Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Jun 1906, p. 7

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REEN Tea eration of any king. , 50c. and 60c. per 1b, At A D, ST. LOUIS, 1904. 1! Grocers RED SEVENTY.FivE SELL ~ rs in Canada this ing. sof the deliveries of any ated a great deal of talk. 'y are in the hands of 'rince Edward Island ip nbia in the west. touch with these owners, > that we request you, if desirous of getting AT e performances cf these Who Owns One." rue and booklet--"Mak- hese explain the features ve made these cars so the cars we tested out ian roads were right. confirm this view. If f, we will gladly supply Touring Car, . $1,300 ring Car, . 31,500 der Touring Car, $2,500 obile Accesssories. Catalogue. SS38S388858y Motor Company, En, peg,. Vancouver. urne, Australia. POPPY PEPPIPES LES ITERS MACHINES : Repaired @ 171 Wellington - St. 3 FPP PH3I5S € had OF CANADIAR SORTH.WEST HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS bered section of Domin- AnY an Bani tohe or the North- fon Me ovinces, excepting 8 and 26, not may be homesteaded 'upon by pwerveds n who is the sole bead of a any or any mi over 18 years of ily, the extent of one-quarter sec- tiop. of 160 acres mors or en hs ade personal Entry must bY Fthe district in which jut jo IAD DUTIES A settler who ESTE. TIES : r HOMESTEAD D an entry for a bou.e Jean fount to perform tad .om- o connected therewith under 01 of ad following plans : At least six months residence upon MD itivation of the land in each year » the term ol three years. 11 the father (or wether, if the is deceased any - person who is ble to make a homestead entry un- lig provisions of this Act, resides det afar in the vicinity of the land Leh for by such person as a home- : d, the requirements of this Act as to fesiden ance prior to obtaining patent may satisfied by such person residing with a fither or mother. 8) J! the settler has his permanent idence upon farming land owned by qs in the vicinity of his homestead, the uirements of this Act as to residence - pe satisfied by residence upon the may land 3% PELICATION FOR PATENT should FN at the end of three'years, bhe- the Local Agent. Sub-Agent or the d Inspector. fommtead nao anvlications for patent petiler must give mx wonths' notice be riting to the Cominissioner of Do- minion Lands at Ottawa, of his intention OF CANADIAN: NORTH- MINING REGULATIONS. soul.--Coal lands may be purchased at or acre 'for soft coal and $20 for sthrucite. Not more thao 820 acres cun pe soyuited by one individual or cow- my. Hoyalty at 'the rate of tun cents per ton of 2,000 . pounds shall be collected on the gross output. : Quartz.--A free miner's certificate Is granted upon payment in advance of 25 per annum for an individual, and from $50 Lo $100 per annuin for a cows any according to capital. A free miner, having discovered mineral place, may, locate a claim 1.,500x1, t. he. feo for recording a claim is $5. At least $100 must he expended on the faim each year or paid Lo the mining re- corder in lieu thereof. When $500 has posn expended or paid, the locator may, won having a survey made, and upon complying with other requirements, pur chase the land at $1 an acre. The patent nrovides for the payment of royalty of 24 per cent on the sales. PLACER minine claims gencrally are 00 feet square : entry fe $5, renewable I miner may obtain two leases to dredge for gold of five miles each fora 'erm of twenty years, renewable at the discretion of the Minister of the Interior. The lessce shall have a dredge in oper- ption within one season from the date of he loaves for each five miles. Rental, $10 ver annum for each mile of river leased Royalty at the rate of 24 per cent collect. od on the output after it exceeds $10,000 W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior N.B--Unauthorized publication of this advertisement will not be paid for. SEALED TENDERS ADDRE to the unders gned and endorsed er der for Lirédging St. Mary's River Sault Ste. Marie, Ont." will be received at this office until the 13th day of June, 1906, inclusively for dredging in. the St. Mary's River at Sault Ste. Morie, Ont., secording to a plan and combined specifi- ation and form of tender to be seen at te office of J. G. Sing, Esq., Resident Fagiseer, Confederation Life Building, Toronto, on annlication to the *ost- master at Sault Ste. Marie, District of Algoma, Ont., and at the Department of Public Works, Ottawa. Persons tendering ure notified that ten- ders will not be considered unless made on the printed form supplied, and signed ¥ith their actual signatures. Each tender must be accompanied by an accepted cheque on a chartered hank made payable to the order of the Hon: ourable the Minister of Public Works, for $x thousand dollars ($6,000.00), which will be forfeited if the person tendering decline to enter into a contract when called upon to do so, or if he fail to complete the work contracted for. If the tender be not accepted the cheque will be returncd The Department does not bind itself to SSED - "ateent the lowest or any tender. By order, FRED. GELINAS, Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, May 22, 1906, Newspapers insertine this advertise meot without authority from the De- partment, will not be paid for it. GASOLINE Put in your tank at our dock. AJarge stock of Dry Bat- teries, Spark Plug and Coils always on hand. SELBY & YOULDEN LIMITED. At Strachan "s Hardware te TU Uplown Bicycle Depot Jones, 293 Princess Street. Iter carey) lecti Comparison of al eet vn of goods and s, I have in stock an UNIgent of high' grade Wheels 'of Parcs Sonstruetion, and natty ap- » and at ie 3 > ih SATISFYING, oth . ENTIC bougy "20, inspect. t and sold. Er -------- Wm, Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. Sew Carriages, Cutters, Harness ete, for sale. of Horses Every Saturday Second hand wheels ~ Hot Weather . HEADACHES Tablets, powders, drugs, of any kind: will. NOT cure they never reach the CAUSE of the headache. What causes headaches? blood, always. . If the bowels are constipated-- If the kidneys are weak-- If the millions, of pores of the skin are not active-- There are bound to be headaches. Thu aliny Or "FRUIT Liver Tapers" cure headaches because they cure the cause of headaches. They do not drug the nerves. They go to the root of the trouble, invigorate and strengthen the liver and increase the flow of bile into the bowels, which cure constipation. Act directly on the kidneys, heal all' kid- ney irritation. Act on the skin, stimu- late and open the pores. With: bowels, kidneys and skin all healthy and working in harmony, the blood 1s kept pure and rich and there can be no headaches, FRUIT-A-TIVES --combined b secret process with tonics and intestinal antiseptics. soc. a box or 6 boxes for $2.50. Sent on receipt of price if your druggist does not handle them FRUIT-A-TIVES LIMITED ~~ = OTTAWA. Poisoned Cook's Cotton Root Compound, The great Uterine Tonic, and only safe effectual Mon Regulator on which wonen can depend. Sold in three egree: 10 degrees stronger, $3; N fc. special cases, per Sold by all dru repaid "00K MEDICINE C0., TORONTO, ONT. (formerly Windsor, Sly Ex-President of the Royal College of urgeons, Ireland, For Infants, Invalids, And The Aged. ! GOLD MEDAL, headaches. Simply because | are pure fruit juices | ds X. sts, or sent on receipt of price. | ree pamphlet. Address : he | | | | thy | f h--N 1; N % | trength--No. 1, ; No. of strength + is | 0d that which lies upon || the table of the greatest deliberative 7" v4 FIRST PARLIAMENT OPENING IN OTTAWA WAS | GRAND AFFAIR. Prince Consort's Own Rifles There : With Lord Cecil--Two Days' Ceremonial -- Mace Symbol of | War Club of Middle Ages. | J. E, B. McCready gives some re- | miniscences of the First Dominion Parliament in the June Canadian | Magazine. The opening was a grand affair to the men from the cast, al { though Lord Monck was the plainest | and least ostentatious of all our gov- | ernors-general since the union of 11867, Ottawa was a garrison town | then, and the officers of the Prince Consort's Own Rifles were present, in- | cluding Lord Cecil, brother of the late | Marquess of Salisburv and many oth- {er scions of the British nobility, their | rich uniforms spangled A with medals adding lustre to the scene. The two |days' ceremonial of opening was a | new feature to the maritime men. And | then there were the mace and the won THE DAILY WHIG, SATURDAY, JUNE French The understood it very well. Thus the first question debated in the parliament of the dominion was the interminable one of the dual language system. There were some sngry mut terines from the French members, but Mr. Cockburn was at one. declared elected and escorted to his chair. There. standing, he made the presorib- ed acknowledement, and the Sergeant- at-Arms, 1). W. Macdonnel, placed the mace on the tgpble. So the first house of commons was organized and comsti- tuted, 3 ------------------ Table Advice. Among the forbidden speeches at ta- ble should be: I do not like that," save Table Talk. "And if, from any personal idiocrynerasy, a child is real: ly unable to eat a certain dish, ip which others indulge with impunity, he may be trained to pass the fact by in science and to feel that his peculi- arity is a misfortune, not a virtue," The highest inhabited place in the world is the Buddhist monastery of liaine, in Thibet, which is situated ahout 17,000 feet above sea level, It would be much easier to tell the truth if it were breaking a command- ment. coal trade, has been turned into An.erica. "AN EXCELLENT FOOD, =e | derful genuflexions™ of the Usher of the admircbly adapted to the } Black Rod, Mr. Kimber. No provin- Wants of Infants." jis legislature. east ol Sukie ever Sim Citad A a sp. | |58W a mace. Canada had long ago : = 0 a 2 Saupe aBuy A.D.yj {adopted it. (An earlier mace was cap- y 7 of Chemistry, 1 j tured by the American invaders when [Little York (Toronto) was sacked and {burned in 1813, and is now preserved las a trophy at the United States Nga {val Academy, Annapolis, Maryland). | The mace formed a subject for enquiry land speculation. There it was, a Copy |we are told of {assembly in the world. A ponderous | club' of wetdl; its bdy of silver cover: {ed with gold, and its top surmounted {with an orb and crown. Indeed, it had [cost £800 sterling. The mace, we are told, though modelled afted the war- club of the middle ages. is the sym-' bol of the power and prerogatives of parliament. It is related to the sceptre of kings, and even to that of Jove (himself, and bv which he sometimes swore a tremendous oath inviolate to gods. The functions of thé mace, in WOMAN'S EXHIBITION, London, 1900. DR. BARNARDO says i~-- ' We have already used Neave's Food in two of our Homes (Babies' Castle and the Village Home), and d have no hesitation in saying it has proved very satis ctory."-- July 27th, 1901. USED IN THE Russian Imperial Nursery. the language of Haversham Cox, "he fit that ancient symbol of the author ity which is associated with so many seventful Missaoes in Enclish history, and which was never yet insulted with mpunity, but when liberty received a wound," And yet some of the Nova Scotian Antis 'made light of it. "What {is it for ?"' was asked. '""I'he mace ?* réplied Dr. Forbes, of Queen's; "Oh, 1 sunnose it is to sive spice to the pro ceedings !" We did not then known {what we all know now so well, that {without the mace there can be no real parliament, and that it is so sa redly insepatable from Mr. Speaker, that to pass between him and it durin~ g sit | Munsters :--JOSIAH R. NEAVE & CO. Fordingbridge,! England. -- Wholesale Agents--TH LYMAN BROS, & CO., Limited, Toronto, and LYMAN, SONS & CO., Mon- treal. The Wornout Nerves, "The Weak Heart, The Tired Brain, The Wasted Strength. What a multitude of women there are who feel that these words exactly suit their case. From early morn until late at night Yop Save Lotus 1h go; yout nad outy attending to the daily household duties, looking after the wants of her children and spending'the rest of her time attending to social and church work. Is it any ler then that sooner or later there comes & collapse? The action of the heart becomes weak and palpitating, the nerves become unstrung, the brain fi in a whirl half the time the usual force of vitality is lacking. It is at this time a woman should look after herself. If she does not, serious female disorders may set in and Sten cause wi months years of plessness EY iahom suffering. What she wants is something to build up her system. For this purpose there is nothing to equal MILBURN'S HEAR AND NERVE PILLS They are the women's friend in every sense of the word. - They will strengthen the weak heart, fone up the shaky, starved nerves, make the brain clear, and iid Mrs. George on, N.8., writes: "I Wad proatly troubled with weak and dizzy spel down I could not attend to my h ting would be parliamentar- sacrilege, Fortunately no man has Wt ever ven tured to do so, and the fates only | know what would happen if one did. | On the first day of the opening, af [ter returning from the senate, whither it seemed. they had heen called in vain, |came the election for speaker. This formality as carried out was then a novelty to the men from the east. The members were in their allotted places, ministers and opposition leaders con. | fronting each other and the clerk, W. {B. Lindsay. at the table. Sir John | Macdonald arose, the first to speak i acdonald a e to speak in the new parliament, he had done so {much to create. He addressed the |elerk, who arose and silently pointed his finger at Sir John. The latter in |a few complimentary words, nominat {ed Hon. James Cockburn, of North umberland, as aker. When he was | seated, Hon. George EF. Cartier arose {and addressed the clerk, "who arose land extended a digit as befora, re- | maining' standing and pointing, while | Mr. Cartier. speaking in French, brief: 1 Iv seconded the nomination. I+ seemed ithire was to he no other nomination, |and the clerk was about to declare Mr. Cockburn elacted;, * Already Sir {John and Mr. Cartier had stepped | briskly but into the open snace before their desks to escort the sneaker-clect | to his throne. when suddenly {from the back bench | sneaking in French, | was the voice of a voice on the right, called a halt. It Joseph Dufresne, of | Montcalm, who objected that Mr, | Cockburn did not speak the lanouace |of the people of this province, and in- sisted warmly that the speaker ho con- | versant with both the Enclish and | French lanvugoes, Wr, Cartier replied in French in 5 conciliatops... toe that y duties. I bought two boxes of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills and after them I found that my trouble had passed away. Iam now strong and healthy in." Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are dealer does not handle them, send to The Milbura Co., Ltd., Toronto, In England one person goes to law, as against one in every ing offi in ltigation great. . : . You lift no one up by looking down your nose. box or 8 for $1.25. If your 50 cents per or 3 for § dot | in 11,000 | 3,000 in' 1823 "and' in Canada the fall- | is almost 'as | | | f thourh Mr. Cockburn not sneak Sore Lungs We want everybody who has a hard cold in the chest to use Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Our long experi- | § efice with it, over sixty years, tells | § us there is nothing its equal for | | coughs, colds in the chest, bronchi- | | tis, hoarseness, sore lungs, weak | § throats, and" weak lungs. Ask your doctor about this. , EEETIL IAN Lodrio The famous seven-masted scho , largest vessel flying the American flag, and formerly used in the petroleum in bulk. It is the larg est sailing vessel ever {in Norway, from oner Thomas W. Lawson, the an oil ship and will transport built in MARCHING BY THE STARS. As' onomy as Study for Officers in Army. Practical astronomy will shortly be- come a part of the education: of army officers holding any command from a company upwards. The English army council has decid- ed to establish an observatory at Al- dershot, and contractors ar¢ now busy erecting the building. The site chosen is in the south camp, near the head- quarters offices, ¥ When the building is completed powerful telescope will he mounted, and the study of stars will bevin in earnest. The observatory will be "in charge of the roval engineers, and it is expected that officers will assemble periodically for "instruction. Astronomical observations are of great importance in warfare by night, and Sir John French has already giv en it as his opinion that the import ant military operations of the future will be performed in darkness. It will bo remembered that Tord Wolseley was ~uided by the stars when he made his famous march to Tel-el Kebir. The number of officers in the service who could perform a 'similar work with any accuracy is at present comparatively small, CHINESE AND MEXICANS. 'Celestials Have Advantages in Mexico. William Eleroy Curtis has a good opinion of the Chinese in Me ico, and writes : "The Chinese have an advan tage in Mexico that they cannot enjoy in the United States, in social rela- tions and intermarriage with the na- tives. The latter receive them on an equality, and their intelligence, indus- try, and kindly disposition make them admirable husbands. 'I hey do not beat their wives nor spend their wages for pulque. They are home-loving "and kind in their treatment of their wives and children, and as a rule a Mexican woman will accept a Chinese husband in preference to one of her own race. Hence almost every Chinese who has been in the country a year or two has a Mexican wife, who, naturally, pro- motes his happiness and contentment. Intermarriage is encouraged hy the authorities; a civil ceremony is sufhi- cient, and it is not necessary to go to a priest." The Chinese here are in dustrious, well behaved as a rule, and often marry women of the lower class, They make, as Mr. Curtis says, good husbands. The Indians and the Chi nese are probably, racially, cousins. -------------- Child Life In London. A London scientist a metropolis young sharp but net clever; that it destroys their chance of ever | clover, for it hastens the {of the brain unnaturally; it makes | them superficial, alert, put not obser- | vant: excitable, but without one spark of enthusiasm; they are apt to grow | blase, fickle, discontented; they gee { more things than the country-bred not. such, interesting thinos; child, but they do not properly see anything for time nor capa] savs that life in makes children often being development they have neither the city to get at the root of all the be- wildering objects that crowd them- selves into their little lives, ------ Continental School Holidays. The Russian school boy has the best time as regards holidays for the ody: cational authorities allow four wecks m spring, five weeks in summer, a fortnight in autunm, and a fortnicht In winter. In most other continental countries practically all the holidays are taken in the summer, only a very few days being granted for the New Year and Easter. In France the sum- mer vacation lasts from August lst to October Ist: in Austria, from July 15th to Septenibior 15th: in Greece, from August 1st to September 20th: July 5th to August 25th, and in Turkey, from the end of June to the middle of August, 4 8 MONTE CARLO LUCK AN ENGLISHMAN'S = SHAM BANK NOTES, Brought Him in a Nice Little Sum--A Conceited Croupier Makes 2,000 Francs for An- other Britisher. Having lost every cent of his ready money at the gaming tables, an Eng- lish visitor at Monte Carlo wired a pathetic appeal for help to a friend in England, Two days later he received a letter addressed in the friend's hand- writing, which on being opened re vealed a £3 note. Without pausing to read the letter, says Ward Muire in Chambers' Journ- al, our plunger hastened to Ciro's, the famous restaurant in the Galerie Charles 111. and changed his "fiver" into French money. From Ciro's he went straight to the casino, where, ex- periencing an extraordinary run of luek, he not merely retrieved all his previous losses, but gained a substan- tial increase into the bargain. Weary of play, he retired with a few cronies to Ciro's again to cele- brate the occasion. The usually genial M. Ciro met the Englishman at the entrance to his establishment with a flood of réproaches and upbraicings. The £5 note was bad. He waved it angrily in the plunger's face--mais oui, it was false, this £3 note ! The pluncer took the ecuilty "fiver" and scrutinized it carefully. It was one of the sham bank notes issued by the late Sir Augustus 'Harris and bearing on their face an advertisement of the Drury Lane pantomime. The Fnelish friend, himself as "broke" as the Monte Carlo plunger, had posted him the flagrantly. worthless hote as a joke--a joke which, had the plunger taken the trowble to examine the "fiv er" or read its covering letter, he would have seen only too clearly him self. It was fortunate that he did not do sc. He merely aid Ciro his £5, and, inviting the pacified \restaurenteur to share in the champagne pretended that the whole affair was an inten- tional witticism, The coneeit of 'a croupier who fond- ly imagined that he understood the English languaoe was instrumental in presenting another and far less ex perienced Britisher with ~~ 100 francs. This gentleman, handine a thousand franc billet to the croupier in ques tion, asked for plaques in exchange for it. Plaques are the laree five-louis gold pieces peenliar to Monaco. The croup- ier, fancying that the plaver had said "black" and was requesting him to place the note on the "black" com- partment of the cloth, did so up- observed, Black duly turned up, and the croupier politely handed 2,000 francs to the surprised Britisher. SOCIETY WOMEN ' Play Tip of African. Millionaire and Lose. London, May 31.--Several wealthy and fashionable women made a big plunge in Kaffir stocks recently. They reliécd on a tip from a South African millionaire who had made money for them on several previous occasions. Now they are lamenting and retrench- ing. i Several of them met at Lord qubar's party for King Edward this week and exchanged condolence, in which the king joined. But his majesty sought to excuse the millionaire, his friend, by reminding the fair specula- tors that the pitcher that goes often to the well gets smashed finally. Mrs. Adair was one of the party, beautifully dressed as usual and wear- ing a necklace of vari-colored jewels with a pendant which the Princess of Wales brought her as a present from India. Far- ---- The Experts Know. Before a class of the Y. M, C. A. Philadelphia, Joseph H. Appel, one of the cleverest advertising managers, spoke on' "Store Advertising." ""Mer- chandise is its own best advertise- ment. The purpose of store advertis- ing is not merely to sell oods, but to sell more goods--to u friends, build up a patronage that will not only stick, but grow. Newspapers reach the greatest number of people in the immediate vicinity, in the most natural way, at the least expense, and they are, therefore, the best of all mediums for stores. In a news- paper you follow the lines of least resistance--you flow with the stream you talk to an audience already as- sembled, to the people who want to read--their mental cosmos is right-- they are on your wire and théy won't ring off if you hold their interest." a -- Finger Badly Crushed. Latimer, May 30.--Rain is much needed in this vicinity. 'We are pleased 10 see Miss May Taylor so improved Pik health as to be able to be out af. ter her severe illness, ' Little Taylor Edwards had a finger joint dislocated; and badly crushed in the cogs of a wringer, one day this week. Mrs. R. Dixon, and little Denzal accompanied by her uncle arrived home on Satur- day. Mrs. C. 8S. Burteh, Jones' Falls, is spending. several days the guest of her daughter, Mrs. J. Taylor. Mrs. D. cFarlane is much improved in health. P, L. Edwards is just able sto move about alter quite a = siege of sciatica, ------ Women serve as the Russian, army. try of Europe is en to the sex. medical officers in In no other coun- such employment Like A Thief In The Night. { That's how. pain gomes. We sit near an open window, get stiff neck or sore back. Perhaps gol off too quickly after exertion- rheuma- tiem develops. Spend what you can't buy anything better than Pol- son's" Nerviline, "Its penetrating power enables it to reach deep tigsues--that's why it cures aches that all else can't touch. For outward application we guarantee five times more wrength than in anv other linimient. Inwrdly it's harmless and as sity wn the here: may, but money after to ease at onew, Don't accept a substitute, for Polsonjs Nerviline, which is the ome great household pan- acea of to-day. . pg gv py isos hs KNOWN BY NAME AND REPUTATION NO SIGN NECESSARY. ALWAYS LO COMPANY OFFICES | TORONTO, LONDON, HA MADE IN CANADA BY A CANADIAN COMPAN 3 Tes) lasing * ' PAGE SEVEN. OK FOR THE NAME Fie lesWelliarmié THE WILLIAMS MANUFACTURING CU. MONTREAL, P. Q. LIMITED, MILTON, OTTAWA, ST. JOHN, N. B. y AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE. every one; but above all comfort--that is the "D & like best, look at this make. \ A WON $250 for one tuber, months later the same gentlem "The yicld of the Eldkrado last, to F. 8. Beherrill, perimental Farms, year sell seed to your friends, One Ib. planted by us June SMITH BROS. DERFUL POTATO Most Enormous Cropper---Perfectly Blight Proof Double the erop off the same ground, and every one a sound one. duced in England in 1903 at $100 per 14 lbs; proof and enormous cropping features caused the greatest sensation, result- ing in record prices of all time, as high as $1,250 per lb. being paid, "20th last, raised 140 lbs. that year. of 800 to 1,200 bushels per acre common. Pure Seed Eldorados, 81 per Ib. Sold only by us in Canada. Send for list, containing history, photos of potatoes, che papers, ete: Also twenty-six other kinds. Box 35, Beachville, Ont., Members of Canadian Seed 3rowers' Association. Most corsets are made as some man thinks they should je~so they have style, usually, but little case. Here's 8 corset made on a woman's ideas--with tase paramount. Modish to a degree, every corset that bears the "D @& A" mark--well-made, whatever their price, . easy--comfort and comfort and again A" supreme merit. Ask your favorite store to show you the " D @& A "no matter what make you think you at 'Even so recently as' September last, when G. Massey sold 14 Ibs. * of Eldorados for £20 (8100), people weve amazed and England, making * the Would look very coat of look like new. Immediate shipment. THE CANADA METAL CO., 31 William St, Te YOUR SUMMER COTTAGE much brighter if given a "Sterling" Paint It is made from pure lead and oil and will stand both the sun and weather. A coat of this paint will stay bright and last longer than any ready- mixed paint on the market. A full stock of colors constantly on hand. TRY STERLING VARNISH STAINS "10 retouch your furniture; they will make it LEMMON & SONS 351 and 353 King Street Get our prices. Phone Main 1729, Intre- three months later its blight incredulous; yot three an reco ived a cheque for £1,400 (37,000) 14 1bs. of the same variety,"--Free Press (England), January 19th, 1904. potato the kind that brought, the. resord price, is reported to run from 150 to 300 lbs, from one Ib, of seed tubers." --Rural New Yorker, New York, January 14th, 1905, bn AKntroduced here by us in 1905 at $16 per Ib., Fldorado is Yopeating on a smaller scale the sensation it created in Ki prices of all time for the United States and ( Conpolly, Fishers, N.Y., 2 bbls. (230 1bs.) of Eldorados for $200 April 25th Jarvis street, Toronto, 40 lbs, for $10. many sales of 30 to 60 Ibs, made to the leading seed potato growerl. ete, in Canada and the United States. of the history of the truly wonderful potato. One Ib, planted now, within two vears will yield enough to plant. all the acreage you want. Every lh, planted now is worth $10. Plant now, next 'anada. April 30th, to S. J.- 'A great These are aware *Crops cks paid, extracts eighty-one

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