Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Jun 1906, p. 1

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Hb oti. Friday, June g, 10g Rm Lovely Lace Curtains 2 {Housekeepers nd Saturday of June. Jered "as the} last day | ishing needs. ur Curtains direct from the mak. urtains for 99. for which last as a moderate price. But really until you see our curtains, They es from. some of the highest mal. as did one patron the other day : make them for that pri \ any kind of a curtain jo, | That date or the real or to-morrow will be, Per pair: 9, 1.15; 1.25, 1.45," 1.50, 1.69,1,75 2.90, 2.99 and up to 3.50, per pair: 2.75, 3.75. 3.99, 4.25, 7.50. selling, as a fitting climay to our or ose who were unable to se- ago) we'll again offer these four Nottingham Lace Curtair , ful -d-3--vards, ira dan scroll design, leaving quite open and | a Worth 2.00 a pair, hut morrow only Nottingham Lace Curtains f 14 yards, in a lovely floral showing just enough r border to make it one of th prat tiest we've seen this ven Worth 2.50 regularly, hut 1 99 to-morrow ohly . itomer. No Phone Orders AW & SON ----_. -- Art - Shades, Poles and Trimmings Fine Oiled Linen Shade, wide, gréen or lace trimmed, 50 4nd amd Cream, Special, cream -only,. with insertion, 'worth 1.19, only 1.00. Separate Rollers, best makes, 15x each, Special White Enamel Poles; neat trimmings, splendid for bedrooms, complete 124c. each. ther styles at 5 and 0c W & SON -- i & n's New Hosiery hildren's Cashmere Soy, i tan and carding 15 and 20¢ hildren's White Cotton S pair, 10 and 12. h ldragn's "Tan Cotton S mn lace, per pair, accor from 18 to 25¢., a pair, according to f 15 to 20. JOHN LAIDLAW & .ong White Suede Kid Gloves SON mone at all interests knows that long kid about the scarcest tl ' market now. This n \ then, should greatly onl offering for to-morro sortment of sizes, from clusive, in long 16-ho lengths of fine und kid, per pair only aemamranamn f the smart PUMPS Iked abcut. A smarts Of mp never was made. A ate with their slipping, ang eel Our lastis'a spec] essly for the Pump, F. W, : 21s YEAR 73. NO. 135 GREAT REMOVAL SALE OF FURNITURE All goods will be sold without reserve. We will not remove any of our stock to the new store. Now is the time for bargains. Robt. J. Reid The Leadiag Undertaker 222 Princess Street. Two Doors Above ihe Opera House Telephone 877. Quality the Best. Prices the Lowest. Heinz Buked Beans. with' Tomato Sauce --regutar--2c: size 15¢ Heinz Mixed Pickles and' Chow-Chow, 10e. Condensed bottles, at 13c. Soups--Chicken. Asparagus, Vegetable, "Bouillon, Oxtail, 15c. eans 126 Macaroni, 2 pkes., Golden Finnan Haddies. in cans, 10c. Catsup, bottles, 10c. and 13¢ Split Peas, Pot Barley, s, Pearl Barley, Gold Dust Corn meal, 10 Ibs Quaker Puffed Rice, pkgs. 2 10¢ 3 hott] Frglish Crean: Baking Powder, sealers, 25¢ I ces Size, quart noke# Hams Rolls wulder . Haws, als, ete VAN LUVEN Princess Street. Phong 417. St. James' Church Annual EXCURSION OTTAWA "ore WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20 Adu a NS 3 drenu: 2 yrs, Specis! tals leaves GU. TI Ftstion, 8 a.m, -- Our Shoes... Breakfast Barrel Pork IRE EE Represent the highest type of 'ootwear comfort, appear« ance, durability. Wear **Allen's" Military Boormakers Sign of Golden Boot. 84 Brock St. eR a A ] Customs' Sale -- SALE OF UNCLAIMED CUSTOMS . consisting of Crockery, Clothing ther Articles will take place ut Fx # Warchouse Ontario street Kingston, FRIDAY, 13th June 1906, ut strictly cash at time of sale C. HAMILTON, Collector FOR SALE Must Be Sold To Ciose Up Estate following desirable City Propor-- Brock St. residence of late E ( Bagot St. exteosion dining and k 11 modern ugot Ste, extension Kitchen, all * Bagot St,, exttnsion dining and k all modern. ind particulars, see Geo. Cliff Agent. REWARD A LIBERAL REWARD FOR INFOR- t leading to finding of Wallace Son, who left _ his home near C¥'s Bay, on May 24th, and was seen walking towards Gananooue Plion. 16 years old. tall and slim, t 8 inches : fair complexion, mole i the right eve : was wearing a dark '! cap, weey suit, with small white no vest: black shoes. Double Brigk Brick Dwelling, Brick Dwelling, 10% Street, Rs Brick Dwelling, 108 Bagot t For details see JUNE BULLETIN. SWIFT'S RLETTED re tem---- NL DIRECT FROM TURK arr Food prices for useful urniture, Carpets, Stoves and all other Foods. For trading, buying or selling bo hatir vlace than Turk's Second-Hand Store 398 Princess Street, Grand Union Hotel Rooms From $1,00 Per Day Up Eo BAGGAGE 3: FREE Camphen Bros. To-Night. 3 { DAILY MEMORANDA. 1 Best place To buy Summer Hats In Kingston it's Camphell Bros. Butter Rolls, 20e. Crawford. Hospital Garden Party, Tuesday, June 12th, #fternvon and evening, 10c. Waterworks' Committee, 4 p.m., Mon- day. Ordination at St. George's, 11 aa. Sunday mation at » tomorrow St. Mary's and St. George 4.19 a.m., and sets at 7.40 pan, This 'day in history :--FEngagement be- fore Delhi, 1857; Charles Dickens died. 1870 WHIG TELEPHONES. 243--Business' Office. 229--Editorial Rogms. obbing DINNER SETS JUST OPENED Best English Maker, in pretty colors -- Green, Dove. and Blue. Complete set, 97 PIECES with Bread and Butter Plates, For a short time, $4.75 ROBERTSON BROS.. SUMMER Prices. A Distinct Saving Repairs and alterations should be made during the summer, when labor 15 not so expensive and more time can be devoted to each order. You save money and your garment will be ready when cold weather sets in The authentic advance styles are re- edived carly in summer so that the latest styles are assured. . It is equally advantigeous to order New Fur Garments in summer, because of the price concession 3 McKay Fur House, 19-153 Brock St., Kingston, Can HOSPITAL GARDEN PARTY On Hospital Grounds (Under Auspiceos of Women's Ald of General Hospital) TUESDAY, June 12th Afternoon and Evening. Admission, 10c. Chlidren, Sc. REMOVAL DR ROBERT HANLEY, HAS RE- moved his office, to 109 Wellington St OFFENDED BY PRAYER. Trustees Ask the Resign. Marion, O., June 9. Rev. J. H. Moore, of the Paptist church of prayed Sunday morning for the re moval of "obstagles to church work. even by death, if necessary," the tras tees held a meeting immediately after the service and decided to réquest his vesigmation., For soe time the pastor and a portion. of his people have been at sword 'points. and his prayer was. re garded as a thrust at those who op posed him. An attempt was 'made to kepp the church elowed that evening, but friends of the pastor secured the keys and opened the building. The tev. Mr. Moore is still in charge, Pastor to Because the pastor Prospect, aged thir ty, It's Now Up To The Sultan. Tangier, June 90 Signor Italian minister to Morocco, Malmusi, and head of the missdon. which loft Tangiers, May 24th." to lov the fre of The Alge ciras convention, before the sultan, has reached Fez, 'and will request the sultans signature to the convimtion which is expected immediately For A Clean Election. Halifax, June 9.--The conservatives of Halifax, are making overtures to the liberals to enter into an agree- ment for the practices * at the prevention of corrupt provincial elections which * now on. They have asked the liberals {pn appoint 'a committee to confer with the conservative com mittee on the subject. rt -------- Without Hands Or Feet, Brockville, June 9. Adam Emmons, who was badly frozen last winter, un derwent al operation at the General Hosvital this mornine. when a great er perticn of his right foot, three fin gers on one hand and four on the other... were amputated. Some time azo the left foot was smmputated. What Swift Says. "We are capturing business because in our coed vou get all that you pay The sun rises Sunday and Monday at' THE KING'S IN For It. NO DEFINITE ACTION YET TAKEN ON THE HOTEL SCHEME Division of Opinion Among Board of Trade as to Site--Another Meeting to be Held on Mon- day Evening. Beyond much heated discussion as to the proper site, no step of a defin- ite character was taken in rerard toa new hotel for Kinoston, to hear the plans for which the board of trade assembled in Whig hall, Friday even- ing. Like the two precedins meetings of this active associatic n, there was 4 very large attendance. ' President W. 71. Minnes opened the meeting, remarking that acting on the suggestion of the last niceting, the hotel committee had held confirences, and followed with this meeting to try and make a definite proposition to- wards the city's great need, a new hotel. On a number of sites, proposed, the committee had got options; gm them and the most favorable selection being the British American site at £30,000. R, J. Carson as a member of the hotel committee said if the world needed go did, e left, however, any place in hotel, Kingston that 30,000 for the British-American site was far too much. If it was the intention to draw tourirts, the site should be nearer the lake. A $100,000 hotel would suit the needs. Kingston's real estate cheap and any site ble. Mr. Pense said he was a convert tg the British-American site, He thought the city, badly needed a commercial hotel. Cases of lack of accommodation in local hotels had occurred, oven, within the past few days. He defend ed "830,000 for the tritish-American site. If 4 building could be vat upon the Carruthers lot he would be with the crowd in an attempt to huild apn hotel there. Capt. Donndly, as one a good deal, the hotel, said was should be availa- who travels and knows the need of he felt the city needed » hotel. He wy disanvointed that the hotel commitshe had not submitted a written reporl. He would t be will the "respp [the ro daar. site at a fair nriee, Speaking of the meeting, sure hotel committee's the president said much pres © had bern brought to bear before "ven an option could he got on the British-Am vican site, The committee were alr unanimous in revard to the British-American site, R. J. Carson said he to the purchase price, not of the British-American lid not think there was room on the property for the ed building, br. Jd,..C. commended Mr the proposition it hardly was. was st was opposed to the site However, he sufficient propos Counell said he heartily Pense's scheme. At first might seem dear, but If a down town site needed, the British-American should: §é the place to build. The presiddn/t expressed regret that there were many men considered public spirited, who! refused to subscribe in any way to"an hotel, on anv site. Al ready 821.000 had been subseribed J. L. Whiting thought, s, far, scheme seemed hazy, As far British American site was concerned he thought jt was desirable, heino the trains and boats." He $100,000 would be necessary, $30,000 for the inos. The new of use, with down. near thought plus the present site and build wine would he worthy the old buildings « torn Unless 875,000 or $50,000 could he subscribed bv the veople little nse Getting down there was of undertaking the scheme, to business it was moved hy Dr. Ryan, seconded by Charles Livingston, that the British American site he the one selected by the hoard of trade, to the subscribers, an hotel thereon." The doctor thought the city at laree should move the president a vote of thanks for his enerpetic workings in the matter. The site of the British-Am erican commended itself fo the number - of people. Tt is in central part of the city and especially convenient to excursionists. An hotel erected therg would meet. the needs of the: summer hotsl and also as commercial hotel, In seconding the motion Charles Livingston, thought there was no rea son whv the board of trade should not build the hotel John McKelvey, "since hearing Mr, Whiting, was convinced that the price ahout to be paid was Jittle enough, He thoueht city men who had money would do well to subderibe. J. M. Farrell, speaking of the hotel committee's meptine admitted there was a division of opinion as to sites, The need of an hotel was very evi- dent. . It was moved by J, M. Farrell, see- onded by R. J. MeKelvey "that the hotel committee be requested con- tinue to canvas for stock subserip- tions under three heads: : "1-Those willing to subserthe if the British- American site js secured, "2-Those willing to subscribe only if the Carruthers' site is secured. "F-Thgse willing, subscribe on any condition decided upon pe those renresentine at recommended for the erection of and largest least seventy-five per cent. of the subscription stock, "That the committee renort back to this board at for June 12th." Mr. Pense urged immediate action, Georae Mills ureed in favor of the British-American site. a meeting to he called or Seott's and Borsalino hats, for. As regards the Carruthers site, Mr. What Is To Be The Outlook KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, JUNE 9, 1906. needed, as the building would have to be respectable on the four sides. As to the question of cost, Mr. Penge said he thought it would be the same op either site, . F. Nickle said he aid not believe there would b¢ money made in an hotel on the Carruthers lot. It was then decided to tnd out just how much would be subscribed, to as- certain which site was the wore Hop lar. J, L, Whiting and C, Berming- ham were appointed sorutineers and at 'the finish the statement read : British-American site $19,000 Carruthers' site ... ... ... 10,500 Either site ... ... Uy AN Totakii.. ..... een BU65000 N The meeting adjourned until Mon. day evening, and in the meantime an encrgetic canvass will be made for further subsoriptions. The sum of $2,000 is asked by the bondholders for the British-American. As the place is leased, $2,000 will have to be paid Mr. Telfer for his rights. "Then £3,000 will buy the additional land to the laneway on King 'street, not occupied by the hotel. This makes 830,000 in all, "for a frontage of 182 feet on Uarence street and 145 feet on King street. The proposal is to allow the Wrick wing on Clarcnce street to stand, rent the stores on the ground floor for at least $1,000 a vear, use the second storev rooms for guests and the top ones for the help. The new building would be erected with the main entrance on King street, A down town commercial hotel is Kingston's first need. x TO GET PEERAGE, ¥ ~ @¥ London, June 9.--It is ¥* # understood that King Ed- 3 ¥ ward will bestow a peer- #* ¥ age on Sin Weetman Pear- i # son, the contractor who is W@W # building the New York 3 ¥ tunnel under the Hudson 3 # river. HW ¥ * AISI PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. At Devonport, England, the armor: ed cruiser Minotaur of 14,000 tons was launched, The University of Toronto convoea tion exercises were held, Friday, in the convocation hall. A voung Japancse giant, six feet thr inches tall, has enlisted in the artillery branch of the army. At Belleville a young son of George Skinner was killed by the fall of an old house which was being torn down, Australia has seis to the Fran: cisco suflerers £360, Stlerhing, cigh- ten times what the Canadian govern- ment gave. 4 Democrats of six states have de clared for William Jennings Bryan as canviidate for the presidency of the United States. The agrieultural committee, at Of tava, heard Alfred Jury's evidence and decided to report without "any recommentiation. The Ontario government has dis missed CO, E Brown, regist Perth and spectively, Whelihan and W. ws of deeds for South East Northumberland, re A new marine salvage company has been dormed in Fngland with a capi tal of one million dollars, and it | is intended to place a complete wrecking plant in the St. Lawrence, Fhreo slight earthquake shocks were felt in Manila on June 5th and Gth The shacks are believed "to have heen sever: on the Igland of Samar, Lut details have been received. At the annual meeting of the British and Foreign Unitarian Assoc ation, g Rev. Samuel McChord Crothers, (dm bridge, lectured on the effects of secular education in America. Mass., The French: line steanter: La Provence made the trip from New York to Havre in six days, twe hours and forty-cight minutes, breaking the former record hy almost two hours. Sixty-eight Chinese who arrived at Kingston, Jamaica, on hoard the steamer Beta, from Halifax, were not allowed ta land, having heen 'declared pauper aliens under g Jaw recently adopted by the local government. ee e-- HAASE HASHING » , hd ¥ CURES FOR CRIPPLES. w wo ' oe ¥ Tokio, June 9.--The gov= ¥ ernment is fitting up the ¥ institutions provided for by. # the recent session of the diet for homes for the soldiers and sailors serfous- ly crippled during the war. The - statistics show that 31,01B men lost limbs or were otherwise - seiiously wounded. EEELEXE¥S A REF EERE EE ERE | General Assembly. London, Ont., June 8~The morning scderunt of the Preshyterian general assembly was taken up. with the ap pointmeut. of a committee to deal with important matters, among thers the election of « treasurer and a joint clerk, After death of the late Dr. Warden, the emergency committee met and appointed Alexander Warden to fil] the position temporarily. The assen- bly looks 'unon the choice, of a perm anent successor to Dr. Warden of the most important taken. as one steps to" he To Send Inspector. The officer elected bv Mr. Halddne, war retary, to London, Jyne ¢ 0 pers Rise This Time, OVER PREMIER'S DECLARA- TION ' TO DOUMA. . x Paris Matin »ubli Manifesto on Rights of R an Citizens --Declares for kullest Liberty £00 : of Thought and Religious Be- lief. London, June 9.--A mailed despatch, from Qdessa, states that a serious re- volt took place, on May 27th, in a sapper battalion, arising from Pre- mier Goremykin's declaration to the douma. Other regiments: were called upon to sappress the revolt. Twenty- three of the sappers were shot, seven being killed. ty-seven were arrest- ed, inchuding two officers. -- Liberty Their Right. Paris, June 9. The Matin publishes the draft of a manifesto on the rights of Russian citizens, which it states was prepared by M, Mur tzeofi, pre sident of the douma. This manifesto declarés for the fullest liberty, includ- ing liberty of thought and religious belief, with the right to disavow any particular form of religion, also free dom of the press and of public meet: ings. It also popular lower people. urges the neéegsity. of two chambers; both upper and houses, being elected by the WAR ON BILLBOARDS, Crusade Inaugurated by Woman's Improvement Society, Ogdensburg, N, Y., June 9--As a consequence of the organization of the improvement society by the women of Ogdensburg war has heen declared on billboards. During the past fow weeks several new bill boards have been er ected, and the sentiment against them has been growing. The common coun- cil was appealed to, but there was no thing in the city ordinances to war- rant interference. Finally the women went after the owners of the properties on which boards were erected, with the result that notification was sent f moval of tWe of the TRFZest and most conspicuous. One of these boards, op- posite the post office, has been in po- sition for twenty-five years, RAT ATTACKS CHILD, Fastens Teeth in Ear While Baby Sleeps. Quebec, Attacked while sho asleop by a large rat, ' the threo-veur-old daughter of My. and Mrs. Thomas Mullins; Oliver street, had one of her cars badly bitten be fore the rodent was frightened away. br. C. S. Parke was later called and attended to the child's injuries. The little girl was asleep in her hed When the rat attacked her, and her cries' brought her parents to her bed side, and they frightened the rat away. Later on in the night the rat returned to the room, and was: heard June 9 was endeavoring to get into the hed, Sr ---- ANTHRACITE OUTPUT. Men Coming Out in Stronger Force. New York, June 9.--Anthracite coal production has fully resumed normal proportions for the first time since the strike. The men are coming out m stronger foree and are willing to work. On the church holiday on Mon dav only seven Reading collieries were idl... Last year on the same day ten collieries were closed up. The Reading ouput is from 40,000 to 50,000 tons per day, and there is similar activity in other regions. There is po talk as yet of restricting {onnage this month, -------- Changes Name To Inherit, New York, June 9.-:The decree of Judge John H. MeCarthy, of the city court: giving Miss Nettje Whelan, of this city, the right to change hor hame to Adele Ritchie, Jr., goes inte effect, to-day. Miss Whelan is a niece of Adele Ritchie, the well-known aet- ress, who educated her and with whom she resides. Miss Ritchie. had promised to Miss Whelan that she would leave to her her entire estate, which is of considerable value, if she would assume the name of Adele. Rit- chie, Jr. As Miss Whelan had no ob- ligations, owed no money, and was in no way tied to her name, the court permitted her to make the desired change. Miss Adele Ritchie, Jr., to day, received numerous ¢ongratula- tion from: her friends. -------------- Asked Higher Tariff, Ottawa, June 9. My. Clements pleaded in the House of Commons, yesterday, dor a tariff ag high as that of the United States on agricultural products, He was promptly met hy the opposite view from #everal dibe rals, who claimed more accurately to represent public sentiment. Elécted Permanent President, Paris, June 9. -Hinri Brisson, who proceed to the United States and in | sect all tins of meat intended for the British . army. j« Licut,-Col. Percy Evre Hobbs, chief instructor of the Army Service Corps school of instrue- | tion, at Aldershot, He will proceed to | Awerien shortly. 1 -------- No, wir: vou never lpid your eves on prettier hosiery than we are selling at Whiting thought more money would be 25¢., 40c. and Be; The H. D, Bibby Co. | semblid was elected provisional president of the Chamber of Deputies, when it as Jime 2nd, was elected per manent pregitent, yesterday, by a vote of 382 gut of 49%, -- Riot In St. Petersburg. St. Petersburg," June 9. A work- men's demonstration in the Vagsili Ostroffl quarter, yesterday, ended in a riot. The police ficed i volley at the rioters, wounding several. » + Regiment Of Russian Sap- THE TROUBLE AROSE gut for re] MYSTERY CLEARED UP, Hamilton Police Know Who Shot Their, Comrade. Hamilton, June 9.--Fhe Baron murd: er has been revived by the statement from a policoman that the authorities know who shot™ the constable, October, 1903, Steven Doyle, shot to déath in London by detectives, and Texas Bur , who is doing fifteen years in - Kingston, are the men accused, and with this accusation comes evidence which makes the police contention worth while, The authorities = are peculiarly situated, for, while they are certain who committed the deed, witl never be able to bring Burdell . to trial, as there is not sufficient evidence against him. The fact would probably have remained a police secret had it not been for the unguarded statement of one of the officers. BONUS OF. $10,000 A YEAR. Granted by Halilax to Corroding Works. Halifax, N.S., June 9.--The city council voted almost unanimously to give a bonus of $10,000 year for ten years to the Brandram-Henderson company to establish lead corroding works in Halifax. Exemption from taxation, water at the minimum cost and other privileges are also guaran- teed. The Brandram-Henderson com- pany for their part agree to employ seventy-five hands, pay at least £50, 000 a year in wages and put wp a plait costing $130,000, The product of the works is to be used in the manufacture of paint by the Hender- son and Potts' company. In virtue of this rate the works will, he established in Halifax, the necessary lands having been purchased. a Lead- ---- POLICE CHIEY SUSPENDED. . ------ nat Charges of Grait Made Ag ins; Force. Vancouver, B.C., June 9.--The sus pension of Police Chief North because of the "inefliciency of the force under his command," has led to the publi- cation of ugly charges of alleged grait in the restricted disteiot, jt he ing claimed that women have paid What is called 'Protection money." There is nothing in these allegations personally implicating . North, who is an Ontario wan whose persomal hon esty has never heen doubted. ------------ REPATRIATION IDEA ------ Of Chinese Has Not Failed Says Cy London, June 9.--In the House of Commons, yesterday, Winston Churgh- ill, undei secretary for the eters the govienment's n South Africa, refused to admit that the plan of repatriation of the Chinese failed, because only twelve cgolies had asked to be sent back. to China, He repeated the government's intention to leave the. whole matter so the judgment of a freely and fairly seleot- ed Transvaal parliament. ------------ ARTHUR SMITH DISCHARGED. Arrested on Charge Pretences, St. Catharines, Omt., June 9. --Ap- thur Smith, Beachville, arrested at Woodstock, last Sunday morning, on the charge of obtaining" money under false pretences on an information pro- forved by E. i. Hull & Sons, nursery- men of this city, came up before Magistrate Comfort, yesterday, for trial. After hearing the ovidenoe in the case, the magistrate dischargnd Smith. of False -------- Wedding Anniversary. Merrickville, Ont., June 9.<Mr. ana Mrs. Rodger CO. Percival colepyrated the fortieth anniversary of their wedding at their beautiful heme, "Orocaven," on Thursday, May 31st, Representa- tives of four generations were pres- ent, Mrs. R. C. Pereival's father, Mr. Holden, of (; loton Place. Mrs. J.B. Waddell, of Smith's Falls, and T. Har- vey Percival, daughter and son of Mr, and Mrs. R. C. Percival, and the three children of the latter, the youngest of whom was baptized during the even- ing. After congratulations and hearty Rood wishes had been extended, a sumptuous repast wag enjoyed, at which toasts were the order. Songs apd music followed. -- Fell From A Tree. Gananoque, June 9. While up & {eee entting off 4 laroe branch last evening, Albert Harper, o young map employ- ed as shipper in the Britton establish- ment, fell sixteon fort fo the ground, striking on his head and shoulder. He was carried into his house unconscions and this morning continued in that condition. His recovery is doubtful. Killed In A Dive. Ogdensburg, NY, July 9.--Arthur Sovie 'of this city, a firemar on the steamer Nipigan, was drownea at Par- ry Sound, Ont. Wednesday, while in swimmine. . In diving of the dock His head struck on a rock, The body has arrived. He is survived by his widow- vd mother. This was the young man's first trip on the Nipigon. -------- Emperor's Invitation. Berlin, June 9.-- Emperor; William has invited the American povernment to send army officers of high rank as euests of the emperor to the autumn Manoeuvres of the German army. ---------- Campbell Bros. To-Night. For tealy Warner straw hats, + e-------- were burned to death in Nefvton, NJ. The house in which they wily, slovping caught fire, This is talenm powder weather, Buy it at Gibxon's Red Cross drug stove, Fresh there. . Wash belts 'with New York Dress Reform, ; "Best's" chocolates are the host you con buy, and at a Three persons Crawf pretty buckles 10c. reasonable price. 4 Tonto. Ont., June 9.--(10 Fon west to south Minds. and decided] dur sto , chielly dw = LACE LISLE 'STOCKINGS In beagtiful designs, full fash- ioned, "seam and guaranteed fast dyes. Great value aP fie. Our Special Pri w 39, ce .. LADIES' UNDERWEAR Fine cotton rib, very elastic, pure white, short sleeves, lace and 3 ben trimmed; a good 20c. quality. 3 fi oid OF ee LADIES' BELTS-- fad Now lines just arrived, of gil{ and silver, white embroidered effects and white with popular colors, de- tacheble for washing. Fifteen at. lines, Ve Special 81 .........ccccciorrvees 200: + SUMMER CORSETS £ wie Made of hest French ale, very! light and strong, Will 'wear much better 'th Ape. cota short and long molly, trimmed, 75¢. the usual price, Y } Our Price ahs are ilies DOGS MEN'S NEGLIGEE BHIRTS-- In assorted stripe 8, made of good washi ma and are usually rE 60c, Our Special Price 5i....ovis i... BOC, BALBRIGGAN UNDERWEAR - For Mey Phas gery. fae, ut. the he The Very Best at ................ LADIES' STOCK (0LLARS- new lines just aerived. Special Values ab .................. 5c. ALL BARGAINS. >; : CALL AND "SEE THEM, ' STEACY'S FRE! a ho. df June - » Mr. and Mrs, an, a daughter, - WATSON--DA LON, ~0n 1906, at the . of father, Retreat Burm, by Grout, ind "Irene, daughter of ary atson,, of Kingsto June © 7th the bride's Rey. Canon Youngest Dalton, on, DIED, McCONNELL. "At Lime Lake, Wm. McConnell, Fou. CALDWELL, --A¢t Lydia and four ROG FI C 1st June, seventy-one Napanee, 1st June. Josephine, -- Tr of Mr, Mrs. arshall Cdidwell, aged years and ¢loven months.' At North Castle, Westchester N.Y., on W ay, June 6th, » suddenly, aged sixty five years, Aiwo months and eleven days, Will- fam Heys Rogers, son of the late. Job Ragers, of Jorndean, Gloucester Col, England. Funeral S * ROBT. Fis REID, : 'Phone 877. 223 Princess St. "QUEEN BEE" TEA Where friends gather for soeial cheer, Where dignitaries dine in state, where The family meal is spread, there You find b "QUEEN BEE" TEA It meets the insistent demand for the BEST. ' : 3 Put up in Lorlon, sing half-ponnd and one-pound packages. Two qualities-- mig Jas: Redden & Co. | Baseball Stmmary. National -League.--Pittshurg, 10; Bos- ton, 4. New York, '7: Chicago, 3. Brooklyn, 5; St. * Louis, 3. Cincinnati, 2; Philadelphia, 1; {11 innings). : American e.~St Louis-Phila- delphia, rain. New York, 6; Chicago, 2. Detroit, 4; Poston, 2,7 innings, rain). Washington, 8; Cleveland, 4, Eastern League.-- Providence, 5; To- ronto, 4. Montreal, 7: Jersey City, 3. hester, 0, Balti > 5 Newark, 5: Roel Buffalo, 4.010 1 batter 5 $1 potatoes, £. ..

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