Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Jun 1906, p. 1

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Canadian wheat, the most modern mills, ed flour-makers and ugh purifying process ling, all combine tq usehold Flour ualities which make jt discriminating house- ere. Cheaper flours 2 in the end. Give old a fair trial and r go back to other our grocer hasn't it, or you if you insist. ¢ for a Cook," contains 130 ecipes, softie never published er can tell you how to get ur Mills Co., Ltd. ONTREAL. le Question. noney do you fritter away § each year ? ! that an insurance policy 2 Life will help you to of this waste ? 1y has saved money for , and can do so for you. aring record not excelled Company operating in- e NOW by taking a [ confidence and prosperous appearance to _English Oxfords and finest French Cam. d, and the patterns sre not only ex¢lusive fast ' far hing throughout is straight and onifarn works on one class of work only, nd thus xpert. dressars 'for more than a quarter century nanded Tooke Shirts. (E BROTHERS, Limited, MONTREAL 93 i -------------- port and rink Railway vay and Light Co. Afigrove Bros., YEAR 73. NO. 136. | Keep Cool: JUST IT. $10 Each No money invested gives you so much solid comfort as a Businesslike Summer Suit, A SUMMER SUIT Our Suits. are made from Hewson's Halifax Guaranteed Tweeds. Every thread doubled and twisted. The wear- ing qualities cannot be sirpassed, The fit is rase, perfect in nearly every See thtm in our window. Better still 5 come in and see them. E. P. Jenkins Clothing Go. For Fishermen We have Rods, Line, Bait and everything else necessary for successful dangling at any sea- son of the year, to ami foaer Come in and loek things over-- prices are very moderate and the quality of every 'article is high grade, =: i: oi oA We have sporting goods for other sports, toe, eto. i: 1a: 88-90 Princess Street. St. James' Church Annual EXCURSION © OTTAWA "43k WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20 FARE --Adults, - $1.75 Childrenunder 12 yrs., 90c. Special train leaves G.T.R Station, 8 a.m, Our Shoes... Represent the highest type of Footwear comfort, appear- ance, durability. Wear *"Allen's" Military Bootmakers { DAILY 'MEMORANDA. Pa me, County Court, 2 p.m.. to-morrow, Ontario Synod opens 11 .a.m., to-mor- Civie Light Committee, 4 p.m. to- morrow. 4 Board of Trade, Whig Hall 8 pm., Tuesday. The sun rises Tuesday at 4.18 a.m. and gets at 7.41 p.m. Hospital Garden Party. Tuesday, June 12th, afternoon and evening, 10c. Phis day in history «Natal cleared of Boers, 1900 ; Battle of Drumelog, 1679. Garden Party in George Marsh's Grove, on Tuesday evening, June 12th. Admis- sion, 23c. WHIG TELEPHONES, 243--Business - Office. 229--Editorial Rooms. 202--Jobbing De JUST OPENED Best English Maker, in pretty colors -- Green, Dove and Blue. Complete set, "97 PIECES with Bread and Butter Plates, For a short time; $4.75 ROBERTSON BROS. SuMER Prices. A Distinct Saving Repairs 'and alterations should be made during the summer, when labor is not so exfiensive and more time can be devoted to each order. You save money and your garment will be ready when cold weather sets in. The authentic advance styles are re- ceived early in summer so that the latest styles are assured. It is equally advantageous to order New Fur Garments in summer, because of the price concession, McKay Fur House, 149-158 Brock "St., Kingston, Can. KINGSTON BOARD OF TRADE. THE ADJOURNED MEETING oF the Board of Trade will be held at 8 o'clock, on TUESDAY, JONE 12th, in WHIG HALL Business :--The Hotel Committee will present its report as to what success has been made in their canvass fof sub- scriptions. As the time for action is up on Wed- nesday the 13th. every member estly urged to Le present J. . CUNNINGHAM, Secretary. HOSPITAL GARDEN PARTY On Hospital Grounds 's Ald Sign ot Golden Boot. 84 Brock S. (Under Ausph of W SYS, 0 of General Hospital) Ey TUESDAY, June 12th Customs' Sale SALM OF UNCLAIMED CusTOMS goods, consisting of Crockery, Clothing and other Articles will take placs at Jix- tmining Warehouse, Ontario street, Kingston, FRIDAY, 15th June, 1906, at 2 pao. Terms, strictly eash at time of sale. H C. HAMILTON, * Collector. Sassaaw Teercae A. E. HEROD ¢ ° . ORDERED FOOIWEAR ¢ Take good care of your ; feet ; they deserve it: They ! teed special attention. A pair of my give rest and : comfort. } 286 Princess Street aaa TEINS apeeIesee ttt NA DIRECT FROM TURK I wil 200d _ prices for useful ' pa; Furniture, oF po Stoves and all other koods. For trading, buyi selling, Bo hetter place than yine a ie Turk's Second-Hand Store 393 Princess Street. Grand Union Hotel Rooms From $1,00 Per Day Up Opposite : | Ores Giga Gon Sid BAGGAGE 2: FREE -- From Coast to. coast," the Witch Haz} . Pacifie ah 35. used on the Canada Afternoon and Evening. Admission, 10c. Children, Se. Emergent Meeting. Society a Gquested to moet in their Hall TU DAY MORNING, at 9 o'¢Toek to attend the funeral of our late Brother James O'Connor GEO. HANSON, retary. A i A -------------------- < FOR SALE «Mr. Minnes well appointed Brick dwelling, No. 107 Jore street. Kvery convenience, thoroughly up- todate, excellent location. FIGHTING REBELS. « The Rebels Had Many Men Killed. P: Durban, June. 11.--Natalian forges, under Cols. Mackenzie and Barker, have had a severe fight with rebels in the Mome Valley. The, rebels were de featad 350 of them bging killed, = in- cluding the imporjant Chief Mahlo- kazulu. The Nataligns lost Capt. Mac- farlane, of the Transvaal Rifles, and Lieut. Marsden killed and several « I Chief Bambaata was wounded in the fight. The rebels fled, demoralized, It cools 'the blood, of magnesia, Be. Red (poss drug stare. English citrate bottle. Gibson's + ay and soldat Gibson's Reed Cross drug store, 3 cakes, 25e Toilet paper, 4 large rolls for 2e., at i's. { ed, yesterday morning, he appeared to be in his customary health. Rev. George Jackson Will Be As- draft of the stationing committee of announced street. Methodist church, to which he has been invited. Rev. Mr. Brown will BD... the distinguished . divine from Edinburgh, Scotland, who will oecupy ence, as po minister is allowed to be The, Games Played on Saturday cinnati, 1, Boston, @. St. Louis, 3. Philadelphia, is earn- | 0; Pittsburg, 9 (result. in dispute.) ton, 1; Providence, 5; 3; Buffalo, 0, York, 0. Philadelphia, 5; onto," 2, .652; New York, 633; Philadelphia, MEMBERS OF BRANCH 9 CM.B.A., | 38%-St. Louis, .431;" Brooklyn, 108; Will meet at their Hall. Brock St., at| Cincinnati, 385; Boston, 971. 8.30 TUESDAY MORNING, to attend American--New York, 630; Clave. the funeral of our late tro. James G6." Phi ; . : reid O'Connor. A full attendance is request. | 120d, "619; Philadelphia, 500; Detroit, oO a68; St. Louis, .511; Chicago, .465; M. P. NOLAN, Washington, .356; Boston, 277. Rec. Sec. Eastern--Jearsey City, 611; Buffalo, a -------- 595; Newark, .553; Rochester, 525. Y. I. C. B. A. Baltimore, 486, Providence, .474; Mon. THE MEMBERS OF THE ABOVE | treal, 425; Toronto, 333. Wants tive Smith, of Rapides, has introduced in the state legislature a bill, ing only to whites, man to attempt to comrt any Young For details see JUNE BULLETIN. woman before he is twenty-four vears SWIFT'S RRA A A RNY of age. Before making such attempt he. shall inform the parents or guard- court of his intention to do so. shall make affidavit good faith. tempt, to court any woman under the age of eighteen bevond the confines of the parish of their residence. ' averace of 1,000 "troopers wounded. It is reported that |; majority of the immigrants are hound for the North-West, Burkett, a miner, Smith's Falls, cavean here. SEDDON DIES Suddenly Of Heaft Failure On Steamer. HIS LAST SPEECH MADE AT SYDNEY ON SATUR- DAY. When He Declared That Australia's Trade Should Go.to Britain-- Suicidal Policy for Colonies to Send Trade to Foreign Countries. Sydney, N.82W. June 11.--Richard John Seddon, primé minister of New Zealand, died, suddenly, of heart fail- ure, last evening, aboard the steamer Owstrdy Grange, on which he had em- barked, vesterday morning, to return to New Zealand. The Owstrey Grange put back into Sydney. Mr. Seddon was sixty-one years of age. His death was totally unexpected. Mr. Seddon had béen' in Australia since the middle of May. He came here to consult Alfred Deakin, the prime minister of Australia, on im portant questions, mainly those ¢éon- cerning the New Hebrides. He visited the principal towns, making vigorous speeches and receiving deputations on various matters interesting to Aus- tralia, such as colonial preference and alien 'immigration. He made a speech on Saturday, at Sydney, declaring it was a suicidal policy for the colonies to send trade to foreign countries, thus enabling them to strengthen their navies. Trade, he said, should go to the moth- erland to assist in strengthening the Britfsh navy. When Mr. Seddon sail THE SCHEME PROPOSED. sistant, Toronto, June 11.--When the first the Torgnto Methodist conference is this week it will be seen that Rev. George M. Brown, Davis ville church, is down Sherbourne be superintendent, of the church, his assistant being Rev. George Jackson, the pulpit for three years. As Dr. Jackson did not wish to sever his conneetion with the British conference, he could not join the Toronto confer long to two conferences .at the same time. It was therefore necessary that he' come- to the Sherbourne street chufch as assistant or supply. Rev, Mr. Brown's duties will he chiefly pas- toral. BASEBALL SUMMARY. and Sunday. National League.~New York, 7; Cin- i Brooklyn, 0; Chicago, 2 American League. ~Boston, 6: ¢ De- troit, 7. New York, 2. Chicago; 1. Philadelphia, 2S t. Louis, 0. Washing- Cleveland, 3. Eastern League. --Jersey City, 0; Montreal, 4. Newark, 0. Rochester, 7. Toronto, 0. Baltimore, -- Sunday Games. American League.--Chicago, 1; New St. Louis, 2. Providence, 3: Tor- Rochester, 7; Newark, 6 (ten Eastern Leacue, ) innings), tn Standing Of Leagues. National Chicago, .680: Pittsburg, 59. N ------------------ TO REGULATE COURTING.. to Make Love Run Real Smooth, . New Orleans, June 11.- Representa- apply- which provides : It shall be unlawful for any young ans of the woman he proposes to . He before a justice f the peace that his courtship is in It shall be unlawful for widowers wer the age of forty years to at ---------- A Thousand A Day. Quebec, June 1}.--Rince the openine of navigation, 39,800 trans-Atlantic vassen~ers arrived at Quebeo, being an per day wp to and neluding Saturday, 9th instant. The bee i + Smith's Falls Man Killed. Strathcona, Alta; June" H.~Robert whose home was at Ont, was killed in a ONTARIO, MONDAY, The Returns Ave Far Ahead of 'Other Years. Ottawa, June 1l.-The revenue of the Dominion of Canada during the eleven months of the current financial vear, up to the first of June, amount- ol to 17,012,213. an increase of $7, 657,884 over, corresponding period of last year. ordinary expendi- ture; was $50, 25, an increase of $3,319,193, and the cxpenliture on capital aeeount, $11,781,138, an in- crease of SLEH 229, The retums show (hat, during the eleven months (the customs collected increased $4,289,000 over 1905, the ox- cise collections, 81,385,000, the post office receipts, $6,986,000, and the re- ceipts from public works and railways £679,000, The bounty payment of $1,936,286 represents an increase of $395,545. The railway subsidy payments of 81,637,574 were $123,278 larger than for the corresponding period of the year before. A MIGHTY STORM. Two Killed at Springfield as Re- sult of Wind, St. Thomas, June 9. Yesterday thirty-five men were at work building a new barn, four miles north-east of Springfield, owned by James MeClin- tock, when the terrific windstorm struck them. A number of men were in the act of raising a latge beam, when the wind struck the building, which collapsed, crushing down on the wen. Two named Willian Clapton, aged thirty- five years, and M. Willson, a lad of seventeen years of age, who were working in the basement, were killed instantly, Willson," father of. the young lad killed, is also seriously injured and his hand was badly crushed." Tt had to be amputated. Several others were also seriously injured. SLAIN AT THE DOOR. Mysterious and Cruel Murder in New York. New York, Jume 11.--The identity of the murderer of Mrs. Alice Kinngn, who was struck down on the step of her room in the Borough of Bronx, last night, is still a mystery ta the police, The motive which prompted the pmr- der was also unsolved, but the police were at work upon a theory that it might have been jealousy, At twelve o'clock last night she was called to the daor hy an unknown per- son, who struck her a blow on the head. . a _ The murderer then. di fared, but Teft a piece of gaspipe, with which the murder was done, +x SEEKING INFORMATION, As vo Inspection of Meats in . Packing Houses. London, June Il.--Hhn Burns, mem- ber of the local povernment board, has requested the foreign office to com municate with the state department at Washington, to what eXtent reliance can be placed on meat inspection un dertaken by the bureau of animal in dustry. In announcing that he had taken this action he stated, in the house, that he had ascertained that a quantity of homeless beef is imported into this country from Areries, and converted into sausages which are sold as English products. The local government board, he added, had tak- en action to see that the authorities exercised their powers to the full ex- tent in the inspections of these goods, WILL DRESS 5,000 WOMEN, Millionaire Bachelor Takes This Way to Pay Debt. San Francisco, June 11.-- Raphael Well, a local millionaire merchant, has decided to pay at one stroke part of tho debt he owes womankind for re- maining a bachelor. To fifty charitable women he has given the task of se lecting 5,000 needy women to whom he will issue -tickets which will entitle them to an outfit of dresses, cloaks, shoes and lingerie. He says it is a good time for other San Francisco bachelors to square up and batance their bookss ---------- Sir Hector Very Ill. ; Quebee, June 11.--Sir Hector Lange vin has suffered with a very severe attack of broncho pneumonia since last Tharsday. The sickness took a change for the worse on Saturdgy evening and on the advice of his physician, Rev. Mr, Laflamme was sent for and administered the last rites, This morning Sir Hector was reported no better; this case is serigus, Sir Hector is nearly eighty Years old, A Perth Presentation. Perth, Ont., June 11.--J, A. Allen, barrister, who leaves: Tuesday for Re- gina to open a law office, was pre- sented with an address and cabinet of silver by the citizens of Perth. Judge Senkler acted as chairman, and the address was read by Mayor Fov. The signatures to the address represented mary interests. Hon. Col. Mathdson was among those present. -- Convicted For Laboring. Appleton, Wis., June 11.--Rev. A. H. Seachel, a representative of the Wis. consin Anti-Saloon League, Sunday, was found guilty of violating the Sun- day. The jury was out half an hour, The case will be appealed. Mr. Seechel was charged with working on Sunday in that he dabored by buying beer to secure evidence. Revolt Is Promised. London, June 11.--The lished teleoramg Veying grave news from the Cancasus which appears to be on the eve of another revolution. Theré are ominous symptoms of un. rimen Times pub- ret. in dhe in ine veritable api- rrrrmmes -- JUNE 11, 1906. LATEST | Despatches From Near and Distant Places. ' ° NEWS OF THE WORLD GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS- SIBLE FORM. Matters That Interest Everybody --Notes From All Over--Little of Easily Read and Remembered. Six persons were killed in riots at arsaw, { King Alfonso will support repressive measures against ner. : Kight deaths = resulted from the re- cent storm jn this province, Goremykin, the Russian premier, has not been asked for his resignation, Franceso and Peteo Mucani' were smothéred to death in a landslide near Kamifistiquia. Emperor Francis Joseph rds the rejuvenation of the triple alliance as a guarantee of peace. It is said $35000 will be taken in at (hé benefit to Ellen Terry in Lon- don, Eng., on Tuesday. Dr. C. W. MoBride, Smith's Falls, was elected president of the Eastern Ontario Dentists' Association. At Tokio, an impefial ordinance was gazetted autharizing the formation of a South Manchurian railway gompmny. Twenty thousand Christian Scien. tists have assembled in Boston to witness the dedication of the 'thew temple. The _Elder-Dempster liner, FEiolia, with lumber from St, John, N.B., for Barry, England, is ashore on Cape Sable. Dr. Robert 8. Ives, a prominent phy- sitian of New Haven, Conn,, died Sa- tyrley from appendicitis, aged sixty- four vears. At Edmonton, George Mclean was found guilty of abetting the suicide of Mary Fortier, and was sentenced to three years, A 'memorial statue to the Marquis of Dufferin was unveiled at Belfast. The figures on either side of the pedes- tal represent India and Canada. At Huntington, W. Va., the plant of the West Virginia Brewing com- pany was buted. The loss is $300, 000; partly eovered insurance, At Pavilion, N.Y. was killed and two wore a wreck on the Buffalo, heeter & Pittsburg railway, on Saturday morn- ing. The Queen of Spain has sent a mes- sage to the governor-general, express- ing the. heartiest thanks of the king and herself for Canada's kind sym- pathy and congratulations. The new postmaster-general. has. re- voked the order of his' predecogsor, Hon. A. B. Aylesworth, prohibiting the use of the mails to the socialist jonrnal, Appeal to Reason. y Ex-Commodore Aemilius Jarvis, of the Roval Canadian Yacht club, 'has sold his famous cutter Merrythought, to a syndicate of R.U.Y.C. members, headed by E. Gi. Staunton. M. Ichida, formerly Javanése minis- ter to China, has relieved M. Hayashi as Japnnese minister at Seoul. pre- paratory to the latter taking up the post of minister of Japan at Pekin. The St. John's, NAd., government has commissioned the whaler Neptune as an additional fishery cruiser to en- force the foreign fishing vessels' act alone the west coast of Belle Tslo Strait, As a result of fifty lumber pilers go- ing 'out en strike for an increase of twenty-five cents a dav, 1.000. men in the emplov of four of the largest mills in St. John, N.B., are thrown out of work, At Winnipeg, the building returns un to Friday show 1.519 permits issued, makine a total of 85,600,700 in bujld- ings. The same time last year the Amomnt was 1,201 permits; with a to- tal of 85,115,900. Whil> attempting in eross St. John river, N.B.. Donald Plizzard was onr- vi*d over! tha dem and drowned. The freshet wos hich and the coreent very st-ong. Blizzard, only forte-two Vears ne age, leaves a wife and large fam- Fenlinand - F. Boroer, ome of the rromoters of the Ubero Plantation comvany, Rostom, . who hina been on trial on 128 conmts of lateeny and conspiracy, was found auilty on one count of conspiracy and seventy-three counts of larceny. Georee Rowlet, St. John, NB. eighty-four vears 'of age, a retired carpenter, has been sued for Breach: of promise by Ethel Grace Gibbon, a voong lady about twenty-five years old, a native of Bavewater, The dam. ages are set at 810,000, Arthur Smith, of Beachvillo, ar rested at Woodstock, on the charge of obtaining money ymder fale preten- ees, on an information preferred by E. 6, Hull & Sons, NUrLeryIen, came up before Magistrate Comfort, * Sr, Catharines, and was discharged. Only A Small Deficit. Amhborsthore, Ont, June 11.<The shartage of Town Treapurer Loggatt his heen fond to he $650. The amount will ht made ood by My. Tegoatt and his. friends. The treasurer claims the svstem of book-keenine of his office js Ahe cause of the tromble. Entered An Appeal. Quebec, June 11.--Senator Choquette inscribed an appeal, on Saturday last, from the judgment against him some time ago in the case of Parent vs, Choquette, Durine the electric storm of Wednes- sab night tha dwelling honse of John | ming - | a® Longwarth Grace hotel project. It is an ciilrage on King- money out of citizens for so needful puahlic' institution, ; The absence of a large first class hotel ig the deepest disgrace Kingston has ever | suffered; Men rate a town mpre for its accommodation for 'visi- | tors than for its beauties, the educa: tional or charitable institutions, its business or its churches. "Foed he brute" is a wise maxim. Then give him a ~ood and clean room. Every one who now comes here and cannot find accommodation goes off and tells a score of others and the, name of Kingston will be Dennis in far off states and countries. It will be avoided as a plague spot. The casu- al visitors are few now; they will be fewer still unless we shake off the dis- ability. One public-spirited person only has come forward, from without the Board: of Trade, to suhsctibe. He offered $200 and was willing to give more if nefded, An hundred people more interested . in Kingston than he is should give $100, $200. to $300 . each, but will have to be begged to do it, and the en- treaty will have to he pathotic. If pub- lic spirit was not sluggish this would not be the case. The Officers of the Layimen's Association. es i ig Ont, June 11.--The men's; Association. reported or {Rhimtion. The president is T. W. ickett, Port. Hape; vi i W. Ross, Port Perry, and H. C. Me- Mullen, BA, ioton; . setretary-trea- surer, R. W. Clarke, Millbrook. The executive committee, the officers and Mopars. W, H. Hopes J. A, Holgate, C. Anderson, J. 1. Hud me, J. C. Dale, W. W, Chown and i Rose, The name of Dr. 8. J, inadvertently Toft off the list of gene- ral conference delegutes, Rev. A. C.. Wilton addressed the conference. He has preached years, and asks for retiremen the year. Tt. was reluctantly given him, i xprossions of warmest &ym- pb AMERICAN FAG ENDS ; ---- Of Early Vegetables Come Into Canada. Windsor, Ont., .Jume 11.-A. H. Clarke, M.P., South Essex, has cdiled the 'attention of the government . to the protest made by his constituents against the importation of carly vege. tables. The ah i of Amevican crops, he contends, come into the dominion to compete with early vege tables raised by Canadian farmers. Since comm was placed on the free list he says that Fssex farmers have got along 'better, Mr. Clarke also upholds ths protest of Essex county tobacco raisers against the use of pink stamps on Canadian tobacco, He® claimed that all tobacco should sell on its merits, a ----, Fell Dead On The' Deck. Sault Ste.. Marie, Ont., June 11.-- While conversing with a frimd on $he deck of the. tug Hood, Joseph Trem- bly, a dredgeman, fell dead. Heart trouble was the cause. Trembly was forty-eight years of age and came here recently from Port Arthur. » In Open Mutiny. St. Petersburg, June 11.--The Novot- cherkussk Regiment, which is located at Oktaht, near St. Petersburg, is Jracticaily in a state of open mutiny. t was under orders to- proceed. to the Baltic. provinces, but the men refused to go. « ------------ Crashes Through Building. Pittsburg, Pa., June 11.-A 10,000 gallon. water tank crashed © down through & three-storey building in Liberty. avenue," Friday, causing the reer wall to fall out and injuring seven persons so that they had to be taken to hospitals. All will recover, | smc Davies' Special. A large consignment of sweet sugar corn to sell this week, 2 ting for 150. these are new goods and very choice. After a voyage which both declare to have been the | most pleasant in their experience; Mr. and Mrs. Nichol. hed Sun- ma London on ms d . Fy Arabelle MoGeachie, ty years of age, of St. was struck by a train Heights, killed, about eigh- Catharines, near Queenston on Saturday, 'and instantly NAL EXouESIO BURG Str. America. THURSDAY, JUNE 14 THURSDAY, JURE 1 FARE, 50c. 2 NOTIC ol A Sey ET BL Se , was struck by fight: ahd command ston's credit, that they have to screw |. Shorey was | QUEEN B It meets the Tnsisten ent dem, nd tho BEST. vo mau lor ue UAL EXCURSION| BLAIR--SCOTT Oth, 1906, &t he' Dome of bride's uncle, | + Scott, lan Road, Miss Lizzie Scott, to John H. Blair, tport. TAYLOR. --At sor " AMred Sti, K u Ont, on une 10th, 1500, Harem. eraldine h ry El : Tr, Avate 5 Eo )] . et R.--In Perth, on oF Oth, 1906, Janes O'Connor, or ly of Kington, aged Ohety-two The funeral ill - take place residence of his hlother, on "Wolliwgs . to' St. Mury's ton St., near 3. on, Tosday worning, * at Cathedral, whe GR on Saturday. Ju tat red soventy.sight s nterment a Where friends gather 'for. social 'cheer, Where dignitaries dine in state, where The family meal is spread, there You find ry ! "QUEEN BEE" TH Put up in Ceylon, in hall-pound. and one-pound packages, Two qualitiesm

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