Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Jun 1906, p. 8

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with 27 second from Glas- t A ) at 3:30 | pam. on June 10t. The Allon Soauer Corin inthian a at asgow, to- day. Allan steamer Mongolian, a ow. on Jiume 2nd, and 448 steerage pas- 0 Paint Ri * Keown, the wild obi 'a SAY by the makers will dry ight, over n failures in he Jon! So, Bf prodiic of British OB, as shown by the re- Jinlster of mines for that iy. . {placer 088.300 0% ~ . . 4 3: 1c compl oan Tho C.P.R. is using rails "about 60,000 tons a yoar renewpls, while the bie customer of the at, : there ave the over a dozen Montreal Street rail Vv an 000 Vv, apd these are now he ih in expected that the will net close to 882 a on the National Trans. of 65. tons. - ARE TTS 'Died At 'New Rochelle, N.Y. : "A telegram from New Rochello, N.Y. to re Norn C. Smith, 268 Univer- Ca ge "of the death of her sister, Y -B . This was the first intimation a had that she had even been sick, Miss Bushey went to New Ro- chelle + oar vo. Her brother, David Hie? Yeasdc' there, The re hing. are 10° be buried there to-mor- a Church Service. mers, Presbyterian, corner Bar- "and Eafl streats. Rey. M. Maegil 5 'DD, pastor. Services: 11 gs Christ Looked Up Before Said shivhatha' "7 Pm. "The Retrospect and the Verdiet--Studies in © Genesis." Sunday school, - 3 p.m, Prayer meeting, Wednesday, 7.30 p.m. | Strangers made cordially welcome, is d Of Trade Quarters. 1 t has leased the : " " ae as section of the British-American hotel on Clar- for its quarters. The loca- $ an excellent one for: business pans, Jogaod was formerly le LH ronta; is flty- Te ane board: wif} begin at to fit; them for occupation. The ---- i fen. J. B. McKay Memorial. 'The Kingston Old Boys' Association of Toronto will erect a memorial in | Kingston to their late president, J. B. NekKay, and will unveil it during the reamion in row Sha loth smivrary > to Ph ie) omy s of t ans. At was in camp tweniv-two day, , b 7 os to snmp i with the enamy. . x | ---------------------- 4 Crater. ~~ '| ; po and other local authorities, 4 person: 281.25,010 while : 1905, 18, £28 : tid id civic Mnprove. income {irom 1. A. P. Powis, 1 DISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH In Whose Hands British Money : is Held. . { Micha Coa id on April 5th, 1904, there ware, attain to & re tun e asury, nine teen pure in Great Britain with an 'income of over £50,000 a year. The aggregate income of these nineteen persons was £1,968,442, or an average of just over £100,000 cach. At the other end of the scale there were 131, 956 persons whose incomes did. not exceed £160 a year, but who not exempt from the payment of come tax. Their ate incomes amounted to £1100 or an aver: while possessed in: of over £1 and less than a year. The incomes of 113 ceeded £50,000 a year, as did those of 794 | public companies and forty-five municipal rations persons retu ceiving over £160 a year, but less than £200, while 219 persons a gross income of the gross income of 29,163 public' companies amounted to ,084,187. In Ireland not a single of over £50,000 a year was ro tured, but twéity-sight public gom- panies were on incotnes ex ing that sum. A BRAVERY MEDAL For Presentation to J. Russell Forster. "This morning the sy clerk reéeeived familton, secre Royal Canadian Humang To So Wn, EM Ee clerk "of the penitentiary for prompti- tude and courage in rescuing Battery- man James MacNicol from drowning in Kingston harbor on June 9th, 1905, be remembered that on the evening of the above date, three hat: terymen rowed up the harbor, in'an intoxicated condition. When opposite the malt house, their boat upset, and two of them were drowned. MacNicol the upturned boat, Mr. Forst- er was on the water with his wife in a twelve foot boat of canoe model, and in going to the assistance of the batterymen, ran great risk , of being overturned. However, after great diffi: culty, he succeeded in getting Mac- Nicol ashore. Deputy Warden O'Leary reported the matter to the city coun- cil last December and the civic hody recommended to the Royal Canadian Humane Society that it consider the caso. The medal will be presented at the city council meeting on Monday evening to Mr. Foster by Mayor Mow- at. 2 STRIKING MEXICANS. Killed = Forty-Five Americans, Yesterday. i Tacoma, Ariz, June 2. Forty-five Americans were shot and killed at La Canea, Mexico, forty-five miles from the international line, yesterday, The wholesale murder was committed by striking Mexicans, after Col. William Cs Greene, president of the Greene Consolidated Copper company had finished a speech to the Mexicans, try- ing to pacify them, - After living upon the Americans, with whom they were no longer to compete, they hegan to set five to the city, and to dynamite the vast works of the Green Consolidated company, Everything is in pandemonium. he Mexican officers are exérting them: selves to stop the riot and bloodshed, Twenty Mexicans are reported killed, HH is said the city is deomed. tee te. THE SUSPECTED ENGLISHMAN Ar-- Released--Ball Abandoned, Owing to Mourning. London, dune. 2.-#he correspondent of the Central News, at Madrid; wires that. Robert Hamilton, the English- man arrested, yesterday, on suspicion that he was an accomplice of she archist who threw a Bomb at King Alfonso, was releascd this morning, Banilion proved to be a mere. tour. se. ,an- In General Mourning. Madeid, June 2.--The killed by the bomb-throwine. on May 8lst, now number twenty-four. The ball which was to have been given at the palace this ovening, has been abandoned; ow- ing to the general mournine. and a re- ception hes been substituted. The street fetes continbe. The royal hull fight will takeplace this afternoon. . A ------------. x Josahine Terranova, the Talian girl who admitted Alling her aunt and | mnole in New York, was found not guilty, Russian nihilists, it is 'alleged, have ite, i been Plotting the assassination. of ent Roosevelt, * Buy Packer's tar soap at Gibson's Re ug sore "arrived this afternoon from Charlotte, with coal for. Booth, The new seats for the rear of St. a were being placed 1a Be lay. A fire occurred near Fredericksburg, completely destroying a Two well-known Wolfe Islanders got into a little fracas last evening and kelihood apg the trouble will in all 'li Nock the : ® new gymnasium at Quoen's is FH ly, the stone foundations being now akove the level of the groun Already the Folger company has booked a large number of Sunday school picnics for the summer, Bro: phy's Point still retains its populari- last evemng, | number on ty _for such gatherings, Mrs. Charles Cahoon died on May 30th, at Picton, after an illness of about one week. She was the daugh- ter of J.P, Thorne, proprietor of the Royal hotel, and leaves a husband and two young children. : The Trusts and Guarantee com: pany, limited, Toronto, are the exe entors named in the will of Mrs. Mar. garet Quigley, of Oshawa, who died a short time ago, leaving property situ- ated in and around Oshawa. On June th 14th, the- Young Pegples' Society of Grace Church, Gananoque, will run the first excursion of the sea. son from Kingston to Brockville. The venture is an amual affair with {he young peovle of the Factory Town. Citizens have remarked on the hand- some decoration of the Kirkpatrick fountain in front of the cotrt house, The surroundine lawns are also in ext cellent condition and the whole 'square composes ~ sight of unsumassed pleas. antness to the eve. City Seavenaer Attwood stated, this morning, that in his four vears' ex- perience in the employ of the sitv, he has never seen the markets hetter kent than to-dav. This is a feather in the can of the local police, a8 they looked after thinos his morning, The valuable property located posite the Convent de Notre Dame, corner Johmson and Bagot streets, has been sold by Swift's real estat agency to W. J. Mahood. The same agency has sold the stone dwelling No. 21 Bagot street to a loeal 'party. St-- PERSONAL MENTION. Movements Of Ths Peop'e What They Are Saying And Doing. D. J. McKinnod left this morning for Watertown. . Li. L. Playfair expects to go up to. Hamilton on Monday. : A Carson, - who has been quite ill, is somewhat improved. Miss Blanche Wilson, ill at the Gen- eral Hospital," is recovering quite nicely, Allan B. Laing, Queen's medical sta. gent, leaves Monday for his' home in Dundas. The session of Cooke's "opi urch will attend the funeral of the late James ) Monday, in/a body §, on Mr. Cyril Knight. wi day, for New Ontorth, where he will refain probably until November. Max Mi, in the foponrraphi-al survey department, Ottawa, has gone on a G.T. P. survey party to Muri! toha. Isaac Allen, Mississippi, in the city to-day, leaves on Tuesday for Edmon- ton, He takes a car load of horses along. Gordon Merrick, son of H. Merrick, post office inspector, has entered the local branch of the Bank of Montreal a8 junior clerk, J. 8. Craig, Kingston, for some time connected with the Merchants Bank staff, Athens, has been transfer- red to Brandon. Miss Ross Spoorier, nurse-in-training: in St. Luke's hospital, Ottawa, is at her home, "The Elms," Glenburnie, for four 'weeks' vacation. The marriage of Miss Dora Conner, daughter of T. L. Conner to Eueene Wright, both of Waupoos, took place at Kingston, on Mav 28th. J. M. Sherlock has resioned his position - as choirmaster of Carlton Street Methodist church, Toronto, which he had held for seven vears. Miss' Hubbard has entered the em- ploy of the street railway company, which is increasing its office staff to meet the demands of the increased summer traffic, Martin O'Brien, for years the man- ager of large hotels in Canada and the United States. has been appointed manager of the Queen's hotel, Mont- real, and has assumed the duties of his mew position. / CABINET CHANGES. S------------ Hon. Mr. Fitzpatrick Was Sworn in To-Day. Ottawa, June 2-~Poday, . Hon. Charles Fitepatriek will, by Justice Sedgewick, bé sworn in as chief jus- tice of the supreme court. Hon. A. B. Aylesworth will succeed him as minis- ter of justice, and Hon. Rudolphe |e widx will be postmaster-general. Oth- or cabinet changes will be announced before long. Escape Of A Bon-Constrictor. The escape of a boa-constriotor irom da travelling menagerie, has caused great excitement in the towns of Kor enburg and Klosternburg, near Vien- na. The' reptile escaped in Korenburg, and is supposed to have made its way to the woods that fringe the Dan- ube. The town is placarded with warn- ings against entering these woods. As it is thought the snake may have swam aeross. the Danube, Klosternen- burg, on the other side of the river, is placarded. and excurionists from Vien- na are Afraid to enter the woods, there. A reward of £40 has been offer-, ed for the boa-constrictor, dead or alive, ---------------- 2 Farm House Burned. On Thursday ovening the farm resi- dence of Wilham Watier, near the head of Wolle Island, was burned with furniture and contents. The insurance { To the laughing question book of the colonies for the schools, ed po 3 | -------- 2 Several 'Farmers' Came Under the Cluteh 4! the Law and Were Fined for Forestalling--Police Started Right. farmers on this morning € 4s the market clerk ?" rather decided forestalling were brought into police court by Police Constable Arnel. H. , Napanee, answered charge with "guilty," and was fined $3 and costs. *The second wrongdoer, in commit- ting an offence against the by-law, was A, B. Shewell, a Cataraqui gar- dener, who pleaded "not omilty." The farmer who sold the goods and Police Constable Arniel, who made the ar- rest, gave the convictine evidencas, which induced the" fine of $3 and costs. Thus $10 tigkled into the civic strong box. ' It seems the way the scheme is run is, these men made purchases of vege- tables, before the reculation hour, ten o'clock. order of the buyer to the gros: The a they should be doliver #l as soon after the clock struck ten as possible. When delivered they were 10 be resold. In case of Shewell, it was a bag of potatoes which cost him #0 dear. While the police are running things on the square, they are determined to as far ag possible have the hy-laws carried gut, Ha gE wa ---------- "HE ASKED PAPA. But jn the Operation He Got he oe Rattled. ippi 'a Mi . dit He Tal Daan, that ho igh "ask papa," and he had plann to do-it in these words : "1 dare that you know, Mr, oka, has 1 have been paying your laughter, Madge, marked attention of late, ay I now I have come to ask her | in marriage. I know that 1 am a poor man, but I am an honor able one, and I am not afraid to work, We are willing to fight the bat- tle of life as bride and bridegroom, pilgrims of life together. I love your daughter devotedly, and 1 have come to ask your consent to make her my wife." - That sounded all Figne when he read it for the fiftieth time from the sheet of paper on which he had writ ten it; but this was what he really said when he stood before Mr. Rocks, with his teeth chattering and beads of, sald perspiration on his brow : ee are say that----that is, Mr. Rocks, l--I--vyour daughter, Madge has heen paying me marked attention--er, no. I have been pay- ing her marked attention, and I--1 ----we are willing to fight----er" the battle of life--I mean that your daughter seeks my hand in marriage, er. 00 Il geek her hand and=- and--1 love you=--er mo, youp daughter secks my hand in marriage, er no J----I----seek her hand and-- and----1 love you----er me, your daughter, I mean sho----she----that is I-----I----- have come to ask your cons nt to be my wife----that is J-- love vou devotedly--mno, 1 mean that love her--and she-- she--1 trust 1 make my meaning clear, sir." -- WHAT IS DIET ? ---- To a Large Class it Means Plenty to Eat. Brooklyn Fagle. Yet there is 4 certain class that goes on its way unheeding. It does not even know that diet is under dis- cussion and possibly does not care what diet is, so long as one can eat - The members of this class hréakiast on flapjacks and sausages; thev lunch on soups and roasts and pio and heer; they dine on corned beef, cabbage, milk, toast and pickles; they cat ban- anas and peanuts in the cars; they have a couple of Welsh rabhi before going to bed; when ndt busy they will eat sandwiches and candy to fill in the time and an aching void, and if théy please to butter their water- melon they batter it, and it is no- body's business. And this large and fortunate class is practically the whole American people, Onlv the sick man needs to think of his diet, and few of us will forego terrapin and tea. if we are invited. -------------- LATE SOCcAL NOTES. Mr. Travers Hora came back, this afternoon, from the "far north." Miss Florence Bouck is back in town. - . - - Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crawford will go up to Hamilton, next Wednesday, to be present at the marringe of her nephew, Mr, Danzell Hickey. oh gE Oy J. 0. Hutton and wife went up to Picton today. Colonial Text-Book Wanted. Preaching at the City Temple on be- half of the Colonial Missionary So- ciety, Dr. Horton seid there was no- thing better that they could give the colonies than the principle of Puritan- ism; there was nothing more vital than the religion built four-square om tho New Testament, and acknowl- ing no wisible authority. The board of education, he ted might be asked to provide a text. and a similar text:book might be adopted for Sunday schools. ¥ ----bre---------- A voung named Dufour, son of Alfred Dufour, 174 Bridge street, Que- bee, met with a swift and suddm death while repairing an electric light on the roof of 4 building. Conscription takes plave in Russia annually between November 1st and mber 15th, and those required to Somplete the active army are chosen, by lot. The Allan steamer Pomeranian ar- rived at Montreal at 10:15 a.m. Ildorton, Ont., was visited serious fire on Friday night, ; Earl Grov.deft Toronto, for Londom, this morning, by a in the: British-American company, 3690, was only a fraction of his loss, which wil] he severely felt. The ori: gin of the fire is unknown, Yon cannot help this world by hid: + FEAR AT THE MAR- of many s market, has come answer. Two cases of opens, on July lst. $$ Fabrics > Creams will be in the front ranks of th terials for summer dresses. rue, they my, charm you. : Now, Monday will be the righ you'll have more time and so will we earlier the r, : x Some you'll find :-- Cream Serges, per yard, 49, 55, 60 and 7 Cream Lustres, per vard, 49, 59, 75 and "i, Cream Figured Lustres, five designs, per "SQ Come Cream Eolicnne, per yard, 75 and hr PH Cream Bedford Cord, per vard, 49, - Cream Albatross Cloth, per yard, % 5. Whites Come Second Here --Not According to Fashion, White PR's, per yard, 124, 15, 18, 20,|/White Linen. Waistings, made with the White India Linons, per yar 25, 30 and 3861010 i same splendid thread but finer, some 20, 25, 30, 32, 35, 10 45 'White Linen Suitings, made with that, intended especially for em- 69 Ss ials foo Skiv . Whi! tl hx peculiar and valmble firm round) broidering, per yard, 35, 40, PK e PN. of the py | \ wight, very popular twisted thread which adds so great-| 45, 49, 59, 65 and ly to the wearing and laun- Ld % 65 mc Satin Drill, per yard, 124, 15, White Satin Drill; ' and 17c. weight per yard, 17 dering qualities, per yard, 40, -- JOHN LAIDLAW & SON JOHN LAIDLAW & SON - « 45, 49, 55, 539 and Valanciennes Lace It's an, obligation we hold ourselves finde ta' give Kingston wemen the newest and daintiest in fine Jaces! An important assortment which we rely upon to hilp very materially to that end will he ready for Monday choos- ing. To adequately describe the min- ute beauty of the laces in this latest importation is impossible. Just come 99; a / 65 and Tx 35 and ic, Though realize the saving of time, trouble and money, to be accomplished by baying their children's {wear all ready made up, we would be happier "and so would they. We cordially invite all mothers to come on' Monday and see the pretty little dresses Inthe Imitation Valancieanes. we'll and headwear we'll then show. Prices must show many pleasing designs, priced |please you--they are very numerous--and according to width from 13 to 15¢.leach fits the quality it represents. A special : yard. Children's © Lawn Dress, with fine French eyelet work, square cut neck trimmed with French Valenciennes lace, full sleeves with fine tucks and eyelet work; skirt bere | 65 . and sec--even if you come only to see. And in the Real French Valanciennes| Insertions and Fdgings, the newest! and daintiest effects; from 4 to 23c. yard. of two very 'deep eyelet ¥ worked flounces; Monday ... ---- JOHN LAIDLAW & SON -- -- . 99¢., 1.25, 1.49, 1.75, 2.50 and up tol Embroideries |." | 35, 45, Children's Wash Print Dresses, of fin-| pretty, at 25, and 1.25. 0) a, ~-------- JOHN LAIDLAW & SON ~-- JOHN LAIDLAW & SON - - Good Moderate Prices Now-a-days it is possible 'to choose 'good cor- sets--c orsets which fit the nat- ural line. of the figure perfectly -- corsets which give good honest wear and satisfaction-- Almost Any Price You'll need hiosts of White Waists this sammer. They are to be very fashionable, 'and this fact, coupled with the thought of cool comfort during warm sultry davs, will make them mare popular than 'ever, We have one of the most exten- sive assortments in the city. Novel- ties from one entire factory are here on display. And what is the fost pleus- t moderate pleas- ing of all, perhaps, is the long price a P range, from 75¢. to $4 50 : but we can Corsets such as' described you'll describe ouly the following favorites : find here. Not only one or two styles but many styles from which can be found a perfect fit for any figure, Some of the favorites :-- Soh X73 White Waist, of fine lawn, with front 6f two 'rows of spot lace insertion with embroidery insertion between Corsets, at 50, 75, 1.00 of finost sl embroider ands t side tucks te bust, tucked hack and deep-tucked but- trimt and four rows 'of fine tucks; back neatly tucked and hemstitched cufis and collar, a very popular 9% . ' . Crompton's waist, Monday special only... - and 1.25. (Exactly as illustration.) at 5c. and 1.00 handsomely embroidered front with fan Buia a . . we 1nsertio Nursing Corsets, in one special lin: 1 49 i . ace colar { open Nursing corsets, in all sizes 1 00 toned cufis, Monday "............ lace sulla Loui © from 17 to 28%, Manday each "* | A ) with two elusters of tucks, with deep and serviceable every-day D. & A. Corsets, two Monday specials White Waist, of fine sheér lawn, with White Waist, the celebrated 'Comfort' short sleeves, lac - : 2 CIVIC FINANCE COMMITTEE wor cowrres | Hospital Governors. f A meeting of the civic finance com- ' 4 2 mittee was held, last evening. The city 'treasurer reported that the in- creased foes which the city would get from the liquor licepses this year would be 82.700. To this, however, will be added a proportion of the British-American hotd license, 'which will be granted when the hostelry We have scoured the North 'can 'continent to obtain the best The 'question of increased grant to the general hospital, in order to maid- tain . the infectious disehse isolation wards, was discussed. It was decided to ask the general hospital governors, who meet on Monday afternoon, to appoint a committee, with full auth- ority to present their views, to meet the civic finance committee and discuss the question thoroughly. The city with an extra $2,700 at its disposal, is now n a pésition to make increased grants to charitable institutions, though it hasn't a barrelful to hand around. are selling at $3.50. If you are after the best 91 shirts in. | i: 'P.S~We sell Travelling Bags of all kinds ing from it. town, they are hero. The H. D. Bibby Co. . : all prices. v e Popular ma- place to 'white, but anyone who does not "| le secon] latter, will find by far the best substitute jn goo the the numerous pretty creams. Ome ane of ar assortment has been popular all seqson d are gratified. But we realize that Past meritg wl we suffice--so we have gathered a eilloetion of sump fabrics which we are sure will utter]. her Cream t day to choose Cream San Toy Cloth, Per yard, goo Co ng Summeer Wash Dresses and Hats apg Bonnets for the Children If the mothers. of Kingston would only Others in fine White Lawn, at 59, 75,|Children's Bonnets and Hats | White Embroidered Silk Bonnets, very Hundreds of designs with inser- est, Eaglish print, with Jong waistz| Perak ey it p a idths,| and Iu Sleeves and skirts, ite Embroidered Lawn Bonnets, at toneto match--in" all 'wanted width or in Russian style, each . 15, 25, 35, 49, 59, 69, 75 and . : 3 ol 63 op aaah aia | They come direct from St. Gall, UE susitrise gin {White Silk od al 75 i mn i ¥ nh {White Silk and Lavan Hats, at 75, 9, Switzerland, this year. For just tkis Childrens Lisle Speier. Tn casss, | 1.25, 1.49 and 1.75. fact you are sure of the latest and with bodies of white. lawn, 1 [Boys Linco Wash Hats, 55 sd Toe best. Prices now run from, 3c. to 1.00 very popular, each 1.25 1 ro ' a yard and a . 'Boys' Silk "Tam Hats, 99 and 125. Corsets atWhite Shirt' Waists for Summer at Qur window is filled with the v ice. a . ferent styles we have at taat pric Monday Amongst 3 then; the d, 12 and | Me 69,0 % Tater Men's Shoes at $3.50 Ameri valuein a.man's $3 50 shoe 'and we have got it Nothing can equal the shoes we dif iad variety large enough to suit all tastes THE LOCKETT SHOF STORF and at { wiped away 1 fetched my | Baint-reducin At present | mantic mtere: shimmering mory Bay, on on the west bay offers sh fishermen off the Isle of Ms At that poi is on for tree ed, bas lain for more thar A halo of surrounds the t have gone of Florence, ship of the S Legend has that year a 1 Florentia, in storms and rd until possible her refuge in the Tobermory According 1 on boar money. lhe were starvin, the Mc Leans, In retum § tiation, th, 00 men to a Scotland, wh &word's poin He was also ge sum of would assist This promi show the antity of bw vessel wg able that sh b entire Ay The 100 me ed in defeat] were aiterwa ie ship, bw officers ga h paid. They also tains, Dona board the Bgroed upon, armed hip During the Clean dise Poder mag, Dn Beware of | That Bs me réury ig of sme Whrough the Articles shoy Rrescrint tons the damn 0 the good from then, factureg hy h CONtains taternally. u wm mucous buying Hui) et the gene Take a) fon,

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