Five-sixths of a mile of concrete walks has been laid so far this sea- ,'* the beef, i SR itn Jt gives you new. life, 50c. Steamers More Beautifull: ly Fitted Out, and More Perfectly Ap- Schedule Will Begin on Sun- day Week. : ng Steward uSmitbam, of the Fhite ly sparing no pains, Sparay, | in bringing hos dor partment of the steamboat service to the highest possible state of perfec: tion. The result of his efforts shows that the steamers are more beautiful- ly fitted out, and more perfectly ap- pointed than ever before. Everything on board the steamers is just as the most particular of | gers could desire, and patrons ot the company can feel assured that their every in- Yorest and wai will be well looked after during the season. The pois J cng teamer St. Law- rence will arrive here, on Wednesday, a start for the 1,000 islands can be made on Thursday. The. erew of the steamer Ramona will arrive on the Tipsday pi ing. The last mention- od, along with steamer Wanderer, Will' go! down 'the river &n Saturday next. The Suimer A schedule for the river boats of - the y will] commenced on Sunday week. and con- tinued throughout the season. The first excursion of the season will leave Kingston, for" sburg and return on Thursday. After that, if the weather continues fine, the daily runs from Kingston among the islands will probably be ina ted. The agreement, Pe which the Folger steamers America 'and St. Lawrence will carry the Brotherhood of Cena- dian- Locomotive, Fisemen from Pres- cott, among the 'islands, for their an- nual outing, have been signed. The Pleneure sen ers will number about 1,- In Sixty Bight Minutes. The steamer Toronto, of the Riche- lou and Ontario Navigation company, tore off a record run from Alexandria Bay to Brockville on Saturday. She pulled out 'of the Bay at 8.30 and tied up at Brockville wharf at 9.38, The big steamer had the wind behind her, but there is no doubt that some | of 'theffast. moiors woenld have occa- sion eradicate base explosions, ete. to have kept the Tokonto in sight. The djstance from Brockville to Alex- andris; Bay, is si sed to be any- where from twénty'two to twenty-four miles, so it will be seen that the To- ronto has created a record. . Marine Notes. The schooner William Jamieson is unloading coal in Picton. The steamer "Toronto had bub few passengers on her down trip yester- day. Le The Sthogper Xe t the G. T, R. un i a Wolfe I 3 Sading The yacht My Lady from New York, was in port over Sunday, en route up the Ridean, to Portland, Swift's wharf: Steamer Rideau King for Ottawa, this morning, 7 Steamer Belleville, down, vesterday. The steamer Donnelly entered the government dry dock this 'morning for general repairs. She will likely remain in all week. All along the Bay of Quinte ports, the people are well pleased with the service being rendered by the Lake Ontario and Bay of Quinte steamboat company, the steamer Aletha, keeping well to schedule time despite exces. sive freight. Business along the bay has been particularly brisk this year. The steamer Caspian will start her trips on the 23rd, and with the steam- er North King will give their dailv popular trips between Charlotte and the Thousand Islands, taking the pic- turesque Bav of Quinte route. The steamer Alotha discontinues her Pic- ton-Kingston daily trips the = end of the month and enters into day excur- sion work, durine'July and August. She already has forty excursions book- ed. On her trip to the islands, yester- dav, the steamer North King had a large crowd of passengers, among them many from Rochester, First Communion Suits. Prevost, Brock street, has just re- ceived a splendid assortment of boys | two-piece afid three-piece- suits made of fine black serge, which will be sold at wholesale prices. The two-piece boys' suits will be sold at $2.75 and the three-piece at $3.50, Come and see them before buying elsewhere. ------ The Temple Band gave a 'sacred con- cert at the penitentiary, yesterday af- ternoon. The convicts greatly appreci- ated it. Soap boxes and puff boxes. It pays to buy them at Gibson's Red .Cross drug store. William Swain, piano tuner. Orders received at MeAuley's honk store. pointed Than Usual--Summer celebration committee, held Saturday night, out of a $700 surplus, $200 was and proceed on board at once, so that term is so near at hand. Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps, but is best when used in Sunlight way. and follow directions. be before the civic light committee to- morrow afternoon. ders for extension supplies are ready for consideration. property on Johnson street will be begun this week. This is a walk that has been agitating same of the alder- men for the past month. men ave being subject to much an- noyance by certain individuals. The latest scene of these "Slippery Jack" acts is pear the Orphans' Home, on Union street. to take part in the welcome to the Glengarry Old Boys. in Cornwall, on August 14th and 15th. The musicians are considering whether or not to tune their fiddles for the date. on Sunday, one in the morning 'and the other in the afternoon. At night, the atmosphere this morning the thermometer regis- tered about forty-eight degrees, vacation to-day, and is. bringing with him & speedy colt, which, however, is somewhat oddly colored. The animal is almost pure white. Three of its feet are brown, and a black star graces its forehead. of education to accede to the petition for the establishment of a fifth class this year, for the reason that they havent the penditure can be undertaken unless the finance committee reports + that | there are funds. town, is endeavoring to arrange mat- ters, so that it can secure the use of the pavilion at Some evening after that resort opens. If 80 the members propose running an excursion to Kin~ston and holding a dance at the park. nose and throat, and the foul catarrh- al breath, are quickly dispensed with by using Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Cure. Such soothing antiseptic agents as oil eucalyptus, thymol, wild indigo, ete., have been snow white cream makino a catarrhal balm unexcelled. Sold by all drug- gists. Two Hundred and Three Children Trinity, was 'observed in St. Mary's cathedral. High mass was celebrated by Rev. Fr. McWilliams, The officia- ting priests were vested in robes of white and gold, and the ceremony was one of splendor. The archbishop 'pre- sided on the throne, bratio; The young\ people to be confirmed occupi septs on both sides of the centre abjle,/ the young girls in their pretty ments of white, with veils, and th boys in black with white bad. neatly fixed to their arms. The num- ber confirmed were 101 girls and 102 boys. The gospels * read at the mass were Matthew xxviii, 33-36 and Luke vi, 36-42, bishop was vested in his episcopal robes, and, wearing his mitre, imme- diately proceeded to impart the sacra- ment of confirmation on each of the candidates. He was assisted in the sacred rite by Revs. Frs. Kehoe and Mea. At the conclusion the archbis- hop mude a practical address to the young people and in his paternal man. ner explained to them the benefits which confirmation conferred upon them. The spirit of the Holy Ghost touched their souls and gave them knowledge, piety, wisdom and the fear of God. It was ode of the most momentous days of their lives, and he trusted they would always remem- ber it and avoid all occasions of evil. He told them to shun. the use of intoxicati ple then es themselves to mot touch any liquor until after they were twenty-one years of live up to the rules of their faith by attending mass regularly and fre. quently, partaking of the most, holy sacrament. The ceremony. concluded by the young people singing a hymn to the Sac Heart of Jesus, which was touchingly and beautifully ren- dered. The music and singing by the choir Was very fine and appropriate. The altars. were handsomely with natural flowers. A large crowd viewed the procession as jt left the | . | cathedral. Corpus Christi (or the Fete Dieu), the young confirmed will make their first communion, join in the proces- sion of the holy sacrament, and after- wards dedicate themsdlves to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, ; The noxt meeti tario Dental A in mogue. Dr INCIDENTS OF THE DAY, Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. Did you put on your mitts, this - BASEBALL BAT BROKE A morning ? 1 Sunday baseball has been prohibited i at Cape Vincent. The Portsmouth' court of revision | psotiar Lad Laid Out By a Pitched Ball -- Albert Harper ! Still Lies in a Critical Con- dition -- Death of Mrs. Bow- meels on Tuesday evening. The C. P. R. ran a special in vester- day morning, to connect with the R. & 0, steamer Kingston. The summer schedule on the . New York Central railway, goes into effect on Sunday, June 17th. Burtch's horse radish can not be ex- and fresh. Large sk your grocer for it. Father 0"Gorman's annual pilgrim- age to St. Anne de Beaupre will he on July 24th, with two special G.T.R. | celled; always bottles, 10c. trains, The Witch Hazel Soap sold at Gib- son's Red Cross drug store is used on the Canada Pacific railway, from coast to coast. At the meeting of the Victoria day voted for the Old Boys. So far this month there havo been four admittances to the public schools, | ; : { short stop for the Bachelors, was, also despite the fact that the end of the struck in the eye by a ball {hrowe his way which he did not see, and as a consequence, was knocked out of the Some very important matters will number of ten- The new walk along the Hotel Dieu Complaints are being made that wo- The 14th Regimental band is wanted Two more" brief rainfalls occurred ame cooler, and Engineer | Macgilivray, of the fire rigade, is éxpected home from his It will be impossible for the board , money, and no such ex- The Havana Dancing Olub of Watér- Lake Ontario Park The disgusting discharoes from the incorporated into a ST. MARY'S CATHEDRAL. Were Confirmed. Yesterday, the festival of the Holy during the cele- mass, assisted by Revs. and Mea d ribbons of the same color At the conclusion of mass the arch- liquors. The young peo- e, and also to decorated Next Sunday being the festival of St ------------------ the Buy Sunlight Soap noque * High School baseball team nineteen to four. 'The return game will be played in Kingston next Sat- ed game in the St. Lawrence League, between the Bachelors and Crescents, was won by the Bachelors, fifteen to nine. evening adjusted their sick benefit de partment by voting a raise from $4.50 to 35 ver annum, rescinding the item, providing for sick nurse and decreas. ing 'the time of payment from ten weeks to five, hut leaving the amount at $33 5 week. dian Order of Foresters attended wor- day morning. able discourse. The members of Leeds attend worship at the same place next Sabbath morning. ternal renovation, the first service in the Salvation Army Barracks was held last evening. coal at Roach's shed. Mr. Nicholls of THE FATALITY Which Almost Invariably Arises KIDNEY.LIVER PILLS found that about 35 per cent. of the deaths of policyholders was attributed to diseases of the digestive system. ed to think lightly of indigestion, bil- iousness and liver derangements this statement will be rather startling, but it cannot be réfuted. the digestive system by supplying the bile to insure the prompt passage of the food along the intestines, where the difficult part of = digestion takes place.s rect influence on the hver, Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills insure a good flow of bile, and by so deing positively overcome constipation and intestinal indigestion. taste in the mouth, smothering sensa- tions in the chest, pains about the heart, headaches and-dizziness, drowsi- ness and discomfort after meals and Shuggish action of the liver, kidneys ant serious and dangerous form of sndiges- tion, Ont., writes: "It is a pleasure for me to state that Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills made a well woman of me, com- pletely curing me of constipation, rheumatism, stomach troubles and a very severe kidney trouble after years of suffering. I am now sixty-eight years of age and very gratoful for what Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills have done for me and for the remark- able cure of my husband: by the use of Br, Chase's Nerve Food." Grenville Co., Ont., writes? "I used Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills and firmly believe there is no medicine to equal them. I was troubled for years | with kidney disease and this treat- ment Jus 8 Cured me. When I use of t pills I could only walk from my bed to a chair, Now I can 80 to the field and work like any other man. Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills are an excellent medicine" Rev. E. H. Emety, tist minister, of Brockville, 0 Bap g I BOY'S NOSE. man at his bedside. endwise, game. Brockville at midnight. case, Andrews paying the cost. Mrs. William Bowman passed to her rest on Saturday afternoon, at the family residence, . King street, after a lingering illness. She "%&x in her thir- ty-fifth year and TehVes a husband and two youne children to mourn her loss. On Saturday afternoon, 'the Gana trimmed the Kingstutr, Collegiate team urday 'afternoon. The regular schedul- The: local A.O.U.W., last Thursday About eighty members of the Cana- ship at Grace Methodist church, Sun- Rev. William Timber- lake, the pastor, giving them a very Lodee, No. 201, A. F. & A. M., will After a thorough internal and ex- Schooner Tradewind is unloading OF INDIGESTION From Liver and Kidney Dis- orders. -- DR. CHASE'S From insurance records it has been To persons who have been accustom- To a large extent the liver controls Because of their immediate and di- Wind on the stomach, rising of sour bowels are the symptoms of this Mrs, George W. Lawson, Comsecon, H. Mosher, South Augusta, began the This statement is certofied to by the ng of the Eastern On- is on the "promptly overrome these ssociation will be held, Ope . Sparks Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills will hop. Scott sure that the same © 50% and we cannot be obtained f ment. GANANOQUE TIDINGS A fair trial of this more Convincing tions und arguments. Also An Excellent Hair Restorer Gananoque, June 11-Albert Harper of North street, who met with a seri- ous accident, Friday evening, still re- mains in an unconscious condition. His shoulder was found to be broken. | Very little hopes are entertained his recovery. His brother, W. Harper of Deseronto, was summoned, and is 0d, Mass. we -- At the baseball game on Saturday afternoon, Howard Cornell, youngest son of Rev. Joseph Cornell, had his nose broken by a bat flying from the hands of a batter, and striking him Me was at once removed. fo Dr. Sinclair's office who tended the in jury, and the lad is now doing as well as could be exvected. Gordon Davis, Constable Thompson had a dummy from Belleville, in the coop on Satur- day evening. He was furnished with a ticket and allowed to proceed to In the police court an Friday. two young men named Briceland and Mat- thews, were before Police Magistrate Heaslip, char~ved with assault by Gor- don Andrews, at a Hornerite meeting in Marble Rock. After hearing the evidence his worship dismissed * the Aleck Pelow spent Sunday night in the coop for. drunkenness, and disor derly conduct. He will appear hefore Police Magistrate Heaslip, on a charge of vagrancy. pill a dose, 25¢. a Edwanson, AL street, dur his 5 -- 'S Unie} satisf, bo actory TOM. any Gipey att liniment will than paces of exDlana. and Scalp Cleanser Large hottie. 25 caste. "If not for sale . Always be procured apTynTIet tt % t James B, Scott's _ White Dr. i Propr's., St, John = N.p-Diment Co, + and Chelmer Now is The Time To Have Furs Remodelied And Repaired t W. F. GOURDIER and 80 Breck Street Kingston's Only Exclusive Fup Store Gifts in Pearls For Bride, Bridesmaid or Groomsman Pearl Stars, and Pend ants, in quaint and deli- cate designs. Pearl Bar Pins, Handy Pins, Lace Pins, and Safeties. Pearl Paved Stick Pins for Cravat or Tie, suitable in style "and price. SMITH BROS. Jewelers :: Opticians Phone 666 Issuers of Marriage Bride will find at this store the very newest and best selection for either her wedding, going away or reception dresses. The style, durability and rea- sonable prices found in our goods make a very strong combination that will be very hard to beat elsewhere. Our stock of Whitewear lis simply swell, Gowns, Skirts, Drawers, Corset Covers, etc,, Some really beantiful goods at much below regular prices, asked for same. Here's a Good Sensible Present 100 yards of fine quality Table Linen, a beautiful sa- tin damask, wide, a variety of. neat 2 desirabe patterns that 3 add beauty to any tal e. This is a goc. line that will be sold on Tdesday morning For Only 69c. a Yard NEWMAN & SHAW ossion of New York, has taken possess m of his island, near C. Taft is having a bo erected on his island proper Re Tavlor, M.P., had a parily ¢ r ! out in hig new launch, the Saturday evemin~ oh them at his summer cottact ont Park: ; Cri ur and Mes. W. J. Wilkinson, Kingston, _soént all 70 inches 3. Britton's. E new boat house Georoe Apohaoul, tertainind near Tre: Jr. Sunday wit and relatives in town. vs Ralph Timberlake, who wats BL dy Se. turned st week, re ne the est Winn jouris = ~~ Bran Moosom! Arcola + - getovan } 'orkton P. HB Co. rats ee ------------ A Hom Ex NOR Return F Et dou. In Regis aw -.. e 5th, - ROO June 10th, July 3rd, July 17th, For further Pp modati A HANLE Ontario Streets. Ap a InG Canadi: Hom Ex To Man and.$ June 5th, - gol Juve 19th, July 3rd, July 17th, Return Fi Winnipeg - = Souris + - Brandon - « Moosomin "- Arcola - - + Estevan | Yorkton § Regina - » « Mcosejaw «= .- Full partic R. Ticket OR ¥: CONWAY, Gena. Pass, Bay of New abort 1 Deseronto, ja teave Olty% B CONWAY, 'Ag QUEBEG"S River and | Summer C Twin Secrev with electric | modern cowmfo SAILS FRC Grand River, Cuarlottetown BEF Summer Fixe by the new I ian,'* 5,500 from New Yo November. Te breezes seldom The finest t health and co ARTHUR A For tickets J. P. HANI SLEEVE, 9 Ont, Toronto, Chay Brockville, New K Steamers | LEAVE KIN( Going Fast 6 am, Going West p.m. Kingston Ports, Brockvi returning Sune Kingston to Ing Saturday 1. Monday. Also Excursi Charlotte gol Sunday or Mo Hamilton, To and LEAVE KIN¢ Going East, Sundays at 4 Going West, Saturdays at J.P. HANLEY Ticket -------------- Lake Ontario boat ¢ STR.N 1000 Isl Cothmencing ve Kingsto &m., for Tho turning © wily Rochester, N.3 Wily service ¢ 2nd, STR 'Ladves dail for Picton " Quinte Porte. For full fng Horsey, Gener; wht A ALLAN | Numjgiag TT For rafes, aj Avant, G, SLEEVE,

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