Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Jun 1906, p. 11

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AYE, PALATABLE. NT \L APERIENT waTen Apenta Water in natu ral sali; x ative and purgative, READ Trp 1 SFUL A DOSE. ABA. TA CARBONATED), I'S 'ONLY. i: | Aperient for Morning ys, LINARIS Co. 14g London, er er ws. ---- St of a ace y it and pay for jt. It lel you feed to it and in s. actually the cheapest, A ---- ------ 1ilt to give cheap heat, lots of Il never wear out. radiating surface are exact, ttracted and used. | and every joint in it is ully as coal, the feed-door and will stand rough usage. cientific principles make it onomical heater ever built. th every 'S Furnace te. It is full of informa- Private and hy ae. and Sexual Diseases of F:3 dle-aged men are annually swept arly abuse or later excesses. Chas. 18, but was rescued im time. He . A change soon came over me. ed it. I became nervous, despori- 1, easily tired, evil forebodings, e, back 'weak, dreams and drains gs; burning sensation. To make 8 and coatracted a blood ¢jsease. 1 firms--all failed till Drs. Kea- 8 one week I felt better, and in a They are the only reliable &nd re or no pay. You rum no d business at atake. Beware nf uy case we take that our NEW Stricture, Weak Parts, Kidney free. Call or write for Question J Cor. Michigan Ave Shelby St. Detroit, Mich, FETTER Stoves before pur- contain the latest ovens, galvanized or protector, ebony etc, ; durable and the most successful e. BROS *Phone 35. Fares From Kingston: pee [fr HE - B88 -- hx Co n een 2 us aie -. 40°58) Foils i 3575 | Stet 3 haw 3 00 | Edmonton {- am GOING », - good to return until + August 6th Bom. | wi iw SA a; ic Tick Tourist Out o tic ets, anal her information 8) 5. P. HANLYY, Agent, Corner Johnson uiario Streets. s : am-- TRCLELLTS PEMBROKE RAILWAY canon Penis Ratheay Homeseekers' Excursions 7, Manitoba, Alberta and Saskatchewan GOING . sth, - good to feturn anti - August 6th five bo) worden ly ly Ard, " " Jay 17h, Sept. 17th Return Fares From Kingston : ; - - $200 | Strassburg - - $36 5 Hdipes © - $33 50 | Saskatoon - - 37 8 Bandon - - 3886 Prince Albert - 38 0 Noosomin - 34 20 | No. Battiefoid - 89 00 _"n 3450 | Macieod - - - 4010 Bown | 50 | Kod Deer \ - 41% Begins - - - $75 | Stettler rs Moosejaw 86 00 Edmonton Full particulars at K; & P. and C.P R. Ticket Office, Ontario street. NWAY, F. A; FOLGER, n Jon Pass: Agent. Gen. Supt. Bay of Quinte Railway New short line for' Tweed, Napanee, | peseronto, and all local points; Trains fave City Hall Depot at 4 pm. F, JONWAY, Agent. B.Q.Ry., Kiogston. (UEBEC STEAMSHIP COMPANY LIMITED or and Gul of St. Lawronc Summer Cruises in Cool Latitudes Twin Screw Iron SS. "Campana," with electric lights, electric bells and all modern comfort. SAILS FROM MONTREAL ON MON- DAYS at 2 p.n., 4th and 18th June; 2nd, 16th and 80th July: 13th and 2th August ; 10th and 24th September, for Pictou, N.S calling at Quebec, Gaspe, Mal Da Perce, Cape Cove, Grand River, Charlottetown, P.E.L. BERMUDA Summer Excursions, $35 and upwards. pbs the new Twin Screw SS. "'Bermud- fan," 5,500 tons. Sailing fortnightly from New York, from 6th June to 21st November. Temperature cooled by sea breezes seldom rises above 80 degrees. The finest trips of the season for health and comfort. ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, Quebec. apply to P. GILDER- For tickets and staterooms >. HANLEY or J. P Agents, Kingston, SLEEVE: Ticket Ont. . . Rs Daily Line & -" Toronto, Charlotte, Thousand Islands, Brockville, Prescott and Montreal. seme. Kingston & Toronto Steamers : LEAVE KINGSTON : goo Fast--Dally "except Monday at a.m Going 5 p.m Kingsben Ports retury West--Daily except Monday "at to Clayton, 1,000 Jsland drockville or Prescott; going and ® Sunday only, single fare. Kingston to Montreal and return. Go- Ing Saturday or Su y i ; @ ¢ Sunday. Returning G. T. R. Monday. Fare $6. 2 od rsion rates to Toronto and . ¢ going Saturday = returnin Sunday or Monday. ti = Hamilton, Toronto, Bay of Quinte > and Montreal Line LEAVE KINGSTON : ® East, Wedriesdays, ¢ Fridays and s at 4 pon, | West, Tuesdays, Thursdays and ays at 4 pom, LP HANLEY, J. SWIFT & CO Ticket Agent. Freight Agents. -- lake Ontario and Bay of Quinte Steam. boat Company, Limited STR. IS NORTH KING C enci Ja mencing 'May 27th, ve Kingston, on st will samer . Sundays at 10.15 em. for T4 af Bring will. jeggeithnd Points. Re- Quinte. ochester, N Y r Jail or NX. vias Bay of 2rd. service except Monday after J ume 2 I -- J at ALETHA for pp. da cep om. uncicton "aid Intermediate Bay "oi For fui § nformati Ursey, General on P. Hunley, Ticket apply to E. E. ngston; Co Manager, K: n: » Freight rs Ayent; Jas. Swift & Th RT a as ALLAN LINE moveyman MO 1 Tonto [ONTREAL 70 LIVERPOO munerside, P.I2.1., and |e J.} County Life in America, Doctors and Hospitals Called it Chronic' Eczema and Said Sores Never Could Be Healed -- Child Was Getting So Bad Mother Didn't Know What To Do. CURED BY CUTICURA AT A SMALL EXPENSE "Words eannot' express my grati- tude for what Cuticura Soap, Oint- ment, and Resolvent have done for my son, who when two years old had ec- zema as bad as any tors, but when they ped treatin im his head n fo get sore again, almost the ext day. It gotso : he I really didn't know what to-do. Atlast we took him to the Dospitl, where the doctors said he had chronic eczema. They gave me a wash for it, but said it was fool- | ish to think of it ever being cured. " The child was failing so I thought I must do something, and re: about Cuticura, I went to the neares drug store and purchased a set of Cuti= cura Remedies. Iused half of them and found -seme relief and improvement; but thought the change for the better was only. ary, as it had been with all the o medicines ordered by the doctors. But by the time I had used ome and a-half. boxes of Oint- ment, one small bottle of Resolvént, and ope cake of Soap, the cure was complété" and permanent, with not a sign of wsore from that day to this, -- over two years, I shall never be with- out Cuticurg , I find it so for the toilet and for the children.-- Mrs. J. Schepperle, 218 Frost St., Brooklyn, N, Y., Feb. 9, 1905." Bree Sons, ro Tapes to No, deura Soap and Resolver 'of Chacolpte 'Gukted Pills, in vial of 00), may be ha all A fle set often cures. Potter Drug & Chem Sole Props, Boston, Mass. 82 Mailed Free, "liow to Baby 'Humouss.' Humon! consisth FASHIONS FORM. Guimpes One of the smartest gowns seen Eas- ter week at Atlantic City-was pg black taffeta princess, with a skeleton waist, having two strapd over each shoulder, somewhat" on @ style of last year's suspender dress, With. this was worn a fine eyelet embroidered guimpe simi- lar to the illustration. These guimpes are made on fitted linings, so as not to pucker at the bustline or crawl up and thus spoil the fit of the dress, a fme lawn being used for this purpose and featherbone run in the front and back seams to hold, the body in shape. The embroidery, lace or ma- terial used for "the guimpe is laid on this lining to the depth required and stitched; and then the lining usually cut away beneath. The sleeves are of the same muterial, three-quarter length; finished "with a band edged with a Feill'6f lace. The collar can either be' atliiched to the guimpe or it beymade Butch neek style" and a collar" worn or not, as desired. These guimpe waists are fastened down the back' uniffer, a" flap, or with little eyelets and buttons. ORDER OF ETHIOPIA Very Interesting Movement South Africa. Churchmen will remember the inter- esting movement in South Africa, which has progressed under 'the name of the Order . of Ethiopia, says The Living Church. 'A large number of na- tives who had formerly been Method- ists were brought into touch with: the church some years ago, and the en- tire body were organized into the Or- der of Ethiopia... A large class from this order 'was confirmed by the Bish- op of Grahamstown 'in the sprin~ of 1904, and he recently has confirmed a second ¢lads from the same order num- bering 122 persons. The candidatcs came from v miles distance. The services extended over three days, dur- ing which ##e "nearly 250 persons re- ceived the Blessed Sacrament. These candidates had been carefully instruct ed by the chaplain in charge of the movement, or by the students of the college. ov Don't' Kill The Hawk. in Man has sinned more than any oth- er animal in trifling with nature's bal- ance. Clover crops and the killing of hawks are apparently unrelated, yet the hawks eat the field mice, the field mice prey on the immature bees, and bees fertilize the clover blossoms. The death of a buwk means an over- increase of field mice. and a conse quent destruction of the bees. Kingston And Qttawa. Rideau King for Ottawa. every Mon- . ~ k May 81, J ireinin, June © 7, Form 25: July 20. Vey sian June 14, July 19, Aug. 9. Han, June 21, July 19, Aug. 16. YNTREAL TO GLASGOW. Proton, Y Moderate Rate Service, BR Co de a dae if ites, apply te "J. P. TANLEY, | SLEEVE L BJT % | ------ London Season Was 'Somewhat Barren--Finest 4 Play in New York is Said to Have Been «The Music Master." Leoncavallo and his orchestra, from La Scala, Milan, will open an Ameri- can tour in New in Carnegie Hall. York, October 8th, James K. Hadkett has obtained the American rights to. "Brown at Brigh- * a farce which will be presented in New York, mext season. A: W. Pinero is chairman of the spe- cial committee arrangine for the per- formance at Drury Lane Theatre, Lon- don, in June, in honor of y's jubilee. Ter- rs. Jamek Brown Potter has ac- ted a play by a new dramatist in Which she will appear as "Mary Queen of Scots," . venturs in ihe dramatic fiekd. and will make another OSCAR HAMMERSTEIN, Composer of light opera, theatrical manager and builder of playhouses in confident that he will make a success of his new operatic enterprisc. BA Alla N ff, the Russian actress, who cteated something of a sensation in New York last season, will bé seen next season. in an English play, un- der the management of Henry Miller. , Preparations for - E. H. Sothern's nd © Julia Merlowe's production of "Joan of Are," which is to be made next season under the direction of the Messrs. Shubert, are already under way. Durin~ the earlv part of next sea son. Henry W. Savage's English Grand) Oper comnany will onl present Puc- cini's "Madame Butterfiv."' The libret- to will be by John Luther Long and David Belasco: Raymond Hitcheock, as King of Bo- hemia, in Koven's -opera, "The Stadent King." is credited with a 'big hit to Chicago. Lina Abarbanell, late of the Osfireid" Grand Opera company, is the pria donna. "The Rec Carnation," a four-get dramp, written by Odette Tyler, was successfully produced - in" Washing: Aon this week by the Tyler company, Rekindles Life In the Nerve Cells And 'By Increasing Nerve Force Restores Vitality to Every Organ of the Body. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food Suicide, insanity, paralysis : These are some of the re- sults of worn-out nerves. No one would neglect a disease so dreadful in its results as nervous exhaustion if the danger were only realized with the first symptoms. The time to begin the restoration of the nerves by the use of Dr. Chase's Nerye Food is when you find yourself unable to sleep at nights, suffering from headaches or neuralgic pains, in digestion or weak heart action. boss of flesh and weight, growing weakness and debility, a tendency to neglect the duties of the day, gloomy forebodings for, the future, are other indications of depleted nerves. Yon cannot liken Dr. Chase's Nerve Food to any medicine you ever used. It is a nerve yitalizer and tissue-build- er of exceptional power. Naturally and gredually it rekindles life: in the nerve cells and forms new red corpuscles in the hlood--the only way to thoroughly cure nervous dis- orders. George W. Lawson, a farmer living near Consecon, 'ond well and favor. ably known throughout Prince Kd: ward county, Ont,, writes : "About one year ago I was taken 'sick and felt myself failing every day. I eomsulted and doctored with several eminent physicians, but = received ho permarient benefit. In fact they told mé they could do nothing for me ex: cept to afford temporary relief, as it was a general breaking up of old age. My nerves were exhausted, and my whole' system completely broken up. "I was just at death's door, and, thinking my time to die had come, I gave up hope and resigned myself to fate. At this time my wife read in the falling sickness, man, and made so by Dr. Chase's Nerve Food at a triffing cost. All this, in spite of the fact that I spent a large sum of money with physicians only to be pronounced incurable. in my seventy-fifth year, 1 feel as well as T did at twenly, and gin walk as smartly as afiy of the ys. has been' aw New York, is about to Jnvade te Said also said to be ining for an Ameri- i Grand Opera. e is 4 man B~ o > Tazkable ability and his friends are |CAD Begsom, ani Potier; who has | three weeks ago. Before decidine upon : of grain, consisting of oats and papers about some of the wonderful gram, 2 oats and peas, cures being brovght about hy Dr. on, the boat, antl Capt. La Rush stat. Chase's Nerve Food, and I "began ed that it was the fist tite in seven using it: years that hg had peds of Bourd His "This treatment helped me from. the vessel, C. Woodman also drow some first, and I continued to keep it up | Kran to the bay. J. Niles' is busily for six months, when 1 was fully re- efigaged pressing hay, but is now stored to health. To-day. I am a well | #e8ely done. W. Digneni" has taken a £7 i: i 5 he barrénness' of the London sea son with the brillianey of the Parisian one. Ei Althouoh Mrs, . Fiske has finished with "Leah Kleschna in America, the play is still being heard from in Eng- land. The author, C. M. S. Mella, avded. about twenty-five pounds' damage against Charles Har: man, another playwright, for libel contained in a letté® which claimed "Leah" was more or less borrowed from a play called "The Coachman with the Yellow Lace," - previously week at oot Soran prima donna of 1 received 10,670 [jvotes.. Maxie Dréssler came second, with 9,080 next in. line wére Mande Adams, Blanche Bates and Lil- lian Russell. 'A$ - winger of the test. Miss Ritchie was given an Eng- lish bull pup. - y Oscar Asche and his beautiful wife, Lily Brayton, ar eredited with q do- sire to come to Ameridk with a classi- cal repertoire. James Welch, one of the funniest of English comedians, is been so long abread' that ha 30004 al- most g stranger, a desired to come ogi United States for a time, appear in any sort of role, not. © ing vaudeville, provid. ed she is guaranteed $50,000. David Warfiel is nearing the end of his engagement; gnd preparing to take a long needed rest, Next fall he in to attempt to satisly the great demand to sce him bv theatre-ooers' outside of New York, There is 'not the slightest doubt that "The Music Master" could ron as long as "Rip Van Winkle," ii Warfield cared to emulate Jefferson's example apd stick' to one play. The play has the heart intérest that makes one love it and to see it oVer and over again adds. more 'to "the 'vlay-goer's anpreciation of its fine qualities, It is the best plav seem in New York in tem years, and it js in the opinion of many critics of sound judpment that it is not, likely to be strpasséd for at lenst a few vedfs 6 come." 7 Henry Miller and Margret Anglin believe in "trying out" plays before de- ciding finally upon casting 'the for tunes of x season upon one, Recently Miss Anelin eave » fow trial nérform- ances of William Vauochn Moody's "A Sabine Woman,"! in (Chicago, and next week in Boston she and Mr, Miller will produce tentatively RBvelyn Greenleaf Sutherlsnd's "The Conversion of Car rickl" Another play of Mrs. Suther- land's they are considering is "A Mid: snmmer's Eve" which Mr. Miller caus- ed to be presented by Gus Standing and a stock company in Baltimore Miss Anglin's vehicle for next. year. these partners in business and art will stage one or two more promisine new plavs from the pens of well-known authors. Tt is more than likelv that Miss Anolin will present several plays during her five months' enoavement at the Princess Theatre, New York, next season, if & number of equal merit are found. BIG ELECTRICAL CONTRACT. The Order is Worth Moye Than $1,000,000: New York, June 2.--The Westing- house interests have obtained one of the most important contracts ever let in Canada for electrical equipment. The order, which is worth more than $1,000,000, was placed by the Provin- cial Light, Heat and 'Power comipany, Montreal, with the Canadiad Westing- house company, and calls" for about 85,000 horse-power of various appar- atus. There will he three 3,760 kilo- watt revolving field, alternating cur- rent, water-wheel driven mefierators of 4,000 volts; three-phase 7,200 . alterna: tions, and twelve 44,000 volt transfor- thers of. 2,500 kilo-watls capacity each. The machinery id to be ihstall- ed in a mew power gtation to be built about. forty. miles from Montreal, The Spergy will be transmitted. by the Montreal Light, Heat and Power com- There was strong competition ot the larger order and it is under- gtood that it was more a question of merit than of cost which finally in- duced the power company to go to the Westinghouse company. Sucessful Vestry Meeting. St. Lawrence, Wolie Island, May 81 The vessel Maggie L. moved out of the bay, here, with a cargo of grain for Richardson - Bros, Kingston: ©. A, Barry shipped cleven hundred bushels trip to - New Ontario, * On Friday schools in this vicinity were cloed, as teachers were attending the teack- ord' convention in i nual vestry meeting of Christ chdveh, was held on Mondav mording, A. G. Barty occupied (he chair. All 'accounts were found satisfactory, showing a balance on hand. George Gillespie was Dr. Chase's Nerve Food; 50 cepts, at rR BERT +, all dealers, or Edowenson, Bates & Cot, Toronto. ohosen cleryman's warden, while R. 'gon- } Kingston. THe an- common furnaces. Lonpon. Toronto. FEARFUL DYSPEPSIA. it the Complaint of John D. Rockefeller 7 New York, June 2.--What are we to believe now ? HM there -is anything in this world that the people, of America have believed in, it was that John D. Rockefellet; the great oil King, has been a sufferer from a fearful form of dyspepsia for these many years, and. Is ting the living-skaléton cartoons that had = become the standard works of publishers and readers of the illus trated papers- Many people found much comfort in believing in Rockefel- ler's dyspepsia. It seemed in some way to equalize matters. He had the money; likewise the dyspepsia. We hacn't the money; néither had we the dyspepsia. But here comes Pr. Allem, Rockefeller's family physician for many vears, who deelares that Mr. Rockefeller has never been a sick man, and particularly has not had dyspep- sia, and that, instead of being a skelo- ton, he is a man of one hundred and ninvty pounds' weicht, which, by the way, is within about eighty pounds weight of what Secretary Taft has af- ter a long series of treatment vedue- ed the bGgwe at which he tips the scales. Doctor Allen is supposed two know what he is talking about, and his declaration just shakvs our belief in anything. If we can no loner have a thin, dyspepsia haunted Rockefeller, what can we beliove in * Have the pa- pers heen stringing the public with manufactured ideas of the Standare Oil company's head, and must we con- clude thdt they cannot be believed whenever they talk about the public men against whom the public has a tinge | of animosity ? Here's Tom Platt, New York's senator, saving he never swore when he talked to a porter, who in an alleged interview made him rip out the stronoest kind of gath. It's time this misreprentation stopped, or when we meet these wor- thies 'in heaven, we won't know them, The public has some rights, whether Rockefeller or Platt has or not. re- Sea Water For Sprinkling. Many European cities on the sea const, use salt water for watering the public thoroughfares, calling it waste to make use of ltrsh water for this purpose. They are the more satisfied because certain properties of sea wa: ter eliminate the necessity of frequent applications, On the other hand, salt water exerts a very destructive influ- ence on the paint and varnish of vehicles, and merchants claim that the salt is found everywhere and that it resu tg. And again, salt water is de structive to pipes and metallic fittings and the leakage of the pipes kiljs vegetation in streets, parks and gar dens, tse. blown away. s Sy Price 250, Mosyem SSE 'tism Case & seldom Joined In % few hotret Positively cares 1h a Rancous wad' elected people's warden for the ensuing year, He It does Hot pot the didbsse to sleep,' drives it Bou dhe systems © a The "Sunshine" furnace is built to extract all the heat units from the fuel and distribute them through the house: For Sale by LEMMON & SONS that feeble health generally, had made | him yu thin] attenuated man; just fit=} deliquescence is attended with harmful When a man is puffed up he is easily' RHEUMATISM | products, made from the choicest barley The Science of fur ! building is the utilization of all the heat units. + 2 ¢ The "Sunshine" furnace utilizes all the heat and' sends none up the chimney. You can't put your hand over the chimney when some furnaces are in use.' because so much heat goes up the chimney i ee would be burned. That is. +, heat wasted, time wasted, © fasy vd because it takes so much _ 33 more firing up when @ + © = large part of your heatis . lost: op fy th E WAST SE It does not waste heat like WinnipeG, VANCOUVER, 95% to Policy-Holders. EE ---- The " London Life" was the first Insurance Company in Canada ® guar- antoe 95% of the profits to policy-holders, * You can exchange your earnings fora * London Life" insurance policy in any quantity and Know that you are get- ting value as "Good as Gold" for every dollar: Investigate "London Life" Policies before taking any other. J. 8. HENDERSON, AGENT, KIN m------------ LABATT'S | Ale and Porter are Nature's Best Tonics. Pure Malt and best selected hops. They are very healthful and aid digestion. Labatt's are very palatable beverages and agree | with the most delicate stomach. : JAS. McPARLAND, AGENT BR LL

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