Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Jun 1906, p. 14

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IE 0) . § or Herat wr) ricel lira) Jastilile. ide emigrants with a sale and useful auido; as promote those agree- ments necessary for collective defence against Ajsease s of plants and domes- "fae animals, -which cannot be success proached the difierent ministers, but, speaking neither French. nor Italian, found himself at a disadvantage. He was derisively called the 'Mad Am- erican." After waiting months, he reached the minister of the treasury, and in him found a sympathetic supporter. An audience with the king was requested but days and weeks passed without angwer, Instead of the expected court: esy, Mr. Lubin found himself the sub- t of investigation by the secret the f police. And all this because, instead of send- ing the document that explained his sition Mr. Lubin forwarded to the ing his latest letter from his wife, It was so mystirious that the authori: ties thought that a dynamité plot was in the making. Finally, all the complications were cleared away and an audience with the king arranged, To the delight of the visitor the kino not only spoke English fluently, but manifested in- tense interest in the scheme. That he was deeply impressed is shown by the following letter, which the king sent to the president of his council of ministers and which in it self explains, to a. great extent, the plans of Mr. Lubin. This document, which is on the file at Rome, is as follows : : A citizen of the United States. David Lubin, explained to me; with that warmth which comes from a sincere conviction, an idea which seems to me actical and ; and which, to the ais iF forms of avis ural nce § x © own ts on the ots, which. in the of agriculture, fre becoming ov- ay, mors inertionnl." itution, ac uni the various national cir on as to the demand of agriculture] labor of the ! associ ww, already constituted for similar - fought by means of partial ac- oi and Yostly, it would exercise a timely influence on the development of societies for rural co-operation, for agricultural insurance and for agrart- it. an rel the, International Chamber of Agriculture is instituted Jormamen tly, Mr, Lubin's' plan inclu its con- tinual session, as there will always be work to he done. He. Nishes to have it i sentatives from vari- ie ind pri i, msi selected for their ial ability. : i ots forth his mode of organiza. tion of the Juernational Chamber of Agriculture as follows : fhe intent of the | chamber if to act as the eye and car and the mind, centralizing the at esent uncentralized industry of in order that it J meet on an equal footing the cen- tralized forces of capital and energy at present opposed to it in the econo-. mic wi " Two- elected by Sutistion of iculture in proportion to the nam- ar of members, and a fixed number to be appointed by each of the re- spective governments. The d tea shall be divided into four separate sections--the executive, the section of national and interna- tional law and usage, the chamber of elected. dolegates. The sub-committees shall be ways and means, production, distribution, prices, publicity, labor, arbitration, transportation, land tenure, tariffs and reciprocity, forestrve entomology, hygiene of animals and fishery. n the practical work of the cham- ber the following elaboration is pro- sod . P Firetoin a building for that pur pose there could he displayed on bulletins, current prices, references to products offered for sale, rates of éx- change, marine and transportation of intelligence, erops on hand and in transit and other correlative informa- tion, - Second--Samples 'could be displayed with or without privilege of sale. Third"Further elaboration may be suggested in the establishment in dif- ferent market centres of the world, and under' the auspites of the Interna- tional Chamber of Agriculture, of ex- changes for: the sale of agricultural preducts, similar in scope to the wheat pits, cotton exchanges, ote. * The necessary expenditure of the In- ternational Chamber of Agriculture is proposed ta be met as follows : (1) Appropriations by she nations in proportion to representation; (2.) Charges for the privilege of exhibit- ing special notices on the bulletins, and the exhibition of samples. (3.) In the event of the exchanges being adopted, by commission on sales, Leapold's Power. King Levpold, of Belgium, is 'per haps the only man in the world who has power to bequeath a kingdom in his will, This remarkable bequest, however, is not to be a voluntary one, by a stroke of his pen Leopold nn pn bequeath a nation to a na- tony or to be literally correct, a state to a state. Should he die before the Congo Free State has been finally annexed to Belgium, Leopold must leave the state, which he now "runs," as practically a business c 3 his people, who have the right at any time to annex the country if they de- sire, ---- About Missionaries. Nearly one-third of the missionaries of the American board in Indian and | Cevlon are the childrott or grandehil- dren of missionaries who were sont out by the board two or three gonéra- tions aga. In the three Tndian mis. sions, including Ceylon, there are now. iinety-fve Aetiotn laborers, nineteen of wl re children and one grand. children ARFY in Te rn aries, most of whom have ended their earthly labors. g ' ------------------ The fiction of Carter's Little Liver Pills is pleasant, mild and natural. They fot Vv stimulate the liver,' and regulate the bowels, hint do not purge, ¥ are sure to please. Try them. Pink Pills, and after a half dozen boxes, I felt stter that I stopped taking on a visit to Boston. r e, however, in Pills too soon, and 1 be- back to my former econdi- called on a well-known after ex Results of Special Evangelistic Services--The Losses Sustained by the Churches in San Fran- Trains of lies are made up by switch- ing the tuth, Strenth in public must have sourc- es in private. Sai The funeral kind of religion is most A little great man can always be filled with vanity. : He who stands for the right will not come 10 a ndstill, You cannot learn to be a guide by studying a guide book. Dr. 8. 8. Bates, field secrétary of the Toronto Baptist. Sunday School Association, has resigned. . At a largely at meeting of Melville ph Brussels, for the pur- pose of moderating in a call to a min- ister, Rev. A. C. Wishart, Beaverion, was the choice of the congregation. Rev. R. J. M. Perkins, M.A., rector of the Trivitt. Memorial church, Exe- ter, has boen appointed by the Bishop of Huron, rector of St. James church Ingersoll. . Rev. Pather Connor, Kemptville and South Mountain, has had to resign his charge on. account of ill health. Rev. Father Brunnette, Kingston, will have charge of the parishes until Fa- {ther Connor is able to return, sw, rich, healith- giving blood, and that is what every growing girl and 'woman must have to retain theit health. It is because these pills actually make new blood that they strike 'at the root of all common ailments of life, such as headache and sideaches and back- aches, indigestion, palpitation of the heart, kidney troubles, sciatica, rheu- matism, neuralgia, St. Vitus dance, and paralysis. But only the eenuine pills can do this, and the sick one should. see that the full name, "Dr. Willams' Pink Pills for Pale People" is printed on the wrapper around every . Don't Jet anyone per suade vou to take anything else. Sokd 'by all 'dealers or sent by mail at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $.250, by writing the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. WESTERN AMERICANS Are Coming im to Canadian Farms. The extent to which the Western American ers are immigrating to the Canadian North-West is well known by the following article which recently ap, in the Spokane, Wash., Spokesman Review, under the caption, "Beaten By the C.P.R.:" + "The transcontinental railrohds have been 'powerful factors in the settle- ment of the Pacific north-west. The Northern Pacific, as the Sioneer line, led in this work, but the Great North. ern and the Harriman lines have also contributed to the bringing in of new population. It was a wise policy which made the immigration bureaus of these railway systems an Important part of their organimations. pre- sent marvellous prosperit, of the railroads all goes back to that policy as every new settler brought into the Country was made a permanent con- tributor to them, "The American lines have done t i i ion work, but it must Be admitted that in recent years their record been . discounted by the Canadi ific. The Spokane agent of the Canadian immigration office recently gave out some startling data on this point. 'We have,' he said, 'since March 1st, issued 1,400 certifi. cates to 'people who wets actually hound for Canada. Duri April we issued 700 certificates. The business of our office has increased 100 per cent. over last year. We sent 5,000 people to Canada last year; 'this year we will send 10,000. "* ------------ Celibate Policemen. The watch committee of the Exeter England, city council introduced a by- law forbidding : policemen to marry without the consent of the chief con stable. A member of the committee said that young policemen frosh from the country were inveigled into matri- mony by cooks -- " When strong westerly winds pile up the waters of Lake Erie, at its east- ern end, where the outlet is, the flow over the Niagara cataract is some- times increased forty" per cent. above the normal volume. Beware of Mercury You May be Using This Harmful Drug and Not Kmow It. A favorite method of administering this deleterious drug is in cathartic pills. Beware of "quick-result" arti- cles, they may do more harm than Drastic cathartics will weaken the strongest. With old people they are a positive menace to life. erely to restore normal bowel act- ion and gently stimulate the liver is all that the wise physician recom- mend, . To "keep the system pure and clean, nothing is so efficacious as the vege- table pills of Dr, Hamilton, which are of such' herbs as mandrake, and dandelion; con- n tance uld injure even an infant. Ry their certain action on the liver Dr. Hamilton's Pills cau bile to be | a cause bile to be orms the stimulus , moves the bowels; this is na- ture's own method and the best "one. - R. Hamly, of French River, Ont, writes as follows: "T was inclined to bilions' attacks and uenily was too ill 16 work. Most remedies Jurged and iNeed my bowels, hut ' Hamilton's Pills gent stimulated my liver, and by strengthening the sto- mach made a perfest cure. My 'health y I used Get Dr. Hamilton's Pills fi ug ist or storekeeper, 250. Bo five boxes for $1. By mail from N. C. als lartford, Conn., U.S. ite co a9 Rev. A. F. McKensie the assistant superintendent of the Vietor Mission, has accepted a call' to the new Meth. odist church at Cobalt. Rev. Mr, Me Kay, Little Current, hhs been asked by the mission board to take the place left vacant. Rev. W. H. White has been appoint- ed organizing missionary for the dios cese of Qu'Appelle. The office has heen eridowed by a wealthy western church- man, and the work will consist of gathering the settlers' into parishes, and seeing that they have spiritual oversight, One-third of the {hree hundred mil- lions of India live in districts wholly untouched by existing missionary agencies, In order to reach these one hundred millions of their fellow-coun- trymen, the Protestant Christians of India have formed 4 national mission- ary society. It is stated that many Chinese have gone forth as foreign missionaries, their goal being South Africa, where about forty thousand Chinese coolies are engaged in the mines of the Transvaal. A desire to reach these and to uplift. them from their degradation has prompted their Christian country men to take this step. \ Rev. C. E. Sharp, M.A., formerly rector of St. Paul's church, and prin- cipal of College School, Esquimalt, B. C., has been appointed stant cnr- ate at St. Thomas' church, Huron street, Toronto, to succeed Rev. H. McCausland, who has been appointed assistant curate at St. Augustine's church, Spruce and Parliament streets, Toronto. Sunday will be the seventioth annj- versary of the institution of St. John's church, Brockwille, and appro- priate sermons will mark 'the event. An interesting feature will be . the pre- sence of a lady 'at the services, who was present at the opening seventy years ago. This lady, Mrs. Hamilton, yn, who although long past the al. lotted span of life, is still quite? hale and hearty. Rev. Dr. Wallace of Lowell, Mass., formerly chancellor of McMaster Uni. versity, has heen elected to the presi- dency of the hoard of trustees of Newton Theological Seminary. Dr. Wallace is the first graduate of that collewe who has received the honor to be elected to the presidency of the trustee hoard. The presidency very rarely falls fo a clergyman, but rath- er to a business man, : The authorities of Holy Trinity An- glican church, Pembroke, have planned to rebuild. The present church has served its day and generation wel], but has become too small to accom- modate the large and growing congre- gation. The new building will occupy a Site nearer the centro of the town. The cost of the building and furnish- ing will, it is estimated, be ahout $15,000. The Presbyterian loss of church pro: perty in San Francisco is put at three hundred and fifty thousand dollars; the Congregationalist logs at about the same figures. The Baptists Jost four churches; the Methodist loss ag- oregates $475,000. The Lutherans lost heavily; the Episcopalians loss runs into the hundreds of thousands, and the Catholics are large losers, But _all are preparing to rebuild on larger lines. Mrs. Charlotte Draper many years ago at her own expense, started what i8 now known as the Yokohama Chris. tian Blind School, and during her life- time prayed, planned, and worked most earnestly for her blind charges. After her death her son, Rev. Gideon L. Draper, took un the work. For two or three vears the Methodist Woman's Foreign Missionary Society has shar- ed equally with Mr. Draper, the finan: cial support of the school, The Western Christian Advocate (Methodigt), gives an estimate of the results of special evangelistic effort daring the past wipter in the eleven conferences that Mite up 'its constitu- ency, the figures being 40,088 conver sions, and 33.054 accessions to. the church 'membership. This would he an average of over 4,500 conversions to each conference, thotigh not a large, vet certainly an encouraging figure. The estimate is given as a very con- servative one J ------ How Perfection Tastes. It You want to know, trv a glass of ite cream soda at Wade's Drug Store. The ice cream is pure a mitable qudntity lass. The fruit juices, 'the glasses aré clean ag soap aad watér can make them, and the saga water is cold and sparkling. iii Lord Northeote, vernor-general of Australia, was entertained = a ban- guet in a dal mine at Newoastla, New Sonth Wales: The banqueting hall was 300 foot below the surface. SC premiow on gold in Havti now gvaries between 400 and 500 per cent. | ECAY is not digestion, you know, even when it takes pldce in the stomach. Food decayed in the body after being eaten is as dangerous to healthas food decayed before being eaten, Food nourishes or poisons, just accord- ing to how long it remains in the Bowels undigested, _.Cascarets are the simplest and surest safeguard against Delayed Digestion yet discovered. * * Sold in a thin Enamel Box, half as thick as your watch, which fits into the 'vest pocket or lady's purse as if it grew there. ' In this round-edged Epamel box. are found six small Candy Tablets. One of these toothsome #iblets works wonders for digestion. Soon as placed in the mouth it starts * the Saliva flowing, which at once gets to work dissolving it. + $+ The 'Saliva becomes blended with the Candy Cascaret tablet, and from the moment they stfrt going down your throat together they start working to- gether. Now, what do they work at? Bowel work; of course,--Digest * * * Some folks think Digestion takes place in the Stomach only. . ' But that's a great mistake! Most qf the Digestion occurs in the thirty feet of Intestines that connect with the Stomach, Now, these Intestines are 30 feet long, for a purpose. They are lined with a set of little mouths, that squeeze Digestive ' Juices into the Food eaten. The Digestive Juices thus mix with turn to Food may Poison the food, just as Saliva mixes caret tablets, dissolving a that food 'into nourishme; a'ong the ghanne|, : The Intestines are also Ij ' lions of little Suction hry _-- the Nutriment from Food, as = them in going through, di » » * This Nutriment is then carrieq Blood, and spread over Brain, Bone and Brawn, But, when the Bowel-Mys, the Food moves too slo the little Gastric Mouths : flow, or too little flow of Digestive For to change the food into' nour hment, : Then, the food decays in the Bowelg, and in the thirty feet of Intestines, When this Decay begins the into the the Body as cles are weak, Wly to stimulatg and there is tion it should have drawn, Now, Cascarets contain the only pom. bination of drugs that Stimulates these Muscles of the Bowels and ! as a Cold Bath, or open-aj stimulates a Lazy Man, Cascarets therefore act like Exercigs, They produce the same sort of Natura] result that a Six Mile walk in the Countryw would produce, without any injurious Chemical effect, * * * The Vest Pocket Cascaret Box is sold by all Druggists, at Ten Cents. Be sure you get the genuine, made only by the Sterling Remedy Company, and never sold in bulk, Every tablet stampeg "ccc." A sampls and the famous booket "Curse of Constipation,' Free for the asking, Address Sterling Remedy Co "pany, Chi cago or New York. * A CELESTINS Boivin. Wilson & Co. Moi ichy Water; t "rench Republic. treal. Blue Serge that won't Fade Fit-Reform Serge Suits are guaranteed all the way through And the guarantee holds good about the color, as well as the tailoring and fit. "West Of England" Serge defies rain and sun--and stays a rich, dark blue as long as you care to wear the suit. . Made in both single and double breasted styles. TE Good Looks are characteristic of the TRULY GOOD, even though > form and feature one might border somewhat ¢n the homely. Church's. Cold Water ALABASTINE on the walls of any home will do more to euhanice god looks IN HOME SURROUNDINGS than anything' else tha can be used, ALABASTINE IS GOOD, looks rich, and is healthful Wall-paper, with its arsenical coloring matter, and moulding paste, gi i e s the air ves a room a stuffy smell and impregnates I with id germs. Save money in decorations aud doctors bills by using: ALABASTINE. Write us for booklet. oe Alabastine is for sale by Hardware aud Paint Dealers everyihere. Never sold in bulk. Address The Alabastine Co. Limited, Paris, Ont. will be re- public on W TELF STEAME JUN Leave Wol Monday ..... Turedsy Wed Td (W alker's ys Point. Bar leave © Table gv Royal B LIFE DEPA Assurancd Pa world Our Sh foc twear ston Arthur Spy SQ Arrested for brrtenee The Legag damag: f by ) or 15,00

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