Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Jun 1906, p. 1

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a WA 774 A h that round great- 63 th the » SOmMe 69 LAIDLAW & SON --. = | gton Tweeds for the Outing Skirts T ? Of course you are. If not for a will ursions "and short trips, which ou to resist them. ar and away ahead for skirts for Just makes up most beautifully -- looks wel reezy freshness always. We refer to Tweed. n splendid showing of this fabric. Some lately added to, and we would strongly v skirts, especially for their sum- amine all. These three prices, per § AIDLAW & SON ---- Hosiery To-morrow ssary to do more in the way of re- you that this is Laidlaw's advertise: the best qualities to be offered next d come early, for lines will be brok- s, plain Cashmere Stockin of Ladies' black, weight, seamless foot, well shaped, extra al ' fine Hioht summer k | er] | | ) | | for to-morrow, per | EY -% tdhost | Others of the sam almos 5 | like a hisle, in f 0 : of in | creasing excellon from 33 to i | 90c.--at which la R | 1 re | have the genuine Ir <hae ) { --recognized by hig authority as cashmere perfection AIDLAW & SON -- d Lawn Bonnetsand Hats Such beauty and loveliness as has been Rb vorked into this headwear children tor only one way to appreciate it--by v and seeing it all. A summary i-- 1 White k | Children's' White 1: y Silk Hats, in m hd nobby styles, with | of trimmings t ) | "dren, at five { pric 3, 99, rv Boys" § Hats, he | "Tam" style, Me. ax ) SA SI 1ave scoured the North Amert- ent to obtain the best valuein 3 50 shoe and we have got it. ing can equil the shoes rat $3 50. x or vindow is filled with the dif les we have at tnat price, 3 h to suit all tastes. ge enoug 5 T SHOE STORE lling- Bags of all kinds and at REMOVAL / CA ty oth HY SALE OF All goods will be sold without reeerve. We will not remove any of our stock to the new store. Now is the time for bargains. Robt. J. Reid The Leading Undertaker 222 Princess Street, Two Doors Abave the Opera. House Telephone 577. . For Fishermen We have Rods, Line, Bait and everything else necessary for successful angling at any sea- son of the year. :: ov Come in and look things over-- wrices are very moderate and the quality of every article is high grade, Ct er goods other sports, too, ete, i: Angrove Bros., 88-90 Princess Street. We have sporting for Royal Insurance Co. Established 1845 LIFE DEPARTMENT Assprances in Force, $104: Assolsover - . - Expeuses only 81¢ per cent, of income. Profits to Policyhplders--The same ofits' have" een Tha for the past urty Years. Over 14,000,000, have been paid as profits altogether. last distribution in 1903, over 000 paid: Security to Policyholders At the $3,226, is not sur- passed by that of any office in the world. Liabilities valued at 3 per cent. interest. Expenses of Management are less pro- ately than any Life Company in fe and Strong British Office. ete, on application to Kingston & Rates, W.J.B. WHITE - = WHEN YOU WEAR Our Shoes you wear the best footwear. to be had in King- ston Wear **Allen's" Military Bootmakers Sign of Golden Boot. 84 Brock St. REWARD A LIBERAL REWARD FOR INFOR- t leading to finding of Wallace Ce son who left his' home near Secley"s Bay, on May 24th, and was last seen walking towards Gananoque description, 16 years old, tall and slim, feet 8 inches ; fair complexion, mole ler the right eyt ; was wearing a dark cloth cap, grey suit, with small white check ; no vest; black shoes. tet smb FARMERS INSTITUTE MEETING THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Front tc Farmers' Institute will be held at the Windsor Hotel, on MONDAY, urth of June. Wwence, at: 10.80 a.m. JAMES KNAPP, President Meeting to com- J. KNIGHT, Sec.-Tres. a --------------_ " FOR SALE--"ROSELAWN". Also will b= let farni-hed or wafarnished, desirable residence, beautiful grounds, ahout Si acres, conveniently situated, Union Bireet West, on the line of the Street Railway. hot i beating (new), electric light, te. «te, SEEJUNE B LLETIN. SWIFT'S REAL BSTATE AND INSURANCE AGENDY A ------------------ DIRECT FROM TURK I win 1 seful Furniture, Pe sr for all er foods. For trading, buying or selling Bo better place than Turk's Second-Hand Store 398 Princess Street. EE ---------------- "FOOLS ND HEROES" ------ Both Xinds Fill Pulpits, Says Preacher. New York, June 2. Deaji'De Witt, the Western Theological Seminary, Chicago, speaking on theological edu- "ation, last night, said : "Men are honest and men want to believe cortain truths. But there are } many uncertain founds from men high in the church that it takes two nds of men to go into the ministry to-duy--the fool or the hero. The first IS the. man who goes into the minis- because he cannot hold down any 'ther job and the other man who is afraid to say that he believes: in fifth of Jesus Christ. . 1his is no time to sine 'Onward, CheiMlian Soldiers," It is the time to "op and Hsten 'to orders from the "aptain and take his place in the rup- ted earthworks where attack will be made." YEAR 73. NO. 129. CREAT ~~ | Minden DAILY MEMORANDA. To ' Improve your appearance, ' Wear one of Campbell Bros. New Hats. Vegetables Growers', 8 p.m. ' Emergency 'of Minden Lodge, - Monday, p.m. General . Hospital Governors, 4 p.m., Monday. The sun rises Sunday at 4.21 a.m. and sets at 7.834 pau. Frontenac Farmer's Institute, a.m. Monday, Windsor Hotel, Concert, High Tea and Side of work at the opening of St. Luke's New Halli, on Thursday, June 7th. This day in history :--Armistic with Boers fails, 1900 : Ggrabaldi died, 1882: Prince Napolean kilied, 1879. ----i WHIG TELEPHONES. 248--Business Office. 229--Iditorial Rooms. 292--Jobbing Department DINNER SETS JUST OPENED Best English Maker, in pretty colors -- Green, Dove and Blue. Complete set, 97 PIECES with Bread and Butter Plates. For a short time, $4.75 ..ROBERTSON BROS.. 10.30 WAY, Canadian Furs Collectors, Exporters and Manufacturers Is McKay Fur House, Kingston, Ont, | A YY EMERGENT MEETING AN EMBRGENT MEETING Lodge, No. 233, G. R. C. be held in the. Lodge Room, Wellington St., on MONDAY, ' Jun ith, at one o'clock p.m., for the pRrpose of attend- ing the. funeral of our late W) ro James Adams. Members of Sister OF will Lodges are invited to be present . et By order of the W. M,, THOS. D. MINNES, Secretary. DR. ROBERT HANLEY, HAS RE- moved his office, to 1 We on St MILLIONS IN GRAFT. Sensajional Revelations in Affairs r of Mutual Life. New York, June. 2.~--Diclosures of grafting in the Mutual Life Insurance Co.. that are expgeted to amount to millions of dollars have been made by the grand jury. Money, it is claimed, was paid out on fake bills that were 0. K'd. hy the officers and passed hy the expenditure committee without in- vestigation, It is predicted will eolipse that the disclosures made by the Arm strong commitice. The supply de partment for the first four months of this vear' cost $45,000; while for the same - months in 1904, $620,000 was charged up to this department. Com- puted on this saving the total misap propriation is estimated at eight mil lion dollars those BROKER ARRESTED. In Connection With Kingston Co. Thefk, New York, June 2.--Henry C. Wade, a broker, was arrested on a warrant charging theit o f $775. Joseph Bagu- ley, the complainant, alleges that he paid the sum to Wade in an under- writing deal for the bonds of the On- tario Lumber Co., of Ningston, Ont. Baguley asserts he was acting for a Mr. Gordon, a member of the Cane adian parliament. The police allege Wade is treasurer of the Empire Bond & Security Co., and that he claimed to be about to place the bonds through the Imperial Trustee Co., of New Jersey, which came into public notice last February, when the presi- dent was arrested. ---------- On Tuesday there died at the homie of his son, H. 8. McLaughlin. Bal four, Paniel McLaughlin, aged cighty five years. In early life he married Margaret Miller, who, with their three sons, George A., South Bay, H. S.. Palfour, amd Stuart, Picton, survive Tenge. Frier, an old resident of the Ridge Road, Prince Fdward county, is me THERON Of The Spanish Military Victims. ARREST OF SUSPECT AN ENGLISH BANK CLERK IN CUSTODY, But Suspicions Against Him Are Baseless -- An Eleventh Hour Plot to Change Succession-- King Alfonso Prevented At- tending Funeral. Madrid, June 1.--The funeral of the military victims of the attempt on the lives of King Alfonso and Queen Vie toria took place at eight o'clock last evening. Alfonso wished to attend, but the ministers earnestly urging that it would be imprudent for him to do so, he was eventually dissuaded. Victoria's first public appearance 'as queen was to send beautiful wreaths that were placed upon the couns. The ceremony was in every way impressive and sympathetic, At the king's wish, the funeral cortege passed along the route taken by the wedding procession. Thus, through a forest of gaily twined masts, under festoons and garlands of roses, and through dense crowds of holiday makers, standing silent gnd bare-headed, passed the black coaches bearing the bodies of the victims. Ex- alted officers and high officig}s march- ed again along the processidn's route, wearing their review dress, the drums beating the long roll, and the trumpets sounding a lament. The king was represented by his chief of staff. Earlier in the afternoon, the funeral of the Marquese De Tolosa and her daughter, passed through the streets It was watched and followed by large sympathetic crowds. Te Deums for the escape of the sovereigne have been sung in many cathedrals and churches, Many 'public meetings have been held to protest against the outrage. A de putation of loyal Catalians, eager not to be associated with the suspicions cast upon their fellow, Catalians, vis- ited the palace. and congratulated their majestics upon their escape. The civil governor of Madrid, hold ing himself responsible for not pre venting the bomb-throwing, resigned, but the minister of the interior refus- ed to accept the resignation. Yesterday «afternoon King Alfonso went' to the hospitals where he visited those who had been wounded by the explosioff speaking a. few words. | sympathy and sorrow to each: He has ordered that pensions he paid the families of all the victims. So far as can he learned, the as- sassin has not been captured. The man, whose name is variously spelled Moran and' Morales, is regarded : as undoubtedly having been the actual bomb-thrower and the mysterious es- eape from No. 88 Calle Mayor, is an unending subject of conjecture. The property left in his room indicates that he had plenty of money, The theory had been started ip some quarters that it was not an ordinary anarchist outrage, but an eleventh hour plot to change the succession to the throne. An Englishman, named Hamilton, was taken into custody as a suspect, but the British. embassy is convinced that the suspicions against him are baseless even ludicrous, and his re lease has been asked for. Hamilton is understood to be a clerk in the Bank of England, who was spending a holi- day in Spain. He came to Madrid to see the wedding. CHINESE RISING BAD. Famine Adds to. Troubles of Celestial Empire. Shanghai, June l.---A ge Ous upris- ing, assisted by secret societies, is in progress -at Yingshan, in the province of Kiangsi. . The people are seeking refuge in the cities. The British gunboat Snipe, from' Nanchang, will proceed at cnoe to the scene of disorder, The governor of the province is sending troops. No missionaries are involved, The abnormally high prices of riee are causing acute distress, resulting in frequent food riots, in the Yangtse valley. Merchants gre holding their stocks despite the heavy demands from the badly flooded areas in Hunan pro- vagiee: The viceroy of Nenking has ac- cordingly memorialized the throne for special power to prohibit the export of rive, . -------- QUITS ARMOUR CO. Head of Grain Interests, Re- signs. Chicago, June 2.--A. I. Valentine, president. of the Armour Grain Co. since its organization in 1890, has an- nounced his resignation, to take effect early in July, bn the return from Fu rope of J. Ogden Armour, head of the Armour interests. Valentine 'stated that he has under consideration a number propositions. For years one of the "biggest" traders on the board of trade, and has engineered several important deals. ---------- For Men. "Bibby's."' We have some ry attractive hosiery for' men. 2 our line of fancies at 25¢., 40c, and 50c. The H. D. Bibby Co. of business he has been "Bibby's" Ts ------ Rheumatism is in the blood, lini- ments won't cure it. Wa-Hoo Tonic is taken internally. Cures the worst eases Only 85c. Gibson's Red Cross drug tore, t 45 James Leitch, Cornwall, has been appointed chairman of the new rail dead, about ninety-two years of age. way and municipal board. ~-- KINGSTON, ONTARIO, ig WwW. E. COREY IS HOME. Didn't 'See Miss Gilman-- Hasn't Heard From Wie. "ed ¢ IW. B. COREY! New "York, Tune 2.-W, Ellis Corey, president of the Unitcd States Steel corporation, who hurriedly left New Yark a short time ago, after the pub- lication of a statement that he had no chance to bedome re i with his wife, has returned from ghroad on the Kronprunz Wilhem, "I have not been have I seem Miss Gilman while abroad," Mr. Corey said, "I have been to England and Germany on a short business trip. I have not or heard of Mrs. Corey for more than six months," ------ ARE STILL IN RUINS FORTS REMAIN EXACTLY AS WHEN ABANDONED. to France, nor seen Marquis Saionji Says Dalny Will Be the Great Port of Man- churia--Port Arthur is Not a Likely Place. Tokio, June. 2.--Premier Marquis Saionji, who has just an official visit Manchuria and Korea, says Talienwan (Dalny) will probably be the most. important Man- churian port, it being more suitable than Yinkow, (New Chwang). The buildings at Talienwan have heen re paired, but warehouses were necessary. Port Arthur, the premier says, has no future, except as a naval port, The old Chinese town has recovered 'much of its activity, put the larger Rissian buildings are unrepaired, and the forts are left as they were when Stoes- sel abandoned them. There is 4 general 5 oy ron oy of trade with central and nortl Manchuria, although it has not yet recovered the degree of prosperity it had before the war. This mort will rival Talienwan. Japanese subjects are rapidly increas: ine in number in Manchuria. There are 6,000 at Talienwan, 1,000 at Mukden, and many are congregating at Tieling and many other points. t---------- RS returged from to RUMOR WRONG. %3 ------ St. Pecersburg, June 2.-- i The irials by court martial of Admirals Nebogatoff, Grigorieff and Smirnoff and subordinate unwounded naval officers for surrender- ing. to the Japanese in the battle of the Sea of Japan will begin in June. The acdused officers are liable to the death penalty. About a week ago a rumor was set afloat from St. Petersburg that Ad- miral Nebogatoff and Gen. SATURDAY, JUNE 2, 1906. EXEXEEXEE REE LN] FEFEREEF EX EF EXXXEBEBEXEEX Stoessel had both been i sentenced to death for | ¥ cowardice. The above dis- ! # patch 'gives an effectual # denial to the story. | Lo * REBUILDING HELD UP. 3 | | Dilatory Underwriters Delay Work | in San Francisco. { San Francisco, failure to advance June 2. In their insurance funds, the underwriters have caused the work of cleaning up and 'of reconstruction to come to a stop on. a number of the largest buildings in this city. Owners and builders assert that they have usca every effort to persuade the underw riters to advance insurance moneys, but without avail, and the statement is now made that owners arc as much in the dark a8 to the rate of adjustment apd payment as they were the day after the fire. ---- Longworthe Off For Europe. New, York, Jume 2. Representative and Mrs. Nicholas Longworth sailed on the American line steamer St. Louis for Europe, this morning. They were escorted to the steamer by a small pumber of their intimate fricf ds, According to their present plans, Mr. and Mrs. Longworth expect te remain abroad all summer and to return to Washington ahout October 14th, Their first visit will be to London, where they will be the ghests of Ambassador and Mrs. Whitelaw Reid. Mr, and Mrs. Longworth will spefid most of their time with the Reids, and will only make a few short visits to other friends in various parts of Great Brit- ain., During their sojourn in London they will be received by the king and the queen. After their London season the Longworths will start Tor the continent, where they will travel ex tensively, -------------- Summer time is straw hat and soft | hat time. "We've all the new and natty shapes that the young men ad mire. The H. b. Bibby Co. wl _-- ad ET 3 Despatches From Near and Distant Places. NEWS OF THE WORLD GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS SIBLE FORM. Matters That Interest Everybody --Notes From All Over--Little of Easily Read and Remembered. The SS. Renwick, from Cardiff, passed Father Point, inward. Thirteen members of a mob of lynchers are in jail at Charlotte, N.C. Forty Mexicans are reported killed in a strike riot at W, C, Green's mines in Mexico. The town of Strathcona has been chosn as the "C, P, R. terminal in Northern Alberta. Charles W. Handscombe, Winnipeg, one of the best known newspaper men in the west, died, Friday. The Winnipeg street railway com- pany is charged with violating the strike settlement agreement. James Tees, a prominent Winnipeg business man, ied on Friday. He was alse. one of the most prominent musi- cians in the west, Plans for . the electrifying for miles of the Temiskamin, before the government. be one million dollars, 137 railway are 'he cost will Dr. 8. Sayers, Richmond, Va., was found dead in a Chicago hotel with an artery severed in his wrist and a bullet hole in the heart. It is expected that the . cabinet changes, consequent upon the appoint- ment of Mr. ' Fitzpatrick, to the _su- preme court, will be ammounced to- day. Seven bridge companies were fined $300 cach and theic agents from $125 to 2250 each on a charge of restraint of trade by a criminal court in Nor- walk, O. : The three train robbers were found guilty at Kamloops, B.C. Edwards and Dunn were sentenced to life im: prisonment and Colquhoun to twenty: A reduction of two. and one-half cents per mile passenger fare bas been, ordered on the Houston & Texas Cen: tral railway, besides reductions on all competing lines. Mrs. Enola Morehouse, Wooster, 0. has, been convicted of . manslaughter 4 five years. OI i] rovermor 3 just signed a hill which makes roads in New York liable for all in- juries to employees, even when the employee is to blame. Because he uses tobacco, Rev. John A. Burnett, of Monmouth, Hl., was defeated for election as secretary of the Young People's Society of = the United Presbyterian church. Senator Cox stated at the insur- ance investigation that he formed the Intperial Life Assurance company to provide a position' for his son. Women by the hundred are writing Governor Folk, of Missouri, protest: ing against the hanging of Mrs. Aggie Myers, the Kansas City woman, con- vieted of the murder of her husband. The vote, in aid of the San Fran- cisco sufferers, was put through the House of Conunons, on Friday. The debate on the administration department of the interior was tinued, : The government's intention of loca- ting a monument to commemorate the first Janding of the English at James- town, Va., has been given a "sothack by the unreasonably high price placed upon the Jand desired. By a vote of seven to five, the Un- ited States senate committee on privi- legos and elections voted that Senator Smoot is not enfitled to his seat. The committee voted unanimously to have a vote in the.senate at this session. Sin Shen Ya, the noted Chinese edi- tor, aged twenty-five, and Dollie Tres- tt, twenty-three, a graduate of the San Francisco high school, have gone to Opden to: be married, California laws forbidding the marriage of whites and Chinese. Miss Trescott had coach- ed Yu in English. of the eon- MRS. COLGATE HOYT LUCKY. Bequeathed Her Kis . Costly Art Treasures. New York, June 2.~Colgate Hovt, the millionaire banker, "asped with surprise, when hoe dearmed that all of the rare collection of jewels and paint- ings made by his life-long friend, the late Commodore H. C. Rouse, of Cleveland, 'and "New York, had been willed to Mr. Hoyt's wife, Lydia Sher- man Hoyt. The jewels alone are said to be worth a vast sum. They "are bracelets and rings of antique workmanship, and gem-studded cups and other curios collected in all parts of the world, The paintings comprise some from the old masters. There are canvases. hy Raphael and some genuine Corofs. -------- Campbell Bros. For the best values in Panama hats. Tenses That give case, comfort, se curity, satisfaction. Dr, Chown's. William Ross, trasted toler of the Union Bank, Winchester, for two years, disappeared, May 23rd, and has not been heard of. He had the combin- ation, and neither ~ agent nor clerks could oven the safe, till jt was found in the pocket of an old coat of his. It is said he wanted a wider field, but his parents koot him at home, and he resolved to skip, Perfumed and borated taleum pow- der emly 0c. Gibson's Red Cross drug store, v TEAR OFF THEIR GEMS. ise Then TE ie 45 iad New York, Wane Fllfegory Maxim, the Rusa patriot, was mill nyu: ne at the acon dhe 'witnessed at thian temple in n avenue B im, in she sary when women Wi Ba Tere, ts be sold money added to the! Russian revalu- tionary cause. Their action was emu- oe ff fy Traplg b o inks, necktie. The link: brought 8 and the necktie $10 more, worth $1. It was after one of Maxim's most fervid addresses that the contribu- tions hogan to pour in. First 31.150 4 eo) was raised; thon women Dogan take off their gems and offer them for sale. A small gold pin offe by a young woman in the audience brought 8151." 1t was sold four times, each new owner putting it up at auction again. A gold bracelet brought $240, and a small diamond ring offered hy Mrs. Morris Weinberg was sold for $196. COWLES 'CAPTAIN ANGRY AT CRITICISMS OF HIMSELF AND CREW. Says His Ship Was Badly Injured in Collision Which® Sent the Ezrin to the Bottom in St. 'Claire River. Detroit, Mich., June 2.--A Cleveland despatch' says the steamer, Cowle, which sent the Erin to the bottom, in St. Claire river, is unloading hér car- go at Hurgn. The Cowle is in bad shape, but the full extent of her injuries will not he known until the cargo is taken out; Capt. Montague says the criticisms of himself and crew for not standing by the Erin, after the collision, are unfair and unjust, After the col lision occurred, the barge Danforth, which 'was in tow of the Erin, began getting a boat down, and did so in their sight. "The Cowle was leaking badly," he sdid, "and it seemed highly probable that we would have to ch her to prevent sinking. By the time the ex- act condition of our boat was known we were too far away to render aid." OPPOSE KAISER"S COUSIN. -- Catholics Recall His Anti-Jesuit : Policy. Berlin, June 2.-The leaders of the ng it to a colon] ! nce: Frnest of Hohenlohe urg, now director of the co: lonial office, is Emperor William's choice for minister of the colonies. Prince Hohenlohe-Langenburg, whg is a cousin of the kaiser, incurred the displeasure of many Catholics Because of his anti-Jeswit poliey while atting as regent of Coburg-Gotha during the winority of the present duke. Baseball Summary, National League.--Pittshurg, 5; St. Louis, 4. Cincinnati-Chicago, wet grounds, Brooklyn, 5; Boston, 0. New York, 6;' Philadelphia, 0. American League.--~Washington, 4 ; Boston, 0; first game. Boston, 12; Washington, &; second game, New York, 10; Philadelphia, 2. St. Lonis, 4; Detroit, 1. Clevelandee 3; Chicago, 2. Eastern League.--Rochester, 9; Mont- real, '0, (Forfeited for failure to report on grounds in time for play.) After- wards teams played under protest, Score, Rochester, 6; Montreal, 7. Buf- falo, % Toronto, 2. Jersey City, 5; Baltimore, 2. Providence, 3; Newark, 1. Granted Charters. Ottawa, Ont., June 2.~Incorpora- tions granted to. the Crown Spining company, of Sherbrooke, Que.; Gault Bros., limited, Vancouver, B.C; Na- tional * Printing company, limited, Montreal; Cobalt Exploration Co., Lt, Montreal; Canada Jamaica Steamboat company, limited, Montreal; . Consolid- ated Light, Heat and Power company, limited, Montreal; New Brunswick Al. berta Land company, limited, Monc- ton, N.B. ------------------ 1 Honor Garibaldi's Memory. Rome, June 2.-To-day is the anni: versary of the death of Giuseppe Garis baldi, the great Italian 'patriot; who died on the Island of Caprera on June 2nd, 1882. Hundreds. of Italians and many fordigners went to the is- land, today, to visit the tomb of the great general and to pay homage to his genius. 'There were also some de. monstrations in this city. in Milan and in other Italian cities, whewe Gari- baldi has many devoted admirers. ---------- A. Tisdale, of the Grand Trunk, has been promoted to the Gui an, HOSPITAL GARDEN PARTY ital Grounds: « of Women's Alg of General Hospital) TUESDAY; June 12th Atternaon Evening. Admission, ge TENDERS FOR FUEL SEALED TENDERS WILL BE ed by the undersigned up to Be ori vi THURSDAY, « Ju th, wood for the "Col 5S x 08 an Schools, for the year To0e 1 gdb (Under Aus tions at the Board F a "5% MX Chonan: Sec.-Treas., Board of ucation. persans 10 the highewt bidder and the J centrist, or Catholic party wre allow- || ition of as-|, sistant to Fourth Vide Provident Mo- | t was not | _ Of Lile in beautiful lace effects throughout asc dye. Good value at 50c. 0 Ladies' Belts In Gilt, white smbre effgots, ete, J ime Ladies' 8 t 8 a With pad and waist strap, BORN HUBBS.--A¢ Wr to Mr" vad Mira Prada. Mil 200m RIGHTMYBR.~At Bethel, Ma, 30th, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rigeh 3 ARR RB "R.--At Napaveo, 20th May, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Baker, a daugh- ter. STINSON. ~-At k, 3 . thee J on adil HUGHES. --At 'Sharps Corpers, 28th May, to Mr. a mos Hughes, Bn Souehtar A a OE " HUMPHEY--PI A 16th, 8. = Simi Tel burgh, to Miss Bitte Phe, Hillier, IED, . on June , in his seventy ADAMS. --In K on Monday, at oF, aged ed clei MeCAUBTILIN.-A¢ South Marvsburah, 4 May 22nd, Daniel McLaughlin, SIEhiy five vears, AS nee, B0th rs. Bb IM ine, aged teen i 3 ROBT. J, REIL 'Phone 877. 223 Princess St. We have g large stock of Fruits in ting, Quality: fn ne svery best, and more reasonable than in lass. A Youll hw. si excellent hoge season for . The H, b, i

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