Flows Wal, Well, "Cavers Well. Guaranteed by the makers will dry ring the week boar as shares at elected of C. ki. t treal Light, Heat a L. & has teen left to ir sum . Street ~, growing, 2 Ki success of the tors of the Am- 000.000 - common, J each outstanding is a severe electrical storm here last ood tobe J11:700,000. night during which a house was struck Some Lively Episodes. mber of unfortunate occurrences ~ 20: Tovord singe the sudden storm which oreurred shout six o'clock last d evening. These 'at pienfe parties at Cedar Island and other places were ol drenched. Oarsmen, sailors and - i : the oeists, were forced to go before the : In one case 4 coviple. of fishermen at the Myles buoy found themselves stranded on Garden Island in romarkghly quick order, Sr ------------ Quite An Episode. city barrister and a n rc oline launch, At » most ill-timed mo- ment, however, the sparker gave out, leaving the bostsmen without means of vronelling their craft. To add to their the storm then came slong. To e an lone story short. 'the yachting party had to "peel fF and were making every preparation to swi i, when the danger pass- Egy Increased Thamkoffering. The annusl thankofiering of the Wo- 2 man's Ansiliary of ntario diocese, 3% el yesterday, as $199 81, was the original sum. Later an enthusins- tie lvdy added nineteen cents, and it evenad up to $500. Later still life _ memb-rehips, © ete, were added, till now ths total, for the widows' and orrhauvs' furd of the diocese, the ob- w the congregation, 4 on Friday night. on Plympton, ~ cut demolished and electrical wires of all kinds prostrated. The sticots car ser vice was suspended for four hours. struction and some. that had "been fin- ished were blown down, The roof of the warehouse of the Deering Agricul- tural Implement company was blown off gid some of the smaller buildings of the plant were wrecked. Plate glass wi ! ! - a, Me iovestment jored by Jhe force of the wind and by "took 400 t { the Hamilton wine of the Hamilton Club was razed Paul's church wasbadly damaced. Heat Tae the vallov east and west of Hamilton, state that the trees wil an hour, to rt "eval | In a clock last night, Miss Klizabet gar, sister of ex-Reeve W. H. of killed River storm did very little 'serious dam. Two or three and some small buildings were burned. A number of telegraph poles were shat- tered ahd trees rooted. Many of the city badly flooded, by lightning and a chimney broken rain swe late of and Jobn Burns, were struck by the lightning with consider- able damage On Thursday, i a way as to tiv up completely the eal reli tailor' were: out spin: | Syracuse & Suburban railroad from' ning about the harbor fin a little gas- | six o'clock until midnight, the feed w Rapid Transit systor was blocked by phone and tele pro pre two main Hospital co ty orashed t the basement. evelphe and trecs were blow roof of the M.C.R. shops was blown was suspended, : | ithe at Beamsville. : The loss will be ject to which the offering goes, is fede amay] wp) : One man was crushed by a falling {|S -------------- tree near. London and may die. Two Fed The Kiddies. men' are 'reported to: be killed near ies. of St. Luke's church gave | Spr'ngfie 14. : a of ie minety-foot elevator tower at Port Stanley was West Lorne, Dutton, Sh and Fingal, lifting ovory course, which tare a hole in the Jock of the Binder Sarin received the full brunt of the storm. Industrial Merrific a Eight 5 River the News all down is impossible on reports is that ¢ight lives were lost Ji on the river near Wolfs, , resort on '| the Canadian shore a mile above the €. head of le Tele: another was that al Jchild had been picked up by the wind and swept off the Belle Isle bridge. Brick Stable Blown Down, Crawford, who Jost a warehouse blown portion of the roof of his handle fac- tory. A large plate glass window of M. Stewart's was blown,in_ and the flax mill sheds were wrecked. Congsid- erable damage was done in the sur crops. Wind Causes Havoc. Hamilton, June 9.-The storm struck the city at 3.30 o'clock, and for twenty minutes the wind tore through the streets at the rate of eighty-five miles an hour. Immense oak and ma- ple trees on the principal streets were off at the base as cleanly as though cut by a saw: buildings were Forty buildings ih course of con vs alone King street were shat- The roof was blown off vinegar workd and a The o the ground. steeple: of St. Reports from the rich fruit belt in amare to the Hrujt reach many thousand dol ars. The storm lasted less than half Killed By Lightning. Port Robinson, Ont., June 9.--Dur- a severe electrical' storm that pass- over this vicinity, about ten o'- h Big- Biggar, township, was atantly by lightning at her home on the Toad bn 4 miles east of here, Small Buildings Burned. Ottawa, June 9.--~Last night's Crowland big age, persons were stunned, blown down or up. cellars were A House Struck. Winchester, Ont., June 9.- There was own. No one was hurt, \ -- Killed Two Men. Syracuse, N.Y., June 9.- { an electric storm which od by. a high wind and a In the rush accompan- torrent of Pt over Syracuse and vicinity yesterday afternoon after a day intense heat, two men, John Long struck by light- ing and killed near Jamesville. A hall dozen places in the city were and unding towns, A big 'tree was blown down in such otlicrs in the sur- ires being torn down. Pavts of the ashowts, and residence property, tele. graph lines, and other y suffered generally, causing a ble loss of thousands of dollars, -- What The Great Storm Did. At Niagara Falls the walls of the ables of the new General lapsed and tons of mason- hrough the three floors to 8t. Thomas was swept i by R A portion the down Il over the of the city. way. Street car and power service .: Cousins' bank viarn was demol- blown over, The evelone swept through Rodney, lon, Zorea ing in its Maxwell church, on the sisth line of was struck by lightning, roof, At Rodney the cvelone blew Soff the hotel and Rodney ly ¥ nd milling plants Vv FT. Lowrsnoe neluding W. ¥, * ig 1,500" feet from "Detroit, "Mich., June 9. Reports to east of Windsor, hie of loss of life] 'the river are current, One of these 'Tilbury, Ont., June 9.~A wind storm here, yesterday, did considerable dam- age. The heaviest sufferer was W. C. the rool off his brick stable and the walls also suffer- od. mas Campbell and Dick Craw: ford, who were in the building. had a narrow escape, Mr. Crawford also had down and lost a roundiny country to barns, fences and REAR AD tha Maryland, and der his constitu until the next Agnes Kelley, morhing, to drunk. She was and arrested by T, Here before, since," "Six weeks, "Ten dollars months." twas ushered ing straw hat, had been drunk. rested on King stable Mullinger, ing. for support, "Five dollars month." A friend in the bies would: never The case again liquor merchant ingrs was enlarged for "This Senous proportions be | the eonrt : into, formed that the left his home, yi to be present in did not show up, made for him, he cy Port Perry, On lowing were elected gates: J, J. J Ww. Henderson, It, Burwash, R. man, R, I. Bartle Crothers, MOFrow. The | follows : Pp. Perry; MeCullo T. Wick B Johtison, Bellovill doe; R. W. Clar Mason ton; Rose, A, J, M.S. Mad Tamworth: Picton; . Holgate, Lakefield; wood, Oshawa: » Wellington; thi Tweed. At the general Rev. pommitiee, on w don until April, appointed ust. - Last quest, was $237, tions $60,000 had Caught By Paul Jones, an age, in Canada met with a Locomotive was in some steam drill around; his the flesh below , and rR proved to-day, Mtawa, June missioner to Upon evrtnin Capt. J. mand of dom cruiser Custle. F, Offord, of Ww out fifty bales of er Waterlily, ing, ws the of Welfe Island. Come, 'seo our hats, 31, i by Co "Faw to take, Pills, at Best's. iffered Fresh | Sous' of ing was torn away. Lk Bpecial mer New York Dees t one of the for the vacancy i by 'Senator Gorn Rear Admiral Wi is a staunch demiocrat, candidate for the Spanish-American ~Governor Warfield of Maryland, un- tional option, may ap- 0 Senator Gorman regular session of the Maryland legislature, which convenes in January, T08, selects a senator. is understood that Gov. seli has senatorial aspirations. point a successor t. -- POLICE COURT CASES. Several Drunks 'Before the Cadi. "Guilty" came in street house, And the brazen figure Sarah McAdam two red eyes peered out fr Right in the cooler, fine, when the woman declared the bob- Election Of Duke, Dr. G. C. tt, George Brown, The other will he ay delegates were all ford, Norwood: §. , Bowmanville: M.D, Lindsay: F. W. W. Chown, reserves, econd, J, Stevenson, Fig hod, A ---- Queen's Endowmenc. J Robert Laird port of the Queen's financial agent June promised, and the assured, including subscriptions and sums secured by Juinfal accident at forks, last manner caught clothes side, torn. His injuries were dressed by D . Hanley and he is -------------- To Make Invpstigation, 9. Sackville, has been charges preferred against S. P., Pratt, inion fisheries protection -- Lost Tons Of Hay, owifie to tho -carwo shift. steamer rounded the foot rn. "Bibby's' To-Night. 81.95, $150. The MW. chocolate' conted,: corsets, 50c. and 650. Reform. MIRAL $SCHLEY, Washington, June 9. Political anal naval authorities in Washington think strongest candidates n the senate created an's death would pe mfield S. Schley, who native of a presidency, after the a was spoken of as war. It Warfield him- loud tones from in police court, this the charge of being ejected from a lower early this morning, Police Constable Mul- 1 see and not long our honor." and costs or tw in gtey and out, gi : hung her head, ang om a droop- admitted she had spent the having been ar- Street by Police Con- using a public build- as she She and costs or. one 'time of need paid the see her again, SL the Princess street for alleged selling to week. Said cese has assumed and will have ty, I am credibly jp. witness in the ease esterday, determined Court, but when he and a search was uld not be found." Delegates. June ¢ ~The fol- minisieria] » J.P, Wilson, Greatrix; Chance t., © eh, W. GG. Clarke, 8, br. W. J elected to- elected, as Hope; 8, Jefirey, Port Young, Trenton; W. e; J. C. Dale, Ma- ke, Millbrook; J. 4. W. H. Clarke, Brandon, Canning- ole, Napanee; I, E. H GC! McMullen, B. Belleville; J. Hull, Hezzel- ett, Port Foxbore; first, A. yo Newton, assembly in London, presented the re- endowment fund little had been Mr. Laird was last Aug- 8125,000 had hoon total amount now 'ash contributions, hich 1905. be- 100. Of the subscrip' been' paid. Steam Drill. Englishman, middle about two months the evening. He by ths completely were ripped and he ribs on the right whirled much im- ~Arthur B, Coppe, appointed com. vestigate and rgport officer in - com- olfe Island, lost aly hay from the steam. line of new straw Db. " Blaud's Tron Tonic 125 for 9e., "Bibby's." |» » -- WHIG, SATUR LURITY FOR CANADA. G. T> Pacific Must Keep Stock ir Branch Lines Company as Se- curity to the Dominion Goy- ernment. Ottawa, June 9.--The bill incorpor- ating the G.T.R. branch lines com- pany, was up again in the commons i Way committee yesterday. The measure Was been under consideration at the last four mectings of the com- mittee, and has bern amended in sev- John and from Moncton to Halifax. The minister of railways had objected to the chartering of these lines be cause of the offect they would have on the Intercolonial. A clause was inserted binding Grand Trank Pacific to acquire and hold all the common stock in this branch lines company as security for the E-------- PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. Eight men Jost their lives in a Mon- tana coul mine. King Haakon of crowned on June 22nd. Swetien will not he represented at the coronation of King Haakon Vil, Si Halliday MucArtney, counsellor to the Chinese legation at London, is dead. The kett} train, the old State Capitol, of Louisiana, was damaged to the oxtent of £50,000 by fire. Pr. Pyne will accompany Premier Whitney on the latter's visit to Great Britain, Dunnville voted granting $6,000 for tension. The Bishop of Quebec and Arch- bishop of 'Rupert's Land have sailed for Canada. Of 85,000 register: visitors to the birthplace of Burns last year, 299 were Canadians. The C.L.A. of Durham defeated the Tigers 'of Arthur in a clean "and fast gatne, 'by a score of 10 to 4. At Neepawa, Man., Rev. J. H. Mor- ean was elected president of the Manitoba Methodist conference, 'The C.LR. plans to have 200 miles of double tok between Winnipeg and Fort William in operation this fall. The junior C.J match between Orang vilie and Shelurne, scheduled, did not materialize; Shelburne has dishanded. Wire communication between De- troit and Canadian Points east of Chatham is cut off. Chatham suffered severe property loss. At the Bay of i Quinte conference Rev. H. ¥_ Momteer was elected secre: tory; "Rev."C." H. Coon and ood Mason, assivtants, The Ontario, pove to Mrs, Norway will he two-year-old son of Sam. Plun- Woodbridge, was killed by a in favor of by-law water works ex- nA. ernment is to return Alired McDougall the' policies | fdented 'price--to be sold h b oll workmanship, fine qualityit now--come--and you of the life of her late husband assign- [fin the same way to-night['08 the new ta i are latest style--at alwill then. ed bv her to the government. . 4 0 ve Fin qe 4 | Ethel and Quentin Roosevelt have {fat 7.30--like this : wg 8 vi Ty popula ridiculous price. | Small 1 of Whit left Washington for Oyster Bay, where 100 pairs - Boys' "Leatherdt € large cities. Only small s le lot of : Cotton \i they will remain during the summer, Knit" Black Cotton Stoek- | hit ir by oy strong Engl at Sogamore Hill, the president's ings, of extra good qual 216 yards only, Fancy White Ti tont pou a deel sizes, DN country home. ity for even this splendid! Rihhon, 11 inches w de,! come trimm od ol ; op he A loan to J. W. Flavelle, and wifts Som mmed. with of money to the Imperial Life by Sen | neat i cy loop edges and drawn " embroide reoular | trimmed wi ll camb ator Cox, A. KE. Ames and J. W Fla srs, regularly sold © gt wark Fret rad sold Nh raid No - Nay ric frills, velle, Were disclosed before the 'insur from 20 to 25 Per pair,| at 10c. 4 yard, to-night vour choice after 7.30 io from' 55 ance investigation. ; according tas to-night| at 7.30, per'yard, only... | hicht only : choicgeaf A portrait of President Roosevelt at _7.30, per pait, y : pe § Er Ta only ¥ will be on exhibition in Columbia : { : University before it is sent many, where it will he galleries of the University of Berlin. Angered by children in New York, a Chinaman fired a revolver which struck a little girl in the arm. A party, of irate mothers routed the laundry. Two Chinamen were afterw ards arrest- al, Sergt. Beals, of the R.C.R.. Halifax, who died of pneumonia, belongs to Hamilton, Ont., and his body js now on the way to that city for inter ment. The funeral from the military hospital «to the rgilway station was with military honors. Legislators, in their nizhtoowns, saved, with the 'help of citizens, the state capitol of Louisiana, at Baton Rouge, from heing destroyed by fire. The famous painting, "The Battle of New Orleans," in the senate thamber, was destroyed, to. Ger placed in the THE LEGISLATION HOLD COMMON STOCK SE- [PRETTY. WHITE SHIRT WARTS cral particulars. The company itself abandoned its request for power to |, build branches from Chipman to St. Y, JUNE 9, . Special Sales To-night. Store Open Till 10 O'clock.' MODERATELY PRICED You'll wish hosts of White Waists this warm summer--and there's no need whatever to stint yourself. For, here at Laidlaw's will be found pretty waists, exclusively Zaipnd waists, waists which will reflect only credit upon the wearer--at prices most moderate, jn most cases, hardly as much as the material would cost. Here you'll find novelties from one entire shirt waist factory--novelties originally determined from fashions accepted modes, as seen in the large cities by the expert designers of this actory. #5 us describe just three of the very popular styles--our entire price range runs from T5c. to 4.50--then come here to-night »r Monday and choose when the assortment is most complete with new arrivals, ® Boys' The entire balance stock of the western mill mak- ing "Leather- Knit" brand -- bought at an unprece make, good assortment of] small, medium and large 14 At Small Expense late rainstorms w and been almost up ? Bring cred to look (perhaps better) --at small campared to a new ope. Men's Underwear The favotite weight and make Silt Gloves, in excellpr juality, nine out of ten men is the f ns showing all the pret TY Two More Rain' Storms. "Balbriggan." We Rave it now ine shades 7 pale grey, cream, cham Two more vigorous rainstorms had complete assortment of sizes, pagne, pink and blu i 49 a crack at o ingston yesterday. Both Will nade and finished, per 5 black and White, pir ' Were accompanied hy vivid lightning garment, only . ' only .: and crashes of thunder, The first was EE at six o'clock, and lasted only five | SETTERS minutes. The second was at midnight, and for a while the rain fell in tor- rnts. No damage was done. The west scems to have fared: worse, The home of W, Milton, Barriefield, STUFFED WITH SWEETNESS. New Pum Pillows, on Which Loving Couple of the late Alexander Time for Cool iti JOAN" LAIDLAW SON These Four Specials Evening Make a special trip down town to-night--if you haven't intend partake of the savings on these four special items. They're not the "ch sive' things. See the difference ? White Ribbons Especially reasonable is this sale because this rib-| bon bas been found to bel just the texture for mak- with very pretty and fan-| JOHN LAIDLAW & SON Have you heen caught in one of the ith a torn umbrelly | ashamed to put jt it here and have it re-cov- and wear as well as new expense | ~~ JOHN LAIDLAW & SON... | with, The 9th day of June ! Now or| never for your White Underskirts!| Make that your motto, and come down town Monday, when our store is not crowded, determined that vour skirts will be most com-! fortable this summer. To try and tell of all the peni ine worth 'we managed to get in white skirts this year is ' impossi- ble and unnecessary, Their im- mense popularity testifies in the strongest terms to their good qual- ity and true value, Just come Monday to choose from a score of styles at from 75¢. to 6.50 each--amongst which are these : the sam 03 | .e9 insertion, others with pret and 1.50 lace tnclusive in JOHN LAIDLAW & SON te Suede Kid Gloves These are ahout things on the market e an assortment offering a choice of sizes, required great watchfulness, but we have such a one pect general appreciation of it to- night and Monday. A full assortment if you can't see 39 } the 1 ngths of splendid ed kid, to-night day, per pair, only and White Silk Wig, daintiness that is almost bewitch. ing, while the Prices have been placed remarkably splendid 'qualities. White SHI Wali 5) y 1 by ned hack hy y HA INT IARI R Yeats tha. 4 PRIA y tucked: fronts ty ed with silk Tue WHITE CAMBRIC UNDERSKIRT, WHITE CAMBRIC NDERSKIRT,) jufriin Tomine ith alk fae : ; insarli 3 11 8 gay pretty de with three rows of lace insertion and| wij, deep flounce of pretty English| sign, ahd short Sleeves finished: wis on: row of embroidery insertion, 1 iE mad f 1 ith . ay a eyelet. embroidery, and neat row off Insertion and la Ne with neat tucks between, finished at| 1b: inisenti ' . qualitics of this styl. at bottom with Jace to mateh. also deep | evelet insertion to match, with elus- 275 and e . dost frill and French band; | ter of fine tucks, also deep : this style and four others, dust flounce and French voke Other button-back styles at 3.50. 39 omraspe ials at Ra... . band, our extra-special at. . er JOHN LAIDLAW & SON -- To Make Brisk Saturday Sellin ed coming for something else--to! eap" things --but the * itrexpen- [White Underskirts | White Nightgowns Coming as they do-- From the same makers ples from ore of'as came the underskirts-- the highest makers--you'no need to may be sure of splendid'saving- its obligations to the dombiion gov- # White Waist, of finest lawn, with very|White Waist, of finest sheer lawn, | White Waist, fine Ja, ve ernment, The clause in the bill that handsomely embroidered front; rows with beautiful Swiss embroidered| style + ide i AWD, latest mak) agked that two years' time be allowed of Val. lace insertion and tucks, full front with dainty Jace' insertion rd] Sty. or ¢ insertion front, wide in to begin antl ten years' to complate three-quarter length sleeves finished i oka: a 8 Shion and, lace ves and 8 the branches that "the company in- Mt with frills of material and clusters tue S48: yo Cc}: new elbow sleeves | ul sleeves With deep tye ked 1 [1 - tends t6 build, was changed so as to of fins tucks between two rows off dsint lv lace trimmed; fine lace col-| "NOW cufis. Mop, . provid: that unless the company cog- luce insertion, finished with lar; and open back. One of | : Tlotes its branches within five years lace to match front. Mon- 2 49 our finest special waists. 2.25 (Exactly 45 itlustration) ats rizhts shall lapse, so far asthe un- day ........ ...... ag RY Monday -......... 5. aT of completed portions are concerned. ft JOHAN LAIDLAW & SON JOHN LAIDLAW & SON The Fill comes up again next e ° -- ~ Wednesday, and will probably be dis- White Und posed of "that day. Some of the Prettiest wai we've ny er Seen we recery. ed to-day, and nawrally we re anxious to haye Y Ou expres your approval of them, This time there's an added touch of low for such For Monday 3 emphasize the the scarcest To secure and ex- 150 PS ! Knelt. Here is one of the smart had a narrow escape in the electrical Baltimore, June 9. Kneeling on pil- Nos storm, considering the nearness of the lows, stuffed with the letters they we fy = bolt. Two trees on the orchard and o wrote to éach other during their court. UM P clothes pole in the back yard were ship, Miss Adele Anderson, only J thattered, : daughter of Nr. and Mrs. 4. A. Ander pe {er or -------------------- . Y N ha He Fa At The Altar. son, antl Charles H. McComas, a son now so much talked-about. A smarte Guelph, Ont., June 9.--William Wal- ker, un 'employee of Grow's iron works, was to have been married on ednesday last; but failed 'to show up for the ceremony. This morning his body was found ip Goldie's: dam. An inquest is to be held. . Canipbell Bros. To-Night. For the'best in men's straw sailors, tims Tona cola is dispensed at Gibson's Red Cross drug store fountain, Try it. There arc many new shapes in straw hats' this seadon, and every good style is hore. The H. D. Bibby Co. ville, has chaplain of diocese of Ontario to nlace a late resignation. Ca has heen appointed domest to the Bishop of Ontario. McComas, and ------ Late Appointments. HH Bedford Jones, Brook: been appointed examiring To- non Starr ic chaplain Rev. -- Campbell Bros.. To-Night. For men's.crash hats: 2c, up,' Roll butter, creamery butter, finest potatoes, Crawford. . "Best's" Witch sunburn, ete.' 15e, Hazel Cream cures 23. tins, 10c,, at 7 Roll butter, . ) * * potatoes. Urania Talwmm' rawder, violet and or Fm Best's. iy butter, . finest they fit the foot. Price t a Inet of the Hartford har, were 'better fitting pump never as made. Me married last night in the Mot} fist 4 i eir sii Episcopal ht Beldon, Ml, ou pumps exasperate with t PP : Bir §/ ol Chafing at the heel. Our last is a specia ths Doel for the Pump, and A Only aster if triet © 1,400 m Jevels, about { men in prises i the ben Thous powder atories, where ness or without In fac fessions does ng himself dier in bullet grave; the we coast, er cari enters | Facto of amm danger precaut the atp COITOSI in sow countrie Works att nevs, 1 other t tories, are tain ad employ) tendenc An ir manufa Work product w Slances masks. A thi doublin mouth. from tl ting sp with sy able to time, The ¢ tracted men wi orrtaan damp ¢ dtus hy, workme "ven: ow Porsonc The | ns wag hard, upon -- pooar as men sens the w through articles vregerip as the to the * Hrom acting