'€S your furnace possess every known mprovement ? is sectional cut of the shine" shows a few e features that make furnace such a great SS. Among them are _ double feed-doors al fire action, well. » roomy ash pap y sectional fire-pot, flue, water pan, sect. f grate and how jt is ved, galvanized cas. ith flat cap, and pipe r free booklet explains ese and many more > "Sunshine's" special res. - Write for it, & SONS ER. ST. Jon, Hamirox Footwear want the Young Man or ed in their old Shoes. Shoes will greatly mar ly Gown. variety of Confirmation > Boys nt Colt Skin in Shoes, some Styles. to 3.50. > Girls , Patent Kid and Colt Then. there are dainty and Slippers in Black 1.50 to 2. everybody interested in » Footwear ETHY'S + 0 OOOODIOOIODOIOL) DDY'S ¢ tard Match o es containing about ° "CHES ® pr For Them @ 7 §c. to try them. ® 0e0 80 ©8020? ------ EA ' ries. Phone Main 1728. , 31 William St, Toronto. An Awful Eruption of Prices in Men's and Boys' Clothing and | Fumishings. ~~ There has been sales, and clearing sales, held in Kingston in the past; BUT in the whole history of the retail clothing trade there has never been equal the slaughtering that will be done at - : RONEY & COS for Fifteen Days, Commencing THURSDAY, JUNE 14th. We believe in taking time by the forelock, and instead of waiting until everyone has bought their summer supply, our policy is to clear out our stock when the public want the goods--not when the season is about over. Rom on ae We Have a $25,000 Stock to Offer. And every article in the store will be sold at prices which have never been equalled before. We have had a big rade this season, and now being anxious to reduce stock, by at least one-half, we are satisfied to do business for fifteen Jays at a small loss. We believe it is good business, as we are always able to place before ourg As tomers NEW FRESH GOODS, NOTHING OLD IN THE WHOLE STOCK. > 5 5 The big departmental stores in Toronto never offered such bargains as we shall give during these 16 DAYS. aT Our Clothing is up-to-date in style, fit and workmanship. No better made in Canada. We can fit long slim men, short stout men, big stout men, as well as the erage man, and boys and children of all ages. In selecting our goods we have always paid particular attention to the materials, as well as the make and style; this er ina hoy, to give OUR PERSONAL GUARANTEE WITH EVERY GARMENT SOLD. ' EE We are conducting this sale ourselves. We do not believe in employing outside faikers, who have only one object in view -- themselves. 'We believe in steaighs business, as we want your confidence; well knowing that a satisfied customer 1s the best advertisement we can have. If (after making your purchase) you feel at satisfied RETURN YOUR PARCEL AND YOUR MONEY WILL BE REFUNDED AS CHEERFULLY AS IT WAS RECEI D. : ed c: a og GA ' 1 v y Eo FR 2 La Sale Opens THURSDAY MORNIN, JUNE 1th, at Nine O'clock, Store Will Be Closed June 12th and 13th to enable us to go through stock, and reduce every article to slaughter prices. : PNR WANTED--12 Salesmen and 5 Cash Boys. 'We give you here the slaughter prices of some lines--we haven't space to go through the whole stock. Remember ever goods marked in plain figures. One price to everybody. All sales strictly cash, and under no consideration w y article in the store goes--no reserve... ill goods be allowed out on approval. ES 2» ya We Pa | READ THIS CAREFULLY Mens and Young Men's Tweed: Suits Men's Trousers Underwear es §; --250 MEN'S TWEED SUITS-- ; Tweed working pants sold in regular way at $1.25 will go at Earth- 100 dozen Double Thread Balbriggan Underwear, sold all-over Several patterns to choose from. These goods are being sold to-day quake price, 79¢ a pair. at $1.00 per suit. fo by all dealers in the city at $7.00 and are good value at that. Our Earth- Regular $2.00 for $1.39 a pair. ; Our Earthquake price 35¢ per garment, or 69 cents per suit, CEN quake price is $3.95. Regular $3.00 for $1.95 a pair. 50 dozen Elastic Shirts and Drawers--Regular 3s¢ per garment. 3 « Eegion h : Regular $4.00 for $2.95 a pair. Our Earthquake price 19 ¢ per garment. All other lines at Earths * \ LOT 2~Men's Suits--Serges Tweeds and Worsteds, sold in the Boys' Short Pants, sizes 22 to 33. A good line of Strong Tweeds-- quake prices. 4 SH ld pee a Teguiar way at $10.00, Splendid wearers--usually sold at 60 to 75 cents. EY : Our Earthquake price, $6.95. Earthquake price, 39 cents a pair. LOT 3--Consists of Men's fine Tweed, Serge and Worsted Suits Sa Bo g Doglie Seals ul Knees Short Pants, regular $1.00 and $1.25. ANOTHER BONANZA IN UINEN . COLLARS 3 ' : » All go at Earthquake price, 79 cents. : bk » Sol by us at $12.00 10 $13.50. IN? : : «25 Dozen Double Fold, Wing and 'Straight Stand-up' J Our Earthqutlee prics, $3.05 MEN'S SHOWER PROOF COATS. , J ! ! ; 1 price, $5.95. Lot. 1. Made of fine Grey and Fawn Scotch Tweeds--This season's Styles, Basthauake price, 5 for a quarter (a limit : LOT. 4--Consisting of the Highest class of Ready-to-wear Suits in sty les, thade to sell at $10.00. . 0.3 oeac £0 stomer). J : the market. The materials in these suits were bought direct in the piece, Earthquake price $4.95. § and made up to our special order. Regular prices were $15.00 and $17.50. Lot 2--Fine Dark Grey Cravencttes and Tweeds--Sold all over at ' ? Sat vy Our Earthquake price, $11.45. $10.00 and $12.50. Our Earthquake price $7.45. --CAPS- hy ? : Lot 3--Men's Waterproof Coats--guaranteed goods--regular $6.50. 50 dozen Fancy Tweed Caps--Regular 50 cent line. Will becleared - - BOYS' 3 PIECE SHORT 'PANT SUITS. Earthquake price $4.45. | out at 17c each. - - LI LOT 1--Good Strong Blue Serge Suits; sizes 28 to 33, well made We have other lines of Waterproofs which will be cleared out at SUSPENDERS, TIE ea By "and trimmed ; sold by us regular at $3.50. S190 and $2.90. Regular 15¢ lines for 8c per pair. Regular 25¢ and 3sc lines at igs J Our Earthquake price $2.25. a pair. : PY per pair, The celebrated Police Brace for 18¢c In THE GREATEST SHIRT BARGAIN EVER OFFERED Worth fom oO: -- BICYCLE SUITS. = © 3 om] ! $5.5 : : : Gi i orth from $4.50 to $7.00 eac! ou may have your choice ; Earthquake price $3.25. 50 Dozen Men's Soft Colored Shirts, all sizes Earthquake price of $2.50 per Suit. whe ¢ tous . light and dark shades--guaranteed fast colors. ' Same : BELTS-- Ary i Ago LOT 3--The best goods we carry, sold at $8.00 and $9.00. goods sold in town to-day at 75 cents each. They are The bi : - : | wpm : X ) : ; : =: grest t choose from. = = " * Earthquake price $5.95. dandies. Earthquake price, 43 cents each. Batts see ee CY od Roe pio gha A limit of two to each customer, : . BOYS'2 PIECE SUITS. " MEN'S HALF HOSE-- ~ 8% Boys 2-piece Suits, sizes 22 to 34, usually sold at from $2.00 to . « . - Men's Black Cotfon Sox, regular 15¢ a pair. nex $7.00. Earthquake prices from $1.25 to $4.43. : Visas ie EN Si ORKING SHIRTS. Earthquake price, 3 pairs for a quarter. mei Sires Blue ni Sailor Suits: a special--Regular $1.25 line. Pores price 39 ae -- A oN S Fancy TAN AND BLACK COTTON HOSE. : wi . ~arthquake price 69 cents. Men', 1 5 d hirts oo at i gular 25¢ an C a pair; at I hy = 13 : Children's Wash Suits (every style) from 39 cents ap. of Shirts 20 2 Barren oa ? i St 59 cents cach. All other fines i All other lines at BD Eo 3 106 Ret pe Fo is ide IND - . NECKWEAR. BOYS' LONG STOCKINGS. ** is #. qu 7 MEN'S TWO-PIECE HOT WEATHER SUITS. Four-in-hands, Shield Knots, Puffs; ete. Regular 25¢ and 3sc. . Sizes § to 10--worth regular, 15¢ per pair, oy é 1 ah 15 only--Men's Dark Grey Flannel, suits worth $5.00. ' Earthquake prices--2 for a quarter. ne poms price, 9 cents per. pair or 3 pairs for a guarter. J Ae Earthquake price $2.69. . | All soc and 75¢ neckwear--Earthquake price 39¢ each. (a limit of 3 pairs to each customer). Caf Others will be sold at $3.95, $5.05 and $7.45. NOTE . --SWEATERS-- ' /'. 7 *irypeem : ok : : Boys' All Wool Red, Black--regular 75804 . We show an exceptionally large range of very fine Homespun Suits, : : Ean uake Sol Sweaters in Blow ml 3 3 hq price 39c¢ each. In two and three pieces. They all go at Earthquake prices. Regular Suooine, go xc bos aa TERS VT Regular $2.00 Sweaters for $1.45. TAR TaN me Sad Bring this Bill with you and see that we do just as we advertise. You will find that prices have not been inflated for th srvining as ed. REMEMBER THE DAY AND DATE OF THE OPENING OF THIS GREATEST OF > Y, TRE 14th, "ab0 AN - At RONEY & CO'S STORE nk eon E Railroad, Steamboat and Stage Fares paid to all Hot Weather Coats and Hot Weather. Vests in light and dark col- : parties purchasing $25.00 or over. Ha ors--Swell patterns. All to go at Earthquake prices. Po ---- _ 127 PRINCESS STREET, Kingston, : Sh THE STORE THAT- SETS THE PACE. f ' 1 oo \ @ ~