Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Jun 1906, p. 15

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In the Bowels, ice or exist th Nutrition, "Uh poor tM Cascarets don't purge, «don don't iyitate, nor ups s : 1 ipset your Sto ru No,--they act like E Sach, E re Bowels, instead, =f the They stimulate the Bowel-Museleg dr . comtract and Propel the Food natyr, Io past the little valves that mix py 2 or Juices with Food, Boils They strengthen these Bg Sowel-Myg, ch by exercising them dies as The Bowel-Muscles ca h : s ata os . Short ir- time, dispense with ar y Drug assistance whatever, ou * * * \&/ The time to take a Cascaret is the very OX minute you Suspect you need one, --When your Tongue is --When ut suspicion, ~--When your head fe Coated a littl, : h ia your breath is not aboye I, dizzy, o in achy. 'S. -----When you have eaten t keartily, or Y too rapidly. nt When you have dry k more than was good for your digestion. When you have a touch of burn, Gas-belching, Acid-ris °0 or a'Coming-on-Cold, Heart ing-in-throat * * * Carry the "Vest Pocket" Box where jt belongs, just as you would your Watch, x, Pocket-knife or Lead pe It costs only 10 ce At any drug- po gist. r= Be sure you get the genuine, made only a- by the Sterling Remedy Cc mpany, and h, © never sold in bulk. Every tablet Stamped . SO = hid - ct A sampleandthe f ust booklet Curse er of Constipation," Free for: the asking, u. Address Sterling Remedy Company, Chi- in cago or New York. t r Suitings. Reform garments for thermometer. tch Tweeds--Irish Nest of England" ish Flannels. f fabrics that «have 1 every thread. | one" different effects immer styles. x ingston EASED MEN} : 3 ase yoit are never safe unless the virusor Ig item, Have you any of the following symp e or lu the mouth, hair falling out, aching tches on the body eyes red and smart, dys- tions of the secondary stage. Don't ruig nt--mercury and potash-- which only Supe ) break out again when happy in ggmestie exp" ument on you. Our New; Bethod IS eed tO cure you, Our guararitees ard Pac 4 hie disease will never return. Thousands ot teady cured by our New Method Treatmen! names used without written consent. "Your remedies have done nte more good K over seven years and the outward symptoms ease TS disappeared, My half ain and Iam married and happy. BOOKS FREE. WRITE FOR QUEGTION BLANK JED OR NO PAY. 25 YEARG IN DETROIT. ly @ Kergan, ET. DETROIT, MICH. K&K K XK 1 K TINE is as simple to prepare ther wall coverings. Just mix BRFECT, EVERLASTING WALL g- Church's \ STINE Wall Coating » d white, It hardens with age. A ase it to beautify the home. Women ks and pretty home surrqundings ASTINE, TINE and how to use iL here sell ALABASTINE. IY, LIMITED, PARIS, ONT \ \, FRER. all, old or young. "EASY MONEY AT HOME Free to You, . , My Sister Free to You and Every Sister Woman Suffering from Woman's Ailments 1 will mail, free of any charge, my hoe treatment with full instructions to any sufferer from woman's ailments. I want to tell all women about this cure--yom, my reader, for yourself, your daughter, your mother, or your sister. I want to tell yon how to cure yours selves at home without the help of a doctor. Men cammot understand woman's sufferings, What we 'women know from experience we know better than any doctor. I know that my home treatment is a safe and sure cure for Leacorrhaea or Whitish Discharges, Ulceration, Displacement or Falling of the Womb, Pro- fuse, Scanty or Painful Periods, Uterine or Ovarian Tumors or Growths, also pains in the head, back and bowels, bearing down feelings, nervousness, creeping feeling up the spine, melancholy, hot flashes, weariness, kidney and bladder troubles where caused by weak nesses peculiar to our sex. I want to send you a complete ten days treatment entirely free to prove to you that you can cure yourself at home, easily, quickly and surely. Remember that it will cost you nothing to give the treatment a complete trial aud if you should wish to continue, it wil cost you only about 12 cents a week, or less than two cents a day, It will not interfere with your work or occupation. Just send me your name and address, tell me how you suffer if you wish, and I will send you the treatment, for your case, gatirely free, in plain wrapper, by return mail. I will also send you free of cost, my book 'WOMAN'S: OWN NEDICAL AD- VISER." with explanatory illustrations show- ing why women suffer, and how they can sasily edre themselves at home, Every woman should have it, and learn to think for herself. Then when the doctor says-- *' You must have an operation," you can decide for yourself. Thousands of women have cured themselves with my home remedy. It cures To mothers or daughters, T will explain a smple home treatment which speedily as tually cures Leucorrhcea, Green Sickness and painful or irregular menstruation in young ladies, Plumpness and health always result "from its use. Wherever you live, I can refer you to ladies of your own locality, who know and will gladly Rl any sufferer that this Home Treats ent really cures all women's disease snd makes women well, strong, plump an robust. - Just send me your ade ress, and the re ten days treatment i yours, also the book, Write to-day, as you Juay not see this offer again. Address MRS. M, SUMMERS Box 11 Windsor, Ont. Dollar Package FREE Man Medicine Free You can now obtain a large dollar size free Package of Man Medicine--free on request. Man Medicine cures man-weakness., Man Medicine gives you once more the gusto, the joyful satisfaction, the pulse and throb of Physical pleasure, the keen sense.of man-sensa- tion, the luxury of lite, body-power and body- comfort--free. Man Medicine Man Medicine cures man-weakness., nervous debility, p discouraged manhood, functional failure, vital weakness, brain fag, backache, prostatitia, kidney trouble and Bervousness, You can cure yourself at home by Man Medi- @ine, and the full size dollar package will be de- ivered to you free, plain wrapper, sealed, with full directions how to use it. The full size dol- lar package free, no payments of any kind, no receipts, no promises, no papers tosign. It is free. All we want to know is that ¥ou are not send- Ing for it out of idle curiosity, but thatyou wan tobe well, and become your strong natural self ance Man Medicine will do what vou make you a real man, map-like, want it to do man. Powe or name and address will bring it: all you ve 10do is to send and get it. We send itfree every sconraged one of the man sex Inter. Stato Remeay Coe¢79Lluck Bldg. Detroit, Mich, Posing canaries, More profitable than chickens, All indoors. mek $2.50 10 $5.00 each for young singers. Experience Wramry. To Ret vou interested: quickly we. snd TTAM BIRD BOOK (thousands sold at z5c.) and two cakes BIRD BREAD 10 CENTS, $4 "CANARY vs. CHICKENS." showing how to make ouey with canaries. all for 15¢. stamps or coin. Address COTTAM BIRD SEED, g st., Lesdss, 0st ---- HOUSEKEEPERS ! Autiseptic, Chemically Prepared SILVERGCLOTH cleans and polishes silverware and all Joe, bright metals without use of pow- Jase of other aid. The clean, ud handy Way. Send 25c. to-day for special orpuer package, Address CANADA SILVER- TH Co., Toronto, "Good lady agents wanted. ATTEND IHE BEST Fri young men and women Who top templating a Com: peial Educa- Kei® Shorthand, ~ Typewtiting. Dock will he whe; of a civil Service course he _ Frontenae usiness College Kingston, Ontario _-- pest equipped and 'most up-to- Eastern ('°"8 training institution in Steen Ontario, : Soderite Way enter at any time, and turtles are assisted to good pay- th pon kind)" you get the purest of New York, sister of Mrs, " Nations. Write for catalogue and {the Soupon kid Yor orm of diy Ogden Mills. "Phone 880 and, in addition you save the ex- ; ~-- », " mse of buying the 'Celery King" to . g a : Shaw, 1. N. Stockdale. pes wil it 2 ' "| Will be found an excellent remedy for ent. Principali| " N, other kind of Ozone offers this sick headache, Carter's Little Liver advantage. Ask your druggist fer it, | Pills. Thousands of letters from peo- Poor rates for a) England now av- age 2s. 91, 2 in the pound: Ozone. SCOTTISH FREE CHURCH. Criticisth of the Doings of Royal Personages. At the general assembly meeting of the First Church of Scotland, some severe criticisms were passed upon King Edward; the British prime minis- ter and ex-prime. minister, and the Princes Ena, now queen of Spain. The Edinburgh Scotsman reports the incidents as follows : "The Rev. Ewan Macleod, Oban, submitted the report of tee on public questions. He said that they must insist on the reality of re- ligion. There was a measure of reli- gion that fell far short of what God and the scriptures demanded, and yet the great majority of the people of the country appeared to be satisfied country generally was low, and for that he held the churches responsible, With reference to Sunday desecration, he said that the ex-premier had play- ed golf on Sunday, and the Almighty had brought him and his government dowri very speedily from a position which they were unworthy to occupy. The present prime minister had begun his career as prime minister by obey- ing the command of the king to go to the palace on the Sabbath day. Both the prime minister and the king were equally to blame in beginning parliament in such a way. Sir Henry's" governinent would receive a blow of some sort, seeing that the be- ginning of it was so inauspicious in such a breach of the Lord's day. (Ap- plause.) "Rev. Murdo Muckenzie, ness, said that as he had stepped on to the platform some one had =~ said to him, 'Don't be too .severe on the king." His reply was that he would be as severe as he possibly could. He would do so in all faithfulness to 'the king, who had no more loyal sub- ject. It was because he was a loyal subject that he would like to see the king walking in the way of God, to see him when he went abroad setting an example that was worth being fol- lowed, to him set an example worthy of a king, and worthy of the son of such a mother. (Applause.) He condemned also the appearance of the king on a Sunday at the Olym- pic games--the institution of a heathen nation. ('Shame.') It was sad to hear of the "ex-premier playing golf on Sunday, and of the present prime minister going to Buckingham palace on a Sunday, and it showed that in this matter, instead of begin- ning at the lowest strata of society, they ought to begin at the very top. Why should the king send such a sympathetic letter to the Archbishop af Canterbury on. the question of 'Sabbath observance if the Sunday meant to him the same thing as keep ing th® Lord's day holy ? "R. J, "Niven (elder), condemned the marriage of a British princess to the Popish king of Spain {Applause.) The choice, or liking, or love for one another, of the pagties concerned had very little to do Lith the scheme that had eventunted in the proposed marriage. It riage that wopld mean some people understood, The princess would come baek to her own country, bringing her priests, chaplains, and cardinals with her, and they woul appear at court. The marriage was a deliberate Jesuit scheme, and part of the plan begun 350 years go to de stroy the reformation." {(} Bplause.) of Inver- see Edinburgh, was a mar- more than -- Vicar Disbands His Choir. The 'result of a dispute at worth, a Northamptonshire has heen the dismissal of the the organist-choirmaster and the gffix- ing of a notice to the church door dis- hagdine the choir. The vicar told ga meeting of the congregation that he had been compelled to take this ac- tion in consequence of on offensive let- ter from. the organist and the dictato- rial attitude of the choi Brix EP ------------------ ! Away With The Pain. You can soon forget all about aches and pains if you will Keep a bottle of Smith's White Liniment at hand and use it. promptly. It is the only lini ment ever known that never fails to drive out net ralgia; rheumatism, Tam- bago, , at Wade's. Money back "if not satisfactory. ------------ His Little Collection. A man who earned his living hy swallowing coins and other artjclos had to be operated on at the London hospital, and . the surgeons und in him twenty-five pieces of cork, twenty pieces of tinfoil, a leaden bullet, gt piece of string eighteen inches long, nine pence in small change, a piece of leather nine inches long with a hook at each ond, several pisces of clay pipestem, and portions of a news paper. CES r------------ A Problem Solved. Ozone is ozone, "ad in buying it the problem is to get the purest form. "Solution of Ozone (the coupon | | kind)" is the purest form in which that no. matter how excellent hor in Ozone is put up. In 'addition, each | tntions, her Manners and speech were bottle contains a coupon entitling | calculated to excite, rather than you to a package of "Celery King" free, and it is well-known that you should take "Celery. King' along with We put "Celery King" coupons in our Ozone bottles because no other firm can give "Celery King" with Ozone. By buying "Solution of Ozone the commit- it. The state of religion in the village, | the vicar of | tached : roothe, the = THE SIR TATION SYKES DERBY WIN WITH SPEAR- MINT NOT POPULAR. st Aged and Eccentric Baronet Not Greatly Liked--Has Differences With His Brilliant Wife--Two Hobbies, Church Building and Horse-Racing. By the Marquise de Fontenoy. Sir Tatton Syke's won the derby on Wednesday last with Spearmint, will hardly have proved a subject of general rejoicing, for the aged and ec- centric baronet is one of the most un- popular figures on the English turf. He is well known in this country, which he has frequently visited, and has achieved considerable notoriety in connection with his legal differences with his brilliant but extravagant wife a daughter of the late George Caven: dish Bentinck, who was one of pillars of 'the tory party, and a grand- son of the third Duke of Portland, Sir Tatton and Lady Sykes are in: deed a most extraordinary couple. For, after fighting each other all day in the courts, on every variety of sub- ject, each insinuating that the other was more or less mentally irresponsi- ble, they would, until their legal sep- aration in 1899, return home together. preside at the same dinner table, en- tertaining large parties of friends, breakfast together the next morning, and then proceed to the law courts-- in different conveyances, it is true--to resume the legal proceedings against one another, \Siy Tatton does not 'belong to the ToGey club, although he has had a big racing stable for nearly forty years, and while 'he is the elder broth- er of the late Christopher Sykes, who was probably the most intimate per- sonal friend of King Edward, and es- & their accession very far from court. He has been at. law with quite a number of people on the turf, in con- nection with horses, one of his most sensational suits of this kind being arainst Lord Marcus Beresford, for many years one of the officers of the jockey club, and now the chief of King Edward's private stables. Sir Tatton had commissioned Tord Marcus Beresford to buy the famous race horse La Flecho at the sale of the stables of the late Baron Hirsch. Rir Tatton considered that Lord Marcus had paid too 'much for the nag, and repudiated the transaction. Lord Mar- cus finding himself with an $80,000 horse on his hands, proceeded to sue Sir Tatton, and in court, while Sir Tatton insisted that he had restricted the price to $70,000, Lady Sykes testi fied that he husband have given Lord Marcus carte blanche, her evidince serv ing to. decide the Tatton. : The latter got even with his wife by issuing a public announcement fo the effect that he was not responsible for any of her financial transactions, and cut down 'her: 'pin-money, where. upon she applied to the professional money-lenders, hecame involved in their toils and then there was more litigation, the usurers endeavoring to extort from her husband the money which they coula not. ot from "Her, Lady Sykes' appearances' in eourt have never affected her popularity, her social * or her unfailing good humor, especially when in the witness box, where she invarably re- : ferred to her husband as that "old dear," whose "'peculiarities" she alone was able to understand. Sir Tatton has two hobbies, namely, the building and endowment of chur es and horse-racing., While he spends large sums of his enormous fortune these two fads, he will sometimes stint himself; not merely in luxuries, but in the comforts and even necessaries of ife. to the throne, he is being a favorite at case against Sir on He is the head of family, of Cumberland origin, which first came info prominence in the reign of James I, awhen Richard Sykes was Jord: of the manor of Leeds, as will: as mayor of that city: He has ¢nly one son, Capt. Mark Sykes, who has achieved some fame as an explor er, served with distinction through Boer war, 'and hag lately been at- to the staff of the British em bassy at Constantinople, Lady Sy since her judicial sepa- ration, has resided jn Chesterfield street, London. She is a prominent. figure in London society, although not 80 conspicuous as her mother, the late Mrs. George Cavendish Bentinck, who was one of the most powerful leaders of the English "Great World." By reason of her stately and commanding presence, by the imfwrious brusquerie of her manner, by thie brilliance of her costumes, and by the prodigious quan- tity of the jewels with which she was wont to adorn herself, she used to go by the name of Britannia. No party in London was considered complete unless graced by her, and wherever she went, her figure, her voi and her wit rose superior to everything around her. There are hundreds of people now prominent in English so- ciety who are indebted to her for their first introduction thereto, Lady Sykes an old Yorkshire has figured®in many and various capacities: as the owner and editor of a weekly society jour- nal, which came to grief; as the au thor of several novels, in which Lon- don society is pointedly and pic turesquely portrayed, with -a particu- larly caustic pen, and as a sick nurse during the Boer war in South Africa, to nurse the sick and wounded. The generals in command there, and in particular, Sir Redvers Buller, did not altogether approve of her me- thods of nursing, taking the ground * dving) soldiers, to whom she was anxious to minister, and af ter a series of extraordinary encoun- ters with the various commanders, she wae finally ordered by Sir Redvers Buller from the front, and back to Cape Town. Her brother is married to Miss Liv- ingston, of and if he hasn't it write the Public Drug Company, Bridgebarg, Ont. Lple who have used fact. Try them, pecially of Queen Alexandra, prior to = ¢ DAILY WHIG, SATURDAY, JUNE 9. A LOCHTEL MEMORIAL For the Late Chief of « Cameran. A movement - hag been set afoot in Lochaber, Inverness-shire, for the par- pose of perpetuating tlic memory of the late chief of. the Clan Cameron, towards which subscriptions: to the amount of £100 have alread- ben re- ceived, and Mrs. Cameron lucy, of Callart, who has taken a )eading part in the matter, has approached the Clan Cameron Society with a 'view to its" taking the project in hand. The society has gladly. done so, being of opinion that not only the Cameron Clan and those who are attached to the clan by relationship of blood, hut many others, will be pleased to be af- forded the opportunity of adding a stone to the cairn of one who so worthily upheld the dignity of an ancient and honorable house and the head: of a great clan, alike for his services to his sovereign and country. It is proposed to erect' on the parade ground of the old military fort at Fort William (the site being provided by Mrs. Cameron Lucy), a tower in the old Scottish baronial style, hav- i a set of chimes in the belfry and a statue of the late chief in a niche in front of the tower. The total cost may be roughly estimated at £1,500. It is also intended to engrave on the tower the names of former chiefs of the clan. At present there is mo me- morial to those distinguished chiefs, so justly famed for nobility and pa- triotism. Clan TARRING AND FEATHERING Was Army Custom in Time of Crusades. The peculiar form of punishment adopted by the Seots Guards' subal terns in the recent ragging case, that of tarring and feathering, popular- ly supposed te be. American in its origin. This, however, is not the case, it 1s known to antiquarians to have been employed at least 700 vears ago, and that in our country. When Rich ard Coeur de Lion set out on the third crusade, he made sundry regula- tions for his army, and one of them was this: "A robber who shall be convicted of theft shall have his head cropped after the fashion of a cham- pion, and boiling pitch shall be pour- ed thereon, and the feathers of a cushion shall be shaken out on him, so that he may be known, and at/ the first land at which the ship &hall touch he shall be sot' on shore." It is interesting to know what an ancient army custom this has heen ! PERSONALLY CONDUCTED. A Tour to Elks' Convention, Denver, Colo. Via New York Central lines, twelve- day tour. All expenses included in rate. Special train of Pullman draw- ing-room and compartment sleepers, butiet, library and dining cars, will leave Utica, Syracuse, Rochester and Buffalo, Friday, July 13th. Experien- ced New York Central representative in charge. Option of lake trip re- turning from Chicago, Detroit or Cleveland to Buffalo. Ask any New York Central agent for full informa- tion and copy of itinerary. He Dug ! Louis KE. Thayer in Success Magazine, He wanted a job and, like everyone vise, He wanted a good one, you know ; Where his clothes would not soil and his hands. would keep clean And. his. salary musti'tihe low. He asked' for pen but they gave him a _spade And he Balf turmed away with a shrug But he altered his mind; and; seizing t) spawde--he dug ! He worked with a will that fs--euhd ta succeed, . And the months and the years wert along. Way it was-roygh, and the lahor was hard heart He kept filled with a nee Some jecreds hind hind sneered at 'the tusk but he plugged...» Just as. hfrd as he ever could plug : Their words' never seemed to disturl him @ bit-- as he dug. The day came at last when they called for the spade And gave him a pen in {ts place, taste The joy af achievement And victory shone yn We can't always eet {irst-- Sucedss cuts many queer igi, But, one thing is sure--a man cerd--if he digs was sweet to his his face hat we hops for at will = suc M.P."s And Their Drinks. Discussing the drinks of M.P.'s, the Glasgow "Herald states that as a drink between meals whiskey and soda holds its own. Brandy and soda has quite gone out of fashion, but instead some members have strange concoc tions, such as whiskey and ginger ale, barley water and gin, and Angostura bitters and soda. The favorite ten perance drinks are lemonsquash, gin ger heer, ginger ale, lemonade, barley water and cofice. At late sittings, clear soup, which is served hot in the lobby buffet, is in constant request. Risked Life For Hounds. To save his three hounds Mr. Cor bet, Master of the [South Cheshire hounds, plunged into a flooded stream and was carried away by the torrent. He sank twice, and was then rescumd by a horse dealer. Lord Herald Gros venor assisted in rescuing and resusei tating the hounds. Undesired Model. A husband summoned for desert m told the Brentford magistrates dhat he was a model hushand, and if evi woman had such a model hushand she would dwell in a perpetual paradise. A separation order was granted, -------------- It is said that John Camphell, a London missionary, was the first man touch Orange Meat. premiums. Talks on Orange Meat (THE PURE FOOD) Never touched by human hands. From the time the wheat is unloaded from the steamers; until you open the package int your own ditiing room--human hands never Sifting, brushing and washing the wheat--steam cooking--malting--flaking and toasting--filling the cartons--carrying and packing--everything is done by machinery. : So careful are we to insure Orange Mt being not only clean but with all its rich, nutty flavor retained, that each package is lined with specially made mercerized paper. Orange Meat 15c. and 25c. -- at all grocers. "Jumbo" or 25¢. package contains 214 times as much as 15c. package. 15c¢. package contains a coupon, good for Write "Orange Meat, Kingston," for new premium catalogue. Every 4 AL 41 Rank. " Minerva "' The Minerva Ma Men On Mars 7 * | Are there living being on the planet to enter the Transvaal. 180, ness, opportunity, them prove this consul taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla. t your doctor about Ask him Get well, that's what you are after. Ee -------- nT That was 1p Nervous? , There are many causes of nervous- but poor biood heads the list, The doctors call it anemia.' The blood + lacks red corpuscles. At your first Mars ? That js the great problem of astronomy /in which mankind is keen- ly interested and which scientists are trying to solve. Within twelve months Mars will be nearer the earth than for fifteen years, and everywhero telescopes are being trained in the hope 'of dig- covering this great sceret, Already it in a settled fact that conditions on the planet would sustain human life, at ledst in a modified form. There is water, on Mars and air- though the "amount of water is not large and the air is much rarer than the atmosphere of the earth. if he a anything better for weakness, | | ---- : debility, nervousness." If he has, take § | : T i JI not, take Ayer's Sarsaparilla, |' The only raw material of oreay jm. portance. which Reads * ¥ » . the Britich empire js silk; our colonies also nroduce very little rubber or to- bacco, * da i2 not produced within 2N Lo) Fuil Strength Full Length. to break. aE "and too strong Underwear a : --White and Flanneletta--is dainty and durable, embodying all the good qualities of home-made underwear with none of the home-making dr N roomily. garments. cost you less Look for the label, Sverya" For sale by first-class dry-goods stores everywhere. not have "* Minerva "' underwear, write us, lo skimping. Each garment In JINERYA" underwear every seam is double-sewn. awbacks, is made than whitewear made at home. Should your dealer and we'll tell you where to go. :» Limited, Toronto, Canada, oe Sr the Kohr, ing drains, nervous debilif a tel, 7 DE ar completely in to two week's treatuiant, a cure or return your mu % Correspondence" treated sf treatment sent free with a and advice, Our greatest. marvellous German Remed: discove Itis contralied in this Yount Medicine Company, a con i 3 Juding in the medical world, rie Y have failed with other treatments. © man! 1i v4 ont hod ex remed, cure cured, Tes, varneesy rem a sy ---- "3 ves The only reme known Scisan

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